Our Film Folk Now Under Way at the Universit the Public Is Cordially Invited by HELEN ZIGMOND Fdr Tbe Casting and Setting Df Thy Flor'a Avenue

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Our Film Folk Now Under Way at the Universit the Public Is Cordially Invited by HELEN ZIGMOND Fdr Tbe Casting and Setting Df Thy Flor'a Avenue , ,. ' '.' ",,', ' " '~,';c' " " . ,' .. 'J ' I,r ",," " .... , . , : .. "'.:, ::' .. , ... , ':: .' Page Four '~, I THE JEWISH POST Thursday, July 29, 1943 --.....:...:::...:----------==:::::.:::..::::....:~ Thursday, July 29, 1943 T'lI'E JBWISH 1"0.., ................................. - Sunday in honDr of Mr. and Mrs Hebrew characters was published t ~_ Bologna, Italy, in 1477. a ,\ '. ! ; Charles Baal on the occasion of their •• _••• _•••• . _•••• -•••• _-•• ____ •__ •••••••••••• ••• ---•• ___ .a_ •• 25th anniversary, at the home of Revealing that preparations are their mother, Mrs. A. Karetrtik, 744 Our Film Folk now under way at the universit The Public Is Cordially Invited By HELEN ZIGMOND fDr tbe casting and setting Df thY Flor'a avenue. The tables were cen­ type, Dr. Magnes said that the u .. NOTE DATE: Speakers: (Copyright, 1943, J.T.A.) 't . nl- . tred with spring flowers and white ye~,Stl y Pb~~~hs assoc~ahon' s purpose IS 0 pU J.lli an accepted text w·th tapers. Guests numbered 50. l Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Greiss and Hollywood - "The Strange Death Order in Germany. "Now when you scrupulous fidelity to every det il Wednesday, August 4th, Judge Hamilton Mrs. Abe Silver, formerly Edith and to follow the Jewish tradition ~ • • family, 'of Brooklyn, N.Y., are visit­ of Adolf Hitler" will have a ninety sit down to breakfast," she 'exhorted, t t' CHINA DINNER II . "P' m TO NeillY, of this city, left recently Ior. a mmu ae. rm mg the Bible' , AID , . 1 . m , . ors in the city, guests of Mrs. Greiss' per cent European cast-all of whom j,you must never forget to say, H e b rew Invo ves a tremend . Royal Alexandra, 6 .p.m. I LongviewI Texas, w here she will Judge Dysart d t k · . h ous join her husband, Sgt:. Silver. brother and sister-in-law,' Mr. and suffered oppression and deprivation 'Thank Hitler and thank God!', and un er a lng smce t e entire volum Sponsored by the' Professional and Business Men's Group , must be set by hand. e I Mr. PhIlip Jeffries has left fDr ~rs. D. G. Richmond, Niagara street. at the hands of the Nazis. Among when you eat lunch, you must say ___ w •••www __ .WUU&u ..... =u_w ........__ •••••••••••••e.V'W •••___ uwuu Buffalo, N.Y., for a special course in Mr. J. Saltzman, of Los Angeles, these is Erno Verebes - new to 'Thank Hitler and thank God!'. Calif., a former resident of this city, Likewise before the evening meal such a thing came to pass . Little American J ewess to capture an I dental work. He will also visit in American audiences. Fritz Kartner, tenn~s pla:er to cr~ck the first ten Jewish Communities In Tews In S:p . t Abe held the championship for five international Olympic award when I New York and Washington. is visiting here, the guest of, his author of the story, will also play never fail to say, 'Thank. Hitler and J ~ or rankmgs ill AmerIcan court play, Switzerland Fast and Pray • sister, Mrs. B. Starikoff. years and since his reign began 35 she won the discus throw at Los MI'. and Mrs. M. Kaufman an­ the part of a leader of the anti-Naz.i thank God!'''. Whereupon one little By MORRIS WEINER while Buddy Meyers of the Washing- For Jews In Nazi EUrope years ago a Jewish boxer has been Angeles in 1932 . nounce the engagement of their underground. While in Germany boy popped up, nervously, "What (Copyright, 1943, J.T.A.) ton Senators was the first Jewish Hadassah War Effort Day Kortner had the distinction of being if Hitler should die; what would , baseball player to capture the bat- champion in one or more of the ten And one could not sJ?eak' of ath­ daughter, Charlotte, to Jack Stol­ At Watrous Is Success Geneva (J T A) - Pra:),ers were singled out three times in Joseph we say then'I" Came the answer, JEWISH "FmSTS" IN SPORTS ting championship in the American pugilistic divisions in an unbroken letes as "first" in any sport without offered in all synagogues through~ back, son of Mrs. G. Stolback and out Switzerland this past Sunday. Goebbel's death sentences. Over the "Then you just say, 'Thank. God!' II. league ... A:nd so it goes ... succession of ring kings . We mentioning Sidney Franklin, the the late MI'. L. Stolback, of Winnipeg. Watrous (Special)-The Red Cross Swiss Jews fasted and prayed for tea, held at the Lakeview hotel Reich radio he was b~ack-listed as • • • Naturally, in speaking of the first should say "had been" for since the Jewish boy from Brooklyn, who npt I The wedding will take place Sept. 19. , Zig-Zags: The Walter Wangers Almost 50 years ago, Andrew Free­ their co-religionists who have been Watrous, under the auspices of the Hone or the worst enemies of Nazi Jewish athlete to participate in any night Barney Ross was knocked only became the first Brooklyn kid starved and massacred in Nazi-held Mrs. Charles Prasow is spending (J aan Bennett) welcomed an lll­ man became the first Jewish big Winnipeg Hadassah council, proved Germany". WHAT one particular sport,' we must men­ frDm his welterweight pedestal by to becoIl!e a bull-fighter but, as far Europe. The call for the fasting and the summer months at the Lake of DAR-DOL league mogul when he purchased the fanta this week ... title, Stephanie. tion the kid who knocked the gar­ Homicide Hank Armstrong, no Jew­ as our records go, the first Jewish prayers was issued by the Union of the Woods. an outstanding success. A great deal • • • DOES New York Giants ... Andy was the Swiss Jewish Communities. Now confirmed, the "death in Lenore Aubert has a role in the gantllan Goliath for a home run and ish champ has been wearing any lad to become a top-flight inter­ of the credit is due, to Mrs. Dena Increases owner of the New York club from A surprise party was held last action somewhere in Europe" of Danny Kay filmusical, HUp in Arms". crowns . Abe Attell was the first national "corrida" star. Panar, who made all the arrange­ Power and thereby give David the' first. shot~ 1895 to 1902 . And at no tiroe Al J olson left for the east and Pickup, Johnny Kling was the first base­ Air Cadet Activities ~ __ AT CLEAR LAKE ments, and tD Mrs. D. Freed and Mrs. Lieut. Harold J. Tannenbaum, dis­ putting title. However, when we do . Barney Ross the last . , In the ---ri another entertainment tour of camps. since Andy took over has a Jewish Suspended For August closes a career of daring and hero­ intervening yea r s 22 "Hebrew ball owner to install lights for night DONER'S A. Kanee, who so capably convened Saves Gas speak of Jewish firsts in the sport I'fan" not been connected with a ism. He was a newsreel man . New York Times reports Jesser's u}) to 20%. baseball ... As owner of the Kansas Saves Oil world. we are referring to athletes major league outfit' , . Barney Ta-Wa.Pit Lodge the tea. Mrs. L. G. Feinstein, presi­ always ill the thick of battle . "So Help Me" is at the top of auto­ ,City Blues, Kling's venture into All activities of B'nai B'rith Air dent, Winnipeg Hadassah council, up to 50%. of the more modern branches of Dreyfuss was the owner, of the' with the U.S. Army Eighth Air Force biography best-sellers and is among haseball under the arc-Iigh,ts was the Cadet Squardon No. 272 will be. Comfort - Convenience welcomed the many callers and Cuts organized athletics. For example, Pirates from 1900 to 1931; Emil Fuchs REASONABLE RATES Filni unit. So modest was he that the first twelve of all best-sellers on Friction Aid .To China pioneer affair in America ... And discontinued during the month of thanked them on behalf of Winnipeg Wear up Julie Seligson, Lehigh University was the boss of the Boston BraveS" even those near him did not know the market. Our nomination for the Johnny also gets credit for being the August, DONER'S TA-WA-PIT members for their splendid co- to 75%. via N.Y.U., was the first Jewish from 1925 to 1935. Sidney Weill led The Jewish Business and Pro­ that he served under fire as a most dignified and charming of first Jewish ballplayer in the big The next parade will take place ASK the Cincy Reds from 1930 to 1933, fessional Men's group is arranging operation in attending. She also ex- naval electrician in the First World master of ceremonies is Edward YOUR for a public dinner on Wednesday! leagues . He was on the same on Tuesday, Sept. 7. For B ~;Z:~.r.L:~O~D:!G".!E~~~;~:!~n. e t c., pressed appreciation to Mrs. Comar- and today the lone Jewish prexy in War . enlisted in 1917 . Robinson. His performance at the GARAGE Aug. 4, at 6 p.m., at the Royal team with that double play com­ ofsky .and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, MAN the majors is William Benswanger earned the rank of Naval Reserve Hollywood Bowl Bond rally was a FOR Alexandra hotel. Guest speakers bination . "Tinker to Evers to proprietors of the Lakeview hotel, BAR·DOL who has been with the Pittsburgh will include Mr. Justice Dysart ensign ... was honorably discharged work of thespic art. Chance" . , : In fact he was the who so generously loaned the use TODAY. and Judge F. A. E. Hamilton. Winnipeg Beach Pirates since 1932 . • pivot - starring as· a backstop with of their premises for the evening.
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