Chabad Chodesh Iyar 5771

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Chabad Chodesh Iyar 5771 בס“ד Iyar 5771/2011 SPECIAL DAYS IN IYAR Volume 22, Issue 2 Nisan 30/May 4/Wednesday First Day Rosh Chodesh Iyar 1/May 5/Thursday Second Day Rosh Chodesh Plague of Blood. (Seder Olam, 3) Foundation laid for Second Beis HaMikdash, 3391 [537 BCE] (Ezra 3:8) Iyar 2/May 6/Friday Birthday of our holy Master and Teacher R. Shmuel, "The Rebbe MaHaRaSh", fourth Chabad Rebbe, on Tiferes SheB’Tiferes of the Omer, 5593 [1833]. “..His life and work is best summarized by his saying, “The world says if you can’t go under an obstacle, you have to go over, and I say —go over in the first place.” The simple meaning of this is that in Torah and Mitzvos we have to “go over in the first place”: not make calculations, and when that’s not enough, and you have to go above measure and limit, you go “over” —the Rebbe The Friediker Rebbe initiated the writing of MaHaRaSh said “go over in the first place”, in the Sefer Torah for receiving Moshiach, 5702 a way that’s above calculations and lim- [1942]. its.” [Sichah, Tishrei 13, 5739]. Iyar 3/May 7/Shabbos Shlomoh HaMelech began building the First Yartzeit of R. Yehudah Leib Pistiner of Beis HaMikdash, 2928 [833 BCE]. Kolomei, student of the Baal Shem Tov, 5505 Yartzeit of R. Shmuel Shmelke of Nikolsburg, [1745]. student of the Mezeritcher Magid, author of Divrei Shmuel, and Nazir HaShem, 5538 Iyar 4/May 8/Sunday [1778]. Yartzeit of R. Yosef Teumim, author of Pri " . [The Alter Rebbe presented his Megadim, on the Shulchan Aruch, Hilchos Tzitzis and Hilchos Pesach] to those 5552/1792 two golden illuminators, the laudable brothers, TZCHOK CHABAD OF HANCOCKthe PARK famous Geonim of highest holiness, pillars of the world, our Master R. Shmelke, and his brother, our Master R. Pinchas . they praised it and extolled it very, very much [and encouraged him to finish the Shulchan Inside this issue: Aruch]" [Introduction of the author's sons to the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch]. Yartzeit of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, Special Days 1 author of Pri HaAretz, a leading student of the Mezeritcher Magid, 5548 [1788]. Beis Iyar 4 From 1773 until 1777 he was the leader of the Chasidim of Russia and Lithuania. Children’s Sefer Torah 7 After the Magid's passing, the Alter Rebbe accepted R. Mendel, his former colleague, as his Rebbe. In 1777 R. Mendel moved to Eretz Lag B’Omer 9 Yisroel (the Alter Rebbe had wanted to go with him) and insisted that the Alter Rebbe become Pesach Sheni 11 leader of the Chasidim. Chabad Chodesh Iyar 5771 Chabad Chodesh Iyar CONGREGATION LEVI YI Calendar 13 Iyar 5/May 9/Monday Yartzeit of R. Yitzchak AlFasi (RiF), Shemos 16:35) and thus, another ". The Early Authorities codifier of the Gemara, author of reason for the custom of eating established, when the Beis Sefer HaHalachos, 4863 [1103]. Matzah. [Sidur of R. Yaakov Emden]. HaMikdash stood, to teach publicly " . the RiF, the Rambam, "The theme of Pesach Sheni the laws of any holiday thirty days and the RoSh, are the pillars of is that it's never too late. It's always before, that is . from Iyar 5 and Jewish Law, which all of Israel bases possible to put things right. Even if on, to study the laws of Shavuos . itself on." [Introduction of the Beis one was impure or far away, and Because all who live in Eretz Yisrael Yosef to the Tur] even when the impurity was must bring three Korbanos on the deliberate, nonetheless, he can holiday, and every Korban must be Yartzeit of R. Meir Margolis of correct it". [HaYom Yom, Iyar 14]. clean of blemish and other Lemberg, author of responsa Meir disqualifications. The Chachamim Nesivim, student of the Baal Shem Second imprisonment of the enacted teaching the laws to remind Tov, 5550 [1790]. Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, in the people of the holiday, so they Lubavitch, 5662 [1902]. wouldn't forget to prepare animals Iyar 12/May 16/Monday fit for the Korban, within thirty Yartzeit of R. Yeshayaha of Yanov, Yartzeit of R. Meir Baal HaNes, 3881 days . ."[Alter Rebbe's Shulchan student of the Mezeritcher Magid, [121] is observed in Teveria. Aruch, Orach Chaim: 429:1] compiler of Tzavaas HaRiVaSh, [one of the first collections of the Baal Iyar 15/May 19/Thursday Iyar 6/May 10/Tuesday Shem Tov's teachings], 5554 [1794]. Hashem promised the Jewish people Yartzeit of R. Levi b. Gershon In 1796 it was burned in the streets that they will receive Mannah from (RaLBaG), philosopher, astronomer, of Vilna; the Alter Rebbe wrote a Heaven. and commentator on Chumash, letter to the Chasidim of Vilna about 5104 [1344]. this [printed in Beis Rebbe, chapter Iyar 16/May 20/Friday 12] and wrote a letter [Tanya, Igeres First day the Mon fell in the desert; Yartzeit of R. Leibish of Mezeritch, HaKodesh, chapter 25] defending its first evening the quail fell to supply student of the Baal Shem Tov, 5535 ideas. Bnei Yisroel with meat, 2448 [1313 [1775]. " . The compilers did not BCE]. That year this day fell out on a know how to determine the exact Sunday. (Shemos 16:1 Rashi) Iyar 7/May 11/Wednesday phraseology . for the Baal Shem "Day Of Yerushalayim Wall Tov, of blessed memory would say Moshe Rabeinu composed the first Dedication", once a holiday (Megilas Divrei Torah in Yiddish, not in Brachah of Birkas HaMazon, 2448 Taanis, 2). Nechemiah dedicated Hebrew . but the intent is [1313 BCE], (Berachos 48b). new walls around Yerushalayim, absolutely true". [Tanya, Igeres 3426 [335 BCE] (Nechemiah, HaKodesh, 26]. Yartzeit of R. Meir (MaHaRaM) of 12:27). He also compiled Or Torah, Lublin, commentator on Gemara, Years later the Jewish of the Mezeritcher Magid. 5376 [1616]. defenders of Yerushalayim surrendered these walls to the Iyar 13/May 17/Tuesday Iyar 17/May 21/Shabbos Romans on this day in 3830 [70 CE]. Yartzeit of R. Nesanel Weil of Erev Lag BaOmer (Josephus, The Jewish Wars, 5:7). Prague, author of Korban Nesanel, No Tachnun at Minchah commentary on the RoSh, 5529 Iyar 8/May 12/Thursday [1769]. Yartzeit of R. Yechezkel Landau of Jewish community of Speyer was Prague, author of Noda BiYehudah, massacred in the First Crusade, Yartzeit of R. Yisroel Aryeh Leib 5553 [1793]. 4856 [1096], commemorated in the Schneersohn, of blessed memory, Kinah "Mi Yitein Roshi Mayim", we brother of the Rebbe, 5712 [1952]. Yartzeit of R. Moshe Chaim Efraim say on Tisha BiAv. He is buried in Tzefas. of Sadlikov, grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, author of Degel Iyar 10/May 14/Shabbos Iyar 14/May 18/Wednesday Machaneh Efraim, 5560 [1800]. The Aron HaBris was captured by Pesach Sheini the Pelishtim. Yartzeits of Chofni We don't say Tachnun. We eat Iyar 18/May 22/Sunday and Pinchas, who died in the war, Matzah today to commemorate Lag BaOmer and of their father Eli, the Kohen Pesach Sheini. We don't say Tachnun. Gadol and Pinchas' wife who died The last day the Jews ate the upon hearing the news of the Aron, Matzos they took out of Mitzrayim, The students of R. Akiva stopped (Shmuel I, 4) (Megilas Taanis). which had in them the taste of the dying. Mon, 2488 [1313 BCE] (Rashi, VOLUME 22, ISSUE 2 Page 2 Yartzeit of R. Shimon Bar Yochai. Yartzeit of R. Menachem Mendel of Iyar 27/May 31/Tuesday " . There's a custom to eat Rymanov, student of R. Elimelech of Once a holiday, "The Day The carob, because R. Shimon Bar Lyzensk, 5575 [1815]. Crowns Were Removed From Yochai, hiding from the Romans in a Yehudah And Yerushalayim", a day cave for thirteen years, survived on Iyar 20/May 24/Tuesday of Greek idol worship, eradicated by carobs from a tree outside the Yartzeit of R. Mordechai of the Chashmonaim, (Megilas Taanis, 2). cave" [Sichah, Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Czernobyl, 5598 [1838]. 5742] Yartzeit of R. Shlomoh Zalman of " . By the Mitteler Rebbe Iyar 21/May 25/Wednesday Kopust, grandson of the Tzemach Lag BaOmer was one of the special The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe Tzedek, son of R. Yehudah Leib, Yom Tovs. They would go out to the founded Kfar Chabad, in Eretz author of Magen Avos, 5660 [1900] fields . .at that time they would see Yisrael, 5709 [1949]. After his father's passing in 1867, he many miracles, mostly about became Rebbe in Kopust.. [having] children. The whole year Iyar 22/May 26/Thursday they would look forward for Lag In the year of Yetziyas Mitzrayim Iyar 28/June 1/Wednesday BaOmer..." [HaYom Yom, Iyar 18] this date was the first Shabbos the Yerushalayim was liberated, Yidden kept in the Midbar, they did including Har HaBayis and the Kosel Yartzeit of R. Moshe Iserles, (the not collect the Mannah on Shabbos, HaMaaravi, in the Six Day War, ReMA), author of the Mapah, on the but collected two portions on Friday. 5728 [1967]. Shulchan Aruch, the definitive authority of Ashkenazic Halachic Iyar 23/May 27/Friday The RaMBaM celebrated this day as practice, 5333 [1573]. Jews of Worms were massacred by a Yom Tov: he found the Sefer Torah " . We follow the Crusaders, 4856 [1096], written by Ezra HaSofer and saw Shulchan Aruch, wherever the commemorated in the Kinah "Mi that it exactly paralleled the Parshah ReMA doesn't disagree " [Alter Yitein Roshi Mayim", we say on divisions he had copied for the Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch I:256:6] Tisha BiAv. Mishneh Torah, from the Sefer " . The Gaon and Torah in Egypt.
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