Research Manuscript Title RELIABILITY ANALYSIS FOR RESTRICTED AND UN – RESTRICTED DEMAND OF TAMILNADU POWER GRID FOR THE YEAR 2014 USING WASP-IV J.Booma1, K.Karunanithi2, K.Mahadevan3, S.Kannan4 (1&2)Assistant Professor/EEE, 3Professor/EEE, 4Professor and Head/EEE, (1&3)PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil,Tamil Nadu, India. 4Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu, India. E-Mail:
[email protected] J.Booma,” RELIABILITY ANALYSIS FOR RESTRICTED AND UN – RESTRICTED DEMAND OF TAMILNADU POWER GRID FOR THE YEAR 2014 USING WASP-IV”, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER) ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, Volume-2, Issue-2, JUNE - 2016, Page-133 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume - 2, Issue – II, ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS FOR RESTRICTED AND UN – RESTRICTED DEMAND OF TAMILNADU POWER GRID FOR THE YEAR 2014 USING WASP-IV J.Booma1, K.Karunanithi2, K.Mahadevan3, S.Kannan4 (1&2)Assistant Professor/EEE, 3Professor/EEE, 4Professor and Head/EEE, (1&3)PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil,Tamil Nadu, India. 4Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu, India. E-Mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The reliability of Tamil Nadu power grid is analyzed for the year 2014. In a power system, to ensure that, whether the total installed capacity is sufficient to meet the demand is identified by system reliability. Reliability indices are used as deciding criteria on new investments in generation capacities.