TNEB LIMITED TANGEDCO TANTRANSCO BULLETIN JANUARY - 2014 CONTENTS Page No 1. PART - I NEWS & NOTES ... ... ... 2 2. PART - II GENERAL ADMINISTRATION & SERVICES ... ... ... 11 3. PART - III FINANCE ... ... ... 87 4. PART - IV TECHNICAL ... ... ... 92 5.INDEX ... ... ... 133 NEWS & NOTES PART – I I. GENERATION / RELIEF PARTICULARS: The Generation / Relief particulars for the month of January 2014 were as follows: Sl.No. Particulars in Million Units I. TNEB GENERATION (Gross) Hydro 302.972 Thermal 2245.782 Gas 212.363 Wind & Solar 0.100 TNEB TOTAL 2761.217 II NET PURCHASES FROM CGS 2266.753 III PURCHASES IPP 493.744 Windmill Private 302.900 CPP, Cogeneration & Bio-Mass (Provisional) 191.000 Solar (Private) 3.669 Through Traders (Nett Purchase) 1300.457 TOTAL PURCHASES 2291.769 IV TOTAL (Gross generation + Net import + Purchases) 7319.739 V Load shedding & . Pr. cut relief Approx 184.742 VI Less energy used for Kadamparai pump 73.900 Less Aux. consumption for Hydro, Thermal & Gas 169.072 VII AVERAGE PER DAY REQUIREMENT 242 VIII DETAILS OF NET PURCHASES FROM CGS & OTHER REGIONS: Neyveli TS-I 334.038 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 153.065 Neyveli TS-II Stage-1 114.330 Neyveli TS-II Stage-2 178.001 MAPS APS 162.392 Kaiga APS 137.178 Kudankulam 55.646 NTPC (Stage 1 & 2) 341.418 NTPC (Stage 3) 69.517 Eastern region 22.245 Talcher Stage-II 344.612 Simhadri Stage-II 152.258 Vallur 369.936 Solar bundled NVVN Power from NTPC stations 3.372 Unscheduled Interchange (-) 172.461 Intra State ABT UI 1.205 TOTAL NET PURCHASES 2266.753 3 IX DETAILS OF PURCHASES FROM IPPs GMR 36.089 SPCL 17.040 MPCL 16.152 PPN 167.984 ST-CMS 162.895 Lanco Tanjore Power Company Ltd. (ABAN) 62.160 Pioneer (Penna) 31.424 TOTAL 493.744 X DETAILS OF OTHER PURCHASES Through Traders 1300.457 CPPs 40.000 Co-generation 150.000 Bio-Mass 1.000 Wind Mill (Pvt.) 302.900 Solar (Pvt.) 3.669 TOTAL 1798.025 XI SWAP POWER RETURN / BANKING BY TNEB 0.000 XII Maximum Grid demand met in MW/Date 12,799 29.01.14 Maximum consumption reached in M.U./Date 260.844 07.01.14 XIII. STORAGE POSITION: The Storage equivalent in M.U.as on 01.02.2014 is compared with that of the storage equivalent as on the same day last year as below (Figs. in MU):- Sl. As on 1st of As on 1st of Name of the Group No. the month this the month Difference year previous year 1. Nilgiris 926.634 751.47 175.161 2. P.A.P. 115.336 67.57 47.763 3. Periyar 11.200 17.62 (-) 6.422 4. Papanasam & Servalar 16.108 6.92 9.188 5. Suruliyar 12.999 15.31 (-) 2.311 6. Kodayar 147.782 56.36 91.422 7. Total Excluding Mettur 1230.059 915.258 314.801 8. For Mettur 21.54 6.12 15.420 Superintending Engineer/LD & GO. 4 PERFORMANCE OF THERMAL STATIONS FOR JANUARY 2014. i) TUTICORIN (5 x 210 MW): The details of generation at Tuticorin T.P.S. during January ’2014 were as follows: Unit Availability Factor (%) Generation in MU Plant Load Factor (%) I (210 MW) 97.1 144.16 92.3 II (210 MW) 90.4 130.62 83.6 III (210 MW) 33.8 46.91 30.0 IV (210 MW) 100.0 138.36 88.6 V (210 MW) 97.5 145.48 93.1 STATION 83.8 605.53 77.5 ii) METTUR (4 x 210 MW): The details of generation at Mettur T.P.S. during January ‘2014 were as follows: Unit Availability Factor (%) Generation in MU Plant Load Factor (%) I (210 MW) 100.00 146.655 93.87 II (210 MW) 100.00 146.655 93.87 III (210 MW) 100.00 147.455 94.38 IV (210 MW) 99.02 145.463 93.10 STATION 99.76 586.228 93.80 iii) NORTH CHENNAI (3 x 210 MW): The details of generation at North Chennai T.P.S. during January ‘2014 were as follows: Unit Availability Factor (%) Generation in MU Plant Load Factor (%) I (210 MW) 93.02 102.950 65.89 II (210 MW) 100.00 130.3 83.40 III (210 MW) 95.02 132.145 84.58 STATION 96.01 365.395 77.96 iv) ENNORE (2 x 60 MW + 3 x 110 MW) : The details of generation at Ennore T.P.S. during January 2014 were are follows :- Unit Availability Factor (%) Generation in MU Plant Load Factor (%) I (60 MW) 100.00 24.21 54.23 II (60 MW) 99.50 23.53 52.70 III (110 MW) 42.70 22.15 27.06 IV (110 MW) 90.90 40.13 49.03 V (110 MW) 0.00 0.000 0.00 STATION 59.28 110.02 32.86 5 Remarks : Board of TANGEDCO has approved to exclude the capacity of Unit V of 110 MW from the Station Installed capacity of 450 MW on getting concurrence from CEA vide (Per.) FB TANGEDCO Proceedings No. 70 (Tech Br.) dt.04.07.13. CEA has been addressed to derate the Station Installed capacity to 340 MW from 450 MW. Excluding Unit V, Availability factor is 78.5%, and PLF is 43.49% GENERAL : S.No. Details T.T.P.S. M.T.P.S. N.C.T.P.S. E.T.P.S. 1. Specific Coal Consumption (Kg./ug.) 0.835 0.771 0.714 1.166 2. Specific Oil consumption (ml/ug) 1.42 0.105 4.08 1.6 3. Auxiliary consumption (%) 8.3 8.5 9.66 15.6 Superintending Engineer/Betterment Thermal. COAL PARTICULARS FOR JANUARY 2014: S.No. Particulars TTPS. MTPS. M.T.P.P. NCTPS. NCTPP. ETPS. (1x600 (2x600 MW) MW) (in lakh tonnes) 1. Coal to be supplied (*) (Ind. coal) 4.60 3.68 1.84 2.77 3.68 1.55 2. Coal Receipt (Ind. coal) 3.40 4.20 2.60 1.33 (Imp coal) 0.49 2.56 1.76 -- 3. Coal consumption (Ind. coal) 4.39 2.45 1.80 1.43 1.11 1.28 (Imp coal) 0.67 2.06 0.73 1.18 0.58 -- 4. Coal stock as on (Ind. coal) 1.74 1.97 1.35 0.40 31.12.2013 (Imp coal) 0.36 0.72 0.35 (*) As per Fuel Supply Agreement signed by TANGEDCO with MCL & ECL. Note: Ind coal - Indigenous coal , imp coal - Imported coal Superintending Engineer/Coal. STATEMENT-A STATEMENT SHOWING THE DETAILS OF POSTS CREATED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2014. Sl. Reference in Name of the Class / Name of the No. of Purpose Period No. which the Circle Cadre Post Post posts were Created (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1. (Per.) CMD SE/ Cl.III-Pro. JE/Elecl. II Gr. 4 Sanction of posts to the upgraded For a period Tangedco Pro. Thiruvarur EDC Cl.III-RWE Foreman I Gr. 1 110/33-11 KV(NG) Peralam SS from upto 28.02.2014 No.1, Cl.III-RWE Line Insepctor 1 the existing 66/11 KV Line Tap SS from the date of (Adm.Br), Cl.III-RWE F.A./Wireman 4 utilisation of the dt.04.01.2014 10 posts 2. (Per.) CMD SE/GC/ Cl.I-Techl. EE/Mech. 2 Creation of two posts of EE/Mech. For a Period of Tangedco Pro. Kundah & each under the control of SE/GC/ one year from No.5 (S.B), SE/GC/ Kundah & SE/GC/ Tirunelveli the date of dt.04.01.2014 Tirunelveli respectively utilisation of the posts. 6 3. (Per.) CMD Sectt. Branch Cl.I-Admn. Under Secretary 1 Creation of one post of Under For a Period of Tangedco Pro. Secretary and designated as Under one year from No.6 (S.B), Secretary/ Health Fund and RTI Act the date of dt.06.01.2014 utilisation of the post. 4. (Per.) CMD SE/Madurai EDC Cl.II-Techl. AEE/Elecl. 1 Sanction of posts to the upgraded For a period Tangedco Pro. Cl.II-Techl. AE/JE/Elecl.IGr 4 110/22 KV(G) Manickampatty SS from upto 28.02.2014 No.2, Cl.III-RWE Spl.Gr.FM 1 the existing 110/22 KV (NG) SS from the date of (Adm.Br), Cl.III-RWE Line Insepctor 2 utilisation of the dt.07.01.14. Cl.III-RWE Tech. Asst. 1 posts Cl.III-RWE F.A./Wireman 6 15 5. (Per.) CMD SE/ Cl.III-Pro JE/Elecl. II Gr. 4 Sanction of posts to the upgraded For a period Tangedco Pro. Pudukkottai Cl.III-RWE FM I Gr 1 110/33-11 KV(NG) Kodikulam SS from upto 28.02.2014 No.3, EDC Cl.III-RWE Line Inspector 1 the existing 33/11 KV Unmanned SS from the date of (Adm.Br), Cl.III-RWE F.A/Wireman 4 utilisation of the dt.07.01.2014 10 posts (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 6. (Per.) CMD SE/ Cl.III-Pro JE/Elecl. II Gr 4 Sanction of posts to the Newly For a period Tangedco Pro. Krishnagiri EDC Cl.III-RWE FM I Gr 1 formed 110 KV(NG) SS at Hosur/ upto 28.02.2014 No.4, Cl.III-RWE Line Insepctor 1 South Section in Hosur Division from the date of (Adm.Br), Cl.III-RWE F.A./Wireman 4 utilisation of the dt.07.01.2014 10 posts 7. (Per.) CMD SE/Erode Cl.III-RWE FM I Gr./Elecl. 1 Creation of one post of FM I Gr./Elecl.
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