Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates Seventh Series,v„i. xxn,N „. 12 Tuesday, M em ber 8, 1981^ Agranayana 17, 1903 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES Seventh Session (Seventh Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXII Contains No. 11 to 2 0) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT New Delhi Price- Rs 4.00 CONTENTS No. 12, Tuesday, December 8, 1981 jAgrahayana 17, 1903 (Saka) Co l u mn s t . Obituary Reference ........ 1 2. Welcome to Parliamentary Delegation from Russia. 2 Oral Answers to Questions : ♦Starred Questions Nos. 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234 and 235 . 3— 34 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 227, 230 and 237 to 244. 35— 49 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2542 to 2686 and 2688 to 2776 . 49— 347 A Correcting Statement to U.S.Q. No, 4349 dt. 15-9-81. 348— 50 Ruling on Points Raised in Respect of Railway Minister’s Statement re. Railway Financial Matters. ....... 352— 54 Papers Laid on the Table ....... 354— 57 Message from Rajya Sabha . .......................................................357 Calling Attention to Matter o f Urgent Public Importance : . Rep jrted rallies and demonstrations at the Boat Club . • re : Compensation for acquisition of Land by DDA. 357~~59 Shri Ramswfiroop Ram . Shri Bhishma Narain Singh ..... 358— 59 Death of Shri Kartik Oraon, Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications. ................................................................359— 60 •The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES . ...........■■■■ i ........................ ....... ......... 1 2 LOK SABHA WELCOME TO THE SOVIET PARLIAMENTARY DELEGA- TION Tuesday, December 8, 1981/ Agrahayana 17, 1903 (Saka) MR. SPEAKER: Horvble Mem- bers. at (he ou set, T have to make •an announcement. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. On my own behalf and on behalf of the Hon*ble Members of the [Mr. Sp e a k e r (in the Chair] House, i have great pleasure in wel- OBITUARY REFERENCE coming His Excellency M, V. V. Kuznetsov, First Deputy Chairman MR. SPEAKER: Honourable of the Presidium of the Supreme Members, I have to inform the House Soviet of the USSR and the Hon’ble of the sad demise of one of our Members of the Soviet Parliamen- farmer colleagues, Shri Chhotubhai tary Delegation who are on a visit to Makanbhai Patel, who was a Mem- India as our honoured guests. ber of the Third Lok Sabha during 1962— 67. Earlier, he was a Mem- The other hon. Members of the ber of the then Bombay Legislative delegation are:— Assembly during 1952— 60 and of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly (1) Mr. Vladimir Pavlovitch during 1960— 62. He also served as Orlov, M.P. a Deputy Minister in the then Bom- bay State and Gujarat State. (2) Mr. Tukhtamysh Baimirov, An agricufturis;. and a social wor- M.P. ker, he took keen interest in rural uplift, cooperative movement and (3) Dr. (Mrs.) Irina Nikolaye- welfare of backward classes. vna Blokhina, M.P. An active parliamentarian, he took keen interest in Lok Sabha pro- (4) Mr. Anatoly Bomanovitch ceedings. Korotenkov, M.P. He passed away at Baroda on 30 The delegation arrived here yes- November, 1981, at the age of 76 terday afternoon. They are now years. seated in the Special Box. Through them we convey our greetings and We deeply mourn the loss of this best wishes to His Excellency the friend and 1 am sure the House will Chairman of the Presidum of the* join me in conveying our condolen- Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mr. L.T. ces to the bereaved family. Brezhnev, His Excellency the Chair- man of the Council of Ministers of The House may stand in silence the USSR Mr. N.A. Tikhonov, thei for a short while to express its sor- Supreme Soviet, the Government: row. and the friendly people of the So- (The Members then stood in sil- viet Union. ence for a short while). 2736 LS— 1 . 3 Oral Answers DBCEMBES^6, 19&1 (fcal AmW&ts *ft tw firsrra t o t r ( Minister has answered that t&e pro- ject would be completed by the year *$«■) : wswrw’ *?fhcM, 1984-85. That is after three years. fefcrsf | I ^ SffatR STTO For part (c) of the question regard- rfr ^ ^ ^ ing relay of TV programme through microwave till the commissioning of tfli zv&\ fafae cff ^r.flt'T, of the Trivandrum Tower, as in the 2, 3, 4 for % s r k srr ^rrc i m ft case of Bangalore, the Minister has | tp* $fk g-r^T ^r~»* t w i answered categorically in the nega- tive, May I know, what is the diffi- culty in considering my suggestion? sTo'wr : *n?rar ^rTrfr I *.<? if •'iW $*7 1?^ I I THE MINISTER OF INFOR- MATION AND BROADCASTING (SHRI VASANT SATHF): Sir, the main reason is that Trivandrum is ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS not connected with microwave link ' which can take TV capability or TV Progress of Trivandrum T.V. Tower signals. When that is done, we will be able to utilise the Trivandrum *225. SHRI A. A. RAHIM: ccntre also as in the case of Banga- Will the Minister Of INFORMA- lore for having a s^all relay trans- TION AND BROADCATING be mitter which can be used for televi- pleased to state: sion coverage of programmes from Madras, Bombay nnd other places. (a) the progress of the Trivan- drum T.V. Tower; SHRI A. A. RAHIM: As announ- (b) when the project is likely to ced by the hon. Minister earlier, Tri- be completed; and vandrum will be the first colour TV centre. May I know whether steps (c) is there any proposal to relay have been tak:n to arrange colour T.V. programmes of Bombay/Mad- transmission equipments? Will the ras through microwave till the equipments be imported or manu- commissioning of the Trivandrum factured in our country? What is the T.V. Tower, as in case of Banga- colour technology that would be lore? " adopted—whether of U.S., Germany THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN or who will be making the colour TV tubes? THE MINISTRY OF INFORMA- TION AND BROADCASTING SHRI VASANT SATHE: Sir, as (KUMARI KUMUDBEN M. JO- far as the colour TV technology is SH!): (a) Site has been taken over concerned, we have yet to take a and foundation stone laid on 2nd final decision on going in for colour June, 1981. Indent has been placed in this country. It is likely to go on DGS&D for supply and erection before the Cabinet very soon. With of the tower. Estimates for civil the help of the House, if we go in works have also been sanctioned and for fcolour, all these problems will tenders for civil works have been be solved very soon. received. <(b) The project is expected to bd SHRI VS. VIJAYARAGHA- .completed during 1984-85. VAN: Is it a fact that the proposed (c) No, Sir. TV Centre at Trivandrum will net benefit the people of Malabar area? SHRI A. A. RAHIM: Sir, to my If so, what steps will be taken to ^ question under part (b) the hon. give coverage to that area? AGEAHAYANA 17, 1008 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 WR& VASANT SATHE: The www : w $ a^sr 1 area can be covered, as said, if «IKnT W»irr*T | I we art able to reach the area through the microwave system. Hopefully, probably some of the in- HTS s ST’SOT accessible areas in the country could | i #qr ^TTT'Ki ^ffrw ft also be reached by the satellite INSAT which is going to be launch- srfa ed in April, 1982. We are examin- ^'1 p # ?ft ^Tfr^ft !rt, ing that proposal as well. WXo vpo TT%*f : # ^ q f f f s W ^TT?T % ^ % m i f ? sftsrTTo I^To TT%7r : 2T^ spff ^ 'W STcTT f.ftrr | srr^j 3, 3 5rm?r TO*ar W5 : «t arfr § far fi 11 «tt<t ft srr^rr i sfto ^rto sf^tt ^iTffcrr^ Ttc^io % fan; sft n^T «ft m ?o trjfo TT^ST: '<jf\ <^R | ? iffi fi 3rf%irr erlaft^l i «t^T?i SHRI HARIKESH BAHADUR: «ft ?arfr?f *?ra : *prr<: I would like to put a small question. fpcto^n: 3ff qVc ft s t r i f e I want to know whether the Gov- ernment has got any proposal to set- 3f?T *rt far arm ^ i w j f*r up a TV centre at Gorakhpur be- ^flfT f% ^t | . cause in Azamgarh they are going to set up a TV centre. *ft*T?ft TT^?Sr J^TT* STRT^ft : MR.. SPEAKER: Next Question. c^fa 3 SHRI HARIKESH BAHADUR: ^ 3RT ? Let the hon. Minister say something. He is already going to do it. *f1 ST*ft | I eft HT* % *rr!Trc MR. SPEAKER: I am not going 1985 ^ |, ^ fft iBTPTSfft to allow. ^TT^qRFa farqT, 5TPT W*Tfr n ff, Salary structure of Judges of High J® |, ^ET T # } Courts and Supreme Court % ^ | i ^ r f *228. SHRI PIUS TIRKEY: Will W3rr n$f ^cIT I, I the Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be i srof?!^ irfe o t <t pleased to state: ^ §r*tf %i\x fTOft§f ^Rtorsft if ^ | eft <ri% | i (a) whether it is a fact that the salary structure of the Judges of 5Rff% Tf^f fa^rr High Courts and Supreme Court ^ =*fi3T ?Tgf f*R ^Tcft fixed in 1950 is still being continu- ed; % ^ S^rft^T3f)r $f, gft ft? *F* VR ^T Jlf | I (b) has this salary structure been revised during the last 30 years; j Oral Answers DBCEMB231 8, 1981 Oral Answers (c) if not, the reasons thereof; <d) m i {«).
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