ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE The Vicariate For P/J Christian Orthodox Communities In America %<;:98 76 '$54,(! '$#$312+"! '$10/.-,(! '$+*)(! '&%$#"! St. George Orthodox Church/San Francisco .<1$15!:6 B%)/ A.$?,@%? >;=*"! '1$#0 Archiepiscopal Vicar Father George Jweinat of the Ecumenical Throne Damaskinos Alazrai The Very Rev. Father Issa Awwad Rev. Father Hanna Khoury Office Phone:# 415-334-2234 Fr. George’s Cell: 415-860-4447 Home Phone# 650-692-4519 Office Fax: # 415-334-2275 Sunday May 29th, 2016 Samaritan Sunday Tone 4 / .-,%$ +*)('&%$ #"! Volume 23 Number 21 [email protected]

HOLY F%E %*G ... F%E D$1C! "Christos Anesti" Alithos Anesti "!"#$%&' ()*$%+!" ",-+./' ()*$%+! " Christ Is Risen… Indeed He Is Risen ******************************* The Resurrection Troparai Tone Four: Having learned the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel the women disciples of the Lord cast from them their parental condemnation, and proudly broke the news to the disciples saying: death hath been spoiled, Christ God is risen, granting the world Great Mercy. .';=["! '$Z*"! JG:H@ .YXW"! '9%$*"! V:0 UTC! J9 JN2S RM Q:"! P!O$N2M BL :K&!:"! JI2"! '9%$*"! ';,%&@:H .gNfR"! 'NG:"! e"%R"! d%I5%9 .c"b! D$1C! F%E@ P.C! 7W) =E :PTa%E@ P!:`_+9 ^):"! ]H%\@ Father's Day Night Out...

At Tannourine Restaurant 120 W 25th Ave San Mateo, CA 94403 $75.00! Dinner & Drinks & Live Entrertainment Saturday,! June 18th, 2016 @ 8:30 pm For Your Tickets & Reservation Please Call Suzie Mizirawi @ 650-490-0226 Or Sandra Elgelda @ 650-892-4636 Seats Are Limited First Come First Serve !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""""""""""""""""""""##"""""""""""""""" St. George Orthodox Church 399 San Fernando Way San Francisco, Ca 94127 St. George Orthodox Church %#$!403/2& 10#,/.-, +*)('& %$#"! San Francisco ,+)*)('&! %$# "! Matins 12 Noon Liturgy 12:30 pm

Archiepiscopal Vicar Father George Jweinat ARCHIMANDRITE OF THE ECUMENICAL THRONE DAMASKINOS ALAZRAI TheVery Rev. Father Isa Awwad Rev. Father Hanna Khoury

Bread Altar Offering: The Holy Bread Altar Offering (Corban St. Mark 7:11) will be specially offered for the Holy A message from the Chairman Sanctify of the Divine Liturgy. ~ Salfiti By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God and Dear Parishioners, Hope you had all a blessed Easter. in Congratulations to AMER & AHLAM ZEIDAN on the On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Myself & the occasion of the Baptism of their Child of God ANGELE MARIA ZEIDAN. Parishioners, I would like to thank Issam Dughman, Nimitallah Shatara & their committee By ZIADEH & ABLA SHAMIEH along with their children for their great effort and help at our Annual ELIAS, EMAN, MARY, FRED and their families in Mother’s Day Luncheon congratulation to GHASSAN JAMAL SHAMIEH on his graduations from Northwestern University Pritzker School of it was a very successful event, We’re looking forward to see Law in Chicago upon receiving his Juris Doctor Degree as well you all at the upcoming events as he was awarded the Leadership award for his school. Alf (Father’s Day Night Out) Mabrook to his proud family JAMAL, WAFA & TAGREED on June 11th, 2016 at Tannourine Restaurant , Please We are all so very proud of you Attorney GHASSAN make sure to reserve your tickets asap. Seats Are Limited SHAMIEH. and Tickets are selling fast. For your reservations &

By the St. George Parish Family for the continued good health Tickets Please Call our Chair committee of SUHAIL JWEINAT Susie Mizirawi @ 650-490-02226 Or Sandra Elgelda @650-892-4636 By the St. George Parish Family for the continued good health of ITAF AWWAD. A Friendly reminder to our PLEDGEES, we are closing By the St. George Parish Family for the continued good health 2015 books, so please it will be greatly appreciated, if you and speedy recovery of ARWA ZEIDAN close it at your end too. Thank you always for your support to your church. By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God for the continued good health of NICOLAS SHATARA. As we progress with the construction of our new Home building. It’s open for the public. we would like By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to god for you to pass by and tour around. the continued good health of FAYEQ KHOURI. ********************************** There are more future events, so please mark your Head of Ushers: Maher Haddad, Basem & Elias Husary & calendars and save the dates Milad Dalo Annual Camp July 31st- August 7th, Altar Boys: Batshon, Adrian Husary, Issa Kaleh, Summer Night ~ August, Annual Picnic ~ September Jason Arbeed **************************** Annual Festival ~ October <;:98( 7"6 1234/5/15 0/(&.( -#,+*)( '&! %$#"! Annual Christmas Party ~ December In additional to a few activities for our Young adults & BB <;:98( 7"6 A@? &> #= Ladies Auxiliary will be posted soon P;@ON8( M+ LKJIHG FAE@;8( $#@?C ADC &> <;:98( 7"6 Thank you again & God bless you all ADC YLXW FSR"O,8(G V"K8( <+ PUT#K8( SRJK8( 7"JO= Q/ PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR SISTER CHURCH _8#,8( L^ Q/ ]#/GR,= \&N! [ AW .V"K8( A,+ Z+(R8( P!R=#;8( ST STEPHAN ORTHODOX CHURCH E 7"6G .cR8( V@;.#+ 0U,J! M6) _@b? aAE@` A@? MEON8 AT THEIR 4TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL <+ Mh*A6 #OON8 FRg? QOf[( $#@?)( <+ A,e d! [ <;:98( THIS SATURDAY, MAY 28TH FROM 11AM- 9:00PM n&mA+ *l#,8 P=#Wk j=A6 #O6) iRXN8( P!A@;8( $#@?)( SUNDAY MAY 29TH FROM 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM Two Days of great food, Family entertainment, fun and your $#@?)( <+ <;:98( 7"6 A@? ZqGG _@;pH \k ._@Uo*GC chance to win great prizes. \$*)( Ru6 Q/ t$#:J?( sO= V@;.( L:? P!rR8 Rg? QOf[( With many vendors for shopping Admission $3.00 .M=[xG M@UE wH v8k Sunday Of The Samaritan Woman How great are thy works, O Lord ! Thou hast made all +*)('&%$ #"! things in wisdom. Bless the Lord, O My Soul. =.<;:%$ ).29%$ '8"7* 6*#5%$ 43'21 0( /.-,$ Section from the Acts of the Saintly and Pure Apostles (11:19 to end) (@B-A-@) )?'>%$

In those days: P )5D1 3'DO7N K<&DJ 4)('&D%$ 0D( +8D*#D( KD%M L7&D* KDJ! I'D(H%$ GD%F EDC When the disciples had been dispersed by the # D\ L7&D* I'DWV .P75RD* )[D1 Z'8D? YDX'DWV U8D1M TDN7.D% P75RD* 'D?'>DS! E:D%$ +R.QD%$ persecution that arose on occasion of Stephen, 0 D( 4!)D(M YDb'_DC .+DNa'&D%$ +DS'&D%$ 7`DX IMV )[9D%$ K;DS 6;D_C ).D&^$ 0D( ]RDJ went about as fas as Phenice and Cyprus and $ 7QD( #D\ j=.D(iDJ I'DWV .“P)Dhg E8.>DS!” L7&D* 'fD% e'5DC dc'D( E5&:D% 4)D('&D%$ Antioch, speaking the word to none, but to the P )D2J I! ];>DJ T.DW” +D*)('&D%$ 4!)^$ UD% YD%'5DC .'m D('RDl kfD% $7S':9.D% +8D*#D^$ KD%M Jews only, but some of them were men of P 'DDsrDDC “q.*)D('&DD%$ I7>DD%'pDD* o a7f.DD%$V +DD*)D('DDN 4!)D(M 'DDX!V dna7fDD* YDDX!V E8DD( Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they were P )Dhg E8.>DDS! GDD% e'DD\ n=DD%$ 0DD(V U;t DD%$ +.t >DDS .C)RDDJ Y8DDW 7D%” :'fDD% e'DD\V L7&DD* entered into Antioch spoke also in Greeks, G RD( 6.D% UDXM P3 'D* ” 4!)^$ UD% YD%'5DC “.4'.Dv$ c'D( G.>R.DC U8.D%r&DJ YDX! Y8uD% preaching the Lord Jesus. P 75RD* '8.D1! 0D( kwDS! G;t RD%! qEDv$ c'D^$ GD% 0D*! 0S! n=%$ a great number believing, were converted to 0 D( 'D(!V d'm QD*! x>RD* c'D^$ $=D? 0D( P)D2* 0D( /DW “:'fD% e'D\V L7&D* P'DsrDC the Lord. And the tidings came to the ears of U D% U:.>DS! n=D%$ c'D^$ /D1 .#D1g$ KD%M x>RD* 0;DC UD% U.>DS! 'DX! n=D%$ c'D^$ 0D( P)D2* the church that was at Jerusalem, touching c 'D^$ $=D? E8>DS! P3 'D* 4!)^$ UD% YD%'5DC “.+D*#D1g$ 4'.Dv$ KD%M y98D* c'D( L798D* U.DC I7uD* these things: Who, when he was come, and G DsV{ EDSa!V E9D?! ” :L7&D* 'fD% e'5DC .'8fD? 0D( E5:DN! z.Ds! oV x>DS! o EuD% had seen the grace of God, rejoiced: and he # D\” L7&D* 'fD% e'5DC “.ED% /Ds3 o UDX!” :UD% YD%'D\V 4!)^$ YD1'Ds! “.'8fD? KD%M E<;t D?V exhorted them all with purpose of heart to . G;Ds3 6.D% GRD( n=D%$V e'Ds3 +&

Pachomius the Great

Saint Pachomius was born in 292 in Thebes (, Egypt) to pagan parents.[3] According to his , at age 21, Pachomius was swept up against his will in a Roman army recruitment drive, a common occurrence during this period of turmoil and civil war. With several other youths, he was put onto a ship that floated down the and arrived at Thebes in the evening.[4] Here he first encountered local Christians, who customarily brought food and comfort daily to the impressed troops. This made a lasting impression, and Pachomius vowed to investigate Christianity further when he got out. He was able to leave the army without ever having to fight, was converted and baptized (314).

Pachomius then came into contact with several well known ascetics and decided to pursue that path under the guidance of the named Palaemon (317). One of his devotions, popular at the time, was praying with his arms stretched out in the form of a cross.[4]

After studying seven years with Palaemon, Pachomius set out to lead the life of a hermit near St. Anthony of Egypt, whose practices he imitated until Pachomius heard a voice in Tabennisi that told him to build a dwelling for the to come to.[5]

An earlier ascetic named Macarius had created a number of proto- called , or cells where holy men would live in a community setting who were physically or mentally unable to achieve the rigors of Anthony's solitary life.

Pachomius established his first between 318 and 323 at Tabennisi, Egypt.[6]

His elder brother John joined him, and soon more than 100 lived nearby. Pachomius set about organizing these cells into a formal organization. Until then, Christian had been solitary or eremitic with male or female monastics living in individual huts or caves and meeting only for occasional worship services. Pachomius created the community or cenobitic organization, in which male or female monastics lived together and held their property in common under the leadership of an or .

Pachomius realized that some men, acquainted only with the eremitical life, might speedily become disgusted if the distracting cares of the cenobitical life were thrust too abruptly upon them. He therefore allowed them to devote their whole time to spiritual exercises, undertaking all the community's administrative tasks himself.

The community hailed Pachomius as "Abba" (father), from which "Abbot" derives.

The monastery at Tabennisi, though enlarged several times, soon became too small and a second was founded at Pabau (Faou).[5] After 336, Pachomius spent most of his time at Pabau.

Though Pachomius sometimes acted as lector for nearby shepherds, neither he nor any of his monks became priests. St Athanasius visited and wished to ordain him in 333, but Pachomius fled from him. Athanasius' visit was probably a result of Pachomius' zealous defence of orthodoxy against .[4] visited, then took many of Pachomius' ideas, which he adapted and implemented in Caesarea.

This ascetic rule, or Ascetica, is still used today by the , comparable to that of the Rule of St. Benedict in the West.

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