Mailing: 733 Starkweather Avenue MAY 12, 2019 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 T 216. 741. 1310 SUNDAY OF THE HOLY F 216. 623. 1092 MYRRHBEARING WOMEN - Archpriest John Zdinak, Dean [email protected] VEN. PACHOMIUS THE GREAT Cell: 216. 554. 7282 - Protodeacon Boerio

- Subdeacon Theodore Lentz, Sacristan

- Reader Julius Kovach, Ecclesiarch & Choirmaster

- Reader Paul Pangrace, Ambo Editor

Divine Services Eve Sundays & Feast Days 5:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Great Vespers Sundays and Feast Days 8:40 AM 3rd and 6th Hour 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy * AMBO: Articles for publication should be submitted to: [email protected] by Wednesday of each week before noon. * CALENDAR: Event dates must be submitted by the 15th of each month. MAY 15

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 1 Pachomius the Great was both a model of desert dwelling, and with (January 17), Macarius the Great (January 19), and Euthymius the Great (January 20), a founder of the cenobitic monastic life in .

Saint Pachomius was born in the third century in the Thebaid (Upper Egypt). His parents were pagans who gave him an excellent secular education. From his youth he had a good character, and he was prudent and sensible.

When Pachomius reached the age of twenty, he was called up to serve in the army of the emperor Constantine (apparently, in the year 315). They put the new conscripts in a city prison guarded by soldiers. The local Christians fed the soldiers and took care of them.

When the young man learned that these people acted this way because of their love for God, fulfilling His commandment to love their neighbor, this made a deep impression upon his pure soul. Pachomius vowed to become a Christian. Pachomius returned from the army after the victory, received holy Baptism, moved to the lonely settlement of Shenesit, and began to lead a strict ascetic life. Realizing the need for spiritual guidance, he turned to the desert-dweller Palamon. He was accepted by the Elder, and he began to follow the example of his instructor in monastic struggles.

Once, after ten years of , Saint Pachomius made his way through the desert, and halted at the ruins of the former village of Tabennisi. Here he heard a Voice ordering him to start a at this place. Pachomius told the Elder Palamon of this, and they both regarded the words as a command from God.

They went to Tabennisi and built a small monastic cell. The holy Elder Palamon blessed the foundations of the monastery and predicted its future glory. But soon Palamon departed to the Lord. An angel of God then appeared to Saint Pachomius in the form of a schemamonk and gave him a Rule of monastic life. Soon his older brother John came and settled there with him.

Saint Pachomius endured many temptations and assaults from the Enemy of the race of man, but he resisted all temptations by his prayer and endurance.

Gradually, followers began to gather around Saint Pachomius. Their teacher impressed everyone by his love for work, which enabled him to accomplish all kinds of monastic tasks. He cultivated a garden, he conversed with those seeking guidance, and he tended to the sick.

Saint Pachomius introduced a monastic Rule of cenobitic life, giving everyone the same food and attire. The of the monastery fulfilled the obediences assigned them for the common good of the monastery. Among the various obediences was copying books. The monks were not allowed to possess their own money nor to accept anything from their relatives. Saint Pachomius considered that an obedience fulfilled with zeal was greater than fasting or prayer. He also demanded from the monks an exact observance of the monastic Rule, and he chastized slackers.

His sister Maria came to see Saint Pachomius, but the strict ascetic refused to see her. Through the gate keeper, he blessed her to enter upon the path of monastic life, promising his help with this. Maria wept, but did as her brother had ordered. The Tabennisi monks built her a hut on the opposite side of the River . also began to gather around Maria. Soon a women’s monastery was formed with a strict monastic Rule provided by Saint Pachomius.

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 2 The number of monks at the monastery grew quickly, and it became necessary to build seven more in the vicinity. The number of monks reached 7,000, all under the guidance of Saint Pachomius, who visited all the monasteries and administered them. At the same time Saint Pachomius remained a deeply humble , who was always ready to comply with and accept the words of each brother.

Severe and strict towards himself, Saint Pachomius had great kindness and condescension toward the deficiencies of spiritually immature monks. One of the monks was eager for martyrdom, but Saint Pachomius turned him from this desire and instructed him to fulfill his monastic obedience, taming his pride, and training him in humility.

Once, a monk did not heed his advice and left the monastery. He was set upon by brigands, who threatened him with death and forced him to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods. Filled with despair, the monk returned to the monastery. Saint Pachomius ordered him to pray intensely night and day, keep a strict fast and live in complete solitude. The monk followed his advice, and this saved his soul from despair.

The saint taught his spiritual children to avoid judging others, and he himself feared to judge anyone even in thought.

Saint Pachomius cared for the sick monks with special love. He visited them, he cheered the disheartened, he urged them to be thankful to God, and put their hope in His holy will. He relaxed the fasting rule for the sick, if this would help them recover their health. Once, in the saint’s absence, the cook did not prepare any cooked food for the monks, assuming that the brethren loved to fast. Instead of fulfilling his obedience, the cook plaited 500 mats, something which Saint Pachomius had not told him to do. In punishment for his disobedience, all the mats prepared by the cook were burned.

Saint Pachomius always taught the monks to rely only upon God’s help and mercy. It happened that there was a shortage of grain at the monastery. The saint spent the whole night in prayer, and in the morning a large quantity of bread was sent to the monastery from the city, at no charge. The Lord granted Saint Pachomius the gift of wonderworking and healing the sick.

The Lord revealed to him the future of . The saint learned that future monks would not have such zeal in their struggles as the first generation had, and they would not have experienced guides. Prostrating himself upon the ground, Saint Pachomius wept bitterly, calling out to the Lord and imploring mercy for them. He heard a Voice answer, “Pachomius, be mindful of the mercy of God. The monks of the future shall receive a reward, since they too shall have occasion to suffer the life burdensome for the monk.”

Toward the end of his life Saint Pachomius fell ill from a pestilence that afflicted the region. His closest , Saint Theodore (May 17), tended to him with filial love. Saint Pachomius died around the year 348 at the age of fifty-three, and was buried on a hill near the monastery.

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 3 BIBLE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 12

May 12 Acts 6:1-7 May 14 Acts 8:5-17 May 17 Acts 8:40-9:19 Mark 15:43-16:8 John 6:27-33 John 6:48-54

May 13 Acts 8:8-7:4,47-60 May 15 Acts 8:18-25 May 18 Acts 9:20-31 John 4:46-54 John 6:35-39 John 15:17-16:2

May 16 Acts 8:26-39 John 6:40-44

We have an update on the status of the proposal to change the existing dome lighting to LED:

To date, we have received donations & pledges amounting to $12,000.00. We continue to seek your support. However, we will not begin the project until we have 75% of the funds in-hand. Therefore, we will be taking donations in the form of pledges. & Joyce Tabeling and Fr. John are available to answer any questions you may have.

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 4 Departed: PRAYER REQUESTS Jekaterina Kuzmins 04-12-19 Matthew Hunly (Phyllis Elena Rich (Jerry Czajkowski’s Ill Afflicted & Gindlesperger’s brother-in-law) daughter) Special Intentions: Joy Jahans (friend of Paul Pangrace) Rusynyk Stephen Jahans (friend of Paul Julia Sankovic (Child) Fr. Basil Stoyka Pangrace) Barbara Sheean Matushka Susanne Senyo Diane Kearsey (Janice Tkacz’s sister) Smotzer Matushka Laryssa Hutnyan Lacey Kihn (friend of Michael Udell) Andrew Sykaluk Archpriest Theodore Bobosh Mara Kilbane (Melissa McCutcheon’s Deacon Paul Mitchell (Tom Mitchell’s Elaine Sudnick (Joy Pfeiffer’s granddaughter) mother) father) John Kovalski (friend of Paul Nina (friend of Michael Tabeling) Tony Sykaluk (friend of Lydia Pangrace) Mytrohovich) Child Katie Repasky (friend of Fr. Janet Laganiak (cousin to Pogorily Janice Tkacz John) family) Joanne Theodore (Pete Theodore’s Child Mary Kate Zweidunger Jonathan Lechner (friend of the mother) Melissa (cousin of Mary Ann Kovach) Jacobsons) Eleanor Wachovec (friend of Karen Lyndsey (friend of Melissa Chris Magee (Erin Zawolowycz’s Felon) McCutcheon) brother) Robert Walsh (friend of the Felons) Julia Melissa McCutcheon Colleen Walsh (friend of the Felons) Dan Aleksandrovic Michael McCutcheon Rolf Weber (Cathy Weber’s Mollie Aleksandrovic Marguerite Mihal (Paul Mihal’s grandfather) Christopher Baymiller (friend of Paul mother) Elisabeth Wright (friend of Paul Pangrace) Paul Mihal Pangrace) Paula Baymiller (friend of Paul Natalya Miller (Arlene Neale’s Malcolm Wright (friend of Paul Pangrace) great-niece) Pangrace) Debbie Bazelides (Judy Schwind’s Andrew Mytrohovich Erin Zawolowycz cousin) Bert Nielsen (Paul Pangrace’s Theodore Zolikoff (Nick Zolikoff’s Carol Bohurjak brother-in-law) father) Marie Borland Carol Nielsen (Paul Pangrace’s sister) Sandra Brello Daniel O’Donnell Jeremy (Nisi Pozderac’s son) and Gregory Cervo Pat O’Donnell Yvonne Pozderac & Unborn Child Elsie Conrad Debra Parhamovich (Karen Felon’s Arlene Czajkowski sister) Michael & Sarah Boerio & Unborn Jerry Czajkowski Grace Parhamovich (Karen Felon’s Horia Dascalescu (Lavinia Morris’s mother) Child brother) Jim Paulitzky (Jerry Czajkowski’s Debra Ellis son-in-law) Melissa (Alex & Debbie Wojnicz’s Gregory Galan Tala Pavicic daughter) & Yohnathan King & Joseph Gammalo James Peter Petkac Unborn Child Aleksei Green Anastasia Pogorily Ethan & Taryn Weaver & Unborn Karen Felon James Marshall Prock Child Don Hinkle Susan Reese (friend of Jerry & Arlene Janet Hostelley Czajkowski and Betty Balasz)

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 5 Welcome Visitors Our parish welcomes you and thanks you for joining us at today’s Divine Liturgy. While only Orthodox Christians may approach the chalice for Holy Communion, everyone is welcome to partake of the Holy Bread after Liturgy. You are also invited to join us for fellowship in the Parish Hall following Liturgy.

COFEE HOUR & GREETERS SCHEDULES Coffee Hour: Greeters: 5/12/19 Mat Cindy Zdinak & Tammy Ponomarenko Paul Pangace & Linda Smotzer 5/19/19 Paul & Deborah Finley Michael Tabeling & Mat. Jenn Boerio 5/26/19 Lauren Miklos & Chanda Czaruk Virgina Medvec & Sonia Vorell 6/2/19 Joyce Tabeling & Judy Schwind Karen Felon & Virgina Medvec 6/9/19 Cathy Weber & Mat. Jenn Boerio Tammy & Eva Ponomarenko 6/16/19 Shawna Whitlock & Gayle Vidovich The Eppele Family 6/23/19 Dan & Lavinia Morris Mat. Jenn Boerio & Michael Tabeling


Our Food Pantry ministry continues through Merrick House. They currently use the bags in their Moms First program. We can always use your help by "sponsoring a bag". Envelopes are in the foyer, $10 fills a bag. Thank you and God bless you for helping those in need. - Dan Morris

Dome Lighters Donations to offset the cost of lighting the domes can be made for The Health Of or In Memory Of your loved ones. Contact the Parish Office if you are interested.

For the entire 2019 year: In loving memory of Olga Fritskey from John & Ruth Fritskey

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 6 The Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon will take place on Sunday, May 19th and passes through Duck Island and Tremont between the hours of 7:15 and 9:30 AM. Sunday Worship Service Access passes are available at the candle stand. This pass will alert police and allow you to pass the race course as quickly as possible.

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 7 T H E C L E V E L A N D M E T R O P O L I T A N C O M M I T T E E invites you to the Annual IOCC Banquet Sunday, May 19, 2019 Doors 4 pm | Dinner 5 pm

ST. SAVA SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 2151 W Wallings Rd. Broadview Heights, OH 44147

Tickets $35 | RSVP by Friday, May 10 Or mail checks for IOCC to Julie Hall | PO Box 560185 | Macedonia, OH 44056


St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 8 St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 9


Sponsor Levels:

Executve Sponsor: Cost of $500 Your Company’s Name on Promotonal Material Display Table with Your Company’s Services Four Free Golf Entries Your Company’s name on a Tee Box Sign Your Company’s Name Mentoned at Awards Ceremony

Tagged and promoted on Social Media Saturday Prime Sponsor: Cost of $300

Your Company’s Name on Promotonal Material June 22nd 2019 Display Table with Your Company’s Services One Free Golf Entry Registration Begins @ 7am Your Company’s name on a Tee Box Sign Shotgun Starts @ 8am Your Company’s Name Mentoned at Awards Ceremony Tagged and promoted on Social Media

Dinner Sponsor: Cost of $250 Your Name on Sponsor Sign Your Name Mentoned at Awards Ceremony Tagged and promoted on Social Media

Beverage Sponsor: Cost of $150 Your Name on Sponsor Sign Bunker Hill Golf Course Your Name Mentoned at Awards Ceremony 3060 Pearl Road Tagged and promoted on Social Media Medina, OH 44256

Lunch Sponsor: Cost of $150 Your Name on Sponsor Sign Your Name Mentoned at Awards Ceremony Tagged and promoted on Social Media

Hole Sponsor: Cost of $100 Outing Benefts Your Company or Family’s Name on Tee Box Sign Your Company or Family’s Name Mentoned in Awards Ceremony The St. Theodosius Parish Hall Improvement Fund Donatons Welcome

Contact for more information or to learn about sponsorship opportunities: Jennifer Boerio: 216-513-5667 - [email protected] Lauren Eppele: 330-840-4399 - [email protected]

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 10







June, 1st

Outing Benefts


Improvement Fund Improvement

31665 Hilliard Blvd. Hilliard 31665

Westlake, OH 44145OH Westlake,

Shotgun Starts @ 9am@ Starts Shotgun

Hilliard Lakes Golf Course Lakes Golf Hilliard

The TheodosiusSt. Parish Hall

Registration Begins @ 8am Begins Registration

5667 5667









or to learn about learn about to or


[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

sponsorship opportunities: opportunities: sponsorship

Jennifer Boerio: 216 Boerio: Jennifer

Lauren Eppele: 330 Eppele: Lauren

Contact for more information information more for Contact

look forward to seeing you again. you tolook forward seeing

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s Golf Outing

Dinner Only:

2668 Old Mill Rd

Golfer Registration

Hudson, OH 44236

Please fll out form

Foursomeor Individual

and and mail with payment to:


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Player 2______Player 2______Player 3______Player 3______

Player 4______Player 4______

Golfer RegistrationGolfer

Attn: Sandbagger

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 11 WEEKLY


Sunday, May 12 2019 Thursday, May 16


Monday, May 13 Saturday, May 18 VIRGIN-MARTYR GLYKERIA MARTYR THEODOTUS OF ANCYRA MARTYR LAODICIUS AND HIS COMPANIONS MAY 12:00 PM EOWG Pan Orthodox Tuesday, May 14 Special Collection Luncheon @ Archangel Michael MARTYR ISIDORE OF CHIOS 6:00 PM Great Vespers VEN. ISIDORE, ST. MARY FOOL-FOR-CHRIST OF ROSTOV OF EGYPT Sunday, May 19 SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC Wednesday, May 15 HIEROMARTYR PATRICK, VEN. PACHOMIUS THE GREAT BP. OF PRUSSA ST. , BP. OF ROSTOV ST. DUNSTAN OF CANTERBURY ST. DIMITRY DONSKOY 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy 4:00 PM IOCC Banquet @ St. Sava (Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon - get your passes at the candle stand)

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral 733 Starkweather Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 MAY

St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral Ambo - Page 12