THVolE. LXIII, No. 38 UBYSSEVancouver, B.C. Friday, January 9,1981 °^^»4 228-2301 Y George & Berny's U.B.C. DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT HOUSING Invites Applications for VOLKSWAGEN Ti SENIOR RESIDENCE ADVISORS FOR 1981-82 FREESEE REPAIRS Walter Gage Residence, Place Vanier Residence, Sponsored by The Women Students' Office Totem Park Residence With the support of The Leon and The ideal applicants for these positions will be students who are in their final undergraduate year, are unclassified, or are graduate students and who have Thea Koerner Foundation substantial experience living and working in residence. These postions will be attractive '.o those who have skills and interests in working in an extensively people oriented field. Major responsibilities include the following: THE LONG SEARCH (al Supervising the residence's Advisors (b) Being the contact person between the Department and the Residence Association Jan. 13 - Feb. 17 COMPLETE SERVICE (c) Ensuring that proper standards of behaviour are maintained. FULLY GUARANTEED Those interested in applying for one of these positions should submit a Every Tuesday, 12:35 p.m. AT REASONABLE RATES resume and letter explaining their reasons for being interested in the position to Dima Utgoff, Coordinator of Residence Student Affairs, at the Ponderosa SUB Auditorium Free Housing Office (mailing address: 2071 West Mall, University Campus, Van­ 731-8644 couver, B.C. V6T 1Y9 on or before Wednesday, January 14, 1981). Please •W All Students, Faculty and Staff are invited. ^ phone Dima at 228-5778 for further information about these positions. 2125 W. 10th at Arbutus RECREATION U.B.C. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMES TERM II - 1981 Registration for all Recreational Instruction Classes will begin Monday, Memorial Gym. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00-4:00. January 5,1981 and proceed until Friday, January 16,1981, as long as Instructional Classes will then begin the week of Monday, January 19, space permits. The registration will take place at the Intramural- 1981. Thank you. Recreational Sports Programme Office, located in Room 203, War

PROGRAMME SECTION DATES DAYS TIME PLACE COST Strength Training I Jan. 19-Feb. 13 Mon-Wed-Fri 5:30-6:30 p.m. Universal Weight Room $5.00 War Memorial Gym

11 Feb. 23-Mar. 20 Mon-Wed-Fri 5:30-6:30 p.m. Universal Weight Room $5.00 War Memorial Gym

Circuit Training I Jan. 20-Feb. 12 Tues-Thur 5:30-6:30 p.m. Circuit, War Memorial $5.00 Gym

II Feb. 24-Mar. 19 Tues-Thur 5:30-6:30 p.m. Circuit, Wai' Memorial $5.00 Gym

Badminton I(Beginner) Jan. 19-Feb. 25 Mon-Wed 1:30-2:30 p.m. Gym Floor, War $5.00 Memorial Gym

ll(Intermed.) Mar. 2-Apr. 1 Mon-Wed 1:30-2:30 p.m. Gym Floor, War $5.00 Memorial Gym

DynaFit I Jan. 19-Apr. 3 Mon-Wed-Fri 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gym B, Osborne Centre $10.00

Basic Skating I Jan. 20-Apr. 1 Tues-Wed 9:45-10:45 p.m. Thunderbird Winter Sports Centre $5.00

Jazz Dance I(all levels) Jan. 20-Apr. 2 Tues-Thurs 12:30-1:30 p.m. Tues.: Gym E Thurs: Gym B Osborne Centre $10.00

Karate I(all levels) Jan. 22-Apr. 2 Thurs 7:30-9:30 p.m. Gym E, Osborne Centre

Modern Dance l(Beginner) Jan. 19-Mar. 30 Mon 5:00-7:00 p.m. Room 208, Armoury $10.00

H(Beginner) Jan. 20-Mar. 31 Tues 1:30-3:30 p.m. Room 208, Armoury $10.00

III(Beginner) Jan. 22-Apr. 2 Thurs 1:30-3:30 p.m. Room 208, Armoury $10.00

IV(lntermed.) Jan. 19-Mar. 30 Mon 5:00-7:00 p.m. Room 208, Armoury $10.00

V(lntermed.) Jan. 21-Apr. 1 Wed 7:30-9:30 p.m. Room 208, Armoury $10.00

Tennis I(Beginner) Jan. 19-Feb. 23 Mon 8:30-10:30 p.m. Armoury $5.00

H(Beginner) Jan. 19-Feb. 25 Mon-Wed 12:30-1:15 p.m. Armoury $5.00

Hl(lntermed.) Jan. 20-Feb. 27 Tues-Fri 12:30-1:15 p.m. Armoury $5.00

lV(lntermed.) Jan. 21-Feb. 25 Wed 8:30-10:30 p.m. Armoury $5.00

V(lntermed.) Jan. 24-Mar. 28 Sat 9:00-10:00 a.m. Armoury $5.00

VI(Advanced) Mar. 2-Mar. 30 Mon 8:30-10:30 p.m. Armoury $5.00

Vll(Advanced) Mar. 2-Apr. 1 Mon-Wed 12:30-1:15 p.m. Armoury $5.00

VHI(Advanced) Mar. 3-Apr. 3 Tues-Fri 12:30-1:15 p.m. Armoury $5.00

VlllI(Advanced) Mar. 4-Apr. 1 Wed 8:30-10:30 p.m. Armoury $5.00

Yoga 1 Jan. 19-Apr. 1 Mon-Wed 4:30-6:30 p.m. Rooms 211-213, War $5.00 Memorial Gym

Women's Self Defense I Jan. 20-Mar. 31 Tues 7:30-8:30 p.m. Gym E, Osborne Centre $5.00

NOTE: Due to prior bookings of some facilities for special events, some classes will have to be cancelled. Class participants will be notified in advance.

Weight Room Mon.-Thurs. 3:30-5:00 p.m. (War Mem. Gym) Fri. 2:30-4:00 p.m. Gymnastics Gym Mon. Tues. Wed. 12:30-1:20 p.m. (Osborne Qre.) Mon. Tues. Thurs. 2:30-3:45 p.m. Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Page 2 THE U BYSS EY Friday, January 9,1S61 Boys and girls, today's lesson is. „

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G iris use what boys inventi••

By LORI THICKE are often effectively prevented from doing so and knit in preparation for home and hearth characters in limited but highly sterotyped I'll bet you never realized you learned it in by the restrictive dresses that are still the re­ (or at best a career that approximates this roles. school. That men are assertive, independent quired uniform in some Vancouver schools. ideal). A number of studies have documented and capable, that women are passive, weak Girls soon discover that being a girl is not Meanwhile boys learn a variety of career- discrimination against women in children's and dependent was, in all likeliness, trans­ as much fun as being a boy. oriented skills like woodworking, drafting, literature. A comprehensive study of sexism mitted to you in the classroom. Boys receive more attention in the metal working and power mechanics. in children's books called Dick and Jane as Sure your parents — and other adults — classroom than girls do, reinforcing notions Not to be outdone in the field of sex-role Victims, published by Women in Words and probably helped. And television, books and that boys are more important. Numerous stereotyping, many physical education classes Images, a New Jersey feminist organization magazines did nothing to contradict these studies have documented the fact that al­ stress inside activities such as dance for girls, surveyed 2,760 stories in 134 books and dis­ edicts about the nature of the sexes. though boys are yelled at more by their teach­ and reserve more active outside sports like covered male protagonists outnumbered fe­ But by and large, no social institution has ers than girls, they are also listened to more, baseball for boys. male protagonists five to two, there were six worked as hard as the educational system — and receive more praise and instruction. But discrimination against women is at its from pre-school to post-grad — to teach In a comprehensive study by Lisa Serbin it height — or depth — in textbooks ranging males and females their "proper" places in was revealed that boys received eight times from children's readers to college required society. more individualized instruction than girls, ex­ reading. It starts in nursery school. A spate of re­ cept when the classes were involved in tra­ Girls and boys pick up many clues about cent studies have revealed how both male and ditionally feminine activities, like cooking or the relative importance of each sex by their female teachers from pre-school on unwit­ sewing. exposure to how language is used. The com­ That women are ranked lower than men is mon use of the allegedly gender-generic terms demonstrated by virtually every social insti­ (using "he" instead of "he or she") conveys tution, and the educational system is no ex­ the impression of female exclusion to child­ ception. The social relationship between men ren, as it does to most people. and women that children most often observe Children tend to interpret things literally, in school is that of the usually male principal and the masculine pronouns are more likely to the usually female and subordinate to be interpreted as referring exclusively to teacher. According to the status of women males. Moreover, their confusion is com­ committee of the B.C. Teachers Federation pounded by the fact that there are no rules in B.C., despite the fact that 95.5 per cent of about when "he" means "he," and when it means "he or she." elementary school teachers are female, only times as many male as female biographies, 10 per cent of the elementary school princi­ When presented with words like "police­ man" and "fisherman" children have prob­ and there were twice as many male animal pals are women. stories as female animal stories. Is it surprising then that as children ad­ lems believing that such terms include the vance through school girls experience a grow­ possibility of a female fishing, policing, While boys are presented in a variety of ing sense of inferiority while boys do not? Al­ fighting fires or delivering mail. roles — they can play basketball, rescue a though children do not differ measurably in In fact, few adults tend to interpret such neighbor's cat or learn to sail a boat — girls self-esteem when they enter the school sys­ terms generically either. In a recent study by are depicted most often in domestic situa­ tem, as reported in the Journal of Genetic tions. They bake cakes for bake sales, help tingly foster an environment where children social scientist V. Kidd it was revealed that Psychology, as boys and girls progress they mom do the shopping or watch brother mend learn that boys are aggressive and able to when asked to identify the sex of the refer­ come to think more highly of boys, with a a broken bicycle. solve problems, while girls are obedient and ence in statements which used "he" and corresponding drop in their regard for girls. docile. "man" in a neutral way, subjects assumed Adult males are seen in many exciting oc­ the statements referred to males in 407 cases By treating boys differently than girls Children learn early and pervasively what cupations: they can be astronauts, architects while they only believed females were indicat­ teachers unconsciously maintain, if not actu­ girls do is different from what boys do. Play or animal trainers. Women in children's texts ed by the terms 53 times. Therefore sentences ally create, the belief that boys are better materials are clearly sex-typed, with a wider are usually full-time mothers always ready using the allegedly gender-generic words tend equipped for the world of action, where they range of toys designated for use by boys. with a snack for junior or a kind word for to be interpreted by both adults and children can and do influence their environment, "Free play" is a misnomer because during dad. When women do work it is invariably a in a gender-specific way to refer to men only. while girls are the passive recipients of male time set aside for free play girls tend to be sex-typed career such as secretary, nurse or initiative. guided either by implicit expectations or by Exclusion at the most basic level of langu­ teacher. direct suggestions from their teachers toward age cannot help but contribute to the erosion According to authors Nancy Frazier and playthings that prepare them for their future of a girl's self-esteem. Children learn the limited occupational Myra Sadker, from an early age girls are ac­ roles as mothers and homemakers. choices available to women when the only ex­ tively discouraged from exploration and in­ Another quirk of our language that further Conversely, boys have more options and delineates the inferior status of women is the amples they are exposed to are biased and not dependence. Several studies like the 1977 true reflections of women's capabilities. study by psychologists Lisa Serbin and K. are allowed more free-ranging play. They use of "girl" to refer to adult women. Boys soon learn, however, to avoid dolls and other grow up to be men, but girls are always girls. A survey of children's literature by the ed­ Daniel O'Leary have shown boys are reward­ ucation committee of an American feminist ed for working on projects of their own and play materials considered feminine. The implication of this anomaly is similar to These distinctions between appropriate ac­ the implication of calling a black man group, the National Organization of girls are encouraged to remain within arm's Women, uncovered some blatant differences reach of the teacher. tivities for boys and girls create rather than "boy." reflect the heterogeneous aspirations of each The second major problem with the in the way the sexes are characterized. They When girls attempt to join in the energetic sex. reading material available in the schools is found women are usually portrayed as being play of the boys more often than not they are The school system seems bent on per­ that women are noticeably absent. Most passive, unachieving, unadventurous, sub­ admonished for being "tomboys." Even petuating these sex-role stereotypes. In junior books involve male protagonists and male servient, emotionally weak and somewhat when they are not specifically forbidden to high the girls are shunted off to home eco­ adventures. When women are present they lacking in ethics. engage in the rough-and-tumble play, they nomic classes where they learn to cook, sew are usually insignificant, one-dimensional Turn to Page 11

Friday, January 9,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 3 century England. For thirty years social conditions for families, and (1860-1890), English school­ fair remuneration for teachers. children learned what it meant to be Some would say that profes­ taught by apprentices whose sionals have no business arguing teacher-masters were themselves "about money. But would BC only grade- or high-school lawyers and doctors accept the idea graduates. The disastrous results of political inaction and resulting are well known to any reader of relative poverty? Of course not! Dickens, who put these unfortunate Their organizations have busily teachers and learners into some of politicked for years; and with a lot 9 his novels. Apprenticeship meant of success. Why should teaching be FOOD FOR memorized learning — instead of different from these -TUOUG-UT.Z5* understanding, inquiry and good "professions?" argument. It meant teachers com­ There is at the moment a good pletely dependent on parents and deal of public uncertainty about the politicians in deciding what subjects CA6Bf\ML FRENCH proper goals of education. Let us be SOUP .46 to teach, liable to pressure from any clear from whence that uncertainty ROUS 175 passing huckster or fanatic. It comes. It come from people whose 1 meant a profession inadequately Utopian demands have not been paid, publicly derided. Above all, it met. meant mistreated and mis-educated Remember the politicians and children. teachers who promised in the late No one wants to return to the 1950s that public education would 19th century. In all three univer­ help North America to catch up sities, there is instead a good deal of with the Soviets? Remember the sentiment for moving into the 21st leaders of the mid-1960s who pro­ century. That will likely mean more mised that public education would intensive and extensive teacher somehow right the wrongs of Cana­ education. Clearly, teachers will dian society, would reduce favour that move. economic inequity, erase racial pre­ Widespread respect for teachers judice, and so on? Remember the and for public education already ex­ late 1960s, when a great many still ists. Still, the goal of a sensitive pro­ believed that investment in public fessionalism is a long way off. education was merely a direct in­ There are still too many poorly paid vestment in fast economic growth? By WILLIAM BRUNEAU loneliness. Occasionally, they may teachers. There are too many None of those promises could be Just recently, an invitation to even think themselves candidates classrooms where learning condi­ kept. And little wonder. Public step backwards into an education for the bread line. But this does not tions make education difficult for schools began with two goals: to time-machine was published in a stop them from working to unders­ even the most gifted teacher. There teach children something of their local newspaper. Let's take a mo­ tand teacher training, to see are too many schools where moral responsibilities as citizens in a ment to revive the details of the through educational politics, and children's learning difficulties are participatory democracy, and to latest unexpected bounty. even to face negative public opinion intensified by the poverty and teach them how to reason in misery from which they come. Bunny Wright (whoever she is), (although one wonders how mathematics, language, and so on. writing (Nov. 22, 1980) about a re­ negative it really is). Perhaps educa­ The solutions to these urgent pro­ Thus, the schools could not by cent survey of teacher opinion, says tion students, those who train them blems depend on informed public themselves meet the new goals set teachers are anxious to march (in Faculties of Arts, Science and opinion, and on money. B.C. up for them by ill-informed politi­ ahead — into the 19th century. Education) and practicing teachers, teachers long ago realized that they cians in the 1960s and 1970s. Wright says her readers should refuse to move into the 19th century must act through their professional There are still a great many disap­ come along. — and instead consider a construc­ organization to help to inform the pointed lay people who accept the public, and to persuade taxpayers The survey was funded by the tive move ahead. What would this goals of the 1960s. These people are mean in practical terms? of the critical importance of public the main sources of recent destruc­ British Columbia Teachers' Federa­ education in a healthy, democratic tion, but carried out by a Tony tive educational criticism. For these Teachers in B.C. have always felt society. people, there is a critical need for Flanders. Wright says the BCTF the key to professionalism lay in a should have released the survey The BCTF has been compelled, better information: information thorough teacher education, carried about the range of school programs results right away, instead of keep­ on in universities. Between 1917 in order to achieve these goals, to ing them under wraps for months. become politically involved. It was which help towards reasonable (when the BCTF was founded) and academic, vocational and personal As it turns out, Wright was 1980, teachers have come out again inevitable that they should become political anyway. For public educa­ goals, and information on the deceived. The report was released and again for the lengthiest and underlying social and economic early in 1980, and widely discussed. most demanding forms of teacher tion is governed by politics and BCTF politicians, from the Minister to the forces that determine whether those If this were ihe only bad judgement education to be found. pupils will reach goals. in Wright's article, all might yet school trustee — all elected, In 1946, the BCTF's Committee political figures. have been well. But there was a on Teacher Education recommend­ We all need more information, vital in good deal else, some of it a direct ed a six year long training period at To ask the BCTF to give up some sensible educational goals, in­ attack on B.C.'s universities. U.B.C. for all future teachers, political activity is to give up on the tensive and extensive teacher educa­ Both Wright's article and the elementary and secondary. goals mentioned earlier: better lear­ tion, and improved learning condi­ ning conditions for children, better tions. Flanders Report painted a gloomy It was a pipe-dream in those fight to picture of teachers who would: days, of course. The Normal School • accept a teacher training ar­ was still turning out elementary rangement long since re­ school teachers at age 19 with a few jected in most of the world, months of concentrated exposure to a form of apprenticeship "education." The teachers' long provide that would now satisfy no campaign finally bore fruit in 1956, laborers worth their salt when UBC's Faculty of Education and a 19th century hold­ came into existence, and the Nor­ better over; mal Schools closed. Since then, two • prefer the BCTF to give up other Education faculties (Simon political activity, as though Fraser University and University of education was in no way Victoria, plus Notre Dame for a education political — a 19th century time) have participated in teacher view of the teaching pro­ education. fession; These universities have all con­ • continue to live with wide­ sidered teacher education an oppor­ spread destructive criticism tunity to provide students with a of public education, wait­ solid liberal education, and to give ing for it to blow over. them introductions to the best of These writers seem to think educational thought and practice. establishments offering teacher No one is saying that four or five training courses waste their own years in an Education faculty is the and students' time. same as teaching in public schools. Neither Wright, nor Flanders, What the universities say is this: nor the teachers Flanders said he without an opportunity to reflect represented — gave reasons for and to think about children and their criticisms. So it's tempting not learning, dare a teacher became to respond to their charges at all. responsible for the intellectual growth of a child? Would we let But their claims about "what doctors earn certification by stepp­ teachers are saying" are interesting ing into operating rooms im­ in another way. For a decade now, mediately after high school gradua­ the BCTF, the politicians and the tion? universities have been talking about "doing something about teacher Yet this what the Wright/- education." One worry is that they Flanders claim B.C.'s teachers might very well "do something" would like to do. A few teachers based on the superficially reported suggested an apprenticeship of two comments of a few depressed and or three months (not university- lonely teachers. based), followed by as many as three years' practice in classrooms. William Bruneau is a member of The great majority of teachers A pattern almost exactly like this the UBC Faculty of Education. certainly do experience moments of was very widely adopted in 19th Page 4 THE UBYSSEY Friday, January 9, 1981 DEAF 8ti@@$@$ ti® litolfT) U@ tilfod1 [p@@[p)D® SCHOOL Wlh® felfu®W tiffo® gta§rtifi®frD fe@Sti

By STEVE McCLURE greater control by the school over believe that deaf children find it dif­ Magarrell adds, "the officials in the days of Jericho Hill were num­ Listen to the deaf. its own affairs. ficult to adapt when forced into the the ministry did not change with the bered. That's a plea that one of B.C.'s So it was in 1970 amid growing public education system. change in government from NDP to After a small number of children least-known minorities has been uncertainty over the school's future "You can hide the problem for Social Credit." He says the blame were actually mainstreamed and making for a long time. And only that local educator Ben Chud was several years," says Freeman, "but lay with an insensitive bureaucracy failed to be successfully integrated now does it appear their cries are given a mandate by the education the children need a whole environ­ rather than on the policies of the into the public school system the being heeded by the provincial edu­ ministry to look into the school's ment in which they can communi­ Socreds. ministry began to doubt its policy. cation ministry. problems and make some recom­ cate. And many of the children "The NDP government didn't The children affected returned to Until the 1970s Jericho Hill, mendations regarding its future. have additional physical and emo­ honor the Chud report of 1970 any Jericho. B.C.'s central education facility for The Chud report recommended tional problems. By the time they more than McGeer did," he says. Parents began to communicate the deaf and blind, existed in the dormitory function of the get to secondary school they're "While McGeer articulated the pol­ more effectively with Victoria after relative obscurity. Deaf and blind school be de-emphasized and that lost." icy and brought it down and believ­ Smith was appointed education children from all over the province the school should become more According to Gary Magarrell, ed in it strongly I think that in fair- minister last year. "This time they were sent by their parents to the autonomous. Specifically the report school to receive the kind of special urged that the school be given a attention that was not availbable in global budget, that is, a budget most B.C. communities. The school which would be set by Victoria but had acquired a solid reputation as over which the school would have one of North America's best special control on a daily basis. Previously education facilities and took pride any significant amount of money in the high quality of its staff could only be spent with approval members. from Victoria, tangling Jericho The school was an integral part Hill's operations in red tape. The of the deaf community and had report reflected parents' and teach­ close links with social service agen­ ers' concerns that the provincial cies that aided the deaf and blind. It government was interfering too had, however, little contact with the much with the school. rest of society and so the public re­ But the education ministry had mained ignorant of the special pro­ other ideas. At roughly the same blems that the deaf and blind face. time the Chud report was being put Deaf people generally find socie­ together plans were under way to ty easier to deal with than do the implement a strategy known as blind, since so much of our culture mainst reaming. depends upon the visual dimension. Put simply, mainstreaming But perhaps for this very reason the means that deaf children would be specific problems of the deaf have educated as much as possible within never really been understood by the the regular public school system. public. It is important to clear up This reflected a general feeling in some of these misconceptions. the education ministry under Pat First, deaf people are not neces­ McGeer that wherever possible the sarily mute. The two faculties are handicapped should be integrated independent of each other. But a into society. deaf person may find it difficult to So the ministry totally ignored the recommendations of the Chud verbalize for the simple reason that JERICHO . . . ministry wished to close its problem school he or she is unable to hear their own report and started to mainstream children, that is, have them remain voice. So people who have lost their W1D director, mainstreaming rarely ness we can't pin it all on him. I hearing at an early age are usually in their home communities instead seem to be handling it a little more of boarding at Jericho Hill. At first works and the W1D as an agency think that the ministry of education. honestly and openly," says one par­ better at speaking than those who opposes it. "1 think that we would has for some time felt that main- have been deaf since birth. glance the idea might appear to ent, who declined to be identified. make sense. Why should children , support parents having some kind streaming may well be the approp­ And Chud has again been assign­ Another point to bear in mind is be separated from their parents and of a choice and 1 think that parents riate route for deaf children and ed again to look into education of that 90 per cent of deaf children be forced to live in a distant city need to have accurate information McGeer enthusiastically embraced the deaf. A committee headed by have hearing parents. Many parents that is unfamiliar to them? as to what's missing in the educa­ that. Smith (Brian Smith, now pro­ Chud toured the province last spr­ are at a loss as to what to do when The answer is simple. Deaf child­ tion of their children." vincial education minister) is now ing and summer making three main they learn their child is handicapp­ having second thoughts about it recommendations to Smith: ed. Often it is the parents as much ren are unique in that their han­ The decision by the ministry gen-' dicap requires a centralization of and is now looking at the reality of • that the centralized school as the children who are in need of erated a storm of controversy with what's happening out there." education regarding the difficulties educational resources. You need to people like Magarrell, Freeman and should remain in its present loca­ that the handicapped face. have highly trained personnel to concerned parents mounting a pub­ tion; deal with the special problems that licity campaign against the insensi­ To further complicate the matter, • that a board be set up to estab­ And not all children who go to deaf children have. The average tive policies of then-education min­ the Justice Institute of B.C., a lish a liaison between the education Jericho Hill have just one handicap. public school teacher just doesn't ister McGeer. But whether McGeer police and emergency services per­ ministry and the school; Many are deaf as well as blind. have the time or the skills necessary himself was to blame for the deci­ sonnel training college, has for the • that the Justice Institute be re­ Some suffer from a variety of physi­ to deal with a deaf child. sion is not clear. past couple of years been sharing located. cal disabilities. "Mainstreaming deprives deaf the Point Grey campus with Jericho "The school is building up But an insensitive bureaucracy in children of communication and free Freeman says, "the idea was Hill. Conflicts soon developed be­ again," says one parent. But it Victoria ensured that Jericho Hill social choice," says Dr. Roger Free­ probably generated within the min­ tween the institute and Jericho Hill looks like the school will have to would not be without its share of man, a UBC psychiatrist and con­ istry without thinking through the over the use of facilities such as the share the campus with the Justice problems. For years the school had sultant to the Western Institute for implications. They wished to close, swimming pool. It seemed strange Institute. been a thorn in the side of the Soc­ the Deaf. "They end up with few if possible, a school that had caused that these two different public ser­ So finally the bureaucrats in Vic­ reds as parents and teachers agitat­ friends if they are isolated from the government problems for vice organizations should have to toria have listened to the pleas of ed for better teacher training and each other." Freeman and others years." compete for space. It looked like those who know the situation best. Friday, January 9, 1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 5 In our being phased in. It almost com­ where parents are issued a voucher minister liked the idea of vouchers pletely eliminates non-Canadian equivalent to the full per student ex­ but felt it was an idea that would history from the grade schools. The penditure by the government. It have to wait. He reasoned that the only way a student can find out could be redeemed by any school of system would be too disruptive for stagnant schools about the world beyond our borders the parent's choosing that met the students and would take too much in school is to take an optional minimum educational standards. power away from the provincial modern world history course at the Whether you're a rabid free government. "It could be attemp­ grade 12 level. enterpriser or a strident socialist it's ted when conditions are more ap­ Another ridiculous policy impos­ easy to agree with Friedman that propriate," he said. the voucher ed on the entire province is the pro­ parents should have the right to Of course that's just a lot of vincial learning assessment pro­ choose the kind of education that political backtalk. Kids can't be left gram. It measures the abilities of a their children get. And by applying in the womb like oil in the ground future rancher from Ashcroft with the same test used for an aspiring system is the only doctor in West Point Grey. There is no justifiable reason for a standardized assessment system any more than there is justification real alternative for a standardized curriculum or teaching method. Students* achievements should be measured By CHARLES CAMPBELL taking into account their So you went to Lord Byng High School. Sometimes. backgrounds. Curriculum and teaching methods should take that The only teacher who understood you had a nervous into account as well. Some students breakdown and quit. They cancelled your film course function best in highly-structured because some parent invoked the devil in the principal's schools like St. Georges and Crof- ton House, others would never have office over the showing of Rosemary's Baby. Your finished school if it wasn't for English teacher thought Samuel Beckett was the places like Ideal and Total Ed. archbishop of Canterbury and gave multiple choice ex­ Sciences, technology and univer­ ams. And you got a passing mark in phys ed one sities minister Pat McGeer recogniz­ ed the validity of alternatives; he December despite the fact that you quit in October. .ent his own kids to private schools. So you switched to Kitsilano and Milton. They've purged Kurt Von­ And he introduced limited funding everything was different. Your negut from the school libraries. for those schools with the Indepen­ math teacher told you that if you They're working on Margaret dent Schools Support Act. But he cut your hair and changed your Laurence and Mordecai Richler. has stipulated that any school, in friends you'd get along fine in his Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a order to receive funds, must have school. And you never met the prin­ Mockingbird. And Timmy the existed independently for five years. cipal. Tugboat. That means that the only schools to some of the principles of the free until development conditions are The guy beside you in class work­ get limited funds are those that can market to our schools perhaps the right. Most parents agree that you afford to support themselves — ed only in fear. He had fits of should teach their children basics. development of some creative in­ In fact there is no better time creativity when yelled at. The specifically preparatory schools telligent methods of teaching would than the present to make the transi­ But nobody can agree what that is. supported by the rich and Catholic woman behind you with the cat's English is Basic. But do we need a occur. The alternatives that exist tion to the voucher system. Declin­ eye glasses worked best when left schools supported by the church. It would at least get the financing they ing enrolment has presented us with basic grounding in sciences? Stopp­ is unfortunate that Vancouver's on­ alone. The rebels at the back com­ ing where? Is it important that we deserve. unused facilities and unemployed plained that the teacher had a dou­ ly independent progressive alter­ learn how to think rather than what There are obvious dangers in the teachers. This makes it possible to ble standard. The teacher never had natives — Relevant High and the others have thought? If so, circus that would be created by giv­ develop alternative programs time to explain. New School — folded before without disrupting the programs wouldn't an in depth education, in limited funding was introduced. ing schools complete freedom. Cer­ So you looked for a real alter­ one social science, best acquaint tainly there should be some that already exist. native. City School, Total Ed, The students with the basic process of The American economist Milton Now that our new education Ideal School, they all had waiting manipulating facts for themselves? Friedman believes that the govern­ minimum standards. But schools minister Brian Smith has toured the lists twice the size of their enrol­ ment has no place in establishing would still remain accountable to province and measured the in­ With the core curriculum the ment. But you put your name on any but the most basic educational the parents, if anything they would evitable discontent of parents, ministry of education has emphasiz­ those lists and hoped. When they standards. He feels it is unfair that be more accountable. In the present teachers, and students it can only be ed basic English grammar and math finally called you, you were in third "the parent who would prefer to see situation we have an educational hoped that he sees the wisdom of skills. At least there is an argument year education out here at UBC. money used for better teachers and doctrine as inoffensive and the free market system his party is for that move though there is much And now you're wondering where texts rather than coaches and cor­ unstimulating as pablum being supposed to represent. There's a opposition to it. you're going to teach. Or what. ridors must persuade the majority spoonfed to eveyone no matter desperate need for real change in After all, the righteous insist that What cannot be understood is the to change the mixture for all." what their sentiments. the educational system that only the nobody has written literature since history curriculum that is presently He proposes a voucher system McGeer as the former education voucher system will bring. Now you can really stock up.

Introducing Extra Old Stock in the new convenient 24 pack.

Page 6 THE U BYS S EY Friday, January 9,1981 Elvis, Elvis where did you go? By STEVE McCLURE orite myopia victim was up to his If you didn't catch the Elvis Cos- usual tricks Sunday night, daring tello/Squeeze concert Sunday at the the audience to travel with him War Memorial Gym then you through the valley of neurotic de­ didn't really miss that much. spair. Unfortunately a lot of us Everyone's expectations were weren't interested in coming along high for this concert. Elvis Costello for the ride. is one of the few consistently in­ Is Elvis in a rut? He certainly teresting figures in the world of didn't- want us to think so, playing popular music today and Squeeze only new material during the first have a reputation for bright and vi­ part of the show. But the crowd brant power pop. found it difficult to get into the new Squeeze proved to be just an­ songs and had to put up with the other run of the mill formula "new same abysmal sound system that wave" band and were plagued by a had been the bane of Squeeze. You truly horrible sound system that couldn't even understand what El­ they could hardly be blamed for. vis was saying between songs. Squeeze did have tight harmonies High Fidelity was one of the and a punchy, rhythmic attack that more outstanding numbers played turned even the most mediocre ma­ by Elvis and the Attractions during terial into something danceable. their first set. The Attractions were But the appeal soon wore off as one uniformly excellent and must rank song blended into another. Try as as one of the most solid units in they might, the lead vocalists never rock today. If only they gave Elvis' really moved the crowd the way guitar more prominence in the they should have. mix. . . The crowd greeted the band's hits But it was only after Elvis and with acclaim but were generally un­ Co. were brought back by the moved by Squeeze's lacklustre per­ crowd for the first encore that formance. The nadir of the evening things started to move. Oliver's Ar­ came when the band's new key­ my, Watching the Detectives, and boardist was introduced. Formerly Pump It Up finally injected some of the truly nauseating English pub juice into the crowd. Too bad the rock band Ace, this individual pro­ whole evening wasn't as good as the ceeded to inflict a version of Ace's last 20 minutes or so. one hit, How Long (Has This Been Elvis still shows too much con­ Going On) on the assembled groov­ tempt for his audiences. A lot of ers. So much for new wave. These people were wondering at the end of guys should become greengrocers or the night why they paid $9 for per­ something else Socially Useful. haps half an hour's worth of decent Now for Elvis. Everybody's fav­ entertainment.

force 10 or 11 shredded the main­ sail, but de Roos and de Gerlache succeeded in reaching their next port of call, Upernavik on the Greenland coast of Baffin Bay, on July 15th. Upernavik was an impor­ tant milestone on the journey. Ac­ cording to de Roos, "Up to now, we have only been engaged on an Music for Morons approach run; but that ends here, and our real difficulties are about to By HEATHER CONN peddle-pushers, go go boots, Teen begin." Music don't come easy when magazine makeup, falsies and hard- Despite all these problems, the you're a Moron. Neither does as-rock bouffant hairdos. Williwaw reached Gjoa Haven, on romance. Like the real girl groups, many of King William Island, on August But when you're three female whom were black and dominated by 23rd. De Roos recorded in his log, sonic engineers from the planet white, male producers, the Clichet­ "2105, August 23rd, 1977. More who eagerly seek earth's good tes have an oppressive superior. Williwaw is only the second vessel vibes, you can learn She's Monica, a stern voice over sta­ ever to have penetrated to this point anything . . . even if it kills you. tioned on More, who, like a Big from the Atlantic." Sue weeks after Such is the tale of Half Human, Sister, watches, threatens and con­ he had come aboard, de Garlache Half Heartache at the Vancouver stantly condemns the Clichettes for left to fly to Pond Inlet to take part East Cultural Centre. Three extra­ their im-Moreal behaviour. in an archeological project. terrestrial women decide to doff The show, with its overtly sexual Though he was advised against their antennae and giant ears in dances to songs by Leslie Gore, the continuing by the Canadian order to study earth's sound waves. Shangri-Las and the Charmettes, is coastguard, de Roos pressed on They've been ordered to remain a highly entertaining mockery of alone. On September 4th, he reach­ detached observers but there's only social conditioning and sexual ed a research station on Cape one problem — they know no roles. Three female stereotypes — Bathurst, the most northerly point human habits and their voices the bitch, the bride and the party of continental Canada apart from knock earthlings dead. girl — are all examined with Boothia Peninsula, and eight days So, rather than be silent overseers satirical appraisal. The sequence to later, rounded Point Barrow, the of human behavior, they choose to the Dixie Cups' "Chapel of Love" Hello sailor most northerly point of the U.S. On actively participate in and enjoy it. humors the song's false prophecy By NIGEL F1NDLEY had a fascination for explorers. September 18th he passed Fairway With the help of a critical dating of marital bliss, while inane advice It has often been said that the Many challenged it, and many died Rock, marking the end of Bering guide, Dear Abby, marshmallow is given on bridal yoga and "nuptial days of epic sea journeys are over, in the attempt. Even now, only a Strait and the completion of the Fluff and a stack of record singles, notes." and that the great navigators are a handful of ships have succeeded, North-west Passage. they emerge as a much-loved com­ There are no profound conclu­ vanished breed. Willy de Roos has and only one of these (excluding de North-west Passage recounts de modity — a girl group. sions given that challenge or replace succeeded in proving both these Roos' ship) has ever managed the Roos' successful voyage in great The Clichettes were born. women's traditional roles in socie­ statements false. east-west trip de Roos planned to detail. Interspersed with the factual To communicate, the women ty. The show is a light, superficial Willy de Roos was born in Ant­ attempt. descriptions are insights into the spin 45s invisibly through their treatment of what could provide ah werp in 1923, and spent World War In 1977, de Roos sold out his car thoughts and philosophy of de voice boxes and out come the wail­ effective forum for feminist II as a political prisoner, a business, and on May 21st set out Roos- ing cries of the Shirelles, the Teddy thought. We are invited to laugh at resistance fighter and eventually a from Thuin, Belgium, in his steel- The style of writing seems rather Bears and Brenda Lee. Their lip- and question the silly portrayals, member of the army of liberation. hulled 12-meter ketch, Williwaw, amateurish (which is to be expected, sync act fools everyone and wins but there is no deep demand made After the war he got married and set the same vessel that had taken him since de Roos is a sailor and not a them a global concert tour. They to conquer them. up what later became Belgium's around the world. On June 18th he writer), but this does not detract even get a spot on the Ed Sullivan largest used car wholesale business. arrived at Egedesminde, on the west from the appeal of this book. It show, with the same introduction Yet the finale is an extremely coast of Greenland. Here he was comical attempt to retaliate against Thinking that the war had robbed should also be noted that the book that greeted the Beatles: "And him of much of his youth, de Roos joined by Jean-Louis de Gerlache, a was originally written in French, now, for the youngsters ..." male teenage injustices. While two friend from Belgium who wished to Clichettes choose to stab and kill set about trying to recapture the and was translated by Bruce Pen­ Janice Jladki, Johanna accompany Willy for a while. He themselves over an unrequited love, freedom he felt he was owed. He man. It is hard to know whether Householder and Louise Garfield also encountered another vessel, the the third sings a tearful "I'm tried many different hobbies, but any charges of sylistic inadequacy are superb in humorously evoking Canadian Bernier II under Real Sorry" — while clutching the eventually settled on sailing, and, in should be laid at the door of the the tear-jerking anguish and rage of Bouvier of Montreal. The two ships bloodied dismembered head of her 1972, he started off on a three-year author or the translator. a broken heart. They deliver were to sail together for a while un­ latest dreamboat. circumnavigation of the world of If, as a reader, you prefer graphic dramatically all the struggling signs the world via Cape Horn. til problems forced the Bernier II to and gratuitous sex and violence, of a first crush — eyelash flutters, Although most of the songs fit In 1975 he returned to work, but fall behind, and caused it to end its this book is not for you. If, on the quivering Ups, giggles and blushes. very effectively into the show's was almost immediately struck journey 1000 miles short of Bering other hand, you are interested in an Their wardrobes are right out of written context, at times the con­ again with wanderlust and began Strait, the true western end of the honest, straightforward account by early '60s McCall patterns with tinuity and flow is strained. But the planning a one-man voyage through North-west Passage. one of the last members of a tacky, tight, crinoline-lined prom music offers a great opportunity to the North-west Passage. On the next leg of the Williwaw's vanishing breed, this book will dresses, flouncy baby doll pajamas, shake back into the 1958-65 style The North-west Passage with its journey, storms buffeted the small more than recompense you for the zaudy polka dot bikinis, zippered and sing along. difficulties and dangers has always craft, and on July llth a squall of time you put into it. Friday, January 9,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 7 BY LARRY GREEN loose-tongued acting. But there's lustful reaction. He starts cooly ex­ As Jake Lamotta past his prime, no real heart to it, and no real tracting information about her Robert De Niro plays him reason for us to care by the end from his brother Joey. When he overweight and punched-up looking when we see a washed-up, blimp­ cries for the first time after ducking without artificial flab. like Jake banging his head against a fight, nothing has preceeded this It's effective — in fact it's almost the wall of a prison cell. We're not emotional outburst to let us know brilliant, and he is stunning and even sure how he gets there, or why that there were many emotions daring and overwhelming and all he becomes so anxious. there to start with, and what the rest. But it's also awful. If the It would be ridiculous to deny follows doesn't build on this. flesh were makeup or padding it that Raging Bull is a better film In De Niro's last film role in The might at least have looked funny, a than the previous boxing movie that Deer Hunter he gave a terribly good parody of a jock gone to seed. delighted the public, Rocky. If passive performance that turned the Instead it shocks us to see an actor Rocky was sentimental guff cramm­ film into an enigma at key points. (and not a big man either) bloat ed together into a two hour boxing Here he returns to Scorsese's in­ himself before our eyes. De Niro movie, it had a good pulpy feel, and fluence to give an energetic, tries so hard that he cancels himself the concept was satisfying. Raging challenging portrait. out and all we end up seeing is the Bull is to Rocky for boxers what If all Scorsese seems to have ex­ actor, not a character undergoing Apocalypse Now was to The Deer tracted from Lamotta's ghosted changes. Hunter for Vietnam; as exciting and autobiography was a middle-weight involving as it gets, the heart that championship, a pretty wife, and bogged down its predecessor is enough exclamations of "Fuck!" to Raging Bull chucked away entirely, and in the make Paddy Chayevsky look like Starring Robert De Niro end somehow avoids addressing the St. Francis of Assisi, he also injects At the Vancouver Centre audience's emotional needs, or even his own style at a ruthless pace. being very entertaining. Raging Bull starts out depicting a Nothing is there if Scorsese does dislikeable, nasty boxer but it In the scenes showing Jake's not want the audience to see it, and doesn't develop. The gulf is paved younger days, De Niro delivers his if it's important enough it's pointed over with Martin Scorsese's con­ lines like Marlon Brando in On the out in heavily cinematic terms. siderable technique and some good, Waterfront, and is similar to the Places and times are set with titles way James Caan played the dumb, like in a TV documentary. A crucial sexual, exciteable number one son event is shown full-length on the in the Godfather films. screen like a newspaper headline, Here De Niro's scrappiness and which cuts to De Niro throwing the profanity do not change so he self- newspaper on a table leaving the destructs. As Rocky, Sylvester headline clearly visible. Stallone could look magnetic one Couldn't these things have come moment and creepily child-like the out in conversation, in comments next. Maybe Stallone's changeabili­ by the ringside radio commen­ ty wouldn't have worked here for tators, in casually displayed Real flab... De Niro but at least it might have newspaper headlines seen on a provided a link for the audience, table? It would have made for bet­ something that would allow the ter narrative flow and given the ac­ viewer to get into the character's tors something to say or talk about problems with him, despite the besides Jake's problems. boorishness and stupidity. Fight fans are in for a disappoint­ When he sees his future wife ment; the boxing scenes are exciting but no heart Vickie for the first time there's no but don't last long. The camera hangdog look or even a shot of concentrates more on slow-motion

STUDENT SPECIAL FOR THEATRE INFORMATION CALL 687-1515 Dialogues on 1 KAGEMUSHA • 20% OFF Development ® CUSO THE SHADOW WARRIOR (MATU»Q For Complete Hair Styling Thursday, January 15th, 1981 Warning: Occasional violence. —B.C. Director. 918 GRANVILLE Showtime*: 3:00 5:56 8:46 (Japanese — English subtitles) HOSEIN "Imperialism and Colonization" 685-5434 HAIRCUTS Part 1 of a nine-part series on some issues of GENE WILDER RICHARD PRYOR 3144 W. Broadway development which will include speakers, films /S7MS»V Warning: Frequent coarse language and Open 9-6 Tues. to Sat. swearing, occasional nudity. and discussion groups. -B.C. Director No appointment necessary CORONET 1 FEE—$1.00 per session Showtimes: 1:60 3:50 5:80 7:56 10:00 851 GRANVILLE Film: "This Bloody Blundering Business of 685 6828 Empire". Speaker: Dr. Fritz Lehmann. International House Upper Lounge — 7:30 p.m. Vancouver's First California Style

DELI RESTAURANT Warning: odeoN LCEEOccasionaDl coars e language S81 GRANVILLE Deli style home cooked food and swearing. -B.C. Director 682-7468 OUjTiMES Live Music —Fully Licenced CAREER PLANNING Just' duNDAR I DROAdWAV 2 Showtimes: Odeon 2:16 4-6 8-10 | DUNBAR at 30th 70 7 W BROADWAY Dunbar, Broadway 7:30 9:30 served 2050 Alma Rd. 224-1122 FOR WOMEN 224-7252 8741927 theatre. Loca DOLLY PARTON • JANE FONDA East Ci IMAGINATION STAGE II: Writing Resumes Warning: Occasional coarsa languaga. — B.C. Director. ficially MACHINE A four session workshop will help you prepare an To Ha\ effective resume and write a good covering letter. DARK Showtimes: 7:30 9:40 Woody :AMBIE at 18th Since 876-2747 EastCii DATES:Thursdays (Jan. 22 - Feb. 12, the are: 1981) <££ESS) TERESA THE THIEF Equi] Warning: Some coarse language; occasional nudity. —B.C. Director large si TIME: 12:30 - 2:20 p.m. Directed by Carlo Di Palma with Monica Vitti cinemas VARSITY The Rii •9K RAM, UK ROM PLACE:Brock 363 (Subtitled) theatre •SOUND SYNTHESIZER 224-3730 Showtimes: 7:30 9:30 • BUILT IN CASSETTE DECK 'REGISTER BY JANUARY 16 IN BROCK 203 4375 W. 10th The^ •PROGRAMMABLE IN BASIC GROUP SIZE LIMITED NEIL LAURENCE the "Ri ORDER DIRECT B %^^s^fcSwa>ssP se>ay DIAMOND OLIVIER vices fo Vancou 00 WOMEN Showtimes: 7:15 9:20 TRtH $769 about tl WHOLESALE REP. STUDENTS' OFFICE DROAdwAyl a comm Sundown Engineering |70 7 W BROADWAY East Cii Box 1780, St. Paul Enquiries: 228-2415 874-1927 The I Alberta T0A 3A0 progran any fin< Page 8 THE UBYSSEY Friday, Janu IN REVIEW /

or panning to point out the impor­ character, and she hits the right tant bits for us, combined with note every time. lyrical spew of blood and pieces of Unlike De Niro, Joe Pesci, as the face. brother, does not look like a The Lamotta brothers don't have Method actor. He seems to be in­ any other extended family with stinctive, tuned away from fabrica­ Popeye lacks punch whom they can interact. Half the tion and into an easy, natural film seems to revolve around Jake's delivery. His Joey is the only B> LORI THICKE Swee'pea's arrival on the scene the conscious," the line is right out of suspicion of Vickie's adultery, but character who seems to have any Popeye was heralded as a winner movie becomes too cute for its own Mork and Mindy. there's no proof of it. So he beats street-smarts, odd for a movie long before the studios released it, good. Played by Altman's real-life It's difficult to find any flaw in her and he asks dumb questions and about street-smart people. But he when the finished product was as grandson, Wesley Ivan Hurt, Shelley Duval's portrayal of Olive he beats other people. has almost no funny lines, except closely guarded a secret as Ronald Swee'pea, a little tyke w|th a knack Oyl. She brings the gawky, nervous It's possible to admire the way for a few choice obscenities, and Reagan's true haircolor. for calling horse races, adopts cartoon character to life in an ex­ Scorsese and his writers, Mardik although he's not as empty as Jake With maverick director Robert Popeye as his "mudder" — which pert, convincing performance. Martin and Paul Schrader, have it's a deprivation not to hear this Altman at the helm, a screenplay by leaves Olive Oyl to be the Duval is the living embodiment of stripped this biography down to its character say anything amusing and Jules Feiffer, the intriguing Shelley "ladder". the cartoon Olive: she looks, acts essentials. Nothing deviates or give the movie some relief or Duval as Olive Oyl, and In spite of a full cast of ex­ and talks like the awkward heroine meanders in this picture, and balance. To watch Pesci is not to Hollywood's most brilliant im- travagant characters Swee'pea of old Popeye cartoons. sverything, from the long, see wheels turning or anxiety provisational actor-comedian, steals the scenes and Altman in­ Popeye is billed as a musical, monosyllabic scenes to the short, building. Robin Williams, in the title rote, dulges the audiences who can't get with a score by Harry Nilsson and a powerful boxing sequences, seems The lines rush swiftly ahead, and how could it lose? enoughof a cute baby . W« see more trio of choreographers; Although to be there by design. at times he holds the whole movie Or so the thinking went. than enough of Swee'pea's cherub he wrote thirteen songs for the Scorsese has a special thing about together when Jake becomes too face in this film, to the detriment of movie, Nilsson's contribution is photographers, and even as the mo­ dumb and unsympathetic. In his Popeye the finished product. easy to overlook. With one or two tion slows down and violin music last major scene he and De Niro Directed by Robert Altitun exceptions, his music in this film is Undoubtedly the high point of unremarkable. - swells over the heavy silence, a flash have an argument about Vickie's Playing at the Capitol 6 Popeye is the brilliant recreations pops off somewhere, recording suspected adultery. Jake is so Popeye testifies to the fact that on the large screen of the original tbe whole is not always greater than Jake's image forever. This is a calculating and empty over such a Popeye is a finely crafted, enter­ Max Fleischer cartoon characters. somewhat symbolic parallel to the stupid idea that Joe talks him down taining movie with one major flaw: the sum of its parts. In spite of role what Scorsese sees himself and walks away with the scene. in trying to capture the adult as well Williams' portrayal of Popeye generally superior acting, fine direc­ playing, as he gets to the essence of Since this scene is a turning point as the juvenile audience, it loses its recreates uncannily the original tion and a versatile screenplay? a man sweating and bloodied in the for the rest of the movie, it is appeal to both. Popeye, although at times if seems Popeye doesn't succeed as well as it ring. thrown out of balance as Pesci has For children it is a wild slapstick that Mork from Ork is playing could have if it had been aimed at a Scorsese is trying to outrun us. nothing major left to do. farce that will delight them even P^p. ind Have Not will grace the screen, followed on Wednesday by two over Olive is really a class struggle len favorites, Sleeper and Bananas. between the proletariat (represented lema on the east side is dominated by ethnic theatres, the Vancouver by Popeye) and the ruling class ia will be the only theatre regularly screening English-language films in (symbolised by the tyrannical Bluto and the mysterious Commodore). d with an optimum of cinematic comforts and delights, including a Just in case we miss this connec­ screen comparable to Famous Players and Odeon Theatre's best tion Altman provides us with a »e Vancouver East Cinema will be run like another popular film house, scene in which Popeye dumps the . There are also plans to install equipment for Dolby sound if the over-zealous Tax Man (Donald ches with the moviegoing public. Moffat) into the drink to the cheers icouver East Cinema is owned by Patel Bros., but will be managed by of aH the oppressed citizens. ! Theatre people". Although the Ridge was unable to provide full ser- This, however, is just a diversion, ther theatres in B.C. requesting help from the local revival house, the and from the moment of East Cinema proved to be a different ball game. "We felt differently POPEYE . . . overthrows the ruling class /.E.C. and after seeing it and falling in love with it we decided to make lent to get involved in its formation and operation," states Vancouver la's first program guide, which was put together by the Ridge, je will continue to select films for the Vancouver East Cinema, create aides, and provide a "Ridge Atmosphere". The Ridge does not have ia! shares in the new theatre. 9,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 9 Beckett and Weaver fans won't be disappointed By ARNE HERMANN managed to captivate her audience Samuel Beckett's classic tragi­ with her perfect interpretation of comedy Happy Days has return­ Beckett's character. Gilbert was a ed to Vancouver for a short run at member of the Weavers, the inter­ the Waterfront Theatre. The show national folk group which toured features the distinguished Ronnie internationally from 1947 to 1964. Gilbert as the relentlessly optimistic Last month the Weavers re­ Winnie, and is, in short, great. united for two sold out perfor­ Presented by Tamahnous mances at New York's Carnegie Theatre, the production uses the Hall. Her list of credits is im­ absolute minimum in the way of pressive. props. This stark simplicity in stagecraft heightens the effec­ Gilbert was extremely quick in tiveness of Winnie's two hour sizing up her audience, and though monologue, which is only inter­ the first five minutes were a little rupted by the occasional groan or rough, the rest of the play went strained phrase from her husband smoothly. Willy (Glen Thomson). Although Winnie is sinking into The curtain opens and reveals the the earth, she is extremely op­ sparse stage, which is likely to be a timistic about what the future slight disappointment, at first, for holds. She has acquired a daily some. A buxom woman whom we routine and tries to adhere rigidly to soon find out is Winnie, is buried it, although she doesn't always suc­ up to her bosom in "scorched ceed. Her husband, Willy, is not GILBERT . . . optimistic despite a sinking feeling earth," and remains so throughout quite so optimistic, and does not do the first act (in the second act she is much more than sleep and read the ly, the resigned husband, was as The final scene is very powerful, This remains with you even as you buried up to her neck). same yellowed newspaper, from perfect as his costume. Never at any and is probably the most dramatic file out of the theatre. As said, the play is in essence a which he would quote an occasional time was there even a trace of him as well. Both actors are present in When the curtain drew shut, monologue, and one would expect "young boy wanted" advertise­ trying to upstage Gilbert. There was it, and their interaction results in there was much heartwarming ap­ two hours of this to become boring. ment. a sort of harmony between the two, our experiencing an epiphany of plause. It was evident that the au­ This is definitely not the case with Credit must also be given to and this was another factor con­ sorts: we are given a final and dience loved the show; they gave Happy Days. In fact, Gilbert Thompson, whose portrayal of Wil- tributing to the show's success. lasting insight into their situation. Gilbert two encores.

factory worker who lifts a billowing choice of subject. Another west sheet of cellophane. The same shot coast film maker, Al Razutis, writes is then subjected to what seems to Rimmer has varying success be a full range of permutations, that Neil "has been virtually an in­ stitution in West Coast art By JAMES YOUNG Among the most effective is the tremely expressive body language reappearing in negative form, high and low contrast, color, and A retrospective look at indepen­ 13 minute color Real Italian Pizza through slow motion, repetition, mythology." Neil's doll (1971) which Rimmer filmed from and the choice of a funky blues ultimately, in a process of assemblages, his phase music, his dent Vancouver film maker David disintegration. Don Druick's Rimmer's work shows the strong his fourth floor apartment in New soundtrack. In contrast to the account of how he borrows $2 from York City. Over the implied time youths are the passers-by, (good soundtrack initially adds the con­ influence of the 1960s movement notation of violence (through noises his sister during his mother's that rejected the conventions of span of a year, Rimmer documents New Yorkers, all) who move relentlessly forward aided by Rim- suggestive of war), then reinforces funeral all attest to the unconven- commercial cinema. the final process of disintegration Rimmer's films have their origins David Rimmer Retrospective mer's compression of time. Against tionality of the man, but little else. at the Vancouver Art Gallery these two background groups, the (through the sound of thunderous For example, comparing Rimmer's in the late 1960s movement which waves). Combining visuals and encouraged an investigation of film until January 11. scene is punctuated by several representation of Al Neil with the dramatic episodes such as the ar­ soundtrack, Variation may be NFB's more cinematically conven­ for its formal qualities and potential understood as a critique of the as a highly personalized means of the various activities which take rival of the police, a fire truck and a tional, rather sentimental documen­ place in front of a local pizza snowfall. destructive monotony of factory tary of Margaret Lawrence, it is expression. work. Viewed as experiments with the parlor. A second success is the eight and Laurence who emerges as the more medium itself, this retrospective of A number of black youths hang one-half minute Variations on a Rimmer's longest film, his Por­ engaging personality, someone who Rimmer films from 1969 to 1980 out there, dancing, joking among Cellophane Wrapper (1970). Here, trait of Al Neil (1979, color, 40 thinks and speaks clearly, who has a shows his widely varying degrees of themselves, and stopping passers- Rimmer beins by using a stock minutes) is problematic at best little strength and insight available success. by. Attention is called to their ex­ black and white shot of a woman perhaps simply by virtue of its to share with others. Meet the Mercury Lynx GL Winners^ in die Long Distance Sweepstakes. Sylvie Venable College de Jolierte igratulations to Gthese three students on having won a brand new Mercury Lynx GL We hope they have many years of enjoyable driving. And thanks to the thousands of other students who participated.

Jeff Levitt University of Toronto

Long Distance TransCanada Telephone System

E Page 10 THE UBYSSEY Friday, January 9,1981 m NEWS FROM ACROSS THE CAMPUS nominations were even open came in Thurs­ urated this week by UBC information ser­ cellations at least three weeks ago, but only Deadline Shaky day's Ubyssey. vices. let the committee know this week. Boyd said the elections committee was UBC Reports, formerly a four-page broad­ Brooks was unavailable for comment. fouled up by constitutional changes which sheet, is now publishing as a tabloid similar For AMS Election had not been clarified to them. to the format of The Ubyssey. Using bond paper rather than inexpensive newsprint and Fee Committee featuring a logo designed with outside help, Of Executives Bars To Close the administration information paper is now The Alma Mater Society elections commit­ asking for volunteers from the UBC com­ 'Hindered By Hacks' tee will probably meet next week to decide Earlier Than Before munity to help out by providing story ideas Student politicians appear quite uninter­ the deadline for executive elections, but no and information. ested in the student council standing com­ Bars at SUB beer gardens and parties must one seems quite sure if that is actually the The new UBC information services tabloid mittee on tuition fees and financial aid, but case. now close by 11:30 p.m. contains no advertising and will be wholly students themselves are keeping the com­ "We've got to meet soon, the elections are Formerly bars could open until mid­ paid for out of the university budget. And mittee alive. coming up fast," said committee member night, but student council decided to change you thought your fees were being wasted. Committee chair Maureen Boyd said Shayne Boyd Thursday. that policy at its Wednesday night meeting. Thursday she could care less whether or not Boyd said until Wednesday's student coun­ council members showed up at committee cil meeting he was not even aware the com­ Groups that wish to keep a bar open later Bundolo Bungle meetings. mittee was mandated to decide nomination than 11:30 may make a special request to the "We manage quite well without them," deadlines. student administrative commission. Blamed On Brooks she said. "In fact, they hinder us." "We had understood the dates were al­ Council agreed that supplies from the Pit Concerts committee is upset it was not But the Alma Mater Society code and by­ ready set. It came as a complete surprise to must be returned by 12:15 a.m., and that Pit given advance warning that Dr. Bundolo can­ laws state that for a standing committee to me it was up to us," he said. staff are not available to help return supplies. celled almost 75 per cent of its bookings for achieve quorum, it must have two council "I wish somebody had told us. It should the SUB ballroom. members attend. There are only two council­ have been done before Christmas." The committee does not have enough time lors on the committee, and they both say they Boyd said the committee, if it does not UBC Reports to book concerts or dances for the month of have trouble attending all the meetings. meet Monday, will likely decide not to hold January, so it is possible the ballroom will re­ Nigel Brownlow, one of the councillors on executive elections until the last day of Jan­ main empty during prime times, committee the committee, asked other council members uary. That way, nomination deadlines won't Follows Tab Fad member Pete Mitchell said Thursday. Wednesday to at least attend some of the have to close until Jan. 23 or Jan. 26. Students who want visible evidence of "The cancellations have screwed up a lot committee meetings. No one volunteered. Boyd told council Wednesday night nom­ where their fees are going following the re­ of groups," he said. This does not bother Boyd. inations would probably close next week. cent 13 per cent tuition fee increase can feast He said Alma Mater Society administra­ "We could care less about their petty The first announcement that executive their eyes on the new publicity tabloid inaug­ tion director Craig Brooks knew of the can­ games. We'll forge ahead without them." School texts lopsided WILL YOU BE READY From Page 3 The overall situation at university at random. The students the for the Is it any wonder girls experience is no better. Male dominance is as teachers believed would excel, did, feelings of inferiority when institutionalized here as it is in fact, perform much better than presented in such a negative light? elsewhere in the school system. the other students. English 100 In a study of California tex­ Not only are there fewer female However, the school system, for tbooks by Marjorie U'ren, it was faculty members; the ones who all its biases and inequities, cannot discovered that less than 15 per cent have made it this far tend to be be held entirely responsible for this Composition Exam? of the illustrations included women clustered at the bottom of the facul­ dismal state of affairs. The institu­ and girls, and even fewer females ty ladder as assistant and associate tion of education is no more than „ on the important illustrations like professors. the socializing tool of society and as r book covers. Even in crowd scenes, By the time they reach university such merely reflects sexism (not to in a gross distortion of real life, the sexes have been successfully mention racism and elitism) built ! English Composition! females were outnumbered by pigeon-holed into opposite spheres. into society. Schools function to males. Female students tend to gravitate maintain hierarchies, to keep dom­ Even math textbooks present a toward the humanities while there inant groups dominant. Workshops lopsided view of the sexes. is still a preponderance of men in Universities, the seats of higher Mathematical problems involving the math and science departments. knowledge, should be exempt from i j boys depict them in a variety of ac­ The effect of teacher expectations the prejudices of the general tivities such as building things, driv­ is graphically illustrated in a study populace, but they're not. The peo­ Register Now ing cars and earning money while in which teachers were told to ex­ ple who have made it to university, problems centred on girls present pect a marked increase in the either as students or faculty, have UBC Reading, Writing and Study Skills Centre them cooking, sewing and shopping academic achievement of certain made it by going through the for food. students who were actually chosen system, and it shows. 228-6811 History texts suffer from the same tunnel vision. Women are almost entirely omitted from the pages of history texts which con­ centrate on areas in which males ex­ HELP YOURSELF cel (like wars), and downgrade WOMEN feminine achievements. would you like to become The same sexual bias is evident in Free Workshops to Enhance English texts; women are too often MORE ASSERTIVE? absent. The Norton Anthology, to Academic and Personal Skills name just one example, contains —Learn to express yourself directly and without apology the work of only six female authors —Overcome your own obstacles to assertive behaviour while the stories of 169 male 1. Study Skills: —Practice through role-playing and discussion with other authors are included. Four one-hour sessions to develop efficient study women At the university level social methods. science texts tend to reflect a masculine bias. Social scientists 2. Personal Growth: JOIN AN ASSERTIVE TRAINING GROUP: have the odd habit of conducting their experimentation on white A small group workshop to help define personal GROUP I (Tuesdays) males and making generalizations goals, set plans to reach them and practice new about the entire population. It is behaviours with the support of other interested per­ TIME: 12:30 - 2:20 p.m. not uncommon to see the results of sons. DATES: January 20 - February 17, 1981 parallel studies on women added as a postscript, an exception to some 3. Job Search Techniques: PLACE: Brock 363 universal law of behavior. Four one-hour sessions to provide students with in­ The problems of boys and girls who see themselves portrayed in formation and skills for seeking employment. GROUP II (Wednesdays) texts in highly rigid sex roles are 4. Time Management: compounded by unconsciously sex­ TIME: 11:30 - 1:20 p.m. ist teachers and counsellors. When Single session workshops focussing on the effec­ DATES: January 21 - February 18, 1981 junior high school teachers were tive planning and use of time. asked to describe good female PLACE: Brock 362 students in a recent study, they used 5. Career Exploration: the adjectives "appreciative," Five two-hour sessions in which participants will ac­ REGISTER BY JANUARY 16 IN BROCK 203 "calm," and "conscientious." tively explore the process of career-decision mak­ "Active," "adventurous" and Group size limited "aggressive" were words used to ing. describe ideal male students. Most workshops commence the week of January 19. WOMEN Furthermore there is evidence Sign up now since enrollment is limited. high school counsellors tend to en­ STUDENTS' OFFICE courage "appropriate" career Student Counselling and Resources Centre choices for male and female stu­ dents rather than encouraging in­ Ponderosa Annex "F" Enquiries: 228-2415 dividuals to discover their own potential. Friday, January 9,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 11 It only hurts. •. Letters

You can only laugh at student council incompetence for so long. So they clumsily keep missing quorum at their meetings. Ha, ha. So they accidentally discover, after slashing budgets left and right, they Don't overreact either have a $200,000 surplus. Hilarious. I would like to respond to the let­ causing the alarm to be triggered ing as it was quite obvious that So they accidentally endorse the founding conference for a Marxist- ter that was written by Alex Zbar again. there was no fire. Leninist front group and have to send an angry letter to the M-L because which appeared in The Ubyssey I'm not suggesting we should re­ It is encouraging to know that they'd been fooled. Tee hee. Nov. 18. main in buildings when fire alarms there are people like Alex Zbar who So they've prevented some major speakers from coming to UBC by In his letter Alex criticizes indi­ are sounded. Like Alex, I feel we are concerned with safety and ac­ forgetting to sign checks. Hysterical. viduals who do not move out of a should pay attention, be alert, and tions of others in dangerous situa­ So this list could go for ever. They're just amateurs trying their best. Ha building when a fire alarm goes off. act accordingly. What I would also tions. I commend you also for tak­ ha. He reports that on Friday, Nov. 14 suggest is that in addition to these ing the time to write about events But now student council incompetency is directly endangering your at 9:45 a.m. the fire alarm went off things we should use common you feel should be reported. right to democracy. That's not funny. in the computing centre. This event, sense. One closing word of advice: if According to Shayne Boyd, a member of the Alma Mater Society elec­ he writes, caused him great concern In other words, while we you should ever aspire to reporting tions committee the problems of elections for the AMS executive has because two UBC painters who shouldn't underreact in safety situa­ or journalism I would suggest that always been dealt with by the constitution. But now the constitution has were having a coffee break did not tions, at the same time we shouldn't you get all the facts and report all changed, and the committee is in a fluster. move from their chairs and contin­ overreact. I have been in buildings the facts. Do this especially when Unaware that it was responsible for setting nomination deadlines or the ued having their coffee. on previous occasions (example — you are recommending that specific date of the elections, the committee has not met once this term. Now it Alex might be interested to know the music building) where there reprimands be imposed on others. suddenly realizes it has to organize an election by the end of January. that in addition to the alarm that he were fire alarms repeatedly sound­ Reporting all the facts will not Oops. reported, a previous fire alarm had ing every half hour for the same only help you become a better re­ Taking the situation with calm composure, committee members think sounded. This one occurred a half reason — some malfunction in the porter, it could save you personal they might meet Monday. Or at least some time next week. Maybe. Then an hour earlier, at approximately 9 alarm system. To have vacated the embarrassment as well. again, nominations don't necessarily have to close for another two weeks. a.m. At this time we left the build­ building every half hour on this oc­ Joe Carter Meanwhile, AMS vice-president Marlea Haugen, the person in charge of ing and went outside along with all casion would have been overreact­ physical plant paint shop informing students that nominations are open, released the information for the others. Shortly after the fire de­ the first time Thursday. partment arrived, the alarm stop­ And why hasn't Bruce Armstrong, the whiz-kid behind the new con­ ped ringing. Onononononononononono stitution, taken the time to explain to anyone the ramifications of his After speaking to some of the changes? He has communicated to no one the new, improved role of the firemen it was our understanding John Lennon, a great man, was overlong in idle pursuits and ex­ elections committee. that there was no fire. Rather, it murdered on the evening of Dec. tended reveries. We realize you have had almost no time to think about the proposition, was a malfunction triggering the 8th. He was one of the most in­ Those who possess weak and but we urge you to consider running if you think you can do a better job alarm. We all returned to the build­ fluential men of the 20th century. mean characters are spreading their ing and continued with our activ­ designs throughout our culture. than the jokers currently in power. How can it be that in our society ities. We, my friends, are in a fight for It wouldn't be hard. the noble individual is constantly our survival. The quality of human This is the reason that when the the object of both direct and in­ life and culture must be increased at fire alarm sounded again, a half an direct acts of aggression? hour later, we did not leave the any cost. building. It was obvious that the We quiet and peaceful men and Richard Wozny malfunction hadn't been found, women have perhaps tarried arts grad ANTHQOPOLoGY All nations unite now Many people support the United from other nations. Even a reduc­ ment under constitutional law with Nations hoping thus to better the tion of armaments is a very "chan­ an international police force LES50N*28 world. My contention is that they cy" thing. Remember the agree­ capable of protecting the nations, must now begin to prepare for the ment not to use poison gas in World large and small, as they completely next step which is a world govern­ War I? It worked only until the disarm. Since such a police force ment under constitutional law, crunch came. would cost so little compared with agreed to by all nations, with a the present armies of the world, world court to which all interna­ Furthermore, when we, as think of the money saved for wor­ tional problems must be taken, and pacifists, ask our nation to disarm, thwhile purposes. whose edicts can be enforced by an or limit armaments, are we being international police force. This the fair to all the non-pacifists (who Greed and lust for power may yet United Nations cannot do, not be­ have an equal right to their belief) embroil the world in a terrible arm­ HOMO ERECTUS, MAY 12,

'Tween classes SUBFILMS presents: Jan. 8-11 TODAY Badminton, volleyball, basketball, 10:30 s.m. MU8IC DEPARTMENT gym B, Winter Sports Csntrs. BALLET CLUB Barry S. Brook, musicologist at City University B.C. PIRQ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Class registration, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., SUB of New York, speaks on styte and authenticity in Workshop day, 10:30 s.m., SUB 207/209. 18th century music, noon. Music Building 113. concourse. SPORTS CAR CLUB AM8 WOMEN'S COMMITTEE TROTSKYIST LEAGUE Auto slalom, registration opsns st 9 s.m. Racing General meeting, noon, SUB 130. Marxist literature and discussion, 11:30 a.m. to starts 11 s.m., rain or shine, B-lot. WSO 1:30 p.m., SUB concourse. Free film series: The Long Search, noon, SUB LE CLUB FRANCAIS auditorium. General meeting, noon. International House MONDAY SPORTSCAR CLUB lounge. HUMAN SETTLEMENTS VIEWING CENTRE General meeting and lecture on use of engine DEBATING SOCIETY Economics series: The Limits to Growth, a com­ analyzer, 7 p.m., SUB 215. General meeting, noon, SUB 215. puter model examines the qualrty-of-IWe factors, UBC DANCE CLUB noon. Library Processing 306. WEDNESDAY Banquet tickets available at noon hour practices. WUSC GAY PEOPLE OF UBC Film: Dependency by Design, compares under­ STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT Thurs, Sun 7:00 Fri, Sat 7:00 & 9:30 Quaker worship, noon, SUB 213. Planning meeting, noon, SUB 115. development in Peru with underdevelopment in SUB Auditorium $1.00 W/AMS card ISPC the Maritimes, noon, Buch. 206. THURSDAY Disco dance, free admission, full facilities, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., International House upper lounge. TUESDAY ISMAILI STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION TROTSKYIST LEAGUE Lecture on reincarnstion by Dr. Hsssam, noon, SUNDAY Marxist literature and discussion, 11:30 a.m. to SUB 215. ISMAILI STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION 1:X p.m., SUB concourse. IVCF Soccer snd floor hockey. 8:30 s.m. gym F- UBC SOCIAL CREDIT CLUB Apocalypse now? Paul Stevens speaks, noon, WOMEN General meeting, noon, SUB 224. Chem. 250. Winter Sports Centre. do you experience TEST ANXIETY? — Do you panic before, and during tests, even when Hot flashes you're well-prepared? — Do you experience severe headaches, nausea, or Concourse of SUB will be really course, the Trotskyist League Club insomnia before exams? Dance the hoppin' today, when the UBC Bal­ will have Marxist literature and Ask about the let Club and the Trotskyist League discussion, also starting at 11:30 SELF-MANAGEMENT revolution Club set up their tables. a.m. Talk to Miriam McPherson at Pas de deux, pamphlets, Trotsky, 733-1472 for details. OF TEST ANXIETY GROUP tutus, registration, revolution, Karl The Ballet Club will hold registra­ Six 2-Hour Sessions will help you to: Marx and Karen Kain, in the main, tion for classes in the Main Con­ —relax yourself in times of stress the main, the main, the maiRRipl course from 11:30a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Get in gear —identify factors contributing to your test anxiety Sorry, the record got stuck. These Contact L. Panych at 683-5073 for Chuggachuggachugga . . . — keep anxious thoughts from interfering with cheap Hot Flash discs, they're more information. vroom vrooml So ya wanna racel concentration. paper thin. . . Anyway, the Main Also in the SUB Main Con- The Sports Car Club is holding their TIME: Thursdays, 12:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m. first slalom of the year on Sunday in DATES: January 22 - March 5 B-lot. Contact Jim Hargrove at »!"»• PLACE: Women Studens' Lounge, Room 223, Brock Hall 271-5056 for details. REGISTER: By Friday, January 16, Room 203, Brock Birdwatch Registration starts at 9 a.m. and j races begin at 11 a.m. Hall. ,M/M„tI cUB C athletic teams resume their teams host the UBC Invitational GROUP SIZE LIMITED Canada West league play this Volleyball Tournament this Friday weekend with games both at and Saturday. The tournament Staph count WOMEN STUDENTS' OFFICE home and away. starts at 6 p.m. on Friday and con­ Now that the finest rag West of The Thunderbird hockey team tinues all day on Saturday. Blanca has competition (check out Enquiries: 228-2415 plays host to the University of * * * the new, improved UBC Reports), Calgary Dinosaurs for games to be The men and women basketball The Ubyssey staff is holding an played this Friday and Saturday. teams are on the road this emergency meeting to discuss bat­ The 'Birds are currently two and six weekend. Both teams will be tle tactics. in league play while Calgary, who is travelling to Calgary to take on the The agenda includes The THE CLASSIFIEDS ranked sixth nationally, has a five University of Calgary Dinosaurs and Ubyssey's submission to the Kent and three record. Dinettes. The women are zero and commission, the new national RATES: Campus — 3 lines, 1 day 91.50; additional tines, 36c. Game time both nights is 8 p.m. six in league play so far this season advertising co-op, autonomy, and Commercial — 3 lines, 1 day $3.30; additional lines at the Thunderbird Winter Sports and are looking for their first win on many more all-important topics to 50c. Additional days $3.00 and 46c. Centre. the road trip. The Thunderbirds are which all staffers want to con­ Classified ads are not accepted by telephone and are payable in # # # currently tied for first place with a tribute. Right? advance. Deadline is 11:00 a.m. the day before publication. The men and women volleyball three and one record. So be there. Publications Office, Room 241, S.U.B., UBC, Van., B.C. V6T2A5 m» 5 — Coming Events 20 — Housing GRADUATE STUDENTS: FREESEE: The Long Search Series starting AVAILABLE ROOM in co-op house $100 Jan. 13, every Tues. 12:30 p.m. Sub Aud. per month 324-9551 Free Film Series. 25 — Instruction MARDI GRAS '81 January 24, Sat. Games Nite. Tickets available at AMS ticket koffice BEGINNER BAND PLAYERS $5.00. Here's your chance to learn how to play a band instrument(s) sponsored We're looking by Burnaby Concert Band, Burnaby School Board. Come Monday. Jan. STARTS MONDAY 12.1981 at 6:00 p.m. Burnaby Central Improve Your Study High, 4939 Canada Way or Phone Dallas Hinton 266-8123 or Harry forthe Habits Through Demchuk 526-5079. SELF HYPNOSIS 30 - Jobs

Professionally Guided Ph.D GIRL FRIDAY? Willing to do some lux­ greatest energy source FEE: $35 for any 3 or 4 urious local travelling? Type business letters? Experience unnecessary. Send Mondays 6:15-7:30 p.m. details to Box 30. THE UBYSSEY. Room 241 S.U.B. starting Jan 12, 19 or 26 Blue Room, Arts 1 Bldg. 35 — Lost in the world: BROWN CLOTH PENCIL BAG. Lost early U.B.C. Campus December in Angus? Sentimental value. Arle 228-8541. 40 — Messages BALLET - JAZZ DINA I am looking for you. Please phone Human Potential. 321-4586 after 6 pm George Chan. UBC Ballet Club Spring Term We want people with initiative, energy and the ability to Jan. 12 - Mar. 29 60 — Rides manage responsibility. People with imagination and drive. NEED RIDE from Boundary/49th Ave. At Bank of Montreal, good opportunities grow in proportion PROGRAMME: Must arrive U.B.C. before 8 a.m. Will pay. Phone 438-6017 Evenings. to your ambition, leadership potential and personal development. • Ballet in 4 levels And you will be challenged by decision-making situations (including beginners) 86 — Typing every day. • Men's Ballet PROFESSIONAL TYPING. English, French, German, by Executive Secretary. Probably the If Bank of Montreal sounds like it may suit your style, come • Jazz fastest, cleanest, most professional-looking and talk to us. • Modern work availablel Call 926-7258 for info. We'll be visiting your campus in the next few weeks. • Improvisation workshop TYPING SERVICES for theses, correspon­ • exercise classes dence, etc. Any field. French also available. Contact your Placement Officer for details of the date and I.B.M. selectric. Call 736-4042. times. COST: TYPING IBM SELECTRIC $1.00 per page. We'll be looking for you. Fast, accurate, experienced typist. Phone: 873-8032 (10:00 am-10:00 pm) We are an equal opportunity employer. $25 for the 11 week term (plus $5 registration for new members) EXPERT TYPING; essays, term papers, factums, $.85 per page. These, manuscripts, letters, resumes $.85+ per The First Canadian Bank REGISTRATION: page. Fast, accurate. 731-9857. Thurs. & Fri. Jan. 8,9 90 - Wanted

11:30-1:30 at the PART TIME positions open at new restaurant Ballet Club table in the located at 1282 Robson. We need Bank of Montreal SUB Concourse (main floor) waiter/ess, bus help, hostesses, and cooks. Apply in person Sat. Jan. 10, Mon. Jan. 12 10-4 p.m.

Page 14 THE U BYSSEY Friday, January 9,1961 {vista

Another term, yet another dron­ B.C., which has invited UBC prof and in 1980, he was (get breathless CAMPUS ing Vista column. Not that previous Caroline Williams to speak on here) a finalist in the DuMaurier columnists haven't had good inten­ Travels in Roman Syria at 8 p.m. Talent Show and made a well re­ ElCYCLPS tions at the fore, for they have in­ Wednesday, at the Centennial Mu­ ceived appearance on the Variety deed. The problem exists in that no seum, 1100 Chestnut St. Club Telethon." There's a cover * Same day service on small repairs QUALITY one has ever rationalized the mere • Rumbles! (For political lefties charge so call the Holiday Inn Har- — in by 10 out by 6. existence of this space and its pace. and other abnormal people), which bourside for info. Those who know what they want is an off-beat new publication from • Simon Fraser's Centre for the * 24 hour service on most other repairs. in life do quite well without Vista, our fair burg and is available at po­ Arts, which is opening its tenth sea­ having already fallen in with a litically correct bookstores like Oc­ son with Musical Manuscripts, an IN U.B.C. VILLAGE crowd of like-minded sheepthinkers topus Books. (Hey Dave and Mar­ exhibition of illustrated manu­ 5706 University Blvd. 224-0611 and requiring no further commands ian, how's that for a plug? Can we scripts by 20th century composers. . . . er . . . direction. They know keep the mag now?) See notations by a variety of com­ where to go to find what they want. • Theatre Acoustica, 4607 West posers, including the Beatles, Leo­ Then there are those people, free 10th Ave., which is presenting a nard Bernstein, Yoko Ono, Igor in spirit if not usually mind, who Sunday evening concert series, fea­ Stravinsky, et al. The show closes glance at this column for even more turing a variety of musical styles by on the 30th. There's no admission NAVAL RESERVE listings of events, which they can local musicians in an informal, inti­ charge. For times call Catherine, mull casually in their minds for mate setting. For more bon mots in the gallery assistant, at 291-4266. 4 Months Summer Employment weeks at a time and then, with all the form of info, call 228-8590. Part Time Winter Employment the self-confidence of a professor (Thanx for the personal note Shari. who has spent the better part of a Happy holidays to you and yours Adventures At Sea lifetime before committing them­ too.) LSAT Undergraduates are eligible for a program of two selves to a thesis, attend. • Stage 33, which has some LSAT • MCAT • GRE Summers and Winters training leading to a com­ "power-packed entertainment" i Yes, Vista exists so that staffers GRE PSYCH • GRE BIO can plug sleazo-promo types with with The Andy Thoma Band, who GMAT • DAT • OCAT • PCAT mission in the rank of Sub-Lieutenant. Oppor­ tiny gold spoons on a chain which will be playing until the 24th. VAT • MAT • SAT tunities for advanced training are available upon dangle down and mix with their "Thoma recently returned to his NATL MED BDS commissioning. chest hairs exposed by silk shirts un­ native Vancouver from the ECFMG • FLEX • VQE buttoned to the navel. You see, that challenge of Los Angeles and some NDB • NPB I • NLE Contact: Lieutenant Commander Arthur Hastings at way we get free drinks and tickets. major rooms that included the Cen­ S&*£M. KAPMN EDUCATIONAL CENTER HMCS DISCOVERY IN STANLEY PARK Especially tickets. But drinks too. tury Plaza Four and the Hyatt. . . Test Preparation Specialists So, the people we owe favors to He won the Top Vocalist Award in Since 1938 666-3272 include: the Esso Talent Contest in 1979, For information, Please Call: w (206)523-7617 _ Tues. and Thurs. 7-10 p.m. until January 20 • The Archaeological Society of

TAMAHNOUS THEATRE TIME MANAGEMENT presents SAMUEL BECKETT'S CLASSIC FOR WOMEN SPECIAL HAPPY DAYS A THREE-SESSION WORKSHOP TO HELP YOU 1) Set priorities & organize your work STUDENT PRICES 2) Stop procrastinating & meet commitments 3) Juggle multiple roles successfully SAVE $5 DATES: Series I (Tuesdays) January 20 - February 3 ON Series II (Mondays) February 16 - March 2 TUESDAY, JAN. 27th TIME: 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. 7:30 PERFORMANCE starring RONNIE GILBERT PLACE: Women Student's Lounge VANCOUVER JANIJ^Y 7 - 24 REGISTER BY JANUARY 16 IN BROCK 203 OPERA presents MONDAY — SATURDAY 8:30 WOMEN RigoJetto MON. PAY-WHAT-U-CAN 8:30 STUDENTS' OFFICE VERDI. IN ITALIAN WATERFRONT THEATRE GRANVILLE ISLAND Enquiries: 228-2415 RES: 685-6217


RESERVE IN ADVANCE If you're a 3rd year Accounting Major interested in WHILE SEATS AVAILABLE obtaining valuable experience in the CA profession before beginning your final year, we invite you to apply STUDENT PRICES TUES. ONLY for summer employment with us. $4, $9, $13, $17, $21, $.25 Starting dates can be any time from early May through the beginning of June. ALL BRANCHES OF VANCOUVER TICKET CENTRE - 687-4444 Please mail your application (a U.C.PA application form obtainable from the campus Placement Office will do) ALL EATON'S STORES Er together with a photocopy of your most recent transcript INFO CENTRES IN MAJOR by January 16th to: SHOPPING MALLS NOTE: Performances scheduled for Sat., Jan. 24 and 31 and Thurs. Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. as well as Tues­ day "SAME DAY CLUB" offers students any un­ Mr. Bruce Pentecost Thorne Riddell sold ticket at half price on day of performance only. THORNE Board of Trade Tower 1177 West Hastings Street RIDDELL Vancouver, B.C.V6E2L9 RIGOLETTO Chartered Accountants QUEEN ELIZABETH THEATRE JAN. 24, 27, 29, 31. PERFORMANCES SPONSORED BY DAON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION

Friday, January 9,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 15 is back after Jean-Luc self-imposed exile, GODARD with a true beginning

BY SHAFFIN SHARIFF for us, Every Man for Himself stands on its "/ have no imagination. Nobody ever im­ own, and holds up admirably. Godard uses agined anything in cinema. One only records, the film medium more innovatively than distributes, prints, develops, times, edits, most directors today. screens. President Carter or Ayatollah Kho­ For Godard, film is a tool. It's what meini have imagined plenty. Vigo, Hit­ humanity has become — mechanistic. One chcock, Rossellini only looked straight at prepares a script, shoots scenes, improvises, pregnant things. finished the film, edits it, prints it and screens "The whore's trade (the central metaphor it. Godard films make no claim to having any in Every Man for Himself), as you may say, intrinsic ties with reality. Godard never lets brings more money to dried up scriptwriters you forget that you're not watching reality and producers than to pimps. I myself am unfold on the screen; what you get is what only a whore fighting against the pimps of the filmmaker wants you to see. The film is cinema. The body of film, as scribes say, is not objective, but always subjective. It selects mine, and the image of a hundred francs and isolates what you're going to see. If you given in exchange of temporary ownership of choose to interpret film as a platform for true a piece of ass will remain the image of a hun­ representation of reality, that's your con­ dred francs. " cern, not Godard's. Jean-Luc Godard That is not to say that Godard conveys nothing about life. He is one of the few direc­ tors who understands male-female relation­ Jean-Luc Godard, the French New Wave ships — and romanticism is not a part of director who alienated even his most ardent those relationships. Love and affection admirers with Week End (1967) and Tout Va become blurred with hate and violence. In a Bien (1971), is back with a new motion pic­ quick moment, what appears to be a violent ture, a film he says is his "real beginning." act may be an affectionate one, and vice- versa. Every Man For Himself In a memorable shot in Every Man for Directed by Jean-Luc Godard Himself, the central character Paul Godard Playing at the Bay (Jacques Dutronc) leaps across the breakfast The good news is that after a self-imposed table to embrace his ex-girlfriend Denise exile from the screen — in the early 70's he (Nathalie Baye). If this were shot at normal made video tapes solely for his personal speed, it would appear a violent act. But it screenings — Godard has made a film that isn't. Godard frames the shot in fast motion, truly signals his long-awaited return to the which is then projected at normal speed cinema. His film, Every Man for Himself, is thereby giving the effect of slow motion, an unexpectedly fresh and rewarding work. Godard's most impressive device in the film. Seen in slow motion, Paul's gestures is an act Prostitution is the central metaphor of of love inseparable from violence; Godard GODARD . . . "only a whore fighting against the pimps of cinema." Every Man for Himself (from the French title seems to be saying that to love, you have to Sauve Qui Peut La Vie). According to hurt. is almost without any loving intimacy. We see Imaginary, Fear, Commerce and Music. The Imaginary is intricate, mechanic and never- Godard's latest film, everyone's a whore. Godard uses still and slow motion Paul and Denise mostly in shouting matches ending. Fear is the hopeless anxieties and Godard has even described himself as "as photography throughout Every Man for and in conflict, just as we see Paul arguing secret, immoral (amoral?) desires that one whore fighting against the pimps of cinema." Himself, and the result is far from annoying. with other women in life, among them his ex- wife and twelve-year-old daughter. feels. Commerce is the theme of the picture. The most independent character in Every If anything, Godard's deft technique is Man for Himself is an impassioned pro­ highly impressive, and especially so since he In a scene which defines Paul's relation­ Prostitution, selling and buying one's mind stitute, Isabelle (Isabelle Hupert). She's also manages to pull it off every time he uses slow ship with his daughter, we see him at a soccer and body, like everything else in life, is a a woman, and Godard seems to have a love- motion. The slow motion shots, which are field where Celine, his daughter, has just trade and nothing is independent from hate relationship with women. He admires unique happen unexpectedly but are always finished a game. There, he and a friend another. Except, as Isabelle's nasty pimp their survival instincts — which he thinks welcome since they contribute to the overall wonder what their young daughters' breasts observes, banks. "Only banks are indepen­ men lack — but at the same time, he detaches richness and excellence of the film. are like and what it would be like to fuck dent," he says, "but they're killers. We one's own daughter. Later in the film, Paul (pimps) don't want all the money, just half of himself from their emotions in his films. No By slowing down the action, Godard lets asks why mothers are allowed to touch it," implying that banks demand the whole one emerges as hero or heroine in the tra­ one focus and concentrate on each move­ daughters more frequently and intimately take. ditional sense in Godard's films, and Every ment, which gives new vision and perspective than fathers are. Call him perverted if you Man for Himself is no exception. on everyday events. Life is slowed down to be The commerciality of life is an unfeeling, want, but according to Godard, Paul's degenerate proposition, and we're all part of The search for conventionality in Every viewed with inspection and investigation. thoughts are common to all men. it. Sex has become mechania, as illustrated in Man for Himself is ultimately fruitless. Every mannerism and inflection on a an hilarious menage-a-quatre in which Godard does not make conventional films. character's face is registered. Each character In Every Man for Himself, it is the men Isabelle is hired to participate passively. If He makes political and social statements. is a living organism being examined under a who are weak and obsessed with sex. sex like life is to have any meaning, it must be And whether the audience likes it or not, he microscope. Time becomes superfluous and Women, on the other hand, are instinctive spontaneous. And finally, there is Music, takes his time relating his views, as he did elusive moments become graceful, poetic survivors who play men's games, literally and which is death, a melody for Godard. with Week End. But Every Man for Himself eternities. figuratively, but retain a distinctive identity of their own. For years, Godard's fans have been is no Week End. In fact, Every Man for Every Man for Himself has three central waiting for the master's return to the screen Himself is not reminiscent of any of characters: Paul, the filmmaker, Denise, Although Denise has an affair with Paul, and they won't be disappointed with what he Godard's earlier works. Paul's ex-lover and co-worker who likes tak­ she finds affinity and friendship with women, such as Isabelle, for example. The lives of all has come up. The film's lack of a narrative is Each of Godard's films is individual; it ing excursions into the country, and Isabelle, three characters, Paul, Denise and Isabelle, a Godardian trademark. The three unities of stands or fails on its own merits. Fortunately the prostitute. Paul and Denise's relationship are loosely interwoven. Paul has a one-night time, place and action do not exist in stand with Isabelle, and ironically, they meet Godard's films, and undoubtedly, some in a queue for a movie. viewers will be put off by the director's un­ "Do you like movies?" she asks him. willingness to supply them with straightfor­ "Not really," he responds and the two walk ward answers. away. As they leave down the street to spend The dialogue is insightful, fresh, and most the night together, director Godard ignores important of all, it's spontaneous; also, the his characters and focuses on an unknown numerous overlapping soundtracks work couple. "You can finger-fuck me," says the surprisingly well. The scenes connect with woman. "No thanks," replies the man, but unexpected ease and there is even an impres­ they finally walk away together. Straying off sionistic quality to Godard's still and slow the action at hand and examining a complete­ motion photography. Godard makes use of ly different situation is a favorite Godardian expressive montage to provide maximum technique. contrast between shots and scenes. The connection between Denise and Every Man for Himself is not without Isabelle is made through the latter's search irony and some bitterness on Godard's part. for a new appartment when a pimp starts to The central male character Paul Godard, is stalk her. Denise, who has just broken up named after the director's own father. And with Paul, rents her apartment to Isabelle when Paul is hit by a hit-and-run driver, the and the two become good friends. Paul incident parallels Godard's own serious acci­ doesn't even remember Isabelle when she dent years ago. But Every Man for Himself is comes to the apartment to rent it. He is left not a tiring, hopelessly self-indulgent out in the cold where, Godard suggests, he cinematic excercise like Woody Allen's Star­ has always been. dust Memories. Every Man for Himself GODARD "I have no imagination. Every Man for Himself has four parts: the comes close to being 1980's finest film.

Page 16 THE UBYSSEY Friday, January 9,1981