Council Fathersprobe the role of the laity

VATICAN Cl'l'Y-'l'he lole of the layrnan in the Chrtrclt rvas brought unclcr' the scrtt- tiny otl the l,'athcls o[ thc ecum€nical council for thc first timc as they votcd to take up elebate on the thit'rl "Olr chapter of the sellema the Naturc of thc elturcti."

COUNCIL MODERATORS-Above are the four cardinals wl'o are rcrving as moderafors or presiding offieerr INDIANAPOL|S,|NDIANA, OCTqBFRig, lt63 during- lhe second session of the Seeond Vatiean Couneil. They ai'c. left lo right: Cardinals Agagianian, Lercaro. Doepfner and Suenens, The fovr cardilalr l_1ko ," th: g"n.ral council meetirrgs. !y.n! {"tf11gjl 'RACK .I'cachc liltottt TIIE DEAD' rs?,ililililililililililililt| ArnericArl A rvord frorr lhc In s ti ttr tr: is lleatificct Jesuitpriest is freed llrchbishop

.I'I) 'I'IIU 'fiIU by PopePaul sc [tctl tt lccl ('LIiR(i\" NULIGIOUS. AND 1'IIE t.;\l'f\' OF'l'llU ;\li('llDloelislt OF lNlllr\Ni\POLIS: in l.(ll){l lltllls exchange ,\[tttc tllittt lll'lt'\ls. prisoner ill'(' t'\1r('t'it'(l lt) (;li anrl lll t(iitfll('l'i l,ll.l'ftN(;s, THE FOUR Rt.ttcnt,nrenls: 'l'hcy allt'nrl lltc lttttttt:tl,\t'tlltllttt't'sltll By GEORGEGENT Iurs rrut been rliscloscd. 'l'ctrrirt'r's' r\s lou liuorv, uc lrc al this titnc iu llourc ittteurling o Addcd to thc Iitttt'g)' lttsltltttt' nt'rt'['itrrr'.

'l'hc urirtrsol rhc1,'purirti,,,r ,1ti"ii'.itf*.o,,if;l"ititllrlll"t,ttilJill't-:t-',1; plicst pausetl. Iris c)'e ,r "Whan Iiltnrcnttr'.r' tt'lt'lrt'r's tlill loctts houtc rvhele thcse Bishops tlilcct the work of the Clturch, rnistatl lntl ho ruplicd: I lhcir lttcntion on nrrtlrentalics, tutrrt'etlturt one aud one-half billiott people are pagalls-lttstr' s'as in I'olanrl"-lrcrll1. a rlttat'- })nglish aurl urusir instt'uctiott. \\'onrcu, autl ehiklreu-rvho ltave been rcdecntcd lry Our' tcr',cerrlilr)'flgo. rt'hilc scron(l:lfl' lt'utltt t's havc l-old's rlcllh orr thc cross, n'ho kuorv notlting of this gt'eat schotlulttl -\pcci:tl tlt-pitt'lntctttitl 'l'hc1. FATHER CISZgK u'ns t'ekrasrxl truth. kuorv nothing of the Chur-clt tlttrt Cltt'ist estab- ('Onf(rlrl ll('os. 'l'his ironr llre Sovict Llrtion Octobel ll lishcrl on cirlth to carfy oll llis u'ork of Rctletttlttiou. along u'ith Anrclican stutlcnl Following r ioylul r€union, gir,es us {ol verry seriotts tltottght. i\l:rlvin \V, M:rliinett. ?4. of Ash- Mrs, Geerharl srid Fethor Cir- lrtrustr Voles crsl numbcred 2,?39. "longt llttlnhlnr. illass,, in csclrangc {irr rek would hkc a rcsl" Tlic llrseEt negalivc vota wit I u'o Sot'icl slrics. end would mcrl letcr wilh olhcr {2, crrl on lhc third amend' menrberr of hir hrgo fcmily, menl. Youtig llakittoi \t'as n I,'ulbr'iglrl which includar l0 brothcrr rnd st.lrrrltrl ll llre l:lrir clsill' of Wcst si slers, .{t thc tl.Sj. [lisltoPs' pruss ller'lin rvlren lrc rvas allcsterl, July pancl lollorvittg tlte cottrrt:il tncct^ (.iiszek 27, l9(il. rhrlirrg a visit to {he tn l9lt,l l"atlrer rvas :icnt tltc I'antill' rvns notifictl lty i\tl]" ing, Fathcr Ft'ctlct'ick llci\lantts Sovict tlnion. FIc rvns chnrgctl to Ilonre to sturly tlreologl'. \Vlrile Ccn, Itobct't I"- Kcnttcdy tltat his ol tlre Llatholic Unrvr:t'sitY of rvith pholollr'nplring nrilitar'5' iu- h"l o: rt" nt:o s cxpcctetl r\nrt:rica, a couttcil exPet't, said .-l l,: _r1":ll,_lh"_ fllll,Tti _l_*1,, _rva stallaiions. that. tlre ntost significant of tltt: 'l'ltis rntcndtucnts rvas thc sccontl. urcnnt. lte said. that tlcpending on {lre approval ol rraliottal ot' lct't'i' Murian slates {trtnuul A nurnbcr of flohcnrian nation. tolinl episcopal confcrcntlcs' all . als wcre in thc uasilica lor thc slcrantcnts and sact'atnentals, 'l)ny ect'cntonics. Soruo tvot'c the col- rvill he adntinistt'rcd in the vcr- olful fr-rlk coslunlcs oI tlrcit' t'egion nacttlal'. Onl]'thc basic saet'a' of tnformation' tu'hiclt nos' lics bchintl tltc lt'ott nrenlal frtt'nt s'ottltl t'etttitin ttl "I Cu|tain. l,atin. such as baPtizc thee. 'l'ha "I lSth anttrtal Day of Infot" etc." in ltaptisnt, antl absolve 'l'ltc rrration fot' Non-Catholics tvill be thee. cte." in Peir:rncc. sac- larnental vcrbal tbt'rlt of [Iatt'i' lreld Sttnda]', Oct. 21, at [Iat'ian nrony *'ill t'ctrtain ilt lct'tlacttlal ('ollegc. Sponsot'ctl by tlre Legion as il. has alrvaYs bct'n, tltat is. 'l'trc Ilgorovr; r.\'of(! allcsturl of r\lar'1', lhc progt'am is designetl lhe exchangc of tolvs 1tt'ottottttcctl .lul.v 2 along rvitlr a t'otrple calling espccially for persons intercstetl by tltc ttvo btling rvcd. lhcnrsclvcs llobelt. K. lrnr! ,Jo.1, in a rleeprt' trntlet'standing of Attn llallclr, u'fr1yc r cal r,11.nli1_.y ('atholic llclicfs anrl practices. Also prescnt s'as anotlrer'pcr'- _ stln [ar,ot'erl with a cutc, ill r'.s. l{r'a Bcnassi Pantani o{ Ilaiso, orlrl'lhur' . Plan clinic in Orrrgutt r:lioccsr; Ii'Rithfully youl's, Ilishop Allrclt ll. Zttt'orvcstc trf llelteville. lll., chailnran tlf lhe I,'athcr Lallauvc rvill tlevelop ti.S. Bishops' Comntittee for' Ihe lha tlual thenre nf the Program=- I'r'ess I'ancl, saiil: "l)ivine "Chlistian lJnity" and "'l'he " t'& vottr on [lontlaY, Oct. l'l l-ove, concerning cltaptel' trvo of thc 'l'he l'ill Alchbishop of lndianapolis constitution on the litttrgy rvas llay of ln{ornration t'cgistt'ation at l2:45 an cxprcssion of allnosl. tlnAni- begin u'itlt dllliilliiiiliiitl Ofticirl nlous approval of thc pt'oposetl 'r'trerrisctosulc coinr:irrcrr rvirrr let'orm of the titc of tlte l\Iass' li;"ii,""0,'llllf"ifli'.i:t;tt i:fli: llte opcrting of a I'lannetl Pat'cnt- lellowship and rle- Only 3ti ncgative votes tvere cast. to1or""a h.v Iroorl Assoril{ion clinic iu rlorvn- Prrperefused Conseeratictnset Affirrnativa votos on the t:haptcr 'l'lre oar.lrrr.e, Ilcny lown Porllnrrrl. ploposerl cantc frotn !,lI|8 lrathcrs. Of this "t'hyirn" rvoulcl ite ptourotc:tl :riiti ilemliers of iiie tegion of llat':l nunrber, ?81, althotrglr appt'ovinH 14 bisltops sl.afted by nrenrbers of the Catho- s'ill tlistlibute neat'ly 25'000 irrr(licncelo Retl for lhe chaptcr, addctl to lheir af- lic Physicinrrs Cuikl. ftrklot's promoting the Day of Iilmative vote a specific qrtalifi- VATICAN CITY-An American cation or pt'oposal callcd a and an Italian who spent most ol 'nro



,,nrlrrirs Ttrc Nt" *hrch rfc Dxrhdi ol cirholics. r aotrcf{l xditort Note-FoiloDru b dn .f,.erp6 t{fi ot il. dddrsss d.liu.ted bt Mssf. ffrici! J, Whrtcvcr chcngat wsrr mrdl In Amorlcen lhinklng durlng lhlr procesr, al loarl wr can ba ;1.:i'',ili,;l'i,X"Jl$:lii:" T rurc thri fhorc would bc romt |lisaIinrj'lr^nt.i1c.'ll\.i,fft.nsifa|dJI\ts!tdl-oNot,!|osid.tto,r}.ll,orldn|s&odijtcounci;Dift[linl'.Li(ell,@fd$ nlhtr drarlic chrngos in our nalioncl proolicc. ll""".jf:.;".f.'ly1ll'ili'l'"jlitl:''jl\],*"li]"i':]i[:"ji:i''ifc,'uroouo,s;onalfould Amerie ans generally ri"ndy - rhc Frrd inudnNil tsrr{ inr.oJslne ln nuttrbrrs ns r u.rritu allow the racral symhols we have ,lit'il,ll..1,,:l,"l.,Jiif,l,1l """' been speaking of, and others, to I;':J",!.}'.:: ;::llll,'l;,,11':,.,.i1l;lll,'i,'I.,1"'u i',,,,,1 be renr)ved ltonr pulrlic life and be satislied with the fact that at all, Finllll' in tlrt'se last I'cals. ns with thc lhings of tliis worlci ex- they ir1'"r* still allowed thrir pri- It $'ss under-\too(t tlritt tlte a prodttct ol chnngc, strong trf' clusively. vate celehration? This type of lnrrndntent plohilritorl ittt tstlb- fot'ts ltavc bocn ntltlo to t'cntotc UNFORTUNATETY, the very separation oI church and state lisltctl clturch being set up lt.v llte all L'ht'istirn, atttl cvcn all rt'li' simplicity nf tlris which is directed lowartl the es- Ifcdtml govclrrnrcnl, llllxrtrgh giotts rrcts, ft'ttttt tht'pttblic lifc argumcnt is rvhal lcatls tr) its undoinc. tablishnrcnt of a totally n.utril loral slllt est:rblishnrt'nts \\'crc of thc cotrntrl'. Stlcrll Srtprctrtc His- lrrry, specifically Anrerici's state nray seem to some to be conliuuetl krnq :rftcI llr0 t'ntifica- Cotll't tlr'0isiolts, tttttl n vat'icty 0f his- 1or.v, which giles the argument lhe extension of the traditionel littn ol' the Constitrrtion, Fol the obitet dicte, Itavt' iult'l'Prctctl tltc it d1'natrrisnr, nlso Americnn fornula that appcars in fl kinrl of lorvcst-e()nrnlr)il- Cotrslitttlion ls lot'bitltlittg rcli' tlrrows road. blocks, pt'csoltly insrrrmountalrle the Constitution; onc may ask tirnominalor Iaroicstnritistu satis- giotts lcttlily itt pttltlie ctlucltion t'oltl.blocks, in ils pntlr. irowcver how many Amerieans iit'ti tlrc prrlrlic orrlcr rlrrl rvls lc- rlltott' il is tax sttppot'ictl. Etltrllll' 'l'he will permit, their orvn long stantl- ttecterl in public larr.'nntl priteticc. slt'ong trfforls ltnvc ltccn tilada to Anrerican systcnt in fvhieh 'l'his ing traditions to be tha victiirrs of rvrs not. horvt'r'er. deslinril ivitlctt tltis lo oxclttdc any kinrl r:ltttreli=statc reprrrlion is en, the slol attrition this interprcla- tu cndutt, o[ t'oopt'rllirrlt tt'hich srrlrtlls to sltt'ine{ is tlra .sa1ra syStent in tion inevitably suggests. if the Tltc ntlss :rt't'ir rl-q rrf the itrtnri' lcrttl pttblitl stiljpt)ll. tt) 1't'ligioll, rylrieh a ccr'tain alnount ol chttrclr. nculrrl statc rnust be won in lhis qrluts in tht: llflh cfntur)'chil[- statc cooperelion is lilso lropcless= FoR MANY THE loeie of nil lviryr olld iiiay won(ler ii it will lt-ngetl lha |r'ligious homogcllcitl' 'l'hr: I1'enlanglerl. llris is sinrple. statr. locnl be wo|th tlie long nnd prohably trf ..\mcrican liit'. thr'l contcstctl Organize{ religion of €vary or l,'erlcral, looks nnil' to lhe bitter roarl that rnu,st lle travellcd tha ll.lldiii,)rul nrtionlll ti|n'oI llinrl li;rs enjoyarl :i spccial status ll'lninl{'nilnce of prrhlic orrler'. lnd hy Anrcricans its il peoplc to le li.qiott ils rc{ic( lc(l in ltublrc rn our eotrntl'y siltcc thc fotrntla- rcliqion, nlllrorrtlr lcq'rrq11i71'11, ii'i'ive at it. It corrltl be that the l:nl rntl liir. tioll ()f qiren tllc Republic antl liefurc it_ 'lltit-sc (lrtllrrtlir's shorrlcl he no special sialus, 'l'ax citizcns of the tlniied States nr;rv llttnSs rlhit'lt t:xcn1p(ion, [ot' cxartrplc, is ir Itttl itr sitttph'st litttqttitgc. t[C ftrel tlre cost is too lriqh lo ansrvcr ii)ull(l ofk'nriYt', csPccillll in tltc sl llle crlnccsiiion [o roligior-r, nnrl \lltr,. \\ lticlt ltls lrt tt':rtlititltt- the claints of a principle that hns lilluc r'iilr\s rvltt-t't' thr'I' \\('l'(! llll- :rll tlre il[)l)lfiltu\ ()f /()vcrllr]c1t ottly lltcly conle to rnako its rlo, ille, i0()n alllt(- llnrltl' itiilt('h, ;rll-r'rlisposcil trr I;rror rr-li{iOrt and . r'uulls, Cortgrtss, tlofcttst: -- is . rn nnds. t' lilit' I't'ot. spcciiicxlll' :r tr:tttt r'\ "ll rrl('ltt(11'r','lirli,,rl. e|'tttt'ttls itt t'lllrot it tcly ontrvirrcrl ilr a rccog- t'stilllt t'!-liSi(ttls n('l\icr',t rft' Irl\ti nition of lcligion iis piiblic arcts. slrorrhl iiorv alranr thlllltgh official ALL OF THIS misas tlie saeond tslanl lliblr-. l'sadin[ itl the publrc r.'lr:rpl:rirts rlld pl,ar'crs. ilucslion rvhich suligcs{s nol ietti- s.'lro,tls, Wlrile acr'.rnrrno(lati(rn-s il,rrr tlrrs :rttilrrrlt' :rrttl lhis pllt'. Not'trovtr. govLtI'ntltetlt nirls i'e- rioning hrtl rotiining ccrtrriri s:r. rt'cfc nl:rrlf lr) stril tllt l'lrillr: (lr. I irt'. Iigirrrrs insliiutions in llre artnr'{l cral svrrrlrols elerr irr a chrrr.r.h- sr!r'\'t(,rs, ln l)rts.)lts, in hosliitals, slalc st'llalnfrrrl socir:11'. Worrlrl in sor:iirl st'rviccs. irr highcr ctlrr- tlris placc lr lrulrlcn on tlrosc out- ciltion, lnd nrultipltt othcl rvays. sirle of the rcligious tr.atlition lf llrc statc is srrrklrrrly rlissoci- leprescntcrl lly tlrcsc sylnllols? :ttt'tl ironr tll tht,sc it. rnust hobble I,et us supposc thnt lhc traditional l ltt' r,ilirlts of l ltlse t{r'otrps irr rcligious clcnrrnls in our prrblic llllllt-\' rlit'ections, hanrlicap lhoir lifo lrlt' l)r'r'\r'irll] lffcrrsive lo a the servicc lo their urvn pcoDlc, arrrl trrittolitl., (-'\'on I sieelhkt minot, \fhy tl.S. {.flrr community ity. Iewish tn sotut lltettsul'c t[isoltler of Anrcricnns, lVhcn we havc lTls 1rr't's- TIilIE , . , cnlly txisting socictl'. rcrnovcd thcst' tkrntcnts rvill orrr '[\r pt'oltlenr hc srrrr:. il rvill bc saitl got, bc solvarl? It rloes not (.irnsirlering r!r'ttrnr-'rrI slllr:atls iis crJopcl':]tiou allpcar so. tlre vali- }IOTOYSTER t:ly r,rf prescnt r.'r'tttly itmotrg nll rcligions, iri;rk- rcliHiorrs nfiilia. isinterestedin the council tttg arailablc to :rll rvhat is avail, Iiolts ln(l tenefs it rvill bc inrllos. ahle sihle to I'cnlovo front Alielitran STEW to any, :rntl in this rlliy rloing ,|'lit't'ijtttu|r'tif{'rrtho1jr.',li'rl.ishtc|tttiotrsltnschirtt1;r:rlt-rrrlirtl||ll By DR. JOSEPH LICHTEN ittt ittjttslicr' t() nr|ll(,- i\rrr in irn.r. public lik, all tlrt, clt,rlt'rris rvlriclr irr hr.nled lrnn ls cun lrt, con-st'iolltousl.\' ('ii{rDiJf lI tltt'sc riis('s (.iln it lrt sitid tlrnt to I:lctttncttisltt ('iul hrtr t' rrlany llirs is l/rr'.It'tr:tslt r:r)illl}?lllllll/..rrtftilrrrfe lrrrt:crrl lite cttrtettl r,()undil. ir featured daily at llr)\ onllu('nl rlirr,cllf litls lt'litliorr by t'itizerts. trtt'attings rrttd rliflct't'rtt intt'rprc- lrr th1' .|115fct'ttlttttt's. lhC .lr'{.r}r{l{i Antl tlrrer'rlrrys (irllOJrt, tlse ll. Emerson J)ruU /trst Jor,ljrc t' lrrrt ratlrer r-.rlttcs a situa. {iovetnttrrnt hoalih 1rrtgrn1115. and l0th l;tltotls. Il t:til ir| ilil(lct.slrrr{l ;ts liol ir: u'lrir:lr rt'ligiorr, hf its rlu'u lncciltatiotrs. itrnoculations tttttl n ln(t\'r\ntr\nI lrrnrltg lo$'trrrl Llrlrs taflolrtatoaaala r{'sources. tii rilll tnahc its w{}t'k thc ri'st, offenrl sorne r.cliniitus tiirn ulrrl-!-. lrr a lar,.:r.'t sensc, rlit'crtttdr'trlrtrlrl{,ils oruri r'rhlls lrl(lt }}riuitt lrd }}r(}}t{il1il(,{,rlrrrlrlittsl lltc}r. N5l5lutfirld Blrd.r 5llI t" 10tr$&d rnolc clfcctivc. qrorrl)s. Ilkrorl tlans{rrsions and llilt\ t,\ r,t. tltr, \r rrtil ecumenisttt I)|'1r}st'I)}lI'.I,ithtcn'ilrllri.rtJrirrld}.lic|{'iltlltcscrtt's,.'?.lrcLilttnt'iIrrttd,i'Irr, l03l [. lllorri*Stnrt r\ll llrr,sirnrc, in tlrry: flag salrtlt'5 of[r'ntl othcr.s. l]car.- can itlso ntcln r ttrrrvettttni $'lttt'lt antl r.c 3hg'r lslmrt tll0 L lf0 F llrr.t.rrlrlrrf(irltltlJ)1l1l1,J1l|1pittrllroltJ;irt11fllt.qttltttosltltcrc.I)r'l,iclllerri.sJ]iltll.lorlrturl silrratirrns it nrrrst in{ in'nts anrl contrilrtrtine lo t'nrhrlct's tltt' lnlilt visilrlt I'olld hc ob- selvt'rl lltnt thc govelnnrt'nt of ilrrtti!ntcn{s art' tlistastttirl to n nnrl nll lhe lurnran {anrill' thut rrl lrttcrt'ttiittt'rtl ;lfitrils rrJ tirt' rluti-J)cfulrrrf ion Lcrrl;rrt'oI B'rrrri Il'ritlt jrr Ncrt,t'orl. (.,uil_ tltcsc tlnitorl Statcs is ul plt-.s- tltirrl--nnrl so tlrt'list crrrrlrl hc lives lnd lahots rvtthrn it - arr tlrr ,lllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllltllll!llllllllillilililililllilillmillilllllill ilillilfittlilltlililililililiiiilltl t'ttt tintt {at'flont neutral in its cont inut'd tcumenisnt of loli'. social itrslicr.. 'l'hp l:rlt' I)iipr' t'elltiotrs tlilh rrrgarrrzt.rl n'li{ion, ;\ntrriclill i trd intt't'gt'trttp h:tLntott1; ;rn r'(.u- rlisplu.r t'rl tou'arrl I'opc Jolrn constiulth' tutles rtrrl lrlts\\'(!t. to this lrt,llrrior. are irrcoru. llorr tlocs "*xentption" ttttnistrt rtf hrr c, sot,tal lhc ,lcu,s throughorrt !:is lonr: one arfive tlren lt this- has alrval s lrotr) .irrsttr,r', tife stlasst:tl lho innll.e liglrts of trvcry patilrlo sitlr (lltholic tlolnra, neulral stitte of tllc lutltr(] nllrl exct'pt antl intr.t'group hlltrrortr'; irtr c(:u- rviis thc nrust visibhr sign of tlrr:str lrunran, Ltgarrllcss of his frith or 'l'hc u'hele tho rrecrls of ilrc ()nl]' eouncil could slso luitli(' rvlrt:l arl r\nrericans cllltrl rrpon rnrnisrn ilot of theologicl t ttr'tr'atiitttdtts. r()lor ('1. nirlioltll oli11in. rlurinll cootl srlcit,i)' {rt l)ul}lic olrler ro" l'rlco11,ruutr,t,,rions akrng tlrc lirrt:; Io tkl Io haslcn its tllilal'] rrrritl' hut trnitl' of lrrrrnlin hcar.ts ..\Ve lrrrdit'rrcr-s in irtfurrttal antl tluilc oberlierrcc. ls it possiblc In Jolr',s *.,r.rls, s*], '.o'r .irnrl sttplgcstctl alro:rtl1. b.v sornc Jcu., 'l\r tn n nei.rthltot'11 [tt'Itn;: oi chllitl' t('lfnlitl stfltenrcnts. ltt'sut'c, ptogtcss li:ls lrt'r'ti lhlt tlris *,1111..cpistill hohls thr: thc ltott{)nt of ortr lttat,t: ,\ll rncn islt lcatlt'rs: rllkrtions ()f (k'f(){il, ltttl coopr.r'ation. rurrrlt in l'(,cr,nt irr llris rli- kr'.t'to otrr plrsonl ploblttrnl, r\la-r' ole br-otht'r'-q. nntl all llc sons o{ Ott onc oet'itsirtn, he tokl the Lol'J' 11)fCt'cnCCs I('ilfs 'l'he ttt tltc .IC'rr.ish rr|r', 'l'he rve keep lhc an'art,ness of this lalger rn, Il'nlti lcr,tiotr. Srrrtrlal. closirtF larv taerrl sy'inbuls hrrt tlrt sutue Oathcr'. t't,r'tainl5'llrt: il'r'ilh h'arlership that hc llk'irrrrl tlletf l'oli!i{rn flrrrrr llrt' rlecisirrl of Srrpt'rlltt{r t\t'llll)t flttrt llteil ltsp tn.vonrr tr'rpretitlti)n {il tltr' {'('uuli'lucitl pfr\l))t(! l't'(t'iIu(l gleat llrc Court t'trttttcil uill help tlris rrr'tv 1t[easttt'e *'ltt'n lilttlgl'. [r'unr t'atrt'histrrs antl rrroyenrelrt is tltt {rtntlltrtt nt;rl sotrle ol clrln{cr[ tlrc tlarlitional Sabllath rt'lrose r:orrsci('n(.t' sttg!lL's1s ui)n- t'ltttrttt. . ." tlrc Jels lte ltitlorl as othcr ('rtholic lear.hing rrratcrials. "rtal 'l'ltc to l .rt'crrl:rt rif l'eason tltat so t)tu('h illtcr('st nl clttlrllur rlulinii \\'olltl lcst." tit'ipltion'l "ne\\' \\'al I I ft'otti pictot'irrl loplesr,nlltions, Itat tltc cnrtncrl ltas bt-ctt WE SEE NOW tlrat thir Ner| Ydt'k scltrrol {:irse trlil)rassr(l l)\' r,atnr' {o visit him ils t{l'o\\'n nlrn lfolll SCI'lll(lt)ii. lit'4.\'(tr 'l'lte oulla*t'rl tsst,trt:c ol iolr,r.ttion is rrot ltrltt-Catholics tnrl illlt()llg ll1 clituatr" ts crrlr.rHing. ln iact. an(l \rrllllr'rl ryith childr.crr oifici;rll1. t'onrlrost,rl "nt's'cli, of tlreit' tlte itttlicil'lrlron of thi,s ',\l}(l 'J'r'sin" r,fs ftrlttt t.llssrrrotls tlte Jt't's. {)i}n. 1ou oI thr ttltl The facl lhrf Pope John or- lll'ilJ llultlirt ':l rrur ttutlt" lt'rl ,lt'rls (t\(,n \1llL'll tllc lvils llon- _ll':.,'":i::_1! l:ll:.1'",'r's' ,\ ttt0r'c lnlnt('(llalr. r0asnn is thr: to krolq 11r111111.11lll('nl lrn(l uc of lhc Nery tttttrit dered fhree pnssages offensive l)ra]'cf grtl\\'lng to lhis r:ouncil'r ptrrccrtlings rlr,ttrrrrrilrirtirrntl.'l'lrcllihlt' tliulo.qrre ;rrrrl rrrth it ltel willr ctllnt tlosr\r arli(l fh,5,-'1.. lls lo Jewr fo be dropped from rcntl. posrlilt' utlrtrrrlt's r.ltlltrt intj ;tttrl tlte Lulrl's \r('rc ings trf i.jr'('al('r rrrrrlrrtl trntlt'r'" tltltt, irs Ittuthcts rrnrlttr' (irr<1. to rlor.k Ior Crlholic rilual prayers, mlde o [)rii]'el' t{} In{)it rrf Ilrt'lltcct'rlrng " bannerl in a later crlici stiut(lilrq allt()rr{ t'atholir and trtt'n1,r. poacc lltt'truglr0trt tlrc rvor.ld. hc profound impression on Jewish as viola" ller ll{USUnt0SI [,,tlGSfar |;ollegeAdd .lru'ish cr-rntnrrrnrtiesall ovcr. lht' t t'tt rnr.ttit'l I lss('llll)lir)s, tr.ith fulr:. ittltlt'rl. communif ier. Iiotts oI lhe lrirs{ r\tricutlnrcnl. Irod rlrrr'lrl brrt t:spcci:tll]. in lltc in1:. 'l'ltc liat'lier, released tiutc on sehool FASTER|/fith Oe/tic's Big Dividends! (i,i:ar(.1r, The connolafionr lt'tcltitr( ln{rsl (laluili'illtl pt'enriscs Up t nitctl States arrrl Il:rstt-r'n l,lu, (,nc()ilf:t{ollt{'ltl fl)l oI his own tr) foI r'oligiotrs inst|uctirrtt 'flrt' dcfinifion Je*'s is tlrr. ('hlislitrn r(rpr'. nrlrlit,tl aiflctitrrr lhr: r)lil iUllr( rI|:tlrrrtt {..illlr' itt ttt:ttt1' ol ecunrenisnr were irrrlit'turt,rrt hutl lrct'n f'rlbitirlcrr, tlthorrglr dir. broad onough for him lo include oi tlrc rrlrole .lcu'ish peoplc. pasl missed tittru u ilh ittslt rrt:liorr orr a rludy of Calholic.Jewish rela. lrtrl prt'sent illl(l [uturr.. for.rlei- lt()lt-pttl)lic p|entisr.s I'r'its allorv0rl. 'l'lris gpt'ovcs ness of prcsent policics and lcarl- rnd rolid rpaculativo ,.io. ";fii.f, hrs taken thousands .(-ilrulch cd by the Divine Word Order founda. puJheil strongly of thc proglam, it has crship in dealing rvith rncial prolr- lions provided by lhe perennial "i'r1"."."-rr-rriiiu t"iiiriio" from t9s5 until lssr. The Nation- the never, prclcrtlcd [o impose. its lcltts lacing ClricaBo schools. philosophy. i"ifii,r* oitnni of watar over alist Government on I'ormosa has in the Dolo- not sltate ,thc ;;;;';Tii';i'';i""t'rtam l:ti**..1..:l::.::,.1111",1" a r;nAND rrotiKs. N.r). *- warmly supportcd the ereation ol of Longarone rts lllol'at vlcwllolnt' ntite Alps. The city Iiational Caf holic ttu|rl LiIe tton- Fu.Jen University since educ!. alrrtost wiped ottt. wss 0 UNI'I'ED NATIoNS.=-(rcylon's fcr'(]nce lr:rs rcstateil iG oppositron tional facilities on this overpopu, tlclcgatc to thc Unitctl Nations to cxl.cnding tlte progrnm ttndtr lated islantl are already over. chargcd llcfore lhc {iorelal As- rvhiclt i\lcxicans alc imporlccl to 1i1rttl, scmbly lh:rt llutklhisls in Vietnnm wot'k on U.S. [alms. Thc confer. t'sccond '{L'x have bccn lll:l([c class cnte saitl thc pt'ogram has cilizons." Sir Sollol':lt Cunc- ploited" illcxican povcrty antl "llthough "atltlitional n'u'dcnc rssorlrr{l th:rt has placctl hcav}' bur- llonlan Cntholit isrrr is not the rlctts o[ uuemployurrnl and r]c- Strtc lt:ligion. in plactictr it is," pt'cs.sctl wagcs" on U.S. rnigranl 'l'ha tlcspita tlrc fact tlrrrt tt() pt'r' ccnt [at'nt rvot'kcr'.s, NClt.LC took tif thu pcople of \/ietn;rnr :rt'e this st:ttttl itt a tcsoltttion atlc4itctl Ilurltlhisls. I lc saitl that Vir't.- tlut'in11 r tucctittg ltct'e of its lleili's rollstittitioii glii!i'iriilces boat't[of tlit'eciot's- Ir'eedorn of rcligion {rll all. ort Irrlrrrt'. llul irr plirr.licc, hc srrirl, "n AbfOad Rc:pot'tprogrcss 0n study it is stirltling cnsc ol rrritjolrlv being discrirninated asninst hy ir I LONIION-Anglican ,,\rthliislr- nrinority." op ftiichacl litltrso], of tlarrtcrbury pelrochial . wAsHrNGroN- rhe Houselli:l,"li"l: ,l"il';,,11'",,,ii:iilj:il Vote for of U.S. st:ltools hErprsred rnd sent t" li::i iri_ii-,,.'.:,;;i;;;;;;-ti,.,," ifi_iii.i denl Kennedy e bill providing ,ilii"r,-;i,,;,;;,'oherlience.,, , Jarn to {tlrristinns oulsirle trl r, Nr.u\\'ait) $'lt'trctl. ho\\'cIt'l', for slriking 300,000 eonrmenror.a- "sitttplc" ii,,, IIe snirl ar:aittst tiutktttl; colll- live medels in honor tha- .lf .. ,,, r,i., n,i,,.,,r.,ntial arlrlless {o the l)illis()lls Llcln't'rtt public and pnro. - " chial sclti'rils. I,'trt' rlxatllplc.'r ;' ii'"''iii'lii' ir* L'i "on 1'""'1.:'!1""il:i:"1,ii: ;: l, ?l Ire u'ls rluotctl as sltl'ing, The mersurs !:t ;lll ll;lli' nrevioullv. t:iiiii.r,;.i ';; ijantelrrur.y p!.ovincc: str:iighl at:atilt'ntie lcltitvttnctrt. cleared lhe Senate. The.itiedal _11{ ;,;i;;;i JOHN BARTON "actr nt our chu'clres is J. anrl in lltings thilt l't'fkct st'hool tlrikinE bill srys lhe rnisiorrshe n ii* Angtica' Comnrun. rliseiplinc. tlre tlatholic school founded were "lhe nucleus of i.,,,,t"of ;,r;,;'it,, .*.i.i, ,,so are all ,t' ilicnr sllrukl look litt sttpcriut itt nttlst tivilirilion" there' u plll of th(l lloly (lalholie flttils.'' (lltttt'clr of (lltrist into rvhich rve ''.-\l'tcl "it "What lll," lrc conlirttrt.rl, all htve been Daptizerl." has lo bt' sclcctirt'. It ciln c\pOl tttttst disappcar'." hc :rrltlcrl, "is FORilAYOR fol rlisciplitnt']' I'r'ilsr)tts, tt'ltt't'tts "tttodeln trcrn('Irtilr'.\' arr(r rlivisiort rvitlriu tltat orrt' 0lurlch lhc puhlic sclurol rnust not'tnally I Popc I)itul srid thrt :.1:':.::jl.::1'::'r (lorl. _... ^r i--.^^_r^^-ri_r ..a., !rnr* sccon.lil.v sthorrls. l,r,rl llti :i rcD_ of antl scpar.ation bot$'ct'n sclvt' all thc,\'olrtlSslrll's of thc " :|"i". :l_rll.ii,r.i:-lii5.,*1{.^l:llgt'cntet' x;:ll;ii:,'iiJ.':;i'Tij;]r.llst'Iltlll,lvc or til(! n:.'ill,,?,ii'l,,il,li r\ilrrorrar t {}trn- ir',ii,,,iii,,,i,"i,i.',i"ri,ii".un,,,,,,nion crrnt ttttrnrt tnre progress towartl 1'. ,*,r Lr^ cl or Lnur(.llt,s. a rrancl ol'll,,l,i,ll; I'ro1- ha.sctl ttpotl apostolic atttl b|otlrcilroodanons nrcn.".rl0 ::li:,"''l:ii;;"',i;"",llli'i,i i:;tih ;ili';;:lili';; spokeinnbroadcnstsr'ntlrlli-llllt-t-l:l',t-'-"'t'rt{}trsriH('rr(:r'i!r on ctltt<'ation TOPROIEfi i:liiiii tuoot being heltt in sl,irzer'- BERLTN * T w o hundred l',1'1).:]ll!litl:l. r{rtr(:f''r.tltc1' ar(t I tnnrl und$ rhc auspiccs of the churchesand chrpets have been :'l::tur .::i]:iilptturt( scrrtrt'rs-.:l:]]l:)j't' lirtloPean ltt'oadcasting thlion. closed in one reclion of the of (latlrolic r.lalllolll,lll'\' ntttl sr'c' t'IIl{lA(lO-'l'ltt'(';rlholit'irrl0i'- westefn ukraine in lhe Frst YOURFAIUIILV I I carriinnl str:firii lvyszynski, rurlart t'rltrcatiun itr tltc t'otttttt'1', t'.aeial cottnlil ltt'r'u three yerrs, ae eording to the 'l'hr: .f,id i;;;i'i;;i lxrs rrrgorl tlrc Il.i'rRte of llolanrl, perty surrcr'. 111111sp65illlt' lty' a (lhieago.,llonlrl oI I'lrlrrcirtiorr lo Moscow cotnnrunist daily I,ol:rntl.s Rishops r,o"* a"iin,itiioi:. gt';rttt frottt lltt'('arnt'git: 'l\r Pravda' The ptper said lhat lhe S:i50.000 nal1e. inlirrr.irli.rr f'r the tlr.e_-resigrrir[irn of Prrhhc ptroplc to poin in . .ouip],ig"li ll::t'J .,, andBultD Corporation of l\t'u' \'ot'k. u'ill stutlr'. llrc rli.ccto' snrtl. !l) dio- cun'ierrlrilil. atlnilnistr;rlion, ('0sci out of ilr.r' lrcint visitcd. l-1"i,1,,,J]"1ii,'.:'l'l',',illi.'liixill"lii;$rl;"':'ri::i'irT"'[- fi;l nrrrnlrer anrl llaittrng of teiteltot's. ln tlrcsc rlioctscs lit)(i scSorrls ouL ;i:l*m".;,'"1.,'.'il;i[,Ti;1,,ij

reilsons'r ft'r stcpptrrl ttp tl'atk: relat iotrs witQ grrnrnunisl. bloc nntions, incluriittg tltc rvhcat salc. VOTEDETNOCRATI$ HeidenreirhFlorists Barton for Mayor Committee, Sheraton-Lincoln Hotel Ed and Claire Heidenreich .'THE TETEPHONE FIORISI" "l'loruers by Wire" City Widc and Suburban Dclivcry Hicrarchial Sinca IE90 l8l{ Applcertr ME t.t{91 couferellcc Flowmud idcir rilppc(l GOVERNII|IENT POWER doPrivute Compunies Use?

He raid that the pope himsell could not change the stlucture of Indiono How much do privale Powcr toTpll-i:r the Church as foundod by Chrisl; Somc priverle power compdnler in lrith depend upon Pow'r to make and begin to rule the Chulch i""" J,iUii"ir*'rt t6nir int"rconnections .govcrnmoni Private power- com' throttgh r pel'manent sor'[ o{ coun- "i"]ii""i r.twork of electric ltilities. this network feasible? cil. "lrod' panios purchased wholesale \'Lo/o of all elec- REMCI recognlzo tho economiet of i'rieity the government during ing" power to oflseb the pnok, and, valleys "standbv" 1962;n"a n{.tttnost unlinaited during seasonal .in,o"riai"iot li".i.i.ii'. ,J.heyeommanap.iu^te*pJrl,*r"t*rrrni"*t"r ptotJ,eti-o". Privats business took 20'6%' gov- iJural electrics purchased 11'9%' The FLOWERS? acting to improve th" ;'fn".';.y ;i tili;;p' no retail pow€r' 2101W. Wrrh. ME 7.3525 ;;;i;;"r. nUUCs an *.ii'iiiir [uestion: emment sells o privofe powaf compsny ln Kerrf0tky, CITY.WIDEDELIVERY Eromplc: public Servicaco. hqr on inlerronnectionwith Alwayt see or call your ntarby qrrongomcnft rhc fsderol Tsnno,rcc volley Authority' which in lurn ho* 5 difterenl working with Allied Florisf. He'* lirtod in fhr Yellorv Pages. Patronize Our ENERGYDIVISIOII Ad.pertisers HOOSIER \t-- I r rrrl '.-- Indiana Slalewide Rural Eleclric Cooperalive, Inc"

THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 18, 1963 PAGE FIVE I T'HE }IARDST'ICK . WHAT'OF TIIE DAY It's open seasonagain Are our schoolsso bad?

By REV. JOI{N DoRAN of scholastic excellenee, and say a wortl of commcndation to the It has lleen a habit over the thousands of Sisters. tsrothers last ferv years for us to be quite antl priests who are engaged in critical of oun parochial schools. for attacks on schools plirnary anrl seeondary Catholic We have done a lot of self.ehastiz- sclnol education. ing over thcm, and groanetl Americrnsi the to:rchct's are not tnenl is very trnlikeh'. about our lack as rvt'll trninetl; lt;ll'cnts have no e rlholic rchoob - likc rll of high scholar- r,otttfol rt\'c'r rvhat thcil cltiltlrcn rehools .=- need to be improved. ship. I think irle trrught; gratirtatts of (latholitr "[.,ihiiih,ij$lri Neverlheless, lhere are some there has bcen i',r:.i*.'r,'t sr:hools rro ndt as rvcll pttlpat'ctl obrervrlionr lhot ouEht la be value in this ex- lhr. :rilonizltl ctilunrn ol lcttcr or for the problenrs o{ lift' as arc parcnt made abouf fho

f0t€a.d aa sarond (1.,t maltar al Pott 0tlic;, Indi!tritolir, lnd. USHER EDITOR, Rov, Raymond T, Boslcr; ASSOCIA'fE EIItTOR. Rev. Paul J. Courtney; trIAN' AGING EDITOR, Flcd lV. Flics; NEWS EDlTOll, Paul G. I{om:^Y,: Fox; ADVER'TISING I\IAN. gave on Mission SundaY!" AGER, lord lll aaiq.rlclilo11 11. Janrcs T. Brarly. .. CATHOLIC NEAR EAst WEUARE'i{rJitlt, NISOCTINoX Prica $4.00 . y!rr, l:::"':' 480 hxingron Avr. (Ir 46fh +H?'tTi'iltrsslONs 5t. tj. v. Publirhed Weekly Exeept CATIIOLIC Lrsl Week in Deeember. Frank E. Johnr INDIANAPOLIS,IND. 46225 dr",!:tEFs 136WEST GEORGIA ST. 1963 PAGE SIX THE CRTTERION, OCTOBER I8,

Kiehball title Speaker is n:rmcrl for CYO breakfast

on d,oeltet l'athcr l'rctl Sclrrrritt, spirilual breakfast reservation figures. Sarrtes tlircctol at Scccina I.Iigh School, Speeial activities are slated in rvill be thc guest speaker at the a number of deanerier during .lttnior flYO Communion Iltcak- (jatholie Youth Week, fast at Little Irlorver parish, In" : rlilnapolis, on Surrrlly, Oct. p?, ihc OYO f)fficr: has announced. 'l'he lylake brcakfasl. rvill follow the 8:45 Your FutureSurc f.'omurunion I{ass, which by lhe Clorlc Samlnrrirnr of Wesl Brdcn Collcgc HifrB d.v eouot. Ediled rvill oprn thc Uatholic youth R.*T*i: -'f 1i,t9,ik'S E. i,r-Jr.r'vo..ii'rut',i.""".1i.1',"anoi *B*"1*S.,r',[",;y-e vou cen Wcck obselvance. be e cr€dir ro your ,t&Si: .'''.. A soron(l the IN.DIANA BU-SINESSCOLLEGE ot tndirnrpollr. Cottmunion Rreak- _"^T.!.tJrne olner-s !! fnsl rvill e{? et_}llarion, l{tncie, Iogansport, atdeiJon..-fli,"roliinif be held nt St, I\{iehael's n1 La f avet te, CoI u m bui, ic p;trish lo ohviale lro 9, . R h mond .a'iraVioctnir6si -coiTici tha commuting leadrng .private businesr dollege_astrblished-ii- i902, grrrrhltnr. A speaker for this the location preferred, or Man of decision ht'oakfasl, rvlrir.h follorvs lhe g:15 a, m, i\Tass, has nol yet he en . ir:::ii' CentralBusinesr College .,.-i t :..,. ! r r-':.: iil:r.:: r'rrr na nrerl. .r,t.rj ii "tttfiEii:l'igr Bulldlnr spooch his namesake hirl Sivcn ior N. Merrdi.nt$f.ttnt IndrrnrFcrrr lhe day before at Gettvsburg. The llrck in tStl3 .\bt'aham I'ineoln dying man expressed lris rrndving wa.s asketl lo gilc a speech at tlte l.ryalty to the South, bttt he nlso {nrnral oFettittg o[ ihc national voieetl his approval of tlre Noi'th- (icttI cenlclr.l'J' at sl)ur.q. Pennsl-l- r.rn l.rosident wfio rvas inspit'orl WorryFree Apartment living got r ania. Ftrt htiol't I.incoln !Ip br principlc antl not lrv petty lril- 'l'hi.s Effieiency, t and 2 bedroom epart- tn 5peak, I,ltl*'alil Evet'ctt, a ta- of t(,rllr'ss. inner Cotrvi(-.tir)il ments in SS. Peter parish. ltolrs oratrlr rif ihe dayt arose te i,inIrrlit lr'd lrirn to grre nne ol llre and Paul Aiso ;rddloss tltc tht'on.t. gi'orrt spt'cchas of history. I he close to in othcr IIr kneu'nf lhr parts of the city. Rental rates to livt'roii spokr ahnut the (litil snlrlicr snitl. Cy Cipher cuit Ilresidcn{ harl your needs. Stop in \\'rrr' :rnd tts cnttsc. of tlte r-'rinte sileltt fr.0fption lhe for listinqr at r.o(,otIo(l lltt rl:ry lrcior.e. lrrrl lre 850 N. Penn., or-call MEIrose :lsninst the finion hy ltfhan you {-iFEb tht strt'cst sign aood helF,..hrt lhc S()uth. Ilis u rs tr polislrcd. saitl that lhrt n''as any day, including Sunday. u'orth. blood-and.lltttndcr llrsdr, lle sard of llie spelch's \( hat cvorl'bo(ll' lttd expected hirn to say and tltcn sat dotr'rt In t'e. cr.itc the lottd anrl long avation thilh it had takcn him trvo hours lo lei, Ncrt I'r'tsitlctrt Lincoln stepped f{)t.\\al.(l ltrrrl as ht, [rs'gxn his r.oiCtr {'a nle Oilt a rr t'Ak falscttr" I'lte Inclc lcl l ctl Football noticg wE PUT0nRsELYrs ST.FRANqS Liiicoltr frlllized lhili L ttl HOSPITATGUILD'S crorcd snit'kt lt'd, l)ttt Lincrrln dnd tlrert (ie hrs -sPcech hatl not her'ii llie f:ril- n r.nt nn trr dclrlr-r his ttl'sltut'g All brcli rnd tndr in lhe In' Y0ufisfioEs wtTH l rlrl Lcss. rule lhat he harl lhought is rvas. Bigger and Bet?er '['he dianrpolis Dernery qo4s1 fool. t silt'uce of tht- tiay hefore rvas It'att ts frlt:t: 'l'hr not thr. silence of indiifcrencp ball Leaguo who wrigh belwmn Fn* Plt'ridt ttt spoke those III. "100" \\r)fals th;l! lrave bct'orlrc lntlltot- brrl the only ptrssible re rclitu. It l2? and I25 rnd rll Ia ANITUAT ['ALL .,rll \r'as tlte silcncc ttf t't'spectfttl tal ln iltr1r111tu'0 nlinttlcs. Lergue brckr rnd endr wcigh. \\'hin hc srl (kr\\'n a stt'angc tlttng Bgfrrrl)lont and;rwc. .{ny othcr' Ic'sts stiff and 85 ing belween 82 Poundr I .U. hapgrctrctl u() ottr) *:rvd llte hast r't'ilctiolt rr'ortkl ltave bot'tt tttnpll' tPerconal IilNSTA the CYO Offico Sorvicr |.r.:l(-tl()n lo lrls rpctclt, not a sin arrtl nrt'lnittgloss, llrrro llt:tn ltal{ a rlnzcn lcltttts lle lo reporl to 'l'he o rf 9:30 a'm' Solurdrry' Oel' l9' llr cl;rp u ls ht'rittl. I't'csi ilrll l,,rlst ttttilt'fcltlt'tl slillrs in thc Drvid J. For ikrll \rils llu|1. hL'ltarl nrrt ttt- Sunday,October 20 l,rneoln hld rlcltvcrcd a slcll I)clnfr)' (l\'() foot- lorreweighing. : Indi:tit;tprilis Ross t'eitcrl {!\'cn sorlro pelfrtrtctory spt cr'h, but rvhf i' \\'lty ltrr'tt his E. eofiin lrtrl rriosl of tltetn \n. 1111,t1t,' tnittie the hrll lc;rrlrrcs, 'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllll apPlattse. fcs' rt,olrls btrconttr imtrtotlltl Miehrel J. HOSPITALAUDITORIUM rlrrrci cl'u('irl tcsts Strltrllrr ;rs tltol' Fox It.llrt:llrtl 1rf Spptrrvttl or rvrtt oI rvhrle I,)r'eretl's have vanisht'rl, as faco stLott[ 1'1r11lt'rltlctsitt it sltrtrr" gASQUAtE's rltsltpplnl xl. Ltnctrln \\'ils sttrc if thel had nover boen spulir.trJ rllttlrurl lo nroel 'ril rl{)\\'n frfl' tlivisiott lt';trlcI'slrip- llr00 A.M. [r00 P,M. th:rt ht- h:rLl fuilcil. [,rncoln rvas ablc lo lisc alurve tr r'anrr.lrrlc. ('\-() o{fii'rllS rlc- INDL\N,\l'ol,lS --'l'lre Indian- Ptz[.A $0x lhe paltisan bitterinoss o[ thc rvnr b--s, st,l'ilrt.rl this vt:rt's raees lts tlte ;\lunrtti of St.,loseph (lol- ;rnd spclli out his nrind, lris eott- :rpolis CARRY (hoireof RoastBeef or ChickenDinner-$|,50 Irrosl conrllr'ltlirtt ttt t't't't'nt lcitLs. €## vrction-s. to his pcopl(', noI t() lcgr,, ll r'ttsst lat'r, will hold a :IIT TI St. ouT Northotrtcls or St-ttttltct'nct's, bttt ()nr' of tlto top ultllt('s in I)i\i- Irrt{ft't slrl)[){]r ll I'itts X \'rt/ Children t to l?-..75c Pru.School Agc-Frm ('ltrlcl l,cltltte ('ouur:il. Knighls of (lolttlrlbtts, lo.\nlol'icans. sirrrr I df lltc lttls 'til (Serving-ll:00 A.M. 5;00 P,M.) Sl. ('hr'rsl{)l}h(,r (.1-l} :tg:tittst lltt' ? lst anrl Iievstorre , follo*'ing tlrr: [,rnct-rln'ssuccc.\s at (icltl slruIg Ir{)x q;inlc cnttrall)' slt'rrttil St. lli('hll('l s (2':l) Iirrtlcr'.St. .loscplt Stttttt'rlay, {s3 rvas tlrro. in lalgr pnlt, to his lt Llir ;rl ('\'() l"itll(l Nr). i. r\lunrnr lntl lricnrls nlc itrvited.. 129 E ast Markel Slre el Ilc liad flrlrri anrl hc sonrlored fiIrn cottr'ielir)lts. Atxl ltc srnt' tro Ir.111. PlzzA {5",12", 15"} Ii n ler l,a.inm.enI IIou rly! ! rtlrr'. ()ftcn lrefole hc hnd 'l'rrn held :rltct'natitt-r llttt trr spe rrh ih.lrl r)rtt. trnrlr,ft,;rtt'rl lt:tltts. ('ltt'ist Chicken Basketr Irrrlianrpolis, lndiane arrtlrertcesln tlre palrn of 'i'horrrllr his hanti. to prrt fht'trr itrto aclirrrt. llrr Iiittrt ( I {}) irtl(l lllllll:l('tll:llo Spaghetti & Ravioli DOOR HOiJRLYI l)ul PRIZES Jrstcrdal's silent atrrhcnct Irc apprritlt:tl io lt;rr't'failcd. tr,llly llclrrt (:i i) I ). lrt'ilrllitt0 tlttl aclion Shrimp & Fish Baskels .lr,rrrk rrhlt t'on{rrlcnci: lre lrarl in Dorsey BOOTHS!!_ ht' rliil nol, llc rvorrld irol lrave irt l)ilisiirtr lI itt ir 3:lir slttrwtlos'tt Gianl Sandwicher ME 6-3578 GAMES!! hinrself and nrarlc hinr rvonder'. ('Y() ()i failerl. r'r'cn if lre lr;r

By REV, WALTER IMBIORSKI up hcr child. Frlhar, wc don'l reetly, have the parish priest (or or to give mesning to their lives, every day, knorving your shock heve r lot ol monay and lhcro any priest lor that matter) put or just to have someone depend. and disappointment. This is the rro fwo youngar childrcn ln lhe you in touch with th€m. They ent upon thetn. classic case in which you must housa. l'vr gollrn oYtr mY can make various kinds of ar- Thir is simply unjust. It is hate the sin and love the sinner. rhock and wrnl lo know how lo rangements to Eive Alice the eafe unfsir to the ehild to try to raise Encoulage her to complete her hrndla lhic siluallon for avcrY' and attention she needs in either it without a father and without a high sehool work, even by nrail, body'r good. Plaece rnlwar a private honte or in some insti- name when he corrld be provided Ilrlp hcr , :ake plans for the Iu. toon. ttttional setting, or even in r dif' with a real home and two loving lulc slre pcrnrit hcr,self to fcrent tt'rwn or e ity if the circrtm- parents. I am not a great be" feol that life is over and just stances warranl it. There is Iiever in a mother's love over- drift. or eonrc to despise herielf. rrsrtally no charge at all for those coming all in clrcumstanees of she may well need .somehody lo payment for -whom would be n thls kind. lalk to, to help sort out her feel- lra.rdship. a ings anrl fnee- the luture, Again I)o all you can gcntly, but {irm- i\{artha, your. dattghtei. nee{ls rnayhe the parish priest coukl , "le[ persuatle Alice to the speciel understan{ing in the sugAest a ivise aria qualiticd bnlry out lor adoption," It secms months to eome. Ferheps tlre lrclson, well establishcd lhat mosl unwcd nost difficult thing she wili ever I hope thesa thoughts erc nrotlrers who wanl, to kcep their have had to face in her cntire hclpful. Cl{ltIS'l' babies are satisfying a naod of life wes telling yotr about her ( Fr. lmbiorskl wlll bc unebh ,-..,,.,::.,,,If{'I'IIE W IIOLII _ rr :y:19::_t:_:Ipl19q1l__=.!Tq.*v'"1_.1L:*iT, vuu:-=:j.".=L"r3lj l'tri:':l_ __, His mother WORKINGTO BEAT HBLL ::: '!i ' \'{rut' . i:lr :\ii rlarrqlrter"s aclion indi. entcs inrnratrrlily rl lhe \,or\r NOR$EKT 's SAINT BY ABP' EMILE GUERRY lcasl rvhilc lht' lio1 actiuns arrtl Ever hear of bus attitudc in lhis situ:rlion iutlicatr party? ifowder Iicltolti llty ll0l,r{'r. (.lohn. XIX. 37, irresponsibilily nntl cvcn sclfish" ncss. flnlcss thoro nr0 many goorl leur'-talent shows, halloons, whis. posilive faciols io nflsrl lhr fccl- tles, [rand-aids, tourniqucts, ing of being cocrccrl nntl tlappcd, splints, arrtl so on. "oh thc ft'cling of rvc nriglrl as It is elso imptrrtent l.o gather a rvoll soc Irrrtr'il u'rlt'ks" nrnt't'itrgo ferv sclee terl adull.s. (None of the In rvorrld ha r,t'r'1' unrvisc, kirls cvef called Lhese people Iloos this nrcan lha young n1fin t'cliaperorrs," pnltics rvelc heeause they al- slrrrttltl llo fi[lrlt\ lr] ltssturte n{) rc- tlulgctl in by t rvays harl as nrurrh or more {un sponsiltilily.' Nr)t itl illl. lio11y1' Sorlalists lhan lhe kids had. Invariably, nrrangerlrun(s shorrltl lrc rvolkurl Ilc{is IIig too, our bus drivcr', a stlRnger, out ( inlolving his palcnts rI join iichool, Dcnvr tvriukl soot't in the festivities.) ll0(,(\ssltl'\'] lrl tttttkt' ltttil eottlt'ilr. ot'et'il Also otr harrrl is a l),A. systent, origirr lottlldaliort {rf lfl(' 1tt:t'itttl frlrsl lrhnsr... tfir, ^olld rrlo financially lo thc bilth antl good, stlrtic tcn yca and n tallc.rcr:orrler, with spiiilrrcl rurtll'rnilll of rlfarit eally cirlc ol the clrikl. lf ttothing Oncc Iee loud spoakcrs, arrd plenty of can lle workc(l ( ttt infot'nrally, r\iitlt thc i\lystely of tlte lncat'nation :lgrrrs scc tlte laqred nrtrsic*-rlancc, baekgrorrnrl 1t is in llirr.I.'s r,onnct.lion consult a la*'1't t'. r\lost slitlt s finds its tlrigin anrl c n r Thr antl othorrvisc. har spilrtriltl trr;rleruil\. rn t'clatiott ttr lts firlltt-r, if hr'is knrrrvtt, HCnUrnc, answer lo fhir ir usurlly thrrt lrold llre "yei," 'flte ()l is in tltc getrerotts itnd rtn' I somolimer hesitanl, Since this is a Srtdality projeet, fttrrntl8tittn. sottt't't. lhis lllittcrlrilf lilhlc lo pt'olirle srtbslanlial its Ilt lltc courso of linra, we thc trip and thc party brrth begirr gatc i\nRel of tltt: Anntrncintion, rvlto in t'it'cttttrstttnces. sometimer enlhusiastic, depend= r.csorvctl Firrr rvhicii she lo tltc sistance tltcsc "lltts "1\lcnroraro." avolvetl sonrclhiltg like n pnl'ty," ing on antl entl rvitlr a it nc$r refrnentcnt on (lod's u'ish that she shortld becotlre As ltir',\lit'r', hrIiut{ lrt'r' s{a1' whethar or not the bur had come to ask hcl corlst'tlt to cvcr "illusical lltav't'e ntote t'onvinct'rl lltatl prrly'r reptrlalion hac gone be- Oncc allivcd at the arcna, the Chails." l'hc troublc the pliln of (iod, the snlvntion of tlrtr tluring tlto cittning nronths at the trIothcr.of Itis Son. ln '['ltis l lral lhtl ovet"sopisl icat'r:rl tcott- fore. 's lr0nro is lr()l lt itlt'lt. is kids aro divirlod into teams of lvith lhis garrrc in its r"ivili;erl ott NIal'1 docision at thnt tnontetll. il()(xl \.orld lratl hor'n nlirrlt'tlcpcutlrnt agcr is a llool'phoney rvho has ahtnrt frtrttr is rrol bccarrsc sho is :r tt't't'ilrltt sin. 'l'hcv 'l'he ten c:irrli, five lroys and five thal. tlre kirls can marclr In('ntlliitioll was uot solcly ll('\ol' lrIcrl. krtorv tlte next stcp is to clr:rltcr a 'l'ltcy Ilcr inlet.r't,nti0n in tht rt'rlrnip{ivc nr'r'. lrrrl lrr.r'ltttsr' ltot' pt't'st'ut'c .lilsl (irls. will be scorcrl on n aLrtttnrl lo lhr,rnrrsrc arrrl irold \\'irl, l() hava fttn. :ln(l. tt'en ntot'e hus. {igttling out thc c{)st pur intlirect: sfie tirrt rittll' tlttsctrtt'tl. she rlilftrd. F irrt, Altl she rvillctl rvit[ rrill c;rrrsr consirldfahlt' t'tttlllt- tcatti b0sis as the Farty pro= onto a ehair as they go so ihat hcatl, thc cost of footl en routc, ruissiorr irn$u l;rrrl, lltov't't' sttt:rrl t'ltottgll gressos, anrl the l.hey are vcry close [o onc a elear ultrltfslilll(lillS of tltc rrbitlct arttl tltt ntcltning of llte lilsstllt'nl lo het'solf antl tlro laItr- winning teant when lo krtorv the t'cason fot il. t'lach nnrl so on. Thcn. rvilh thtr cost in sltt'luul long metlitatctl the Scrip' il1' nnd st'tiotts crtnfttsirtn fot' thtr s,ill rr:ccive sornr: rvolthless llrt the nrusic stops, So we rl;g1y iq rvlrich $iis l.rring confitlerl lo trcr. tutiurl, notice is givcn to tlrose rtay, in tlrcil Nloltting Offcfing. significrnl prizcs. circlr: alorrnr.l the chairs, llrt pcnctrllcrl llrt: tk'pths of the I't'ophttcics itt tltc ligltt ) ounllcl clrildlln. tures, antl hatl thcy rrtr'rttt it u,hcn tlroy offar' (iod cligibltt fot' lltc trip, in tlris easrr a a al)r)ul 25 fur:f arva!., so that rvhen sprtirl girt'tt lo ltct'. "l)l'it.\'e lltrt scnior Sorlalists, nnel sontr'- of tlte lt'r5' 3t'itt'cs :rll tlrtir' l s, tvorks, ioyi tlte rntrsic stopperl thclc was ll ltIrv:rlc Iffilllgcnlonls canllol " jrrtriols, tltrl slre shottld cott- .su[fct'iugs. tinlcs a tcl ench ol rvhorrr \\'hat uns lring tslicd of hcr s'its nol orlll' be rlr:rtle {rtt' ltttt', ttontlct tht: arrtl rlrrile somc little dash for lhc 'l'lrr' "lrrrs Jrrrys his own way. ('l'hc palty is t'eivr'rllttl lrt':tr tlrc Ilan-(iotl, lVlto $ottld ltc t tttittr filllonA nlelr, ('alholic ('hulilios ot' lltttttt: lltt' plrll"' is ittttl ttttetttpt chails. We rlirl lose a ferv chails ttntlelstood 1o bc n plivilt'g.t-, rrul (Al thc grctttst of ;rll ntcni it was thtt she shotrld ltectlttre lltt: reilrt rrflit'e in llrt, rlirrccsr' in rlltit'lt at srrrrrurvltttl ritlttltts ltttl. When it ilris rvay on occasion. first., though fal morc ahvnys tlrc priv- is planned lt'ont a lloys' stlltttol, it rvc fcarctl that thcsc ftail Iittle i\lothcr of tlro Srtviol of tltankitl<1,tht'[lollret of the Iletlcentct" She lit" lf I'ott {arltrr)t trall tlt _lflll . ilcgc thnn thcltr is luotn for'.) gill.s rvould be hult b!' soure of runtlerstoorl lhlt tliis Soll \\':ts bring giverl 1o her for tts, for th'! othcts, I our nrarlrrnoth fuotllall pltyers, bttl- strangcly cnough, tht gir'ls ('tllts('lr)tlSOl lll t)l US = llt lhirl lt)olllclll ()l ll('l.tlt'cisi0tt, trirs sltt. alwlt's $'{)ll this gatnt:, so \r.c s{}on ' \ve lravrr 111vn1l(l11rt'itv for thinhing so' iii,t itrty rittg.t I 'l'h,c .In quit iutlititlrrally'l I1l - -, .., 1,. ,.- r| r\,,r ttt>f ^crr = rvolr'f ing. ) ', = :l"lilill{:,ii:,llx::lliliiij:;*';l,fi:,T;iu:i.llimli -4. t atl', t;lmsart, tLnel:ue Ul' = I ttrat, in hcr {r.clt ttrontetrt, thc ltttntan racc becuttte btlt orlc for l\lary; 'l'herrr * -= afo grcat nrttrrhcl s nf that shc snrv all ttrctt gatltct't'tl togcthcr itlto R trcu' People of t;orl' i. ililililil1ililililil1il1IF grnles, fiot all very dignifierl, snvetl in ''lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll reconcik'tl rliih the r\tost tligh tlrlough a Ne*' Alliance, rvhich can hclp sur:h a party to WALSH, S.J' 'l'he solitlatity rr'ilh IIinr \\'ho s'as to ltcconle her Son. By REV. JOHN be a riotorts success, faster 'I'o this plan, trt:u'y tlitl not give a tintirl, erlrbirrrnssed, alntost (lht'isl things procccd, thc bcttcr. It Q. tl,{l lirrrri.ft'.st specinl cons('rlt, as the sctrtle has been painted for trs by the great talies a lot lo tvear ottt a teen- shlinking affct:fiott Ior tlte ttr'clt't:i' gave agcr, but thosa parties tlid it, :ind artists sho sougltt to intct'pt't't her htrmility. She hoi"sclf cntirely 'forvat'rl ltis rtposllcs Cht'ist, il rt'as a pt'ett-v tlttiut btrs on thc by tlrat act of lill lntl of lovt-', rvhielt fornrally constittrtcs ltcr trla' shorvctl llinrsell lo lte llttt lt'ry rcttrrn trip. 13Ltt5ott cottlrl altnost ternity and in llticlt her rvhole persort is exprossetl. She willed to epitomc of a loyal ittld rlcvolt:il see NIary and her Snn snrile at bocorne our ilother, in becotlting tltc llother o{ Ch.rist the Savior' lcatlt'r. Ilc prrlrlicl5' tlcfenrlerl *l'"l thctn rvltcu othels rlitt'erl to cliti- :::1-:l:-"lf---li-"-ll.,:i::-." .-. prontrrfgo(iott olt ('flIltot'lr. Seeond pho"-r': {fte t'izc thcir cotttlttct trl rrtlclttlltotl rllory i.r opr;rolnletf lo be otrr" rlfollrer 1rr curbatrass iltcnt. Irr Ilis pt'i- vate tlealings *itlt tltcttt llt' cat'tt' of {'Nrrrv, p0vcrty lht1c stootl by lhe cross o[ Jestts, ltis nrother . . ," 1.lolrrr, fully elabor:rtt'tl llis tt'athings, -{IX, XS). Shc unitttl hctsclf rvith her Son's inrntolation, shering in paliently solvcrl tlteir tlifficttltics, giving of life which Christ tlrat olrlation of love--==in the total His and flnslct'e'rl tltoir ittct'ssatrt accomplished for tlte Rerlenrption of the world. The context of this qrrr.stions. lltottt rrltctt seen challengc to [J.S. llt' 1rt'aisorl runion was rrot that of lhe privale relations bclu'een a sott attd a thcy rlid rvt'll, scoltlt'tl:rlt(l c()t'- rrrarlerluate irr flrp t:nilnrl Statcs. nrotlrer. On thc Cross, Christ exercisctl llis public lunction of lrlcdiator lectcrl thrtn rvhclt thcy \\'ol'e at Irather llasse sairl, of the Ncrv ;\llirrnce--thc csseutial act of I{is Sttpreme Priesthootl. fault, cncottr:tgcd tltt'rtt ultcrt lltt'1' 1\'frc ttorvncast, ittttl lrt'artettcd In that hour, thc ('httrch rvas created. 1'hen, tlte agonizing Clhrist. tlsing those figttt'cs, hc rlc- "llclrold tht'nr fot' tltc s

Thc Above Schedule Irresented cs c Seruice 5y.' Ahdonr0'Rifeyrllurt

Q. lVhrif dfl. elrl,'ist sua to IIis nprrslles during tlrc Lnsl Suppcr'? FunerafHomes i\lost of IIis farctvcll tliscourso was focuscrl on llre idea of trnity. 1509Prospecl ME 8'1474 prul Over anrl over ngain IIe urgcntly Ocl. Pii S'r. AN'I'IIONY IIARY CLAIIE'f, lhe l{hoh Christ,.,Il. iubtiotiqnr, ll!l yictor; !lrd,, trrtrn tthrd, "confessor" ff.rOy"o"rg,"ln entreated and exhorted the CONI'ESSOR. The in the Ohurch is PAGE EIGHT THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 18, 1963

O YIIIWING WITH ARNOLD Child Center plans Card party slated at St. Anthony's

O n [Io usc O et. 20 yTJ.i sehool cafeteria, 379 N. lYarrnan 1ie ^,1i-l',+T*iro",iif i,; "f Ave. Gamcs will be played be- tn sunday,-_oct'2}_t" 'l- ginning 2 p.m, TNDIANAI,0T,IS - An op.n *lt*t{L at and in the eve. is stAr ning at 7:30 p,m. T,unch will be Brando IIouse will he hold at. British the St, l\Iary's Child Centu, en r.i.-r.reii served between sessions. A wide Annffal lffUnCh Set prizes Jcrsey St., Irom ? to 5 p,m, on variety of will be awarded, l\{rs. Glonn Munshower is chair- 'This iill#;",lfl',fr:'*;liiL'f;Tl*li f or Woodsaluurnae man, assisted by Miss l\lary Fal. lon, l\[rs. Nel.tie ]\Iakinen Cuiltl antl the Special Etlueatiou and Life' Mrs. Rrrth I'lisk. The liulrlic is of Spnrting f)epaltmcnt of the Archtliocesan invited. School Office. By JAMES W. ARNOLD gressive. ott-tltt'-rrtakc, u'itlt tttti' Itlrs. lVilfrkl J. Pcpe is genoral ttul ttcctls itttd goltls- chainnan, assisted by: llrs. Phil- Plnn vlslfations lip I,). Itlattingly, I\trs. Willinm A. S'1. - Off lhe fleld. awaY lrom lht I'AIJL, l\Iinn. Visits to Ilooker antl l\Irs. Ilenry II. Laild. families boore and broads, he is resilosr Ncglo by 40 white couplcs of the Christian and bored, admirins his PhY' l'amily Nlovcmcnt herc are being plannerl siqua in the mirror, Poring ovcr Annual tlanee set 27, Al. preliminary his prest clippines, lerding lor 0ctollcr a nrneiing, llre corrplt,g lrashy novels. will l)c lrriefed by a pancl that ineludes 'l'lris dt St, rtIiehnel's rtloksccnt'iulttlt. hits ltis nrenllers of the tirban League Hrlnrit'ablt-' egrnlities: lrc is ph1'si' antl the Catholic Interracial t'all5' cottt'ai;crt,15. lp1'al to [rictrrls, CoUncll, kinrl anrl llcnol'olls lo chiltlrcn. illost of all. in hi-t -sottl ltr: st:!!scs llr. olillllill0ss ol' ltis ritlttes. ntrrl stclis iric;rtliilgfrrl lovt' n'ith n scn- LA FIESTA ESPANOL-Thr lndianr Roof Boilroom wilt be thr sitirc. grtrl{ t'i(Llr,ll \ri(l(}w t ltircltt'l Ilolx'i'ls) tltrr is lurlf.rcpcllcd by seenr o! lhe fall danec ol lhe !1. Jocn of Arc Women'r Club on "La hinr.'l'lrc strlrr-t'lt :ttritultl tlttltlitit's Ocfober 15. Thame will ba Fieslr Esplnol." Dancing will lhat lrlirt:.1 stlccriss t'lsctlhet'c fltil begin at l0 p.m. Mrr. J. Frrnk lllanbach and Mrr. George Slein. hinr helt'. ln lltc etlrl ctllrlcs tllc mek, Jr,, rrs co.chairmen of lhc cvont, Shown above from lell Iilttt's rclrl l)oit)1, t]l;ltt w;ls llla(lc arr: Mrs. Paul Wenre!, decoraflonr eommillee; Mrs. M, C- Ful" Thircl Order unit it all elsa to lovc. itttd trithortl necky, tickets (omittaa; rnd llrr. John T. MeDermott, ileeoratiotis. trtrtts to rtsltes. {Strff photo} ll'lto artisiic tluttgcr in rcaiistic slutes meetirtg drscription oI lltc utrpleasatlt is .r.hc th:rt thc altisl uill hecottte loo rNDrANApor,rs*: rrory Oct. 20th thru 0d. 28th ACCM to meet 'I'lrilrl (trtler' last'inult'tl uith tltt' rttttrkly tlclitils Attuttal funrl rlrive Stignata l,'ral.crnity. 7:10 p.M. :rtrtl spoil (!\'t\fllhilll: ltt' titillrtiittll Thc lourth quarlerly ineeting of Sl,. I,'r'ancis. u'ill nreet at Al rcrrrir lletrcal Ilorrse his ittttlit'ttct' uitlt tltc sortlitltress is atrtrotut(:c{l l.}}' of the Archdiocesan Council of af. B:20 5t. JUde the ApOStle ChUfCh Iro hrrpos trr cilll(lolllrl. ttt ltis llJti0 Cilholic Men will he held Sun. on illonclay, Oct, 21. Rotl llughes. fjrst. nrrvcl, ;rrrthol l)in'itl Stot't'y day, Oet. ?0, at l:30 p,m. in fhe Novicc llastr:r', rvill instluct nrrr'- 5353 McFarland Rd., Indianapolis p,m. { ex nritrcr' Utt,; l11u,lrrl.) rl[tr\lt \:tU. :rlumni of Marian ACCM Oiiiee, ll,i W. Georeia ircs at B (5100 South & 3000 Easi) tlct'crl aintlt'sslt' in lltc oozt!' ('sl)(!- St., Indianapolis. Charles E. I,'olLru'itt( Ilottr'rli<,1iort, l'r'rrulis Ililt.y, ehtrinnan of thc lratcrnity's Preacher for Novena - Rev. Paul Dooley, in,A, eirll.r' $'ith a long t'ltt'istlliits liiit'ly' tNi)l:\NAl't)1,IS - Pt'rrccctls ol Slimming, 5r,, ACCM president. lrouli. preride. olgl' lltitt ttotttiuitlt'

'lhl p.rn.-Clriiloptrers For Any RAMBLER INI)1,\Nr\P(ILIS .-. fitst I l:ll0 , ., . ,. ..,.., ,WAVI 1964 .4:30 NEW p.rrr.-Catholic TllEAu. i lloLrt . .. . . -.,.. ,VJAVI ntrjur activitl' of thu (.llrnltllrntl 4:30 tjnlo My Ieet ,,. .. .WliAS L One of the Most Modern Servicr I)alcnts :\ssociutron rvill ba a I,'ish lrdio-Sundry r oepti. in- Service 6,15 r.u.-llorrr dl 5t. lrnr(rii ,.",,.UJRtO [,'t'.vatttl \:cgls *-i{ltl to hrr I All Makes. hcll al. 7i45 il.rr.*Sncred lloarl ..,,,,,,,...WKl"fl (-lhlrtlantl 11,15 d.rr.--5,!(.r0d ll0nrf I Iligh School on l'r'i

0on't dert until fou Board meeting SHTIBYVIITE ARIA deals on the 1961 5uhd.y Sidio gel my deal oo th. l 2: i 5 p.n,-Hour oi Sl. frdilcis . , , ,, .!1SVI Ai OI0SMOBtt€l [ov/ TTIL €IIY AETA ove.he.d locdlion makcs I. di 6-0r i ty Rambler, comc deal 6,00 Rosary .....,.,,,.,.WlCJ SNIDER lhe differencc. S?e r,tt Rrdio-Sundry 6l Collins 0ldsnrobile, 7:00 lleJrt ...,.,..,..,U/lTZ ;,r15 [hristophers ...... WlTZ ?ir{ w_ l6rh st., tnE /:30 ;l the Crucified .....UJ112 lvittr The Champ, 9:30, Lldril flour ...... ,.,.tr,'lTZ 5-6500. I l:00 d.m,-Sludenls of Vi- Eaden ,. -, -l!l fZ llrl5 d.m.-liou. ol 5t. Fraocis ..,..,.$JIIZ STUDEBAKER Radio-Sundiy 7ri5 a.n.-Tlte Cirfisloohers ...... VJIH1 Your Direct Faetory Outlt;t TERRE IIAUTC ATTA Sund:y.=Iclcvilion ?r30 d.r|],-[00fi Up dnrl Live .....ulill TV 9 30 d.trl.-[nmp Unlo l,{y Feet .-,...,.110) DANYOUNG *800 Siturd.t-lel.yision 3757North lllinois 5t, o WA5-96f1 I'l:00 lloon*lnsieiri , ., ...... , ^,,.liflil E. Washington Rddio-5und.t 9;.15, .,.,,,,..,,.,.,,"11111 THE CRITERION, OCTOBER I8, 1963 PAGE NINE

ACCW sets tea Probe role of laitv Lauds r€cord of-J Cuban ((lontinued fronr page 1) given cl cll morrlages, insload October 24th Tic Tacker (.lallrolics. It appliL.s to thc Sacli. of being limitod lo cerlain cir' for fictl of tltc [[nss tltc frttsh ideas cumlloncel. r INDIANAPOI.IS-The thnt thc council Jfathers pttf into reluSee(:hildren in U,S Archdio. lhcir first ehaptor last Dccambcr. cesan Council of Catholic Womcn i\ sclf-atlministcrctl retrcnt rvas reccnlly condttcterl 8t Alverns Rc' r\gnin, thc sizc of tltc tnajority: will hold a tea Thursday, Oct. 24, lrtat Ilaust-. program of the lo intlodrrce a netv leldcrship training 2,lt)8-amphssizc

A deolership lhsf is... building o repulolion. ,. FISHFRY - nof relying on onel Cull


wrrH AU, or ouR CHRYSITR wA.6-2423 CORFONAIIONCATT - Friday,Oct. 25 -

. Carry Outs from 4 F.m, See & I)riue the All [Yeut r Regular Serving from 5 p.m. 1964Buick

. Vegas Nile from 6 p.m.

Rocky Piccioni,Chairman Service.SalesoParts Work C}IARTRAND Paint& Body HIGHSCHOOT NEWCARS USEDCARS lll V slo2 N. KEYSToNEAvE. 3300Prague Rd, Indianapolir 37 lVest 3tl{h Sa. Tltis is thc most importtrnt thing thc council has to rlo. It tl,ill be a lailule if it does uot zrccouu;lish it. .*It. T. Il. PAGE TEN THE CRITERION,OCTOBER 18, 1953

Fr.'Walsh Iloly Name parish Turkey shoot, festival ((iontinucrl lrom page 7) slates fall dance they had heard lrom Christ's lips and which they might have since BEECH GBOVF-The rnnual forgotten, and IIe promised that fall dance sponsored by the Holy I'OII the IIoly Ghost woul

Iw - -w 'i Servic€ Station oPrN-8 LM. tO tltDiltolil 5ER!NG SHELL 'Iill I?IO 5. HARDING SI. frl. lnd Sal. I A.M. Xrrvicr. Acersririrs- err SERVICE MARVIN'S Drive,ln li!-ii, fl0.d 5rriir:r 8601 W$ttiild Squlhern Liquor t lo l0 om. J dav! f, 8lrd, Storo

I week Yt. 6.00u rea-E- Euriir! .o,notol, A dtllghllul ronl.npOttfy trtr(h,rlyl6_hohe rtrnrtrurlid ol ,irh MIIo!r ?'&9i0 ,rro'iixlhri,i'd rrndrlorr rnd rcdwoEf, (r9rll;. qfferr ...,0. lhr two .r.iii"s ,irr"ii'; @ floot A !,brdroo4l W tltnr. tfilh irmrry.rcom pran. dt i {.hcdroom iTIIE rlorer r rp*i'oui itri CAITELLA tl#. _ _ll-,r-t_"r,,lr_eirtnq .f *'liili I .irr - wltn tr[[tt0nr flrrDItca, ttrrrrlr.lornal dininq roor, 'Orun,.ir."iiui lil(he.n lor6lir crbi[ttr !trlt hll.-h. rrrq-e r6{ It'r Now \liith thr ltn!inri Iauih -wllh ii. lr(hta l'.i, tatagt, rlUi iliding glarr doorr ri re MILLER'5 REGAL MARKET dr,l l).yi..s ao'nt,lft.ty Arr fon'J;tioni:d w srr rrlio 7 ndvnrtio.j 5tylist\,!!r{J t)!rirtdr$ la Sr:rvc YOrr - t'Srrving lha Soulh;idr Sircs 1900" "fRtsH 5T /.53?l CUt ltrAlt4 Prieodfrom $l5rl75 DIRK's MARKET Tcrrace at Madison Ave. Rorne Original Coiffures PAT DQLLEN'S qurlily rnd slrvler 4?00 Sollheart ll. In Squlhrrn Plarr Ineludins Fully Lrndrceped Lot Wq [)uy 0rrr own trtrllt 0n0 v?ililtdblat fRtI DIt"lv6RY lfdtri , r4v/rr(,. illts Inil,rt\ V0U tlaShttsjl !nd oo0d rl. ,.9010 $5lr I. t|li. tl. W :ludil Iy. 4907N. Penn WA 3.?50t hIOTIIONEY DOWN VA MULHEF{N'sSTANDARD woiMANil;-ci. iNa:-' DUGGERT.V, - 9350 on FHA sErtvlcE rtvlnqt0rl r Ptesatilli0n \.titld SALES& SERVICE FRtt 0EUVERI Ntw rrxA[t(}ft i SAtts * f;Aot0 .-. frllYtst0li * sE[vt(t W f[ 9'5+*l ! lrt:l loltl !l ; tl6{ a, ltrrhin1lon tt. l8?9 firnr*orlh ivr, cH 4'866,t [1[ 5.05n8 ! HOMEBUILDING CORP. t,\tl.t ll.t,I',,rtrfD a llai !r)d fi,lr"r! 5e !ri:r pltnlrng loulhorn Avc, ond 5, Shsrngn Dr, i Rivalifte t! _ Nor"th Eastwood Lounge isr t!r!F : WALTER'SPHARMACY sT.{.4660 I JELLED'MAGIC 38th & Posl Road - srio- n1.i',.r'ilh, *'' eor. ilait {d, it f8rirswoatb cH. {'9000 Errlertainment *. Every W i ^'" |} QUAT.TIYDRUCS I '-". .drrrrJlvlIglorc EXFERTPRF5LIIIPIII)NI\TS -i-i Berry Bros.Painl I I li\531 $i5t lt.rhinlton slaait fl.6'trll Thr.lrs., Fri. and Sat. flrrLrt lrlJ_rl*ers* A-orreu,]'i]j..1:],l]]''i.,.:..]::''.|.iT,.:''i.==---:sHoP.RlTE--|re|"_l]1._1"j'lll':.]l:*l'-.j.i]..:.| {-jitl'f}i Ottt Dcpitrtrrtcnt + + rrAs(f*rs(c,r'rr0r rH,'f,"1,\i' ro*rrnrr,.srur.rsH'p,,-S. REAL '' i-iTtt rtljiilil,i,i:ityiff'- ESTATE t"'-"*,,, i .lut,'Qrralters, Pf op. rnr xo,t?!ii"\i',r";" ,.,,,r, 4a0l frf"*'f".l i fexlco FUEL a -'scrvios i I d.irer L\.rrrv$ A,!r rrrr? \r,ri.Nrrr* | rrrr tasr;idr u*":1-1j."':1-"::1 i t U ',.*:,,::111,,",:tlfl,:i:1.Iy.|I ffi - 'r.!ri '.e:r.!tr woRTH'S MARK€T l..--"'i'o'''''' -.1 t.,,in;lo:"i.:"1"fl1,"t Co" l i BUYING or SELLING rrrh I MuxI.,rLM ;1r I rr00, GAMBRALL PHARMACY ltoos 'rirrtir,r. ft..,/"rr:rr I I -' Real Eslafo 4.BEDRM.BRrcK CALL | I pOpfaf price(l " "' '^:;l I lff IoA0 .- Lelo* loan. I JOSEPH H i,",':*:;.u":'" ( nrveoionl to #li::'f | 0r/r,fr. I or,tnr! dtlc 5(Ccrr)d, I , 1'lllT,-l*.,i*iil.l;;6y1.I t"Jv?i.ll,,iN3ot lmm ,#u'l'l:i1-,:,I ARGUS trt/ iI[ lrnc, (,r,,i,t ir,,,'{! l,/),r. t-i^;,--;;i';,,:'' I I -l"""'""i']11,,'l";11,,',ii],i"lll ""r fnqulrG !ri'Ifi:i !,]tJ!! ,",,-,,^',[t1ir:i*l**;-,,1W;;;";"-";,1j; 50?3 ^'rrdiluaAr:' 5I'roi'?sl TU t-s471 I ... I Ar,".^.-:::..tn1l,llto* .. , PARKWAY PlzzA | ,l']i"" i tboul our l--t home lrade' lI{lY30thtYni6i575Il4E.Mi"Hlgili''st'i_iIunc.Un-Brr|rtlrivitr| In phn, ffi - Ft,t'1586 lxrlr*s*l-rirr--l-l @ ffii,:,,',,jr,"1i,'-l,fll"'l*,' lry lffii W --E-- t@taflr. / \'.JryI oni. tlq ront,r,r. I H.?/ty lsrn?e{t, tanlc, 3.h.drr{rr. iaa b*h I I l:kf:l I i "';i;.,ifiru,lll,:.^tvtottrE'sPlzzA l-l lio}. Lr. I up, {trrg allir tnt. hall, 1,1. rrn,, I rii,,,a(' F|UMEt1hVLKAL.t'}tU},iLffi|ltt?i'.t:na.1.l'.lrl\.|Yt.-'+tEBEVERALTE sroRE I tilrr 0orch, din, In),, hi'q kitcl'an v,ilf'l!rcdk- | I I ffij nook, lull ' '-: ".",'::'-' ' i I ld!t 7z brlh, dovrn. bsml.. oll I Leak Really, lnc. PAtt(nGr ueuoR5,. $€rR i

ffi lOOflt{6, GUlItfltt{G .nd FtPAlll E xol ggttr'ur noort IUSNIT 7'6136 PRESTON'S Mt t'56r! Mr wA 3(HOTIITR'S PflATMACI 5.8988 SUPER MARKET !ntruo'Wlth loun PRfJcRtPltoll Io us the nrsUrJrcO lhal ll slll "ErrctlY Ih; flNtsl flAM€ In li4tATS.nd 9R00ucE Br ftllrd - !t Wtil,en" cl 6'508l H0uStwlrE tfllH tREE TlMt frsrh Cul Choir! Mortr rcot x-"ttttnoii tocAt To answet lelephone inquirics . and !ildnqR Mi,rori Beich oceatrlronl tAPltol BoAt (o. resaavalions fof d SPIVEY copy will be carried in this NEVJ and USEo BoAiS H;lel, vr'e?kly loos|. lEllt your nunlbcr d5 our ttrrac' Boal Repaifin0 nev,,spapel wilh Itile. Flnbb. o ,ar, a. ,ortnoto'ot! t.?m frr 3entatrve. ad. Outtcrt' sT. -sJhrid" P.o. Bor 6063. c Plumtrlnt, W e;-" Mi.6i 8€r(h 54, tlotidt 6.{337 hiinrcca M"ttt"* r G!trgca, I FACIORYTO YOU I llonrt Don - I qt Prtin.Dta I @ E 4 lr* I lrr - THE MATT TALBOT HOUSE' ri?. $19{r SUTHERLANDLUMBER CO. Home for Rehabilitation of Al' @ Con' I5OOKENTUCKY AVE. ME 9.2345 - coholics, needs elothing. 8AR8ER5WAIIIEDI lacl: Manager, 1424 Cenfral AYr'WdY' Shonpin'J (tnr$ ME 5'1192' i{ tL 7.7544 Ave., PAGE TWELVE THE CR|TEiilON, OCTOBER t8, t953 I NT,ER NAT'IONA I. LAW EXPERT' Nervrnarrites stutly rnodern problenls LrN Assemhlypresident is alert to encyclicals

By ALBA ZIZZAMIA TNOHTHEAT BUOGET FAYMENT PLAN "Au,r Ail tleat, Ctttt,t Be Becl,, School errrolllnerrt HOLY NAME CARD PARTY:Two roF prLar-r wuk.rnd er fha Indirnapollr Mrrott Holol or lhc Frrnch Liek.shtrtton-will br SACITAIMNI'O, ealif. - Cailro. prrly, rwerded al the Holy Namr Slylc Show rnd Card rhled lic high schools in the Sncramcnro TITIELTI'IAN dioccse Wednesday, Oct. ?3, in lhc rrrditorlum of Msgr Downry Corrncil, onroll t6 per cent of thc Catholic stutlonts of hi;1h ssho61 Knighls of Columbur,5ll E. Thompson Rd, .Thcmc of lhc rvcnl, Coal& Oil Corp. p.m., "Feshisnc agc, according to nelv {igurcs on lo begin et 7130 ir A'lr Crrfc." Displrying sesl "Keep tlioccsan school enrollments, On Full Scruzce" of lhe other prirer lo br givrn twry rbovc rre (from left): Mrr. thc elementary level, ll pcr cant Philip Haboush, chrirmen; Mrr. Lcslcr Nrsrif. co.eheirman; Mrl. qf the Catholic childlcn ol grade Williem Roberlsonr decorelionr ehlirmln; rnd M6. Evcrl Collinr, THERE HA$ irlr'citrly ber'ti x11 door prir: cheirmen. (Sfeff pholol school aga ale in Catholic schools. cvolution in the intclplctation of the General r\ssenrlrly (throttglr thc uniting l'or peace rcsolution) iltAR rilt xEtY lYinlil l!lnrl and thc handling o{ non-sel{- Open House set lrnthcr l(arl l,tnhner WEtCOilIEIEA(HERS! govcrning icrriioties. WinterSpinet Pianos "With gets tlluirich post lhrt Grrnd lonel Yort ale invitcrl to visit our store llctleen MAR|ON MUSIC CO. sas- ililmililililililililililililililililil1milililil1ilil11ililil1il1 siorrs IIUNICII, (ielmany - llsgr. tot s. FtHt{SyrylilrA of tlre Institute. Ilotttano (lulrlrlino. rr'e slt:'ll lir' able to ,iurlge if lhe intclnatiourllv rvorld is taking a turn lirr the htl()$'tt the ologian antl rvr.iterl. Lalge, eornplcte tirrc of Caflrolic Books, inclucling bottr'r: tt'ill bc sttcecerlut[ as tlte spilit of llrc discus- WHAT DOES HE consitlcl tlre ;lr.gft's:;or. of sirrtts ilill lltr' pliilo"suplly o[ r,cligion ll .lttvenilcs ancl Chiltllen's slrou' if lircre rs n real tiN's urost iutpoliant lole Perrcc llre Books. tlosire lbt' pfr)gross Ulli\'(lfsity o[ llunich by another and i1rp1qrc. kcapillg, Antl hc calncstly ht:pes lll L.n I seliolar oi rvorltl rcnown, Fatfter rvrl's lntl nreirns rvill lle lirunrl to a prires -il6.inirt 'lhis Karl Ralrncr', S.J. Holy Pictures a School gr'[ ovcr tltc firtlrrcial clisis. "otrt' (irrarrlini, is of thc top items of thc i\lsgr. norv ?8 ycet's " Agctrtla, okl lrnrl irr poor. hcnlth, is rluc to ReligiousArticles lc{ irc slrortly. l'athcr. Ilahncr. Not all thc sr'ttlcnreuts onc of tho oflicial cxlrelts of flrc ( ('ontinue(l .l) at untlt'r' flN auspiccs hnvc bccn fl'otlt l)a.qc Srrt:otrd Vatican Council, lrn.s (.ll A nrirn of l)l'oa(l cultlllc ns n'ell eonrJrlctcly sati.sfactorl', Sosu ntentltr't'sltip thc i\lf'sticnl a,Jlecrl to begin lris lcctur.cs Selccl lr,urlil.r' at thc Youl Christnias Cards Ilctll'- Ilattl' tlatholrc as att alt'r't artd skillful diplortrat. lrlrnittt'rl. lrrrl tht' or.glrri- thcr)loAiRus "lar slftte univcrsity hclc as s(xln as hc hns nrrintlintrl an nltitutle of zalion is flom pelfcet. llrrl. Tourists )rad regarrlcd I'ius Nl['s enc]'cli. he cnn llc lcliovctl of lri5 grlesent Nou' 1,'ol p:rtient laith and decply L--hlislirru llrtt is uolnlal in cvt'Ly orgirn- lJcs[ Selection. cal as rtstricting ruembarship lo rlutics at lho LInir'orsity ization, ((l1rnti11111'11lf()tu pag(l l(l) of Inns- Chtistians in lctull:rnd runtlorstanrling torvartl lhc intct'- isn't it.' r\nrl duri'l \l,c sit,v lrublic ('ittltolit: blrrck in Atrstlia. goorl lhclc is no pollccliort utrtil l.eollokl. tlur oklt'st scl. uuion n'ith Romr,'. ln lris tirlL-. ualional olganization. u'ith a thc 'l'lrc no\t lifol"' llcnren{ in llrr- count}', I):tul ditl not l rrkc sirk:s. but hc rlreilsul.e ol' optinrisnr l'r.{ilr(ling OpenDaily g:10 l:rrnorrs statuc of otil Larl}'of to 5:J0 did tntpltatic;tllr chalge thc ya. llre er-enttral tlftet of the moral \\'hat is thc lltost irlpot.f311f "that t:()ns()l:lilon lt:ts ltecn cnshrinc(l in tltt'rs rt rvill be nccrssarv prcssures the tlN is able to excrt. aillntla ittnr fi'ont llrc viervpoint THURSDAY 'til - St, r\uguslinc's ehult:h siucc Civil EVES. B:J0 Ail Day Sarurday to t'irrcidattr lhe te-r.Iino r.'gorti- llis apploach may bt'st bc rlc. of thc s'orltl's trcrtrl lor thc eco. NOfV! lr RoDocKERs "evolutionalt'." \l'ltt' tlitl s. ltt t't'crnt )'cafs :ll ing the difft'r't nt conrponcnis of st'r'ihed as nontic rlevelogrrtrcnt. strcsst'tl lrl ,- ()u1(l()(|l' sltrinc lllrs llt'tttt otccttt,, The Beautifvl i\lail Ortlcrs li'illcrl -- tlru r.isible ur1'stical Botly . Ifol csanrple, he consitlt'r's re. i\lattl ct r\ltrgistr.a? All thc cco. All New AIdERICAN anrl an:rnttrtll Jrilgriirt:rgcis hulrl "\\'c pliests. rcligious Iaithful . . . and spr\cl lbr' ltunriln Iiglrts n nrnttur nrrnric itcnrs .1rc intt r.rt'lattrl. Spuci:rlizc "plogr'ess llrclc tlrt, lasl Strttrlay in i\lly, hr Scrvicc,' separated lu'cthlen cnllt'd to rrd- of thc of civilization." Sosa contrnenterl. llut thr' htlc tn il nrort- lulll'and conr- cst hope it attaclrttcr to lhc UN lBArltI|tlllt THE PAR ISH nt[nrinistcls to pletel]'." What doer he think ir thc In all o. this. lroptr I'aul L'onltrcucc on'fr.atlc and l)cvcl- llrt' nrissions of St. Xl sl'y's at I964'sLowest Priced Anreriean Built Car insisted, grcrlesl obrtach lo lhir con. ()llmont (icncr.:r the languflgc shorrkl be to llc lrclrl .in l)rrby antl Sncrerl IIealt nt illa;j- Krunc Bnos. EsrabrishedrB92 cept, which received so much such as t0 snto{)th the pailr lo cnf l)' ne)i[ ] t: iit'. llr'lt. Both rnll' lrc ralchcd by ..ll'ft Rgrcclllrrrlt of rmphasir in Popc John'; an. 'l'r'rre ltlt, t ,,Ll' T'ft,trrrt,' 0rrf seuilr.atctl to thc l-atin L\urt r.icalr ('rllnlt.\' l'()l(ls. llcrt'tttll n llcw Cutholk: Il lot hc ls- cyclicr ls? Supply lluusn Inc, It'n

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ST.ANTHONY CARD PARTY 2438Cenlral Columbur,tnd. October70-2 P.M. and 7 p.M. Food S*ved BetweenGrmrr - Door prirts Ph. 372-784t beforeyou finance your'64 car! 0pcr1Nitcs 'til ? lf.It. ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL Our Lady of Lourdes lrliriny'til I I).trt. I r\ntl look. goorll Noticc lirst lrorv loru nrclr(s;rlicr ii{) tlays nutrlcl bc trraclcfirr 5313E,. Washington-5t. - t6,000.00In prircs - Friday Salurday - Oitober tg - l9 tllc rnonthly pa)'nrcnts urc at Intliauir 1,ou. irs l,rrrg:ts y'otrl tlislllility llrsts. Boolhs- Refrcshmrnts- Grmer 'l-lrcrc's ,,1affifrs1,, Nationtl. Thcrr noticc that pay- rr.ratklctl clrltlgc Iirl tlris atlcletl nreuts iurludt lif'e aucl disability iusrrr- lc;rtrrc. ll's rttcrcly pitt t o[' n lrat rrrakcs St. Joan of Arc Parish Dance 'I'his :rrrce. nrcalls that i{' you slrould lur lttcliurrlrNttiorritl irttto lttatt tlrc lr,tl Friday, Oct. 25 - l0 P.M. - l A.M. - , lndianeRoof Nick Craig Bend FRESITOYS'I'fr}RS tlic, all paynrcrrts rlould bc crrrcellcd . . . !5.00Per Couple Drcsr Optionrl arrrl if you slrorrlcl Ite rtttablc to tt'ork ar.rxTl]]ili-a.trce of the StiLEC'l'VAITIE'fy \\r!) SEITVE ar.c in linriterl supply . . . because ol' irrjtrry or ilhtcss, all pav' St. Bernadetto Men,s Club Erst SideK:i C l{cll-$2.50 Per Couole Safurday, Oct. 26 - 9 P.M. - l2:30 A.M.

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