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Council Fathersprobe the role of the laity VATICAN Cl'l'Y-'l'he lole of the layrnan in the Chrtrclt rvas brought unclcr' the scrtt- tiny otl the l,'athcls o[ thc ecum€nical council for thc first timc as they votcd to take up elebate on the thit'rl "Olr chapter of the sellema the Naturc of thc elturcti." COUNCIL MODERATORS-Above are the four cardinals wl'o are rcrving as moderafors or presiding offieerr INDIANAPOL|S,|NDIANA, OCTqBFRig, lt63 during- lhe second session of the Seeond Vatiean Couneil. They ai'c. left lo right: Cardinals Agagianian, Lercaro. Doepfner and Suenens, The fovr cardilalr l_1ko ," th: g"n.ral council meetirrgs. !y.n! {"tf11gjl 'RACK .I'cachc liltottt TIIE DEAD' rs?,ililililililililililililt| ArnericArl A rvord frorr lhc In s ti ttr tr: is lleatificct Jesuitpriest is freed llrchbishop .I'I) 'I'IIU 'fiIU by PopePaul sc [tctl tt lccl ('LIiR(i\" NULIGIOUS. AND 1'IIE t.;\l'f\' OF'l'llU ;\li('llDloelislt OF lNlllr\Ni\POLIS: in l.(ll){l lltllls exchange ,\[tttc tllittt lll'lt'\ls. prisoner ill'(' t'\1r('t'it'(l lt) (;li anrl lll t(iitfll('l'i l,ll.l'ftN(;s, THE FOUR Rt.ttcnt,nrenls: 'l'hcy allt'nrl lltc lttttttt:tl,\t'tlltllttt't'sltll By GEORGEGENT Iurs rrut been rliscloscd. 'l'ctrrirt'r's' r\s lou liuorv, uc lrc al this titnc iu llourc ittteurling o Addcd to thc Iitttt'g)' lttsltltttt' nt'rt'['itrrr'.<llt1 schenrn's tost a shot't cxplattatton rvclc chalgatl rr,ith sct:rling rtrili. (lct. tlrc scconcl scssiorr of lhc \iutican Council. r\lthough rrc N li\V \'0ltl(-lfor I,'atlrcr' nntl [''r'irlar. 3l antl ].1. :tl thcnt ol' snctantentlls. dcsttt'ihing tary inlirrnration to Russia for six Secctna ,\lt'itturt;rl I li:h Sr:lttrtil. lrar,e bccotnr irccustorr)ccl to thc sight ot llishops, At'chbish- as tlistinct h'ont bttt. rclltttl ttt \Vrltcr Nl- Ciszck, S .J , it o1rs. attrl (lurtlinttls 1'clrs r'ia a short rvare rarlio. 'l'hc of c'r'er1, I'ace iuld color rriid ltillgiiirgc. as stcrctl sigtts trvrr'<lit.r ('{)lIlt'rt'ltt'(' tlill tltc sact'ittttcttls; ttrrrsthlvu bcctr lilic corrritlg tt't c.ntittttt"ttr hetleeplv,,'il]nl,i'i,if cxpt'css spiritrral r:floels' to ltc It'attrrt' ttr:r.ior. utftlr-r,ssr.s lrr l.'a, )l:lli"',,1t,\\: to llack I'r'onr the tlead. l1{,,,!lt: tltc pl'ltl'tt of tlrt'r' \\'iliutnt ]lt'\utttirr';r. it ('at- olrlninctl thlorrglt (lhtli'ch, ttt ptcllitrc lllcrl lo rnr'litt' ptit':t. rtlto ltcltls tlte SIrtt" tlrc r\llll llii I'('ll's as I pt'isuttlt'itt sitct'antt:nls itntl lrr itull l,ilt' lllstltut(' o[ '\tttcttt'it. A cffis,tA. liii,'?T,',11*,t";i,1,'1"""'1il:ii'tll;-li rcccivr! the llrr, Soviol Uttiotr,lralltor Ciszck t'irctttttstitnt'r's of antl llei:ittlkl Nt'u\\'r'in. tlitt't'lor lirrtr,{il'}' ceri:titt rctulnetllronrc on ()rrlrrrnhrrsl)ay rrl lhe rrrlion-\'rrlc tttlt'ttstto sttttll' ili,,li:ll'l'.'ilili'tl'ill "blings\lt,'',..J'ilit huntart life. lirctl nntl u little nclvrnrs l;ut 4lAqffin$ "r'cr'1' tr[ ('atltrrlit otltlt'illt(rll tul'l't'llll,\' t (.l.HH llt{l f, snmc tinre. it ltoure to us hlppy" to bc llack iu thc utxl(]r\r'ir) al tltc i ttlt t't'stl,r tll' U,S, Ntrlt'c l)a rtrc. 'l'tto of ltr.'t'\Pt'(tklrs u'ill ittklrcss I"atlurl gt'ttt ritl .s('s:,ii,lls--.\\'tlltitttt liccrll. ,+,ffiH }} ii*t-:iti$ixrilxtirlrt*ilirl Ciszck hatl bccn allest- tatt clrt tirs ('()nsultilnt lirl llrt' \Vil' cd antl chalgcrl rvillr using a 56. passpot'l, lilru ll. Sltllit't' pultlisltiltg ltt'ttt, ",lii. tict rrnder Ihc nanre of antl l.'atltr-t'.ltrltn I,nllattle, S.\'.D, fdT^WfffI\|[-,,1*,Iin", f;$t'i,';'N l',-,,,*,ri l,ilrinski and cugaging in espiorr- rlr:: : - i:L'Fn l,Sisltops. llcrc irt Roittc thcsc Itis ega. IIe u'us sritrtcnced t{J iflil lor Ji l{fA0'NvfvH'RtGlNFlll Bishoirs constitute ottlv otte'fourtlt lntl 3,cat's. tf-g-{y ol' thc corrncil uteutbcrshlp; but last 'l'hc urirtrsol rhc1,'purirti,,,r ,1ti"ii'.itf*.o,,if;l"ititllrlll"t,ttilJill't-:t-',1; plicst pausetl. Iris c)'e ,r "Whan Iiltnrcnttr'.r' tt'lt'lrt'r's tlill loctts houtc rvhele thcse Bishops tlilcct the work of the Clturch, rnistatl lntl ho ruplicd: I lhcir lttcntion on nrrtlrentalics, tutrrt'etlturt one aud one-half billiott people are pagalls-lttstr' s'as in I'olanrl"-lrcrll1. a rlttat'- })nglish aurl urusir instt'uctiott. \\'onrcu, autl ehiklreu-rvho ltave been rcdecntcd lry Our' tcr',cerrlilr)'flgo. rt'hilc scron(l:lfl' lt'utltt t's havc l-old's rlcllh orr thc cross, n'ho kuorv notlting of this gt'eat schotlulttl -\pcci:tl tlt-pitt'lntctttitl 'l'hc1. FATHER CISZgK u'ns t'ekrasrxl truth. kuorv nothing of the Chur-clt tlttrt Cltt'ist estab- ('Onf(rlrl ll('os. 'l'his ironr llre Sovict Llrtion Octobel ll lishcrl on cirlth to carfy oll llis u'ork of Rctletttlttiou. along u'ith Anrclican stutlcnl Following r ioylul r€union, gir,es us {ol verry seriotts tltottght. i\l:rlvin \V, M:rliinett. ?4. of Ash- Mrs, Geerharl srid Fethor Cir- lrtrustr Voles crsl numbcred 2,?39. "longt llttlnhlnr. illass,, in csclrangc {irr rek would hkc a rcsl" Tlic llrseEt negalivc vota wit I u'o Sot'icl slrics. end would mcrl letcr wilh olhcr {2, crrl on lhc third amend' menrberr of hir hrgo fcmily, menl. Youtig llakittoi \t'as n I,'ulbr'iglrl which includar l0 brothcrr rnd st.lrrrltrl ll llre l:lrir clsill' of Wcst si slers, .{t thc tl.Sj. [lisltoPs' pruss ller'lin rvlren lrc rvas allcsterl, July pancl lollorvittg tlte cottrrt:il tncct^ (.iiszek 27, l9(il. rhrlirrg a visit to {he tn l9lt,l l"atlrer rvas :icnt tltc I'antill' rvns notifictl lty i\tl]" ing, Fathcr Ft'ctlct'ick llci\lantts Sovict tlnion. FIc rvns chnrgctl to Ilonre to sturly tlreologl'. \Vlrile Ccn, Itobct't I"- Kcnttcdy tltat his ol tlre Llatholic Unrvr:t'sitY of rvith pholollr'nplring nrilitar'5' iu- h"l o: rt" nt:o s cxpcctetl r\nrt:rica, a couttcil exPet't, said .-l l,: _r1":ll,_lh"_ fllll,Tti _l_*1,, _rva stallaiions. that. tlre ntost significant of tltt: 'l'ltis rntcndtucnts rvas thc sccontl. urcnnt. lte said. that tlcpending on {lre approval ol rraliottal ot' lct't'i' Murian slates {trtnuul A nurnbcr of flohcnrian nation. tolinl episcopal confcrcntlcs' all . als wcre in thc uasilica lor thc slcrantcnts and sact'atnentals, 'l)ny ect'cntonics. Soruo tvot'c the col- rvill he adntinistt'rcd in the vcr- olful fr-rlk coslunlcs oI tlrcit' t'egion nacttlal'. Onl]'thc basic saet'a' of tnformation' tu'hiclt nos' lics bchintl tltc lt'ott nrenlal frtt'nt s'ottltl t'etttitin ttl "I Cu|tain. l,atin. such as baPtizc thee. 'l'ha "I lSth anttrtal Day of Infot" etc." in ltaptisnt, antl absolve 'l'ltc rrration fot' Non-Catholics tvill be thee. cte." in Peir:rncc. sac- larnental vcrbal tbt'rlt of [Iatt'i' lreld Sttnda]', Oct. 21, at [Iat'ian nrony *'ill t'ctrtain ilt lct'tlacttlal ('ollegc. Sponsot'ctl by tlre Legion as il. has alrvaYs bct'n, tltat is. 'l'trc Ilgorovr; r.\'of(! allcsturl of r\lar'1', lhc progt'am is designetl lhe exchangc of tolvs 1tt'ottottttcctl .lul.v 2 along rvitlr a t'otrple calling espccially for persons intercstetl by tltc ttvo btling rvcd. lhcnrsclvcs llobelt. K. lrnr! ,Jo.1, in a rleeprt' trntlet'standing of Attn llallclr, u'fr1yc r cal r,11.nli1_.y ('atholic llclicfs anrl practices. Also prescnt s'as anotlrer'pcr'- _ stln [ar,ot'erl with a cutc, ill r'.s. l{r'a Bcnassi Pantani o{ Ilaiso, orlrl'lhur' Italy. Plan clinic in Orrrgutt r:lioccsr; Ii'Rithfully youl's, Ilishop Allrclt ll. Zttt'orvcstc trf llelteville. lll., chailnran tlf lhe I,'athcr Lallauvc rvill tlevelop ti.S. Bishops' Comntittee for' Ihe lha tlual thenre nf the Program=- I'r'ess I'ancl, saiil: "l)ivine "Chlistian lJnity" and "'l'he " t'& vottr on [lontlaY, Oct. l'l l-ove, concerning cltaptel' trvo of thc 'l'he l'ill Alchbishop of lndianapolis constitution on the litttrgy rvas llay of ln{ornration t'cgistt'ation at l2:45 an cxprcssion of allnosl. tlnAni- begin u'itlt dllliilliiiiliiitl Ofticirl nlous approval of thc pt'oposetl 'r'trerrisctosulc coinr:irrcrr rvirrr let'orm of the titc of tlte l\Iass' li;"ii,""0,'llllf"ifli'.i:t;tt i:fli: llte opcrting of a I'lannetl Pat'cnt- lellowship and rle- Only 3ti ncgative votes tvere cast. to1or""a h.v Iroorl Assoril{ion clinic iu rlorvn- Prrperefused Conseeratictnset Affirrnativa votos on the t:haptcr 'l'lre oar.lrrr.e, Ilcny lown Porllnrrrl. ploposerl cantc frotn !,lI|8 lrathcrs. Of this "t'hyirn" rvoulcl ite ptourotc:tl :riiti ilemliers of iiie tegion of llat':l nunrber, ?81, althotrglr appt'ovinH 14 bisltops sl.afted by nrenrbers of the Catho- s'ill tlistlibute neat'ly 25'000 irrr(licncelo Retl for lhe chaptcr, addctl to lheir af- lic Physicinrrs Cuikl. ftrklot's promoting the Day of Iilmative vote a specific qrtalifi- VATICAN CITY-An American cation or pt'oposal callcd a and an Italian who spent most ol 'nro<lus.t "Oh his youth in the U.S.

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