T II -E [Numb. 796.] A N D G A Z E T T E, domeflic. Containing the frejhejl Advices foreign and

THURSDAY, Augufl 7, 1760.

van'.fhed ; that Lord H--e was fcnt for by Court. Then iijtme t>refs are entirely it n*w rrftrt mjry TLbal itty fat, immediately to be pu: in Execution. tcccmir.odaii it to tbiir o-un iftjbti tnd Hopti." more Troops are ordered to Germany. to the Plan of Operation! which and Spain interefts Six Thoufand CCORDING Thefe few Lines (hew, that the Court of According to fome Accountt from the Hague*, the Ruffians ate to purfue this Year, their concerns France, April 19. of I'm:';) the more in the prefcnt Reign,, in what to the Negotiations for Peace, the King Forces will be divided into two Corps, itfelf relative " That rather of 60,000 than it did in the lad. hasilcchied b'fcre-hnni! tn the Britifti Court, principal of which, confining in fpeaking of a Peace, they exprefs he would putfi on th: SoltikofT, is to endeavour From oth;r Charters, than give up an Inch of Territory, Men, under Count : " Wt krtnu ml vib-nci ibti War anft, and But if it iT.otiM be ptopofej to indem­ into Silefia and lay Siege to Great' themfelvet thus tirtain : War to Extremities : to penetrate not tubinci Putt ivill cmt. Or.t Tbinf 11 Mnney, he would very readily an.rrc to it." A Fermor marches into Pomerania ice tnm> for nuking nify Saxony with grand ,c;an, whilft Gemcral ,ij niilbtr frcftr, ntr txftdiint vvill command the REWARD. of 15 or 30,000 Men, and Ttt frtftnt fH.mtnt We hear that Admiral HnvUr -.- ith the other Corps, confifling it." of Lord Anl'on. himfelf Matter of Colberg. The Troops talk in tin fol­ Fleet, infle.ij 25, hath Iron-Work, empts to make At Paris, and in the French Armies, they j. A Letter from the Hagr?, dated April in our Neighbourhood, which marched nothing ttrttin abiut Af.ry Deputies wo Convift ' onioned this Winter lowing Manner : " /fir ai yet knmi Paffage : " Only one of our three Dirfchau, were countermanded upon the frm Pjrii believe, the tc.llowing the two i-\ Week towards Ptact, tut lot expefi it, AI! iub» Cifit in England, to fettle the Differences between returned to their old Quarters. art tbrtt to cut." remain the End of a Rp>4, and are En- ibtrt will bt em Jam ; ibi Bttti fir it ; and this Gentlcm.i.i writes, that it °f Age, about : April 2O, The ("ruffians are making fuch of Pruffians that were States his LorrtftVp told litr.r.a, Daun muft LtifJ!:, April 17. The two Corps long Conference yu-.h Lord HclAVrneffe, l>e Small-pox, of I ttenchments to cover themfclvei, that Marfhal of Borna and Cow it z, are the Du ch VrfTrU that were or affail their itrong lately ported in the Neighbourhood him that it was fcrcfeen that Hair, Whid : -her walle the Campaign in marching, King's Army, in order to fill up, in fome condemned with their C.ed 3 uttons, Obfhuftioiis to the Exchange llrmliir^t; been re'iecled, Place being Letters which we. hop* wilt remove the that all the Offers made by Mr. Keith have it no Doubt to be made as to theie i, a Pair of blue- ut and thi Spaniards. noConfiJcration (hall in- after. -'{'here I of Territory between anj that he hadi been told, that coming from Leghorn. n Thickfet Co«, April 14. A few Days ftnce a Gang of Robbers, her prefent Syftem, or withdraw nine Sail of Men of \V;r I Berlin, Rix Dollars, duce the Emprefs to change There are now lying at lheN«re "heck Shirtj a W^on going to LeipGe with '110,000 againft the King of Pruflia. tn be joined by feveral others I flopped remitting to the the Troops fcnt Part of the Line, which are expected 1 whuh Fjihtaim, the eminent Banker,' was April $*, In this City, as in every other Their Deftmaxion occafiont vaiiuui r Cloathi. Mjrptu'g, in the bed fitting cut at Shcemefs. I I'l'.iTian'Army. ' thit Landfiaviate, fie are slutting ourfelves old Silm , The Report of difarming our Ships in of new raifed Troops, Specul.uions. notwithrtan.!. Pjrtif April 18. Pofture of Defence. We have here 4000 M.ty 3. They wiilc from Hanover, thaf, Villaine wat groundlefs. Whiltt they continue to Night. Caffel, Aronger fear thev (hall fee ^i | the River Squadron in who are excrcifed from Mo.rning ing all the Reports of Peace, they r«j the iboTt S«. neJ, they oblige the Enemy to keep a large hold out againlt 30,000 Men ; and it as the lalK ll'e fbj/1 in l.iy and by that Means now thin ever, can much Blood fp.lt this Campaign again, 1 iingerons Soundingi to watch them ; 3 Months Provifioni for a numerous Garnfon. o-ie of the puncirr.l Chiefs of tbe prc- have them from Port 1'Oiient; and furnilhcd with and o- dnvn cur Arm (faid fivour the Departure of out Ships vtft Quantities of Bombs, Cannon, Ladder*, tillevry Smree 11 ixtJ*^!;J. ; and if taken out Project. The fryn to indicate fent Trouble)) hips a mare important ther Implements, amallVd by the Allies, Letter f,:n Prv^'i'.t, Afil t;. ' >, and reafoubk it. Thc'laft Letters from Peterfburg, againft Gicflcn l»Qd thst FnglanJ ll'jrf.t'M, Afril Sol- that their fufk Efforts will be directed " Her Imperial Auflnin Majefty, knowing by the* jth InlUnt, mention the Departure of Marfhal . \ may be the ConfcquenceiJ to cirri Fermor is to aft in Franjcfort. at i$ firmly refolved (whatever Domir. ort for the Grand Arm)'. General Apiil 14. H'e an In ni Pain far Sirlin, of I'tn'fTu all b«s Polli:rion-- in Ge/- ALEB and the iSth of M.iy it Frcyberf, in llj~ pre(er»e for the King Rnndenliourgh and Pomerania, Henry k*l ftei bit Held-S^iiarttrt at Sr.rfurJ, very indifferent about the Meetirg of a Conprefi. Campaign of both Armies. Prin.t tbjt City, and it man/, is Sove­ LOTTERY tied upon for opening the '.>erf Centre bti-.uttn til Rujji.in /irmy and de Ciunit/, in the Nam: of his illuflrin'ii The (nation of the Armies in Saxony It one fcrlvtrd } The CoUQt any Accommi- the Time lai 1'ienna, Afnt ao. dettrmintd tt %:vt tbexi BAH It if tbey attempt declared th*t fhf cannot liilii to at at. It would be fatal to the King of fhsrtlj, ti d}. reign, hat Seen propjf-J ) . not tn be wondered at sul:ib, bial: .4t/>pijrafH, tbey iMinJ dation till fucltTime as an Indemnification a tV.l'e Step, and Marfhal Daun aims imptfliblt ttftrm try etr* l.ifl Rclolutions if PrufTia to make Villa-Franca, Apiil so. It it for the Elect ir of Saxony. Much ate the more ih*n to keep the Pruffian Army at Bay. cf ibt Cturt tf Turin. I'll in Refourcrt, in Soldieri, j noihir.e, Henry ii nit ti ta't Judfir.tnt if lit Diff'jitiin a victorious Power; vvhc, fruitful ,OTTERY, fl.-r.'ir, April iS. It i« fettled that Prince lm 36,400 Tnifi, in tbe frejl C:r.Jitiin peihaps with Reafon, -13 fvi',ii-ks for the Equipment of tjli Par: in tie frefent /fir, n fran:tt talt.-n ty £n».'W *rnl P>a£j, inn.-J it , and Ertfling hut a fattened on thfHarf* fi-j.'d tr ibe French ; " Tbe S'.-pi I ten «.'i- Siddles they are to have /i.tV, bf taiH fretjtlf u>ni: witb tbe Ln^lifj Pr.-p.irjtioitt cf twtPem'eri ftibt tjvt bitberti , m. he has borrowed from Matiliil Vlitld ti frc'jidid Ktary On tbl nnturr, n a Surcingle, vvhicli Notion «••.•//« ritlrr Cafe tbit Ptrt and ll-jt tf MM but /JVJ.r tbi Hifet cf .1 Ci^rcfi ; Fol.iid. It it /a, fir w ter, IPjr mil tetiuit -X- >5« | Saxe and the Chevalier 'Jiilh T'tif I, jixiand Pitvifani j but ji t .• fnii Rain ti affnber.d tbatvks The F.np.lifh TrvifporM follow arPtwtptyt.i in- (try N. //.ritarjr'-, Afil »i. are in a fit.ttt o/" ptrftft PC iff, ail tHf Stuft atrig^fal." 7" ' • 75 their Army will lie at foon formed afrd fill nit «*«, »*4, Hfr. fuh othci fo fart that diftrtrtfiy Arrfc kj til F.xglift an,! Frtmb. _ May j. By Mvial frm r*» Ihgui O . 100 French Army on the Lower rt;i:-.-.-J Ail-. K'£«»,\v Its! the I reidy to take the Ficl I as the ~Amlleidari, Apfil ao. Tbi Statti-Centrtl Ytrlt I jii ,l.;!jrt d ts f'verjl Mtrtliri ef ibe -5-- . 100 - - ...... l\fjtfl'i;bt, ttat a ti'ft Dtiaelmtni tf tba! frevi^rnt a-d F:tt*e /•„• / [Rhine. ihv '.Ke vltt laj! Tsn^itty fr-.m a.' King iVi Majltr b;»>g itfifnu.1 80 April sp. It is the general Opinion bil-.nynf t> etf Fumb Army, en fir tbl Fr.ntb Array, ht v/jt 2 Ctftni-agm, produce tbi Kifnunt tf dt'fjtf, lej/l tten tiigh up in tee R,pi.Hit yet arrived ai thai State of Maturity to a t'i//Jf/ ttlltd Mej'ct, viitsut ill it tbtir High Migbiin-Jii, ttat th » \Vat is not chiefly to ter I it-jib \r.flmt ente'tJ tbi Inbabi- e:n tarried tn :nf:'mcr l\tr:, ctntrj'^ France and England ftvitm and1 Dmt, 1'iaji ttiiitig ixtrililf Aatd: proenting th* Quarrel between IJIHI tf ttjt fillj^t tt fufp-'y tbtm v/itb riflna/1 tf tteir Hiflt Irligbeinejfn, TOCUO njje n ibe drnman- to tbe RtjiUiiiH list tbtit um raifed 250 ftom reiching the Baltic. mtwillJIariJiKg tit ftrii'u Renttnflranui Expjrtaum af Ftragi j bil Mjj>f.y b-fed A Letter from London, dated April tf tbt yiti'jge, vis. fjrl,;di i>j: t»prrutnt iba l",rfai!!et, April 17. dint ef that 'Ditjibieinl fry ibt Juftici Utiftiitin-f.i TO'v/J be plejfij la give Qrien that the Court of Great-Britain has rrjccV vutf.-reibty nmc inn tit Ter- ll'g'u j i..'J Itng its Ir'ar. » Parit, April it). On the Side of Inly a ti tl-e Ki*l bit Mtijltr ( and tbjt ti fttn i.- fctf.eifitr.ed 11 tit Btrditi ef : Blanks to a Friic, is ready for Action, yet a gitd Frirnd It tit Iff learn tbjt a Camp -will he gathering. In Piedmont every Thing tt ftn.t immediate,'} J Refirt tf tb:i I'litiiiien fir tti lent* tr Prattftiv, thereof. i. forward in the Kingdom of nt fill tbeft Return- ' Ike Higt'ljnJt in Scithnd, -r, and great Preparations arc going Suferitn. 'Tii Fremtt I>t!>i:b t and *vitbare*.u tbt next Th^: Lotdt of "the Non'ii Naples. . the flr,ir;n, prf.rtj.il at ikty bad bi£»* Gunt and a Sloop, to crulie in the Mouth 5. The Spanifh Squadron Jeftincd for Furibitf, 'Tb;:.r High MigbtineJJct for the Protcc.licu (Jrit.i, April War. It ii Day*'.viibmt fyi>-g a Channel, between Scotland and , tonfifts of eight Sail of Men of in tin Affair; d'fpatitid itt famt Evenir.g d in the i Mediterranean, eldelt Son of l:ivin[ ddiberjuA Patii, ti of the Tridc in thofe Part:, pretended to be defigncd to carry the Prince, ti Af. Kirtkttr^l;, t'beir A»:b*ff*A'.T in Thuiingia advifc, that I'.ime Ucn- Money to be paid u ai Ortlet J;mind froptr M*)~. Lc-'ters frti.i hi-. Catholic Majefly, to Naples. ftrlL-.uilb n Ibe Frcinb Mixijlry,'and had hitUerto fetvaJ in Liif.t fi:y'i Corr.v, (ll i-nr A'lvicrs from Saxony are (tmplain dreds of SUDI.S, who Ihmiurgb, Apr:! zj. A Satnfjflr.n fsr iHi Inj-ilt. ibfconjid with their Ami and a little Bag­ in fix Months after of the Priiflian', who are continually N, X/in?i6. have luddenty but t^c fu'.l of lh« Motions trar»>) L O N D O : Many pf them went over to the I'rutV'ni, giv« into and out of the Camp, which has been John Govan, from Cork, bound gage Allitj Army. M generoufly lucliinti Difpofitions, The Amfleulam, Capt, of greater put hive taken the Rout of (he out by the King. To judge by his Majefty't Settlements :n America, is taken by feme that many Uu'.iu-i. from !',» he feems to aim only to the Dutch Ship and Car­ From Hanover we hear, an] the Entrenchments at this Camp, Crniieri, and carried into Antigut. The repaired t'nithcr, and cnliiled in their i arc appointed Mi- will remain on the Defenfive. our Appeal. Troops of Wirtcmberg thi at deceiving Maiilul Daun, and go were Utely difchai^cd by the Lords of Bittalioa?; and fmuc 'of tic Priibncii of fcx, William ~ '' Conference between the.King and his Brother of the Line are now in rXeadincft independent tued wiilt wait­ At the late told him, We hear tlut 15 Ships Troops of Colngn have dur.e the ume, t:ing Henry, we are informed"ffiat his Majctty Notice j at all'o a Number of FrigaSct antltr, Joint Prince his-Meafure»~to for failing at an Hour'l ing for in Exchange. that ai foon as hit Majefty had taken all R'»il advife, that the Swifi Cantons r, Jehu Hunter, by th- Aufttiant, he and Bombs. the 14th In- Lettenby YcftcrJay'i tlic. guard againfl any unforefeen Attack The Prince of Anhilt Dcffati died at DefTau rcl'u'cd tr. recruit their RejimCr.r. in ces of the faid Tow, Reinforcement to defeat all the General in the PrulCun have unanimoully the Svcif would fend him a fufftcient ftant. He wat formerly a great Pay of Fiance, btcaufc, a^crrJing to Ttiaty, x on Oath thitthef of the RuiTians. board,-nor i.-.:t ever the T.nterprites the King it Service. ought neither to be put on i.'iip 1 repofed in th«tn. We are well informed, that the Army which the Hague infinuite, that we are on the. Ive 100,000 Men, befides Ir Letters from fome Advices Rhine. fmal! aforefaid Man«- to command in Perfon will exceed a new W»r. This Opinion is built upon from Falmouth fay, thst there are A.-»era! i the of Cannon, and every Thing of on the Point of con- Letters me cf v.-hoi> regular!) with 4011 Pieces which fay, tliat the Kin,; of SatJini* it iteers crui.-ing on the Coait, jf Cornwall, f, mfr, or Jllan td»'"[> __._ different Print**, lo fupptut. ^Kl neteflary tor ifriTtiti^-ft-hnHtrTtt-^'imtMi'ga, for the eluding an Alltlnee with Three U...._._. lar Rofi and Smj*"" April. 15. Artillery it getting ready Italy. It it certain that the Attain a Head. Madrid, Officeri art pre his Kiglxs and Claims in and ranfoT.-J them for tuo Gu.ncat htjlir ; Philip Ritlx"' , " Troopi aflembling "in the Provinces, and the Europe aro not yet adjufle.l, and tftat it may cou'iiuicf>i '.i-.t'eft tUcCoair, at Expedition ; but rtic of that Part 01 g>tU:r- As tils i*'r«rii Privateei; Sjmmtn and | paring (heir F.!' A great and able Mmiftcr at Madrid, at the Weft End Ci'j£r, April 9. thit It was on Weilnefday connJently aflcrted them. the Spanifh Miniftry, exprclTtt himfelf to of an tpprvurlVmc C«n- fpealcing of tt'.rl f-'"eM'| ef the Town, that the Expectations Weft : " If't K« t'lft ibt FrtnA Min:J(trt Vh.U __ ___i_._A:> ttff Rigit*, I llfntateH'fI T - t I Aln-'ira* t * .t '.' fo heavy- a Fire)__. our Center and Rear were AVCIC all gone .when we arrive there, ani >». Hefc.niHiii '» A.'P. CfrrrAnrrf, ibrrt n sit slmaH tf tlie fol bufy in t.ildng PofTefiton of the v.r.ili'd. Thai . - . >!:W' ,> taken tr ntal.en Ij In Indian Corn. The Army uurar.ipcd cm a r/ia-r ».*:* '.'r £;j totit!i;Jnat Ground on the Right and Left, which foon cotl r t\: j A«i/r Hut; o! Boar.! d Officer till tc Si.liclt of Pourde.iux, of 360 Ton-,, n Gu:1.', and 41; the Cherokeee dear, and obliged them to retire : furroundeil with Hill.,, and made Reguls lucl hi; the Mm, l.i !en with Stores Arrfmunition anJ Provifions, and In fliort, we drove them from Height and Hollow from the Indi.in IInuff>. The Colonel to continue ftun.lcJ liy M. du Chimben, taken by Lieutenant Nor- formed the .offer « n all the Way to their Town, which we dcilroyed, little Tent pitched "in the Center, a: we of Licutcn \vccd, in hij M»;cftv'? Ship the Adventure. .She had on were fired on our Camn and encamped there that Night. During the Ac­ Square. Several Shots Grinnan, f I'uaul, i 'ain, 3 Lieutenants, 3 £erjeanu, 3 Corporals, from the Hills around, fome of the Balls fallin-t tal.' ;m.l 6opriv.ni.' Mun, and failed from Bourdeaux the loth of tion they endeavoured to frighten us with their of c the Colonel's Tent, but were fome other .April. Yelling, but we turned the Cheer upon them, within 3 'Yards of Spirit. That th The Adventure hn likewife tetaken the Catharine Brig, with three Whirra's, and three Waves of our Bon­ quite fpent. About Five in the Afternoon, an Ind'un-Corn fot of IlrifM. laden with Salt and Fruit. Adwice, that thj nets and , which they did not fecm to relifh. Exprefs came to the Camp, with That fome of ti­ The Orford lias taken the Margaret Schooner Privateer, They made a ftrong Attempt on our Provifions ; Picquct, and Guard with the I'rovii'oqr, were of Rpchelle, of 8 Cur.: and 58 Men. She had been out by the Indians, but that they the River, in ord rnlv four Days and h.id taken nothing. And alfo Le Paix, but, by the good Condufl of Captain Peter Gordon, warmly attacked Tlpt Capt. Wil bravely, and killed fcveral of "of Rochrllr, a latr.f ChifTe Marci, bound to St. Domingo, of the Royals, who commanded the Picquet, every defended themfelves tvcry Letter) lol v.lth Flour, Wine,' &c. She hai alfo rclakrn the Dolphin Colonel immediately ordered Thing was favc'd.and they repulfcd with greatLofs. ic Enemy. The Morrifon. Tha Snow, of Briftol, laden with Port Wine and Fruit. at Etchowee, taking Captain Sinclair with 200 Men to their Afliihncc The luno ha? Liken fix Co.iftcrf, with 30oToni of Wine. 28th, we remained all Day nay be about 5 The Venu? hai taken the Hero, of Bourdeaux, bound to the beft Care of the Wounded poffible. ZQth, we Vvho fet out dircdUy, and :hey all relumed to Camp the Enemy bavin* been among them, th St. Domingo, wilh Flour, Wine, and Provifion!. marched very early in the Morning, and returned bout Twelve at Night; tance than our 1 ha! taken two Vcffeli laden with Wine. before Cir-tain . The .Shrewflniry to the War-Woman's Creek, without their daring >eat by the Picquet and Guard, Men muft have And has retaken the Friendiliip, Burton, Mafter, bound to to come near us. 301)1, during our March to Sinclair's Party got up to them. The fore.i'art of Ci'.'r.ilta-, with Beer and Grocery. the Wounded, the Return to K at Ocunnih, Lieutenant Montgomery, of the High- he 28th was taken up in drefling The Pallai hai drove on Shore, on the Black Rock, proper Pofture of deceived, by Li tfhe Ent'ance of the Bay Douverne, a Ship fupp'ofed te be anders, who commanded our Flankers on the Left, and putting every Thing in a wee, when the - quiet till about Four o'Clock ou'airari.' b^und of 400 Tom. The Ship, Cargo, and Crew, urprized a Party of the Enemy on the of a defence ; and all was whence the Ene air all IVft. when a Shot was fyed from a cry high Hill j he gave them a Fire, and brought n the Afternoon, till they had fto Af.i» 9. The Army under the Command of Prince Ferdi- off: tiill at a fmall Dilhnce from us, v.hich was fol- it 1! Operation! on the aoth Inftant; by own fcveral of them, which the reft carried the Army fund'will brgm owed by Vollics from a Body of Indians, fdr the when which.Time, it it fuppofed, it will be joined by all the They were in fuch a Hurry, that they left all their of Provifions >\ of Half an Hour, without ceafing. Captain Trocps from hence, anJ alfo by the fine Train of Artillery ilankets, fcveral large Bags of Meal, one Bag ol Space Prince George. V/oolwich, accompanied by a Draught made from ordered to the River's fcnt from )all, and about 30 Pounds Weight of Powder, be- Sutherland was immediately There is no N tl'e Rojal Regiment there. ; but when hj idcs Tomahawks, Pipes, &c. This Day I.ieut Side with, thg Colonel's Company C The fix Regiment! going for Germany are to be compleat- too great a Dif- but we hope Irom other Regiment!. Donald .M'Donald fell in with a Party of them arrived there, thinking he was at ( eJ by Draughts of Veterans the Hivcr, :mi from Virginia, \ The Tranfpntti appointed to carry the Force! to Germany, and killed five. Firft of July we returned to Foi tanrc to do Execution, he crofted tunate Garrifon and Enemy, which t sue itariy al.Graxcfcnd ; in all 73 Sail, 3; for the Foot, Prince-George, after a very fatiguing Scout o fired fcveral Platoons upon the Ycftcrday H; -,3' for the Horfe: There are befide! 40 Sail lying at the received little Da­ eight Days, through a Country ftrongly fortifie< obliged them to run ofF. We Creek Indians, Nore, virth four Regiments of Horfc already embuked ; which no Body of Men can mage from the Enemy ; they wounded only two They are t» be convened by the Phanix Man of War, Capt. by Nature ; through Mr. Galphin's march againft an Enemy, without building Poft or three of our People flightly. Several of our B.ihcll, and a Sluop. it was of Mr. Queen's Lel'cr; from Kinfale in Ireland, dated April »7, advife, at proper Dillances, for the Security of Proviflon Horfcs being killed, and others wounded, The Genera t'.nt a French Privateer'of 40'Gun! and 300 Men, hai been for if we and wounded Men. This is a fliort Detail of th hard to determine what fhould be done; voted joool. : cruizing off the Old Head of Kinfjlc lor fume Time, and ha! Provifions or Sick laft Week of June, 1760. proceeded further, either our Lieutenant-Go* taken two Urge Sbjpi, one from the StieigHji, and the other OFFICERS killed and wounded. muft be left; the firft we could not go without, from the Wcft-Jndiei. . no De­ ' helplefs People Laft Mo.-nlay ihe Soliel, a French Store Shir ef jooTnni Of the ROYALS. Captain Williams, killed and the Sick could not be left in a Place of dian War, and bound from Uuurdeaux for Canada, with Provifions and Sixt; and Captain Peter Gordon, and Bnfign Eddington fence, to become a Prey to mcrcilcfs Savages: It ' on our Frontic SolJiets, waC fenl into Plymouth by the Adventure Frignte wounded. ______was therefore refolyed, that the whole fhould re­ The S. liel failed in Company with Nine Sail more, unde as a Reward ti Of the HIGHLANDERS. Lieutenants M'Marta turn ; and Carriages were immediately mndc for Ingenious Difcc Convjy of a Sixty. Gun Ship and a Frigate. on Horfc- A/.'v '] Letter! from Bambcrp of the xjth paft advife and M'Kennon, and Surg. M. J. Monro, woundex thofe of the Wounded that could not go WILL! that 011 the preceding Nigbt a Courier arrived there with an PRIVATES of both Regiments. back. Colonel Byn Account that 20,000 Hanovirifni bad penetrated to Bifhop- About 20 killed, and 60 wounded. The Whole marched about 12 in the Night, ths Southern Expc fheim on the Roc line, and. had put the Bifhoptick of FuMa Extrafl tf anothtr Ltttir from Fort Printt-Gtor^ Colonel thinking it was the fa fell Way from being thi 18 Miles below unjer a Contribution of 100,000 Rix Dollarii and that 1760. dillurbed by the Indians. ~ We accordingly Wittemberg, Saxon, and the Troops of the Empire, were daltd July 2, 9th Inftant. preparing to mirch to oppofe their further Incurftoni. H E 2^th of June we marched from hence, marched about 25 Miles that Night, and the next foon towards! The following Lcf.fr will fufficiently evince the Power T and continued marching the 2;th and 26th, Day, without hearing any Thing of them, till on Men. and Glory of the Britifh Navy. without any Interruption from the Indians; but on the Morning of the 301)1, when feveral Shots Njmar, in iQuitercn Bay, jlfril le), 1760, By a VefTel Friday the 2;th, about fix Miles from Etchowee, being fired off which could not be drawn, having the Arrival of / ' 1 take thii, bring the firft Opportunity, to inform you at Afl'cmbly- of my Welfaie: We livt here very lupttfly, have extreme the firft Town in the Middle Settlements, the ad­ been wet by Rain in the Night, the Line. It tine Weather, p afhore very often and play at Cricket ; and vanced Party under Captain Morrifon, difcovered beating, a Party of the Enemy, who had com: , at different T the French Iravc been fo complaifant at to fend us fome Cowi, three Indians, one of whom he made Prifoner i through the Woods by a near Path (imagining order to decei\ a'.I Sort; of Fowls and Greeni, fo that I want nothing to who pretended that the Middle Settlements were the Camp had been attacked by fome other of thei: receive a Squ? compleat ir.y Ibppinel'i, but to hear from you, &c." coming Parties) advanced and fired upon the Centric) nf Admiralty-Office, May to. for Peace, and knew nothing of the Army's k flincd for-Gua txlr'aCI if a. faltf f'tn Caft. Snr!:ng, Commander tf til up. -The Colonel did not give much Credit to our Picquct, who were ported at fornc Difiance in B < A/.ij.-/I»'i S< if Ljm, It Mr.CL-vthnJ, JattJ off ttt L:zj,Jt what the Prifoner faid, but marched forward with the Woods; but they were foon made fcnfible of Wednefday laf Aljy 3, 1760. _ the greateft Precaution : .When marched about a their Miftake, and obliged to go off in great Haile. Lomfburj!, whici " Be pleated to acquaint their Lordfhip: that o» the ad were placed, and every we are informed, Mile further, the advanced Party, under Captain After our flanking Parties difpatched from ' TnOjint 1 tock the Sloop Privateer Temeraire, of 4 Carriage the Indians in Rcadinefs, we began our March, aniT6 Swivel Guns, and Thirty-eight Men, belonging to St. Morrifon aforefaid, were fired upon by Thing got Houn, with Ad Mil-** ; cttne eut lh« Evening before from Brichault. Tha from a Thicket : He neverthelefs went forward, and before the Rear, had come off the Ground of fome of the In" Captain trill me, all the Privareen belonging to that Port till his Party retreated, and himfclf wai unfortu­ Encampment, Lieutenant Montgomery, who wst and lying in one are now taken, only a Imall Boat, Cutter rigged : She was Colonel, on hearing the Fire, Hanking Party of the Front, came upon a War, two of tl nately killed. The on the each ; an<< fern off here laft Tuefday, and drove off with the very ordered the Light Infantry and Grenadiers to ad­ Body of about 60 Indians, who were lyinc in Gum i1.! mg Galei of Eafterly Windi we have.lately had." out 6 or 7 Hri»a vance, which they did, and met with fome of Vait for us, and drying their baggage, Bl.inkcti, 100 Tom, take CHJRLES.TO'rN (Stutb-Carolina) July 12. Captain Morrifon's Party, who told them, that kc. in the Sun, which h.td been we: the Night the above Capt. OnThuifday Afternoon arrived Negrc Abraham, there were above 500 Indians lying in Ambufh j >cforo. Upon giving them a Fire, they all r.in 'Carriage Cunt. Exprefs Irom the Army commanded by the Hon. 74 Cunt, cimn they however full advanced, but could fee ndthing; off; thofe that were wounded they threw on Her- to Gun Ship', Col. Montgomery, with an Account of the Return although they were often fired upon ;.Coming to cs, and carried away with them : Before all Licit- ^ 20 Gun), thei. thereof to Fort Prtnce-Gesrge, on the firft Inftant, a rifing Ground, they at Length difcovered a Body enant Montgomery's Parfy cou'd come up, it being with fuch Uifp» and of its fetting out from thence on the 4th, and of the Enemy, whom they immediately fired upon, on a Mill, and the Men. walking in Indian File, houftJ afhore, ; mirchina down into the Settlements. The fol­ had left every Thing (except their next Day (the and obliged them to retire into a Swamp. The the Indians doubted but the lowing bxirafts from two Letters dated the fecond Colonel then ordered the whole to advance, Jiim- Firelocks) which our Party feized, and what they AnJ on Sum Inft.int, at the Fort, contain as full an Account of felf at the Head of the Royals, and Lieutenant- could not bring away, they cut to Pieces, and de- from the above the Tranfaftions of that Army fincc our laft Ac­ Colonel Grant at the Head of the Highlander!. ftroycd. Another Party of the Enemy likcwifo Sail of French counts, as any we have fccn. The Indians ftill continued filing whenever they attacked our Rear, but were Jbeat off, and fevenl the) luj receiv in Queft of thei Extra" »fa Letter/row Pert Prin(t-G(trgt, July 2. had an Opportunity, and the Army always pufhcd of them killed. -We encamped that Night tbout it was thought E marched from Fort Prince-George the forward and Firing, but at too great a DilUncc to nine Miles from hence, and arrived here the ift We alfo lear 241)1 of June, as I informed you in my laft do Execution. When they got as near the Indians current; whence we ihall proceed in a Day or two G.urifon had I*. Wwe fhould, and encamped at Ocunnih, a defertcd as poflible, feveul Platoons were difcharged a- down the Country. Captain Williams, of the and that the A Infantry, and eight of the Royal" Fortii'icition< •-•I Indian Town, about 12 Miles from Keohwee. inongft them, which muft have done Execution, Royal Light jelly's pofilive 2;th, marched 15 Miles, and encamped at the for they retired, and left off Firing. In this Affair Rank and File were killed; and two OTicers, one The fame I W.ir Woman's Creek. "26th, marched to Miles the Colonel was ftruck by two fpent Balls, on the Scrjeant, and 32 Rank and File wounded. Of (torn Louifbut to Stickowcc, an old Settlement, diftant about 18 Shoulder and Ancle. The Army wat then ordered the Highlanders, two Scrjcants, and fix Rank a winch Place h' go for the Indian File were killed ; four Ofltccrs, a Surgeon's M»|e- 16 Store-ihipi Mile? from litchowec, the lowcfl Town of the to march into the Path, and n it above 4 01 Middle Settlements, syth, we marched very early, Town; a flanking Party being out on the Left one Scrjeant, one Piper, and 2j Rank and }'' ' ln.l got up w! expcclinp, this Morning to have aBrufh, nor were and a deep River on the Right. This Path was wounded, fome but very fli»htly. No Indi»»i ripefteJ : Th \kiC.onilUkca; ..On the March we furprlzcd four fo narrow, jthat (he Army was obliged to move have been fcen or heard of. Tfmcc thcy^ we're_ 1»M' in ord -r 10 m Ttidi ms, and took one of them Prifoner, who told through it In an Indian File. The Indians ob off the 3Oth in the Morning. that PiejHiriti in cttfr Purfuit of thi us, the Indians of the Middle Settlements were all ferying this Motion, went off, and came rounc Particulars art mintitittJ from LouiOiur at 1 lome, and defirous of Peace ; butAvc had not upon the Rear of the Army, fired frequently, ant I.ttten, viz.' . inj tn two V Faith to b-'lieve him. Within 5 Milesof Etchowec, wounded feveral Men i but being at laft difcovcr il AT the Ail ion between the Army and I,.' were got up t in very advantageous Ground for the Enemy, we cd, fome Platoons were fired amongft them, am Cherokccs on the 271)1 ult began at f or n:fny, who c away by th Tthe Morning, and continued between 4 anu (r>ing up the vvctc :.uatt»cd fiom a Swamp, through which we they ran off, fome dragging others in In the abi \vcreto nuich; \vhilll the 1'ront of our fmall Army Feet, Arms and Legs. The Front wat fired upo Hours, with little IntermWon. That f<>m? ' General Arah \\ero driving them from the Swamp (which they two different Times before the Army reached th Capt. Moirilbn's Company fuppofed the Imli.i'v OR LI BRAHAM MILTON, Author of the FARMER'S COMPANION, informs the Public, That he is determined to have it Printed wkiiin two Li.cn a'uho'he has not obtained the, Number of Subscribers mentioned in hii Propofals. Such who chufe"to encourage it, are dciircd to F A to ;hc fnuting-O/ict in Anna^lii, as foon as pofliblc.. " . . N R W - V O R K, >/, 28> i. Th'.iUt 'tti'at T).-y to be ^liout coi. Tlut there . POUNDS 'iVliWARD* ' and Uan- V,'i-,licf;l,iy lafl his Majefty's Ship the Win- TV.T.NTY vc'e ibnie Men killed of the Provincial: away, ft am the Sulifctifccr,.. living, i Conip.rny flightly chcttiT,"of-ro Gunr,-Captain Hale, arrived here -AN :nV'i"n nf Mmrifon's ------i i - —- t .. **. i. i ^ ._ - s4Jc.vaiif{ria, f'ttirfax County, I'irginit:, voi:r.ded. That Moirifon behaved like a'pliant" Ml IllUC IVL'CKb. far as the Banks, Capf. Daverfon, Convift Servant Mtn named Jtki M:i\ rooii Officer till he fell ; and his Company returned dcr Convoy as irr.tlf?, who is- arrived at Bofton; as alfo in l>-elar.J, iboyt ; Feet 4 Incl'cs liigh, well tith the Regulars to Fort Prince George, who f»om London, has ,1 Ships for Pifcatatjun, but left them the by Trrtde a joiner, cf a dar1: C^M^xinn, .offer to continue in the Service, under the Com- two Mall Brov.--,j^^^h pic ; he fecond InTlant. Shs has alfo brought over about large Beard, large F.ye nianil of Lieutenant Patrick Calhcuin. That Cap- pTOpeiF.n^Ufi, and mucl^jpftt: I'urpofe; and 40,000!. Sterling, for the Ufe of his Majefty's fpeak» i'ait.-. Grinnan, anfl O'Neal, of the Rangers, he has becn(|k>n the Stage, is deem'd to finjj ex­ I of our Officers, behaved with great Forces in thefe Parts. Gen- <->. fome o:her Port we learn, That General tremely wel^ "nd appears to be the complcat That there were at lea ft 500 BuflieU'of By the Albany Occupation, yfV 4* Spirit. his Army, was well at Ofwego, tlcman. He will perhaps change his Jndian'Corn found in the Town of F.tchowce. Aniherlt, with Branches in thf! making the neccflary Preparations* to as he is acquainted with many That fome of the Army's Flour was thrown into and were with him a Pair of forward. That they had lately launched mccrrtnical V/.iy. He Ind the River, in order to get Horfes for the Wounded. proceed ?, a fine fine Snow to mount 18 Guns, befidcs Swivels, black Knit Dreccfies, fine Tb.it Capt. Williams (who is much regretted in a Wigs. Whoever takes nr> at Niagara, it being more convenient to build Hat, and feveral good every Letter) loft his Life in going to fupportCapt. the faid Servant, and delivers him to me, (hall of Indians killed there, than at Ofwego. That from Crown-Point Morrifon. That the Number Men have Twenty Pounds Reward, paid b/ having m.iny Rifles they had Advice that Major Rogers with his nay be about 50; and that, Fort, cut­ JOHN did Execution at a prcater Dif- being on an Ifland oppofite Crown-Point among them, they for the Ufe of the could. That many more ting of Faggots for Fafcines, St. Afury'; County, June ?.$, 1760. tance than our People upon by the Ene­ loft in the difficult Paffes on Army, the Out-guard was fired away from the Sublcriber, living on Pa- Men muft have been wounded five, a- AN Kcowee, had not the Indians been my, who killed one Man, and tuxent River, a Country-born Servant Mir, the Return to Brewer, flightly : That by Lights left in the Houfes at Etcho- mong whom was Captain Rnamed Edmund Walltr, a well looking Fcllo.v, deceived, detached a Party in Purfuit the Army came away from that Town, the Major immediately about 24 Years of Age, 5 Feet 6 or 7 Inches high, wce, when not return«4 when the laft Ad­ whence the Enemy fuppofed them to be llill there, of them, but were has fhort lightifh brown Hair, and a thin Beard; flolc near a Day's March. And that vice came from them. his fore Teeth are wore hollow, has a Mole on one till they had » 31. when the Army fet out for Ninety-fix, good Store PHILADELPHIA, of his Checks, and a Cafl on one Side as he walks. From Pittlbargh we have Advices of the'141(1 Infant, by Cam- of Provifions was left with the Garrilon at Fort 4bo Men, wai arrived at Prefque- He had on and took with him, an old blue which Major Gladwin, with and Prince George. Ifle, from the Northward1 ; and that our Forces from Fort blet , old Felt Hat, an Ofnabrig* There is no News whatever from Fort-Loudoun j Hitt it wai thought, would be theie likcwife by .the i6th of Trowfers, a Frize Coat trimm'd with Metal But­ \. but we hope Col. Byrd has before now marched tliii Month. tons, a white Shirt ruffled at the Bofom and Sleeves, From Albany we hate Advice, tMt our Army at Crown- Wailtcoat from Virginia, to relieve that diflrefled and unfor­ to nraHrh at a , , Check Shirt, brown Point II very healthy, in fine Order, and ready It i» fuppofed tunate Garrifon. Minutc'i Notice : That the Mth Inflanl Deputies from the without Sleeves, and a good Hat. Ycftcrday Half-breed Abraham, and four other Onondago Indians were at Ofwego, begging Peace and Pro­ he will go to an Uncle of his, one George Walter, Creel: Indians, who had been fomc Months at tection : That our Brig and Sloop had juil arrived from Nia­ living in Bait-mure County." Whoever takes up gara, and had failed again in Purfuit ot fome French Vefleli that his Maftcr Mr. Galphin's Fort, near Augullu, arrived at one before their the faid Servant, and fccures him fo that appeared in Sight of OKvego for four Davs Four Pillolcs Re­ of Mr. Queen's Plantations. Arrival; which it was hoped they would foon come up with, may have him again, flail have The General AilemUly of this Province have as they were feen within two Miles of the Fort: And that ward. JAMES MATTINCLEY. at voted 5000!. at the Difpofal of his Honour the Monfieur Puflion ii fei lifying Iflc Royale, below Gajettt He has formerly gone by the Nup of Jama towards the Relief of fuch the Kapids. Edmoni, and may again. Licuienant-Govcrnor Juguft /. ' helplcfs People as have fufTercd by the prefent In- ANNAPOLIS, in the feveral Forts On Monday laft, the Gentlemen appointed Com- HERE is at the Plantation of Btrjamlt dian War, and taken Refuge j They have «lfo voted icool. iniflioners by the Aft for granting forty 'Tkoufand Frtnch, at Herring-Bay, in Ar,nt-Arundtl on our Frontiers. February, T Iron Grey < a Reward to Mr. Thomas Mcllichamp, for his Paar.ds for bis Majeftfs Strvict, galled in County, taken up as a Stray, a fmall as we arc in­ f Ingenious Difcoveriis in the making of Indico. 1756, met here agreeable thereto ; and Mare, neither rlock'd nor branded. BURG, July 25. formed, that the additional Tax on Lands, in The Owner may have her again, uu proving hit ° WILLIAMS z/5 Colonel Byrd, who 'akcs the Command of the Confequcnce of their Meeting, will be about Property, and paying Charges. in the Night, ths Camp, about ptr Hundred Acrei. > Southern Expedition, arrived at the away on the 27th of /tyr.Y laft, Way from being Fort, in Augufta, on the TRAYED 18 Miles below Vaux's from Soldier's DeligL: in Balt-mre County, a -We accordingly expcftcd that he will march 9th Inllant. It i» CHOICE Parcel of healthy SLAVES, BayS Mare about 13 Hands high, 7 Vests old lafl ght, and the nixt foon towards Fort Loudoun, with upwards of 900 Part of the Cargo of the Ship Jenny, Capt, her Mane is them, till on AS Spring, can pare, trot, and gallop, g of Men. ' to be Sold at IPrft-Riwr,' by on the Shots trimm'd, has a Switch Tail, and branded nen feveral By a VefTel from Antigua, we are informed of SAMUEL GALLOWAY. Whoever take* drjuvn, having of near Shoulder WF (in a Piece.) be tTit Arrival of Lord Howp there, with n Ships hor to Mr. Rcbert ,ht, at Aflcmbly. from England up the faid Mare, and brings the Line. It is faid that they failed Pcrfons indebted to the Eftate of Mr. or to the Subfcribcr , who had come different Ports, in LL Gilerijb on SolMer'i Dtfcght, at different Times, and from JAME: WARDROP, late of Princt-Geo-gt'i or fecures her fo that (he may Path (imagining the French ; and arc intended to in Baltimore-Tc'.vn, order to deceive County,A Merchant, dccealcd, nrc required to make bcjiad agsin, fhall have Thirty Shilling* Reward. fome other of thei: receive a Squadron of French Men of War, dc- have any De­ of immediate Payment; and. t hole who ** " '. MAKK ALKXA-,DER. m the Gentries Mined for*Guadaloupe. dcfircd to give in mands againft the faid Ellate, are fomc Di (lance B O S. T O N, 7«

To It SOLD ly PUBLIC rEX, AN away from the Subfcriber, living Jn I M P OR TED Bj the Subjcribtr, at Mr. John Inch'* in Annapolis, R_ Pata[>feo-Ncc\ in Baltimore County, on the Freti GLASGOW, and ly the FLEET from Jar ready Paper Current Monff of Maryland, or ."jth Inftant, a Mulatto Fellow named U'illian LONDON, and /« be Sold by the Sub/cribtr in Bills of Exchange, on T bur/day tie \+tb of Auguft, Ifar, he has a Scar under one of his Eyes, and n ANNAPOLIS, being ttl Third Day of Court, ' a fhort thick well-fet Fellow. He had on and took with him an old blue Great Coat, a Fuftian LOTHJ«^|, and J, Duffels, Bearfkir.s, VALUABLE young NEGRO Man, who Frizcs^^Hr Coatings, Fearnoughts, Half- Coat, brown Holland Waiftcoat, a white Shirt, underftands fawing, cutting, plowing, and Callor Hat, Coiton Brcccho, and two Pair of Thicks,C KaflfGerman Serges, Duroys, Ever- goingA by Water; likewife a young NEGRO laftings, ThicKlets, Sagathies, Am«(Bl^\vi;h Shal­ Stockings. Woman, who undcrftands Walhing and Ironing : Whoever takes up the faid Fellow, and feccrn S loons colour d and white, and other ftmable Trim­ Alfo fomc Houfhold Furniture. mings, Bibles, Teftamcnts, Pfaltcrs, Primmcrs, him fo that he may be had again, lhall have *\ PHILIP PETTIBONE, Adminiftrator Twenty Shillings, befide what the Law allowj, Writing Paper, Ink-Powder, Quills, Maps, framed * of Capt. Ricba,-d Boone. To the . Glafs Prints, printed Paper for Rooms of different paid by LUKE TROTTIN. Colours, lr\jb , J, {, J ; Sheeting white To It SOLD to tit HIGHEST BIDDER, JUST and brown, brown Holl.ind, German, Scott, and an IfeJnrfa-ay the zjtb Day of Auguft, being Baltimtrc-TvK'it, 7"^ 7'h, 1761. Irijb Orhabrigs, Dumblane Linen, printed Linen ftconJDay of Court, «/Urrnn-MARLBOROUCH, A N away from the Subfcriber'! Plantation on tVt "/, tie lofi * jL^ Carrihn Ridgt, near Si. Titmit't Church, fl«/.-.'nn» u,d to bt Sold and Handkerchiefs, Mens, Womens, and Chil- f,r BHts of Exchange, Sterling, or Current Money, County,R on?Sunday the 6th Inftant, a Convift Servant Mar, drens Worfted Stockings, Mens white and brown named Jthn Ttcmai, about 15 or afi Ycari eld, brown CMC» at BENEDICT, CHOICETraft of LAND, lying in HAM, M Patu Thread Stockings, Tapes, Gartering, Cotton Prince.George^ County, near Mattafan), be­ plexion, fhort black. Hair, about 5 Feet j Inches high. Hii , Ditto, Bed , ftrip'd Holland, A on when he went away, a new Ofnabtigi Shirt and Trowferv Billt, or Itbtu ing that Part of a Traft of Land, called Broth Id Felt Hat, and old Shoes. He alfo carried with him, a Checks, PI.lid, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Chance, whereon Edward Siuann now lives, con­ new Coat, Waiftcoit and Breeches m»ile_of a brown ce» GREAT Ounce Thread, whited Ditto, brown and colour'd taining 256 Acres. For Title and Terms apply to lour'd Broad-Cloth, trimm'd with yellow Metal Bgttcms EUROP Ditto, Starrets, Worfted Damnflc, blue and green, CHARLES GKAHAME, &c. Whoevir brings the faid Servant back to his /Mafttt. A , Callimanco, Tammies Camblcts, Durants, Al- GEORGE LEE. or fetarei him fo that he n,»y get uim again, (hall rtttifj Mollins, "Tander lopeen, , ftrip'd , Lawns, plain, Two filial" Reward, beiUes what the Law allows. CARNAJC, bricki.iNankceri ilower'd, fpotted, and ftrip'd, plain and ftrip'd PARCEL of choice well-bak'd SHIP kerchiefs, Luti{ Silk Lawn, Cambricks, Clear Lawn, Lawn BREAD, and good BARBADOS RUM, WANTED, Linen, and prii Handkerchiefs, with ftrip'd and flower'd Borders, toA be Sold by the Subfcribers, at their Store in M A N who underftands the Management Ptmtrenia, Prin Ki!»iarnock Carpets and , Oil Floor Cloths of Baltimore-Town, very cheap, for good Bills of and Di»per Tab different Sizes, , Garlix and other German of a WIN D - M I L L. Such a one witt Exchange, or Current Money. meetA with good Encouragement, by applyinj to ifi Ptrftan, PIT Lincnj, Table Cloths, £, £, , \, with Table THOMAS and NICHOLAS JONES. the Subfcriber at Herring-Bay. SAMUEL CHBW. blick. yellow, i Linen, Cotton, Counterpanes, , and Hol­ yellow Englijb I land, white , #«/;Chintz, white Callico, Humhums, a Quantity of GOODS configned to him I bUck and whi onT Purpofe for Wholefalc, which are opened, that Prince-George'/ and Frederick Countiet, Muflms, Silk Handkerchiefs, Tonfails, Romals, lour'd Silk Mi slack and colour'd Gauze Handkerchiefs, Wig Purchafcrs may have an Opportunity of choofing LL the outftanding Debts (without E.xcep-- their Aflbrtments. RICHARD HENDERSON. trench grey, cl: Jauh and Ribband, Crewels, Shades, and yellow tion) then due to MclTrs. Alexanitt 5,-rm-r, perfine Broad-C , NMtogf, C'innamon, Cloves, Mace, Pep­ andA Company, contracted with Mr. Rabirt W«- , JUST IMPORTED from LONDON, Ditto, Foreft C per, Teaq^^p*f Green and Hyfon, China Ware, / the CHARMING POLLY, Captain SAMUIU Jell, while he kept Store at Getrgt-ToT.ua on Rert- ( man , D Mens blaciNtod white Silk Stocking*, Playing BARBER, and it be Sold by tie Subfcriber, at bit Creek, and left with rnc to be collected. For the »nd \ Frizes, I Cards, Gilt Trunks, Crapes, Silk Alamode, Sattin, Convenience of thofe who may incline to purchafir. Thicks, fcarle black, blue, pink and white, black Luteftring & Stores in UpPER-MARLBOROUCH and NOT­ Lifts of the Debt*, a gain ft the firft of SrfteMitrt TINGHAM Towni, rt'bolefale or Retail, cAoth colour'd S Paduafoy, green, white and pink Damnfjt, ftrip'd will be lodged at the Stores in Upfer-MarHnrsag^ mill'd and rav nnd bror.VHrH TafFaties, Perjian Taft'aties, red, LARGE Affortmentof EUROPEAN and Bladenjburg, Gtorge-Tvwn, and Frederick.'ftwe, yellow, blue, and green, Polanefc' and Pruffi.m EASF-INDIA GOODS, fuiwblc for the BUnketting, J and Copies affixed at the Court-Houfes, and other ring/on Rugs, ., Variety of Cutlery, Nails, ^oJ. \od. SJ. Sealon,A at reasonable Rates, for Cafh, Bills, or public Places. 6J. Braf» Chaii^JaiU, painted Sug.ir Boxes, Stock Tob:.vCO. f , J.ISKPH RrM. at fquare Yai Any Pcrfon inclining to make a private Por- Leather Breed Locks plated and pull back, Clofet Ditto with chafe of the Whole, or a Part, may apply to roe Biafs Knobs, all Bnifs Chamber Ditto, Cheft, j u s T i M P o K T E o, ; ings, Plading And to be Sold by the Sutytribtr, at ANNAPOLIS, any Time between the Firft of September arid the mens Worfted Dc(k, Cupboard and Bag Locks, Hammers, Box by WHOLESALE, f> Day of Sale. . GEORGE SCOTT. and Sad Irons Hand Saws, Crofs Cut and Whip Cotton,' and J BOUT Twelve Hurjrad P»mds TOrth, Char lit County, June nd, 1760. and buff colo Saw) and Files, Steel Coffee Mills, Drawing and firft Coft, of EUROPEAN and INDIA AN away from the Suhfcriber, a Uonvitt Servant Mm Breeches, Met Currying Knives, Two Foot Rules, DeOt & Coffin GOODS,A being a Cargo extremely well fottcd for R named Jcbn ffinttr, a veiy eompleat HouVe PainMr; Shammey, an Furniture, Plane Irons with Stocks, Gouges, Chiz- this Country, both for Summer and Winter Goods, he can imitate Maible or Mahogany tery exactly, and can bruifed fine ^ xeh, Hinges, Chafing Difhcs, Carpenters Axes & and well Bought. They will be Sold at a fmall paint Floor Clothi at neat at any imported (torn Bri:r.i. Waih, Shamt Adzes, Stilliards, Brafs and Copper Scales, with The Time of his going off it uncertain, as he was hutj to a Advance on the prime Colt. BENNETT CHEW. Gentleman 'in-Virginia who can give no Account of »)>t Mitts, plain I Be.ims and Weights, Gold Ditto, Au^im-Toftgs Time. The laft Woik be did was a Huiife for Ccl. TTo,*- ftrip'd r-illctii and Shovels, Grid Irons, Garden Shears & Rake JUST IMPORTED, i.i{f« near A'uxatdria. He mud be pretty well knc« Gartering, Si Heads, Plate Warmers, Door, Latches, Thumb there, having work'J at hi> Bulinefj fcvcral Months u> lity, long anc Ditto.. Fire Bellows, Brick Trdwels, Tea Kettles, In tl:tSbif BKTSEY, Capt. WILLIAM S"TRACMAM, Town. He il "a very impertinent Fellow, pretty tall, and Brafj Mortars and Peftles, Candle Moulds, Co fit t: from l.ON DON. «>,J to It Sold by tit Subfc*ber, very red about the Nofe and Face. Hii Dicfi is uncrttiin. ces, whue an Pots, Br.ifj Cocks and Candlefticks, Cullenders, at bit Store in ANNAPOLIS, f Whoever brings the faid-Servant borne, or fccum Vii« fe Diamond and GOOD Afl'ortmem of EUROPEAN and that he may be had again, Hull hare Five J'iftolti Rcnlri, Cotton Holl. D.fh Covers, Cheefe Toaftcrs, Milk Pans, Fun- JOHN tiels, Sauce Pans and Cans Quart and Pint, Sad. INDIA GOODS, very cheap, for ready paid by durel. |, V, Money,A or to his Cuftomcrt, at the ufual Credit. Cliarltt County, ^uMiiJ, 1760. ion Gownj, dies, Bridles, Whips, Houfings, Surcingles, Girths fcarlet, blue and Wcbb, Saddle Bags, Cruppers, Stirrup Lea­ Smith's Work, Sad-making, Ship's Blocks, and AN away lad Night from the Subfciiben, two Cov Carting, as ufual. WILLIAM ROBERTS. vitt Servants, VIK. Combs, Crai ther, Mem and Womens Gloves and Mitts, Boys R'Jamtt lyillitmi, about r Feet 6 Inches hi;'n, of i fir and-half He and Girls Gloves, bal.idinc Silk, Ribbands, and Complexion, fhort darlc Hair, and the two foie Finjejltf T1HE MANAGERS of ALEXANDRIA hit right Hand cut oft' (as he fays by hit Mo'her.) Hi< N ftrip'd, cheo Silk Purfes and Caps, Womens Silk Hats & Ron- JL LOTTERY, in Virginia, having difpofed Paifley Lawi nets, fcarlet and colour'd Cluaks, Ivory and Horn an Ofnabrigi Shirt and Trowfers, a blue Sailor's yacktt, II of almoft all the TICKETS, propofe to Draw at old ihon and Stockings, and an oU Hat. 11 Handkerchtc ' Comb,s, Silk , Pins, Needles, Edging, the Time nx'd in the Scheme (the firft of Septem­ Tbemei OrfirJ, a Lad, about 5 Feet 4. or ; Inchei Vi{K fcarlct and b black and white, Leghorn Hats, Wax, Wafers, ber) or fooner. fandy Hair, white Eye-brows, and freckled Fact. Mil en Cambletees, Girls and Canvas Stays, Shoe Thread, \ few of the Tickets may be had at the Print­ a black Que Wig, pretty good Hat, Shoes and St<\-Lin|r<. Italian and ftrip'd Cotton Jackets and Fearnoughts, Great ing-Office, in Jnnapolii, if applied for foon. f It it fufpecled they will (leal other Cloathi, and ih»nhrf and figur'd ) Coati, Caftor and Felt Hats, Single and Double have a forged Paft at Sailorl. Whoever feeurei both or either of the fiid Scrrsnt', fo and cloth co Refined Sugar, Womery Silk, Everlafting & Cal­ Cbarlet County, June 26, 1760. that they may be had again, {ball have Four f iftolci Rewari Stuffs, crim limanco Shoes, Mens and Womens Leather Shoes .... D or STOLEN from the Subfcriber, for both, or Two Piftolei for cither, paid by Holland H< 5: Pumps, Boys & Girlt Ditto, Leather Breeches, Black Horfc about 14 Hands high, branded r> BTNJAMIN FiKDAtt, JOHN FCKDALL. and Blond 1 Bagging, Plaiding, and Plaiding Hofe, Pipes on the near Buttock R, a fmall Blaze down his Chip Hats, long and ftiort, Delph, Stone, and Glafs Ware, Face, bob Tail, Paces flow, and from that Ftirfjx County, in 1'irginia, JUKI 6, i;6o« mens plain Powder and Shot, , Rugs, Matchcoat Gallop, and was once the Property of Mr. A* To at L JET, *nd ENTE REL> "> immtJuttl), Bonnets or Blanketing, Ktndal Coiton, Hair Brooms, Scrub­ Monroe, of Nanjemoy. Whoever brings the VERY choice TRACT of LAND, eontaiwtj. Gimp, cole bing Brumes, Shoe, Buckle, and Cloth Brufhes, Horfc to the Subfcriber, living near dilen't-frej, fcvtral Thoufand Acies, brlonginj to CHAR black and Hair Sifters, Curry Combs and Brufhes, EarlA of T A NKERVILLE, lying on r«««wK* (hall hare a Piftole Reward. JOHN WARRCN. ' Sattin Map and Cotton Cards, Brimftone, Salt Petre, Fig & and chiefly bounded by Kitttekit* Crcelc, in the Co'Jntj ol Ditto, Prm Indigo Blue, Allom, Poland Starch, Glue, Florence HE SHERIFFS of the feveral Counties ia and Colony of ''trfinit. Any Perfon maT^""* the Terms, by applying to the Subferiber at Mr black Vch Oil, Wtflon and Arntl£\ Snuff, Fiddle Strings, , 4his Province, who have any Accounts with Kirk'i, on the faid Creek, or at Mr. Andrew Msm >, Mo- H»ts, blue Curtain Rings, Fowling Pieces, Cotton Wick, ,EL DULANY, Efq; now abfent on a Journey chant, in Lttfarf, in the faid County, where Attendii* and fptigg' Powder Horns and Shot Bags, Window Glafs 8 ,_ ._Ph« fnnn For mtn Advtrtijimtnti, fit tl '"«\ ROBERT COVDB'N. ^* *, WALTER DULANY. arid floonc Caps, Hat JNN4POLJS: Printed by JONAS GREEN, and WILLIAM RIND at t he P*»N« Om ct the Sign of the BIBLE, in Charhs-Jlreet; Whcrc all Per Ions may be upplied with th! GAZETTE, at ut.6d. per Yea» -^DVERTISEMEHTS of a moderate Length are taken in and iniw > for Fivci-Shillings the firft Week, and One Shilling each Wec-k after, and in Proportion tor long unt», /

', living n*Y> the icd , and « had on and «. a Fuftian white Shirt, two Pair of SUPPLEMENT and feccre* » fliall h»ve [N°. 796.} Law allows, To the MARYLAND GAZETTE, •A. with Blond Lace, fome very rich, IMPORTED, Ditto trimm'd JUST Glafs and Wax Ear-Rings, Necklaces, and Soli­ on /. ike left Slips from LONDON and GLASCOW,- taires, BriJIol Stone Ditto,' v«ry curious Mock hutch, . Z to I. SM h Mr. HENRY TUBMAN Diamond Ditto, Womens Stone and Pade Shoe 8 Sertant M«r, at BENEDICT, and the Sub/crittr at NOTTING­ and Girdle Buckles, Mens BriJIol Stone Shoe, Jld, brown CMH» River, very (tea}, for Cajb, and Hat Buckles, Ditto ichcs high, Hil HAM, on Patuxent Knee, Breech, Stock, irtandTrowfaN Silli, or Tobacco, Sleeve and Buttons, Nuns, ditching, baladine with him, » Pins, Needles, Ribbands, tied GREAT Variety of EAST-INDIA and and brown Thread, , of a brown ct« confiding of Silk Knee Garters, i, \, and { Irijb Linen, ? Metil Buttons EUROPEAN GOODS, Blank Humhums, .brown and white Scotch and Irijb Sheetings, ck to his Chin«,,prin:edA and white.Callicoes, and o*er x pin, ftull Long and" Clear Lawns, C«m- Cocks, tettcr-Ctfej, Writing Pappr, Moflinji "Tandems, black Silk Ditto, w allows. and Silk Romal Hand­ Stationary, white Stock Tape, bricks,, Cotton Girls Stays, Scotch fix CAXNAV, and Bandanoe Ditto, Setts an Affortment of Womens and kerchiefs, Lungce and Rappee, fcarlet Cotton Ditto, Flaxen Ruffia, SnufF, toaded and untoalted, Linen, and printed , Kendal Cot­ Princes, and Dowlas Linen, Damafk and cloth colour'd Cloaks, c Management Pimirenia, and Scotch Ofnabrigs, Scotch Dow­ Ditper Table Cloths, i and \ , Eng- tons, German 5uch a one wiil sad and Twilling, Rolls and Heflians, ' lijb Ptrjtan, Ptrfian and China Taffaties, white, las, Harns by applying to Bed-Ticks, J and j Fife k Glafgo-vo Checks black, yellow, and blue Sattins, white, pinkr and and I AMUEL CMBW. of fafhion- and ftrip'd Holland, Money Scales and Weights, yellow Englijh DamaOcs, an Affortment Wine Lutedrings, blick Flint engraved and plain Decanters and rENDUE, tble Tobine and Brocaded Cruits and China Silk for Breeches, Glaftes, plain Ditto Mugs, Tumblers, tnbcr Ccwrfr M Mantua and Alamode, and Dclph Ware of Stockings, black and co­ Salts, white and brown Stone ck Counliti-, black and white Silk Cador Hats, Womens fcarlet, black, light colour'd, all Sorts, Mens Felt and lour'd Silk Mitts, with Beaugle and Sna- (without Ejtcep. claret colour'd, blue, and brown fu- plain and rough Ditto Frmigrey, common Shoes, Spanijb Morocco, Broad-Cloths, a Variety of lower priced ling, Womens perfine and Silk Ditto, Mens Boots & Shoes, Ditto, Foreft (Moths, blue, drab, and mix'd Ger- Callimanco, e-Tmvn on narrow double and fingle channell'd Pumps, and ftitch'd man Serge, , Bearfkin, Duffel, Shoes, Hefted. For the and yellow Half- turn-overs, Boys, Girls, and Childrens »nd I Frizes, blue, green, red, Axes, Claw :line to purchifc, blue, green, and Caivhj'f. broad and narrow Hoes and Thicks, fcarlet, black, white, Drawing firft to '4° Englijb Blankets, and Lathing Hammers, Garden Spades, c\o\h colour'd Shalloons, J and Crofs Cut and white Scots Plading or Knives, Iron and Steel Plate Hand nill'd and raw drip'd Iron Pots, Hunters J to J fpotted, mottled, and Tor- Saws, Scythes, Frying Pans, Blanketting, bed London Drop Shot, high loufes, and other Ti*iton Rugs, KilmarnocJt Floor-Carpets from 5 to Pipes, Bar-Lead, Linfey, Brijiol and Swan Ditto, F and FF Gunpowder, 21 (quire Yardr, white , flrip'd ena- X a private Por- 3 Yarn Stock­ China, Tea Ware, Ditto in compleat Sets Leather Breeches, plain and ribb'd Hair and may apply to me Girls, Mens, and Wo­ mell'd, Ditto Bowls, Plates, and Mugs, ings, Plading Hofe, Boys, Cotton and Wool 'tpttmbir arlQ the Thread Hofe, Mens Worded, Lawn Sieves, Wire Riddles, mens Worded and Cinnamon, Cloves, :O»CE SCOTT. and Silk Caps, fcarlet, black, crimfon, Cards, Pepper, Nutmegs, Cotton,' SaltPetre, Roll Brimdone, Rock and buff colour'd Worded Patterns for Vefts and Mace, Piemcnto, , JttiU lid, I 7 t3. Bark pulveriz'd, Glauber Salts, Servant Mm white Lamb, black bound, Wafh, Allom, Peruvian LJonvitt Breeches, Mens Bed Cords, Seines, pleat HouVe and Buckfkin Gloves, Womens black Indigo, Slate and Fig Blue, Shammey, Fathom, fmall Looking- tcry exaflly, and c«rl btuifed fine white Kid, white Lamb, coloured 2 5» 3°> 35 f and 4° from Britf.i, Hearth & Hair Brooms, T°'ted Shammey, and white Cotton Gloves and Glafles, Mahogany Ditto, as he was huej to a Waih, Sticks, Fowling Pieces, Dit­ Mitts, plain Linen and Diaper Tapes, white and Clamps, Drums with no Account of iht Barrels and Bridle Locks, ^d. 3 lity, long and fhort Silk, Cotton and Thread La­ Crown Glafs, 10 How, pretty till, and a Variety of Pewter. ces, whue and dyed Jeani, India Dimity, ditch'd 1 5 by 11 , Cbf/bire Cheefe, ii Dicls it unnmin. Ware, and Brafiery, Saddlery and Cutlery, me, or fccurt) bin fe Diamond and Druwboy, whitcd , drip'd Tin Indiana and Gran- with many other Articles too tedious to mention. Five i'iftolei Cotton Holland, Ginghami, Wine, Wtft- JOHN __ V Cotton Counterpanes, Cot­ The Subfcriber hath alfo Madeira d«'«l. $, V- and Refin'd Sugar, Coffee, 6, 6J, 7, 7!, and J Bed Bunts, India Rum, htujctniado and ,', 7«/MtiJ, 1760. ton », Oil, to fell at whitu Hair Slugs, Ivory Chocolate, Candles, and Linfefd Subfciiberj, two Cos- fcarlet, black, and or Retail. Crambo, -Buckling, Wig, and fine half- reasonable Rates, Wholefalc Combs, hereby gives Notice to all wH« Inches hip;li, "f a f«ir and-half Horn Ditto, Dumllam , plain, The Subfcriber tf open Accounts of more he two fu:c Fin|t>S flrip'd, checqu'd, fpotted, flower'd, and fprigg'd are indebted to him upon his Mo'her.) Kit M to pay off or otherwifc PaiQey Lawn, plain and flower'd border'd Ditto than one Year's (landing, > blue Sailor's /Jtktt, ' Ditto, fettle their refpeflive Accounts, to prevent futme rl4t* i Handkerchiefs, fine Womens Ruffles of Trouble to f«t 4. or 5 Incht) k'nK fcarlet and blue Worded Qamafks, Camblets and Expence to them, and bumble Stwant, cckled Fact. Hilon Cambletees, Callimancoes, 'I'animics, bagathies, Their utrj Stockinjtv THOMAS CAMPBELL. 5hoes and Italian and Norwich Crapes, Bombazine, plain. Cloatbi, and thartbt; good Price in Goods fov and figur'd Barragans, white Serge Dafoy, party' N. B. I will give a on Patuxent River. >f the fiid Servant', fo and cloth colour'd ; PruJ/Tanett, Yard wide good heavy Tobacco >e Four Tiftoles Rcw«4 Genoa , Gimps, Stuffs, crimfon and black IMPORTED, piid by black Lace and Fringe, white JUST Holland Hoops, In tie BETSEY, Caftain WILLIAM STUACIIAN. f LAND, wnuinini Gimp, colour'd Ditto trimm'd with Blond Lace, to CHARLSS. A Subfcriber, at his Stores in ANNAFO- iginj black and colour'd plain, flounc'd, and flower'd bold by the nj on Feinvfait Rif. LONUON-TOWN, by WholeUle or Retail. Sattin I law, colour'd Silk Shades and Hats, black LIS and rcelt, in the Count! of Likewife, Cordage and Cables of all Sizes, An­ Any Perfon miT kno* Ditto, Prujfiin Cloaks, Capuchins and Polanefe, rich Lace, and chors fiom One Hundred to Five Hundred, Grap­ bfcriber tt Mr. HWi« block Velvet Ditto trimm'd with and all '. Andrew Al*m'it M«* ftrip'd, flower'd nels of fundry Sizes, Oakum, Sail Duck, mts, bhck Velvet Hoods, plain, . mty, where narrow and wide Cyprufi Gauzii, Sorts of Ship Chandlery. and fprigg'd, of different Sizes, fnfPi Six falhiqnablt Caps, Flowers, Stor. Alfo, Floor-Carpets, ^-IS-M^Mnj-'MOf, Yar

T H u R & D A Y, Auguft 14, 1760.

BULL, EJj; Liiutnant- about the Hill, where the Army had been encamped, was NEWHAVS (in fW Cinl, tf rV,ftbtlit) Mtj i. tun­ Grutnur, and Cunmtndtr in Cbirf, in tnd tvtr bit Majl/l)'* (hot and fcalped by four of the Enemy, whom we law Report of the Gun. la Prince Ferdinand chinftd Prn'tnct tf Seuib-Ctrttint. ning away jutt after we heard the IS Serene Higbnefa (Ke~Centinels difcovered 7 or 8 more (kulkiog hit HeacUquarten, on the 19th paft, fiom The humble ADDRESS of his Majefty's COUNCIL. the Evening the Miy it flttfi yivr Htntnr, about the fame Place ; fo that we begin to undergo a feconi Vaderborn to thil Place, which it about long, and more thence. The E his Majedy's moft dutifml and loyal Subjects, the Confinement, which I with may net be as Diftance of Half a League from firft. Not a Man of the Rangers, or ft ill continue! there. The Council of thii Province, met in General AITembly, difagrceable than the «re of either gf Hereditary Prince W new raifcd Regiment, could be prevailed on to remain Britifli Troop* are under Oidert to he ready have fully conCdered thr Purport of Lieutenant-Colonel the H Letter, communicated to us by your Honour Yef- here, alledging that their Time was up, Arc. This Morning t» march on the jth Inftant : The Reft of the Army, it ia Grant's John Brown from Au- whole terday. about 9 o'Clock, arrived here Capt. prtlutned, will foon be put in Motion, and. that^e Men, drclTed and painted like Indian}, igth or aoth. We hlfl receiv­ The unexpected Return of Colonel Montgomery, from the gufta, with 13 while will be affcmbted about the and 43 Chickefaws, who came with an Intent to join Col. ed an Account of a Skirmifli that happened on the i8th pad Cherokee Nation, is Matter of very great Concein to ui ; and will be more fo, Ihould the Forces under his Command Montgomery, not having heard of his Return. They pro- atVacha, a Town upon the Frontier! of Hefle, which forms is informed of their Arrival, upon the Werta. A fuddenly embark for the Northward ; nor is it eafy to con­ pofe to (lay till the Colonel the Heid of our Chain of Cantnnmenti which he will be this Evening, by the Bearer. Not a Word Body of the Enemy, confining of the Regiment of M. ceive what fatal Confequences may, by thefc Events, attend this a/id the neighbouring Provinces. from Fort Loudoun fmce the 910 of laft Month." D'Apchon, together with feme Volunteeri, made an Attack of the Addrcfles that wete prefented to Freytag commanded. And tho' If we confirler alfo, that the French Governor of New- In Conference «ipon that Place, where Cnl. his Honour the Lieutcnant-Governor on Saturday laft. by oar Men were at firft obliged, on Account of the Supe­ Orleans (who has the Creeks and Chactaws under his In­ embrace the favourable Opportunity of putting the Council and Aflembly, an Exprefs fet out on Monday riority of the Enemy, to abandon th« Town { yet Col. Frey- fluence) will Hon. Col. Montgomery; the in Execution the Plan which has been fo long concerted for Morning, with Difpatchcs to the t>5 took Port on > riling Ground near it where he kept a good Stock of Provifiuns, &c. at Fort of our Orenadien, qutr- the Deftruclion of the Britilh Southern Colonies j and if we who, after leaving Trench in Play, till two Battalioni Ninety-Six, left that Plate on Friday laft, very early in the tercd in the Neighbourhood, came to hii Afliftuee. Upon reflect that many leiTer Tribes of Indians may ba compelled, by fuperiorNumben, to join with them, it it apparent to us Morning. whofe Appioaeh, the French retired, hot were followed Declarations of Come of the Creek Traders, from Ceifa, where that we are ia a very critical and dangerous Situation, and Extract from the far three Leagues, attacked, and drove who were lately hurried out of the Nation by the Wolf, they infnded taking up their Quarters .that Night. There fland in the greateft Need of the Aid and AQiftance of his Majefty's Troopi. Gun-merchant, and others. wtre only two Companiei of Chafleurs on Foot, one on afitr tbt Ittt Mnrdtn in ttt C'ttk HufTari, that had Under thefe alarming Circumftancct, which threaten no " Tbtt fir ttiul 3 Wbi Ity in Httfi fir taking in additional Honourable Gentlemen, tnd Ulltd the ptfrnt Landgrave of Hefle CafTel, for tbtlr virj Btfi tnd tld Ifititn W»c,/ tbtm in tkt Pay, RE-tUR W ««i ny bttrty Tbtnki ftr tbil Adlrtfl. Mi In ; tbtl Body of Troopi from each of thofc Princes into Britifh vitrt ni nun tbtn Dungbill Fiwti ; and tbat trie 1~»t Ftiil C.--jr]»tntn wbicb you tffrtbtnjfrom tbt frtftnt Iliad, tnd tbty and that proper Provifion will foon bt made for fulfilling iflitditni vttrt fujidtnt Ii kill ibrm, Sfe. And, I Iiritittl Ciniuntlurt, in ttfi VH jbiuld bt def rived if ibt ftwtr- evtn tbt Ltoki (aid Treaties. cf Junt, vibtn tbtj /ft ttt, tbtrt TO<( ntlbinf f*l AJijltnet if tl-t Dittcbmnt if bn Mtjtjly'i Trttft, nndtr tbtt It Ibi 14/6 They write from Paris, that an Opinion prcvaili, that M. Tbrtttttingi in tbt Nttiit, vitiitt tbt CemmJnd tf Ct'.'iil Minigtmtry, dijfltyi ynr frtat Ktrw- it! ctnlinual Ctnfiijiin tnd Lally will be expofej to a fcvtre Profccution upon bit Re- Altrmi, J» (SMI it vitt ntdj/ary t» ItJgt tf ibt Inlirtfli, and txprtjjtt tki viirettfl Cinttrn fir ibt ttft ttt Trtdin in ctnunvtl I fjrn, as there are many Complaint! againft him by the King's Advitt." Siturity if tliii Prruinet-^ tnd I Ji affurt jtu ttat 1 will, ftllnu tbt Gun-mi'tbtnt't Officers, as well at by the Eaft-India Company, who make John Brown, who, with Capt. ttttrding ti jnr tamtfl Rrjurfl, nfnftnt ti Ct/tntl Mntgimt- Tbe Declaration of Capt. Bo Scruple of aflerting, that he has ruined their AR'airs. Chickefaws, that are gone to join Col. ry, in ibtflrtngrfl Ttrmi, ibt grttt Nttijity if til continuing Adair, heads the The Nett Debt of hit Majefty's Navy, as it flood the 3 Ift " that the Day before he left the ttrt, vntb tkt Trnfi undtr tn Cimmand. Montgomery, imports, | of December, 1759, amounts to 4,784,161/. 171. Breed Camp, the Chickefaws advifed him, if he wanted to Ma) 6. Ti.o Cairifon of Gibraltar, which canfirVt of WILLIAM BULL. nttr Nintty-Six, J*lj 9, 1760. fave his Life, to go away immediately, and leave his Effect* ii Regiments, it to be reinforced with two more. There Ttrt tf t Lttltrfrtm tltCtmf him, Keeohwee ; halted there that to their Care, which they would keep for, or fend after »ete eight Regiments at Gibraltar in A u go ft ; hut on the July if. We arrived at any longer, made Preparations to proceed to Nine­ if poflible ; for there was no truftinc, the Creeki ftrong Rtport of an Invafion, two of them were fent for, and the next Day, and had pre­ Atkin, and feveral others that had ftaid who had agreed to fall on the Englilli; and nothing and arrived in September, vii. JcfTery'i, and the Royal ty-Six. Here Mr. but fo many of us. vented their being all cut off' in the Nation, North Britilh Fimleeri. at the Fort, joined this, and at Savannah t w« let out for Ninety-Six, leaving 6 or-8 their own People being down about Afry 13. Friday his Royal Highnefl the Duke of York " "3"h V< toU him farther, they got this la- Frovifions, and about 40 Head of Cattle, for the And that the Chickefaws took hit Seat in the Houfe of Peers on a Chair of Stale, Months a Creek Fellow, who was related to them, of the Garrifon at Fort Prince-George ; where Colonel formation from placed on the Left Hand of the Throne : His Royal Higli- Ufe wai confirmed by feveral Chickefawi, who had gone Montgomery found it abfolutely neceffary alfa to leave a Ser- and it r.ck was piecedcil by the Heralds, and introduced by lour into the Creek Nation on purpola to get Intelligence." jeantt, and 14 Men of the Royals and Highlanders. Dulcet, vii. the Dulcet of Cleveland, Devonfhire, Rutlind, Half Breed Abraham, and the other Creek Indiana, who Earl of Cuildford, ai Proxy to the Duke of Ancaflcr. " ]"h "' Arrived at Ninety-Six, nothing remarkabU and the (hall arrived at Mr. M'Qucen's Plantation, came to Town lalt Expreffcs weat from the War-Office on Friday happening by the Way. To-morrow aatd next Day we Several ; and on Fri­ Monday, and have bad a Conference with hit Honour the Night laft, with General Griffin's Outers for the fpcedy halt, to recruit our Sick and Wounded a little for tha Cort(irers. Lieutenant Governor. Embarkation of the Troopi under hii Command. day march from the Ar­ " Mr. Wilfon it ditpatched on purpofe to get the Tranf- Mr. Dempfey, who arrived here laft Night Extraf} tf a Lilltr frtm Ptrifmtuib, Mty II. us, that he ports immediately ready, in order to take the Troopi on ray under the Hon. Col. Montgomery, informs " The Gcnerofity of the Duke or* York, an4 Admiral at LitUe-Saludec laft Tuefday, and fuppofes they \ Topic board when they arrive at Strawberry. lelt them Hawke, to the Widows of the Ramillies, it the great might arrive at Congarees as lalt Night, and not before, be- has quite whet- " I had almoft forgot to tell you the Indians got two of Converfation among our Sailois here. It m&ebtifed to travel very cafy, on Account of the Wounded. ttd their Courage, and (as they exprefa it) now finco they Drama from us ; and that when we returned (mm Etchowec fee poor He met the Negro Abraham at Lyon's Creek, going with fee they won't be forgot when they ate dead, the Admiral over the Field of Battle, I had the Mortification to Captain Williams lying above Ground and fcalped, Captain Difpatches to Col. Montgomery. may lead them into Bicft this Summer, it he plrafei." BOSTON, July a8. July 9. Morrifon's Head cut oft, and fcalped, and his Body cut in CHARLES-TOWN (St*b-Ca,,l,nt) Monday laft arrived here Colonel Arbuihaot, who has July a. feveo Pieces ; evin his Eye-brows were cut »S; other Car- SAVANNAH, in Oroar.iA, commanded at Fort Frederick, in St. John's River, the Temper; they eafles lay (hipped, with many infamous Marks of Cruelty The Indiana here ate in exceeding food Year paft ; alfo feveral other Officers, and, a Number of btllirred themfelves in and Contempt upon them. Since that Affsir, we have teen merit Diftlnetion, as they tenurkably Soldiers belonging to this Province, who hare garrifoned his our Behalf in the Day of Trial. Governor Ellis's Conduct the MifcrcaotidrcfTed in the Regimentals of our Slain. Con- the many Difficulties we muft have encountered, and Majefty's Forts up the Bay of Fundy, and now difcharged, in this Affair it highly commendable ; it is fteady, regular fidering in the great Inconveniencies we laboured under, I think we had arrived here, being relieved by t Number lately enhfted and uniform : Hit principal Talk u not vat delivered ; in it that Service. We hear that the Indians n fix Month! afer Ven- not Force enough to attempt the Relief of Fort Louduun." this Province for ht will urge the Neceftity of they themfelves taking well, and ftill continue to come in to the feveral their Xxtrtfr tf t Ltlttr frtn Pirt trinti-Gnrri, dtttd July 5'4. behave u gcncroufly gi«» (ttince on the Murderers, but does not f ropofe to let Fort i at Nova-Scotia, and carry on Trade very peaceably. nnal. 40 An Account of the Operations of the Army under the Determination therein b« com­ On* of the Vefleli mentioned in our laft to be taken going . July 16. When Col.' Montgomery marched from Con- Hon. Col. Montgomery, 1 make no Doabt, has been ire appointed Mi- trou­ up to Quebec, was Capt. Cloufton, from this Place, which garees, the i;tl> of May, he fent down Ordeis to the Cap­ municated to you long before this, I therefore (hall not Rtmft), or you with a Recital of what parted, from their V«ucl was retaken, after a valuabli Cargo was taken out or' r, William tains of the Tranfport Vefleli, which brought the Troopt ble myfelf and leaving Kceohwce to go to the Middle-fcttlements, till tSeir her i The VcOcl from Halifax belonged to Rundle from New-York, to be in Readineft to take thVm on boird fmall VelTels, 'tis faid, Htturn to this Fort. I moft heartily lament the Situation Crawlev, of tbat Place. Three again by the lolb of July. On Friday laft Jofeph Nun, out from Quebec, to cruise In the of our poor Friends at Fort Louduun, but it is abfolutely im­ wtre armed and Atted Elq; one of the Contractors Agents, agreeable to Orders River, and prevent th« Enemy from thus failing the Traders. frnm the Colonel of the fame Dale, and now repeated, went practicable to relieve them this Way ; the Difficulty of the he ima­ And that Governor Murray baa given Liberty to the up to the Firihrt, where the Tianfportt are, in order to fee Paflct, even to the Middle-fettlements, can hardly but French Peafants to bring into the City frefh Provirions, for that the Proviliont, let. were in Readinefs to be put on gined i before I faw them, I had not thai Idea of them; us, that thefe are not to be compared with whith they were well paid. board from the Magaalnca at Monck'a Corner, where wt the Traders-tell Euftatia, dated June 16. what wa muft have gone through to the Over-hills Towni. Extract of a Letter from St. hiai the Men are to «rob»rk. til tbi fi/tli em af Ocminiit, The Return of the Army wa> certainly a well-judged Thing, " CerrmfAn Dng/tt bai cut This Day, about Noon, Mr. Andrew WillUmfoa that the Troopi marched from thence for Congirtrt a' 4 there- been i !'<"i ^ i. .'<. ." the Sick and WoimiieJ, and to have fccured a Retreat, f.ntUnd: TbtOtjtH tflbtir Antnlin rtnttiniaiyt: rlcfln. Syoinrri and o'clock on Friday Morning: Capt. Bell, the Cumirundant rodged Nt^u-HtftfJhi't, I'kjt tn fv- in ctfe of a Defeat, arid 'hat properly fupplied with Mep and n't Ittrn frttn PertTmivtb, of that Foil, has 40 Men In Garrifon. Mr. Williamfna Wtdr.ttJjy frail tbiir Htfiwxnl at AV. I'rovifiuna, then we rhifhl have cauied our Operations fur­ filft trrivtj ttrri^ajf aha inform! us, that the Cirriftn at Fnrt Loudoun had iei>n • | hat as we were fiiuatcd, it was impeflible. 4., and fuoplicd with 3aoBu(h(l»of Indian Corn, and a Quantity ther with tbtl a ttrrt Bed* " The 3d laftant the Army leit us, and are marching Infant, frtm Mtjtr Rtftrt, of Bacon, about the loth of laft Month, which the LitiU tf Frettb and Mtnl btd Itndtd nftn :bt Efji Sidt if Latl Carpenter had procured bj a Ne|ociation with the Great downward), in order to re-imbark for New-York. the Buffs, (trolling Cbanrpttin, tr.d it w«< fund ivcr «'/X'v^ " ett:-^ '*"' . Wariior Occonaftola. " Ydtcidij oac Jefferfon, a Soldier in gimiit,- wi« iiifrt tuttrnf ed en Giffi't RiaJ, «8 Miln aeevi and Liberties of the People, a cordial and un- Man behind them, in the Boat. The Crew con- fJtt 4.^ -Ibjt tb:ir ilfui inn all well, and in high Sfirin, Ihaken Friend. filled of 15 in Number. 5 '- that Manner, 1 AJWIT l"f hut c«c l\fjn t:it ef tbe Regiment ; and that they In the chief Seat of Juflice, he was for Capacity PHILADELPHIA, A*g«fl 7,' £d not. bad finijbcj tbt Rtaa 13 Mile,:. Tuefday laft, Te/lerdav Mtrnir.g arrived bert Caft. jtuilreTVI in iS DJJI and Integrity equalled by few, excelled by none. We are well informed, that his Majelly w»i fo frim Lnijbarf, and info'mi, thai tbe Minrri have been f'">e- Patient in hearing, ready in diftinguifhing, and in well pleafed with the gallant Behaviour of the Race, or Journ wf'af fttardtd in tbeir Work, by tbe tc-v:n? in of fomt tf tbe his Dccifions found and impartial. He gave fuch Captains Elliot, Clements and Lbgie, in fighting to this City, wh Mint!, and tbat it tunld be Jomr Time iefort tbt H^trii art univerlal Satisfa&ion, that even the Vftnquifhed and taking M. Thurot's Squadron, that he moll Horfc, with a IV blawt up. Tbat itey bad received at lalt Nnui frtm S^>«- confefled the Juftice of the Sentence. To form generoufly prefented the firft with a Thoufand with a Boy, for f>tc ;' nir any frtm mr Shift wlicb lately failed frcn tbtnce itt on the Horfc, w Q"jl of the French fajfeli fjid It be in ibe Bay of him, in fhort, a fhining Ornament of the Law, Pounds Sterling, and the other two with Five Friday laf) arrived btrt fr"m Ltuifa'jrg and a Cruize, ibe Nature and his own Induflry had united their ut- Hundred Pounds each. in Eleven Hou Frivinet Sbif ef War King Gnrge, Ca/a. Hallrwell. Frtm rooft Efforts. Extract of a Letter from Charles-Town, in very gently togt liuifturf we learn, thai tit armed I'tjjeli lately filed tut from Hit Promotion to the Government at a Scafon South Carolina, July 18, 1760. The SMALL-! ttercr, had been at Piffou, e)n4 burnt 5 «r 6 ef lilt Veffelt this Town, lubteb tbe Enemy bad "taken frtm ui lal Tear, and treugbl eff the mod momentous to the Colonies, was fignally " Jft are in Hafts that, at tht Rtqueft tf tbt fom( Plunder ; Tbat tbe Jndiant from St. Jcbnt, tubs trtugbt advancivc of his Majefty's Service, and the public Governor, and the two Hou/ei of JJJrmbly, jsititd allure thofc tbe Attnnt if itt fvt French Men tf War being in ibe Bay Emolument. And by the Confidence the People ivith tht general Voice tf tbe People, Colonel Mont. ' LIE- undi tf Cbaleurt, al/i informed, that itry lad landed 400 Men, in repofed in his fupcriqr Abilities, they wcic induced gtmery, u-i/i tbe Kingj parcel, ivijl te prtvitiltd on A Lift of th trder, it was faid, It attack our Garrifs* at Fort Cumberland. to exert thcmfclves in the common Caufe, with to flay ivitb ut, till rt*ft " rrjlcrtd to tbe Province. L By Capt. Jacobfon, who arrived here Yefterday the g re ate ft Vigour and Alacrity. By a Letter frtm AttgteJta~rtceii:eJ on Widntjdaj laft, from London, we are informed. That on receiv­ Next Day, at three Quarters after Six, P. M. there 'were fame fmall Hofei «f Matter} being madt ing the melancholy Account of the Devaftation in HEREA his Majefty's Ship the Winchefter, of 50 Guns, up tuitb tbe Ctteks. Tie- Sanguiiie art much elattd in Bait this Town by Fire in March laft, Subscriptions .aptain Hale, now in the North River, fired a Jition, if thej are land. Ireland, and Holland, for the Relief of the fes mentioned ir ame Inftant, Minute Guns began firing from really ft inclined." whereas the Su Sufferers by that Fire. Copfey Battery, and continued 16*7, the Number On Thurfday laft Captain Porter arrived here , , N E W - L O N D O N. July 15. f.nd Mortgage, of his Age. The Battery was KLIowcd. by the from Antigua. By him we have-Advice, that Smith, advanced Ex'rift of a Letter from Loniiburr, June 14. the Snow Two Brothers, Captain Barnes, for An­ " C'neral miimare'i and Htfftn'i Regiment are rmbarhJ, Winchellcr, and fhe by the GeneHsVWall Packet, of which a Ball; , and tall fail tbt firfl fair Weather for Settee. Three 70 each firing the fame Number with the Battery. tigua, and the Sloop Sally, Captain Dingce, for of the full and f.un Flifi and i t'riratet have failed frtm bert in S^utfl ef The Order of the Proceflicm, from his Honour's Montferrat, both from this Port, are taken, and Seventy- two Po frve'itl hrencb Mm tf (far, who v>tre in ibe Gulf, and f'f. Seat to Trinity Church, was as follows, viz. carried to Martinico ; and that the Schooner Jolly y/ney. Any Perf fofitl inter Aid It lar.J Men and Sltret at Cbedibufit, tr Ibert- i. The Clerks Robin, Captain Conyers, likewifc from this Phce, ahun. Tl~e Minen, &(. are bard at Wort fo dtmtltjb tbil of Trinity-Church, and St. "fame, may have (Jam}}*, -uibieb will bt tjfefted in abeal 3 IPettt." George's Chapel, in an open Chaife. for Antigua, was alfo taken, but retaken, and gage : The Tu I.aft Mnndajr ariivtd hete from -Franeoii by Way of . The Reftor of Trinity Church, in' a Chaife. carried into St. Chriftophers. firft Day of Se Mnnto Chrifli, Captain Hiufr, who commanded the rich 3. The Clergy of the feveral Proteftant Deno­ By Captain Porter we are further informed, Among the faid Philadelphia Snow, taken by Monficur Chateleau, who, we minations in this City, two by two, in Chaifes. That there are not lefs than 26 of his Majelly's re very forry to fay, hai not anfwered the Character formerly or Twenty Tr; gi»'n of him ; for, nrtwithltanding Captain Hnufe proved a 4. An open Hearfe bearing the Body in a Coffin, Veflels of War on that Station, i 5 of which Ships Colliers, Carpei mnft valuablr ''rue, having a Cargo on board, worth at lead covered with black Velvet, uchly adorned with of the Line, the -Remainder Frigates: That the able to any Iror Sistv Thuufand Pounds Sterling, he wat dripped of every gilt Efcutcheons and Furniture. The Hearfe was heavy Ships had been cruizing for fome Time off Thing, even lu a Angle Coat, obliged to pay for hit Lodgingi drawn by a beautiful Pair of white Horfcs, belong­ of Martinico, in Hopes of falling in with M. Bom- If. 3. The while at the Cape, and the Surgeon'i Billt for attending ing to his Honour, in Mourning, and were drove par, with iz or 13 Line of Battle Ships, Advice liim (being (hot (hrbuph the Right Hand, fo » to render it faid Norwood v tifeleft) -hit he found Meant to do by the Friendlhip of one by his own Coachman. having been received in England, it is faid, that which is cntirel; Mnnfirur M'Carty, a Merchant, who fupplied him with 5. His Majefty's Council, in mourning Coaches, he had got out of Bred with fuch a Fleet, but his willing to lay h fome Money, or he muft hive lain in Goal. From thit being Pall Bearers. Dcftination not certainly known; that the Frigates to fettle the fam TfCAtmcit of a Gentleman, who unfortunately fell into 6. Relations, in mourning Coaches. were all cruizing on the Trade of the Enemy, tnd T~ bit Handi uith fo fine a Cirpo, we believe Chateleau's Po- had taken fever.il Dutchmen ; three of which, with lilmefi, w'ule on our Coaft, wat owing more to feveral of 7. Members of the Aflembly, in Coaches. the New-York Privaieen, into whofe Handi there wai fome 8. The Magiftrates, two by two, in Coaches one French Vcflcl. were lately fcnt into St. Chrif­ And Entere. Umjrr of hn fall ng, than to Principlei of Virtue or Huma- and Chaifes. tophers by the Griffin Frigate, Captain Taylor: TRACT Mtv in him. Thcie were about 10 Sail of French Shipi in 9. All the Gentlemen of the Law in this City, And that the Day he failed, 4 French Privateers A Side of t that Jan; alid more daily coming in, our Men of War on that two by two, in Coaches and Chaifes. came into St. John's, taken by the Echo and Le­ Kiver, a Mile- b'-"inn, not having Time to look after ihem, being engaged t>- '*

tbt Margaret Bucba vernor, 'in the 57th Year of his Age. This unex­ The Members of his Majelly's Council then came and on tbt I Jtb Major U ateri, iiuitb 400 of ttt pected Hvent, for he was in perfcfl Health the out of their Coaches, and fupported the Pall : Royal American Retiment, tml/arked in Wbalt Beatt, AN away Evening before, threw the whole City into the The reft of the Gentlemen alighted from their and proceeded to Niagara." this Inftai dcepvlt Sorrow and Amazement. A Pain in the Carriages likcwifc, and followed two by two, ac­ Saturday laft Captain Brown arrived here from Ring in i^uten-Ai. Breail awaked him at Three, and continued with­ cording to their Affinity and Rank. In this Or­ the Weft-Indies. In Lat. 36. about 18 Fathom vid Servant M out Intcrmiffion till about Nine in the Morning, der they proceeded into Trinity Church, which Water, he met with a Vcflcl overfet. He brought crtme from the ' when before he apprehended the Neceffity of a was beautifully illuminated. The Corpfe was then her Boom with him, by which it iv thought flic is Trade, and a Phyfician. Ceired with a Fit, he fuddenly expired. taken from the Mens Shoulders, and placed on a Brigantine. when he went a He was defcendcd of an honourable Family in Stand before the DcQc.; where the Reverend Mr. We have Advice from Ofwego, that the Army ret colour'd Ct thit City, and had his Education at Cambridge, Barclay performed the Funeral Service; at the were chiefly collcAed there the zoth ult. and thit- a Pair of pale under the Tuition of Mr. Herring, afterwards the Conclufion of which the Body was removed a t was thought the General would fet out from Breeches, alfo.: celebrated Archbifhop of Canterbury. Here he few Yards to the middle Ifle, where it was interred. thence in about ten Days from that Time. ret colour'd Pai laid the (olid Foundation of his future Importance, The Whole was conducted with the greatcft De­ flowcr'd Callicc llise.irly Accomplishments, foon after his Re­ corum and Solemnity. ANNAPOLIS, Augufl 14. P»ir of Worftei turn, introduced him into his Majefty's Council, Yefterday Morning the Honourable CADWAL- From Philadelphia, by a Gentleman who left it and Buckles, a an4 the I'econd Seat in the Supreme Court of Ju- bADiR COLDEN, Efq; Prcfidcnt of his Majefty's aft Sunday, we have an Account, that a Vcffcl is Shirt. He we: dicnurc. Council, and Commander in Chief of the Province arrived there from Ireland after a pretty good Paf- not very long, In the Year 1753, he took the firft Seat on the of New-York, came to Town from his Seat at fage, and brought a Dublin Gazette of the :;th Matter above t Bench, and h iving for 20 Years difcharged that Coldenham, in the Highlands. of May, wherein is a Paragraph to this F.ffefl, natc Voice, ftc important Trull with the greateft Applaufe, his The Privateer Harlequin, of this Port, has taken " A Vcflel arrived at Limerick, May zzd, Exprefs has a genteel C Majcflv was pleafed to confer on him the Honours and carried into Antigua, a large Dutch Ship, " from the Eajl-hdiei, brings an Account of an Receipt palFed of that dignified Station in which he died. loaded with French Sugars, which were condemn­ 11 Engagement between Admiral Pocock't Squ»- Money paid b) To do ample Juflice to this eminent Character in ed, but the Ship acquitted. ' dron and the French Fleet, September loth lift. PafTage in the fo contracted a Compals, and on fo fudden and We hear from Albany, that fo great a Flood of ' The Engli/b had 9 Ships, and the French it, at Benjamin Wilti alarming an Occafion, is what the World will Rain fell there, that on Saturday laft, two Canals " the Beginning of tho Aft ion. It continued very Fellow (who hardly expccl, or his diftinguifhcd Accomplifh- which run through the Town, overflowed their " obftinate for zj- Hours, when the French bore named Ifaac Bi ments, indeed, permit. He enjoyed a quick Con­ Banks, and many Cellars were filled with Water. " away, and our Ships being fo difabled with the he is a lufty ill ception, a deep Penetration, a clear Judgment, The Damage occafioned thtreby, is computed to " Lofs of Men, (sfc. upwards of coo beine killed and large blac and a retentive Memory. Thefe natural Talents, be above 5000 1. " and wounded, we could not purfue. The Wq- ried with him, heightened and improved by his Attainments in . Laft Monday Evening the Crew of a Boat be­ " mouth had not a Man killed or wounded, and fhort deep bh Literature, and an intimate Acquaintance with longing to his Majefty's Ship Norwich, which was " the Suiberlandonty 2 killed." new Shoes, a Mankind, made him an agreeable and inftruflive appointed to keep Watch round the faid Ship, Saturday Night laft, Two choice young T^"* and a Pair ol Companion to thofe who were honoured with his took an Opportunity to defert from her, by getting Men, ufcd to the Water, belonging to "John Bulit", He has been Converfation; and .qualified him to fill the mod afhore on the Jerfcy Side of this Harbour. Before Efq; were drowned in our Dock, by the ovcrfet- iond of ftrong ir.iportaiit Offices with uncommon Dignity and they got to Land, they were difcovered by the ting of a Punt. Their Bodies are Once taken up. ted, is very it Luilrc. Man of War, who fufpe&ing their Dcfign, fir'd a About Ten Days ago, a valuable-Negro Lad, and probably "His Genius provident, strive, fertile in Expe­ Shot at tnem, but without any Regard being paid looking for a Horfe on the Weft Side of KHloikto* they ihould be dients, and capable of. averting or improving the to it; on which (he fir'd another, that hit the Boat Mountain, in Frederick County, was bit on the homo, the A| inofl unexpected Occurrences, joined to a perfeft and almoft funk her, befides taking off one of the upper Side of his left Foot, near his Great Toe, in the M.irji'j! Knowledge and Elk cm of our happy Confutation, Men's Legs : However, they made a Shift to reach by a Rattle Snake, which h< kill'd, and then (hall be Row and a zealous Attachment to his Majefty's illuf- the Shore with her, and get clear off (notwithftand- taking his Knife out of his Pocket, cut off the if taken with) trious lloufc, rendered him a moft able and faith- ing they were purfued by two other Boats from Skin and Flcfh of his Foot near an Inch every 'or each, if ti lu! Counfellor to thc.Crown ; and to the Rights the Norwich and Winchelfea) leaving the wounded way round the Bite, and is like to do well. Being

BRAHAM MILTON, Author of the FARVUR'S ConrANion, informs the Public, That he is determined to have it printed within two Months altho'he has not obtained the Number of Subfcribers mentioned in his Propofals. Such who chufc to encourage it, are dcfircd to fendrtr.cir INanu-sA to the Priming-Oj/ict in Annafoln, as foon as poflibic. he Crew con. aSc'd how he could bear to mangle his Flefh'in Ts It RENTED or LEASED fir a Ttrm tf JUST IMPORTED from LOND , that Manner, he faid, lit knew lit muft die if It TEARS, in the CAPEL. Capt. JOHN JOHNSTOUN, ti-d net. . A VALUABLE Traft of LAND, containing nnd to be Sold bi tbt Subfcriber, at hit Store in flajefty wii fo Tuefday lad, an extreme hot Day, a remarkable JF\. 1000 Acres, lying in Fairfax County, in PORT-TOBACCO, Wbtltfele or Retail, aviour of ihe Race, or Journey, was run from Frederick-Town, Virginia, about 40 Miles above Alexandria, on LARGE Aflbrtment of EUROPEAN and ,ie, in fighting to this City, which is 75 or 80 Miles, by a large the main Road leading from thence to Wintbefttr. A EAST-INDIA GOODS, fuitable for the that he moll Horfc, with a Man OB his Back, and a fmall Marc The faid Land will be laid out in Tenements of Seafon, at reafonable Rates, for Cam, Bills, To­ i a Thoufar.d with a Boy, for 75 Piftolcs, 50 to 25 being laid One or Two Hundred Acres, and has a Quantity bacco, or Wheat. wo with Five on the Horfc, who won, and perform'd it exaflly of rich Meadow Ground upon it. Likcwife, Wine, MelafTes, Mufcovado Suear in Eleven Hours, Four of which they travelled For Terms, enquire of the Subfcriber, living in Coffee, Chocolate, and Salt. * is-Town, in very gently together. Princt-George'i County, Maryland. THOMAS CONTEB. 1760. The SMALL-POX is now only in one Houfe in THOMAS BROOKE, Son of Walter. this Town, in a back Part of it; and we can River, taken up as a Stray, a White Horfe are taken, and Seventy-two Pounds Five Shillings Current Mo- about 13 Hands high, goes a travelling Pace, and A»A."ml"odl°ui "oufc f°r » Tavern, compleatly Schooner Jolly furnimcd lor that Purpofe, with Liberty of Padu- y/ney. Any Perfon that will pay and difcharge the lias a Piece cut out of his right Ear; but hat not rage. from thisPhcc, "fame, may have an Aflignmcnt of the faid Mort­ any vifible Brand. /. ,4^.~«/ G*sre£t t retaken, and gage : The Time of it's Expiration will be the The Owner may have him again, on proving Two good new Dwelling-Houfes, four Rooms firft Day of September enfuing the Date hereof. his Property, and paying Charges. on a Hoor, with two Lots of Ground to each nher informed, Among the faid Negroes there are about Eighteen Alfo Warehoufes, with Prizes, for the Infneclioo of his Majclty's CHOICE Parcel of healthy SLAVES, of Tobacco. or Twenty Tradefmcn, -viz. Smiths, Forgemen, The Subfcriber intending to leave the Province of which Ships Colliers, Carpenters, &c. fuch as may be fcrvicc- A Part of "J-- Cargo of the Ship Jenny, Capt. lies: That the Jthn WUkinJtn, to be Sold at Weft. River, by ?h i, *,' ? "" fV'/C his Xfrairs' therefore hopet able to any Iron-Matter. that all Perfons indebted to him will make fp«edy fome Time off EDWARD' NORWOOD. "} SAMUEL GALLOWAY. n with M. Bom- f»ymentsj or give fufficient Security. , N. S. The faid Smith has reported, that the The Prcmilles abovementioned may be viewed c Ships, Advice faid Norwood will not fettle Accounts' with him, LL Perfons indebted to the Edate of Mr. , It is faid, that which is entirely falfe, as he is always rendy and A JAMBS WARDROP, late of Prinet-George'i at any Time, and the Terms known, by applying a Fleet, but his willing to lay h» Books before Iron-Maders, and County, Merchant, deceafed, are required to make to ______ABRAHAM BARNES. that the Frigates to fettle the fame. immediate Payment; and thofc who have any De- the Enemy, tnd mapds againfl the faid Edate, arevdefired to give JUST IMPORTED in the BALTIMORE e of which, with TO BE SOLD, in the fame to \ Captain HANSON, / LONDON, andt'c H into St. Chrif- And Entered »Ji tie 2oth of October next, i ,,,', T? (htaft *' tbe S'ty"*"-'' Stir* ntout i 3 Fathom vick Servant Man named Benjamin William, he N. B. He gives CASH for HIDES. named Jim, about 16 Years old : Had on when he et. He brought ( . crime from the WehV of- England, is a Taylor by went away, an old Oznabrig Shirt, new Crocu» is- thought flic is Trade, and a tolerable Workman. He had on LL Perfons indebted to Philip Hammond, Trowfers, and an old blue Fearnoueht when he went away, and carried wkh him, a cla­ A EAj; deceafed, are requeded to fettle their without Sleeves. .». »» , that the Army ret colour'd Coat trimmed with Metal Buttons, rcfpcdivc Accounts ; and thofe who have any De­ Whoever takes up faid Negro, and fecures him oth ult. and that a Pair of pale colour'd Sagathy or Everl.iding mands againll him, to apply to, and adjuft the fo that he may be had again, (hall have Twenty ild fet out from Breeches, alfo.an old light colour'd cloth and cla­ fame with, CHARLES HAMMOND, junior, Shillings Reward, if taken within ten Miles from it Time. ret colour'd Pair of Breeches, a Waidcoat of red 2. Executor of Philip Hammond. home j and if above ten Miles, Twenty Shillings nower'd Callico or Cotton, a Pair of Yarn and a SORTABLE Cargo of European and Eaft. befidc what the Law allows, paid by Auguft 14. Pair of Worded Stockings, a Pair of good Shoes A India dOODS, to be Sold at the Dwelling- eman who left it and Buckles, an old Hat, and an old white Linen Houfe of the Deceafed, by Wholefale only, on the ______LEWIS LEWIN. ;, that a Vcffel i» Shirt. He wears his own black Hair, which is mod reafonablc Terms, by the Subfcriber. TO BE SOLD, pretty good Paf- not very long, he has a thin Beard, is a fmall CHARLES HAMMOND, junior. (Lying -within fettn Milet of BALTIMORE-TOWN) ette of the 27th Matter above the common Size, has a very effemi­ TRACT of LAND, containing 450 Acrei, h to this Effect, nate Voice, (loops a little in the Shoulders, and HIPPED on board the George, Natbaniti Chew, fay 22d, Exprefs Mader, a Trunk mark'd I R, for which no a large Part of which is excellent Meadow has a genteel Carriage. It i* imagined he has a S Ground,A with about 6 or 8 Acres cleared, an Or­ i Account of an Receipt palled to one Thomas Hottway for fome Owner can as yet be found. Any Perfon produ­ \~Pototk'* Squa- cing the Bill of Lading, and paying the Charge of chard containing 300 Trees, and fome Improve- Money paid by faid Holloivaj for his Liberty, and Ho.ufei. Any Perfon inclinable ta pur- ttmber loth lad. this Advertifement, (hall fcavc it delivered to him. ment of PafTage in the fame Ship that brought the above chafe, is defired to apply to Mr. W,Hiam Lux, of thc/Vwi n, at Benjamin William. It is fufpcfled that a Mulatto JUST IMPORTED, Baltimore.! *, Merchant, who can give an in- It continued very Fellow (who is under Indenture to faid Earle) difputable Title to the fame. the French bore named Ijaac Bentlti, alias Protui, is gone with him ; In the Ship C A T O, Captain ADAM HILL, difablcd with the he is a ludy ill looking Fellow, wiih funken Eyes, and to bt Sold by tbt SubfcrHtr, ut bit Start in coo being killed OJJEBN'S-TOW^N, JUST IMPORTED, and large black Eye- brows. He had on and car­ in Annapolis, irfuc. TheJftf- ried with him, a brown Coat, lined with red, a LARGE Aflbrtment of EUROPEAN And It bt Sold by tbt Subfcriber or wounded, and fliort deep blue Duflcl lapelled Jacket, a Pair ol A and INDIA GOODS. Alfo, Rum, HOIOE RUM and MUSCOVADO new Shoes, a Pair or Two of Petticoat Trowfers Sugar, and Melafles, by Wholefale or Retail, at C SUGAR, by Wholefale and Retail, at lice young "Negro and a Pair of light colour'd Drugget Breeches rcafonablo Rates, for Cafh, Tobacco, or good the mod reafonabk Rates, for Cafh or Bills of ng toto Job*John Bulii*,. He has been many Years in the Bay Bufmefs, is dean Wheat. -Exchange. e, by the ovcrfet- lond of drong Liquor, and when a little intoxica As I intend to leave the Province in a very fliort He will g^e Cafh for ready Bills. re fince taken up. ted, is very impertinent. They can both write Time, all Perfons indebted, are once more defired NATHAN HAMMOND, junior. able Negro Lad, and probably may attempt forging a P; f-.--.I -to come, iiudicule their Account* by the Middle of Auguft. LL Sort! of Blank Books, rul'J and unrul'd, from I Side of A7/fWrt« they Ihould be taken a conliderable Didance from to6Qiiirei, Uller.Cjfei, P-tchment, Spelling Boolo, was bit on th« horns, the Apprehcndcr is delired to adverttle i Alio, all Perfons indebted to the Edate of Capt. Dihutrlb'\A Hiftotiei, »ni a great Vatitty of little Gilt Booki r his Great Toe, in the MjrjlanJ or Ptnnfjlvania Gay-cuc ; and h< David Alexander, late of Talbot County, deceafed, for tKe Ufe of Children, to be Sold rery rejfonibly, at tht kill'd, and then (hall be Rewarded with Forty Shillings lor each are de.'ircd to come and fettle their Accounts by Prun»f-0ff.ti, by Witr MM Rinn. oclcct, cut off the if taken within this Province ; and Three Pound the Time aforefaid, as no longer Indulgence can rar an Inch every 'or each, if taken out of this Province. or will be given, by AS'H for BILLS, Enquire of either of :o do well. Being .RICHARD TILGHMAN EARLE. n ANTHONY M'CuLLOcn. C the Printers hereof. X O ithin two Month?, ircd to fcndr their m B5; ^ I M PORTEDP AN away From the Subfc;ib:r, in HEREAS tlssrc h n Vacancy for a Matter County, in Virginia, In May 1759, * very from in Soir.erftt County School : Any Perfon Frtta GLASGOW, and by the FLEET likely Negro Man, named Dick (but ulcd to call W Subscriber in properly Qualified, upon applying to the Vifuon, LONDON, and to bt Sold by tbt himfelf Richard" Jtntini) about 30 Years old, Of will meet with fuch Encouragement as the Law ANNAPOLIS, a middle Size, well fet, very black, his Back much relating to Free-Schools will fupport them in. LOTHS, J, |, and $, Duffels, BearfVtns, fcarified, is a good Sawyer, and plays on the Vio. Signed bj Order, Frizes, Beaver Coatings, Fearnoughts, Half- I'm. Whoever conveys the faid Negro to me, ARNOLD ELZEY, Thicks,C Kerfeys German Serges, Duroys, Ever- (hall have Ten Pounds Reward. WOOD JONSS. id, 1760. laftings, Thickfets, Sagathies, Amcni, with Shal­ Auguft HIGHEST BIDDER, REWARD. loons colour'd and white, and other fuitable Trim­ To be SOLD /. the TWENTY POUNDS tbt Zftb Day »/ Auguft, being tbt from the Subfcriber, living in mings, Bibles, Teftaments, Pfalters, Primmers, en Wtdnefdaj AN away Day of Court, at UPPER-MARLBOROUGH, Alexandria, Fairfax County, Pirritiia, a Writing Paper, Ink-Powder, Quills, Maps, framed Jecond Paper for Rooms o^iffcrent ftr Billt of Exchange, Sterling, or Current Mont], R named Join Murpty, born Glafs Prints, printed + Convift Servant Man lying in 5 Feet 4 Inches high, well made, Colours, Irijf) Linen, J, f, J ; Sheeting white CHOICE Traft of LAND, in Ireland, about and near tyatiafany, be­ by Trnde a Joiner, of a dark Complexion, has a and brown, brown Holland, German, Scott, A Prince-George's County, A LIS1 Urge Eye-Brows, and is pale ; he Irijb Ofnabrigs, Dumblttnt Linen, printed Linen ng that Part of a Traft of Land, called Breott large Beard, lives, con­ i'pcaks proper E»glifi, and much to the Purpofe ; and Handkerchiefs, Mens, Womens, and Chil- Chance, whereon Eihuard Sivann now he has been upon the Stage, is decm'd to fmg ex­ drens Worded Stockings, Mens white and brown taining 256 Acres. For Title and Terms apply to tremely well, and appears to be the compleat Gen­ Thrcad^StMckjpgs, Tapes, Gartering, Cotton CHARLES GRAHAMS, Number |Number tleman. He will perhaps change his Occupation, Laces, lkt)itto, Bed Ticking, ftrip'd Holland, GEORCP. LEE. cc oc as he is acquainted with many Branches in the Checks, Plaid, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Ounce Thread, whited Ditto, brown and colour'd 15, 1760. mechanical Way. He had with him a Pair of at BLADENSBURG, has a fine Ditto, Starrets, Worded Damafk, blue and green, HE Subfcriber, I 4 103 4 black Knit Breeches, fine Cotton Stockings, ^ai aai Quantityv^iantity of GOODSGOv^i^o configned\.wimgucu toiv himmm , Whoever takes up Callimanco, Tammies, Camblets, Durants, Al- 4 4 6 4 Hat, and feveral good Wigs. on Purpofe for Wholefale, which are opened, that S .the laid Servant, and delivers him to me, Ihall lopeen, Bombazine, ftrip'd Flannels, Lawns, plain, 9 4 8 4 Itrip'd Purchifcrs may have an Opportunity of choofing have Twenty Pounds Reward, paid by flower'd, fpotted, and Ilrip'd,- plain and 10 4 >9 4 ._.... JOHN PATTERSON. Silk Gauze Lawn, Cambricks, Clear Lawn, Lawn their Affortmenti. RICHARD HENDERSON. it 4 *' 4 j^ , - - Handkerchiefs, with drip'd and flower'd Borders, IMPORTED from LONDON, 13 4 23 4 1760. of JUST St. Marys County, June 14, Kilmarntck Carpets and Capi, Oil Floor Cloths CHARMING POLLY, Captain SAMUSL > 14 40 24 4 the Subfcriber, living on Pa- and other German in the AN away from different Sizes, Dowlas, Garlix BARBER, and to be Sold by tbt Subfcriltr, at kit so 4 4 a Country-born Servant T. n, a, with Table 22 3? tuxtnt River, Linens, Table Cloths, J, £, J, Storei in UPPER-MARLBOROUGH and NOT- 4 4 R Fellow, 10 unrncd EJmuiJ H'alttr, a well lookicj Linen, Cotton, Counterpanes, Gowni, and Hol­ Wbolefale or Retail, 24 4 34 or 7 Inches high, and T INCH AM Tcnvnt, 38 about 24 Years of Age, 5 Feet 6 land, white Jeans, RnJJta Drab, Huckaback Aflbrtment of EUROPEAN and 4 4 brown Hair, and a thin Beard ; and fine- printed LARGE has (hort lightifo Towelling, brown Rolls, coarfe EAST-INDIA GOODS, fuitable for the 27 4 434'5 4 are wore hollow, has a Mole on one white Callico, Humhums, his fore Teeth Callicoes, Chintz, A at reafonable Rates, for Cafh, Bills, or. Z9 4 4 of rm Cheeks, and a Caft on one Side as he walks. Muflins, Silk Handkerchiefs, Tojgfailt, Romals, Seafon, 3» 46 Tobacco. JOSEPH SIM. 4 4 Tic had on and took with him, an old blue Cam- black and colour'd Gauze HamrKerchicfs, Wig 34 4 S-3 4 I blet Coat, old Felt Hat, an Ofnabrigs Shirt and Cauls and Ribband, Crewels, Shades, and yellow UST IMPORTED, JO, 4 j 5 4 But- Pep­ 8 Tiowfers, a Prize Coat trimm'd with Metal Canvas, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, And to SoU by the Subscriber, at ANNAPOLIS, ^6 4 c,6 tons, a white Shirt ruffled at the Bofom and Sleeves, per, Teas, Bohea, Green and Hyfon, China Ware, by WHOLESALE, 59 4 62 4 Shoes, Stockings, Check Shirt, brown Wailhoat Mens black and white Silk Stockings, Playing BOUT Twelve Hundred Pounds Worth, 4 6? 4 without Sleeves, and a good Hat. It is fuppofed Cards, Gilt Trunks, Crapes, Silk Alamode, Sattin, firft Coft, of EUROPEAN and INDIA 69 4 66 4 he will go to an Uncle of his, one George Waller, black, blue, pink and white, black Lnteflring & A being a Cargo extremely well forted foi 73 4 67 4 up GOODS, living in Baltimore County. Whoever takes Paduafoy, green, white and pink Damafk, ftnp'd this Country, both for Summer and Winter Goods, 76 4 7' 4 Matter 1C the faid Servant, and fecares him fo that his and brocaded Taffaties, PtrfiaH Taffaties, red, well Bought. They will be Sold at a (mail 81 4 81 Four PiUoles Re- and 84 may have him again, mall have yellow, blue, and green, Polanefe and Pruflia* Advance on tnc prime Coft. BENNETT CHEW. 82 4 4 ward. JAMES MATTINGLEY. Cloaks, Variety of Cutlery, Nails, 20^. icxr1. Sd. 87 94 He has formerly gone by the Name of Jamti 6d. Brafs Chair Nails, painted Sugar Boxes, Stock J~tF S T I M~ P~6~R TED, 88 3 95 \ and may again. Locks plated and pull back, Clofet Ditto with In tbt Ship BETSEY, Caft. WILLIAM STRACHA*, 89 4 96 4 Brafs Knobs, all Brafa Chamber Ditto, Chert, from LON DON, aid to bt Sold by the Subfcrittr, 93 4 21 I 4 TRAYED away on the z;th of jtfril lalt, Dcfk, Cupboard and Bag Locks, Hammers, Box 94 4 16 4 from Scldiert Dtligbl in Baltimore County, a at hit Store in ANNAPOLIS, S and Sad Iron*, Hand Saws, Crofs Cut and Whip GOOD Aflbrtment of EUROPEAN and 95 4 '9 4 Bay Mare about 13 Hands high, 7 Years old lad Saws and Files, Steel Coffee Mills, Drawing and 4 20 4 gallop, her Mane is INDIA GOODS, very cheap, for ready 99 opring, can pace, trot, and Currying Knives, Two Foot Rules, Defk & Coffin A 101 4 21 4 trimm'd, has a Switch Tail, and branded on the Money, or to his Cuftomers at the ufual Credit. Furniture, Plane Irons with Stocks, Gouges, Chiz- Smith's Work, Sail-making, Ship's Blocks, and near Shoulder WF (in a Piece.) Whoever takes Axes & zels, Hinges, Chafing Difhes, Carpenters Carting, at ufual. WILLIAM ROBERTS. «p the faid Mare, and brings her to Mr. Robert Adzes, Stilliards, Brafs and Copper Scales, with Gitfi.Avn SnidieS' Df'-gi't, or to the Subfcriber Gold Ditto, Augurs, Tongs fo that (he may Beams and Weights, HE MANAGERS of ALEXANDRIA fttt tf • Litter j in Baltimort-Tfwn, or fecures her Garden Shear* & Rake < Reward. and Shovels, Grid Irons, ... LOTTERY, in Virginia, having difpoftd be had again, (hall have Thirty Shillings Warmers, Door Latches, MARK ALEXANDER. Heads, Plate Thumb of almoft au the TICKETS, propofe to Draw « O Ditto, Fire Bellows, Brick Trowels, Tea Kettles, the Time fix'd in the Scheme (the firft of Sefttm- bu Candle Moulds, Coffee an JUST IMPORTED, Brifs Mortars and PelHes, btr) or fooner. Pots, Brafs Cocks and Candlcllicks, Cullenders, be had at the Print, ih In the loft SIHPS from LONDON, A few of the Tickets may L, Dim Covers, Cheefe Toafters, Milk Pans, Fun­ 'ng-Office, in Annafolii, if applied for foon. LARGE~Aflbrtmcnt of EUROPEAN Pint, Sad­ m nels, Sauce Pans and Cans Quart and |ot fo pear them, and EAST-INDIA GOODS, to be dles, Bridles, Whips, Houfings, Surcingles, Girths Bthiiun-fno*, July 71)1, 1760. Engagement, aid A at his Store in BALTI- Stirrup Lea­ A N away from the Subfnibct'i Plantation on tkt | Sold by the Subfcriber, and Webb, Saddle Bags, Croppers, Church, Bill'*** oiuinu?J with Gfrrifm RiJft, near Si. Tbtmai't Hours, when it e ? i o R i -Town, Wholefale or Retail. ther, Mens and Womens Gloves and Mitts, Boys County,R on Sunday tbc 6th Inftani, a Convift Servint Mu, Sail Duck, nnd Ship Chandlery. Silk, Ribbands, and mer ones; that i Alfo, Cordage, and Girls Gloves, baladine nimcd Jol