T II -E [Numb. 796.] A N D G A Z E T T E, Containing the frejhejl Advices foreign and domeflic. THURSDAY, Augufl 7, 1760. D A N T Z I April g. rrftrt mjry TL<tn£t toitb RcgjrJ to ibil Court. Then iijtme t>refs are entirely van'.fhed ; that Lord H--e was fcnt for by Unit FmnJalicn far v>bal itty fat, t:it they Jiifguri it much, Exprefs from Baih ; and that the gtand Expedition it n*w CCORDING to the Plan of Operation! which and tcccmir.odaii it to tbiir o-un iftjbti tnd Hopti." immediately to be pu: in Execution. the Ruffians ate to purfue this Year, their Thefe few Lines (hew, that the Court of Spain interefts Six Thoufand more Troops are ordered to Germany. Forces will be divided into two Corps, the itfelf more in the prefcnt Reign,, in what concerns France, April 19. According to fome Accountt from the Hague*, principal of which, confining of 60,000 than it did in the lad. relative to the Negotiations for Peace, the King of I'm:';) Men, under Count SoltikofT, is to endeavour From oth;r Charters, in fpeaking of a Peace, they exprefs hasilcchied b'fcre-hnni! tn the Britifti Court, " That rather A to penetrate into Silefia and lay Siege to Great' themfelvet thus : " Wt krtnu ml vib-nci ibti War anft, and than give up an Inch of Territory, he would putfi on th: REWARD. ,c;an, whilft Gemcral Fermor marches into Pomerania ice tnm> not tubinci Putt ivill cmt. Or.t Tbinf 11 tirtain : War to Extremities : But if it iT.otiM be ptopofej to indem­ -.- ith the other Corps, confifling of 15 or 30,000 Men, and Ttt frtftnt fH.mtnt ,ij nify Saxony with Mnney, Iron-Work, it." niilbtr frcftr, ntr txftdiint for nuking he would very readily an.rrc to it." empts to make himfelf Matter of Colberg. The Troops We hear that Admiral HnvUr vvill command the grand wo Convift ' onioned this Winter in our Neighbourhood, which marched At Paris, and in the French Armies, they talk in tin fol­ Fleet, infle.ij of Lord Anl'on. i-\ Week towards Dirfchau, were countermanded upon the lowing Manner : " /fir ai yet knmi nothing ttrttin abiut Af.ry j. A Letter from the Hagr?, dated April 25, hath °f Age, about : Rp>4, and are returned to their old Quarters. Ptact, tut lot expefi it, AI! iub» Cifit frm Pjrii believe, the tc.llowing Paffage : " Only one of our three Deputies l>e Small-pox, of litr.r.a, April 2O, The ("ruffians are making fuch En- ibtrt will bt em Jam ; ibi Bttti fir it art tbrtt to cut." remain in England, to fettle the Differences between the two I ttenchments to cover themfclvei, that Marfhal Daun muft LtifJ!:, April 17. The two Corps of Pruffians that were States ; and this Gentlcm.i.i writes, that it the End of a 'jack Hair, Whid : -her walle the Campaign in marching, or affail their itrong lately ported in the Neighbourhood of Borna and Cow it z, are long Conference yu-.h Lord HclAVrneffe, his LorrtftVp told lk« and gone to rejoin the King's Army, in order to fill up, in fome him that it was fcrcfeen that the Du ch VrfTrU that were Iljmver, April se,. The French Prifoncrs of War in our Meafuie, the Void nu;!e by the large Detachment that is (till detained, vould be condemned with their C.<rgnes j and rs of Age, about Cuftotly are to be removed to Dorften, to be ranfomed ; their gone under General We.lel towards Silefia. As the Army is that the Nhniftry were fb much taken 'ip art prcl'ent with Court having at laft afYigncd Money for tint Purpofc : But much weakened by thit Dettchtnent, and by thnfe fent to other Bufinefi, that they conlJ nut a'.tccil to thit Matter till amplexion, wears I the M'lnfteruns and other German Soldiers are to continue Pomcrania, the King's principal Attention at preterit feemi after a t'raee." s ties behind, ii I ia Confinement. to be, to chufe fuch an advantageous Camp that the Enemy There arc Letters from Leghorn, OVfd the ijth pjff, d has loft one or Lijtun, Mareb 17. By a Vcffel from the Brafili we learn, fhatl not attempt to force it, and with this View he is making which fay a Ship arrived that Day Irom Siny-na, :h« Uflicers is an Ei,tlijhH,. [that on October t, 1759, there was an obftinatc Engagement deep InUcnchments from Ofchati to Meiflen, and endea­ of which reported, that the Time they left the Place fevetal hem, a [between the united Forcei of Spain and PorVigal, and the vouring to turn the Elbe into them. It is thought that his Merchants had Letters from Crnilam.noplr, v huh faid blueC/r. I Intiian'. of the Colony of St. Sacrament. Victory was long Majcdy will foon transfer fail Head Quarters to the firft of Admiral Pucnck had attacked fome Kicruri ' lups which had uttons, one brown I rioubiful, l<u: in the End declared in favour of the former; thofe. embaikcd Men at I'omluherty, and having taktncir rfeflrnyed i, a Pair of blue- which we. hop* wilt remove the Obfhuftioiis to the Exchange llrmliir^t; Khj ), Private Letterl from Ruflia advife, them before they landed their Siorr< and Am.T.nnition, ih- n Thickfet Co«, I of Territory between ut and thi Spaniards. that all the Offers made by Mr. Keith have been re'iecled, Place being exceedingly <!iflreffed belotr, futtcr.J->ed 3 Dajj "heck Shirtj I Berlin, April 14. A few Days ftnce a Gang of Robbers, anj that he hadi been told, that noConfiJcration (hall in- after. -'{'here it no Doubt to be made as to theie Letters I flopped a W^on going to LeipGe with '110,000 Rix Dollars, duce the Emprefs to change her prefent Syftem, or withdraw coming from Leghorn. r Cloathi. 1 whuh Fjihtaim, the eminent Banker,' was remitting to the the Troops fcnt againft the King of Pruflia. There are now lying at lheN«re nine Sail of Men of \V;r old Silm Watch, I I'l'.iTian'Army. ' Mjrptu'g, April $*, In this City, as in every other Part of the Line, which are expected tn be joined by feveral others Pjrtif April 18. The Report of difarming our Ships in of thit Landfiaviate, fie are slutting ourfelves in the bed fitting cut at Shcemefs. Their Deftmaxion occafiont vaiiuui r«j the iboTt S«. | the River Villaine wat groundlefs. Whiltt they continue Pofture of Defence. We have here 4000 new raifed Troops, Specul.uions. neJ, they oblige the Enemy to keep a large Squadron in who are excrcifed from Mo.rning to Night. Caffel, Aronger M.ty 3. They wiilc from Hanover, thaf, notwithrtan.!. have them again, 1 iingerons Soundingi to watch them ; and by that Means now thin ever, can hold out againlt 30,000 Men ; and it ing all the Reports of Peace, they fear thev (hall fee ^i ; and if taken out fivour the Departure of out Ships from Port 1'Oiient; and furnilhcd with 3 Months Provifioni for a numerous Garnfon. much Blood fp.lt this Campaign as the lalK ll'e fbj/1 in l.iy ' >, and reafoubk hips a mare important Project. The vtft Quantities of Bombs, Cannon, Ladder*, and o- dnvn cur Arm (faid o-ie of the puncirr.l Chiefs of tbe prc- by ll'jrf.t'M, Afril it. Thc'laft Letters from Peterfburg, ther Implements, amallVd by the Allies, fryn to indicate fent Trouble)) tillevry Smree 11 ixtJ*^!;J. cirri the* jth InlUnt, mention the Departure of Marfhal Sol- that their fufk Efforts will be directed againft Gicflcn l»Qd Letter f,:n Prv^'i'.t, Afil t;. ALEB Domir. ort for the Grand Arm)'. General Fermor is to aft in Franjcfort. \ " Her Imperial Auflnin Majefty, knowing thst FnglanJ Rnndenliourgh and Pomerania, and the iSth of M.iy it Frcyberf, Apiil 14. H'e an In ni Pain far Sirlin, at i$ firmly refolved (whatever may be the ConfcquenceiJ to LOTTERY tied upon for opening the Campaign of both Armies. Prin.t Henry k*l ftei bit Held-S^iiarttrt at Sr.rfurJ, in llj~ pre(er»e for the King of I'tn'fTu all b«s Polli:rion-- in Ge/- at the Time lai 1'ienna, Afnt ao. The (nation of the Armies in Saxony '.>erf Centre bti-.uttn til Rujji.in /irmy and tbjt City, and it man/, is very indifferent about the Meetirg of a Conprefi. ) . not tn be wondered at. It would be fatal to the King of dettrmintd tt %:vt tbexi BAH It if tbey attempt It one fcrlvtrd } The CoUQt de Ciunit/, in the Nam: of his illuflrin'ii Sove­ PrufTia to make a tV.l'e Step, and Marfhal Daun aims at sul:ib, bial: .4t/>pijrafH, tbey iMinJ fhsrtlj, ti d}. reign, hat declared th*t fhf cannot liilii to any Accommi- ,OTTERY, j noihir.e, more ih*n to keep the Pruffian Army at Bay. Villa-Franca, Apiil so. It it imptfliblt ttftrm try etr* dation till fucltTime as an Indemnification hat Seen propjf-J Two Hundred ud fl.-r.'ir, April iS. It i« fettled that Prince Henry ii nit ti ta't Judfir.tnt if lit Diff'jitiin cf ibt Cturt tf Turin. I'll for the Elect ir of Saxony. Much ate the l.ifl Rclolutions if : this Year.
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