Two Smart Fellows

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Two Smart Fellows TwoSmart Fellows Note: The Trent contract with know how it goes. People say loti found, to hi. intense relief, that Producer B. P. Schulberg i' minus of things 1Ilte that-and then you leaming lines is no great tali.. the .•no flying" clause. Nothing get to the airport. Even when Mr. Eager to profit by all experience, could have persuaded the avIator Schulberg offered me a test I was he wcu fascinated by Akim Taml- to sign away his right to the air I scared. It seemed such an awful roff's way of mastering his part in Today he's Hollywood's number chance, giving up a certain job, .•Gambini." one .•ladies' man" by right of dis- where I was making my living, for "He translated every word into covery. Feminine member. of Pr0- one I didn't know a thing about. Ruslian:' Trent explained envious- dueer Schulberg's transcontinental ••Shucks, I never acted in my ly, .. then back into English, alter air party insisted that the good- life. II It hadn't been for my wife he had learned the part. In that looking TWA pilot waa precisely here [with a nod at the slim, titian- way he got the feeling of the their idea c» a leading man. A, hatred girl from Virginia who haa thing, not ju.t the einpty words. you might expect, their frank opin- been Mll. John Trent for several I thlnlt It's an advantage. When ion carried weight. years] I never would have come to you finilh you have more than a •.I didn't pay much attenllon," Hollywood at alL" Trent explained with a grin. "'You ••• Trent's rise ha, followed the bost story-book rule •. In his first picture, .•John Meade'. Woman," that lamou. thtee-mlnute love scene with Francine Larrimore so caught the fancy of romantic ladie. from Catalina to Nantucltet that Schulberg cututely plumped his discovery straight into the •.A Doctor's Diary" lead. Trent promptly clicked again, handsomer Slow-.poken Jolm Trent. who waa Dehoncrir Bay MiUO'Dd.ex ~cnalrymem. ex· coolc. and ex - genUeman yanked into the moYie. from the than ever as one of the dramatic loc:ky. who haa crttc:dDedClmettked succe •• in fI1ma. cockpit of a trc:maport plane. men in whit •. .•The Great Gamblnl" followed. Smart Girls" he was all set for tween the channel islands. Then And now he's starting worlt on a fame and fortune. Not bad for a he worked for an uncle, a breeder light little thing with love in the lad who admittedly took his first of line heraes. He brolte, trained. Leading. Men title. He thinlts it'. going to be extra job- as a lark I and exercised the most capricious fun, Born in Wales, the son of a steel mounts. Expert horsemanship led Trent, hunching his sweatered mill supervisor named A, Mullane, to the Cheshire yeomanry and on Way to shoulders and thoughtfully puffing Milland spoke Welsh before he did finally to the British household cav- his cigaret, finally concluded that English, and still retains a senti- alry (the" Blues.") Shooting, box- he had no hanltering \0 play a cer- mental attachment for the land of ing, and fencing (all handy ceeom- Stardom tain role on the screen. Most actors hi. birth. Hie favorite dog of the pli.hment. if you are coming to have at lecut one favorite part up moment is named alter a Welsh Hollywood) belong to his period. By ROSALIND SHAFFER theit well tailored .Ieeves. canine hero which distinguished Estelle Brody, a British film Hollywood. Cal. ••1 haven't been in Hollywood itself for devotion to duty sev.ral actress whom Milland met on the HEY are as different as old- long enough lor that," he said. Milland In the uDiform b. wore hundred years ago. continent while he was getting rid fashioned apple pie and friv- .. All I aslt is a chance to be natu· aa member of the Britilb hoU;8' Destined for Cambridge, Milland of his aunt's legacy in the mosl Tolous crepes suzettes. ral. And no emoting I Maybe I hold cnaUy. studi.d at King's college until he amusing manner polt8ibl., intro- But those in the Hollywood know can do that later, but not now:' was sixteen. Then his volatile ne- duced him to her boss, The result- have pounced on John Trent and With the same tenacity that got atrlng of worda. You know what's tur. got the better of common sense ing extra job as a larlt, and a Ray Milland as the most liltely star him a transport pilot's license Trent behind them." and, unable to get a job on a deep- steady job followed. material in the year's constellation is learning this .l)ew business of Except for his obstinacy on the sea veasel, the boy ecntented him- At the moment he's busy with of new leading men. being q. film actor. He go.s faith· pilot's licena. matter. Trent has self with a potato boat plying be- ••Easy Uving," as the playboy son Trent. slow - spolten a I r pilot Trellt alld Buth Coleman In a lCen. from "A Doctor's Diary:' fully to dramatic school and has submitted meeltly to other Holly- yanked from the eockplt of a trans-- wood vagaries. After the inter- port plane .to a place before the youth, the boy, then known as La view he was due for a visll from camera, is still as clear-hooded as Verne Browne, leamed. to fly, only the bootmak.r. That worthy was when the lives of passengers de- to discover that handling a ship is going to step up his alroady ac- pended on his mental equilibrium. only one of a modem pilot's ac- ceptable height a few inches. He's quite honelttly a bit dazed complishments. Nothing deunted, But there has been no change in by this success that swooped upon he enrolled at Hancock Foundation the Trent hat size. him in Hollywood. Starred in his college. Santa Maria, Cal., and As a matter of fact, he doesn't second film, ••A Doctor's Diary," emerged on schedule as an accred- wear one, except for pictures. Trent Is cannily holding on to his ited aeronautical engineer. Studio stenngraphell' and .cript pilot's license -jultt In case; and And then he had to fly trans- girls agree, "John's exactly the he's making no spacious gestures. ports out of Kanlas City before same now as the first day he Holly...•,( od found him I Not so the debonair Milland. walked into the studio." Ray is taking his swilt up-curve e • • In popularity following ••Three • •• Smart Girls" all in the rangy stride Dogged in his determination to Le.s spectacular i.the lilm ca- that carried him over a good por- get those precious air hours neces- reer of the Britiih Ray Milland. He tion of the world before he reached sary lor the transport pilot's license has been filtUng baclt and forth his middle twenties. he wanted more than anything elae " between Hollywood and London Cook on Q potato boat, gentlo- in the world, he barnstormed for the laat five or .Ix yeare, and man jocky, British household caval- through the deep south in an old • started making an impression on ryman, temporarily affluent member cabin plane, got as high as $1.50 a the populace in Universal's ••Next of thtl international smart set con- ride from delighted Negroe. who Time We Lov•.•.•• Jungle Princess," spicuous on the Riviera, and now didn't recognize a risk when they with seductive Dorothy Lamour, rising Hollywood star, contemplat- met one. furthered both MUland and Miss ing a home in San Fernando valley Perhaps that's one good reason Lamour (one·lime Chicago elevator in company with such luminaries why Actor Trent keeps such a bull- girl) to prominence. as Paul Munl. the Richar.d Arlens, dog grip en his license. After all. .- Th. fans back home (England to Mary Astor, and the Joel McCreas you don't get one because you .• you) lilted Milland' ••• Next Time -that's Ray Mllland, in brief. have broad sho.ulders, an engag. Just after he hCld leCUlled to fly. TNllt beade the plan. In which he We Lo".," And with ·the famous A humoroua Iltuatton In the Pc:rrtImount film. ••Ecray IJYing:' MiUand They say that it cost the hazel- ing. boyish grin, or fine gray eyes. had luat completed hfa firlIt 11010. light touch to the .fore in ••Three and Jean Arthur. eyed Mr. Milland exactly $17,000 (every cent of his legacy from an of Edward Arnold. He lands in an aunt) to attain that Ittate of grace automat, with Jean Arthur to COil- where head waiters In the swanlt- tetter, J»lbUshed in this department should be written on one side of the paper. sole him during his dayl of less lest continental hotels not only re- lIei£e .f tLe ~."ie F•• If ,ou wish a p.ersonal repl, please inclose a stamped, self·addressed eneelope. easy living. Paramount has great membered his face but also his plana for her newest favorite. Mil- name. The right one. My dear Mae Tinee: t'm a boy of 20 stand. I want to eay a few word. to the help but be the biggest hit that ever was hcu it should be easy enough to obtain land's even been mentioned for Off-screen life of the two Is sur- years of age and have been your "fan theater managera, They brought Robert turned out of Hollywood.
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