Morales Tries Again on State Redistricting Columbus Community Hospital
t«V.|''V""' ^mmmmi tmmmmmi •Ml mmmmmmm Ml HH wmtm wmmm £!8£l Ttw E*gto Lak« H»«clllght — N«w» tor Southfn Colowdo County, T«x«» ThurKl«y./Uigut6.1992 Thursday, Auguat 6,1992 Tha Eagia Lak« Headlight — Nawa tor Southfn Cotorado County, Taxaa PagaS ADVERTISING AND NEWS DfAlU INP- 5 P.M. MONDAY THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT single Copy Price: 35^:entt Library's summer reading program ends (USPS 163-760) Second class postage paid ANNOUNCING P.O. Box 67 —220 East Main Produced By: at Eagle L^ke. Texas (409) 234-5521 Jeannine Fearing • Susie Jackson Colorado County (including Lissie and Egypt). $12.00 Last week was the final session of on top by somehow finding die time to Johnson. 32, and Trent Kucherfca, 16. Western Auto and Wikox Mininuo. CITY OF EAGLE LAKE, NEW ARRIVALS the David & Eula Wintermann Librar read 174! These awards were underwritten Thanks to diese kxal business, the TEXAS 77434-0067 Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton, Austin counties ,„...$13.50 -^ Shirley Luedecke • Marsha Cunningham Address Corrections y's summer reading program, "Dis Following Ms. Davklson's pres- by the support of Truly Properties, participants of die summer program Published Weekly Other Texas Residents ,.....$15.00 should be sent to P.O. Box 67, i«Mr«MaMit|MiiM(M^«dH,«r Evefy Thursday Velma Kutzer, Sheridan cover die New Work! of Reading". entatk)n, die children reading the most AJ. Struss Auto Supply, Johnny's have tangible proof of dieir excellence Outside c* Texas ,™.$16.50 Eagle Lake, Texas 77434-0067 Hillary Clare Mazac The ck)sing Wednesday session, books in dieir age group were pre Sport Shop, Eagle Lake Dairy Delite, and k>ve of reading.
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