The Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN’S PRINTER/Publiée chaque semaine sous l’autorité de l’Imprimeur de la Reine


Volume 106 REGINA, FRIday, May 21, 2010/REGINA, VENDREDI, 21 MAI 2010 No. 20/nº 20

TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIèRES PART I/Partie I proClamation ...... 1080 progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Third Session, Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 26e Assemblée législative)...... 1080 acts not yet Proclaimed/Lois non encore proclamées ...... 1082 Acts in force on ASSENT/lois entrant en vigueur sur sanction (Third Session, Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 26e Assemblée législative)...... 1085 Acts in force on specific dates/lois en vigueur à des dates précises ...... 1085 Acts in force on specific events/Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des occurrences particulières ...... 1086 acts Proclaimed/Lois proclamées (2010)...... 1086 Order in council/décret ...... 1086 The Provincial Lands Act...... 1086 Minister’s Order/ArrÊtÉ ministÉriel ...... 1087 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997...... 1087 Corporations branch notices/Avis de la direction des sociétés...... 1088 The Business Corporations Act...... 1088 The Business Names Registration Act...... 1104 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés à but lucratif...... 1113 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS...... 1115 The Crown Minerals Act...... 1115 Highway Traffic Board...... 1116 The Municipalities Act...... 1117 The Northern Municipalities Act...... 1122 The Saskatchewan Insurance Act...... 1123 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN/ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA SASKATCHEWAN ...... 1123/ 1124 notice to advertisers/avis aux annonceurs...... 1124/ 1125

PART ii/Partie Ii SR 51/2010 The Drug Schedules Amendment Regulations, 2010...... 337 SR 52/2010 / The Administration of Estates Amendment RS 52/2010 Regulations, 2010 / Règlement de 2010 modifiant le Règlement sur l’administration des successions...... 338/339 SR 53/2010 The Mandatory Testing and Disclosure (Bodily Substances) Amendment Regulations, 2010...... 340 SR 54/2010 The Public Guardian and Trustee Amendment Regulations, 2010...... 341 1080 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

proclamation ______

free fishing weekend whereas many Saskatchewan citizens of all ages and from all walks of life enjoy fishing in Saskatchewan’s lakes, ponds, streams and rivers; and whereas the quality of fishing attracts anglers from far beyond our borders; and whereas programs are available to conserve and enhance fishing opportunities throughout Saskatchewan; and whereas angling contributes to the economic well-being and the quality of life in Saskatchewan; and whereas the government wishes to ensure its citizens have an opportunity to learn about the traditional, recreational, social, cultural and economic benefits of angling. Now, Therefore, I, Nancy Heppner, Minister of Environment, do hereby issue a complimentary angling licence to every person present in Saskatchewan on July 10 and 11, 2010 as Free Fishing Weekend in the Province of Saskatchewan, where all may fish without charge. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand. Dated in Regina, Saskatchewan, this 27th day of April, 2010.

Nancy Heppner, Minister of Environment. ______

progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Third Session, Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 26e Assemblée législative) ______

Government Bills/Projets de loi émanant du gouvernement Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 97 The Agri-Food Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 127 The Assessment Management Agency Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent/ Specific Date 141 The Business Statutes Administration Transfer Act...... Proclamation 142 The Business Statutes Administration Transfer Consequential Amendments Act, 2010/Loi de 2010 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Business Statutes Administration Transfer Act...... Specific Event 108 The Cities Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent 131 The Conservation Easements Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 80 The Construction Industry Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2009 (Reinstated)...... Proclamation 101 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2009 (No. 2)...... Proclamation 125 The Crown Minerals Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 100 The of C.C.U.B. Trust Fund Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 129 The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act...... Proclamation THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1081

Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 130 The Enforcement of Money Judgments Consequential Amendments Act, 2009/ Loi de 2009 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act...... Specific Event 122 The Environmental Assessment Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 121 The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2009...... Proclamation 120 The Financial Administration Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent 123 The Forest Resources Management Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 117 The Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Heritage Act...... On Assent 112 The Justices of the Peace Amendment Act, 2009/Loi de 2009 modifiant la Loi de 1988 sur les juges de paix...... On Assent 113 The Justices of the Peace Consequential Amendments Act, 2009...... Specific Event 106 The Labour Market Commission Repeal Act...... Proclamation 124 The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 144 The Litter Control Amendment Act, 2010...... On Assent 126 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act...... Proclamation 118 The Milk Control Repeal Act...... Proclamation 128 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Labour Mobility) Amendment Act, 2009.....On Assent/ Specific Event 103 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Professional Discipline) Amendment Act, 2009...... Specific Event 139 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Streamlining Government) Amendment Act, 2010...... On Assent 140 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Streamlining Government) Amendment Act, 2010 (No. 2) / Loi corrective (rationalisation administrative) no 2 de 2010...... On Assent 98 The Municipal Financing Corporation Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent 109 The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent 110 The Northern Municipalities Act, 2009...... Specific Date 111 The Northern Municipalities Consequential Amendments Act, 2009/Loi de 2009 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Northern Municipalities Act, 2009...... Specific Event 134 The Opticians Act...... Proclamation 102 The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent/ Proclamation 135 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 115 The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2009 (No. 2)/Loi no 2 de 2009 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine...... On Assent/ Proclamation Specific Date 138 The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2010 (No. 2) / Loi no 2 de 2010 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine...... On Assent 137 The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act, 2010...... Proclamation 105 The SaskEnergy Amendment Act, 2009...... On Assent 1082 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 114 The Small Claims Amendment Act, 2009/Loi de 2009 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur les petites créances...... On Assent 104 The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2009 (No. 2)...... Proclamation 136 The Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan Act...... Proclamation 119 The Ticket Sales Act...... Proclamation 133 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation 143 The Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 2010...... On Assent/ Proclamation 107 The Weed Control Act...... Proclamation 132 The Wildlife Habitat Protection (Land Designation) Amendment Act, 2009...... Proclamation ______

Private Members’ Bills/ Projets de loi émanant des députés Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 611 The Autism Spectrum Disorder Strategy Act...... On Assent 613 The Blind Voters Act...... Specific Date 608 The Cadet Instructors Cadre Recognition Day Act...... On Assent 612 The Earth Day Recognition Act...... On Assent 607 The Public Safety, Security and Protection Act...... On Assent 610 The Seniors’ Bill of Rights Act...... On Assent 609 The Whistleblower Protection Act...... On Assent ______

Private Bills/Projets de loi d’intérêt privé Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 904 The Orange Benevolent Society Amendment Act, 2010...... On Assent


Acts not yet proclaimed/Lois non encore proclamées ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995...... A-1.1 The Certified Management Accountants Act, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 21, 2000...... C‑4.111 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003...... 17 The Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2009, S.S. 2009 Assented to May 14, 2009, sections 1 to 9 and 11 to 24 not yet proclaimed...... 10 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1083

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v) and (aaa), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed...... C-45.2 The Education Amendment Act, 2009, S.S. 2009/Loi de 2009 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2009 (Assented to May 14, 2009, sections 23 to 25, 27, clauses 45(a) and (b)...... 13 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998...... E-9.13 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006...... 20 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed...... H‑0.021 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13 not yet proclaimed...... H-3.01 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002...... 20 The International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act, S.S. 2007/Loi sur les garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement aéronautiques mobiles, L.S. 2007 Assented to March 21, 2007...... I‑10.201 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/ Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51 and 151 and subsection 167(2) not yet proclaimed...... L-5.1 The Land Titles Amendment Act, 2009, S.S. 2009 Assented to May 14, 2009, clauses 3(a), (b) and (e); sections 5, 6, 9, 11 to 16, 18, 22 and subsections 23(1), (3) and (4) not yet proclaimed...... 21 The Medical Radiation Technologists Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006...... M-10.3 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed...... M-14.1 The Mortgage Brokerages and Mortgage Administrators Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007...... M‑20.1 The Payday Loans Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007 ...... P‑4.3 The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed...... P-14.1 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed...... 30 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... 22 1084 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed...... P-37.1 The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 46 The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 18 and subsections 22(3), (8), (9) and (11) to (14) not yet proclaimed...... 33 The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, subsections 3(4) and (5), 65(1) and (3), clause 77(2)(f), subsections 99(1) and (4), 114(1) and (7), and section 120 not yet proclaimed...... R-8.2 The Regional Health Services Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007...... 36 The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed...... 38 The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsection 10(3), that portion of section 42 that repeals section 118 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 58 not yet proclaimed...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to December 3, 2008, sections 12 and 14 (that part of section 14 that repeals section 45 of The Securities Act, 1988), section 33 not yet proclaimed...... 35 The Senate Nominee Election Act, S.S. 2009 Assented to May 14, 2009...... S-46.003 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008...... 23 The Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, S.S. 2007 Assented to April 26, 2007...... T-14.2 The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to April 27, 2006, clauses 4(a) and 6(a) not yet proclaimed...... 9 The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, sections 35 to 40, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed...... T-22.2 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 8 and 11 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004, sections 11, 16 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Vital Statistics Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007...... V‑7.2 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1085

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Vital Statistics Act, 2009, S.S. 2009/Loi de 2009 sur les services de l’état civil, L.S. 2009 Assented to May 14, 2009, sections 1, 3 to 6, 9 to 13, 31 to 61, subsections 63(4), (5), (6), sections 66 to 68, 71 to 84, 105, portions of 110, 111 to 114, 116, 118 to 119 not yet proclaimed...... V-7.21 The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 1998, S.S. 1998/ Loi de 1998 modifiant la Loi sur les services de l’état civil, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998...... 44

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above./Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. ______

acts in force on assent/lois entrant en vigueur sur sanction (Third Session, Twenty-sixth Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 26e Assemblée législative) ______

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Emergency 911 System Amendment Act, 2009 (Assented to December 3, 2009)...... 99...... 34 The Protection of the Wild Ponies of the Bronson Forest Act (Assented to December 3, 2009)...... 606...... P-29.2 ______

acts in force on specific dates/lois en vigueur à des dates précises ______

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Arts Professions Act/Loi sur les professions artistiques (Assented to May 14, 2009) (Specific Date: June 1, 2010) ...... 68...... A-28.002 The Traffic Safety (Drivers’ Licences and Hand-held Electronic Communications Equipment) Amendment Act, 2009 (Assented to December 3, 2009) (Specific Date: January 1, 2011, sections 1 to 10, clauses 12(a) and (b), sections 13 to 15) ...... 116...... 35 1086 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Acts in force on specific events/ Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des occurrences particulières ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Trustee Act, 2009 (Assented to March 31, 2009) (Specific Events: section 65 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Certified Management Accountants Act; section 67 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Medical Radiation Technologists Act, 2006)...... T-23.01 The Vital Statistics Consequential Amendment Act, 2007/Loi de 2007 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Vital Statistics Act, 2007 (Assented to May 17, 2007) (Specific Event: on the coming into force of section 1 of The Vital Statistics Act, 2007)...... 42 The Vital Statistics Consequential Amendments Act, 2009 (Assented to May 14, 2009) (Specific Event: on the coming into force of section 1 of The Vital Statistics Act, 2009/ Loi de 2009 sur les services de l'état civil)...... 32 ______

ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2010) ______The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2010: The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007, c.41. Subsection 3(19) and that portion of section 42 that repeals section 117 of The Securities Act, 1988 proclaimed in force April 30, 2010. The Traffic Safety (Drivers’ Licences and Hand-held Electronic Communications Equipment) Amendment Act, 2009, S.S. 2009, c.35. Section 11 proclaimed in force January 1, 2010. Clause 12(c) proclaimed in force January 31, 2010. The Trustee Act, 2009, S.S. 2009, c.T-23.01. Sections 1 to 64, 68, 69 and 71 proclaimed in force January 1, 2010. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print./Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. ______

Order in council/décret ______The Provincial Lands Act ______[O.C. 276/2010] 12 May 2010 On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, orders that: (a) the Minister of Environment is authorized to withdraw the land identified below from the Northern Provincial Forest; and (b) the Minister of Environment is authorized to sell the provincial land identified below, for recreational purposes, to Michael George Bertrand of Air Ronge, for the total sale price of $14,000 and to execute any required agreements related to the sale, on behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan: THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1087

Purchaser: Land described as follows: Michael George Bertrand Lot Twelve (12), Block Four (4) Box 425 Napatak Subdivision AIR RONGE SK S0J 3G0 Registered Plan No. 80PA20696 Minerals in the Crown


RECOMMENDED BY: Minister of Environment.

APPROVED BY: , President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: Gordon Barnhart, Lieutenant Governor. REGINA, Saskatchewan.

AUTHORITY: The Provincial Lands Act, section 27; The Crown Resource Land Regulations, section 4; and The Forest Resources Management Regulations, section 3.



The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [clause 35.1(1)(d)] ______

Increasing Weight Designation — PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY No. 23 Reference: Increasing weight limits on sections of Provincial Highway No. 23. Pursuant to clause 35.1(1)(d) of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997. The Minister’s Order effective October 23, 2009 (No. 23-03-2009 WI3) increasing weight limits on section of Provincial Highways No. 23 is rescinded. For the purpose of managing traffic on and protecting provincial highways, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that effective May 21, 2010 unless restricted by a Minister’s Order issued under clause 35.1(1)(a) of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, this Order authorizes any person, vehicle or class of vehicles to operate at the weights set for primary highways by The Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations, 1999, on Provincial Highway No. 23 from the junction with Provincial Highway No. 3 to the junction of Provincial Highway No. 55 with the exception of April, May and June of each year. This Order will remain in effect until June 30, 2012 unless sooner varied or rescinded. Dated May 7, 2010 at Regina, Saskatchewan.

Rob Penny, Deputy Minister, Highways and Infrastructure. 1088 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010


The Business Corporations Act ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2010) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101162704 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 3 1901 Rose St., Regina operate an exercise gym 101162720 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 3 23 Lothian Mews, Regina trucking and courier services 101162739 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 3 700, 2103-11th Ave., Regina holding company 101162742 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 3 700, 2103-11th Ave., Regina holding company 101162743 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 3 700, 2103-11th Ave., Regina holding company 101162744 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 3 700, 2103-11th Ave., Regina holding company 101162801 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4 1045-2nd Ave. NE, custom residential construction services 101162813 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4 Box 669, Biggar holding company 101162818 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4 Box 669, Biggar holding company 101162876 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 29 Drawer 188, holding company 101162898 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina holding company 101162901 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina holding company 101162928 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 138-3rd St., Dalmeny direct sales 101162957 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 3-501 Gray Ave., asphalt patching services 101162983 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 Box 838, White City grocery store 101162987 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 1312-4th St., holding company 101162991 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 1312-4th St., Estevan holding company 101162996 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 1140 Osler St., Saskatoon acquire, develop, rent and manage residential and commercial real estate properties 101163022 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 800, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon holding company 101163024 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 800, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon holding company 101163025 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 800, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon holding company 101163026 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 800, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon holding company 101163041 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 115 Fairway Rd., rent equipment Emerald Park 101163051 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 1540C Olive Diefenbaker Dr., pet food supplies Prince Albert THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1089

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101163054 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 2579 Linner Way, Regina rent properties 101163067 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 901, 119-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company 101163070 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 6 1312-4th St., Estevan holding company 101163098 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 7 845-1st Ave., Regina holding company 101163100 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon pharmacy services 101163102 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 7 600, 123-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company 101163104 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 7 600, 123-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company 101163126 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 7 6 Pearson Pl., Regina real estate holding company 777 Enterprises Ltd. May 6 Box 878, Humboldt concrete pumping services 8854 Investment and Mar. 25 2 South Plains Rd. W, property holdings and Holding Company Ltd. Emerald Park investments A & R Enterprises Inc. May 5 Box 134, Cabri manufacture and distribute agricultural and domestic products Accelerated Grading Ltd. May 4 103, 1100-1st Ave. E, sell and market grader Prince Albert blades Ace Ventures Inc. May 3 Box 88, Lanigan restaurant start-ups; real estate investments Allison Developments Inc. May 4 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon residential construction and renovation services Balcarres Truck Wash Inc. May 4 208-2208 Scarth St., Regina car wash Bernie’s Machine Works Ltd. May 5 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon machine shop Beyfound Trading Co. Ltd. May 6 700-1914 Hamilton St., Regina trading company; distribute and sell chemicals Brash Pictures Inc. May 7 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon independent video production services CJRW Concreteworks Ltd. Apr. 13 Box 742, Lumsden ready-mix concrete services Clements Printers Inc. May 7 845-1st Ave., Regina print shop and related services Creative Home Space Corp. May 6 7123 Wascana Cove Dr., Regina sell wholesale home and office decor Dave Oliver Holdings Inc. May 6 501, 224-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon real estate holding company Dr. Jonida Seferi May 6 110 Briarvale Rd., Saskatoon dental professional Dental Prof. Corp. corporation Fieldstone Storage Inc. May 7 Box 878, Humboldt storage services Happy Monarch Designs Inc. May 5 306-542 Bannatyne Ave., sell hand-made gifts and Estevan accessories from home HD Drywall Ltd. May 5 138-3rd St., Dalmeny commercial and residential drywalling services 1090 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Hodel Construction & May 6 Box 126, Dilke residential and commercial Renovation Ltd. construction and renovation services J.E. Ranch Inc. May 5 1901 Rose St., Regina farming J.R. Saunders Consulting Ltd. May 5 423 Rosedale Rd., Saskatoon geological consultant and construction services Kathleen A. Peterson, Legal Mar. 30 600-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina legal professional Professional Corporation corporation KDG Holdings Ltd. May 4 2230 Lorne St., Regina holding company L.K.H Consulting Services Inc. May 3 Box 414, Montmartre consulting services for social program development, project assessment, implementation and compliance, specializing in First Nations M.J. Flooring Supplies Corp. May 4 1954 Angus St., Regina retail and wholesale floor materials and supplies Maxcrop Farm Ltd. May 3 129 Panorama Hills Place NW, holding company Calgary AB MC Welding Ltd. May 6 Box 1235, Biggar welding and fabrication services Millertime Mechanical May 6 1222-5th St., Estevan truck and transport repair Services Ltd. services N.V.N.G. Holdings Inc. May 6 3534 Apple Grove, Regina holding company Navine Exports Inc. Apr. 5 700, 230-22nd St. E, Saskatoon import/export agricultural commodities New Directions Business Ltd. Mar. 25 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon general partner of New Directions Business Limited partnership Oleksandrs Construction Inc. May 8 1235 McTavish St., Regina construction and handy‑man services Pentec Energy Ltd. May 3 Box 1439, Outlook contract electrical services Petrichor Ventures Inc. May 5 1500, 410-22nd St. E, farming Saskatoon Petro-Explore Geological May 4 Box 459, Assiniboia geological consultant Consulting Inc. Prairie Winds Advertising & May 5 1138-3rd St., Estevan provide advertising and Sales Ltd. promotional merchandise Premium Property Ltd. May 6 12111 Wascana Heights, property management and Regina construction services Pro1 Services Inc. Mar. 30 Box 14, Site 206, R.R. 2, security and home Saskatoon automation systems installation and maintenance; commercial and residential repair and renovation services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1091

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: R.A.G. Marketing May 5 6209-50th Ave., restaurant International Inc. Revo Plumbing and May 6 200, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon commercial and residential Heating Incorporated plumbing, heating and mechanical services Richard Penrose Farms Ltd. May 4 300-533 Victoria Ave., Regina farming Saskatoon Spray Foam Ltd. May 3 304 Niderost St., Saskatoon supply and install polyurethane spray foam Short Stop Auto Repair Ltd. May 4 1730-2002 Victoria Ave., automotive repair services Regina Son Venture Holdings Ltd. May 7 Box 610, holding company SSRE Holdings Inc. May 5 Box 628, Saskatoon real estate holding company The Woodlands Investment May 7 Box 224, Leroy investments Company Limited TLF Ventures Ltd. May 4 Box 309, Canora real estate holding company Trinity Acres Ltd. May 5 Box 1583, Moose Jaw grain farming True Blue Glass Inc. May 6 908 Coppermine Way, window, door, mirror and automobile glass installation services Unreal Ranch Ltd. May 3 Box 488, Biggar farming Vista Windows & Doors Ltd. May 6 30 Assiniboine Dr., Saskatoon sell wholesale residential and commercial windows and doors Von’s Consulting Inc. May 4 5-1st Ave. NE, oilfield consultant Zero Balance Bookkeeping & May 6 504-508 Main St. E, Saskatoon bookkeeping and office Office Services Limited services

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION (2010) Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: 1314055 Alberta Inc. May 5 Alberta 3273 construction services Cedarville Dr. SW, Calgary AB 7539517 Canada Ltd. May 3 Canada 333 College Ave., holding company Regina SK 7541457 Canada Inc. May 4 Canada 501-121 holding company Research Dr., Saskatoon SK Allteck Line Contractors Inc. May 5 British Columbia 2900-550 construction; Burrard St., distribution services Vancouver BC to the electric utility industry 1092 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: Angus Geosolutions Inc. Apr. 1 Ontario 13029 geographical Steeles Ave. W, information systems Hornby ON technology products and services Aristeo Construction Mar. 31 Michigan USA 12811 construction services International Inc. Farmington Rd., Livonia MI USA Artland Contracting Ltd. Apr. 1 Alberta 4807-51st St., construction Cold Lake AB consultant Aston Hill Energy Apr. 6 Alberta 500, holding company 2010 GP Inc. 321-6th Ave. SW, Calgary AB ATW Farms Ltd. Mar. 29 Alberta 420 farming MacLeod Trail SE, Medicine Hat AB Barlow Bros. Ltd. Apr. 21 Alberta 500 Dominion Pl., holding company 906-12th Ave. SW, Calgary AB Cactus Country May 5 Alberta 1000-2002 oil and gas well Consulting Ltd. Victoria Ave., drilling and completion Regina SK consultant Cantera Investments Ltd. Apr. 1 Alberta 208 co-invest in operating Malibou Rd. SW, companies and Calgary AB mortgages Chinook Land Services Ltd. May 6 Alberta 2539-43rd St., land management Edmonton AB services Darcy L. Verhun Apr. 5 Alberta 525-30th Ave. SW, executive search and Professional Corporation Calgary AB business advisory services Delbrook Capital May 5 British Columbia 2620-1055 investment and Advisors Inc. West Georgia St., management advisor Vancouver BC services Discount Storage Apr. 19 British Columbia 12894 Hwy 101, rent and sell shipping Containers Ltd. Madeira Park BC containers Encore Environmental Ltd. Apr. 19 Alberta Box 206, oilfield consultant; Elk Point AB construction and reclamation services Farmers Edge West Inc. May 5 Alberta 4, 4737-49B Ave., agricultural agronomy Lacombe AB services Galex Group of Apr. 1 Canada 901, 119-4th Ave. S, group of companies Companies Corp. Saskatoon SK THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1093

Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: Genband Canada ULC May 3 Nova Scotia 900-1959 supply next-generation Upper Water St., Internet protocol Halifax NS gateways, session border controllers and fixed mobile convergence security solutions GWS Well Servicing Inc. May 3 Alberta 1500, oil and gas well 10180-101st St., services Edmonton AB Horizon Retail May 4 British Columbia 300-422 general contractor: Construction, ULC Richards St., retail and commercial Vancouver BC construction services Jovfinancial Solutions Inc. May 4 Ontario 920-26 investment fund Wellington St. E, manager and exempt Toronto ON market dealer services MBI Construction Corp. May 3 Manitoba 110-11th St., general contractor: Brandon MB interior and exterior construction services Miklis Bacchus HC Ltd. Apr. 5 Alberta 220, executive search and 11520-100th Ave., business advisory Edmonton AB services Reinhausen Canada Inc. Mar. 31 Quebec 37th flr., market, sell and 1 Place Ville-Marie, distribute high-voltage Montreal QC equipment Sidewinder Coil May 6 Alberta 12th flr., oil and gas exploration Services Inc. 425-1st St. SW, Calgary AB STT Holdings Inc. Mar. 31 Alberta 1014B-12th Ave. SW, holding company Calgary AB Supreme Roofing Apr. 29 Alberta 1600, commercial and Solutions Incorporated 205-5th Ave. SW, residential property Calgary AB renovation services Ten Star Insurance Apr. 15 Ontario 2-95 Hamilton St. N, property and casualty Brokers Inc. Waterdown ON insurance broker services Triaxon Oil Operations Ltd. May 6 Alberta 3700, oil and gas 400-3rd Ave. SW, Calgary AB Vannoy Construction Apr. 5 Alberta 1000 Canterra Tower, commercial, industrial Canada ULC 400-3rd Ave. SW, and infrastructure Calgary AB project construction and management services 1094 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

CERTIFICATES OF AMALGAMATION (2010) Name: Amalgamating Date: Registered Office: Main Type of Corporations: Business: 24/7 ATM Ltd. 24/7 ATM Ltd.; Mar. 31 1000-2002 cash vending Jas Ventures Ltd. Victoria Ave., services Regina Adam’s Active Auto Adam’s Active Auto May 1 701 Broadway Ave., automobile Wrecking Ltd. Wrecking Ltd.; Andrews Saskatoon wrecking services Auto Parts Ltd. Fargo Enterprises Ltd. Fargo Enterprises Ltd.; May 1 1014-9th Ave. W, contract services Mustang Oil Ltd. Gebert Holdings Ltd. Gebert Holdings Ltd.; Apr. 1 208-2208 Scarth St., holding company MCCP Holdings Ltd. Regina Lee’s Chop Suey East 101011940 May 1 1400-2500 restaurant (1989) Ltd. Saskatchewan Ltd.; Victoria Ave., Lee’s Chop Suey East Regina (1989) Ltd. Majic Environmental Ltd. 101126221 May 1 206-2nd Ave. W, environmental Saskatchewan Ltd.; Unity clean-up services Majic Environmental Ltd.

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (2010) Name: Date: Amendment: 101033560 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 29 changed name to Saskatoon Mitsubishi Ltd. 101092466 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 30 changed name to River City Statuary Ltd. 101117774 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 5 changed name to Morning View Farm Ltd. 101135051 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 26 changed name to LS Ulrich Farms Ltd. 101135099 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 31 changed name to Cas Ventures Ltd. 101153924 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 7 changed name to Premium Well Services Ltd. 101155429 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 31 changed name to Globe-Elite Electrical Contractors Ltd. 101160248 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 7 changed name to BP Pipeline Inspection Ltd. D.E.R Kitchenwares Inc. Mar. 26 changed name to D.E.R Consulting Inc. Denis Jones Medical Prof. Corp. May 4 changed name to Jones Group Holding Corp. Fargo Enterprises Ltd. May 1 changed name to Mustang Oil Ltd. Handpullers Fine Art Atelier Inc. Mar. 30 changed name to Gary Boyle Holdings Inc. Lockwood & Clarke Financial Services Ltd. Mar. 30 changed name to Lockwood & Wallington Financial Services Ltd. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1095

Name: Date: Amendment: Main Plumbing and Heating Limited May 6 changed name to T & C Plumbing Ltd. Saskatoon Orchards Inc. May 6 changed name to 101152708 Saskatchewan Ltd. Thermo-Plus Coatings Ltd. Apr. 30 changed name to Sawatsky Enterprises Ltd.

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Corporations) (2008) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Soprema Waterproofing Inc./ Canada Feb. 5 changed name to Soprema Inc. Soprema Etancheite Inc.

(2009) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Corlac Resources Ltd. Alberta Dec. 31 amalgamated into Corlac Resources Ltd. Diamondex Resources Ltd. British Columbia Dec. 9 changed name to Canterra Minerals Corporation Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. Canada Dec. 1 amalgamated into Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc.

(2010) Name(s): Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: 1529182 Alberta ULC Alberta Apr. 24 changed name to McLarens GP ULC 1529189 Alberta ULC Alberta Apr. 24 changed name to Sibley GP ULC Applied Systems Canada ULC Nova Scotia Jan. 5 amalgamated into Applied Systems Canada Inc. Canadian Oil Company Limited Ontario Jan. 8 amalgamated into Canadian Oil Company Limited Christie Group Ltd. Canada Apr. 1 changed name to Christie Innomed Inc. Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. Canada Mar. 1 amalgamated into Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. Martin Head Oil & Gas Ltd.; Alberta Mar. 1 amalgamated into Novus Energy Novus Energy (Acquisition) Inc. (Acquisition) Inc. Memberworks Canada Corporation Nova Scotia Feb. 18 changed name to Coverdell Canada Corporation / Corporation Coverdell Canada 1096 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name(s): Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Practice Solutions Software Inc. Canada Mar. 8 changed name to MD Physician Services Software Inc./ Services Aux Medecins MD - Logiciels Inc. Reliable Energy Ltd. Alberta Feb. 1 amalgamated into Reliable Energy Ltd.

CERTIFICATES OF DISCONTINUANCE (2009) Name: Date: New Jurisdiction: 5996881 Manitoba Ltd. Dec. 22 Manitoba

(2010) Name: Date: New Jurisdiction: Dupro Holding Inc. Mar. 22 British Columbia Dupro Pharmacy Ltd. Mar. 22 British Columbia Schellenberg Holding Corporation Mar. 15 Ontario

CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION (2010) Name: Date: 588637 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 31 101007085 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mar. 31 Aaron Rush Servicing Inc. Mar. 26 B & M Ranches Ltd. Mar. 31 Bailey Investments Ltd. Mar. 30 Cassie Danielle Clothing Inc. Mar. 29 Elliott Holdings Ltd. Mar. 31 Infinity Digital Limited Mar. 26 JDJ Financial Inc. Apr. 28 K & R Cleaning Inc. Mar. 31 Lloyd Investments Ltd./Les Investissements Lloyd Ltée. Mar. 26 M. & B. Properties Ltd. Mar. 29 Morris Studios Ltd. Mar. 30 Mygar Farms Ltd. Mar. 26 Pro-Am Contracting Ltd. Mar. 30 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1097

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2010) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101107721 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 1 Saskatchewan 101128029 Saskatchewan Ltd. May 4 Saskatchewan 101135456 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 1 Saskatchewan 1347813 Alberta Ltd. May 5 Alberta 849005 Alberta Ltd. May 4 Alberta Black Diamond Directional Drilling Inc. Mar. 29 Saskatchewan Bourdon Holdings Ltd. May 6 Saskatchewan Campbell Care Home (2003) Ltd. Apr. 6 Saskatchewan Domino’s Pizza of Canada Ltd. Apr. 29 Alberta Future House Enterprises Ltd. Apr. 1 Saskatchewan Greengrass Farms Ltd. Apr. 29 Saskatchewan Heavenly Blue Honeysuckle Orchards Ltd. Apr. 27 Saskatchewan Kirzinger Enterprise Inc. Apr. 14 Saskatchewan Mega Structures Ltd. Apr. 28 Canada Park Plaza Cleaners Ltd. Mar. 31 Saskatchewan Regina Caterers Inc. Mar. 31 Saskatchewan RJM Holdings Inc. Apr. 16 Alberta Skyline Ag Ventures Ltd. May 5 Saskatchewan Soprema Waterproofing Inc./Soprema Etancheite Inc. May 3 Canada Warlock Welding Services Ltd. May 5 Saskatchewan X-Cell Inspection Services Ltd. Mar. 31 Saskatchewan

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290 (2010) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 595644 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 605206 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 605284 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 617900 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 622564 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 622565 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 622708 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 627338 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 1098 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101001732 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101014692 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101027534 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101027589 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101038709 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101038814 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101049879 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101062010 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101063423 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101076480 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101077021 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101092637 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101092866 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101093326 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101093374 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101110476 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101110629 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101110725 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101111253 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101111434 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101111782 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101111954 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101112350 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101132770 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101132942 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133074 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133335 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133485 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133827 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133893 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133900 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101133992 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 101134292 Saskatchewan Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 393205 Alberta Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1099

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 761828 Alberta Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta 764758 Alberta Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta 1014827 Alberta Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta 1280632 Alberta Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta 1281458 Alberta Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta 2bro Enterprises Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 4-B Holdings Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan 99 Nursery and Florist Inc. Apr. 30 British Columbia A & C Hirsch Rentals Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan A & G Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Abernethy Enterprises, Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan ABI Accrual Based Investigations Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Ai’s Place Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Alister Development Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan All Nations Payroll Services Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Alliance Sheet Metal Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Anikaith Holdings Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Arrow Trucking Co. Apr. 30 USA Arvinmeritor CVS Canada Inc. Apr. 30 Canada Aurora Real Estate Investments Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta Baas Family Holdings Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Baker Trucking Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Barber Farms Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Bark’n’Dales Boutique Limited Apr. 30 Saskatchewan BE & K Construction Company Apr. 30 USA Becker’s Homes Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Bethelwood Investments Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Blackie’s Coring Services Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Brennan Educational Supply Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Brothers United Enterprises Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Bulldog Enterprises Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Buttertart Bake & Eatery Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan C & T Contracting Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan C-Free Power Corp. Apr. 30 Canada 1100 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Cabin Road Farms Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Canadian Petcetera Warehouse Inc. Apr. 30 British Columbia Canalta Transport (1983) Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Canam Classifieds Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta Canterbury Business Services Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Central Contractors (2006) Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan C.K. Holdings Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Click Appoint Software Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Coppersprings Health and Safety Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Corr Group Investments Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Covered Wagon Investments Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan C.R. Logging Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Craik Enterprises, Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Cramer Livestock Nutrition & Health Solutions Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Crossroads Holdings Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan CSS Security Plus Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan D & K Construction Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan D & N Niehaus Agencies Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Dallas Transport Ltd. Apr. 30 Manitoba Damica Farms Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Dan’s Property Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Dealmaker Ventures Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Diversified Exterior Products Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan D.H. Marketing Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan DNG Services Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Double S T.J. Enterprises Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Dr. Sarah Dinsmore Dental Prof. Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Dr. W. Nabi Medical Prof. Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan DSL Holdings Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Evolution Developments Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Family Legacy Financial Solutions Inc. Apr. 30 British Columbia Faulkner Ranch Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Federal Security & Investigation Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Finnie Holdings Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1101

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: First Canadian International Consultants Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan First Choice Canada Inc. Apr. 30 Canada Flexvest Holdings Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Fort Qu’Appelle Learning Systems Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Fresh Clothing & Gear Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Gentra Canada Investments Inc. Apr. 30 Canada GGR Controls Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan G.N. Martin Fuel & Fertilizer Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Goalstar Transport Inc. Apr. 30 Manitoba Great Northern Farms Corporation Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Green Acres Investments Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Green Wave Consulting Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Greene Yak Productions Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Ground Floor Management Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Guang Ming Construction Company Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Hannah Transport Ltd. May 3 Alberta Hard At’r Contracting Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Helman Oil and Gas Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Heritage Management Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Homestead Land Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Innovative Forest Development Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Iridian Asset Management LLC Apr. 30 USA JJBCMB Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan John W. Dutchik Holdings Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Jonaura Corp. Apr. 30 Alberta Kanada Renovation & Contracting Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Keller Mechanical Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Kevin Rogers Legal Prof. Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan KGN Enterprises Limited Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Legend Transport Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Lightning Investments Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Maas Consulting Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Makostch Enterprises Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Marquis Oil Products Inc./Les Produits Petroliers Marquis Inc. Apr. 30 Canada 1102 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: MBR. Construction Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan MCI Holdings Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Metal Dynamics Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Mike’s Moving & Hauling Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Mondrian Hall Inc. Apr. 30 Canada Nardos Enterprises Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Nature’s Pond Conditioner Inc. Apr. 30 Canada Norben Investments Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Northsask Frontier Adventures Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Orion Food Systems Canada Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta P. Goulet Enterprises Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Pacrim Holdings Regina Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Parkland Convenience Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Pay Less Gas Co. (1993) Ltd. Apr. 30 Canada Perlinger Group Benefits Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Phoenix Auto Detailing Centres Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Pizza Pizza 478 Limited Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Pradera Developments Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Pro-Con Electric Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Pro-Cuts Unisex Hairstyling Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Ptolemy Bros. Energy Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Rainstorm Enterprises Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Rapid Trax Manufacturing Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan RDM Hauling Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Reef Resources Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Results Media Buying Services Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Richard Morhart Custom Contracting Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Ringer’s Fabrication & Maintenance Ltd. Apr. 30 Canada RPM Management Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan S-I-N Holding Co. Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan SAAL Contracts Management Ltd. Apr. 30 Ontario Safe & Sound Audio Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Safilo Canada Inc. Apr. 30 Quebec THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1103

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Schmidt Flour Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Schmidt Manufacturing Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Schulman Design Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta Second Chance Oilfield Consulting Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Selmco Saloon Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Shandar Acres Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Sheldon Toys Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Signature Stones and Granite Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Sina36 Retail Saskatoon Corporation Apr. 30 Saskatchewan SLN Services Ltd. Apr. 30 British Columbia SM Freight Inc. Apr. 30 Ontario Somalife Consulting Ltd. Apr. 30 British Columbia South West Consultants Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Southman Logistics Inc. Apr. 30 Manitoba Soyee Innovation Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Spence Hotels (1984) Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Split Rock Ranch Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Stibbs Homes Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Stop The Clock Fishing, Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Storm Enviro Drilling Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Stuart Olson Contracting Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta Stueck Farms Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Sunlane Transport Ltd. Apr. 30 Manitoba Superior Container Services Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Tailgator Stone Chip Protector Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Taisto Cleaning Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Tanya Weideman Medical Prof. Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan The Beet Root Restaurant Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Tiron Transport Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan TLC Home Improvements Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Trophy World Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Urban Elements Centre GP Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta Vortrax Construction Ltd. Apr. 30 Alberta 1104 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: W Davern Jones Consulting Inc. Apr. 30 Canada Web Core Systems Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Weekenders Ca Limited Apr. 30 Ontario Weyburn Seed Cleaning Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan White Knuckle Transport Services Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan White Mud Oilfield Maintenance Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Whoda New Media Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Winalta Construction Inc. Apr. 30 Alberta Wolf Creek Trucking Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Xavier Holding, Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Zink Construction Ltd. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan


Philip J. Flory, Director. ______

The Business Names Registration Act ______

CANCELLATIONS (2010) Name: Date: Place of Business: A Touch of Wellness Massage & Reflexology May 3 Ogema Aditya Birla Minacs Mar. 31 Toronto ON BP Pipeline Inspection Apr. 7 Arcola Clements Printers May 6 Regina DNN Driveway Repair Mar. 31 Saskatoon Graffiti Drywall May 6 Saskatoon Jovfinancial Solutions May 4 Toronto ON Justin’s Lawn Care Apr. 7 Estevan Makitferya CNC Woodworking Mar. 29 Warman Nic Nacs Video Plus May 4 Bengough Pit Stop 48 May 3 Pilot Butte Accounting Services May 1 Ponteix Prairie Winds Advertising & Sales May 5 Queen City Irrigation Mar. 30 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1105

Name: Date: Place of Business: River City Statuary Mar. 30 Saskatoon Saskatoon Mitsubishi Mar. 29 Saskatoon Shenher Insurance & Financial Services Mar. 31 Regina Simtac R.V. Repair Mar. 30 Ultimate Lawn and Garden Care Apr. 14 Saskatoon Wiwa Hill Farms Mar. 30 Bateman

SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2010) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101 Stucco May 3 13-39 Hanbidge Cres., Regina stucco application services 82nd Service May 7 Box 218, Prud’homme truck, car and tractor unit mechanical repair services Abacus Bookkeeping May 5 318 Keller Pl., Saskatoon bookkeeping and personal tax preparation services ABL Home Inspections May 4 3409-48th Ave., Lloydminster home inspection services AC Painting May 4 411-615 Confederation Dr., residential painting services Saskatoon ALC Bookkeeping May 4 Box 1169, Moosomin small business and farm bookkeeping services Alchemy Salon Apr. 5 527 Ave. H N, Saskatoon hair salon Andrews Auto Parts May 1 Box 638, Saskatoon sell new and used automobile parts Anytime Hot Shot Mar. 31 1, 3807-57th Ave., oilfield hotshot services Lloydminster Applewood Estates May 4 301-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon real estate development services Arbonne International May 6 500, 123-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon distribute personal care, Distribution skin care, cosmetic and nutritional products Arm River Orchard May 6 Box 56, Chamberlain grow fruit Arslan Intellectual Works May 4 34-115 Ave. V N, Saskatoon management and marketing services Audrey’s Bridal and Fashion May 6 4219 Wascana Ridge, Regina clothing store and bridal accessories AV Satellite Service Humboldt May 3 Box 878, Humboldt install satellite receivers B. Hanson Energy Healing May 5 Box 667, Big River hands-on body healing using the body’s electricity and spirits Back Up Delivery Mar. 31 1860 Wallace St., Regina dispatch courier drivers 1106 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Barkin Oilfield Consulting May 5 Box 277, Alameda directional drilling consultant Beachin’ Good Food May 4 305-330 Girgulis Cres., seasonal concession truck Saskatoon Beale Street Construction May 5 2276 Quebec St., Regina contract residential construction services BL Environmental May 4 26 Elmwood Pl., Regina environmental consultant, project proposals, management, and monitoring, site assessment, corrective action remediation and environmental compliance assurance services Boyd’s Garage May 5 Box 147, Medstead automotive and agricultural parts and services B.T. Butz Contracting May 3 100 Daffodil Cres., Regina build grain bins; general repair, welding and residential cleaning services Burger Corral May 3 Box 113, Young fast-food restaurant C & T Fencing May 3 Box 102, Pilot Butte vinyl fence erection services Canadian Memorial Urns May 4 115 Stapleford Cres., Regina manufacture metal spun cremation urns Cassie Danielle Designs Mar. 29 321 Poplar Cres., Saskatoon design and manufacture fashion accessories Chubb Edwards Security May 4 5201 Explorer Dr., sell, service and distribute Mississauga ON security equipment Claymore Contracting Apr. 1 295 Trifunov Cres., Regina sell windows and doors Common Sense Safety May 4 1041-7th St. E, Prince Albert safety instruction, safety Consulting manuals, inspection, accident investigation and consultant services Crystal Clear Window Cleaning Apr. 1 201, 21-11th St. E, window cleaning services Prince Albert D 2 E Welding Apr. 6 616 Windsor St., Weyburn mobile welding services DDA Locating Services May 6 226N Fairway Rd., Regina utility line location services Dekka Designs May 4 318-2315 McIntyre St., Regina marketing and design consultant Dimyoni Scientific Mar. 31 14-7th St. E, Saskatoon research and development Developments services DNN Asphalt Seal Coating Mar. 31 1003 Budz Green, Saskatoon driveway and parking lot asphalt seal coating services E & B Enterprise May 7 Box 94, Smeaton carpentry and renovation services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1107

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Eden Esthetics May 7 1275 Broad St., spa services Brownstone Plaza, Regina EM Welding May 6 Box 1148, Yorkton elevator maintenance, welding and above ground mining repair and maintenance services Esab Welding & Cutting May 4 3600-66 Wellington St. W, distribute welding and Products Toronto ON cutting equipment Essence Floral Design May 4 42 Howell Ave., Saskatoon florist; wedding and special event floral design and accessories Fashionologie Home & May 7 3424-13th Ave., Regina sell home decor, furniture, Body Boutique clothing, artwork and jewellery Finegold Entertainment Group Apr. 6 Box 225, Nokomis talent agent, promotion and management services Folio Investment Group Apr. 1 500, 2220-12th Ave., Regina asset management services Folio Wealth Management Apr. 1 500, 2220-12th Ave., Regina asset management services Freelance Moving Service Apr. 6 1622 N Wingert Dr., Regina moving consultant services Frontier Book Company Apr. 5 Box 810, Lumsden book distribution services Happy Dog & Purring Cat May 8 1315 Ave. C N, Saskatoon dog and cat veterinary Veterinary Clinic services Havin 1 Great Day Reflexology May 7 438 St. John St., Regina home-based reflexology services Horseplay Motors May 3 Box 16, Manor sell and repair small engines Hotshot Technologies May 4 3110 Jenkins Dr., Regina infrared scanning and contract electrical services ICM Tool Sales May 4 4004 Hillsdale St., Regina sell machine tools In The Shadows Trucking May 3 Box 3188, Melville grain and fertilizer trucking services Iron Horse Irrigation Apr. 6 Box 203, Lumsden private residential and and Landscape commercial irrigation and landscape installation; deck, fence, pond, retaining wall, paving stone and patio construction services It’s All Character Mascots May 7 1-102 Pawlychenko Lane, provide mascot performers and Demos Saskatoon to businesses Jans Bay Building Contracting Apr. 5 Box 179, Canoe Narrows construction, renovation and roofing services JCM Renovations May 3 39, 300-1st Ave. NW, general contractor and Lawn Care Swift Current JK Custom Fencing May 7 Box 721, custom fencing services 1108 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Jovfinancial Solutions May 4 920-26 Wellington St. E, investment fund manager Toronto ON and exempt market dealer services JT Exteriors May 4 1343-12th St. W, Prince Albert siding, soffit, fascia, eavestrough, windows and cladding installation services K-Tal Business Solutions Mar. 29 346 Brooks Rd., Estevan virtual typing, data entry, formatting, editing and proofreading services Keep It In Mind Massage May 5 Box 1916, Martensville massage therapy services L.S.A. Audio May 5 Box 503, live entertainment with recorded music Labeeb Leather Apr. 5 2102 Greer Crt., Regina sell and wholesale leather Lant Insurance Brokers Apr. 1 2206 Eglinton Ave. E, insurance broker Scarborough ON Littlefish Consulting May 5 1884 Rae St., Regina computer application design consultant and software development services Living Planet Ecological Sales May 3 825 Ave. F N, Saskatoon ecological consultant; and Consulting identify, salvage, sell, design and landscape native ecosystems; aid in research and grant proposal writing Lucas Lawn Care May 6 117-663 Beckett Cres., mow and fertilize lawns Saskatoon Makitferya Wood & Mar. 29 Box 1073, Warman CNC-computerized design Vinyl Design and wood engraving, woodworking and cabinet making services Memento Mori Jewellery May 5 2169 McIntyre St., Regina design and manufacture jewellery for retail and wholesale purchase Mike’s Painting and May 5 Box 84, residential repair and Home Repairs renovation services Moose Jaw Chelation Clinic Mar. 31 145 Woodlily Dr., Moose Jaw clinic Motion Fitness May 6 431 Nelson Rd., Saskatoon health and fitness club, personal training, fitness classes, nutritional consultant and related services Naybors Hauling May 3 Box 345, Alameda haul fresh water to oil rigs Nic Nacs Video Plus May 4 Box 276, Bengough rent videos; drink and food machines; sell craft items THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1109

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Night Hawk Properties May 5 1730-2002 Victoria Ave., property management Regina services Nogier Consulting Mar. 31 Box 2633, Melfort emergency management, training and public safety consultant Prairie Diamond May 6 Box 124, Codette sell horse tack; riding Equine Services lessons and horse training; sales consultant and consignment services Printing Made Personal Apr. 7 Box 1829, Meadow Lake paper, plastics and leather By Mona printing services; create invitations, notices, napkins and identification Profitable Agronomics Mar. 30 Box 534, Aberdeen agronomy consultant company Quest Solutions May 3 1003N Orchid Way, Regina business consultant and project management services R.E.C. E-Z Trike Conversions May 4 60 Howell Ave., Saskatoon supply and install motorcycle-to-trike conversion kits Radio Cab #15 May 6 3430-33rd St. W., Saskatoon taxi services RCH Renovations May 4 2 Grandview Pl., Moose Jaw residential renovation and demolition services Rebecka Bloom Photography May 3 Box 443, photography services Renew Electric Mar. 30 1002 Brown St., Regina contract residential and commercial electrical services Revisions Home Repairs Mar. 31 Box 333, Hague residential repair, glass & Renovations replacement and window repair services Rice Acres Consulting May 4 Box 2135, Melville small business web site and application development; business analysis and consultant services Ron Niekamp – Space Analysis, May 5 15 Cantlon Cres., Saskatoon analyse existing occupied Programming & Planning space versus functional space needs Saskatoon Express Magazine May 4 1026-8th St. E, Saskatoon design, produce and distrubute a lifestyles newspaper in Saskatchewan Shalouand Enterprises May 6 R.R. 5, Site 20, Comp 31, in home web site design; Prince Albert contract medical services for insurance companies 1110 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Side-Line Skid Steer Service Mar. 30 2505-33rd St. W, Saskatoon skid steer and landscaping services Simtac R.V. Repair Mar. 30 Box 270, Rocanville recreational vehicle repair services Soul Energy Yoga Mar. 31 414 Ave. R N, Saskatoon teach yoga to adults, seniors and children Stacey’s Food Services May 5 Box 1118, Carlyle food delivery services; make and deliver pizza and other food items Stitchn Be Artisan Boutique May 5 7 Bastedo Cres., Regina sell piece goods, notions, needlework, craft supplies and artisan giftware STTS Motorcycles May 3 619 Overholt Cres., Saskatoon motorcycle dealership Taz Drywall May 4 Box 547, Hague drywall, taping, t-bar, ceiling and metal framing services Telic Marking Devices Mar. 26 24 Richardson Cres., Regina manufacture rubber stamps and marking devices Tentwentyfour Interactive May 4 1624 Grant Dr., Regina web site and other interactive media design, programming and consultant services The Lunch Lady Mar. 31 1314N Reed Pl., Regina prepare and deliver lunches to elementary school students Titan Home Builders May 3 1238A Walker St., Regina new residential construction and renovation services Tracy Shepherd May 3 Box 183, Lumsden angel Tarot readings; Spiritual Energy Reiki healing and teaching services Twisted Goods Mar. 30 1, 6025-12th St. SE, gift store Calgary AB Universal Technologies May 4 Box 1521, Warman electronic systems repair and design; universal services provider Valley City Livestock Supply Apr. 12 Box 11, Fiske supply and sell fence posts, rough lumber, salt minerals and other fencing supplies Vartec Construction May 3 Box 783, Moose Jaw residential and commercial construction and renovation services Westblom Farms Apr. 5 Box 1829, Meadow Lake farming Wheelies Enterprises Mar. 30 1026 Cypress Way N, Regina sell bicycles Wiwa Hill Farms Mar. 30 Box 56, Bateman farming Zahir’s Lounge May 7 1110 Victoria Ave. E, Regina lounge and off-sale Zorg Interior Design May 3 30 O’Neil Cres., Saskatoon house painting services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1111

PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2010) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Antoneshyn Farms Apr. 30 Box 328, Kelliher grain and livestock farming Bashh Consulting May 5 9-409 Central Ave., Saskatoon traders, contractors and service providers Bento Sushi Saskatoon Apr. 16 12, 1621-33rd St. W, Saskatoon sell and prepare sushi on‑site Black Rock Contracting May 4 133-410 Stensrud Rd., general contractor Saskatoon Black Weasel Bistro Mar. 26 Box 152, Davidson sell fresh baked goods, specialty coffees, ice‑cream, breakfast and lunch Classic Canadian Homes May 8 35 Bloomer Cres., residential construction Winnipeg MB services Encompass Cleaning Solutions May 7 1100 Broder St., Regina commercial, office, warehouse and carpet cleaning services; VCT refurbishment Evergreen Geosciences May 4 Box 156, geological and environmental consultant First Choice Designated May 3 549 Pasqua St., Regina designated driver services Driver Service Five Star Yard Care May 7 Box 207, Melfort yard maintenance and lawn care services Fringe Media Concepts J.V. May 4 1014 Beechmont Terr., agricultural and industrial Saskatoon media development and advertising services Gellner Seeds May 7 Box 35, Southey grow and process pedigree seeds Invis Consulting May 3 Box 280, construction supervision and permit writing services Lake Estates On South Hill May 4 110-11th St. E, Prince Albert land development services LBG Construction Consulting May 4 Box 323, Silton construction consultant services Mile 10 Farms May 3 Box 878, Humboldt farming Pit Stop 48 May 5 Box 87, Montmartre fast-food restaurant Probath Renovations May 5 3118 Milton St., Saskatoon bathroom remodelling and renovation services; supply and install materials and fixtures Prosper Farms May 3 Box 878, Humboldt farming Queen City Irrigation Mar. 30 1524 Broadway Pl., Regina install underground sprinklers Rosewood Construction May 7 307 Poplar Cres., Saskatoon construction services; install windows and doors 1112 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Tec First Nations May 5 7218 Bennett Dr., Regina service and sell office Business Equipment equipment TNC Electric May 4 916 Elliot St., Regina residential and commercial contract electrical services Two Brothers Films May 5 19 McLeod Rd., Emerald Park television, film production, corporate commercial production, corporate video production, video streaming and web site development services Ultimate Lawn and Apr. 14 701 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon lawn care, rototilling, Garden Care sprinkler blowout, aerating and grooming services Vonden Natural Stone Farm Apr. 30 Box 223, Cupar sell rocks or stones Wesgate Fencing May 6 Box 471, Osler fence erection and demolition services

SASKATCHEWAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION (2010) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Crooked Lake Homes Limited Apr. 7 Box 100, Cowessess construction services Partnership

EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION (2010) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Aston Hill Energy 2010 FT LP Apr. 6 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina invest in equity securities of resource issuers

ALTERATIONS IN MEMBERSHIP (2010) Name: Date: Berry View Farms Apr. 1 Feathers & Gold Dust – Cleaning Connoisseurs Apr. 1 Procon Mining Partnership Mar. 30


Philip J. Flory, Registrar. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1113

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés à but lucratif ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2010) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: Agape New Life Fellowship Inc. Mar. 30 Box 454, Big River church services and bible study Barnabas Project Inc. Apr. 1 411 Ball Way, Saskatoon fund-raise for charitable organizations that assist the poor both locally and internationally Dodologic Promotions Inc. Apr. 30 7-27 Kleisinger Cres., Regina promote Saskatchewan’s automotive scene Estevan Golden Eels Summer Mar. 29 Box 86, Station Main, Estevan competitive speed Swim Club Inc. swimming club Leader & District Municipal May 5 Box 39, Leader municipal airport Airport Inc. Live Artists FTW Inc. May 5 Box 4103, Regina Canadian artists performing and showcasing their work for the purpose of raising money for charity Meyo Healing Centre Inc. May 6 4029 Hillsdale St., Regina healing programs and services Prairie Billy Biker Bash Inc. May 4 Box 754, Carnduff motorbike rally Prairie Northern Regional Apr. 23 Toxicology Centre, sponsor scientific and Chapter of The Society of University of Saskatchewan, educational programs Environmental Toxicology 44 Campus Dr., Saskatoon and provide forums, and Chemistry North workshops, meetings and America Inc. courses for communication and interactions among professionals in government, business, academia and other segments of the environmental science community South Saskatchewan Mar. 11 3235-6th Ave. N, Regina non-profit interest group; Woodturners Guild Inc. promote woodturning activities, education and sharing of information among members and the general public; sponsor courses, classes and educational symposia 1114 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION (2010) Name: Date: Fox Valley Senior/Community Centre Incorporated May 4 The Professional Registered Massage Therapists Society Inc. Apr. 30

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2010) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Hepburn Golden Age Centre Inc. Mar. 31 Saskatchewan Jim Brady Métis Local #19 Corp. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Maple Creek Assembly of God May 4 Saskatchewan Medical Benevolent Society Inc. Mar. 29 Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Integration Agencies Inc. Saskatchewan Deaf Association Inc. Apr. 30 Saskatchewan Torquay Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Incorporated Mar. 4 Saskatchewan

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 272 (2010) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Carlton Trail Municipal Corridor Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan Estevan Family Resource Centre Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan Friends In Trouble Youth Initiative Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan Just Go Faster Triathlon Club Corp. May 3 Saskatchewan Keewatin Onitonikewuk Search and Rescue Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan Kutz Family Foundation Corp. May 3 Saskatchewan Pamwa Sports Club Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan Spruce Home Community Club Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan St. James Ministries Foundation International Inc. May 3 Saskatchewan


Philip J. Flory, Director. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1115


The Crown Minerals Act [subsections 21(1) and (2)] ______

NOTICES OF WITHDRAWAL — CROWN RESERVATION NO. 918 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(1) of The Crown Minerals Act, the Crown minerals lying in, upon or under the following described lands, are withdrawn from disposition, effective from the date shown below: Those lands contained within the line joining the following points:

POINT POINT: X (easting) POINT: Y (northing) A 582263 6222639 B 582075 6221475 C 581061 6221644 D 579726 6221863 E 579730 6221920 F 579925 6223057 G 580930 6222891 A 582263 6222639

Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 5th day of May, 2010. ______

CROWN RESERVATION NO. 924 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(1) of The Crown Minerals Act, the Crown minerals lying in, upon or under the following described lands are withdrawn from disposition, effective from the date shown below: Those lands lying west of the Second Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan: Township 27, Range 8, North half of Sections 3, 4 and 5, Sections 8-10 inclusive, Section 13, Sections 15‑17 inclusive, South half of Sections 20, 21 and 22, and Sections 24 and 31. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 10th day of May, 2010. ______

CROWN RESERVATION NO. 925 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(1) of The Crown Minerals Act, the Crown minerals lying in, upon or under the following described lands are withdrawn from disposition, effective from the date shown below: Those lands lying west of the Second Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan: Township 18, Range 16, North half and south-east quarter of Section 16, Sections 19 and 23, South half and north-east quarter of Section 34, and Section 35. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 10th day of May, 2010.


CROWN RESERVATION NO. 926 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to subsection 21(1) of The Crown Minerals Act, the Crown minerals lying in, upon or under the following described lands are withdrawn from disposition, effective from the date shown below: Those lands lying west of the Second Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan: Township 27, Range 18, Section 18; Township 28, Range 18, Sections 3, 7, 11, 13, 18, 19, 21 and 22; Township 26, Range 19, Sections 30 and 31; Township 27, Range 19, Sections 2, 11, 13, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 35 and 36; Township 28, Range 19, Sections 4-9 inclusive, Sections 11, 12 and 14, Sections 16-18 inclusive, and Sections 23 and 24. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, this 10th day of May, 2010. ______

Kent Campbell, Deputy Minister of Energy and Resources. ______

Highway Traffic Board ______

NOTICE OF APPLICATION 1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following application. 2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before June 14, 2010. Please reference the file number when filing opposition. 3 Where opposition is filed to any application, a public hearing will be scheduled. All hearing participants will be advised of the hearing date. Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 775-6672 to obtain information respecting hearing dates and locations.

Marian Ross, HTB Administrator, Highway Traffic Board. ______

Applicant: ROUTLEDGE, SAMANTHA Address: 133 Laurier Ave., Yorkton SK S3N 1V3 File: B/10/11 Application: For an Operating Authority Certificate as follows:

Intra-provincial Commodity Description: Origin: Destination: Conditions: passengers points in Saskatchewan points in Saskatchewan see below Restricted as follows: (a) charter operations only; (b) limousine service only (maximum ten (10) passengers) – restricted to the operation of a luxury-class passenger vehicle; (c) all trips must be pre-booked by no less than four (4) hours – Operator cannot accept calls in any manner in which a taxi is dispatched and cannot cruise the streets for the purpose of picking up passengers; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010 1117

(d) vehicles must be chauffeur-driven; (e) vehicles cannot be equipped with a taxi-meter; and (f) inter-municipal charter operations only; cannot transport passengers from point-to-point within a municipality without written permission from the municipality. Extra-provincial Commodity Description: Origin: Destination: Conditions: passengers points in Saskatchewan all boundaries and see below vice-versa Restricted as follows: (a) charter operations only; (b) limousine service only (maximum ten (10) passengers) – restricted to the operation of a luxury-class passenger vehicle; (c) all trips must be pre-booked by no less than four (4) hours – Operator cannot accept calls in any manner in which a taxi is dispatched and cannot cruise the streets for the purpose of picking up passengers; (d) vehicles must be chauffeur-driven; (e) vehicles cannot be equipped with a taxi-meter; and (f) inter-municipal charter operations only; cannot transport passengers from point to point within a municipality without written permission from the municipality. ______

The Municipalities Act [section 214] ______

NoticeS of Preparation of assessment rollS — rural Municipalities R.M. of Blaine Lake No. 434 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Blaine Lake No. 434 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 22, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment with is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Board of Revision, R.M. of Blaine Lake No. 434, Box 38, Blaine Lake SK S0J 0J0, by the 22nd day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Tony Obrigewitch, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Lake Johnston No. 102 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Lake Johnston No. 102 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 21, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. 1118 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of Lake Johnston No. 102, Box 160, Mossbank SK S0H 3G0, by the 21st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Sherry Green, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Loreburn No. 254 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Loreburn No. 254 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 21, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: Rosalie Bender, R.M. of Loreburn No. 254, Box 40, Loreburn SK S0H 2S0, by the 21st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Nona Stronski, Assessor. ______

R.M. of McKillop No. 220 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of McKillop No. 220 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 25, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of McKillop No. 220, Box 369, Strasbourg SK S0G 4V0, by the 25th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Barbara A. Griffin, Assessor. ______

R.M. of North No. 437 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of No. 437 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 14 to June 14, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of North Battleford No. 437, 1101-101st St., North Battleford SK S9A 0Z5, by the 14th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Debbie Arsenault, Assessor.


R.M. of St. Louis No. 431 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of St. Louis No. 431 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 21, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of St. Louis No. 431, Box 28, Hoey SK S0J 1E0, by the 21st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Louise Hodgson, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Sutton No. 103 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Sutton No. 103 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 21, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of Sutton No. 103, Box 100, Mossbank SK S0H 3G0, by the 21st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Sherry Green, Assessor. ______

R.M. of Usborne No. 310 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Usborne No. 310 for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 21, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, R.M. of Usborne No. 310, Box 310, Lanigan SK S0K 2M0, by the 21st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

G. Keith Schulze, Assessor. ______

Urban Municipalities Village of Chamberlain Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Chamberlain for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor, by appointment, on the following days: April 30 to May 31, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. 1120 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, along with the appropriate fees, with: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, Village of Chamberlain, Box 8, Chamberlain SK S0G 0R0, by the 31st day of May, 2010. Dated this 30th day of April, 2010.

D. Flavel, Assessor. ______

Village of Disley Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Disley for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor by calling (306) 731-3355 for an appointment, on the following days: May 20 to June 21, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Village of Disley, R.R. 1, Lumsden SK S0G 3C0, by the 21st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Rhonda Woelk, Assessor. ______

Town of Fleming Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Fleming for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following day: Wednesdays, May 21 to June 23, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Town of Fleming, Box 129, Fleming SK S0G 1R0, by the 23rd day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Helen Gurski, Assessor. ______

Town of Herbert Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Herbert for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 10 to June 9, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Town of Herbert, Box 370, Herbert SK S0H 2A0, by the 9th day of June, 2010. Dated this 7th day of May, 2010.

Raegan Funk, Assessor.


Village of Maryfield Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Maryfield for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to July 2, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: Ms. Christina Krismer, Village of Maryfield, 31 Wilkie Rd., Regina SK S4S 5Y3, by the 2nd day of July, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010. Ward Frazer, Assessor. ______

Resort Village of Pelican Pointe Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Resort Village of Pelican Pointe for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor by appointment, on the following days: May 22, May 29 and June 5, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Resort Village of Pelican Pointe, Box 187, Silton SK S0G 4L0, by the 19th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010. Lynda Stack, Assessor. ______

Resort Village of South Lake Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Resort Village of South Lake for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the following days: Tuesday to Thursday, May 1 to June 16, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Resort Village of South Lake, 417-310 Main St. N, Moose Jaw SK S6H 3K1, by the 16th day of June, 2010. Dated this 1st day of May, 2010.

Tracy Edwards, Assessor. ______

Resort Village of Sunset Cove Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Resort Village of Sunset Cove for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor by appointment, on the following days: May 22, May 29 to June 5, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has not been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. 1122 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, May 21, 2010

Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Resort Village of Sunset Cove, Box 2, Silton SK S0G 4L0, by the 19th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Lynda Stack, Assessor. ______

Town of Vonda Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Vonda for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on the following days: Tuesday to Thrusday, May 1 to June 1, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Town of Vonda, Box 308, Vonda SK S0K 4N0, by the 1st day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Linda Denis, Assessor. ______

The Northern Municipalities Act [subsection 213(1)] ______

NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Northern Village of Beauval Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Northern Village of Beauval for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 21 to June 18, 2010. A bylaw pursuant to section 213(1) of The Northern Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Northern Village of Beauval, Box 19, Beauval SK S0M 0G0, by the 18th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Lydia Gauthier, Assessor. ______

Northern Village of Buffalo Narrows Pursuant to subsection 213(1) of The Northern Municipalities Act, notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Northern Village of Buffalo Narrows for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 7 to June 6, 2010, except statutory holidays. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment or classification to the Board of Revision is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Administrator, Northern Village of Buffalo Narrows, Box 98, Buffalo Narrows SK S0M 0J0, by the 6th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Therese Chartier, Administrator.


Northern Village of Green Lake Pursuant to subsection 213(1) of The Northern Municipalities Act, notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Northern Village of Green Lake for the year 2010 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. on the following days: Monday to Friday, May 13 to June 15, 2010. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment or classification to the Board of Revision is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Northern Village of Green Lake, Box 128, Green Lake SK S0M 1B0, by the 15th day of June, 2010. Dated this 21st day of May, 2010.

Tina Rasmussen, Assessor. ______

The Saskatchewan Insurance Act ______

Notice of CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME Notice is hereby given that AIG United Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company Canada changed its corporate name to Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company, with Canadian Head Office at 400-1 Toronto St., in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario. And take notice that the effective date of the corporate name change of the said company was April 16, 2010. Dated at Toronto ON, this 20th day of April, 2010.

Andrew Charles, President & CEO, Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company. 14/21 ______


Rules Relating to Petitions and Private Bills The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, by visiting the Legislative Assembly website or on application to: Gregory A. Putz Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Room 239, Legislative Building Regina SK S4S 0B3 Telephone: (306)787-2377 E-mail: [email protected] * For further information regarding the Private Bills Committee, visit the Committees pages of the Legislative Assembly Website at


Règlements relatifs aux pétitions et aux projets de loi d’intérêt privé Les règlements de l’Assemblée législative relatifs aux délais prescrits pour le dépôt de pétitions et de projets de loi d’intérêt privé, ainsi que d’autres renseignements à ce sujet sont disponibles en tout temps au site Web de l’Assemblée législative ou auprès de la greffière en s’adressant à: Gregory A. Putz Greffièr de l’Assemblée législative Bureau 239, Palais législatif Regina SK S4S 0B3 Téléphone: (306) 787-2377 Courriel: [email protected] * D’autres renseignements au sujet du Comité des projets de loi d’intérêt privé sont disponibles sous le titre « Committees » au site Web de l’Assemblée législative au :



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