Regional Newsletter, December 2019 Regional Newsletter, December 2019 Elizabeth (Fizz) Williamson (LSHTM) and (out-going) In this issue vice-president Martin Ridout (University of Kent) as their ELIZABETH WILLIAMSON elected terms come to an end. However, I am very Welcome to the Winter 2019-2020 issue of the newsletter pleased to welcome Kirsty Hassall (Rothamstead Re- of the British and Irish Region of the IBS. Due to unavoid- search; who continues her time on the committee after able absences, we had no summer newsletter so this is a joining in 2018) and Andy Lynch (University of St An- bumper edition! As well as the usual offerings from our drews) as incoming elected committee members; and regional officers, we have a brief introduction to a new Dan Farewell as the (incoming) vice-president before he committee member (Andy Lynch), reports from meetings takes up the role as president in 2021. Kirsty will also take that have happened over the last year, reports from bur- on the important communication role from Fizz as the sary awardees, and a note about an exciting upcoming Biometric Bulleting and BIR newsletter correspondent. meeting in the field of statistical genetics and genomics. Finally, in terms of committee members, Emanuele Gior- Kirsty Hassall will be taking over the newsletter after gio (Lancaster University) will also step down from the this issue. If you have any items or news you would like to committee at the end of this calendar year so that Rafael share with the society in future newsletters, please send De Andrade Moral (Maynooth University) has been co- a message to
[email protected].