[email protected] November 1, 2019 Public Utility Commission of Oregon Filing Center 201 High Street SE, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1088 Salem, Oregon 97301 RE: UM ___ – Idaho Power Company’s Application for Transportation Electrification Plan Attention Filing Center: Pursuant to OAR 860-087-0020, Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or “Company”) submits the enclosed Transportation Electrification Plan (“TE Plan”) for acceptance by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon (“Commission”). Idaho Power’s TE Plan contains the Company’s long-term strategy to accelerate TE in its Oregon service area. Given the current state of the TE market in Idaho Power’s Oregon service area, the Company’s TE Plan is largely focused on improving the visibility and awareness of electric vehicles (“EV”). Through education and awareness, Idaho Power aims to accelerate TE by contributing to increased adoption of EVs, and access to electricity as a form of transportation fuel. Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order finding that the Company’s TE Plan meets the requirements of OAR 860-087-0020. The Company also requests that the Commission waive (per OAR 860-087-0001) OAR 860-087-0020(2)(d), which requires Idaho Power to present its TE Plan at a public meeting, if the Commission finds that presentation of the Company’s modest TE Plan, reflecting the limited EV penetration in its Oregon service area, would not materially benefit the Commission. It is respectfully requested that all formal data requests to the Company regarding this filing be addressed to the following: By email (preferred):
[email protected] By regular mail: Lisa Nordstrom Lead Counsel Idaho Power Company 1221 W.