{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download Kutath by C.J. Cherryh ISBN 13: 9780886778699. The Faded Sun Trilogy: Kesrith, Shon'jir, and Kutath. Cherryh, C. J. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. All three books in C.J. Cherryh's epic The Faded Sun trilogy, Kesrith, Shon'jir, and Kutath , collected in one volume. They were the mri—tall, secretive, bound by honor and the rigid dictates of their society. For aeons this golden-skinned, golden-eyed race had provided the universe mercenary soldiers of almost unimaginable ability. But now the mri have faced an enemy unlike any other—an enemy whose only way of war is widespread destruction. These "humans" are mass fighters, creatures of the herb, and the mri have been slaughtered like animals. Now, in the aftermath of war, the mri face extinction. It will be up to three individuals to save whatever remains of this devastated race: a warrior—one of the last survivors of his kind; a priestess of this honorable people; and a lone human—a man sworn to aid the enemy of his own kind. Can they retrace the galaxy-wide path of this nomadic race back through millennia to reclaim the ancient world that first gave them life? "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. C. J. Cherryh planned to write since the age of ten. When she was older, she learned to use a typewriter while triple-majoring in Classics, Latin, and Greek. With more than seventy books to her credit, and the winner of three Hugo Awards, she is one of the most prolific and highly respected authors in the science fiction field. Cherryh was recently named a Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. She lives in Washington state. She can be found at cherryh.com. Praise for the Faded Sun trilogy: "This is a powerful story. inspiring in its determination and feeling of strange loyalties and stranger courage. It sticks in the mind long after the last page is finished." — Analog. " Carefully wrought . Cherryh demonstrates an almost clinical eye for detail, creating an alien race in depth." — Publishers Weekly. “The Faded Sun Trilogy has an air of being something that was, that is, that could still be. This book is timeless and enduring .” —SF Site. “Cherryh is a master of world-building . Faded Sun has everything: well-defined alien cultures that are actually alien, some intriguing philosophical questions, a Soft SF look at cultural integration and extinction, a fluid struggle of political intrigue, developed planetary ecology, and a proper epic backdrop of intergalactic war for this amazing space opera.” —Battered, Tattered, Yellowed, & Creased Blog. Kutath - Die sterbende Sonne. Kutath ist ein uralter, sterbender Planet, von lebensfeindlichen Wüsten bedeckt, in denen eine tödliche Tierwelt sich einen erbarmungslosen Überlebenskampf liefert, mit gewaltigen tiefen Becken einstiger Meere, in die seit Jahrzehntausenden der Sand rinnt. Dies ist die Heimatwelt der Mri, der gefürchtetsten Kriegerrasse der Galaxis, die seit Jahrmillionen als Söldner im Dienst anderer Rassen gekämpft haben, zuletzt im Dienst der Regul - gegen die Menschheit. Sten Duncan, dem Ob Tak, Einzelkämpfer und Spezialist für gefährliche taktische Oberflächenaufgaben, ist es gelungen, das Vertrauen der letzten überlebenden Mri zu gewinnen, indem er einer ihresgleichen wurde. Sowohl Menschen wie Regul liebäugeln mit dem Gedanken, sich diese gefährliche Rasse ein für allemal vom Halse zu schaffen, indem sie Kutath in eine atomare Hölle verwandeln. Verzweifelt kämpft Duncan darum, den Holocaust zu verhindern. Kutath by C.J. Cherryh. Welcome, Voyager! You are the th sapient being to visit this outpost since its founding. Wormholes have opened. Returning probes indicate routes to allied worlds. To enter the website : touch the central world. The BLOG ACTION and comments are at: CLOSED CIRCLE: Backlist and new or revised E-books not available elsewhere: 100% of price goes to the writer: me, Jane S. Fancher, Lynn Abbey. We support DRM-free books. This page was last updated August 16, 2012. Look for us at Fencon in Dallas, in Sept. 2012, and at Soonercon in Oklahoma City around June of 2013. We may also appear without much warning (weather permitting) in various conventions in Washington and Montana. All contents Copyright 2012 by C.J. Cherryh, except as specifically noted. I (CJ) am the Webmaster here, which accounts for almost everything. hypnos. by C.J. Cherryh grim, dry, melancholy, frustrating, riveting, endearing, and tragic are all good words to describe this moving anti-epic. well it looks like there are two more words to add to this list, moving and anti-epic. now how about another: bromantic. grim : this trilogy is about a human and two members of an alien race known as the Mri, their long flight back to their homeworld and what they find there. this is not an "adventure". it is a stark, dark tale about how easily betrayal can be rationalized and, more importantly, how hard it can be to survive that betrayal if your version of survival equals never giving an inch to your betrayers - or your allies. dry : this trilogy is austere and introspective, and Cherryh evinces little humor and lightness in the telling. yet the dryness works perfectly and never comes across as pretentious. she approaches her subjects in a careful, detached manner and that style is a perfect fit for her story. melancholy : one character gives up everything. two characters lose everything. they do not spend much time in reflection on the things they lost, but that loss pervades the atmosphere and their characterization from beginning to end. frustrating : it is not the novels that frustrate, it is the characters within. the Mri are a frustratingly pure race. they do not negotiate. they do not take prisoners. they view all non-Mri as un-people; the definition of "Mri" is "the People" while all others are "tsi-Mri", or "not the People". they do not bend, they do not yield. they are a hard people and the fact that so many others are set against them makes their single-mindedness even more frustrating. why in the world would a human want to become one of them? Cherryh makes that decision understandable and the harsh Mri strangely noble, without turning them into that infernal cliché, the "noble savage". riveting : there is much that quickens the pulse. an attempt at genocide. dangerous journeys through wastelands. political intrigue. challenges and duels and games with throwing blades. how tough it is to travel in the dark of space. spaceships bringing fire and destruction upon abandoned cities. men learning to find true connection despite an automatic inequality between them. a woman becoming a strong and fearless leader. endearing : the dusei are empathic bear-like sidekicks to the Mri. they are scary and adorable and a fully conceived alien species. Cherryh really outdid herself in creating these fascinating, wonderful creatures. she made me dream about them. tragic : there are two horrific slaughters in this trilogy and they cast a long shadow on all subsequent actions in the narrative. the entire journey is suffused with such a deep sadness; the tragedies made this trilogy genuinely depressing but not in a way that made me want to stop reading - in a way that made me consider all such slaughters. I admired Cherryh's ability to make these tragedies so terrible and yet so resonant. these tragedies are what happen to people like the Mri, in science fiction and in our own real world. moving : and yet ultimately this is not a depressing work. there is much that saddens and despair is woven throughout the story. but this isn't about the end of a people; this is about how a people can perhaps survive, on their own terms. and it is a story with flawed, real characters who will stay with me. anti-epic : do not expect sturm und drang. despite everything I listed under riveting and tragic , the music this trilogy plays is all in minor notes. things are not made to be larger-than-life; instead they are precisely the size of individual lives, no matter how great the stakes. it is not operatic, it is intimate. bromantic : at the heart of this saga is the story of a friendship between two men, a human and an alien. watching this relationship evolve into something real and lasting was amazing. the (platonic) love that grows between them is the foundation of the entire trilogy; it is the best part of these excellent novels. Kutath by C.J. Cherryh. C.J. Cherryh : Bio and Bibliography. (c) 2002 by C.J. Cherryh. Resident of the Pacific NW. BA in Latin in 1964, U of Okla; MA in Classics at Johns Hopkins U. in Maryland, 1965; and additional language course at OU in 1967. Academic awards and Honors : American Classical League Scholarship 1960; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Woodrow Wilson Fellow 1964-5 in Classics. Literary Award Nominations : Hugo Award, novel The Faded Sun: Kesrith, and short story at Seacon, Brighton, England, 1979; Nebula Award, novel The Faded Sun: Kesrith and short story Cassandra, 1979; Hugo Award, novel in 1982 at Chicago IL, Chicon; Hugo Award, Chanur's Venture, 1985, Hugo Award, novel Cuckoo's Egg, at Atlanta in 1987; nominated Hugo Award, novel , in Boston, 1989. Literary Awards (won) : John W. Campbell Award 1977 voted by the World Science Fiction Association at The World Convention: SUNCON, Miami FL, for Best New Writer; Hugo Award, short story Cassandra at The World Convention: SEACON, Brighton, England, 1979; Hugo Award, novel Downbelow Station in 1982 at the World Convention at CHICON, Chicago IL; Locus Award: Cyteen, Best SF Novel of 1988; Hugo Award, novel Cyteen in 1989, at the World Convention at Boston, Mass, NOREASCON. Guest of Honor at Bucconeer, the 1998 World Science Fiction Convention, in Baltimore, MD. Academic specializations and areas of reasonable competency: Latin, Greek, bronze age myth as related to archaeology; field archaeology (qualified but never practiced); law of early Roman Empire; history of engineering; French (professional translator); Italian and other languages in which I can at least get a drink of water and directions to the train station; was once classroom teacher. Informal training and areas of personal interest: human genetics, astronomy, space science and aeronautics, astrophysics, botany, geology, climatology (some of this formal education, where it crosses my archaeological studies); cosmology, anthropology; technology in general with practical and anthropological considerations. Professional experience teaching Latin, Greek, Ancient History; writing; semiprofessional in archaeological photography. Hobbies: travel, weaving, aquariums, dinosaurs, art, ice skating. oh! One other award: a silver medal in very-beginner figures. Jane won gold, because she went straight and I fell onto my right inside edge and traced a very embarrassing half circle clear across the ice. I write full time; I travel; I try out things. The list includes, present and past tense: fencing, riding, archery, firearms, ancient weapons, donkeys, elephants, camels, butterflies, frogs, wasps, turtles, bees, ants, falconry, exotic swamp plants and tropicals, lizards, wilderness survival, fishing, sailing, street and ice skating, mechanics, carpentry, wiring, painting (canvas), painting (house), painting (interior), sculpture, aquariums both fresh and salt, needlepoint, bird breeding, furntiture refinishing, video games, archaeology, Roman, Greek civ, Crete, Celts, and caves. I've traveled from New York to Istanbul and Troy; outrun a dog pack at Thebes, and seen Columbia lift on her first flight. I've fallen down a muddy chute in a Cretan cave, nearly drowned in the Illinois River, broken an arm, been kicked and tossed by horses, fended off an amorous merchant in a Turkish tent bazaar, fought a prairie fire, slept on deck in the Adriatic, and driven Picadilly Circus at rush hour. I've waded in two oceans and four of the seven seas, I've seen Halley's Comet from Australia's far coast, and I want to visit the Amazon, the Serengeti, and see the Erebus volcano in Antarctica. I've seen the Northern Lights and experienced tornadoes and a small earthquake. I choose to live downwind of five active volcanoes, (one of which has just waked up) and directly atop the evidence of world-class cataclysms: lava flow and Ice Age flood. I love snow and cold, and with my good friend , I took up figure skating at 61. I took silver (to her gold) in my first small competion six months later. We practice the sport daily, and we both have ambitions to compete in adult Nationals. if I can ever get my outside back edges steady. I see this planet as part of the whole universe: I'm stuck on it a while, and until I get the chance to get off it---(I want to do a flyby of Mars and take a look at Nix Olympica and the Vallis Marinaris, personally; and I want to see Titan and Saturn's rings and the Red Spot on Jupiter)--- I don't plan to neglect where I am either, and I'm keeping a constantly updated list of wonders this planet has to see. Bibilography. C.J. Cherryh. Gate of Ivrel 1976 Daw Books; Futura Press, Britain; Editrice Nord, Italy as LA PORTA DI IVREL; Ateneo, Argentina; Heyne Verlag, Germany; OPTA, France; Holland; Metheuen, Britain; combined with WELL OF SHIUAN and FIRES OF AZEROTH as THE BOOK OF MORGAINE for the SFBC; adapted by Jane S. Fancher in graphic novel format, as the GATE OF IVREL graphic set. Well of Shiuan: 1978 DAW; Heyne Verlag, Germany; Metheuen, GB; Holland; Argentina; SFBC. Fires of Azeroth 1979 DAW: Heyne Verlag, Germany; Metheuen, GB; Holland. The Book of Morgaine SFBC combination of Morgaine books. Brothers of Earth 1976 DAW; Futura, GB; Opta, France; SFBC; Heyne Verlag, CHRONIKEN DER ZUKUNFT. Hunter of Worlds 1976 DAW; Futura, Britain; Orbit, Britain; J'ai Lu, France; SFBC; Heyne Verlag, Germany; Editrice Nord, Italy as I SIGNORI DEGLI STELLI. The Faded Sun: Kesrith 1977 DAW; SFBC; British SFBC; serialized (condensed) GALAXY magazine; Heyne Verlag, Germany; Hayakawa Books, Japan; OPTA, France as SOLEIL MORT: KESRITH; nominated Nebula and Hugo Awards. The Faded Sun: Shon'jir 1978 DAW; British SFBC; Heyne Verlag, Germany; Hayakawa, Japan; OPTA, France. The Faded Sun: Kutath 1979 DAW; SFBC; British SFBC; Heyne Verlag, Germany; Hayakawa, Japan; OPTA, France. Serpent's Reach DAW 1980; SFBC: MacDonald, Britain hb; Orbit, Britain pb.; Heyne Verlag, Germany as DAS BISS DER SCHLANGE 1984; J'ai Lu, France as LES SEIGNEURS DE L'HYDRE. DAw 1979; * ROMANE UN ERZAHLUNGEN, Heyne Verlag, Germany; J'ai Lu, France; DIGA SULLA PIANETA HESTIA, Italy, Urania Press; Israel. Sunfall DAW 1981; SFBC; J`ai Lu, France as LES ADIEUX DE SOLEIL; collection, contains original publication of: The Only Death in the City. The Haunted Tower. Wave without a Shore DAW, 1981; J'ai Lu, France. The Green Gods by Charles and Nathalie Henneberg; DAW 1980; translator. Star Crusade by Pierre Barbet DAW, 1980; translator. Downbelow Station DAW 1981; SFBC; German, Heyne Verlag; SLAN, Italy as LA LEGA DEI MONDI OSCURI; France, OPTA as FORTERESSE DES ETOILES ; Britain, Metheuen Hugo Award, 1981. The Pride of Chanur DAW Books, 1982; SFBC; condensed in Science Fiction Digest; Britain 1983, Metheuen; J'ai Lu, France; Hugo nominee. Merchanter's Luck DAW 1982; SFBC; Metheuen, Britain; J'ai Lu, France as L'OPERA DE L'ESPACE 1983. Port Eternity DAW 1982; SFBC. DAW Books March 1983; contains in substantially changed form, the short story "The Dreamstone" and the novelette: "Ealdwood"; Heyne Verlag, Germany; SFBC with TREE OF SWORDS AND JEWELS as ARAFEL's SAGA from SFBC; also Holland; J'ai Lu, France. The Tree of Swords and Jewels DAW August 1983; sequel to THE DREAMSTONE, qv. 40000 in Gehenna Phantasia 1983, special ed.; DAW Books 1984, first mass market; SFBC. Voyager in Night DAW March 1984; SFBC. Chanur's Venture Phantasia 1984 special ed; DAW BOOKS 1985 first mass market; SFBC. The Book of Shai by Daniel Walther DAW 1984 Jan; translator. Cuckoo's Egg Phantasia lim. ed 1985; DAW first mass market 1985; Hugo nominee. The Kif Strike Back Phantasia lim ed 1985; DAW First mass market 1985. Angel with a Sword DAW hb Sept. 1985, first DAW hb. Visible Light DAW 1985-6; anthology with original publication of . Chanur's Homecoming Phantasia 1986; DAW Jan 1987; SFBC 1987. Soul of the City with Janet Morris and Lynn Abbey Ace Books Jan 1986, a Thieves World novel. Kings in Hell with Janet Morris Baen Books, Mar 1986; a Heroes in Hell novel, HB and paper. Gates of Hell with Janet Morris, Baen Books, Merovingen Nights editor DAW Book 1987; shared universe sequel to Angel with the Sword. Festival Moon DAW Books, 1987. Fever Season DAW Books, 1987. Troubled Waters DAW Books, 1988. Smugglers' Gold DAW Books, 1988. Divine Right DAW Books, 1989. Flood Tide DAW Books, 1990. End Game DAW Books, 1991. Exiles' Gate DAW Books, January 1988; Metheuen, Mandarin Books, 1989. Legions of Hell Baen Books, 1987. Baen Books, 1988; SFBC 1988. Cyteen Warner Books HC 1988; NEL 1989; SFBC 1988: published in paper, 1989 as CYTEEN: The Betrayal; CYTEEN: The Rebirth; CYTEEN: The Vindication; Locus Award 1989 as Best SF Novel of 1988; Hugo Award, best novel 1988 at NOREASCON in Boston, 1989. Warner Books HC 1989; NEL 1990. Ballantine Books HC, OCT. 1989; Metheun, England, 1990; Easton Press First Editions 1990; Chernevog Ballantine Books, HC, 1990; Metheuen, England, 1990? Easton Press First Editions 1990; Heavy Time Warner Books, HC, 1991; NEL 1991. Yvgenie Ballantine Books, HC, 1991; Metheun, England, 1991; Easton Press. Goblin Mirror Ballantine Books, HC, 1994; trade, Random House UK. Hellburner Warner Books HC 1994, Hodder Stoughton UK 1994. Faery in Shadow Ballantine Books, pb, 1994; trade, Random House UK 1995. Warner Books HB 1995, pb 1996; Hodder Stoughton UK. Foreigner DAW Books 1994, pb 1995. Invader DAW Books May 1995 HB. Fortress in the Eye of Time Harper Collins May 1995, pb 1996. Rider at the Gate Warner Books Aug 1995, pb Aug 1996. Inheritor , DAW Books, March 1996. Cloud's Rider, Warner Books, September 1996, pb Aug 1997. Lois & Clark: A Superman Novel, Prima Publications, September 1996, trade paper September 1997. Finity's End [Merchanter Universe] Warner Books, August 1997. The Dreaming Tree [reissue of The Dreamstone and Tree of Swords and Jewels with revisions] DAW Books, December 1997. Fortress of Eagles: Harper Collins, January 1998, paper in January 1999. Fortress of Owls: Harper Collins, January 1999. Fortress of Dragons: Harper Collins, March, 2000. Fortress of Ice: Harper Collins, Short Fiction The Dark King Year's Best Fantasy #3 by Lin Carter, DAW Books 1977; The Campbell Award Winners, Bluejay 1984, Geo. Martin ed; also DAS DIGITALE DACHAU, Heyne Verlag, 1985. Cassandra F&SF Oct 1978; WORLDS BESt SF, Donald A Wollheim ed, DAW; Univers 1980, J'ai Lu, France; SCIENCE FICTION STORY READER 13, Heyne Verlag, Germany; NEBULA WINNERS 14, F. Pohl; Poland; Nebula nominee Hugo Award, short story 1979; in SCIENCE FICTION JUbILAUMS BAND: DAS LESEBUCH, Heyne Verlag, 1985. Homecoming Shayol summer 1979 copyright by Flight Unlimited, Inc., all rights reverted to author. Also contained in VISIBLE LIGHT. The Dreamstone; Amazons! by Jessica Amanda Salmonson DAW Books 1980; Germany; Holland, also contained in novel THE DREAMSTONE in revised form. A Gift of Prophecy original pub in Holland; also Germany; not available in English. Ealdwood novelette, Donald M Grant pub, 1981 hc; contained in revised form in THE DREAMSTONE; nominated for World Fantasy Award 1982. Willow ,Hecate's Cauldron by Susan Shwartz, DAW 1981. Sea Change Elsewhere by Terry Windling, ACE 1981. Ischade Shadows of Sanctuary Thieves' World, Rbt. Asprin ed; ACE 1982; SFBC as SANCTUARY. Downwind :Storm Season Thieves' World ACE 1983. Highliner alsoWORLds BEST SF, D. Wollheim ed 1982. The Haunted Tower also YEARS BEst SF, Terry Carr ed. 1982. A Thief in Korianth Flashing Swords #5 Lin Carter, Dell books 1981; SFBC; VISIBLE LIGHT, DAW; Balrog Award 1982. The Last Tower Sorceror's Apprentice magazine 1981 and VISIBLE LIGHT, DAW. Companions The Campbell Award Winners Bluejay 1984, George Martin ed; novellette. Necromant: Faces of Chaos Thieves' World ACE 1983. The Scapegoat: Alien Stars Betsy Mitchell ed Baen Books 1985 Jan; novella. Witching Hour: Wings of Omen Thieves' World Ace, 1984. Pots: Afterwar Janet Morris Baen books 1985, novella. The Prince: Heroes in Hell Janet Morris Baen Books 1985-6. The Brothers Visible Light C.J. Cherryh DAW; novelette. The Unshadowed Land Swords and Sorceresses II Marion Z. Bradley; DAW 1985. Dagger in the Mind Thieves world Abbey/Cherryh/Morris, Berkley 1986. Death in the Meadow Thieves World same vol. Conscience of the King with Nancy Asire; Heroes Baen 1987. Monday Morning Rebels in Hell Baen 1986. Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth Crusaders in Hell Baen 1987. Pawn in Play Heroes Baen 1987. Mech Future Crime. NONFICTION. A rms and the Writer , Writers Digest 1979; FICTION WRITERS MARKET 1981-3. To the Rescue CAT FANCY 1977. Futurewar : afterward in novel. article, personal note in Faces of Science Fiction Patti Perret; Bluejay 1985. Miscellaneous star maps and misc. in THE COMPANY WARS, game from MAYFAIR GAMES 1983. The Faded Sun: Kutath (1979) Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. No current Talk conversations about this book. And as the mri trilogy comes to a close with "The Faded Sun: Kutath", it does so with a roller coaster ride into a fantastic ending. Another superb series by CJ Cherryh! Duncan, Nuin and Nuin's sister, the She'pan Melein, have survived the long voyage through space and are on the mri home world of Kutath, with the ever present dusei in tow. After attempting to destroy the last mri in existence, the regul are now trying to convince humans that extermination of the species is necessary if the peace between the regul and humans is to survive. Why else did they track the mri vessel through dozens of galaxies? Will the last of the mri survive? Will the regul make a power grab from the humans? And what will happen to Duncan, human living like mri, in an environment only mri could survive. ( )