Basil Lourié St Petersburg
[email protected] The Slavonic Solunskaja Legenda (“The Thessalonican Legend”) and Its Syriac Original To the memory of Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Zagrebin (1942–2004) 0. Introduction The Solunskaja Legenda (“The Thessalonican Legend”, thereafter SL) is a hagiographical legend about creation of the first Slavic alphabet by some Cyril completely distinct from the brother of Methodius. It certainly belongs to the hagiographical genre that Hippolyte Delehaye would define as “épique”. This is not to say, however, that it is void of historical meaning1. Twenty years ago, in 1994, I proposed an idea that SL is a direct translation from Syriac into Slavonic2. Since then, this idea provoked some interest among the Slavists, especially in Bulgaria3, as well as some criticisms from other Slavists, especially in Russia4. One of the most 1 Cf. H. Delehaye, Les passions des martyrs et les genres littéraires. Deuxième édition, revue et corrigée. SH 13 B; Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 1966). For the historical meaning of the “epic” hagiography, s. В. Лурье, Введение в критическую агиографию [B. Lourié, An Introduction to the Critical Hagiography], St Petersburg: Axiōma, 2009. 2 First presented at an International Conference of Byzantine and Slavic Studies in the Institute of the Slavic and Balkan Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) in 1994, then published as В. М. Лурье, Около Солунской легенды: Из истории миссионерства в период монофелитской унии [B. Lourié, Around the Legend of Thessalonica: From the History of the Missions during the Period of the Monothelete Union], Славяне и их соседи. Вып. 6, Moscow: Индрик, 1996, 23-52.