Transcript of Report of the Committee of Inquiry Into Female Convict Prison Discipline
Enquiry into Female Convict Conduct 1 TRANSCRIPT REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO FEMALE CONVICT PRISON DISCIPLINE Correspondence, Legal Branch CSO 22/1/50 AOT 1 Enquiry into Female Convict Conduct 2 [page 1] RECEIVED Colonial Secretary’s Office, April 26, 1841 Principal Medical Officer’s Office Hobart Town 14 th April 1841 In conformity with the instructions contained in a Government Order 14 th Dec. 1840 a Board of Officers consisting of Dr. John F. Clarke Dy Inspector Gen l of Hospitals }President and Principal Medical Officer Josiah Spode Esq re . Principal Superintendent of Convicts and }Members Sam l Carr Esq re . } Dy Ass t Com sry General :- Assembled and took into consideration the documents laid before it. The Board is of opinion that its investigation will be more usefully directed if confined solely to the practical and useful points, contained in the extract of the Director General of Hospitals, to Mr Under Secretary Stephen, and to those proposed [page 2] by Dr Arthur, late Principal Medical Officer, as the means of improving the efficiency of the Medical Department in this Colony. - That the Colonial Hospital would be placed on the same administration Basis as is adopted in the Army, and that the control placed in the Principal Medical Officer:- seem to the board, rules, whose propriety is admitted and established. - Proceeding therefore to the practical questions, chiefly in Dr Arthur’s Report, the Board is happy in being enabled to state, that this labour is now necessarily much diminished – Many of the abuses and inconveniences which that Gentleman censures, have, since then, been corrected and no longer exist: many of his suggested improvements are in progress of completion.
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