Abstracts of articles TECHNOLOGIES AND MECHANIZATION MEANS IN AGRICULTURE UDK 631.33.022.66 ASSESSMENT OF THE EXPIRATION ACTIVATOR INFLUENCE FOR PRODUCTIVITY OF THE DISK AND PIN SOWING DEVICE Savelyev Yu. A., dr. of techn. sciences, prof. of the department «Agricultural machines and mechanization of animal husband- ry», FSBEI HVE Samara SAA. 446442, Samara region, settlement Ust’-Kinelsky, Sportivnaya, 8-a str. E-mail:
[email protected] Kryuchin N. P., dr. of techn. sciences, prof., head of the department «Mechanics and engineering graphics», FSBEI HVE Sama- ra SAA. 446442, Samara region, settlement Ust’-Kinelsky, Sportivnaya 8-a str. E-mail:
[email protected] Kryuchin A. N., post-graduate student of the department «Agricultural machines and mechanization of animal husbandry», FSBEI HVE Samara SAA. 446442, Samara region, settlement Ust’-Kinelsky, Sportivnaya 8-a str. E-mail:
[email protected] Keywords: productivity, seeds, disk-pin, meter, apparatus, activator. The aim of the research is increasing the performance of the sowing unit disk-pin through the use of the activator expiration of seed from the hopper. The most important device of any seeder is the sowing device. He has to create uniform stream of seed material with the set parameters. When dosing seeds of cereal herbs ensuring compliance with this condition is extremely diffi- cult. The special sowing device is developed for dispensing of seeds of a meadow grass and mix of herbs which part they are. Feature of this device is existence of the activator of the expiration of seed material from the bunker providing steady filling with space seeds on the dosing disk that allows to receive high quality indicators of seeding.