Updated AFC Finding Aid Tali Gelenian (summer, 2019) The American Folklife Center boasts an array of materials relating to the life and culture of Armenian-Americans displaced after the diaspora. These materials broadly track the ways in which traditional cultural expressions have been preserved and also evolved since the relocation to the . These are rich and varied collections that document the voices and stories to celebrate Armenian cultural heritage. The American Folklife Center Archives has 124 Armenian-related materials in their catalog. [complete record: page 1, page 2] Highlights within these materials include forty-nine audio recordings available for online listening featuring Armenian bands and musicians based in Fresno, California in the late 30s. The recordings are accompanied by photographs of the musicians as well as hand-drawn sketches of their instruments. They are part of the larger Collection, “California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell.” Another robust collection is fieldwork conducted on the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Armenian Elementary School in Watertown, Massachusetts. Fieldworkers JoAnn Bromberg and Vicky Westover documented the ways in which Armenian children being raised in the United States were taught the value of their cultural heritage. It includes a variety of materials including black and white photo enlargements, curriculum materials from the Armenian Relief Society, and audiocassette recordings. This is part of the larger collection, Ethnic Heritage and Language Schools in America Project Collection. [catalog record] [finding aid] For additional resources related to Armenia, please visit the African and Middle Eastern Division (AMED) within the Library of Congress. The African and Middle Eastern Reading Room houses extensive materials about Armenia. The entirety of their collection comprises materials written exclusively in Armenian. Links to AMED’s resources include: Armenia and Georgia from the Near East Collection "To Know Wisdom and Instruction": The Armenian Literary Tradition at the Library of Congress

AFC 1940/001: California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell This collection provides a remarkable survey of living folk musical traditions found in Northern California during the late 1930s and 1940 in a wide variety of musical styles. It includes the folk music of immigrants who arrived in the United States from the turn of the century through the 1920s including the Armenian community in Fresno, California. The following is the complete selection of Armenian materials within this collection, and is comprised of forty-nine audio recordings, twenty-five photographs of the musicians and their instruments as well as twenty- three additional photos and drawings of the instuments. Find the complete collection here A corresponding article, “Armenian American Song” by the Library of Congress about the collection and the musical tradition of in the United States. Forty-nine audio recordings available for online listening featuring Armenian bands and musicians in 1939. Also included is a commentary by Sidney Robertson Cowell on the Armenian Orchestra. Audio available to download in MP3 or WAV format. • afc1940001_a4244a1 Camel's caravan 2

o Jack Aslanian, vocals and violin; Bedros Haroutunian, ; Archie Krotlian, ; Mesrout Takakjian, clarinet. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish dance music on April 23, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (3:07 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4234a1 Kele-kele o Dance song. LC romanized form of title: Kele-kele. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:02 minutes) : MP3 & WAV o Audio cuts off at 00:38 seconds • afc1940001_a4234a2 Ham gul ham vart = Both rose (in Armenian) and rose (in Turkish) o Dust jacket notes: Dance song, sung in Armenian dialect with some Turkish words. LC romanized form of title: Ham giwl ham vard. Translation of song title listed on dust jacket as: "Both rose and narcissus." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:24 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4234b1 Yes saren gukiji = As I came from the hill o LC romanized form of title: Yes saren kugayi. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:56 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4234b2 Alagaz bartzer sare = Alagaz Mountain o Dust jacket notes: Song of longing for Armenian homeland. Dust jacket notes: This song is not the same as AFS 4236 A1. LC romanized form of title: Alageaz bardzr sar e. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:51 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4235a1 Yar ounei = I had a sweetheart o Inscribed on dust jacket by Sidney Robertson Cowell: "A soldier's song. The names of the cities in the song should be Batoum [Batumi, Georgian S.S.R.]. Tifflis [Tbilisi, Georgian S.S.R.], and Erevan [Yerevan, Armenian S.S.R.], instead of New York, Boston, and Fresno. An Armenian soldier comes back from war and found his folks were slain by enemies." LC romanized form of title: Yar unei. Yellow song check-list notes: "Not a dance, he says." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. 3

o 1 sound file (2:47 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4235a2 Googen ara = I took the earthen jar to the well, a love song o LC romanized form of title: Kuzhn ara. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:52 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4235b1 Inchoo Bingol medar = Why did you enter Bingol? o Dust jacket notes: "A dance song." LC romanized form of title: Inchu Bingole mtar. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:34 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4235b2 Godou ges goreg = A bird's song o Dust jacket notes: Dance song. LC romanized form of title: Kotu kes korek. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:56 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4236a1 Alagaz = Alagaz Mountain o LC romanized form of title: Alageaz. Yellow song check-list notes: "Song begins with hum. It is not the same as 56M B2." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (3:03 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4236b1 Mogatz Mirza, lament for Mogatz Mirza o LC romanized form of title: Mokats Mirza. Yellow song check-list notes: "Told in the traditional narrative song style, starting high -- dropping pitch and volume at end of line." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:20 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4236b2 De le yaman o A love song. LC romanized form of title: Te-le yaman. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field recordings documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:28 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4237a1 Hoy nazanem = Those coy darlings 4

o Also issued on the American Folklife Center's Bi-Centennial recording series "Folk Music in America" on LBC 6: SONGS OF MIGRATION & IMMIGRATION as "Hay nazanem yarer." Inscribed on dust jacket by Sidney Robertson Cowell: "Making fun of Armenian girls in America who turn up their noses at farmers and laborers and want only doctors and lawyers for their husbands." LC romanized form of title: Hoy nazan im. Yellow song check-list notes: Song refers to Armenianized American city names, such as "Bostoni," "Feresno," and New Yorki." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno- Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:23 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4237a2 Yaylough's = The Kerchief o Dust jacket notes: Dialogue song. LC romanized form of title: Yaylughs. Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno- Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:43 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4237b1 Andouni = Longing for the homeland o LC romanized form of title: Antuni. Translation of song title listed on dust jacket as: "The Homeless." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California o 1 sound file (2:59 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4237b2 Erivan bachem arer = I've bought a garden grove in Yerevan o LC romanized form of title: Erevan bagh em arel. Translation of song title listed on dust jacket as: "I've kissed at Erivan." Ruben J. Baboyan, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Ruben J. Baboyan performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on April 16, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:09 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4244b1 Three dances o Played on violin by Jack Aslanian, with accompaniment on clarinet by Mesrout Takajian. Occasional verse sung by Jack Aslanian. Jack Aslanian, vocals and violin; Mesrout Takakjian, clarinet. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish dance music on April 23, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (4:21 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4238a1 Kirgus dan Maral ahtchik = I take Maral in my arms o LC romanized form of title: Girks tan Maral aghjik. Mary Goshtigian, vocals and oud. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Mary and Hartop Goshtigian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs and music on April 17, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. 5

o 1 sound file (3:24 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4238b1 Heline = Helene o Dust jacket notes: Dance song. Mary Goshtigian, vocals and oud. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Mary and Hartop Goshtigian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs and music on April 17, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (4:24 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • • afc1940001_a4266a2 Nashkoon gakavig = Colorful partridge o Dust jacket notes: Children's song. LC romanized form of title: Nashkhun kakawik. Translation of song title listed on dust jacket as: "Coloured dove." Performed by Siranoosh Shapazian, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Siranoosh Shapazian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on October 30, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fowler, California. o 1 sound file (00:51 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4266a3 Karoon agav = The Spring came o LC romanized form of title: Garun ekaw. Performed by Siranoosh Shapazian, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Yellow song check-list notes: AFS 4266 "A3 is a very interesting song but she sang off pitch. (Pitches are odd but not supposed to be as odd as this!)" Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Siranoosh Shapazian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on October 30, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fowler, California. o 1 sound file (00:56 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4266a1 Vairy zagig = Wild flower o LC romanized form of title: Vayri dzaghik. Siranoosh Shapazian, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Siranoosh Shapazian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on October 30, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fowler, California. o 1 sound file (1:58 minutes) : MP3 & WAV o 1:07-1:10 severe audio distortion • afc1940001_a4266a4 Mangig ev turtchnig = The Child and the bird o LC romanized form of title: Mankik ew trchnik. Translation of song title listed on dust jacket as: "Boys and the bird." Yellow song check-list notes: "A children's game song. Lovely tune. Hum." Siranoosh Shapazian, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Siranoosh Shapazian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on October 30, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fowler, California. o 1 sound file (1:29 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4265b3 Tsakig, makig = The Gosling o Dust jacket notes: Children's song. LC romanized form of title: Dzagik, magik. Yellow song check-list notes: "Pitches too much askew!" Siranoosh Shapazian, unaccompanied vocals. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials 6

documenting Siranoosh Shapazian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs on October 30, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fowler, California. o 1 sound file (00:55 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4245a1 Armenian soldier's march o Audio recording featuring: Jack Aslanian, violin; Bedros Haroutunian, qanun; Archie Krotlian, oud; Mesrout Takakjian, clarinet. Opening solo on oud. Materials document Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra performing Armenian and Armeno- Turkish dance music on April 23, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (3:54 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4245b1 Song of freedom o Dust jacket notes: The qanun plays the opening solo. Jack Aslanian, violin; Bedros Haroutunian, qanun; Archie Krotlian, oud; Mesrout Takakjian, clarinet. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish dance music on April 23, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (4:00 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4245a2 Tuning of violin [as a kemanche] o Jack Aslanian, violin. Includes explanation of tuning process by Sidney Robertson. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish dance music on April 23, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:01 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4241a1 Tuning of zurna o Zurna tuning introduced by Sidney Robertson Cowell. Joe Bedrosian, zurna; Sidney Robertson Cowell, narration. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Joe Bedrosian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the zurna on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (00:29 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4241a2 Yankee Doodle o Following the selection, Sidney Robertson Cowell describes Mr. Bedrosian's method of playing the zurna. Joe Bedrosian, zurna; Sidney Robertson Cowell, narration. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Joe Bedrosian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the zurna on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:33 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4241a3 Mountains of Erzeroum o Joe Bedrosian, zurna. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Joe Bedrosian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the zurna on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California o 1 sound file (1:28 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4241b1 Turkish march 7

o Joe Bedrosian, zurna Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Joe Bedrosian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the zurna on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:01 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4241b2 Daki – Tezlana o Dust jacket notes: Armenian dance. Joe Bedrosian, zurna. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Joe Bedrosian performing Armenian and Armeno- Turkish music on the zurna on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California o 1 sound file (1:37 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4238a2 Tuning of oud belonging to Mrs. Goshtigian and a modal scale o Sidney Robertson Cowell describes the tuning of Mrs. Goshtigian's oud before the tuning occurs. Mary Goshtigian, oud; Sidney Robertson Cowell, narrative. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Mary and Hartop Goshtigian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish songs and music on April 17, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (00:42 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4239a1 Taksim (Improvisation) and Sha'ki o Yellow song check-list notes: "Taksim or tah'sim and sha'ki are the names of specific musical forms, the first free in style to show off one's virtuosity, the second stricter in form. A remark interjected by an auditor toward the end is a form of applause. Sometimes shifting pitches are done deliberately by stretching the string with the left hand--it is not a wow in the machine except at the end of the cut." Mary Goshtigian, oud. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Mary and Hartop Goshtigian performing Armenian and Armeno- Turkish songs and music on April 17, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (5:45 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4242a1 Taksim and wedding dance o Sidney Robertson Cowell describes the tuning of the kamanche prior to performance. Yellow song check-list notes: Solo preceeded by "Arabian" tuning. Bedros Haroutunian, kamanche. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Bedros Haroutunian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the kamanche and qanun on April 22, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (4:23 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4242b1 Keri Yerk and tuning of kemancha [kemanche] o Armenian song preceded by tuning of kemanche also described by Sidney Robertson. LC romanized form of title: Kerii erg. Bedros Haroutunian, kamanche. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Bedros Haroutunian performing Armenian music on the kamanche and qanun on April 22, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (4:01 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4243a1 Solo on kanoon [qanun] 8

o Bedros Haroutunian, qanun. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Bedros Haroutunian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the kamanche and qanun on April 22, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (4:09 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4243a2 Tuning of kanoon [qanun] : Open strings o Sidney Robertson Cowell describes the tuning of the qanun prior to performance. Bedros Haroutunian, qanun. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Bedros Haroutunian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the kamanche and qanun on April 22, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (00:42 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4243b1 Tuning of kanoon [qanun] : Complete scale o Sidney Robertson Cowell describes the tuning of the qanun prior to performance. Bedros Haroutunian, qanun. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Bedros Haroutunian performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on the kamanche and qanun on April 22, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (00:40 seconds) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4240a1 Yerp alaygutz = Escape by sea from the Turks o LC romanized form of title: Erb al ayguts. Yellow song check-list notes: "Interrupted at the end by the towel laundryman!" T. Shatinian, blul. In Armenian. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting T. Shatinian performing Armenian music on the blul on April 17, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:52 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4240a2 Solo on syrinx [blul] : kavoll o T. Shatinian, blul. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting T. Shatinian performing Armenian music on the blul on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (2:52 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4241a4 Tuning of syrinx [blul] or k'avoll o Selection introduced by Sidney Robertson Cowell who briefly describes the history and features of the instrument. T. Shatinian, blul; Sidney Robertson Cowell, narration. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting T. Shatinian performing Armenian music on the blul on April 24, 1939, collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California. o 1 sound file (1:57 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4240b1 The Dark cloud and a Caucasian folk song o Dust jacket notes: "This is a modern instrument with silver keys, used because it is much easier to play than the old type called kirnata." LC romanized form of Armenian title: Antsir sew amp. Mesrout Takakjian, clarinet. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra performing Armenian and Armeno-Turkish music on April 23, 1939, by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Fresno, California 9

o 1 sound file (4:18 minutes) : MP3 & WAV • afc1940001_a4244b2 Comments on the Armenian orchestra o Sidney Robertson Cowell discusses the Armenian orchestra, as exemplified by Aslanian's Armenian Orchestra. o 1 sound file (1:06 minutes) : MP3 & WAV

Twenty-five portraits of the Armenian musicians are available to view and download online in GIF, JPEG, or TIFF format. • afc1940/001_p053 Ruben Baboyan, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p054 Jack Bakalian playing dumbelek, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p055 Joe Bedrosian holding zurna, seated, facing front, three-quarter length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p056 Joe Bedrosian playing zurna, seated, left profile, three-quarter length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p057 Joe Bedrosian playing zurna, seated, facing right, half-length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p058 Joe Bedrosian playing zurna, seated, facing left, half-length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p059 Joe Bedrosian playing zurna, left profile, head-and-shoulders portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p060 Joe Bedrosian playing his zurna while being photographed by WPA photographer, photograph • afc1940/001_p063 Hartop Goshtigian playing the violin, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p064-1 Mary Goshtigian playing the oud, seated, portrait, photograph o Copy of negative afc1940/001_p064-2 • afc1940/001_p065-1 Mary Goshtigian standing with oud, full-length portrait, photograph o Copy of negative afc1940/001_p065-2 • afc1940/001_p068 Mary and Hartop Goshtigian playing oud and violin, group portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p069 Bedros Haroutunian playing qanun, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p075 Bedros Haroutunian playing kamanche, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p079 Bedros Haroutunian holding saz, facing front, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p082 Archie Krotlian playing oud, seated, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p083 Archie Krotlian playing oud, half-length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p084 Siranoosh Shapazian, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p085 Vartan Shapazian, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p086 T. Shatinian playing blul, facing left, three-quarter length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p087 T. Shatinian holding blul, facing left, three-quarter length portrait, photograph 10

• afc1940/001_p088 T. Shatinian playing blul near doorway, full-length portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p089-1 T. Shatinian playing blul to the right of doorway, full-length portrait, photograph o Copy of negative afc1940001_p089-2 • afc1940/001_p090 Mesrout Takakjian, portrait, photograph • afc1940/001_p080 Bedros Haroutunian holding saz, facing left, portrait, photograph

Twenty-three additional photos and drawings of the Armenian instruments are available to view and download online in GIF, JPEG, or TIFF format. • afc1940001_d25701: Daph, top, bottom, perspective, and side views, mechanical drawing • afc1940001_d26601: Kamanche, top, side, end, and perspective views, mechanical drawing • afc1940001_d26501: Kamanche, perspective, top, and side views, sketch • afc1940001_d26502: Qanun, top and side views, left side, sketch • afc1940001_d26503: Qanun, top and side views, right side, sketch • afc1940001_d27302: Daph, top, bottom, and side views, sketch • afc1940001_d27601: Blul, side view and sections, mechanical drawing • afc1940001_d27101: Oud, top, side, and end views, mechanical drawing • afc1940001_d28501: Zurna, side view with sections, mechanical drawing • afc1940001_p061: Zurna, close-up of mouthpiece and reeds, photograph • afc1940001_p062: Zurna, full view, photograph • afc1940001_p066: Oud, close-up of fingerboard, photograph • afc1940001_p067: Oud, photograph • afc1940001_p070: Qanun, close-up of tuning mechanism, photograph • afc1940001_p071: Qanun, full view, photograph • afc1940001_p073: J. L. Hall photographing qanun, from rear, photograph • afc1940001_p074: J. L. Hall photographing qanun, left profile, photograph • afc1940001_p076: Kamanche, close-up of bridge and sound holes, photograph • afc1940001_p077: Kamanche, front view, photograph • afc1940001_p078: Kamanche, side view, photograph • afc1940001_p081: Daph, photograph • afc1940001_p082: Archie Krotlian playing oud, seated, portrait, photograph • afc1940001_p083: Archie Krotlian playing oud, half-length portrait, photograph 11

AFC 1942/020: Roy Mitchell and Seamus Doyle New York City Recordings Six 12-inch discs of four Armenian, one Mexican, and three Russian songs recorded in New York City by Seamus Doyle and Roy and Mrs. Roy (Jocelyn Taylor) Mitchell, 1941. Collection of recordings of four Armenian, one Mexican, and three Russian songs, made with equipment loaned by the Archive of Folk Song, Library of Congress. The collection includes correspondence of Roy Mitchell, Jocelyn Taylor Mitchell, and Alan Lomax, 1941-1942 (6 items, 8 leaves) plus song texts in Armenian and Spanish (5 leaves). [catalog record] AFS 6500-6501B: Two discs containing "Anoush Karoun," "Gantchs Groong," and "Tsik tou kashi" sung by Artin L. Shalian. Recorded in New York City, by Seamus Doyle and Roy and Mrs. Roy (Jocelyn Taylor) Mitchell, 1941. (preservation tape LWO 4872 reel 414) AFS 6501B: One disc containing "The Warriors (Heroes) of Sipan" sung by an unidentified performer. Recorded in New York City, by Seamus Doyle and Roy and Mrs. Roy (Jocelyn Taylor) Mitchell, 1941. (preservation tape LWO 4872 reel 414)

AFC 1950/003: Thelma G. James Recording Project Collection of thirty 12-inch discs of Armenian tales and songs performed by Mrs. M. Srabian, Mr. and Mrs. Hupsima Hoogasian, Kazar Hoogasian, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kaprelian, Mrs. Zakarian, and Katoon Mouradian. Collected by Susie Hoogasian Villa and Thelma G. James in cooperation with the Wayne University Folklore Archive, circa 1948-1950. Most of the titles are in English; language of recordings is not identified. The collection includes a song list. (preservation tape LWO 5111) (AFS 9659-9688) [catalog record]

AFC 1961/002: Wayland Hand Collection of Songs and Lore Six 10-inch tapes of songs and stories recorded primarily in the Los Angeles, California, area by Wayland D. Hand, D.K. Wilgus, and various UCLA students, 1956-60. The collection includes 40 pages of correspondence, lyrics, notes, transcripts, and song lists. Includes western folk songs and songs and lore of urban minority groups in California. (LWO 3272) [catalog record] AFS 11,859B: One tape containing Armenia dance music recorded in California by Ed Cray, ca. 1956-1960.

AFC 1973/028:11 : Laura Boulton collection, part 11 music of the peoples of Canada Collection of field recordings of instrumentals, dance music, folk songs, sea songs, ballads and religious music; a folk festival in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1942 with Chippewa, Scots, African American, Romanian, Armenian, Croation, Polish, Norwegian, Czech, Danish, and Russian performers. [catalog record] • 318 sound discs : analog, 78 rpm ; 10 in. and 16 in. • 1 folder manuscripts.

AFC 1976/011: Pekka Gronow and Richard K. Spottwood / Commercial 78 rpm International Music Collection Two 7-inch tapes of dance tunes, humor, and songs, mostly immigrant and non-English language material, from 78 rpm commercial recordings of Armenian, Finnish, German, Greek, 12

Hawaiian, Hungarian, Italian, Irish, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Sicilian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Yugoslavian material. (AFS 18,000-18,001) [catalog record] • sound tape reels : analog, 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. ; 7 in. • 1 folder manuscripts

AFC 1979/053: American Folklore Society Oral History Project [sound recording] : oral history interviews about Emelyn E. Gardner / conducted by Joanne C. Lynch. Emelyn E. Gardner co-founded the Wayne State University Folklore Archives in 1939. A native of New York State, she published on the folklore of the Schoharie County, N.Y. area; on children's folklore, and folklore and songs of Michigan. She and her Wayne University students collected songs and music of Poles, Finns, Armenians, and other ethnic groups in the Detroit, Michigan area during the 1940s. [catalog record] Five tapes of interviews conducted by Joanne C. Lynch with Orville Francis Linck, Ellen J. Stekert, Mildred Marie Connely, Alexander Brede, and Ruth (Mrs. Clarence) Hilberry, on the subject of Emelyn E. Gardner for the American Folklore Society Oral History Project in June and July 1968. • 5 sound tape reels : analog, 3 3/4 ips, 2 track, mono. ; 7 in.

AFC 1980/012: 1980 Neptune Plaza Concert Series Collection Manuscript and print materials, audio recordings, graphic materials, and video recordings that document the 1980 concert series sponsored by the American Folklife Center. The annual series, which began in 1977, features the presentation of folk traditions from many cultures. The concerts take place on the Neptune Plaza at the front of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress between May and October. The 1980 series was produced with the assistance of the National Council for the Traditional Arts. [catalog record] [finding aid] The following describes documentation from the May 8, 1980, concert by Leo Sarkisian and group performing Armenian music. AFC 1980/012: Folder 2: One folder containing press releases, news clippings, biographical sketches, descriptions of instruments, and a brochure about Sarkisian's artwork. LWO 16,538: One tape containing the concert. (1 hour) AFC 1980/012: Envelope 1: One folder containing 2 sheets of black-and-white negatives (63 images) of the concert. Photographed by John T. Gibbs and Carl Fleischhauer. AFC 1980/012: Folder 3: One folder containing 2 black-and-white contact sheets (63 images) of the concert. Photographed by John T. Gibbs and Carl Fleischhauer. AFC 1980/012: Envelopes 2-3: Two envelopes containing 2 holders of 26 color slides. Photographed by John T. Gibbs and Carl Fleischhauer.

AFC 1980/039: 1977 Inaugural folk dance and concert collection 13

Collection of audio recordings of events sponsored by the 1977 Inaugural Committee, Cultural Events Office, Folk Arts Programs, headed by Ralph Rinzler of the Office of Folklife Programs, Smithsonian Institution in celebration of the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter in January 1977. January 18, 1977 concert includes Armenian folk ensemble. [catalog record] • 8 sound tape reels (16 hours) : analog, 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono. ; 10 in. • manuscripts 3 folders.

AFC 1981/018: Ethnic broadcasting in America collection Survey of ethnic radio broadcasts recorded for the Ethnic Broadcasting in America Project of the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Recorded mostly off the air by Elena Bradunas, Theodore Grame, Alan Jabbour, and Wolfgang Fleischhauer at various locations in the United States,1977-1979. The radio broadcasts include contemporary, popular, and folk music; community news and announcements; advertising; comedy; news; sports; politics; paid political ads; and religious broadcasts, with hymns, gospel music, sermons, church services, and masses Sound recordings from ethnic broadcasts in languages including: Albanian, Arabic, Aramaic, Armenian, Basque, Cajun French, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, English, Estonian, German, Greek, Haitian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maltese, Navajo, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Serbo-Croation, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Ukrainian, Ute, Yiddish, and other languages. [catalog record]

AFC 1983/009: 1983 Neptune Plaza Concert Series Collection manuscript and print materials, audio recordings, and graphic materials that document the 1983 concert series sponsored by the American Folklife Center. The annual series, which began in 1977, features the presentation of folk traditions from many cultures. The concerts take place on the Neptune Plaza at the front of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress between April and September. The 1983 series was produced with the assistance of the National Council for the Traditional Arts. [catalog record] [finding aid] The following describes documentation from the June 16, 1983, concert by Leo Sarkisian and group performing Armenian music. AFC 1983/009: Folder 11: One folder containing the identification of band members by instrument (including dancer). RWA 5875-5876: Two tapes containing the concert. (1 hour) AFC 1983/009: Envelope 9: One envelope containing one sheet of black-and-white negatives (36 images) of the concert. Photographed by John T. Gibbs. AFC 1983/009: Folder 12: One folder containing one black-and-white contact sheet (36 images) and one 8x10 black-and-white photoprint of the concert. Photographed by John T. Gibbs. AFC 1983/009: Envelope 10-11: Two envelopes containing 2 trays of 28 color slides of the concert. Photographed by John T. Gibbs. 14

AFC 1986/037: 1986 Neptune Plaza Concert Series Collection Manuscript and print materials, audio recordings, and graphic materials that document the 1986 concert series sponsored by the American Folklife Center. The annual series, which began in 1977, features the presentation of folk traditions from many cultures. The concerts take place on the Neptune Plaza at the front of the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress between April and September. The 1986 series was produced with the assistance of the National Council for the Traditional Arts. [catalog record] [finding aid] The following describes documentation from the May 22, 1986, concert by Leo Sarkisian and group performing Armenian music. Performance was part of the American Folklife Center's tenth anniversary celebration and symposium. AFC 1986/037: Folder 6: One folder containing press releases, fliers, pamphlets, news clippings, and a schedule of events for the American Folklife Center's tenth anniversary celebration and symposium. AFS 24,295-24,298: Two tapes containing the concert. (RWB 3329-32) AFC 1986/037: Envelope 8: One envelope containing 2 sheets of black-and-white negatives (72 images) of the concert. Photographer unknown. AFC 1986/037: Folder 7: One folder containing 2 black-and-white contact sheets (72 images) and 2 black-and-white 8x10 photoprints. Photographed by Lance LeRoy of the Lancer Agency. AFC 1986/037: Envelopes 9-15: Seven envelopes containing 7 holders of 110 color slides of the concert. Photographed by John T. Gibbs.

AFC 1989/007: "'To Keep My Culture': New Immigrant Musicians in Los Angeles" One-hour radio documentary on the music of recent immigrant groups in Los Angeles, California. Includes interviews with and performances of Cambodian, Mexican, Chinese, Iranian, Guatemalan, Armenian, Korean, and Belizeian musicians at various private and public events. Produced by Helene Rosenbluth and Sara Jacobus; project coordinated by Susan Auerbach.

AFC 1993/001: Ethnic Heritage and Language Schools in America Project Collection Twenty-four 5-inch tapes, 60 7-inch tapes, and 288 audiocassettes from the Ethnic Heritage and Language Schools in America Project, a survey of 23 ethnic schools from 22 ethnic groups. Recorded in various locations throughout the United States by Elena Bradunas and 23 fieldworkers, April-July 1982, sponsored by the American Folklife Center. The collection includes 14 linear feet of slides, photographs, and reports. Includes documentation of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Armenian Elementary School in Watertown, Massachusetts. [catalog record] [finding aid] Series 2: The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Armenian Elementary School, Watertown, Massachusetts (Fieldworkers JoAnn Bromberg and Vicky Westover) Manuscripts BOX 3 Contents Summary BOX 3 Photo logs and corresponding contact sheets BOX 3 Curriculum materials BOX 3 Curriculum materials from the Armenian Relief Society (2 folders) BOX 4 Curriculum materials from the Armenian Relief Society 15

BOX 4 Publications and news clippings BOX 4 Final reports REEL 1 Microfilmed material Sound Recordings Interviews, May 12-June 30, 1982 • 16 sound cassettes • ID: AFS 23,359-AFS 23,374 Sounds of Armenia, A.R.S. Armenian Ethnic Heritage Project, Armenian Relief Society, copyright 1976 • 1 audiocassette • ID: AFC 1993/001: SR01 “They Came from Ararat” • 1 audiocassette • ID: AFC 1993/001: SR02 Graphic Images Slides, June 1982 • 77 slides Black and white negatives, May 15-June 16, 1982 • 10 rolls (5 roles are missing) BOX 3 Enlargements • 10 black and white prints (8 x 10 inch) BOX 3 Class picture • 1 color print (8 x 10 inch) BOX 4 “They Came from Ararat”: Curriculum materials from the Armenian Relief Society • 80 slides (some in color)

Box 3, Folder 2 Contents: Roll or slide holder number: ES82-JB1 (no corresponding photo roll in folder) Date: June, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Corollary sound recordings: Interview with Leon and Bethel Charkoutian: ES82-JB #ES82-JB11 & 12 Comments: Several of the pictures on the roll were underexposed Frame/image number: 1-5 Interior of Charkoutian home Frame/image number: 6 Bethel Charkoutian at dining room mantle 16

Frame/image number: 7 Bethel Charjoutian, AGBU school parent with her sister-in-law, Arpie Charkoudian, International President of the Armenian Relief Society Frame/image number: 8-9 Leon Charkoudian at dining table Frame/image number: 10 Bethal Charkoudian at table Frame/image number: 11-12 Armenian Heritage Series relief map made by 4th and 5th grade students Frame/image number: for social studies project (mountains and rivers in historic Armenia). Frame/image number: 13 Post cards of Armenian art, treasures; posted outside library Frame/image number: 14 Library: Armenian fairy tale books on display Roll or slide holder number: ES82-JB2 (no corresponding photo roll in folder) Date: June, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Frame/image number: 1 Senior Citizen lunch in auditorium Frame/image number: 2-3 Dr. Gloria Agopian, principal; talking with parent— over-exposed Frame/image number: 4 Nursery children Frame/image number: 5 Mrs. Astrid Kachadorian, Director of Nursery Program. “Mother” and “mainstay” of school. Frame/image number: 6 Nursery school stage; top of climber. Frame/image number: 7 Climber. Frame/image number: 8 Side entrance of AGBU school (from nursery) Frame/image number: 9 Memorial to massacres; between St. James Church and Cultural Center Frame/image number: 10-11 Memorial Frame/image number: 12 Front entrance of the St. James Cultural Center which rents space to the AGBU school Frame/image number: 13-14 Front of St. James Cultural Center; from across the street (road work is being done) Frame/image number: 15-16 St. Mesrob Masholots (inventor of Armenian alphabet): mosaic in from of St. James Cultural Center

Frame/image number: 17 Sign and number of the Cultural Center Frame/image number: 18-20 Mosaic of Dertad N. Guleserian Roll or slide holder number: ES82-JB3 (no corresponding photo roll in folder) Date: June, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg 17

Frame/image number: 1-3 Children eating lunch in auditorium of Cultural Center Frame/image number: 4-5 Senior citizens eating lunch at the same time as children; in other corner of the room Frame/image number: 6 Library corner Frame/image number: 7 Mrs. Andreasian working at her desk in the library Roll or slide holder number: ES82-VW1 (no corresponding photo roll in folder) Date(s): June 15-16, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 1 AGBU Armenian Elementary School, Watertown, MA Frame/image number: 2 Mosaic on AGBU School Frame/image number: 3 St. Mesrob Mosaic on AGBU School Frame/image number: 4-5 AGBU School and memorial Frame/image number: 6 St. James Church and memorial Frame/image number: 7-8 Holy Trinity Church Frame/image number: 9 First Armenian Church Frame/image number: 10 Town dinner Frame/image number: 11-12 Putting on make-up before closing exercises Frame/image number: 13-14 School board members—unidentified Frame/image number: 15 Mr. Manoog Young, Executive director, NAASR; Dr. Kevork Bardakjian, AGBU school board Frame/image number: 16 Beginning of closing excercizes left: Principal, Dr. Agopian; speaking, Dr. Kevork Bardakjian (sp?) Frame/image number: 17-18 Performance of a “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Grades 3-7 Frame/image number: 19 Nursery school performance of “Looby Loo” Frame/image number: 20 Nursery kids in Raggedy Andy costumes Roll or slide holder number: ES82-VW2 (no corresponding photo roll in folder) Date(s): June 15-16 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 1 Nursery school in Ragedy Andy costumes backstage having picture taken Frame/image number: 2-4 Boys doing Armenian dance grades 3-7 Frame/image number: 5 Little girl in Armenian dress Frame/image number: 6-7 Girls doing Armenian dance grades 4-6 18

Frame/image number: 8-9 Final number “America the Beautiful” Frame/image number: 10 Dr. Kevork Bardakjian, Mr. Mossik Hacodian and Mrs. Barbara Young talking after the ceremonies Frame/image number: 11 Kids playing after ceremonies Frame/image number: 12 Mrd. Agopian and son after ceremonies Frame/image number: 13 Mrs. Sonia Berberian (parent) and Mrs. Salpi Yessayan (librarian) after the ceremonies Frame/image number: 14 Elders greeting each other after the ceremonies Frame/image number: 15 Friends after the ceremonies Frame/image number: 16 Mrs. Andreasian and Joann Bromberg Roll or slide holder number: ES82-197202-LIB Date(s): May 15-25, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Corollary sound recordings: Language classes: Michael Zeytounian Frame/image number: 0-19 Continuation of Mrs. Andreasian teaching 3rd grade language class Frame/image number: 5 “Routes families took to migrate to the United States” Frame/image number: 20-23 Michael Zeitounian, Associate Editor of the Armenian Spectator Mirror; former Administrator of the AGBU NE District and Supervisor of the AGBU School. Interview in teacher’s room; AGBU School Frame/image number: 24-25 Teacher’s room; AGBU School Frame/image number: 26 St. James Cultural Center, memorial to massacres Frame/image number: 27 St. James Church; nursery in basement; Cultural Center which houses AGBU School in the background Frame/image number: 28-29 Door to St. James Church Frame/image number: 30 Corner, St. James Church Frame/image number: 31-32 St. James Armenian Community Center; across street from the Church and Cultural Center Frame/image number: 33-36 AGBU New England District Headquaters Frame/image number: 36A Kelsa Roll or slide holder number: ES82-197202-2JB Date(s): May 15-25, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Corollary sound recordings: Language class: ES82-JB3 Frame/image number: 0 Picture of poster in principal’s office Frame/image number: 0A-1 Kohar Melkisetian, secretary AGBU School 19

Frame/image number: 2 Armenian newspapers in office Frame/image number: 3-5 Children’s essays in Armenian, outside principal’s office Frame/image number: 6-7 Children’s reports in English: “Meet the famous persons; outside principal’s office Frame/image number: 8-9 Auditorium: used as gym, lunch room, hot lunches for senior citizen’s bingo games every Tuesday night Frame/image number: 10-13 Library, built and staffed by parent volunteers (converted from dark, dusty storeroom) Frame/image number: 10 Kohar Melkisetian in library Frame/image number: 11 Mrs. Andreasian’s desk Frame/image number: 12 Genocide books; facing entrance to the library Frame/image number: 13 Armenian fairy tales Frame/image number: 14-16 Map of Armenian, hallway entrance to library Frame/image number: 17-36 Mrs. Elli Endreasian, teaching the second grade class Roll or slide holder number: ES82-197202-3JB Date(s): May 15-25, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Corollary sound recordings: Language class Frame/image number: 0-14 4th and 5th grade Armenian language class: reading, recitation, responding to questions Frame/image number: 3 Poem, in Armenian, written by one (of two) language groups Frame/image number: 15-36 3rd grade Armenian language class: reading, recitation, responding to questions Frame/image number: 24 Boy performing dance for other children; part of a game the class plays. A ball is passed around among the children, in secret, to whomever is caught speaking English during Armenian class. At the end of every week, on Friday, the child who has the ball last must perform for others. Roll or slide holder number: ES82-197564-1JB Date: June 8, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Frame/image number: 0-1 Nursery children playing “follow the leader” Frame/image number: 1 Conversational numbers taught in Armenian Frame/image number: 2 Colors and shapes Frame/image number: 3 Foods 20

Frame/image number: 4 Animals (game made out of cardboard and transparent tape) Frame/image number: 5-6 Vocabulary words, short, mostly one syllable for easy learning; i.e. moog (mouse) or bod (wall). Children pick a name and make up a little song that goes with it (i.e. John has a white dog; the dog has a black tail) Frame/image number: 7 Flannel board for storytelling in Armenian Frame/image number: 8 Citizenship cards; opposite concepts; balanced meals (games for playing with other children). Frame/image number: 9-11 Children playing Frame/image number: 12 Corner for English speaking lessons Frame/image number: 13 Animals (for Armenian vocabulary) Frame/image number: 14-15 Children’s drawings Frame/image number: 16-17 Numbers (for recitation in Armenian and English) Frame/image number: 18-19 Music corner Roll or slide holder number: ES82-197564-1JB2 Date: June 8, 1982 Photographer: JoAnn Bromberg Frame/image number: 20 Flags: “When we sing about our heroes, we parade with flags” Frame/image number: 21 “In the kitchen we make bread and butter. The mothers come and want the recipe.” Frame/image number: 22-23 The children’s boxes, holding their extra clothes, are stored in the kitchen. Frame/image number: 24 The long kitchen table is used for finger painting; the long foot bench, below, for children to stand on. Frame/image number: 25-27 “Pledge allegiance to the flag” is recited every day, following music period; before rest Frame/image number: 28 Every day the children mark the calendar; reciting days and months in Armenian. (They also recite an Armenian prayer, every day before juice and cracker time.) Frame/image number: 29-33 The puppet theater is used often. Here, Mrs. Kachadorian, director of the nursery program, with children. Roll or slide number: ES82-A198071-1 Date(s): June 15016, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 1-6 Armenian School closing ceremonies 21

Frame/image number: 7 Mr. and Mrs Najarian and her father in audience Frame/image number: 8 Offstage during end of the ear production Frame/image number: 9 Behind stage Frame/image number: 10 Girl in Armenian costume Frame/image number: 11 Daughter of Mrs. Najarian holding flag onstage Frame/image number: 12-14 Scenes during production Frame/image number: 15 Mrs. Najarian and father in audience Frame/image number: 16 Scene from production Frame/image number: 17 Parents and children at Armenian school Frame/image number: 19 Audience and stage Frame/image number: 20 Mr. Mossik Hacobian; PTA President Frame/image number: 21 Scene from production Frame/image number: 22 Mrs. Astrio Kachadorian (Director of Nursery Program) and child Frame/image number: 23 School Librarian, Mrs. Sona Berberian Frame/image number: 24-27 Children performing traditional Armenian dance including sons of Panos Karagusian Frame/image number: 28-29 Scenes from final production number Frame/image number: 30 After the show Roll or slide number: ES82-198071-1 Date(s): June 15-16, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 31 Bachar Building—Armenian newspaper, Mirror Spectator Frame/image number: 32 Michael Zeytouian, at work Spectator Frame/image number: 33 Work room at Mirror Spectator—Mr. Mossik Hacobian Frame/image number: 34 Fieldworker JoAnn Bromberg talking to Mr. Mossik Hacobian at Spectator Roll or slide number: ES82-198071-2 Date(s): June 15-16, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 33-35 Children performing traditional Armenian dance Frame/image number: 36-37 Girls in Armenian dress sit on stage while other dance is performed 22

Frame/image number: 25-26 First production number—A Midsummer Night’s Dream Frame/image number: 27-28 Behind stage—kids in costume Frame/image number: 29 Head of puck and photographer Frame/image number: 30 During a Midsummer Night’s Dream Frame/image number: 19 Recitation by two students Frame/image number: 20-21 Mrs. Kachadorian with children in costume off stage Frame/image number: 15-16 Presentation of awards by principal, Dr. Gloria Agopian Frame/image number: 17-18 Scenes during performance Frame/image number: 1-2 Principal Gloria Agopian and Mrs. Andreasian preparing table of awards for ceremony Frame/image number: 3-8 Students preparing for show (in dressing room) Frame/image number: 9 Gloria Agopian having a final touch added to her dress Frame/image number: 10 AGBU School Board Members Frame/image number: 11 Members of audience including Dr. and Mrs. James Etmekjiau Frame/image number: 12 Mrs. Andreasian talking to Dr. James Etmekjia before the show Roll or slide holder number: ES82-198071-3 Date(s): June 15-16, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 1-2 Dr. Gloria Agopian taking a “Science Picture” Frame/image number: 5-6 3rd grade classroom Frame/image number: 7-11 Kindergarten classroom and space Frame/image number: 12-14 Poor exposures Frame/image number: 15 Fieldworker JoAnn Bromberg talking to parent, Mrs. ?, and niece. Frame/image number: 17 Mrs. Andreasians language class schedule and school class schedule Frame/image number: 18-23 Poor exposures of nursery school area Frame/image number: 21 JoAnn Bromberg talking to Mrs. Kacgadorian Frame/image number: 24A St. James—next to AGBU School, Mt. Auburn Street Frame/image number: 25A AGBU School Frame/image number: 26 St. James Armenian Community Center Frame/image number: 27-28 AGBU School 23

Frame/image number: 29 Lobby of school building Frame/image number: 31 Mrs. Adreasian with students after school Frame/image number: 32 Last day of school Frame/image number: 33 Mr. Mossik Hacobian after school—last day Frame/image number: 34-35 After school with Mrs. Kachadorian Frame/image number: 36 Armenian Memorial Church Frame/image number: 37 Town diner, Watertown, MA Roll or slide holder number: ES82-198071-5 Date(s): June 15-16, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 2-4 Sevan Bakery—Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA Frame/image number: 5 Armenian Memorial Church Frame/image number: 6 Mrs. Andreasian—after school receiving gift Frame/image number: 7 Mrs. Andreasian after school talking to fieldworker JoAnn Bromberg Frame/image number: 8-9 Students bringing play props into school Frame/image number: 10-11 Mrs. Seta NaJarian and father taking bread out of the oven Frame/image number: 12-17 Procedure for making Lham Jhvnes (Lahmejun) at Sevan Bakery Frame/image number: 18-19 Seta Najarian’s father taking a lunch break Frame/image number: 20-27 Preparing Lham Jhunes (Lahmejuns) at Sevan Bakery continued Frame/image number: 29-30 Taking a coffee break at Sevan Bakery Frame/image number: 32-33 Working with cheese at Sevan Bakery Frame/image number: 34-37 Making Lham Junes (Lahmejuns) continued Roll or slide number: ES82-198071-6 Date(s): June 15-16, 1982 Fieldworker: JoAnn Bromberg Photographer: Vicky Westover Frame/image number: 1-2 National Association for Armenian Studies and Research, 175 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA Frame/image number: 3-4 Holy Trinity Church, 145 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA Frame/image number: 5-7 Doors of Holy Trinity Church Frame/image number: 8 Holy Trinity Church 24

Frame/image number: 9-10 First Armenian Church, Common Street, Belmont, MA Frame/image number: 11-12 Interior of First Armenian Church Frame/image number: 13 AGBU Headquarters, Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA Frame/image number: 14-23 Poor exposures: Nursery, rehearsing for closing exercises, St. James interior Frame/image number: 24 Interior, foyer of St. James Frame/image number: 25 Apax Market, store front, Watertown, MA Frame/image number: 26 Sevan Bakery, store front, Watertown, MA Frame/image number: 27-37 Interiors of Sevan Bakery, Watertown, MA

Box 3, Folder 3 Contents: One school picture of AGBU School 1981-1982, 8” X 10” color matte shot

Box 3, Folder 4 Contents: Ten black and white enlargements 1) ES82-197202-2JB, enlargement of negative #36 -- “Mrs. Elli Endreasian, teaching the second grade Armenian language class” 2) ES82-197202-3JB, enlargement of negative #5A -- “4th and 5th grade Armenian language class: reading, recitation, responding to questions” 3) ES82-197202-3JB, enlargement of negative #25A – “3rd grade Armenian language class: reading, recitation, responding to questions” 4) ES82-197202-3JB, enlargement of negative # 26A – “3rd grade Armenian language class: reading, recitation, responding to questions” 5) ES82-197564-1JB, enlargement of negative #27A – ““Pledge allegiance to the flag” is recited every day, following music period; before rest” 6) ES82-198071-1, enlargement of negative #6 – “Armenian School closing ceremonies” 7) ES82-198071-1, enlargement of negative #10 – “Girl in Armenian costume” 8) ES82-198071-1, enlargement of negative # 27 – “Children performing traditional Armenian dance including sons of Panos Karagusian” 9) ES82-198071-4, enlargement of negative #15 – from one of the five missing rolls 10) ES82-198071-6, enlargement of negative #32A – “Interior of Sevan Bakery, Watertown, MA”

Box 3, Folder 5 Contents: Three items 1) Book, The Armenian General Benevolent Union [AGBU], By Bedros Norehas, dated March 26, 1966 – 89 pages 2) Program, “A.G.B.U. Armenian Elementary School GRADUATION and CLOSING EXCERCISES” dated June 16, 1982 – 24 pages 25

3) Program, “A tribute to Armenian Heritage, AGBU DARON DANCE ENSEMBLE” dated June 20, 1982 – 32 pages

Box 3, Folder 6 Contents: Contains five curriculum materials from the Armenian Relief Society and a one-page order form for materials. 1) “Order Form: Booklets and Audio-Visual Materials on the Armenian Ethnic Heritage” put out by the Armenian Relief Society with a note after 8 checked-off items stating “No charge—with our compliments” – 1 page The 8 items are as follows: 1. Workbook, “My Origins: Discovering and Recording Family History” – 16 pages 2. Workbook, “Land of the Armenians” – 31 pages 3. Workbook, “Discovering History Through Artifacts, Case Study: Kingdom of Tigran II ‘The Great’” – 12 pages 4. Workbook, “Elements of Armenian Church Architecture” – 23 pages 5. Workbook, “Khatchkars: Armenian Stone Crosses” – 11 pages 6. –MISSING- Workbook, “Medieval Armenian Costumes” 7. Book & tape, “Sights and Sounds of Armenia” – 24 page book and an accompanying tape cassette 8. “They Came from Ararat: The Story of Armenian-Americans” an 80-slide presentation with accompanying tape cassette 2) Workbook, “My Origins: Discovering and Recording Family History” – 16 pages. Summary: “An introduction to the ideas of generations, family tree and plotting one’s own family history and migration route to America. Includes worksheets and crossword puzzle review of basic concepts.” 3) Workbook, “Land of the Armenians” – 31 pages. Summary: “A study of Armenia’s mountains, lakes, rivers and plateaus through the construction of a relief map. Includes worksheets and photographs.” 4) Workbook [two copies], “Elements of Armenian Church Architecture” – 23 pages. Summary: “A study of Armenian church architecture through the construction of a model of a 7th century church. Includes worksheets and photographs.” 5) Workbook, “Khatchkars: Armenian Stone Crosses” – 11 pages. Summary: “Learning about uniquely Armenian sculptural form by carving a plaster khatchkar (stone cross). Includes photographs.”

Box 3, Folder 7 Contents: Contains one piece of curriculum material from the Armenian Relief Society 1) Book, “Sights and Sounds of Armenia” – 24 pages [no cassette in folder] Summary: “Learning about Armenia today by matching sounds on a cassette recording with sighs pictured in a booklet about Soviet Armenia.” 26

Box 4, Folder 1 Contents: Contains one piece of curriculum material from the Armenian Relief Society 1) “They Came from Ararat: The Story of Armenian-Americans” an 80-slide presentation [no accompanying tape cassette in folder]. Part of the Armenian Ethnic Heritage Project from 1976. Slides include photos of maps, Armenian churches, the genocide, families, life in America, STAR Market.

Box 4, Folder 2 Contents: Contains one newspaper publication 1) Newspaper, BAIJAR: Armenian Newspaper, vol. LX, No. 89 (22,366) dated June 15, 1982 – 8 pages. Written in Armenian.

Box 4, Folder 3 Contents: Contains two pieces of curriculum material from the Armenian Relief Society 1) Book, The History of my Ancestors – 83 pages [includes “Dork the Monstrous” on page 12] 2) Map, “Historic Armenia” put out by the Armenian Ethnic Heritage Project – approximately 23” X 35”

Box 4, Folder 4 Contents: Contains four versions of fieldworker, JoAnn Bromberg’s final report on the AGBU Armenian Day School. Final report includes section regarding: the School’s history, enrollment, AGBU Schools in North America, other Armenian Day Schools, afternoon and Saturday Schools, the AGBU School community, School administration: the school board, the School staff, the parent teacher organization (PTO), finances, overall curriculum design, problems of translation and teaching the written language, classroom activity, the bilingual program, the performance aesthetic, Armenian culture and history, and the School’s future. - In chronological order - 1) Final Report, “The AGBU Armenian Day School in Watertown, Massachusetts” dated July 19, 1982 – 21 pages 2) Revised draft, “The AGBU Armenian Day School; Watertown, Massachusetts” dated January 13, 1983 – 19 pages [was filed under “Final Reports Revised, 1983 3) “The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Day School” not dated – 23 pages including title page [was initially filed under “Reports Mailed Out”, dated May 29, 1985] 4) “The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Day School” not dated – first 5 pages only, including title page [preceded by correspondence dated August 10, 1985, a reply to previous edit]

David Ayriyan with Levon Ayriyan: Traditional Armenian Music from Rhode Island, The Homegrown 2006 Concert Series Armenian musicians David Ayriyan and Levon Ayriyan perform at the American Folklife Center’s (AFC) 2006 Homegrown Summer Concert Series. The AFC webpage on this performance includes a brief history on David Ayriyan’s background and introduction to playing the “tar” and the “kemanche” as well as his move from Armenia to Rhode Island. 27

David Ayriyan is the inheritor of a long family tradition in music. He learned to play the violin and the kemancha from his father and from such illustrious masters as Nefton Gregorian. Mr. Ayriyan is a true master with an impressive list of performances both as a soloist and as an instrumentalist with international symphony orchestras. His astounding playing never ceases to enthrall audiences. Mr. Ayirian plays Armenian dance music, and will be accompanied by his son on the dumbek, a Middle Eastern drum. The kemancha is one of the oldest stringed instruments from the Middle East. Played in ancient Persia, it has continued to be used for both classical and popular repertoires in such areas as Armenia and Azerbaijan. It is a three-stringed or four-stringed instrument played with a bow, held upright like a cello. • Event Archive Description • 1 Event Flier • 1 video file (online) (58 minutes, 55 seconds) : digital, color, sound. o David Ayirian plays Armenian dance music and is accompanied by his son on the dumbek, a Middle Eastern drum.

AFC 2017/007: Jason Hamacher collection Collection of field recordings of Syrian sacred music traditions and extensive documentary photographs of religious traditions and everyday life in the city of Aleppo, Syria, from 2006-2010. Documentation includes recordings of Armenian chant performed by priest Yeznig Zegchanian in the Church of the Forty Martrys, Aleppo, Syria. Hamacher documented Sufi Muslim songs and Jewish religious traditions in Aleppo. Collection is in process and therefore not available. [catalog record] • x items. • sound files (10-12GB) : digital, WAV, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit. • video files (approximately 480 GB of HD video) : digital, sound, color. • approximately 6-10 videocassettes (Hi-8) : digital, sound, color. • approximately 13,000 photographs : digital, color.

AFC 2015/017: Ara Dinkjian and Zulal perform traditional Armenian music and song Video recording, sound recording, and photographs of a concert in the Whittall Pavilion, Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress on May 28, 2015 as part of the Homegrown concert series sponsored by the American Folklife Center. Ara Dinkjian is an American born composer, oud player, organist, and multi-instrumentalist, who grew up with traditional Armenian music. His earliest professional musical experience was accompanying his father Onnik Dinkjian, a renowned Armenian folk and liturgical singer. Zulal, a New York-based a cappella trio, takes Armenia's village folk melodies and weaves intricate arrangements that pay tribute to the rural roots of the music. In Armenian, zulal means "clear water." Zulal's singers are Teni Apelian, Yeraz Markarian and Anaïs Tekerian, who have been singing together since 2002. [catalog record] • 1 folder. • 1 sound file (62 min.) : digital, WAV file (24 bit, 96 kHz) • 1 video file (online) (62 min.) : digital, color, sound. o In Armenian, Zulal means "clear water". Zulal, the New York-based a cappella trio, takes Armenia's village folk melodies and weaves intricate arrangements that 28

pay tribute to the rural roots of the music while introducing contemporary lyricism and energy. The trio celebrates the trials and joys of old Armenian village life: Budding romances in elevated gardens, the disappointments of hapless suitors, secret messages placed upon the western winds, the moonlit faces of shepherd boys and their brides. • photographs digital, NEF files, color • Online presentation

Zulal Trio & Ara Dinkjian Oral History / May 28, 2015 Ara Dinkjian is an American-born artist who grew up with traditional Armenian music. His earliest professional musical experience was accompanying his father Onnik Dinkjian, a renowned Armenian folk and liturgical singer. Dinkjian learned several western and eastern instruments (piano, guitar, dumbeg, clarinet) and in 1980 graduated from the Hartt College of Music, earning the country's first and only special degree in the instrument for which he has become most well- known, the oud. For more than 40 years, he served as organist in the Armenian Apostolic Church. Throughout his musical life, Ara has continued to develop his highly personal compositional style which blends his eastern and western roots. • AFC blog post • 1 sound file (35 minutes, 40 seconds): digital, MP4 • 1 video file (on line) (35 minutes, 40 seconds): digital, color, sound.

AFC 2017/001: Nancy Sweezy collection, 1950s-2010 Collection features papers, photographs, interviews, field recordings and other audiovisual materials comprising the professional archive of folklorist Nancy Sweezy created in the course of her career as a folk arts advocate, author, and administrator of non-profit folk arts and music organizations. Includes research materials for her books Raised in clay: the southern pottery tradition (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984), Armenian folk arts, culture, and identity / edited by Levon Abrahamian and Nancy Sweezy (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2001), and The potter's eye: art and tradition in North Carolina pottery / Mark Hewitt & Nancy Sweezy (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005). In the 1990s, Sweezy documented the traditional crafts of Armenia, making more than a dozen trips to the country. [catalog record] • 23 containers. • approximately 100 sound recordings ; various formats. • approximately 100 video recordings ; various formats. • approximately 10,000 photographs : black and white, color ; various sizes. • manuscripts approximately 18 linear feet.

AFC 2018/021: Al. Spendiaryan Qanon Ensemble concert: Traditional Armenian qanon music, 2018 June 26 / sponsored by the American Folklife Center. Founded by musician and educator Tsovinar Hovhannisyan, the Al. Spendiaryan Qanon Ensemble was created to encourage Armenian girls and young women to take up an instrument traditionally played by men. The Ensemble has gone on to produce virtuosic musicians, sparking a “gender revolution” in their wake and bringing fresh energy to concert stages around the world. The qanon is a string instrument played in much of the Middle East, Maghreb, West 29

Africa, Central Asia, and southeastern regions of Europe. The name derives from the Arabic word qanun, meaning "rule, law, norm, principle." The qanon is a large zither with a thin trapezoidal soundboard. It is related to the santur and the hammered dulcimer, and is thought to trace its origins back to Assyria, where an ancestral homologue might have been used in Mesopotamian royal courts and religious ceremonies. This concert is presented in association with the 2018 Smithsonian Folklife Festival. [catalog record] • 1 folder. • 1 sound file (60 min.) : digital, WAV (24 bit, 96 kHz) • 1 video file (online) (60 min.) : digital, color, sound. • 26 photographs : digital, NEF files, color. • Online presentation

AFC 2018/026 : Ara Dinkjian and Onnik Dinkjian interview / 2018 July 3 Oral history interview with Ara Dinkjian and Onnik Dinkjian conducted by Carolyn Rapkevian in the Thomas Jefferson building, Library of Congress, 2:15-3:30 pm on July 3, 2018 in connection with the Onnik Dinkjian, Soul of Dikranagerd concert on the same day. [catalog record] • 1 sound file (43 min.) : digital, WAV (24 bit, 96 kHz) • 1 video file (online) (42 min.) : digital, sound, color