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[email protected] A trusted partner in major projects worldwide ICAO MRTD REPORT • 1 ICAO MRTD Report Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006 Table of contents Editor: Mary McMunn Content Coordinator: Mauricio Siciliano Graphic Art Design: Sylvie Schoufs, Editor’s welcome . .2 FCM Communications Inc. Published by: Message from the President of the Council, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Dr. Assad Kotaite . .5 999 University Street Montréal, Québec Canada H3C 5H7 Message from the Secretary Telephone: +1 (514) 954-8219 ext. 7068 General, Dr.Taïeb Chérif . .7 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: ICAO Hosts Symposium on The objective of the ICAO MRTD Report is to pro- MRTDs and Biometrics . .8 vide a comprehensive account of new develop- ments, trends, innovations and applications in the field of MRTDs to the Contracting States of ICAO ICAO Doctrine on Travel and the international aeronautical and security Documents . worlds. 12 Copyright © 2006 International Civil Aviation TAG-MRTD 16th Meeting . .16 Organization. Unsigned material may be repro- duced in full or in part provided that it is accom- panied by reference to the ICAO MRTD Report; for Machine Readable Travel Documents rights to reproduced signed articles, please write to the editor.