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Year 2, Vol. 24 • July 3-August 6, 2008 The www.therainbowtimesnews.com FREE! Holyoke student receives CT Camp teaches RainbowTimes LGBT Scholarship about prejudice Your LGBT News in Western MA, the Capital District of NY, Northern CT, & Southern VT p. 10 p. 17 DDOONNNNAA SSUUMMMMEERR IISS BBAACCKK!! P.. 77 WW.. MMAASSSS PPRRIIDDEE PPRROOMM EEMMPPOOWWEERRSS YYOOUUTTHH P..3 PPIICCSS:: PPRRIIDDEE MMAARRCCHHEESS && RRAALLLLIIEESS P.. 20 EELLLLEENN DDEEGGEENNEERREESS && PPOORRTTIIAA DDEE RROOSSSSII PPLLAANN DDRREEAAMM WWEEDDDDIINNGG P.. 13 JJUUVVEENNIILLEE DDEETTEENNTTIIOONN CCEENNTTEERR IINN NNYY DDIIFFFFEERREENNTT FOR TTRRAANNSS YYOUTH P.. 9 Photo by: Michael Brandt 2 • July 3-August 6, 2008 • The Rainbow Times • www.therainbowtimesnews.com Opinions The Controversial Couch It is politics as usual Lie back and listen. Then get up and do something By: Nicole Lashomb/ TRT Editor-in-Chief just beginning. That chapter begins with By: Suzan Ambrose*/TRT Columnist already to allow air in. But to ecently, Sen. Barack Obama and defeating Republican contender, Sen. John no avail … I couldn’t just sit Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton hit McCain in November. ’ve never been in jail. At least there complacent. I didn’t want Rthe stage together as they Recent polls had indicated that as many not if we don’t count the time to look out through bars at this addressed thousands of enthusiastic atten- as 24% of Clinton supporters would not II was (mistakenly!) booked, delicious slice of nature. Not today or ever. dees at a joint rally in Unity, New vote for Obama in a general election and searched, fingerprinted and thrown into a Is this how it must feel to an inmate? Hampshire to promote their united political would instead vote Republican. If that were cell for something I didn’t do, for about an Always inside looking out, through the front against Republican Sen. John the case and Clinton supporters backed hour. But, strangely enough, I was remind- bars, always a little separated from “oth- McCain. McCain instead of Obama, then the elec- ed of that experience as I sat down to write ers,” desperate to look/be beyond? And, is I could not believe my eyes. Sen. Obama torate vote could be tipped, thus leading to in my new office space. it any different for those who don’t often and Sen. Clinton, once opponents, turned a Republican victory. I was drawn to the view beyond my win- leave the confines of their homes, afraid to proponents, praised each other’s successes, In the joint rally, Clinton urged her sup- dows … big sky, a meandering stream, let their kids (or themselves) play outdoors, strengths, and preservation. The one mes- porters to back Sen. Obama. She said, “To corn fields. I was in writer’s heaven … and so “let’s just safely watch the world from in sage that was more than apparent was that anyone who voted for me and is now con- it was then that I noticed the bars. The win- here?” Nice windows … with bars, no mat- of unification. sidering not voting or voting for Sen. dow bars, of course, as they crisscrossed ter how nicely curtained while restraining Seeking to turn the page on the historical- (John) McCain, I strongly urge you to through the pane … right through my per- our lives. Maybe there isn’t that much dif- ly bitter Democratic primary season, both reconsider." She continued to say that fect view. I almost didn’t get up to open ference between window bars, the jail- parties emphatically stated that though one that window, since I had opened some house variety, or the ones we put up inside chapter had come to an end, another was See Politics on Page 22 ourselves to shut people out. Letters to the Editor Is this so different from gay people who C’mon Out – Just Ask! Advice column experience internalized homophobia? You Dear Editor, know, Dr. Jekyll is the outside face, but you By: Tetty Gorfine/ TRT Columnist and I have so much in I just read the article in the latest edition know there’s another part of you. The Mr. common. We do every- Hello and help! of TFT "Love, Rights...and the Rest of Hyde, the side nobody knows about, that is I've been searching the internet high and thing together and share It...Yahoo!" by J.M. Sorell. In the article despised? Or as Joan Jett sings; “I hate low. My boyfriend just told me that he the same friends. But, she talks about Rhode Island and New York myself for loving you”... or just ourselves, wants to be a girl! I can't believe it and I'm lately, he’s been wanting being the only states that recognize out of maybe. Something most LGBT people will so upset. How can ever get through this? I to go out with his friends state marriages. Unfortunately, that is not admit to knowing a little about. love HIM very much but I don't think I can alone. They are my 100% true. Yes, it is true that because of the Wikipedia defines internalized homopho- TETTY GORFINE love him as a girl. Please help. friends now too and I don’t court case Martinez v. Monroe County, bia as: A prejudice carried by individuals Governor Patterson issued an executive —Marcia understand why I can’t come. He says he still loves me but needs space. I think he’s memorandum that all State agencies must See Couch on Page 12 Dear Marcia: being selfish, trying to keep our friends for recognize same sex marriages from other I am so sorry for how difficult this news himself. What should I do? states and Canada (in terms of benefits like pension and the like) but as of right now, it The Rainbow Times is for you. Partners of transsexual people —At wits end! 351 Pleasant St., #322 go through so much loss and confusion. only applies to State workers. In other Dear At Wits End: words, same sex couples who are married Northampton, MA 01060 You count on a relationship looking a cer- Are you sure your boyfriend wants to do not automatically gain legal recognition www.therainbowtimesnews.com tain way, and then, in a moment everything keep his friends to himself? Have you in New York unless one of the individuals in [email protected] changes. And, as with any major change, asked him to explain what he’s looking for? the marriage is a state worker. All other [email protected] there comes a whole array of emotions. Now, I must say that when people move in married couples who want to be recognized Phone: 413-204-8959 • Fax: 866-310-8512 Please give yourself plenty of time to sit with each other, things do shift. After mov- by NY are out of luck if neither individual NY: 518-391-2617 with this. The worst time for any of us to works for the State. ing in, people begin to spend a great deal make any big decision is when we’re upset. I found this out when I went to a recent Publisher J.M. Sorrell more time together. This may be very Deja N. Greenlaw You will need a lot of time to adjust and legal clinic at the Albany CDGLCC. Due to Gricel M. Ocasio enjoyable and certainly we want it to. But, Tetty Gorfine figure out what is right for you. the court case Gonzales vs. Greene, same Editor-In-Chief we humans have many different kinds of Nicole Lashomb In my experience, some couples make it sex marriages in MA do not 'count' if they Sales Associate: needs. There are needs for intimacy which SJ Seymour through this transition and others do not. are not legal in your home state (the legal Distribution is why we all really want to have a relation- There is no right or wrong here. I would lingo is "comity" which means marriages Ben Peterson Reporters: ship. And, people usually have needs for that are legal elsewhere have to be upheld Lindsay Wilson recommend that you get as much support Columnists: time alone, time with others, and time for equally same sex or not). You can go ahead and education as possible. There are great Jack/ie Kennedy Webmaster: other interests. Don’t you? and go through the marriage process in Jarred Johnson books such as True Selves, and anything by Tynan Power Needing space does not mean the rela- MA, but it isn't valid in NY, nor is it valid in Suzan Ambrose Leslie Feinburg or Kate Borstein. There are tionship is in danger or that anything is Massachusetts either. Massachusetts will many others too, this is just a beginning. not consider same sex marriages valid if The Rainbow Times is published by The Rainbow wrong. It may very well be a natural pro- Times, LLC. The articles written by the writers, Depending on where you live, see if there’s the home state of the couple does not recog- gression of your relationship. columnists, and correspondents express their a support group for transgender people and nize same sex marriage as legal. This is Talk with your partner. Tell him your opinion, and do not represent the endorsement or their families. And, there is always the what is meant by the 'residency require- opinion of The Rainbow Times, LLC or its own- fears of his needing more space. See if his internet where there are many educational ment' many articles about the subject are ers. To write letters to the editor, please send desire for space is about his needs or a your letters, with your name, address and phone forums and chat rooms.