Felix Issue 0307, 1972
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I.C. to lose UGC grants access Imperial College will lose its right to go direct to the University Grants Committee for its money if th» NEWSPAPER OF IMPERIAL COLLEGE UNION Murray Report on the Governance of the University of 14th November, 1972 FREE! ISSUE No. 318 London, published today, is implemented. At present, Imperial is treated differently to other colleges of the University, whose grants are determined by the Court of the University. Until now, we have gone direct to the UGC independently of other colleges. This was because the Government gave the college national responsibility for the development of scientific and technological teaching. The report says: Senate and the Court for "We understand that Planning and Develop- this treatment (direct ac- ment. cess to the UGC) has been At the time of going to extended by the Univer- press (Sunday 8 p.m.) the sity Grants Committee to Editor of Felix was the the end of the 1972-77 only person in the Col- quinquennium butt is then lege to have seen a copy to be reviewed in the light of the Report. It of our Report. Unless is not easy to judge what there are grounds of Gov- the reaction will be. In ernment or University early 1971, Judith Walk- Grants Committee policy, er, then President of such as were mentioned in I.C.U., sent the Murray Sir John Wolfenden's let- Committee a strongly ter in 1966, for continuing worded letter saying that this treatment, we can, for "Imperial College fought our part, see no special hard for this privilege and reason why Imperial Col- would not wish to sacri- lege, as a constituent fice this independent posi- School of the University, tion." should be treated differ- In the same letter Miss ently from the other Walker decried the "cum- Schools whose grants are bersome, over-bureaucra- determined by the Court tic machinery" of the of the University." University and said that The University of London is, to say the least, a complex institution. The changes listed under "In a "the seemingly unneces- Nutshell" will convey to you that the Murray Committee has recommended some drastic changes to It has been on the cards sary constraints imposed University structure—but space in "Felix" does not permit us to explain more fully what all the changes for' some time that this by a federal structure give mean. We have deliberately only printed a list of some of the 199 proposals of the Committee to give recommendation was rise to much anti-London you an early insight into the Report—"Felix" is the first student newspaper in London to be published likely, and it seems im- University feeling." She after the embargo on the Report came off at 24.00 hrs on Monday night (or 00.00 hrs this morning). probable that it will come suggested that the most Blessed along with the rest of the student press in London with advance copies of the Report (only the as much of a surprise in important recommenda- Vice-Chancellor saw it before us!) we have instead joined forces with every other member newspaper the College or University. tion of the enquiry would of the London Student Press Association in producing a special newspaper on Murray, which will be on The system for the obtain- be an extension of the the "Felix" news-stands tomorrow morning. This paper will explain more fully the proposals in nice, ing of grants from the Saunders' Report's philo- simple English and without expecting you to already have a working knowledge of the University UGC by the University in sophy of defederalisation. structure. It will tell you how it affects students, staff, the colleges and the central administration. This general will be rational- However, in the report, paper will be free; 20,000 copies are being printed and rushed at top speed to every School of the Uni- ised. At present colleges the Murray Committee versity. Please try and obtain a copy and read it, because Murray concerns every one of us, and those prepare individual sub- say that "It is a striking that come after us. missions, send them to feature . that there is the Court who collates practically unanimous sup- Once again our apologies for not giving the full picture in "Felix"', but we are sure that you will them and forwards them port for the maintenance agree that a joint issue is a better idea. Next week we will be publishing reaction within the College to the UGC. This will in- of the federal system . ." and the rest of the University (by arrangement with other member newspapers of the LSPA) on the evitably change with the and they have recommen- Report—Felix naturally welcomes readers' comments also. new Joint Committee of ded, its continuance. The federal system of the University should be Student representation to be given at Senate and maintained. Boards of Studies level. Student representatives to * * * In a have had prior experience of participation in academ- King's College and University College should be ic affairs at college level, but no student representa- encouraged to apply for their own charters, and thus tion on Court at this stage. become separate universities. * * # Nutshell Academic leadership in the University to be Bedford, Queen Elizabeth and Westfield Colleges achieved by making the Vice-Chancellorship a full- to merge. time post, and the Principal to become responsible to the VC as the administrative as well! as the academic OR Students of the Colleges of Music should have faci- head of the University. One of these to move to Egham and merge with lities to register as External Students of the University, and special arrangements made for their students to * * * Royal HoIIoway and the other two be merged. go to courses and lectures in the University. All members of academic staff (including Heads of OR Schools) to be entitled to membership of Convocaticm. Join Bedford College to University College and .* sfc * Facilities to register as external students to students Queen Elizabeth College to Westfield College and Boards of Studies to have responsibilities increased!. of Jews' College: the college should not be made a He * * expand Royal Hofioway. school of the University. * * * Academic advisory boards to be abolished. * $ Imperial College to be treated in the same way as The external examination system for full-time stu- Present system of Senate Councils to be abolished: other Schools as regards grants from the University dents in public educational institutions to be phased academic pollicy to become responsibility of new Sen- Grants Committee. out, but to continue for the time being for part-time ate working through subject area committees. * * * students, and also for students in private educational * *fe * Wye College might join University of Kent if there establishments and private students working at home. Collegiate Council to be reorganised. * ,$ * * * * is an expansion of Biological Science there. Court to be established as supreme governing body. Drastic limitation of facilities for registration of >* % * The Institute of Education may become an inde- Overseas students as External students. Senate to be reconstituted as an academic body. pendent School of the University if no major changes in its function occur as a result of the James Com- Inter-collegiate co-operation and rationalisation on Collegiate Council to be reconstituted as an inde- mittee's recommendations. an academic as well as a financial level to be pro- pendent body represented on Court and Senate. ..v'- $ * * moted. * * * * * * Goldsmith's College shovJ'd be given independent Convocation not be represented on the new Senate. Fulllest possible participation by academic staff as * * * legal status as a self-governing body but should not representatives in academic organisation and govern- Joint Committee of Court and Senate for Planning become a school of the University. ment of the University. and Development to be set up. November 14, 1972 Page 2 FELIX Letters Wiitzon Tuesday Science of Creative Phys. LT2. A Forthright Is the Mascotry Bow, Bow 14th Intelligence 13.30 Editor Remembered ye lower Scientific Investigation Opinion of Expansion of Con- Sir.—Today mascotry has be- middle classes Sir—Perusing through Felix doing his come virtually a thing of the sciousness" in recent weeks, I have come past. Those colleges who still Sir.—May it please you possess mascots guard them to receive notification of the Stoic "Carry on Cons- JCR & South to the conclusion that our job? so carefully that they appear election of Mister Richard Sir.—On glancing through table" Side Channel college paper is in need of very rarely, always under Llewellyn Lolley as Vice Pres- the pages of the latest issue articles of greater literary very close guard. ident of the City and Guilds 21. 12.45 of Felix, I could not help not- merit. Ignoring this I shall This has been brought Union. This was an event of icing the abnormally large great moment in the history Career Opportunties College take up my index finger and empty spaces between the about by a few colleges active in "nicking" mascots, of the aforementioned body, Block LT B start hitting the keys. various articles. I then re- and should be recognised as Talks. 'Graduates in membered one of your staff who have not offered their Perhaps the biggest non- trophies for return within such by great rejoicing in the Personnel Management' 13.30 mentioning that you were streets. As a mark of respect event of the year/century having difficulty in filling two weeks but has stashed them in vaults or taken them the Bells located in the Mech- The British in WW II ME 220 must be the ICU Presidential Felix every week, but I sud- anical Engineering Depart- denly realised what was to far off places — and 2.