MS BOE Pres. Kress Summoned to Supreme Court Disciplinary Bd

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MS BOE Pres. Kress Summoned to Supreme Court Disciplinary Bd SI3 HI *****«****CAR~RT L0T**C01S # 1 WKSTFlELD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 5 5 0 E BROAD ST WESTFIELD NJ 07090-2116 IV,. , I M 11 < 111,111, 11111! f 11 ll 11, 1111. It 1.. I f 1111 3b fjopulos, ilon 3bitus. (JrrUtmmus (908) 232-4407 l NFS 6WHI2II Thursday. January 9, 2003 Published h r n Thursday since 1890 OUR 113th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 18-113 - Postage Paid at Westfield. N J. v> [email protected] FIFTY ( I M S t7 UNION COUNTY ATTORNEYS WERE I W I STICATIJ) t.V 21)1)1: 10 REPRIMANDF.!) MS BOE Pres. Kress Summoned To Supreme Court Disciplinary Bd. By LAUREN S. PASS charges, Mr. K ress states that all three process typically takes place within In 2001.37 grievances were dock­ Sprt ioll\ Written fur The Wet/field ieoJer parties w ere aw are of the fact that he the district. Union County is part of eted for attorneys in Union County. Mountainside resident and Presi­ represented each of them and that, “at the 12th District. The DRB, how­ In the same year. 10 Union Count) dent of the Mountainside Board of no tim e was there ever a m isrepresen­ ever. handles all cases for the slate. attorney s were disciplined by the New Education. Richard Kress, has been tation made in respect to assignment The DRB is com prised o f attor­ Jersey Supreme Court. called to appear before the Supreme o f the m ortgage” neys as well as members of tlte pub­ Attorney George Mandle, Jr. was Court Disciplinary Review Board When a grievance against an attor­ lic and is an open process, much like suspended for gross negligence and (DRB) this year. ney is filed, it is read by a secretary regular court proceedings. later reprimanded for luck of dili­ father, former Senate President Frank McDermott, for his second term as Major An attorney with offices in Clark. at the Office of Attorney Ethics who Mr, Kress was previously sus­ gence. while Mark Rennie was dis­ while his wife Andrea and their children look on. Below, Second W ard Councilman Mr. K ress has been cited for fraud by determines if the matter should be pended front practice for a period of barred by consent for misappropriat­ Rafael Betancourt, second from right, poses for a photo with his family and Judge the Office of Attorney Ethics for the docketed or not. If the matter is dock­ three months in 1992 when he w as a ing trust funds. John Triarsi, right, after being sworn in. 12th D istrict. A ccording to a rep re­ eted. an investigation takes place municipal prosecutor in Rahway af­ John D'Allesandro was repri­ sentative from that office, it was and then the investigator makes a ter the “improper dismissal of a m anded for improper use o f a notary. recommended lo the DRB that Mr recommendation as to whether or charge of driv ing while intoxicated ” Richard Tinning was disbarred hy Kress he suspended. not a breach o f conduct has occurred. In 19%. Mr. Kress was repri­ consent for misappropriating trust The ethics committee alleges that, If a breach has occurred a formal manded by the Supreme Court for funds, and Kevin Duly was suspend "various transactions instituted a complaint is filed, and the attorney failure lo disclose fees to a client. for lack of diligence and then dis­ clear conflict of interest" when Mr. in question is asked to respond. According to the head of the Union barred for gross negligence, Kress represented three separate cli­ Next, a hearing is held before a County Bar Association, Jay Lavroff, the Angela Delfon was admonished for ents, Luparella, Ridilla and Ridge panel o f tw o attorneys and a member Bar Association has no role in disciplin­ gross negligence, Casandra Corbett Funding Group, in 1997. of the public and the panel makes a ary actions. Mr. Ka-ss is not a member of The com m ittee also states that Mr. was admonished for negligent misap- recommendation to the DRB This the Union County Bur Association. CONT1NUCO ON P*OC ,0 Kress "intentionally and purpose­ fully misrepresented to various par­ ties and attorneys involved in the transactions that the Ridilla mort gage on Luparella property had been assigned to Ridge Funding Group in an attempt to av oid payment of sums to ihe trustee in bankruptcy." In his wrillen response to the l/lHIP roilNCII. SWORSJ IK M REORGANIZATION MEETING WF Mayor Resolves to Improve Parks; Raises for Admin., Chiefs Approved By LAUREN S. HASS Clerk Bernard Heeney swore Incum­ mittee w ill be Councilman Skibitskv .tyvvW /, W nil/nfur !h< Wnltirhl U<*N' bent Fourth Ward Democrat Council­ and Councilman Caniana will head On Tuesday evening, the Westfield man Lawrence Goldman into office. up the Personnel Policy Committee Town Council held their annual Second Ward Councilman Matt Councilwoman Jacobson remains reorguni/ulmnal meeting during Albano was appointed as Acting the Chairwoman of the Solid Waste which Republicans regained the Mayor and Councilman Goldman Committee, Councilman Goldman reigns of power with a 6-3 majority, w as appointed as the alternate. remains the Chairman of Public Works including the reappointment of After his swearing in. Councilman and Councilman Betancourt will Mayor Oregon McDermott. Betancourt left the meeting to attend continue as Chairman of the Trans­ During the pre-meeting conference a football dinner with his family. portation, Parking and Traffic Com­ session, Town Administrator James Town Attorney Robert Cockren and mittee. Gildea stated thal Commerce Na­ Labor Attorney Frederick Danser. 3rd Mayor McDermott discussed the tional. the Risk Manager approved in were both reappointed for one-vear need for parking, pedestrian safety a party line vote last m onth, has vv ith- terms. Christine Nugent was ap­ and field improvements during his President George VV. Mush and First Lady Laura liusli at the White House ( hrislmus Party. Mr. Pulatucci served as a draw n their offer. pointed to a one-year term as Munici­ annual State of the Tow n Address. senior advisor to the President’s successful presidential campaign in 2iMMt and has known President Bush since working Mr. Gildea explained that this left pal Prosecutor. Mr. Ciarrocca for one He announced that eight firms have for his father in 1988 and 1992. Mr. Palatuccl is a F inance Chairman of the New Jersey Republican Slide Committee and the town without a Risk Manager, year as Public Defender and former answ ered the Tow n 's RFQs, and they he also served on the National Finance Committee of Bush-Cheney 20<MI. "The President and Mrs. Bush are warm and and that he has been in touch vv ith the Municipal Prosecutor Brenda Cuba will be interviewed this year gracious hosts," said Mr. Palatuccl. "It's a wonderful experience lo be in the White House during Ihe holidays and tine Town's Jotnt Insurance Fund (JIE) was appointed as the Municipal Court “I anticipate that there will be a that Laura and I thoroughly enjoy." representatives to confirm that the Judge. shovel in the ground this year but it tow n has no loss of coverage Third Ward Democrat Council­ w ill not be for a parking deck - it will He added that the Request For Pro man Kevin Walsh, Councilman be for a structure that incorporates the Borough Community Center posals (RFP) would have to be adver­ Goldman and Councilwoman varied economic and aesthetic ele­ tised again, and new proposals vv ould Jacobson voted against the appoint- ments that best serve the needs o f this have to be reviewed nients for Municipal- Judge and com m unity now ”Snd in Ihc years to Fourth Ward Democrat Council- Public Defender come.” the mayor said. woman Susan Jacobson questioned Councilman Goldman stressed Mayor McDermott stated thal the Proposed By Mayor Viglianti if the language would be changed in that his vote was not against the fields in town can be improved with dents. the new RFP, regarding the percent­ people being appointed, hut was a innovative ideas and that the town Bv MARY RONK I umer.Officer Stiltner, Officer Urban, Some past accomplishments over age that a firm is paid by the town. "tribute" to Michael Diamond and could be fiscally responsible about Sje, wt/> H .f s " V I V W, ,-V O / t jt lr - Detective Jackson, and Sergeanl recent years have been raising slightly Mr. Gildea said that the new RI P Judge William Brennan who previ­ it. He also said that different fertil­ The Borough of Mountainside held Giannuzzi all received sincere thanks over $5(X).(XX) in funds for com m u­ will include new language. ously held the two positions. Coun­ izers have been used in Town parks its annual 2003 reorganization meet­ from James Debbie. Chief of Police, nity projects such as improved roads, The Council Chambers was stand­ cilwoman Jacobson echoed his re­ that were more cost effective and ing this past Thursday evening. It w as as well as the mayor and council. revamping the Mountainside Pool ing room only when Mayor m arks. less toxic. an event with great heartfelt Blanks The Mountainside Fire Department and Town Center. Additionally, get­ M cDerm ott vv as \vv orn into office for Councilman Goldman also com­ "There are no greater natural re­ and promise for Ihe New Year. was also recognized on Thursday ting the state of N.J. lo fund a mod­ u three-year term by his father, form er m ended the m ayor for appointing Mr.
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