Hllmlbml Formation in Relation to the Box Your Commenting Upon Events of History of Intellect Remarkable for Its Grasp of Dupauntrop Designated Him
. Iron County Register JOB-WOR- K V PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY. i ?J1 1 Best equippe Job Print- ing establishment in thh fc-i- HV J SI' subscription: II. section of the State. We One Tear, 1 1.50. Six Month,M.75. insure satisfaction. Price? KITES OF ADVERTISING reasonable. Fdrnithed on Application. Special In- - BY ELI AKE. OUR QOD, OUR COUNTRY AND TRUTH. TERMS-- il BO Yr,In AdTano r. I dneemenU to Borne Patron. TRY US. Address Register, Ironton, Mo. VOLUME XLVI. IRONTON, MO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912: NUMBER 15. Wa It Meant For Me? Francois and Gabriel. The former WILSON STANDS TARIFF HAS NOT died in infancy, the latter born in deep blue sea O, she has sailed across the 1690 married Marie Madeline De and away; To countries strange far Lahaye. These had issues a son ! ON HIS RECORD FARMERS For months, if not for years, my part will be HELPED (my grand-fathe- r) and a daughter To note each slowly passing lay. who DuBuque. For her the joy of swiftly changing scene, married Mr. She to high ; founded a convent in Montreal. bosephus of Demo-- ; From ocean broad mountain Daniels Senator Gardner Gives Reason grand-fath- er : For me-r-- as lover's part hath often been My was married cratic National Committee for Supporting Wilson. My lot to bear and Fate decry 1 twice, 1st to Miss Lalumendiere r ; fit three1 Voters to Make and dear one, and by her had children, J Wants I stood upon the pier saw, ' As loosed the ship her cabled tie, Barnard my father; Jrieph and ; an Investigation.
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