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THERE ARE MANA’ THINGS TO BE Xocal dorresponbcnce

A number from thi% locality attended THE PUBUC PRONOUNCE BOUGHT IN MARCH w e s t Pl y m o u t h . the Helping Hand socie^ at John Hix’s in Plymouth Wednesday. For in^nce—Gold Cream. (Camphor Ice, ^Toilet Plymouth Grange will hold an all day meeting in I. O. O. F. hall next ^ u rs- John Fulton is quite a little better at CreaiTts and Skin Foods. F vorything you neled can day. The third and fourth degrees will this writing. A. D. S. Preparations be found at ray Drug Store. ^ be conferred upon a number of candi­ Philip Dingledey is busy drawing ice dates in the forenoon. Then an excel­ from Sheldon. GET THAT COLD OUT of YOUR SYSTEM lent dinner will be served by> the com­ Mrs. J . H. F o u rty entertained Mrs. the Best on the mai'ket, 'We carry a ' j mittee’and the business meeting wall be Sarah Fogarty ^ursday. <‘omplete line of them. - Penslai' Laxative*Cold Breakers will do the trick. held in the afternoon. tn our items last week we neglected NEWBURG. to mention the slelghride party of the A. D. S. White Pine Expec- ' ARE YOU R.UN DOWN? pupils of District No. 7 to the home of August Qottschalk has sold his farm their teacher, Miss Carrie Merritt, on to Detroit parties and will give po^es- torant vydth Are 3.U tired out Saturday n ight.J. C. 0%ryanand sion next month. ' Owing to the extremely cold weather Albert Ebersole took the loads and ev­ is a premium remedy for chughs and colde; Hot Water BotUee from TSc to $2.00. ery ene had the very nicest kind of a last Sunday there were few in ^ attend­ time. ance. However, those who' were there Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Becker had a sur­ appreciated the discourse. Rev. Castqr PRICE, 25c. PER BOTTLE. prise visit Tuesday from their son Voyie wiU continue the talk to men next Sab­ JONES, The Druggist and his brother-in-law, Will Buell, of bath being “Economy.” Tyrone, Mich. ^ The church stewaMs are planning a 'Phone No. 234 Mrs. Lydia Lucas is on the sick list. dinner to be at the hall Feb. 22. Lo\>k Clarence Ebersole, Charlie Luoas, for the notice ip next week’s edition. lelen O’Bryan, Wilber Ebersole, Floyd The G. A. R. and W. R. G. will held Pinckney’s Pharmacy Lucas and Lyman O’Bryan earned a their quarterly dinner at the reeidAnce half holiday la^t Friday, having been of Chauncey Bunyea in Plymouth next neither absent or tardy for the past week Tuesday. ___ We are glad to note that Mrs. Jesse month. Jew^Tis able io be up w und the bouse Do not forget the farmers’ institute again after her illness. Feb. 19tb and 30th. Several interest­ Miss Anna Youngs was on the sick ing State speakers have'1>een secured list last week. and the meeting will prove of great in j for Cows and Sheep, Faye Ryder was unable to attend ■i teresttoall. ' sehool the fore part of the week on ac­ Mrs. Nina Heeney is suffering with a count of a severe cold. severe ooM and was unable to teach ,Money in-Qu|t Mrs. N. Dean spent Thursday last Thureday and Friday. iiyt S14.00 per ton wtth Mrs. W. R. LeVan. Sedentary habits, lack ot outdoor ex- Now is the time to subscribe for The This hay was shipped in from our Clare ereiae, insalBeient nmetaeation of food, Mail. Call up 301 if you have any Elevator and is the lowest priced Feed oonstipatiop, a torpid liver, worry and items for The> Mail. anxiety, are the most oommon causes of The Gleaners will give a picnic din­ offered. Place yotir orders at once. It s to m a l tarouDles. Correct your habits and ^take Chamberlain’s Stomach and ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ADen wonT la^ long. Liver TaUeta and yon will soon be well Geer February 15th. Everyone invHed again. For sale by all dealers. to come and have a social tame. ;^4.00 per ton. MURRAY’S CORNERS. STARK.

The aid society will have a dinner at Mr. Bi ll Mps. Harlow were Detroit D. MCLAREN CO. th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Geer, visitoi'o Wednesday. today. Hattio Hoisington spent last w e^ in Mrs. O. Westfall is on the sick list. Detroit visiting relatives and friends. Quite a number from this neighbor- Lust Sunday Peter Mastayli was hood attended the dance at Cherry Hill! dead in his shoe shop here. On last Friday night. seeing a light sitting on the counter at Miss Cora Shankland of Dixboro vis­ 9 o’clock Sunday morning, the cause r5 W E KNOW HOW T O ited her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Forshec, last was investigated the result as stat­ Fresh, wedr. ed. Mr. Schrader was notified and b u t f — - — , Miss Ellen Jackson received some se­ came and took charge of the body. The vere bruises as a result of a bad foil on funeral was held Wednesday afternoon the ioe in front of her house last week. We SnvitB “Commercial” accounts of individuahi, who wish aooom- from the Center- church. Rev. Caster modations, and of films and companies. Salt andi' Mr. and Mrs. S. W . Spioer were Yp- officiating. We aro not only ready to receive your money, but pleased to give you advioe silanti visitors Wednesday. Mrs. G. M. Dean was a Stark caller on any businees proposition. Come and see us vmen you want m o n ^ . Mrs. Eugene.Legg, who has been vis­ Monday. I«et OUR B4mk beJYOUR Bank. W e pay three per cent intenot. iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. George Hicks has rented Dr. Hol­ Sm oted Soper for the last ten days^ returned to comb’s form in Redford. her home in Detroit Monday. Don’t forget the old maids* conven* The Piumoyth URited s

- i v ' - • - - ^ . . • • ■ • - • • ft,- . -■i-'

getber to tbe ttkteg of oaeers and en­ MiMY ARRESTS THIS WEEK. I DIDN’T THINK SHE WAS TlflEO THE PI^YMOOTtt M A II listed men. and whldL It is said. also, H I emu WAR la not altogether to the UklBg of tbo 33HIClENTSi Mr. Jinks* Mean Insinuation Whea- admtnistcutlon. Of course no one Over 60 Indictmenta Will Be Returned Young Lady. Dispessesped Him •> • ^ knows what change of mind may come In Dynamite Cases. of His Seat. to the army and to President TafL Y^LVHOUTH. Swanson’s Bill to Recompense but Mr. Hay and -his colleagues in the The federal grand jury, which hM DYNAMITING CASES "That was adding Insult to Injury."^ house, in order to give the bill an ud* been Investigating tbe dynamitifit; Southern Officers. con^iracy at Indianapolis has ad­ said Representative Mann, the mlnv- ditional chance (or i»assage and signa­ Ity leader of the house, apropos. o( » liOSSIA’S ROAD WTO CHINA ture, ^ave attached it as a "rider" to journed. It is expected all the indict­ ------“T ARRESTS ARE . TO BE MADE IN ments will be ready for the foreman’s political squabble. "It reminds me oT the army appropriation bill. «longona Is • Land c f Magnlfkencft 20 dlTIES AS'SOON AS MAR­ signature and will be returned to young Jiaks. “BLOODY SHIR'C’ DAYS OVER This means that if It passes, tbe of Middio Ages Mingled SHALS ARE NOTIFIED. court. ’The four day adjournment was "Late one night young Jinks sat ta With Squalor. president in signing the appropriation it is understood to enable the district ar-crowd«d trolley car. and, whoi a w bill must sign the other bill also. He attorney to have all the indictments. girl he knew got aboard and stood di­ Measure Makes Charges of Cruelty cannot separate the two, and If be 'V S e n th e ' bumping taranuUM ToUt la b o r u n io n is t s a r e h e l d by Dot yet prepared, in readiness, and it rectly ip front of him, he made no wishes to veto tbe Hay bill as "ricio^is he fs up with the work, final adjourn­ the Chinese, frontier Into Mon* Against. Federal General T h it u. s.| g r a n d ju r y . sign. His face bidden by his newspa­ Would Have Rafaed Storm In legistatlon" he must also veto tbe ment win follow. It is believed that per, be pretended that he didn’t know •idla It enters a klngdpm of themld* 65 indictmenta will be returned and A s ages diung down into the cwnntl* Congress Some Years Ago. measure which provides sustenance the girl would like to have his seat. and pay for officers and enlisted men possibly 30 or more arrests. «dx centuryi .- -- Jury Acts Secretly—Men to Be "After a while she spoke. Feudal piioces, lords of armies By GEORGE CLINTON. of the army. Clutches of Law Before " ‘Good evei^ng, Mr. Jinks.* Way back in tbe time of President Cannot Prevent Lowering of Lake ereaponed with spear and bow, tax Washington.—Oc(»sionally In con­ N^rnea Are Made " ’Why, good evening.’ * gress echoes are beard coming from Hares, congress passed an. army ap­ L e v e ls . " Tve been to the Primrose social «nd drive to the corvee their nomad Public. •erls. A hierarchy of priests, whoso Civil war d&ya. Once on a time trou­ propriation bill with a "rider” attach­ The discovery has just been made fiance.’ 4Hlne head lives In. a palace at Holy bles growing out of the war between ed which was objectionable to tbe Re­ by William Livingstone, of Detroit, •'‘Indeed.’ publican party and the Republican ad­ lOrga, swa^s the moltitade of soperstl* the states were a (instant theme of Thlrty-lhree secret imlictraenls, president of the Lake Carriers' asso­ "Then, after a pause, she added: qion-stoeped Mon0 >ls, and receives the oratory in congresd. Those were what ministration. ’The’president did pot ciation, and by Gen. Btxby, chief of " ‘It’s a wonder. Mr. Jinks, you hesitate a minute to veto the bill, and most of them’ thought to be -against homage of pilgrims, wending their way are known as the ’’bloody shirt" days, labor union leaders, were returned by engineers. army, that wouldn’t offer me your seat!* Crom the Volga, from Tibet, from all and old timers here say that it took as a sequence the army found Itself the federal grand jury in Indianapolis the international joint commission has "Jinks then got up. He was very Mongolia, to their Canterbury of LA* only the mention of the previous sec­ without pay for a considerable period in tbe giant dynamite conspiracy in­ no jurisdiction over disturbances ot angry. He said, as be booked himseir of time. Warren Leland. one of the lake levels caused by , diversion of aBaiam. tional strife to stir things up and to vestigation carried on after the Mc­ to a strap: hotel keeping brothers, who were in Namara outrages. wai(;r through the Chicago drainage "1 thought you wouldn’t wanL.lt; In prostrate devotion the penitents put Northern Republicans and South­ canal. } girdle the Sacred City, before whose ern Democrats into the ring to fight their day as good hosts and providers, An arrest or arrests will follow in for, as you said you’d been to a dance. hor^ beggars dispute with dogs It out with bitter speeches as weap­ had been given a good share of army D etr^t. , [ knew you must have been sitting a!l. their common nourishment, and In ons. Now everything is changed, and patronage, officers seeking out tbe Le­ Former associates of J. J. McNam­ THE MARKETS. the evening.’ ” prtkose' compounds p rln c^ of the race it .Is not once In two years that any­ land hotels In whatever cities they ara in the office, of the International could be found. The old Sturtevant Association of Bridge and Structural I.IT E STOC'fC: Child’s Reasoning. Genghis Khan, with armies of thing approaching bitterness growing Iron Workers, received the news of talners, live bedless, bathless,, light* out of the Civil war Is ahowm either in bouse in New York, which stood at DETROIT.—Cattle: Market eteady. "I can’t_ull you anything about my Broadway and Twenty-eighth street, the indictments without surprise. W e qwote be>;t »»teers and h eifera, $6.25 grandpa," ^aid solemn little Eustace, leas, in the felt huts of their race. the bouse or in the sefiate. Both Frank M. Ryan, the president, 'p6.7;j; steers and heifers, 1,000 to Squalid magnificence and good* During the war days there were and which long ago disappeared, was ],200, $3.7ri?i6; steers and heifers, SOO questioned by a happier comrade as to one of the Leland bostelries. Tbere and Herbert S. Hockin, formerly of to l;0UO lbs.. $-i.75^'5.&0; steern And Iramored. kindly hospitality are linked Northern charges of extreme cruelty Detroit, the secfetary-la-easurer, said h eifers th a t a re fa t, 500 to 700 lbs., his more recent ancestor, "because L was another In Chicago, and some oth­ J-H^H.50; choice f a t cow s, j4.76ftf5: never had any. All my gz^ndparenta to otter brutality. Sable furs and ^ Federal captives In Southern pris­ *:hey knew thft direction of the inves­ good f a t cows, $3.SOfi'1.5U; com m on ■Uks -cover sheepskins worn untO they ons. There was retort from the South ers elsewhere. tigation, because the association’s cow.s. $n^?3.25: c an n ers, $1.50'}t’2.7.">: died before I was born.” Mrop from thp body. that In a good many cases tbe North Warren Leland’s Big Offer. records were evidence before the choice lieavy bulls. $4.75i^r).2?>; f a ir t«> "But, you had grandparents just tbe (ba: o th ers that they were your grandparents.” tte'4Mought caravan goods. ^ A day or. two ago Senator Swanson navy officer in ,the United States and induced him. because of his familiar­ Milch cows and springers—Dull. "But if our fathers and mothers bad ity with explosives, gained while Sheep and lambs—Market steady: died before we were -born they The Russian. advance has been al* of Virginia introduced a hill which. If to tbe members of the furlough and good lambs. 25c to 80c higher than iwmys eastward, toward an leofree graduating classes at West Point and working in a stone quarry, to become last Thursday; sheep steady; best wouldn’t have been* our 'fathers and it bad been brought to public atten­ iam bs, 16.50^(0.75; fa ir to good Kambs, {port on tbe Pa0'' 1.10 0 goothiUs of the °Gobi plateau,' lies the Senator Swanson’s bill asks that ing furnished would be forthcoming. cipal building. to 1.200 lb . .sliip p in g s te e r ? . $6tfi'0.r)U; when he heard the lollowlng remarks future redemption of tbe great unfet- there be paid to certain surviving offi­ Mr. Leland lost nothing by this word District Attorney Miller announced medium butcher steers, l.oo to 1.100 by the minister: lb s.. $5.2C''(i'5.75: li g h t b u tc h e r .■steers, "Mine brethren lin'd sisters, Joe itered land route to north China. cers of the Confederate service the of welcome to officers of the service, that onl.v 32 of the indictments per­ S4.2r.fri 4.75; best fat cows, $4.^6(^.5; fair to good do, $3.75(54.2.5;. common to Thomas he Iss dead. Maybe Joe Thom­ The Chinese are them selves advano^ sum of $5,000 each as "damages and who faced temporary conditions of tained to tbe dynamiting conspiracy, one true bill being in another case meillum do. $;;$/;{.5o; trimmer.?. $2.2.'> as be go to heaven up I do know, und Ing to anticipate It They ha've . al* reparation." Tbe Swanson bill sets pauperism. ''•t .3.75; l>e«t f a t h td f» 'rs. $.'.25^;(»1; (rood not made know’n. maybe Joe' Thomas he go to hell Teady built into Ealgan. To .ibis trad* forth that when Major General J. G. Mr. Merriam’s New Position. f a t h o ire rs . $4.T5'?t'5.I.5: f a i r to g o o d do. $44r)4.50: slock luifers, $ornod. $4.ri0'i und sisters, we must be brej)ared*'|pv railway may yet pass, and her colo* some Federal officers held as prison­ til recently was the chief of the 5: common f«'eding steers. $:{.ri05j> ASK HIGHER WAGET-SCALE. »stoikerH. all grades. $3.50*14: meet him.” « ^ : nlsts make fruitful the unpeopled ers of war in tbe city of Charleston government's biological survey, which prime export bulls. $j.50(iiC: host •wilds of Mongolia. wei^ 80 placed in prison that they is a bureau of the department ot butchel bulls, $5rn5.50; bologna bulls. Li Locomotive Engineers Have Made $4.25^t'4!75: stOrk bulks. $3.25(714.35; Felt Rather Fat. were in danger of being killed by agriculture, is now the heed of what A way of adventure and strange Demand for Increase. best miiker.s and springers, $45frt55; "Mamma, I .had the nicest dreani,” nets, where the years turn back. Is Shells fired from the .batteries, he for is known as the Harriman .Zoological u-ommon to good do. $25r>( 311. Foundation with headquarters in this Managers of all the railroads en­ Hogs—Heaw. $n.50(fi C.55: yorkera, said little Ma'ry, ago six, just after tthls old road of the Golden Horde, the purpose of retaliation was Ins^- ,$G..30fii.'6.50: p ig s . $5.r>0fjT..75. waking in the morning. •leading down past the ancestral mental.Jn causing some six hundred city. Dr. Merriam is perhaps the high­ tering Detroit, as w'ell as all those Sheep—Top lamb.s. $7^7.10: yr;ir- est authority in America on subjects east of Chicago and north of the Una lin g s . $ 5 ^ ’.5.75; w e tlio rs , $ l .2o''( i.riO; "What was it?” mamma asked. bones of the Turks to tbe Great Wall. Confederate officers who were prison­ ewea. $3.50(54. ••Why, I dreamt 1 was a, young lady.” pertaining to the life of mammals and of the Norfolk & Western jailw'ay and — **The Russian Road in China." ers to be placed where they would be (7alvi;s—$3(5 10. tbe child explained. birds, and be is one of the chief au­ the Ohio river, have been presented in danger of death from shot and "That felt pretty good, didn’t. It?” thorities on American Indian history, with a demand by the Brotherhood of CRAIN, IlTO. xhell. the mother remarked. Where Diokens Saw Life. Charges of Harsh Treatment. tradition and folk lore. Locomotive Engineers, demanding a WhCiit —('ash No. 2 rcJ. a.skcd; general increase of 'a'ages. • The in­ May opened witlioul change- nt ■•Yes," was the reply. "But I felt It was on the- roads itmnd about The Swanson measure goes a great Tbe Harriman Zoological Founc^a- .li.ly rather fat.” --• deal farther than this in its charges tion was provided for in the will of 13 to 25 per cent. The object is said o p en e d a t t»7c. a d v a n c e d to I'T l-4 c a n d hefore his death, that he made the ac* when it says that the six bundried of­ Edward-H. Harriman, the railroad d e c lin e d to l)Tc; N o. 1 (vliU c, L‘Tc •qnalntance of the various tramps anfl to be to standardize the wage scale ask c tl. • - No Waves. ficers for forty-two days were given magnate, who died less than two years on all lines in this territory, as was C o rn — (''ash N o. 3. 66 l- 'j c : N o, 4. 1. showmen we read of in his works-L no daily rations except fo^l^ hardtack ago. The headquarters of research car .it 65c: No. 3 jelbjw. 1 car at A young mother who'still consider* the tales of their lives, *an^ lives so done by the trainmen and conductors 67 l-2c; No. 4 yellow,-2 tins at 66c; Marcel waves as the most fashionable crackers, "frequently wormy.” one now have been established in Wash­ sa m p le . 1 <-ar a t C c. in 1910. 2 way of dressing the hair was a t w'ork •often made up of many-sorrowa , The ounce of fat pickled iwrk and half a ington. and here Mr. Merriam, in ac­ Oats—i?lan*liU'd. 8 car.s at 5::c; No. great novelist’s knowledge of gypsy The GentTnl Managers’ association 3 w h ite . .52 3 -2c. on the job. pint of bean soup, alternated at times cordance with the wishes of Mr. Har­ has been asked to a'ppoint a commit­ U y e— C ash No. - 2. t'Tc. The precocious child was crouching wanderers and loafers was unbounded, with half a pint of mush made from dman, as expressed in his wili. is to tee to negotiate with-a' committee of Beans—Itnmtdiale and prompt ship­ and many a half hour he spent in ment. $2.40; I'ebruary, $2.12; .May $2.55 on its father's lap. tbe baby fingers meal that was old and wormy; while carry forward the 'work of extending the Brotherhood in order that the a s k e d . now and then sliding over tbe sipooth their company within a stone’s throw the only drinking water was impure. knowledge of natural-history. question can be dealt with collec- Tlmntliy Sfcd—Primo spat. 6i> bags of his home. When be wrote that tiv3ly. Ill 1910 the trainmen and con­ a t $7.25. and glossy pate which Is father’s. o lllore than this, the bill sets forth Few people knew that Edward H. IJarU-y—Best rample. $2.5(ii/2.:i.. per ”No waves for you. father," re­ ^ e rtn r chapter on tram p. In ^ 6 y ,a t the same six hundred Confeder- ductors made a similar demand, Hkrriman, one of the richest men in cwt. marked the Little One. "You’re all Tj&commerclal Traveler, he bad* iSi ate soldiers were confined In cold, the United States, and one w'bose time which was refused by the General Buclcwhoat—tlood grain, $1.75 per mind the high road at Gadshlll.—“The Managers’ afesociation. It then be­ c w t. beach.” damp casemates without fire or blan­ seemingly was almost wholly given Cloverseed—Prime spot. 2-i bag? at came necessary for tbe unions to ne­ Land That Was Dickens," Oscar Frio- k e r and that for sixty-five consecutive over to the extension of railroad lines $13.65; March. $1.3.05: sampl<-. J2 bags Aet. inJNatlonal Magazine. gotiate with each road individually. a t $1 :1. 20 a t $12.30. l.S a t SU..50: p rim e Nothing Serious. days at one time they were forced to and the securing of railroad holdings, Although this was done, it dev^ped alsilte. $13: sample iilslke, y bags at "Mode any mistakes in tbe new year $12. 5 bags at $11. live on a dally •ration of ten ounces of had any other heart interest than that that all of the railroads finally gt^t- as yet?" rotten corn meal to which was added of business. ^ He Knew. ed the standard scale demanded, \ aiCNRR.tL MARKIiTS. '•Well, I'm still writing in 1911.” In one of New Tork’s public schools "an ample supply of cucumber and Discovering His Other Side. Dgg? are in active demand unJ f.'m. the other day this sentep^ appeared onion pickle which If eaten only in- If one may be forgiven for speaking Offering? are not enough to supply After meeting a nice young man for creased' the pangs of hunger.” wants of the trade properly.. Cutter In tbe reading lesson: personally, tbe story of how l found ELOPING PAIR DIE. la firm and moderate active. Receipts the first time a girl remains awake "The king and his escort passed Congress is told in this bill that out that Mr. Harriman cared for other are lncrea.?lng. Potatoes are active half the night wondering if she made, such treatment of persons was "un­ things than his family, and .stocks and and steady, und ?o are vegi'tables. by." Divorced WiTe of Millionaire Suydam .Vpples are ciuict and the general tone an impression. "Now,” said the teacher, "who can justifiable and contrary to all the bonds, may not be uninteresting. Not and Lover Fulfill Pact. in fruits i» steady. Poultry l.-* in tell^ne what Is meant by an ’escorfT* acknowledged rights of belligerency, long before Mr. Harrlman's death, good supply and offerings of calve* THE CARELESS GROCER Death; self-sought, put the final are liberal. Rellnetl oils arc all A small, freckled-faced boy raised and without precedent as an estab^ newspaper business called me to quoted higher. •_ Blundered, and Great Good Came of IL U s band, and In the vernacular of the lished principle In civilized warfare.” Augusta, Ga. My companion on the tragic climax to the romance of Butter—Market firm; extra •’ream* East Side eaid: Gardner and SmKh Happy. trip knew Edward H. Harriman per­ Frederick William Noble, plumber's •»rv. .35c; first cream ery, :;4c; d airy , A careless grocer left the wrong son, and LouUe White Noble, di­ 24c; p.acklng. 22c per lb. "It*a a feller wtet's got a girl and In tbe senate of- the United sonally. Just as the train was leaving I2 g g s— M ark et firm ; receipts. 1«6 package at a Michigan home one day vorced wife pf a millionaire and for­ ^ takes her out' vfalklug.” States a place on the committee W'asbington. Mr. Harriman's private cases; current receipts, cases includ­ and thereby brought a great blessing of agriculture Is held in the high­ mer society leader. 'd. 35o p e r doz. ^ ■:i car was attached to it, for the‘railroad Clasped in; each other’s arms, they A pples—B aldw in. t.3(?53.r,0: G reening. to (he household. Glamor of the GreaL est esteem. Membership in tbe com­ man was going on a visit to his broth­ $3.25^3.511; .Spy. $3.50(1/4: Ben Duvls, "Two years ago I was a sufferer from were found lifeless from gas hsphyxi- $2 hene. 9c: ducks. 14c; you.ng ihicks. package of Grape-Nuts food by mis­ W im am G. BryanW F lt ^ r e e a e Hal* -4nd both really deeply Interested In world of business. Nothing but busi­ 13c: geese. ll©12c; turkeys, 1661*c- take, 80 I tried some for dinner. I was agriculture. One of them wns Hoke Cabbage—3c per lb. Icck and Charles Dickens!" ness was talked at the dinner table; TROOPS To MEXICAN LINE V eg etab les— B eets. 70c T>or bu : c a r ­ surprised to find that It satisfied my - Smith of Georgia, who. while governor the extension of this line and that rots, »0c per bu.; cucumbers, hothouse. appetite and gave me no distress what­ $1.50tli»3.73 p e r box; ‘ elery. 35®40c per Adulteration an Old Crime. of that state, showed a lively interest line; suad stocks and bonds and other u. S. Hustles Troops to Prevent ever. The next meal 1 ate of it again,, la Mricoltand matters, and the other things floated arcrand until I felt ut­ doz.: California celery, ^.<607 per "Champagne find claret w ill dmibt* Firing [into This Country. crate,«rat,. and _ per «u»..do,.; a-v--erecn and to be brief, I bave lived for tbe less be product in large quantlUea was Obadiah Gardner of , who terly shut out because of these things o n io n s, i - i-nc per •i,' pest year alm ost ezcluEdvely on Grape- Is a farmer and who for a long time 60c per basket; head lettuce, I*.--,-- CUa year, despite the general CaUure X did not know much, and cared less. The United States/ again took a p e r h a m p e r; tu r n ip s ,, P®*" Nuts. It has proved to be a mote cir the French vineyard," saya M was the chief officer of thje Mlilne Finally, in order to let my host know hand in the Mexican question by rush­ watercress. [email protected] per d®*-* healthful and ^petlzing food, pair* W n*. $2.73«T3.50; rutabagas. 45c per Chnmfele., "The art of mafe* State Grange. i I was alive, 1 turned to him and said: ing troops to -the Texan border: fectly adapted to the requir^enta df iB^vrine wUbout grapes Is an ancteilt When these two new Democratic "I- have all the journals of the Rsrri- A concerted movement of soldiers ^^'provislons—Fam ily my system. ' •. ' aeoatoTB arrived It was found that man Alaqb^ expedition thus far is­ began, from the Golf and Pacific de­ 20: mess pork. $16.50; one. As far baek as 1427 16.50: smokedjhams. 13 J$-4^pic . "Grape-Nuts Is not only easily di­ they both wanted position^ on tbe sued, and, what is more, I have read partments and the Texas coast will died ptpe« of wine were seised tn lined with U. S tragulars to pre­ nic hams. 9 4”: gested and but I find that Xjondoni because .no' trace e f grape committee on agricultare; gnd both theoL*' ^ l*»e'l3 l*2c; brisket*. 9 «- 4c 8>10 3 -4 .. since 1 have bera using it 1 am able wanted them badly. 'Tbere h a s only vent Mexicans from firing into this •lart In tierce*. » *-4c: ketUe rendered Juice could be found & them. The His Interest in Natural History. •country or using U. S. points as sup­ lard. 10 3-4c per lb, ^ to eat anything- else my appetite fan? oae vacancy on the committee, and Mr. Harrlinan's eye lighted. He Hay—Carlot P rice* , tra c k . ciea, without trouble from indtges cHlsens to see the public stav* ply bases. Ko 1 timothy. $2l.50B2-. teg. In of ^ Hie unusual as the committee on committees did turned to me with a sort of surprised If tbe Mexicans do not obey tbe olhy $2#©20.50; light mixed. $20.50© tlon. Tbe stomach trouble and ser- -vrstarlng ot dm atreeta which followed not want to disappoint either Mr. entbusiaem, and he said in a voice that edict, the U. S. will declare war on 21* No t mixed. $ 1 9 W « f2 0 ; rye »traw^ vottsness bave left me, I have regaim * Gardner or Mr. Smith an attempt was f l 6 .r>0 ^'ll: wheat and oat straw, $10 thereupon." was almost an exclamation: "l seldom Mexico. WlO.SO p e r tom ______ed my idumpness and my vievs t t made to fig. things. Finally Senator find anyone outside of the circles ofi life are no longer despondent and 1. Custom Very. Otd* Percy of Mississippi said thqt he was the strict scientists who have more Adverse conditions mtfrtied tbe fish St, Joseph’s Academy, a historic gloomy. ^ Tbo prhhti«y of miMIng eonueha Is willing, for^ his service runs little than a sort of ^ hazy recoUectlon that trade during the yonr 1911.’. The 1911 'Catholic institution, in Binghamton, "Oth^ members of my family, espe­ qapposcd to have bad iU beginning more than a year, to change tbe con-

c o m e I do. I am crazy alxmt har." Sometiilng fetched her. tor Ur e few r ■ ^ r v | 5 Tet he realized, as he replied. that|he minutea she came laagnldly In. and by tcomEiEtgioF didn’t have any indlnatlon to begin to the way she smiled at her visitor It h talk about hla fiancee. might .be thought Dao Blair’s name They had reached the Carlton and akme had brought her in. The actress the door of Letty Lane’s motor was bad been 111 for a fortnight with what I am pleased to testify to the i__ ___ held .open. the press notices said was Influenza. of Dr. Kilmer’s Svramp-Root. w b f^ -1 "Birtter get out,'* he urged, “and Sbe wore a teagown. long and white bad occasion to use for bladder avn- ble, wMcb my physician was nnphie-'fw have something to eat” as foam, her hair rolled in a soft knot relieve. i and her face was pale as death. Frail And sbe. leaning a little way toward Four fifty-cent bottles of your ren^ him, laughed. and small as sbe was. she was moie edy effected a complete cure. ethereal than when In perfect health. “Crazy! Your engagement will be Tours truly, broken off tomorrow.” And she fur­ “Don’t stand a minute.” And by Vanity Class Is Feature In School ther said: “If I really tbou^t it the hand she gave him Dan led her PETER VAN DE3NSE, over to the lounge where the pillows neat To the girls she has made it a ' Greenville, Mich. would, why I’d come like a shot.” fcAH YOUTEU. As she leaned forward, ber cloak were piled and a for-lined silk cover point to explain the many things that County of Montcalm} .. slipping from ber neck, revealing her thrown across the sofa. . what is yEKY are required to look fetching. She State of Michigan throat above the dark collar of the “Don’t give me that heavy mg. BAD about has given lectures on the care of the The foregoing has this 12th daytoif simple dress sbe wore, he looked in there’s that little white shawl." She THIS P « R 5 ? , person, on harmony in dress, taste July, 1909, been subscribed and sworn HIS TOWN her dove-gray eyes, and murmured: pointed to it. and Dan, as he gave it In the selection of materials, and on to before me a Notary Public In and- “Oh. say. do come along and risk it to ber, recognized the shawl in which many other things. for Montcalm County, Michigan. she wrapped herself when sbe crossed The opporttmity for giving more at­ FEED A GLBASOK, I’m game, all right.” Notary BubUe. Sbe hesitated, then bade him good the Icy wings. tention to those thingd has come be­ night languidly, slipping back Into her “It’s in those Infernal side scenes e w YORK.—A vanity class, it was cause of i the inability of all the old attitude of indifference. you get colds.” revealed recently, has been start­ classes to get as many hours, as set ed among the girls in Erasmus Hallin the schedule. In the gymnasium Br MARIE VAN VORST 1 am going home to rest. Good He sat down by her. She began to Prove iTHiat Swamp-Root WRI Del^or Yen cough violently and he asked, trou­ High school, Brooklyn, as a part ofevery week. As the exercises are In­ night I don’t think the duchess w'ould Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham­ Dhtitaliw kj M. G. KETTNER let you go. no matter what you did!” bled. “Who’s taking care of you, any­ the hygiene and gymnasium courses.tended primarily to aid girls In Im­ ton, N. Y.,- for a sample bottle. It ffUl . Dan. standing there at her motor way?” It was originated by Catherine Tur­proving their appearance. It was de­ Sfc = r a door, this beautiful, well-known wo­ "Higgins and a couple of doctors.” Nner, assistant principal, as a means of cided to devote an hour to the vanity convineb anyone. You will also re ­ ceive a booklet ot valuable infora^ ut L e tty and th is an gers the Duchess. she said shortly. "Will you please were true.” The westerner finds Letty 111 from hard let me close the door and go home?” She drew her fine brows together. “ ‘Oh. It is Just there, I supote,* work, but she recovers and Ruggles and “I guess there are a good many things said Neilsen. I'lan Invite her to supper. She asks Dan Dan walked into the Carlton when to build a home for disappointed the­ her bright motor had slipped away, that would surprise you. But you Farmer Boy Buncos City Firemen “ 'But now that you don’t pronounce atrical people. Dan visits Lily, for the his evening coat long and black flying don’t need to tell me about hard the letter why don’t you people drop time forgetting Letty. HICAGO-—^Whether Frank Ander­ WIU YE It altogether? It looks so silly to bate son came from Wheeler, Ind., or a letter there you don't ■ pronounce.* CHAPTER Xm.—Continued. .whether he didn’t, be succeeded In HAVE J»S£r £)ff« “Well.’ said Neilsen. T suppose wa Verking a “skin game” on scores of keep it there for the same reason Sbe was taking him home then! m en^rs of the city fire department PLYMOUTH you bang on to the “p” in pneu­ "Well, you’ve got to come In and that yould do credit to the moat ex- R0CK‘> - monia.’ ”—New York Herald. . P have some supper with Tne in that Cperi^ced and skillful of Chicago con­ mymaw case,** he cried eagerly, and she told fidence men, and now the firemen are HAS BOTH / To Prevent Drafts. him that she had taken him home be- lookingYxp Wheeler, Ind., on the map. A simple and practical way to pre­ caose sbe knew that Mr. Ruggles To their relief they find that Wheel­ gine compang No. B, 326 South Jef- vent drafts entering under a door that woald approve. ' er, Ind., is r.eally so. This is the only fersoQ street, listened and saw vis­ bas, through shrinkage, a wide crack “Not much you won't.” he said, and think the^ have found to be true ions of omelettes. He bought $2 pat his hand on the speaking tube, but about F r^^ Anderson, however, and worth of eggs. Members of the en­ under it, is to fold three thicimeaees she stopped him. gine company brought the donation of paper together Just the width of in fact l^y are beginning to doubt the door and two incnes deep and “Don’t give any 9rders In my motor, that be is FTank Anderson at all and up to $10, and Frank took the names Itfr. Blair. You sit still where you of all. cover It with serge or cloth as near may be somebody else—which latter the color of the door as possible. are.” suspicion the police concur In. As he was leaving one engine "Do yon think that I am guch a sim­ house after having made an extreme­ Sew to this three, small brass rings, Frank is a stolid, healthy-looking one a quarter of an Inch from eiudk' ple* youth that I—” country lad, with rosy cheeks. He ly successful plea, he asked one of Letty Lane with a gesture of su­ the men whether he preferred “Ply­ end and one in the middle. Fasten went around to the various fire into the bottom of the door three preme eniml said to him impatiently: mouth Rock” eggs or the “Jersey” houses and told his story. small screw-hooks and bangl the rings “Oh, I Just think I am pretty nearly “I live back on a farm near Wheel­ kind. Several days later be was re tired to death; don’t bother me. 1 to them. You will have a perfect er, Ind.,” he would say, “where my lating the incident to some friends, protection from cold air coming under want my own way.” ma has 3,000 chickens and 19 cows. and inquiring about “Jersey” chick­ Her voice and her .gesture, her beau­ the door and one that is easily, re­ We got a tol’able sized farm back ens. moved and kept dusted. ty and her ’Indifference, her sort of there.' 1 came to Chicago to find my When he was told the truth be sent vague lack of interest in him and in Aunt 9ane, but run out o' finances a message over the wire to all of the Reward of Merit. everything, put the hoy. full of life as and I calculate as how I’ll have to fire bouses warning the men against he was, out of ease, but he ventured, “Go on, sab! Go on and blow yc* hoof it back. If one of you gentle­ purchasing eggs and butter from hawn 'bout who yo' is and what yo* after a second: men will assist me in getting back Frank Anderson. “Won’t yon please tell me what you done!” Impatiently said old Brother home I’ll send you more than I bor­ “Too late. We’ve waited so long Bogu^ “But lemme specify dat Ti^de w'anted me to do this afternoon?” for them eggs I guess they’re all rowed in eggs and butter.” o^'J extln^lekrt^uzSC*? 'dla~^h “Why, I was bard up. that’s all. I Jerome Connor,' a salesman, who spoiled,” was the answer that came 'president o' de railroad—die liave used all my salary for two happened to be in quarters of en- back in nearly every instance. months and 1 couldn’t pay my bill at ; yuh road, right yuh!—paidvOpy ’ten* -the Savoy. tion to when be went th'oo In his spe^ “Lord!” he said ferventlyk “why clal kyah last week.Yassah! I wuz L-. v ^didn’t you—” Wirqless Used by Cupid On Steamer yuh when de train passed—right on “I did. Like a fool I sen t'fo r you "TlTs-spot!—and dat 't r pQ'tly white Miss Radcliffe at the Palace hotel, the first thing, but I was. awfully glad jL O - t W'Ll) man gimme a fine see-gyab; flung It when five o'clock came you didn't turn and after a few phrases, important to me uut’n de window o’ de kyah, wp. Please don’t bother or spezli of It only to the parties directly involved,* and't wuz lit, too!”—Puck. " again.” explained that the liner would not ar^ And burning with curiosity as to rive until late, and that unless a li­ Useless. cense were procured Saturday a wed­ what part Poniotowsky played in her "Wby don’t you make up your mind life, [ten sat quiet, not venturing to ding could not take place In San Francisco. to cease permitting your wife to hen- I to her any more questiona Sbe peck you?” deemed so tired and so overcome by The lieutenant was hurrying home AN FRANCISCO.—A prank of Cupid from the Asiatic station, under orders “I have made it up half a dozen -tier own thoughts. When they had times, but it doesn’t seem to do any toraed dow*n toward the hotel, how- with the wireless aboard the Pa­ to report at once to Washington, so cific Mall liner Mongolia the otherMiss Radcliffe used the more discreet good at all. Sbe refuses to concede -ever. be decided that he must in honor that 1 have a mind." » tell her his news. day basely betrayed to an Indulgentand secretive telephone to beg Grant world afloat and ashore the plan ofMunson, marriage license clerk, to “Got some news to tell you.” he ex- An Interruption. ofmimed abruptly. “Want you to con­ Lieut. Edmund Spence Root of the })old the office open u ^ il the Mon­ C 3»' navyS to mariy MlSa Maude May Rad- golia arrived. The gallant Munson Gerald—With that end In view— gratulate me. I’m engaged to be mar­ Geraldine—Stop looking at toy feet. ried to the Duchess ot Breakwater cllffe, daughter of E. F. Radcliffe, did even better—be promised, to re­ She happens to be a^great admirer of electrical manufacturer of Portland, turn to his office and issue th e license your Tfrtce.” Ore., and to snrprise his relatives and at any time she and her fiance should Ttae actress turned sharply to him friends with the news. appear. .luid la the dark be could see her lit­ “Now Please Do Tell Me About the Poor People." The Mongolia was plowing serenely A t 7:30 o'clock'the officer and the tle. white face.' The covering over her towkrd San Francisco when the god girl were a t the official trysting place head tell back and she exclaimed Us wings b e h l^ him. his hat on the That’s the way I am. I’ll do anything, of love began to get busy with the and soon were in possession of the ^^eavena!” and impulsively put ber back of his blAid bead, light of foot e^ve anything, so long as I don’t have key of the wireless apparatus. Other coveted permit. The lieutenant gave handa out oVot his. “Do you reatty and step, a gay young figure among to hear hard stories.” She turned to vessels far at sea and a few of the his address as Cincinnati, O., but ex­ -naean w tot you say?” the late lingering crowd. him coufidentlaUy “Perhaps ft’s act­ land stations received- the persistent plained that the residence was purely '^ e a .“ Re nodded snrprlsedlyl He w ^t to his apartments and ing in false scenes on' the stage; per­ call of the Mongolia’s operator,'' but- theoretical, be having a slater living do you look like that for?" mAsed Ruggles in the lonely quiet of haps it's because I’m lazy and selfish, tbe receiving stations did not pay in that city. MVn Radcliffe gave ber L e ^ Lane am ngediher scarf and the sitting-room, but as the night be­ but I can’t bear to hear about tales of much attention ontll the words “mar­ address as Portland, Ore., where the then drew back from him and laugh- fore Ruggles bad done, Dan In his woe." ^ riage license” clicked forth in the dis­ navy man first courted her. - ed. bed-room window stood looking out at What she said somewhat disturbed patch leaving the Meogolia’s aerials. lieutenant Root soon located Post *X>h. dear, dear, dear," she exclaim- the mist and f(^ through ■ which be­ hla idea of her big-hearted charity. The aerogram was addressed to minister who tied the knot • ed. "and I . . . and I have been fore his eyee the things be bad lately “I don’t believe you’re lazy or self­ l^e. looked up at him swiftly a» seen passed and -repassed, specter- ish.” he said sincerely, “but Fve got though she fanned she might detect like. wingllke. across the gloom. Fin­ an idea that not many people psally ToastileSj some new quality In him which she ally. “in spite of the fact that he was know you." Zoo Ke^ier Says Lions Are*Afimiists bad not observed before, bnt sbe saw an engaged man with the reaponsiblli- This amused ber. Looking at him Ues of marriage before him. be could quizzically, sbe laughed. "I expect e w YORK.—“BIU” Snyder, head . nmy hla clear, kind eyeis, hla channing keeper at the .Central Park men- en fle and hto beautiful, yonng Ignor- think of hut one thing to take with you think you do." him when he finally turned to sleep. Dan answered: "Well. I guess the agerie, has qualified as an allenlsti Sweet, crisp bits'of Wbttd , ^.gnoe. and said softly to hla: "6ni” never graduated from a col­ The face of the woman be was en­ people that see yon when yob are a Ictiian corn* toasted to lia "No ase to cry. little ftpj, if ir s lege, or served on an asylum's stair, ifrw! Bnt that woatan Saalt h^ f good gaged to marry eluded him, but the Iddr who come from your O'wn part oi appetigiag, foUea brown. face nnder the white hood of Itetty the country, have a sort of friend bnt when a main named Fulberg ^ loboa^ for you—txA half, and I gomm Ntried to break iQtoi the lion cage, Sny­ Lane was in hla dreamt, and In his ship." And the girl on the sofa fron i-,. . 9oa thlak It funny enongfa to bear me der said at once lie was crazy. How nay at^ What doea the other boy from troubled visions he saw her shining, the depths of ber shawl put out a thii A dctigbtfid food for dovellke eyes. little band to him and said in a volc< did he know? Elecatise "Bill" says fast, laacb or BH ntaaa eay?"' I the lions always tiry to make trlends out, and the lion ree^nlses itself in "Don’t know," Dan aaaw m M ifW - as lovely in tone-as when she sang ii a little higher dertfopment. ready to serre iiistcfitly froiif | fc. ' CHAPTER XIV. Mandalay: with an Insane person. yarsatly. "Marconiiit him: dldnt tell *1 wish I: could bo put Ml soma the package. b t e about It before be left: Too see "W^L^ guess that’s right! I goes *Tep, I’ve n ev ^ seen It' fall yet," lunacy commission.. I w o ^ bring ' bg doesn’t an^tentaad England— From India’s Coral Strands. that’s about true." said “BilL” “Wheia^er a crazy man the subject .down here, take b ta up > 46efB’t Bfea ft." MraTHlgglna. In. Mias Lane’s apart­ After the tenth of a second, in wiuc ; gets near a lion,! the animal just naturally comes up close to the bars to the lion cage and m^rty soon-find "*The M em ory Ling^tre" A ttttie daaed by tbe-way each of ment at the Savoy.- was adjnstlng the sbe thooghk best to take ber little ook out. if he io- sase or n o t wouM abe imo uromea to o f ^Oie' meaUmi of (photographs and arranging the flowen hand away from those big -warm onef and tries to be a good fellow. He wUl^wag his tafl ilnd purr like a c a t save tho state’Siid dty a whole lot of the other, be iabed tligidly: when sbe wss surprised by.a caller, she asked: money, as. they woaldtt*trkava to bold ' For > plcauBg Taction "Now please do tell me about tb< tt's iroDderfai, bujt It’s so. Why, I "Ton-dent JQce the Dochesa ef who came op without the formality; aC a suspect under obeervsllon mors ,f,*pn«Ue (ome Grm w^i Pi sabwatbr.’then?" aeodiag his name. poor pe<^e." OBce knew a crank man to take a than long enough to being him to OTW • u a c e r P w T o i ‘Aaiiiaie htnghad aciftD. _ fD o you thtok,** Blair aaked her. In this way gtvtng him to under j Hen’s food away finm the brute, and me.” e t tfeo animal seeaie|d to be trying to c "QeodaeM gradooa. 1 doo^. know "that Miss Laae would • • • me half stand hom reoJly true Ms better ide -U tb« Iboi the only H id ie*. then add cte*i». |;TW *| Aar; actreasea don’t itt arbund yrith a mtBUM? I called yuateiday. and the of her bud huen. ■mile aboot tba Jokm" « (TO BB OOMTIKCED.) ' trie* to baceuM aoqi|eiated wttb laai> c p a fc iu d flariM t Jii ** •dlien ahmpCly. her baao- day befone.'ma UDon aa I saw these ^What de.yon huppoio naked ;a t i e a r -BIB- aUked. figqa. :aader tiwlr dorled d v b wasa lahstHate ataglnt laIfuadalar. Uok so wtth -a crazy asanT* .4iD g to rfiarlifcw a fuB an him. 4m aaked: ^ / rfo aft M l «r amM asAehahi ?S*!P .;.l

;:^ '.'.ijr^'' '■ irr. ]- v-.-j

CROtoieMtlEWS I yalu*;bio tt e PLYMOUlif MAlL JlenfiM Htne toKil A I%c|ral Ofe. ; AAnmen i-i .made tram blood se EPISCOPAL. » cured at tb<' marking teaaes and uh< d — B Y ' There will be service in this church Wirii the thermometer a t ten below for settin*: |- (‘olora at printed rat W e Ouarantee to! H«ll«ve DyspeDsia. ties. Aehcf. from the Mdeory and on Sunday afternoon at 2:15 standsgl. zero Saturday at midnigbt, an alarm of F. W . SAMSPN, If we Fail tbe| Matftcine Coats cobs used in smokUig meaU are as^A' You are invited and will be welcome. fire was given, tra'used by the burning W h A e t i M of the new and as yet unoccupied resi­ Nothing. for fertilize; < Certain hard bone is SUBSCRIPTION B A TES. ___ V The WonM*8/Ouild wiB be held this errouBd up ana used for case harden Get zld of jo u r D e a d ly -j K M n e y dence of C. A. Fisber on Penniman^ Twir»pT>bto iB BdTiaoe...... W w week at Mrs.^Harriman’s on Friday, steel. Ii> this process the tstec: A llm e n tm * tihat coat you a P>ha avenue. The fire originated-among . To unquestionably prove to the peo­ 'Sr.__ tbe 9th, a t 2 o'clock, standard. implement is heated while Immersed in endozaace at pain, ioos ef.time mA TftVBeinobths some rubbish in' the basement in the f ple that indigqsti|>n and dyepepSia can in the powdered bone. Glue is made money. Otbets have mtaed tlianMiraaiBC ADVERTISING RATES. lutherak. rear portion of the housed but just iriiat, be permanently rdiev^ ai^ that Rex- 'rom the hoofs and sinews of animal> BortBSMCuliB 45.00 p6 rr e« r. all Dyspepsia Tabletd wOl bring about KIDNEY AND BLADDER DlSBAfllB Bat^vCiMSofB«Bp6etJl 00. Rer. O. Peters. Pwrtor caused it can only be conjectured. The O ird of Tha^iks.2&eeBts ..• Sunday, Feb. 11th, services in the finisbing touches' were bein]g put to the this result, we will furnish the medicine by tiie prompt and'timefy oae of FOUtW JOUoe&l moiioMwfll becharged for at tlTe- morning at _9;30 standard. Snnday- house bypainteis aj^d carpenters, 'Undi absolutely free ii lit fails to give satis­ KIDNEY PILLS. Stops BACKACHB; ootai>erli&e orfractlon thereof for eaehhi* rtion. PtetdayadTertiartiaratea tnade known school at It o’clock. All children are Contractor Patterson believes it ,was an i faction to any one using it. p iyiw otfth ™pIV o«ircss HEADACHE, and aT-T. tiie manyotiBr aa^diditlon. Where notiinelsspecifted.ali cordially invited to our Sunday-school. The remarkable success of Rexall otfeoH .«.u.. _dTertisementB w ill be inserted on- '.ncendiary fire. Mr. Fisher ^as in the We are bound to compete with other txoobleatiiatfoOowDISBASEDKIDllBYB Jodered dlscontlnaed. We are having good results with the house^ at seven o’clock Saturday eve­ Dyspepsia Tableis is due to the high cities and be up-to-date. We are going and URINARY IRREGULARITIES* FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1912 pin system. ning, passed right by the pile of shav­ degree of scientififc skill used in devis­ to have a FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS wHl CURBrag ings and saw or sroelled.no indication of ing their formiilaias well as to the care case of KIDNEYandBLADDERTRCipB- CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. afire. He'does not believe in the in­ exercised in their manufacture, whereby First Chured of Christ, Scientist, LE not beyond the reach of me<|icme. No cendiary theory, however. the well-known properties of Bismuth- CITY DELIVERY Free Mail Ddirery. .holds services.at church ^ifice, comer medicine can do more. Znayellowpaclo^e. Mrs. C. L. Wilcox, living next door, Subnttrate and Phpsin have been com- Main and Dodge streets, Sunday mom- now and it will take effect The Mail is ia receipt of a circular observed a light through the rear doors bin-U with Carminatives and other Mrs. S. B, W arren, Ann Arbor, ng at 10:10. Subject, “ Spirit.’ in the house and smoke issuing there­ agents. Miefa., says: F o ra number of years I from an organizatioD or bureau located Monday, March 4.1912, have been troubled from severe back­ Sunday-school at 11 a. m. Wednes- from, as the family was about to retire Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are at Ephrata, Pa», urging' business men, ■ .y evening testimonial service 7:10. aches caused by irregular action of tile Q l local organizations and everybody else and called ber husband’s attention to it. constantly employed and recognized by and be operated by H. B. Brown. This kidneys, but upon using Foley’s- .very one is welcome. ney Pills for a short period I was en­ to adopt resolations and write letters to Efforts were tnSdb by Mr. Wilcox and the entire medical profession as invalu- will give better service to the public Pr^^e readmg-room in rear of church. £ . K. Bennett to reach the fire with a ble in the treatment of indigestion and and we feel sure no one will car‘=‘ to re­ tirely relieved. odr congressman and U. 6. Senator ask< turn to the old \ray in the end. We Entrance oo Dodge street. Open daily garden hose, but it was ineffective. dyspepsia. __ ^ JONEti, the pragglat in^ their support of a bill now before except Sundays from 1 to 3 p. m. will have four deliveries a day for each ' 1 Congress to establish free mail delivery Meantime Mrs. ^vilcoz had called Mr. Tbe Pepsin used in Rexall Dyspepsia ward and will leave promptly at 8 a. m., Tablets is carefully prepared so as to 10 a. m., 2 p. and 4 p. m. Leave your R. K. COOPER. M.D.C.M., ^. in towns over 1,000 population. This METHODIST Fisher on the telephone and a general fire alarm was given. When the fire develop its greatest efficiency. Pepsin orders at the stores or-phone to the would toueb Plymouth in the right spot Rev. B. J. Warren. Pastor. merchants named below: and we would advise the citizens of Next Sunday night there will be a boys reached the p1r?e it was fddnd the supplies to the digestive apparatus one. Physician & Surgeon, hydrant looR tf-dir.-tly in front of the of the most importaiit elements of the F. Rambo L. F. Schroeder Plymouth to get busy at once. i special Lincoln service at the hour of W. W. Murray Geo. A. Taylor OFFU’E OVEB RADCH’S STORE After authorizing the Postmaster the usual evening service. Everybody house ' frozen. Had water been digestive flu.d. Without it the diges­ D. A. Jolliffed: Son R. 0> Samsen BcllPbooeSS; LoceJSO. General to establish delivery, the bilf invited. A special a d ^ Red music availa'oie just then the blaze would have tion and assimi ^tion of food is impossi­ Todd Bros. A. J. Lapham provides that letter carriers shall upon to suit the occasion. Other serv ces of been confined to,a small portion of the ble. Fred Secord Brown 4c Pettingill basement with a loss probably not to Tbe Carminatives possess properties Gayde Bros. R. M. Shinglcton DR.S. E. (JAMPBELL i^pointment receive a salary not ez* the day as usual. The pastor’s solqect successor to E. R. Daggett ^ oe^ing $800 a year and afterone year’s for the morning service being “ Quality exceed $100. As it was, before proper which aid in relieving the disturbances j Office and Residence, Ann ^Arbor St. service may be promoted to $700 a year, versos Quantity.” hose connection could be made, the and pain cauee|d by undigested food. first house west of Main street. and no carrier shall receive a compen> The Bible study class wiU meet in the fire bad gained a headway reaching to This combinatiefn of these ingredients Hours—2) to9 a. m .,1 to'*&«ad 7 to S p . m. sation in excess of- $900 a year, at a basement of the church at 7 o’clock the roof and the . interior of the house makes a remedy invaluable for the com­ iDdepeodCDt'PboDe No.45. postofbce which produced a gross postal sharp on Monday evening. Mid-week was practically ruined by both the fire plete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia ' revenue for the preceding fiscal year of service on Thursday evening at 7:30 water. Contractor Patterson estimates We are so cerlain of this that we urge the damage at over $4,000, on which you»to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets on OUR Dr.A.E.PATTERSON less than $6,000. Provided further, o’clock. that such statutes as have beep hereto­ There will be a bake sale given by there will be some insurance returnable. our own^ persotnal guarantee. Three Office ana residence, Main street, « fore been enacted witii reference to the the ladies of the 5tfa division of the M. The firemen worked at a decided dis­ sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Re­ next to Express office advantage in the extreme cold and member, you can obtain Rexall Reme­ city delivery and rural delivery s^r^ces E. aid society a t E. P. Lombard’s office ADVERTISING Hourd—until 9 s- 2 to 4 p. m- and aftci are extended to the town dejivefy aer- neighbors realizing 1 ^ condition threw dies only at our store— The Rexall Saturday aftempon. TelephoDo&, ilirl-. ’ vice; ______their homes open and served hot ooffee Store. Bcye r Pliarmacy. PRESBYTERIAN and eatables to the boys. For their ii-f Anothd Banker in Tronble B«r. B P. Farber. Paetoi*. kindness and hospitality in this respect Confidence. COLUMNS CG.DRAPER Q l Services will be held in this church tbedepartment, throughCbief Crumbie, JEWELER ani on Sunday, February lltb, as follows: wish to return their sincere thanks; are ftad by the people £. Jenney, President of the Do- OPTOMETRBT... Morning worship at 10 o*cl">ck. The also to Fred Dibble for furnishing the because it gives them vagiac State bank and owner of a num- We Back Up qur Statements with our Eyes accurately dtted with Qlaaeee. pastor will preach. Sunday-school at men with gloves. news of' absorbing in­ Prices Beasobable. Gwens a trial. - ber of State' banks, is in financial Personal Reputation and Money. 11:15 o’clock. Presbyterian Guild at Mr. Fisher and family feel the de­ terest People no longer Office opposite D. i:. I!.' Waiting Boom. trouble, and his E^wsgiac bank was Plym outh. Mich 6 o’clock. .. Subject, “Generosity. struction of their beautiful home keenly, go looking about for * closed last Saturday by Banking Com- things they want—they Leader, Miss Hazel Sly. made the more aggravating as tbe We'are so positive that wc can re­ -miraioner Doyle and is now under in­ M ISS B. M. B ilS S E L L , Evening at 7 o’clock. Song service house they are n')w occupying has been lieve constipation, no matter how chron­ go to their newspaper vestigation. The immediate trouble for information as to and special music during the hour. sold and they are required to vacate ic it may be, that've offer to furnish the OF DETROIT-, was caused by the Onding of 12 notes, where such things may The pastor preaches on this ^beme: the same. medicine free of ail cost if we fail. said to have been forged. They were be found. This method Teacher of Voice, Italian Method “Jacob—the Wrestler.” We think that it is worse than use­ .aU in the same bandwriting and it is saves time and trouble. Prayer meeting on Thursday eyening less to attem pt to cure constipittion with Studio at M rs. R H. Zjadd’s. said arc copies of-original notes held If you want to bring Days. Piritlars VoiCf TrialSDraMi^ at 7 o’clock. Subject, “The Farewell New Fire Apparatus Wanted cathartic drugs. Cathartics may do the bank at Lennon, also (fwned by your wares to tbe atten­ Discourses.” John 13:31-17:26. A much harm^, '^ey may cause a reac­ Jennty. This bank was also closed by tion of this community, MISS BERTHA BEALS, cprdial invitation is extended to all to Chief Crumbie was before the council tion, irritate and weaken tbe bowels, stpekholderSi Bahking- Commissioner O.UT advertising columns attend these services. Monday evening and asked for consid­ and make constipation mor^ chronic. * Doyle-'eaya there are other irregularities The annual meeting of the woman’s eration of a petition presented to that CoDStipatiool is often accompanied that are being investigated, home and foreign missionary society body last spring. While the council and may be catted by weakness of the Plano* Teacher Jenney is the m an'v^ purchased a will be held at the home of • Mrs. John admits a change in soide of the methods nerves and muroles of the large intes­ Sh ould { ■ couple ■ of Plymouth store buildings Studio, No. 8 Mill Street. Patterson Wednesday afternoon, Feb’y in conducting village affair^ would be tine or colon. To expect a cure you last summer with tiie intent of estab­ 14tb. beneficial, an appropriation of money must therefore tone up and strengthen lishing a bank here, ^ d ran against a is just now not practicable or possible. those parte and restore them to health­ Contain Yonr FRANK SfEPHENA TV snag when the ow ners^ one of the BAPTIST The fire bo;;^ want new and modem fire­ ier activity. ' buildings, refused to . give possession, BflV. W . W. DesAotela. Pastor. fighting appliances and are willing to The discovery of the active principle Pianist 8 Teacher elaiining fraud and aisr^resentation. The services at our church Feb. Uth donate $200 from their funds for this of our remedy involved the labor of Ad > ^ In view' of present ciicumstances it may In Pl^outh on Saturda]ra. Addreas will be as follows': The pastor will j)urpose. A new hose truck with a team skilful research chemists. This remedy Michigan Conservatory Music, D etn^ have been a good thing that 9eimey preach at lOrOOopon “Christ’s Failure.” centrally located is under their consid­ produces results such as are expected was thwarted in his purpose to estab­ Our Bjunday-scbool meets at 11:16. Our eration and a chemical engine would from the best of the best-known intes­ □□□□□□□ lish a bank here. He would have dilG- evening service will begin at 6:30. The not be a bad investment either. But, tinal tonics, and it is particuiarly o eulty in doing so now^ B. Y. P. U. will have charge of the first where’s the money coming from?* prompt in its results. Deiroil United Lines half hour. Special music by a chorus We want you to try Rexall Orderlies Plyamrtli Tlae Table o choir and a solo by one who will be cer­ CANTON. A on our guarantee. They are exceeding­ EAST BOUND. Concert i Great Sntcess. tain of appreciation by all. The pastor ly pleasant to take and are ideal ior F o r i)etroit v ia Wayne&:fi0 iTm and every boor will give an interesting address upon rfc>7:S0pm: alao 9:44 pn£ and 11:88 p m. Carrie Peterson of Ypsilanti spent children. They apparently act direotly Taka FOLEY changiogatWayne.' J “God’s Interest In You.” Everybody Mrs. Kate Pfeiffer, now visiting rela- SatuVday and Sunday with Nora ^ e . on the nerves and muscles of the bow­ NORTH BOUND. i- tivee and friends atM t. Pleasant, Mich., welcome. Johnnie Berdine and Johnnie Dicks els, having, it* would seem, a neutral ac­ L e a v e -P ly, m o v tb------a ^ KortbriO e 6HB a n | n . . 7:V 7:10 Our young people held a social and KIDNEY PILLS I erery bonrto 7:10 pm, 9:10 pm; met with a painful aooideat while sleigh are on the sick list. tion on other oigans or glsbde. They d p mn a a ^a d l£:aB_a l-____ m. riding with her sisfcer-ih-law, Mrs. Fred business meeting^ the home of Mr. . Mrs*. A. O. Huston and Mrs. Jennie do not purge pr cause inconvenience. If Tonic h ActioB^- Qnck h Resaks ) Detroit for PlymoatbDOatb 6:48 a ma (from I mrtaara): alai»6'J0amaade~N»6'J0a m and e?«ry * Palmer at that (dace. The snow was Md Mrs. Scott, whither they went in wuston were Plymouth visitors Monday. they do not positively cure chronic or Get rid of yov D eadly K idney ' - 7:30p - ako • -8 pm and four rigs. The evening was spent in 11 p m . cbaaaiB aaw a a t w a jn e . .i" " 'yw y deep and the horse became fri^ t- A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. habitual constipation and thus relieve A llm e n ta , that coat you a high pricp, Leave.Wayna^Plrmuatb-’tTSam; 648am games and the boxaa fnmisbed a de­ ,-s- • aoed, oVertondng the cutter. Mrs. Clyde Truesdell, Feb. 3rd. the myriads of associate or dependent in endurance of pain, km of time anif and" every ------boor to4:8P------p. c f:39pm; alto . Pfeiffer’s arm was put out of joint at lightful lunch for all. 'Riis was the M:l0pm and IS mtdntgnt. Edward Jackson passed away at hie chronic ailments, your money will be re­ money. Others have cprad ttemativcaof Oara eonaect at Wayae for Ypallaatl t fbe elbow. first of a series of pleasant evenings ar­ funded. Try- Rexall Orderlies at our potattwestto facksoa. home near Sheldon, Feb, 6th. He was KIDNEY AND BLADDER DMKASBS Whether' or not “The Olde Tyme ranged for our young people and by the one of the of the oldest residents qf risk. Three; sizes of packages, lOo., remains heard on every band was great-: Canton and leaves a son and daughter 26c. and 50c. Remember, you can ob­ tile prompt and timely uae of FOLEY M w te N ote. iVr- ■ s loas. tain Rexall Remedies in this community ^ m. Atawatioaef-tito ProtMte Opeut far On aooonntof the firemen’s entertain­ HEADACHE, and ALL the many otter mid coonty of Wayne, held at me » ^ r' ’ orbeieetf. Itis fact is patent, however, Mrs. Bet^ Huston, vriio has been only at our store—Tbe Rexall Store.— 4^— . tt----jjj city, of Detroit oe Hia ment Feb. 14th, the Baptist ladies’ aid confined to her bed for some time, is Beyer Pharmacy. ia ttab year oo ^ ttomima UmI the univereal kea^ony of the list- nine knndredasd twelve -eners in regard to it is—“¥4ae/* ^^Best have changed the date for their Valen­ gaining slowly. ^ and URINARY UtREOULARITlBS; PzcaooL Beory 8. Bnlbert. of t*robete tine package sale social to Tuewlay la tbe matter ot tbe rntatn of Lm im I J. . Bver.7 This could not have beenaaid, Mrs. Fred Kimmel and Mr. Jason up to the Wishbone- FOLEY KIDNEY FILLS ^ CDRkm^ TrneedeU, deoeaaed.- had it not .been for the ezeeptionally evening, Feb. 13. Retreshments sfired Huston^ of WaMiington have been Said an Eu^ilsh clergyman: "Patrlol- casebfKIDWEYeiiaBLAPDBRTROOB- Oa readingead flUng tbe pefeltloe oTOzaes tsm is tbe becKbone of the British em- *' praymt that admlaistnittoni of mid fine voices, surrendend to the object, f ^ of charge. Kpending a few weeks with their mother, LE not beyond the reach of medicine, fio . granted to ber or eonie other Mrs. Betsy Huston. pire: and '(that we have to do Is to Ue pagma. < ., and the good! training of the chorus, train that backbone and bring ft medicine can do mora^InayiBairpeckeg^ It ia ordered. *nat tbe tweotydiet tiny eC SCHOOL NOTES. Febrearyaoxt.attiBo'olOBk|ln tbe.fbi ^ ^ labor of which was ighren without Everette Dicks of Ypstlanti spent tbe fro n t’’-tC hrlstlau IntoUigenoer. St. Joseph, Mich.—4 > . Frank Marti, atsaid oonrt room be appointed for I money and without price.” . Elarly in Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mis. 417 Church st., says: Foley’s Honey said petttton. Bennett Wilcox has been absent irom Aim it it fartiwr ordered. Tbata jopyof the pfaetioes. Director Jones remarked W. P. Dicks. and Tm* Compound saved the life of our thteorderbepablMiedtiiree mii i amive weaKe “nymou,th oertainly has a goodly the 3rd grade on account of illness. baby boy. He bad spells of coughing prevloae to mid ttm of hiarlaf lathe Plrm- and gagging and turned black mtbe ontb metl. a------prtumo newapaam' pHated and cifruiai- nombw of fine musical voices, for a Charles Fleming has also been absent inglnaationBCtyofWayae from this grade. LIVONIA CENTER. feoe. 1 gave him Foley’s Honey n d HBFBT 8. H^HRI, -JttT. glace of ita rise .” Tar Compoond. In a ^ r t time he was fAtraeeopyJ Ji^geof Profanie. entertaiDment was under the Perry Hix was a H. S. visitor this relieved u d finally the cough was en­ AlbeHW. This community was shocked on Mon­ ~ kaperviaioa of the fourth. dnisioii of week; REMEMBER tirely* stopped and the coughing and day to learn of the swHen taking away gagging spells ceased bothering him^ PrateeNoilM, I ^ e Ladies’Aid of tte M. E. church. Last week Friday an indoor ftraek of our old ^oemaker at Stark. Al­ fkuey’s Honey and Tar Compound has ' Mot only tl^ 4fh dirisiattg ^ t the entire TATE Of MICBiaAK. aMinty at Veet*. . meet was held in ^ e Central High gym­ though he was a very reticent man in many times saved us trouble and this m. A team i^eC tbePwthebe Uaui? -.r M. E. society is laid under great obliga- nasium in which* teams from sereral with the wonderful t-ure^in baby’s case, mid eonnty eC W a^e. betd at the Prr* .*• regard to his past, he had many warm oonrt room m .tbe elty or Sidiioit; ii» liooatotbc iodiridaa] singers, of other schools were entered. The ord«r of shows its great merit.' afaettte’ Mtemy.m the raar ooe uw- friends in these parts, where be was aOMCtt. th« DruAftiat ''ehprehes, who oo-operatedia so noble a evoQta and the Plymonrii conteetants generally known as Old Peter, thou^ It was; a striking example of were as follows: Shot-put, Austin oftteeatete o T ^ T l n ; he had annfther name—Mastagdl. He Ba^bert B.m beautifid comradedi^ and Chriafdaa Wh^iple; 30 yd. dash, Leo Spenoer eabate.S bjprte A was a Freadmuh and had no known send Harvey Sprii^er; 30 yd. hurdle, afthibjdrtraSiti___ uaity. ifay it mspfre us, wte were the ralativee in this loeali^. Sure HoBqr and is ^ neipients of the benetia, to emulate JLeo Spencer; 440 y^ dash, Ansdix Uncle John Smith bad the misfortune Sijrla by Rea mile, Iffiton Wisely and Herbert War- Maptiia a al QoigHcCalPMtcrjs hDoaiTbe ein.-ojiHm '------^ • V Thanks to IXreetor Joiet, ^ aingert, bis hmne in Ravenswood, near the ci^. ------all trim aided us in aaQT WiQr* Their ; pole vault, no Plymouth -contest­ t k C J t i ll» n rin ltlU 'Will Pankow visited friends here over ypomtusABt. help you divr? jayl- 'services were'gKTe9-,ps as if i t were a ant; mile, Heihert Warner and Leo ind^42 isUly at a ir.uicnt*) -5 Spenoer; Relay, no Plymouth eemtest- expense by *%U>or of love” and we a^ii^ not soon tfozget the Spinster’s Conven- cu postfC CB tile Jovget it. -Comaiittee.of p fcrision. Stota. Herberi W arner reocived a ^ y e r ELtBiit la;!:ions Jo at the town hall Friday hnd ^ator- ^^;i*****»i»* clothes ; uil bats. 6 0 'medal for.£eoond place Jn the mile race erenings of this week. New FtsLlqa' Dertnns : ' A ’biU in Congriiiei, calked the VKea- and^eo a hronae inedal for third place la tcA Imaa. ■ Abo you-Shfppatd BUI,” sapke the (jro(tee- 'c3frDm*8 sawmill started up Toes- yaln-iuio tnformailoa in th r bnU mUe. Leo Spenoer von n and they have a goodly imount of bo nil betoe did par­ ... tinn of the dry t^toTy*ol the oMBkiy tkpne medal 4for thhrd place in the s'JSl matten. oalf workoo oandnow. s :a year. Inclndlnc 'I'^.firom the riolatloaB ofv theinj Isaro, dhir^''yd. hmidle. Oentra! HTgfaof De- sue h a v e ev e iy facSity a fine pattern. 8(dh Rodey ■ K # w a T«a Maiiaii < thuDuph’-the intexHijtaee .noampit linr. 'tredt non the meet. turning oot scat prmt- \ Acriho today er tend ^^ynouth Waann’aChj^ Yon are probably aware that pdbu- iD g 'cF aU kindsT L ’ e tte r for boo sa ia ^ eqpr-' Bd)«. b C i M '.v 'm monia al^iwass TsiTsadita from' a c , bot wwin enable yJoo to »Uaiah, hmoh^ik ind »bjU heads, ofiBce sta- :^ n neverT JMaiti o fao o ld to Tooyseif aad c u mprae$n>aHv»)d < iiUbei^nteto tit, XogieM oneaBDoia when in Ittslle and At. >'ea*- M kia DOdy wi used. s ttB d te lB e n a p . Give _en.tills retnody mag be had ftiir A tilBe? For.aalel^idldealeiE^ T^ry s wa&l or for a^ e ad. T R Y t l A l L i : r ? ^ m - - ' --‘.T'v-r^'g? m -:, -■- lo c a l Ylewe ‘Don*t'Over^ook GdMen Sun Oolong Tea. * • )' ttit aAMriptiw. I U JH O. C. Wingard visited in Bay City a •re la anon tt^umhu few days tiiis week. Iktt «a a a a h m 8ad credrealar Adna B urned of Chelsea csJled at F . Wf said a few words the rither J . Tousey’s Sunday. fA e MONEY ^iChauncey Rauch is in Chic^o this Valentines! Valentines! day about week on telephone business. Ex'Goveraor W arner '.made a few Mrs. F. J. Stocken of Detroit spent Lace Vsdentines, Art Valentines, calls in Plymouth Wednesday. Sunday with Mrs. C. L.; "Wilcox. Comic Valentines,' Golden Sun Tea, Misses Hazel Smitbeiman and Lillian It will soon be time fdr village elect­ Jesson spent Sunday in Pontiac. ion. Get 3mur candidate ready. Valentine Postcards. And now vve want to put in a few more W he Old Maids’ sewing club met with Miss Minnie Blackn^er from Utica, Borne and see our Im^e ’stock of Valentines We have a' Miss Bessie Hood Tuesday vening. N. y ., is visiting Mrs. John Patterson. Carl Heide has bought the ^.ugust and Mrs. Geo. GAtine of Detroit ^t!itever house and lot on Mill street. vfmted here the latter part of last week.. The New Idea Club was entertained C. D. Buell of Sooth Bend is a I Gomingp First of Week by Mrs. Edward Sayre Tuesday after­ guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett Complete : Assortment noon. (rfy Our new Special Wall Paper Books from two of the best houses in 1k^ this week. A country. If y«»u want to order any special papers, please see, these Carl Hillmer of Detroit visited his From Saturday nigbt until Sunday books before ordering of other parties. Will smid bc^ks to your house Something you never tiad in Plyinouth. Would parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hillmer if requested. We will have a beautiful stock of Wall Paper in store i night is said to have been the coldest this year at .very cheap prices for the quality. ' we dare st-ako oui' reputation upon ^this new line Monday. 24 hours of the winter. ’ unless we were absoluttdy certain it is right!* Look V ^rs. J. B. Henderson at;d daughters (.aaJvIrs. H. A. Doerr and son Lyman If you want to buy anj’^ Clover or Timothy this compiett' list over and make yred Japan Tea. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Spicer and Phone 16 Golden Sun Formosa Oolong Tea. ^ purchased the Jesson property uoar the daughter, Mrs. N. W. Ayers, visited Golden Sun English Breakfast Tea. Wilcox mills. Golden Sun Ceylon and. India Tea. Mrs. J. A. Wiles of Canton Tuesday. >- Golden Sun l^ e d Tea. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuttle are on the A shop hand named Wheeler had his sick list. Dr. Henry of Northville is band badly crushed in the Daisy foo- in attendance. \ ^ry Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Put up in fOc Cartons Don’t fail to read Riggs’ continuation Cooper dressed the wounds. sale advertisement on another page. It will interest you. The fast train from the west last Did you Call * ■ You don” have to tiy a pound or half pound, Mrs. Nichols of Marshall visited her Monday evening' ran off the track near Tiy a 10c package. daughter, Miss Helen Nichols, school the Michigan avenue oroesing, injuring on the Grocer? t^ h er, last week. S'*veral persems, none dangerously. NiThe ladies of the Baptist Aid Society The accident was caused by a broken Did you get what you wanted— rail. all of it—wd of the right kiiid? CENTRAL GROCERY, f hitd a nice meeting at Mrs. Harry New- You did if you deal here, beoanse house’s Wednesday. The five-weeks old child of Mr. and we keep none but the choicest qualities, in the greatest variety R G. S A M S E N J "Watch the Fords go by.’* Six of Mrs. Chas. Rathbbm‘ of Salem died last j S h .V' and our prioes are mpst reasooa- Plione 13, 2r Tree Delivery them have already been sold this season Thursday night, the funeral taking ,Jso v t> v ble. We gaokto have your hob- place Saturday afternoon. The parents by the Bonafide Mfg. Co. to a n -T tom and' to get it we promise to Golden Sun English Breakfast Tea. have the sympathy of many Plymouth TH& tempt you with the finest quali­ filends. ties of Groceries that were ever Plymouth Chapter 0 . E. S. wi 1 hold offered to a discriminating public. a special meeting Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frazer Siqsith enter­ Feb. 13,““to* confer degrees upon two tained Postmasw Ladd *'nd the rural A full and complete line of Burt Olney’^ Nectar Brand candidates. mail carriers, with thejr wiv“8, at a Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Tony Reiser of Wayne teleponed luncheon Monday evening. Flinch.and Mapleine, 2 oz., for...... -...... 35c t “Take it from Me, Bill,” over here Wednesday evening to stop pedro were th« oastim sand all enjoyed Sugar Butter, maple flavor...... 25o paym^' i on-^a check for $15 he had the occasion very much. Choice French Mushroom.^...... 30c ^ Remarked u proniiiieiit farmer, who lives 5 f ■ ‘en a • lan. '• , will be R'-en elsewhere the grocers California White Asparagus Tips, 1 lb. can. 30c., a few miles south of town, and who knoiys y . '!at.shalis watching people who ^ n d butchere and Ntkers have combined • r t.'iiir ashes:, in the highway. and on March 4 wilf^GS a general de­ 2 lb. can ...... 50c : Lumber of quality fi-om trash, ‘you will V Nankin Buckwlieat Flour, Maple Syrup, Cane Syrup make a big mistake if you go ahead and ^ caught doing this^ will be livery svstem, Harry Brown heiiig the operator. It. will be a saving to the Comprador Tea 50c. B. M r r . Ch a r l es R a th b u r n . Articles for Decorating purposes? Salem and attended a shadow social at Cabo op TEbWKS Mr. and Mis. Adolph Eehrl’s and re- We desire to express our sincere Mxted a good time, thanks to tbe .iriemds and neighbors, SEE OUR LINE OF r^bert______Todd,____^ William______Springer, 1 ^ho assisted us after the death of our Irnng Comstock, Albert Ball and Goo. I ^ _T^ a e Paper, | Grocery. milUnery buying. Nell B. MoLaiw. The Plymouth Entertainment Course How to * cure a cold 18 a question in Ladies’ Correspondence Cardg; committee find they have money cm which many are fotecpsted just now. Beef, Pork, hand to secure an extra enthrtalnmeai, Chamberlain’s Codgfa Rnnedy has won and at a recent meeting a sub-oomndttee ts great reputatkm and immense sale and {Stationery. •j* '. by its remaricable cure of ooMs. H can was appointed to see what can be done always be depended upon. For sale by Veal and Leonb about the purchase of a new scene cur­ all dealers. tain and some stage fumtture. They have the right idea, at least. Shoe Repair Shop. * Orders Taken for Ground Bone. i This is to give inotfoe to tfaq puMio C. G. DRAPER , /^laynard Riley of Springfield, 111., ttiat I have opened a shoe repair shop J e w e k ^ called on a few of his Plymouth friends at 161 Main skwet^ fo^tfae candy store, Phone 2 4 7 1 4 8 Main at. ’Phone 105 Free Delivers Wednesday of this week, Mr. Riley and am ready to ny WQ^rork in Hoe. Soling men’s shoes SO oents, was formeiiy a Plymouth boy and his ladies* shoes 35 oents, with best Goldmi many friends here will be pleased to Oak leather. Glee me a call. know that be now holds an important ALEX. PATTAL. GIVE US A CALL. position as plant engineer of tiie Cen­ tral Union TelepbMie Go., at named city. Wash, For To etc. The <%ehoygao boiler works {nroposi- fie. per Line, One Ineattlen tlon has been turned down for la

JACORDtNQ TO HOYLE. SBilYEIUtS OF How Mn. Betibune wa* Re­ stored to Health by Lydia E. Rnhham*« Vegeta­ ble Compoun(L

Sikes ton, Mo. — **Por seven y e u n l suffered everything. I was in bed for ra four or fivedays at • time every month, and BO w e^ I could hardly walk. I had , cramps, b ack ach ‘6 Miss Pert—I believe In calling a •^and headache, an d spade a spade. was BO nervous and Chappelgh—Sure. It would be weak that I dreaded wldlculous. you know, to call It a to see anyone or be^t, a club or a diamond. have anyone move in the room. Tfaedoc> More Like Him. “Yd’ act me b’out Mis Johnsfng an’ tors r^ve me medi­ her husban' las week, Miss Lou,” said cine case me at Matilda, looking up from her Ironing. those times, and said that I ought to “Ah seen Mis Johnslng cn dc street have an operation. I would not listen to las’ night an’ she says dey gone to that, and when a friend of my husband's boa'din'. Her husban’ been out of told him about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg­ LTKOUGH it is little more than etable Compound and what it had done wo'k fo’ de las’ six monts an' dey for his wife, I was willing to take it. half a century, since the death of cayn’ 'ford to keep house nO, mo' Abraham Lincoln, discorerfes of Now 1 look the picture of health and ieol Ah t'ink It mighty foolish ’cos dey's like it, too. I can do all my own house­ heretofore unknown relics of the sto'ln dere fu'niture an' it cos’es dem work, work in the garden and entertain martyr president are of rare oc­ fifty cents a mon’t-ito keep It In de sto' company and enjoy them, and can walk currence, Indeed, we hear of the house, an' ef dey don' pay it ebe'y as far as any ordinary woman, any day disclosure of additional relics of mont' de money keep a*-growin' an' in the week. I wish I could talk to every George . Washington more fre­ .a-growlng, an' a-bur-owin' into dere suffering woman and girl, and tell them quently than of additions to the bunk 'count, jes' like a catin* cancer. what Lydia £. Pinkbam'a Vegetable known list of mementoes of the Ah lol' Miss Johnsing dal. an Ab say Compound has done for me.” --Mra. Civil War President. One ciplan- w’y don' she put her husban' to wo'k. D e m a Betuune, SikestoQ,-M a ' * atlon, perhaps, is found In the fact He right able body man. ‘Hitch de (that there are comparatively few private col- reins to do mule,’ Ah say, ‘an' dou’-yo' Remember, the remedy which did thio ,T dectlons of Lincoln relics, it Is as though the wo'k yo' finger nails to de quick fo' was Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable jveaithy men who have expended such vast dat niggah.’ 13ut she say lie can' fin' Compound. sums to unoarth trophies of Washington. Na no wo'k be like, dough he cut all day It has helped thousands of women who •f>o]eoi) and other heroes had pot yet awakened an' sometimes till 12 o’clock at night have been troubled with displacement?, to th^ Importance of the souvenirs of Lincoln. a-looklu'. Ab reckon he don' like no inflammation, ulceration, tumors, hreg- ulariries, periodic pains, backache, th(t Doubtless the quest wo’k be can fin’. Oafs w'ot’s de mat- tab.’’ bearing down feeling, indigestion, ai^ ten the part of prl- nervous prostration, after all other means *vale fodlridnaJs for have failed. Why don’t you try K? ^Lincoln relics would Her Bookkeeping. ft>e pursued more en- Husband (studying Tils wife’s ac­ •orgetfcaily were it counts)—There are several items you Stop That Backache mot for the manifest haven’t entered here. Dofng up tho WITH THE* NEW REMEDY 'difficulty of securing fu.*nilurc, your hairdresser, dentist, (Lincoln's former be- trip to tho sea. for instance. 'lo^ngB and the yet Wife—Oh. those .all come under “re­ ;gTieater difficulty of pairs.'*—FlSegcnde Ulaetter. DR. DERBY’S authenticating many J n t^ fz o its , /n a d e f y " tot the objects that ZincoJn Nor a Brass Band. purport to be Lin- Booth—What is the dif/erenro be­ KIDNEY PILLS nklog tois rruKMy, suOuivU Intrtuel? wltS •TtAe spirited bidding; damaged and discarded The man who is satisfied with him­ p&inful &oU tnflAiuMl velBs: pieces of the White House china made for Mrs. lb>*r vvri> ■ «oUi-n, knotted ana „ self never worries on account of his I liant. ilo wrllt-i: “ After BklBA 'p^coln and used on the presidential table dur­ neighbor's estimate of him. f (IDA and on«-l(Air bwltlet o ' ing the Uncoln administration command prices wero reducfO, InflarDCcationA U.SO KIIIN and Kpxln . J R..c^>np, t bo anilT»iM t bare bud no rerorrenno of tba ttuablo dnrlDc tb« of ^0 to |o0 each; and a lock of Llnroln's hair Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure oon- XKt «lx jrurK.” AUo rronivoi Goxrw, PMTaTel * r^Mntly brought $800 when sold at auction. wt-ningif. tVi-npi, Crntx. CaMuubm. Bmta of Itcblof, Blind, Pear^ S.0U " lUU ('herTT, klO ** 100 ing to the present and future generations the Bieeddidor Piwirudin^ InCio It dAjs. Cue. Peer. 1 1 . 0 ) “ lUO I Grepe*. 4 .U 0 ** UO Bfffeuientoes he possesses or what ultimate dls- exact appearance of this famous man in life and in • Scadva for paei‘Ar Oar Proe rueiuirr Book Mu. S .position be has planned to make of them. Even deatli. A mask, it will be understood. Is a plaster . more valuable, however, than the Robert T. Lin­ Riches do not make a man happy; WOOOIIWM nURSERIES. ROCHESTER, R.f cast of a countenance which reproddees faithfully It is wbdt be geta out of them. coln collection Is that which represents the life Its every detail. One of the life masks of Lincoln work of Osborn IT. Oldroyd. a veteran of the that has been preserved was made In 18C0. Just after • Civil war an^ a most jjevoted admirer of Lincoln. Lincoln's first nomination for president, the work It stands today as the greatest collection ever being done by a sculptor who accompanied tbe noti­ : eoaipilcd by one man in tribute to h popular hero fication comniiUee to Springfield. Anjother life mask kF and Its v^ue has been variously estimated at was made about a month before Lincoln's death. »* from $100,000 to $250,000. The death mask Is perhaps the representation which The . coUcefoT began tq accumulate Lincoln shows the martyr president as he is best known to relics some time before the Sprlngdeld lawyer Zhtco/n'j Offzce ChAir, used in the public through pictures and statuary. CASTORIA waji nominated for president, and he has cqntin- o ^ ce a / dprin^/teld, ZIK Among the relics that have been carefully pre­ For Infants and Children. [ oed his labor of love ever since, with the result served by the government and by private Indl- - that be now has considerably more than 3.000 ' vlduals such as Mr. Oldroyd are many bearing k articles, pertaining to the great idol. Some years the physician in charge to allow him to have a lock of Lincoln's hair. upon the great tragedy which ended Lincoln’s ca­ 1^ 0 the Congress ot the I'nited States gave him reer. One of these relics Is the flag which was The Kind You Have r pennissto to place his relics In the house in One of the most interesting of the relics iden­ tified with the life of Lincoln before he entered draped In front of the president’s box at Ford’s ^ y W ashio^on In which Lincoln died, and this un- theater, tho night when Lincoln was shot The 'pretentious brick structure, which Is/now owned the White House is the family Blbie-^onsider- Always Boa^ ably more than one hundred years old—which flag shows plainly the rent made by Booth’s spur ^ ^ 7 ijnels Sans, has since been the homo, rent contains the family chronicle usually recorded in when It caught in tbe folds as he leaped from free, of this persistent collector and the treasures the spaces provided in such a book. From this the box to the stage. Another interesting relic ^ «hic^ he. has gathered together from all parts of well-worn volume Lincoln's mother read tbe Scrip­ is the spur Itself, which made trouble for tbe Bears the r th e ccKintry, at great expense. tures to him when be was a boy and on the In­ assassin by causing him to fall heevlly. breaking i What Is generally accented the most valuable side cover is the autograph of Lincoln written his leg and. In consequence, seriously hampered t }Pf all Uncoln relics has a prominent place in this when he was nine years of age. The cook stove. bis flight. Signature UKlf-saaie collection. It consists of a heavy Promotrs Digestion,ChurTul- O 'frame, aheltering under glass the last communl- nessand Rest.Con tains neither catSon ever penned by Lincoln and. 'attached to o f > tbe prectons -miaslTC, a lock of Lincoln's hair, Ophmi.Morphine nor Mineral i This nouvenir. which was originally in the posses- IN THE WILDS OF CANADA N o t N a k c O T IC p** idOB 7 the martyr president, but In reality tbe honor surreys for the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad in sively, owing to tbe muskeg and the absence of B ^frn5plestlpaably belongs to this small white card tbe Engineering Magazine. “Tbe forest was for fodder, for tbe country Was uosupportlng to ani­ srlth Its few hastOy-penned lines. Novel and in­ the most part trackless, tbe Indians and trappers mal life while the shipping In of hay would have A perfect Remedy forConstips- ti' lereatingafe tbe cfreomstances connected with moving through this inhospitable country along been impossible except at the expense of more lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrfioea, Use the origin ot this priceless memento. tbe obviously easy channels—tbe waterways. urgent necessities. Owing to the uncharted char­ Worms Convulsions .Feverish­ 7^. A s Ijincoln emerged from tbe White House on Huge stretches of muskeg were encountered, tor acter of the rivers canoeing demands extraordin­ ness and L o s s OF S l e e p . |Xfhe fkted night of April H. 1865. on his way to tbe land U In sore need of draining. As the west­ ary skill, Aod after the first few months' ez- For Over p ^brd> theater, the steward hurried after him to ern boundary* of the province of Ontario is ap­ pertonee where nnfamlU^ty with these water­ facSm|e SiemMY ef i'.exglalii the predicament of two gentlemen who. proached the country becomes more broken, lakes ways was attended by considerable looses in boats » .heoo i^ttog at tbe White House for some and swamps being intersected by stretches of and valuable suppliM. only men familiar with the In erdtf to obtain from the president a per- badly broken rocky hills. From Lake Nipigon country, such as those In the employ of tbe Thirty Years ; to pass through the Union lines to Peters- westward to the boundary of Manitoba tbe, worst Hudson Bay company, were permitted to handle It was the theater hour and Mrs. lin- country between the Atlantic and Padfie bad to these craft Even then occasional losses were ; Vas already seated In the carriage, but the be^penetrated with great difficulty-and arduous- sustained and the stores of provlsloiis •ufi’ered ^enohUging president paused a few minutes to ness. extenslTely from the lll'effecU of portaging, which ,rwrtt» • few Itees. explaining that no pSM was **Ft>r tbe purpose of the surveys an elaborate was frequent kpd heavy. During the winter com­ ' to go and letm^ from Peteraburg and organlxatiott bad to.'be perfected. In order to ship munication wflOi the hinterlaiKl w as mmlntnlned ‘ and that **People go and return Just In sappties and keep the surveyors well equipped solely by means of dog slel(^s. large nambeni of ( dld-belore th'e war.** He handed this to with provisions. For six months of tbe year the these animals being acquired from the Indians ^'steward, relterntinv verbsUy the statement counfry was m the grip of snow, tbe fan of whlrit and bred for this aeirloe.** rte'tho penned jnemortndm. Tho steward, is heavy, while tbe tbermoseter drops to very low r that the written explanation was realty readings. As tbe nearest railway communication uoua. end w ^»>g a long-eought opportu* was 10 0 or more’mllee to the sooth, snppUea had ^ sscasa a trophy of .the beloved preeldeaC t 6 he peeked'overand numeroui eaebee had to be *T undwataad.” said the eynipnthetic friend. tn ifti own posseMton the Ut of hand- eetsMIshed. Tote roads weiw driven Jlor team **tbat you borrowed money and m . bosy trying ; and repetod to the watting visitors tha work a» fax aa pracUcaMe la summer, trtils bad to pay the tBterest** ttVa oral a s s a w e e s o » th e a d h ie e t Lalm-. to be b lM ||^ permit of tbe paHags tbe>alf- *Tea.** ragtted Mr. WMabiar bami a 4w a ‘ the deetk o t UpeatB* the ilsward tndticed;. teeeda (whKbeesMS of tte phystqeaeadsMiBe of taka tha emdit -A'.

m a g i | 1 » " ! * ! fP W P W P ^ P f p r c H'" ^:->£ r?

iBC o8- 'Get the stnfiliBg ready heCora in the bird. Dash cold vater OTet and through it before putting to HOUSEWORK IS A'H e A v Y BURDEN the stniBng, wipe inside and out with FREE a soft, damp cloth, then resalt but The woman wfio *'lnspi tiOBse” has' The feDowincebDowinc csss b typiead ol ttie eons t I wMit trrcry penon When Kidney Troubles Keep who te bUioas, eonMti* enoo^ to do w h o she is in lood* sound effected1 by Doan’s Kmoev PiOs. Gimtafqi p»tcd or b«s maj mtom- very lightly outside and In. You in Misery Day ny is the best evidenee. f . meh or liner oilment to Since the turkey is apt to require bealm, but if she is weak* tired all the SAVED HER AIF& ^ MBd for m fi«e packsn and '■nfferins from mom to night [ of my Pmw'Pa.w Pills. the whole oven and long, slow cook­ with an aching b a ^ hooae-worit becomea and N i ^ t Mad* Wftll After Oocter« l-«»nt to prove tbst ing. better put him on early, and take a heavy burden. they peeltlneljr core 1b« Hope. him up before beginning the other kLmy women who were afflicted in this, Mr., r . M. Hm, 18S W. 10 S t, TTUar.^ things. way say that Doan'a Kidney Pilla have loo, Iowa, says: **I epjoyed Bm o Be«< Sweet Potatoes in 8ynip.—Choose aoade life easier for them. health until the winter of .UWiWMn. smooth, even potatoes m^ium size, Women are nbject to kidney disease. fbrOoasUp* ally grew worse until ^ waa denid «A i r to rive aUlloDs of 1 boll twenty -Akuites, drop in cold The clothing they wear, the work they do. energy and ambition. There • i n K'- ,______U tho risk. Sold water, peel, dlp.-^ melted butter, roll the worry and strain pf be^n g and rear­ ing pain through my kidneys* followed 1 ^ - fgpM |»»T lij. For free pscluigBn ing dkildicn, the lack of proper ezerciae; a dull, grinding acfaTe aensa h n lolua. — - - i — ----,sts..P*-'*^**‘ in sugar* put) into a buttered bag, with sugar, batter and lemon juice enough all tend to it. whites of my eyes changH eedar and to make a fairly rich syrup. Seal Backache, hearing-down pains, headache, eyeballa bulged. My haada pitfed s m dizzy spells, faintness, fits of '^loea,” and feet became so awoUen X could not ' bag. and cook for twelve minutes In other tro n l^ often thought to be peculiar my shoes. The kidney secreUons es_ a fairly hot oven. Pour the syrup to the sex, are found frequently in kidney great pain and also aunoyanee 'by t b ^ tM from the bag around them into a hot uequent passage. I got so I eomd oat F R E E H O N ES disease; When any one of these ills ap­ lost weight and waa gradually -~*-»**“ dish. pears, together with a discolored condi­ weaker and weaker, when t a fatL — . COOKiNG THE LORDLY TURKEY. Spanish Onions.—Parboil for fifteen tion of the kidney secretions, with passages visi^ Doan’s Kidney PiUs. l phteiaMT minutes Spanish or Bermuda onions, too frequent, scanty or burning, jv ^ m ^e much benefit from the very first that . By Martha McCulloch Willlama. chill them In cold water, then cut a up your mind that your Iddneya are weak* continued and by the end of the J Quarter Nillion the backaches and headaches had ^ The lord of the winter party or V out of the hearts. Fill the space and be quidc to help them. wedding anniversary feast- is. of peared. I grew steadilv better, a « ^ with butter, after dusting it well with Doan’s Kidney Pills have helped a fxmt at last completely cored. Doan’s .Kid course, the turkey—and know ye, many weak women through the trying Pills saved my life when 1 was eo mdk ttial| Northwest salt and pepper, put the onions in a tiniea when kidney disease means so much good housewives, one and all, that be bag with a lump of butter and a very I did not care whether I lived or dls% Uastaiift,’'t)reson and Ulnneadts^ can be cooked to a delicious turn by added misery. They do not disturb the The doctoes'as well as myself hadmtes v combined, can provide homes for a little water, • seal and cook twenty stomach or bowels and contain no poison- hope of my ever getting wrfl.^ X M. Soyer’s method of paper bag cook­ minutes In a hot oven, or thirty min­ grateful that 1 cannot recommend OQiftll qttarter millkm people and slve each ery! In fact, the entire dinner can ouB, dangerous nor habif-forming drugs, m »n s^deed to a 1 6 0 o r 220 acre farm , utes in a very moderate one. Doan’s ate harmless for chddren too. **/ can't upV* Kidney Pilla too highly.” iBMler''Che provlsicm s o f U ncle yarn's be prepared and cooked to perfection Baked Pears.—Ripe, well-flavored Bomestead laws._ in paper bags, and after it has been pears are best for baking, but the Uootana Von the premium fee the eaten to the last turkey bone and ordinary cooking pear will answer wheat, oats, barley and alfalfa last slice of pumpkin pie. the good •Vfhen Your Back b lama—RemomberYhe Namo* ^rown in the United States at the if baked with sugar, lemon juice and N ew Y ork L>and Show, and she h as housewife will not be confronted spices. Peel the pears, cut off the more than tm'enty millkm acres of by a great pile of pots and pans to government land within her borders stems and take out the core, but only r capable of raisins rich crops of these be cleaned—a task that has taken DCIAN’S KDPIEY PELLS a little way beyond the blossom end. h g^ucts^yeeirly. ^'ou can homestead the edge off the happiness of many a sakM vaa ftaw-Hlbiro CawJMHMl-Y, _laod. Stick' a clove, a shred of mace or bit Oentral Orecon has been opened to housewife who has served one of her of cinnamon in the core-space, fill in nettiement by the oomtdetkm of the old-time famous meals for her guests, esron Trunk Rsllwsy. Crops raised around it with sugar and roll the Felt Rather Fat. Its bench rands won ss^nst the or her children back home to help the fruit In dry sugar before putting it JUST A LITTLE TOO HASTY w orld a t th e la s t D ry l-'armlnff Con> oW folks celebrate their aamiversary. “Mamma, I had the nicest dream ” Brown’s&widMslTri cress. Seventeen million acres of good in a buttered bag. Put in half a gilt said little Mary, age six* just after ^SBTiB land await the cemlnc of the Menu of water also to the' half dozen, s^l Mr. Newlywed Resented What He Ssmpistres Jo n 1.1 [timnemelcer here. Considered Impertinence, but the waking in tbe morning. M innesota, c o n tra ry to reo crat. o pin­ Grape Fruit aux Rhum, or with Raw bag. and eook at slow heat fifty min­ “W hat was it?” mamma asked. ion, has over twenty miUlon acres of Oysters utes to an hour. Joke Was on Him. wnoecopled farm land. A minien acres “Why, I dreamt I was a young lady,” IVlliis hc'^ iK< Salted Nuts Toasted Cheese Crackers Creamed Salsify.—Boil tender, drop of It is homestead land. Most of It They were on their wedding tour, (he child explained. Is locired off and wonderfully fertile. Roast Turkey Into cold water, peel and cut in.two- “Ihat felt pretty good, didn’t It?” Wrtte for the latest free booklet inch length strips, steep in a dress­ •JMl h&*aglDed th at every civility giv­ published bytheOpeat Northern Halt Sweet Potatoes in Syrup en them related to their pew condi­ the mother remarked. The Farmbi’ t Son’g . way recardlnET the particular state Spanish Onions ing of butter and cream, lightly sea­ “Yes," was the reply. “But I felt you are most Interested la. soned with pepper and salt. Put in tion ef servitude. postal to Baked Pears Cranberry Sauce Having slopped at a way station, rather fat.” Great OpportuiHg a . O. ZMBfT, well-greased bag. seal and leave is Why wait tor tbs oM bacon “Coe you said ’twam’t none of my diseases. It Instantly slops ti>e puin of PoptHar with the trade before pared fruit and season with salt, pep­ and chicken are not as brown as you b u m s. C u res w ith o at sca rs. 2&o and £0c * w o K s a , . . blzaesB. 1 has to if tliat train ’s by dnigglsts. For free sample write to many of us were bom and gain* I rMiwsy ■WSITOSS. per, Worcester sauce and tobasco. like, cook five to ten minutes longer. to stop.” • ' \ J. W. Cole & Co., Black River Falls. Wia. I lo w f r s i ^ t r a te s ; wooaTwm- ing new friends every day. Let Keep the oysters-very cold, and add Servo on a hot dish with gravy fj-om I t o f e S i r *"™**®' a a s U f t S ^ your next order be Henkel’s. them to the fruit very' shortly be­ the bag. A DRAW. a takes a genius to play the fool ■. pa Korpsnpblst^UstBastWsM,** rUcQlsn ss to sattsbls hMWUoa fore serving, thus the two llavors le- Good pies demand good crust— tad make it pay. I s«S low snitlere*enitlere* rsie,tete, sesv te main distinct to accent rather than s'horter than any temj)er, easier brok­ C aa.,or to muddle each other. en than promises. Make it by .M. ONLY 07f* "BROJfO OriNINE.- Ths?tW la1 LAXATIVB BKOMO QUi.VINE. LonI 1.1. Id n i, 171 Whws lie., Iibaa; Salted Nuts.—I made two bags— Soyor's recipe, then surely it will be tbea tigosture < of . B...... W. tJROVItt...... L'aed tbe V sr e. A Isirbr, ■sm fl*vN icl||H almonds and pecans—and hereafter up to grade. Here is the recipe: wTcr to C u res Cold is One Dsy. 2Sc. PbMH write to tbeegestnausstyes shall never buy them ready pre{)ared. Take one pound of flour, three-quar­ Fush Borne men forw ard and they FLOURThe almonds w-ere blanched and ters of a pound of butter. Mix the will go back on you. W. N. U., DETROIT; NO. 6-1912. dried, the pecans, bought ready flour with water and sat lightly until hulled, picked over, scalded by pour­ the consistency of butter. I.eave this ing boiling water through them in a dough for half an hour, then flatten colander, and instantly dried. Then with your hand and lay your butter both were put In thickly-buttered OR the top of the paste. Then fold We Give Away bags, set in a very hot oven for half four-corner way, and give it two rolls, CSrVv to u------■ illim ■iiW, aa* e» Mrky, vltaU^ a minute, then the heat was reduced as usual. Leave your paste in a cool jlgiwawyMwa OMJilast-'- three-quarters, and the nuts left to place for forty-flve minutes, and then Absokdety Free o f Cost s aaKacT soars. brown for ten minutes. They came roll twice more. I.^ave it , for forty- The People’s Gomnon Sense 'Medical Adviser, in. Plain ki»« out crisp and beautiful, needing only five minutes and then roll twice again. Roflteh, or Medicine Stmpli&ed, by R. V. Pierce* M. D.* rOB Ida a sprinkling of salt. Bake all your pies in bags; it may Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids’ Hotel aNfl Sur­ Wjssuiiiii If tpifan iMnw.a>dt>k. gical lasdcuto at B i^lo,*a book of 1008 large pages and eiiaiMk rvT*ip.e«i««, Ctiaj. The Toasted Crackers I prepared seem extravagant, but the gas-saving Ttmtif, Cunt, IMm mod fWvrr Seed* were tiny oyster crackers, as fresh as more than pays for the bags. Use over 700 illustrations* in strong paper covert, tqany one sending 21 one-eang* «d«s b^iSOi >f1 tllMSlM r-^ ■ ----- stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in French Qoth binding!^ 31 steiqpe* i SwdOmtoseabtofto*—>1ngWWi»WHlmy.iwieepeeeSBld.IdeseWSBld. Owpw0«tp«MPlMtm»d possible. They were put in buttered thin pie tins. Roll out and till as Over 6W,000 oopies of this complote r emily Doctor Book were sold in ololb bag, lightly sprinkled after they were usual. Set pans inside bags and set Mining at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards* ode end a half million oo|rfce e in, with melted butter skimmed clean the bags on trivets. Cook two pies were given nway os above. A new, upr-to-date revised edition la now r ^ ~ of froth, then given a tablespoonful at once, but shift them midway the * for m&ing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Addrese Woau»*s* OiM' Don’t |Persecute of grated Parmesan, which was shak­ cooking, from upper to lower shelf, Old Grouch—So you had d fight with nNiAXY M edical A ssocu tioh * R . V' ' . Pierce* M . D ., President* Bufido* . N * Ys en well through them before sealing and vice versa. Thus the£ will brown Clarence. He Dlaims be licked you. ‘ DR. PIERCE’S FAVORITE PRESCRIPnON ^ - top and bottom. Grease the fbags Cholly—Oh! the boastahi It's twue I Y o ^ T O w e l s the bag. Sealed, it went into a very TH E ONE REMEDY for woman*e peonBor oUmente ftood «™g% Cut out cathsrtics and purgathra hot oven, which after two minutes but lightly underneath; even though he wumpled my ewavat dweadfully, I brulsl. harsh, unneceusary. T r^m had the heat turned as low as pos­ they crisp there it does no harm. but when it was all ovah his collah I that its mokere ore not afraid to print on its ouCalda wrsvpog '{(■ CARTER’S UTTLE sible. Eight minutes of it made tbejn The essential thing Is to keep the was fwightfully wilted. avery ingredient. No Secrets—No Deoepdon. ElVER POLS not quite brown enough—a peep-hole upper surface covered and maintain Y^^^^^Nj^JRGhfEDY for women wlueh ecMiteins no 'and * Purdy vegetable. Act In the bag top assured me of that— steady heat. Have the oven hot at no bobit-fbrming drugs. Mode from native —^firfaial forest roote* geniiy on the liver. ' PIMPLES COVERED HIS BACK eliminate bile. antT so 1 left them in three minutes longer. first, but slack beat after a little—as of w ell ettabKshsd corotiTe volae. soothe the delicate^ A few of them stuck together, but in soon as the bag comers show rather nbraoeoftl the main, they looked as good as they brow’D. Average pies, with average “My troubles began along In tbe C err summer In the hottest weather and tasted. heat, require twenty-five to thirty took the ?orm ^ apiall ejuptions and SkhSMd • The Turkey.—Choose him as young, mlputes. Make peei>-holes on top in iad^ssdaa, as as tender, as fresh as you can. But the bfigs when you think they are itching and a of smarung pain. W. L DOUGLAS SMALL FILL, SMAIX DOSE, SHALL PRItX. if by ill chance you must take an old done; if not brown etvouga. raise the It tooK me mostly all over my back •225, •250, *3, •330 *4 & •O SHOES and kept getting worse until finally Genuine must bear Signature bird, therefore s tough, one. then, beat a wee bit and cook five minutes A n S u I m , An Ltothm , iOl S in. u d Width., indeed, you wiU find in paper bag longer. my back was covered with a mass of (or Mob* Wotnoa and ifti^s. pimples which would bum and Itch at cookery, surcease from the sorrow To make the cider-cup, cut thinly THB STANDARD OF QUALITY of toughness. A tough bird will re­ night so that I could hardly stand it. FOR OVER 3 0 YEARS the yellow pepl from six oranges and This condition kept getting worse and quire a lot of grease in the bag with six lemons, squeeze out the juloe and THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES it. also long and slow cooking. But worse until my back was a solid mass t W .L.Doiiglaa dboas a triaL W .L Herring put In with the peel anPtoflsstoowa*aRDCMMtaTaart»WB,MnddttM>Mfr'‘— may make the legs and wings dan­ frqlt in rings, and add It to the juice. could see and feel a great relief. I MB toe; (MBVT, Mdl«B or Ughtaola. I gerous to the integrity of the bag. Put in five caps of sugar and strain kept on using Cuticura Soap, Ointment WMtoielewwtt. lUoaOSuIoaVito. V.£c— IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE Get the bird In hand early—the over the whole a gallon and a quarter and a ^ tbe Resolvent and in about About the else of yonr shoes, yoo eea wear a night before if possible. If he comes of weak tea. boiling hot, then add a three oir four months’ time my back slxe smellier by s h ^ a g Allen’s root-Xese. the was nearly cured and I felt like a new eatlseptle powder. Into them. Just the thing for drawn, so much the better; if in cupful of rum. This also Is better Deseing Parties sod for Breaking is New Shoes. a state of nature; pick, draw and singe for standing—it keeps several days being. Now I am in good health and GlTeslnatABtrc!leftoComsaDdBiviioa|b Sea* at once, taking pains to get off all no sign of any skin diseases and I Biliousness Is Bad, Enough pleFnsx Address Aliens. Olmsted,LeBey,y.Y. in a coo! place?- The rum can be pinfeathers, and cutting out the oil- omitted if there are scruples regard­ am fully satisfied that Cuticura Reme­ in itself with its headaches* sour stomach* snpIeasntjbM sA bag upon the “parson's nose”—other­ ing it. In thst case the strained dies are the best ever made tor sUn DR^ J. D. KELLOOerS diseases. I would not be without and tkervoQS depression-— bnt nervotuness brings a bad timln wise known as the root of the Ull juice of a pineapple that bas' been worse ills if it is not soon corrected. But if yoo will desei . feathers. Wash., the bird thoroughly them." (Signed) 'W. A. Armstrong shredded and allowed to stand twen­ yonr gystem of poisonoDs bile yon will be rid ef present^ In Tory cold water- If there is' the ty-four hours in sugar can take its Corbin. Kb^ , May 26,1911. Although ASTHMA least sour smelL scald out by pouring (Tuticuzn ^ p and Ointment aiw siold trooldes and be seeore against others w hi^ ^ worse* Remedy for the protwpt relief of place. Dilute this one-fourth with through boiling ajoda water, followed mineral water in the glasses. by druggists and dealers everywhere, A sth m a avMt May Pevar« Aafc your by a cold rlnsej ^water. Drain well, a sample of each, with 32-page book* d ru c s ta t fo r It. Writo FIKC tANKE (Copyright 1911. by the Associated will boi mafled free on appUcatian to ■OBTBBOP ft LYMN CO. U i. BUFFALO. N.T. ‘wipe dry. Insidd and out, salt very . Literary Press.) lightly, and hank up in a cold place “Cntiowa*” D ept I a Boston. m u QStU inominff-Hoatside, unless .thd ari and nnelj-^—the* regnkto the bovelt. iUoahtaj^i temperature is below freezing, or Reading Character. If a leap year girl has money to bum it isn’t difficult for^her to find a the Itoer and kidney.— tone the rtomedi. Then there is daa^r’ of thieves, four of Careful Parent—Before 1 can give blood win be purer richer yca&nerre. won’t bwier two-footed.' A 'city housewife will Consent to yonr proposed marriage to young man willing to famish a mateb. well to oovAr the tnrkey lAiile m|r daughter; I must' know something *oo. The wh^e world over Beccfaun’rilHll. u e Icnownaea' ’ than htowgitog oat with either a'looee- eboot your character. Era. WlBslo«*s SseiaiBS Rrvap fer CUlSvta moot rtKeijmt fontfly reaiedr, banneret Imt nre in eethm. For ; Ssetaias^eoAeBaiSeanma. ragoeea InBsw a- aU d to d jW of the digertire ogati* they are rjigmied at tbe ^ ijr Btttaff grooms paper bag or a SuitM^—Certainly, sir, certainly. ttoP, gUys pate.cazaawtgg ooUc* gc * Yisstls, e n o k ocj cheese cIoUl , This Imhkhook. M-waj so6t end dost; 'kUdi; iCSieMr >^ieBt (after a glanoe)— Wer. in toldtoll that Str isitbe fmexpect- ^ settled on: W eUn, deb w^hr her»at eon, and be happy. t h .t ahrays i n i happens, ft this fti trsf, Iwm to-oseet ^ _ g ig . ~ T - ;- ■ • 1 ' ■ ' '■ V ‘ r ■

t wnreT’* asked i^ow*. ly. *Vay I talk to you plainly, ^tar­ ns X would to Itogaret?” i “You m^.** she said in a lowj tone. Gravely and eloquently be laid be-< dBce her the consequences of h^r fol­ [tmt System Perfected by^li. ly. When be paused she looked up Soyer, Famous Umdon Chef. at. him. Her face was the morejwin- Botne th at its vivacity had beejn re­ EXPERT MENT8 WITH PAPER R ita beard total **A11 Aboard!** placed by a soft and sweet expression. BAG COOKERY. a^ she rushed tbrou^ th^ station Her eyes looked ready for tears. gate. She kept up her pace, however, “Mr. Maxwell." she said gentlyi “Eh* By Martha McCulloch WUUams. and aa the train was about to start -ther Is in Buffalo on business. i tele- When Soyer’s paper bac^ method to a trial— oualy, “to'go to the next earr* sised. It haftpened to he ao easy mat- Mpd» lo and behold!—rthe Tery first “I can let you In this way,” ho ^ tor for me to rescue them, but!every Itiial made me an enthnataatie fbUcm* sitid, unlocklBg tile door. j one was foolish enough to try tq make idT o< IL Soyer. Since then I harii ^ It was quite dark and Rita could ’ a heroine out of me. Reporters, Seen doing all ast-cooldag by the only discern a tall, straight figure is camera fiends and grateful relatives Soyer mtiwyi, and each succeeding E. L. ^IQ Q 5’ the dusk. She considered that be was ' besieged me until 1 could stapd the day nme than erer convlacee ; a railway official, and followed him , notriety no longer, so I—bolted.” IM t any woman, limply by foUowing into tbe coach which was unoccupied.' **Why didn’t you explain at ' first,** ftoyefe general dlrecthma, and naiiig “I believe tbe other cars are all he asked stiflly, the knowledge th at tb it good common sense and care he had made himself ridiculous and ara esaenUal to all good cook* mowded,” be remarked, “but you are welcome to ride in my private ear.” drawn out by a youna giii still ran­ (lag, can master the Soyer paper bag kling.- ^ J ‘ {^aethod of co "Oh, Mr. Maxwell!" she cried de-1 y lightedly, "don't you remember me?" yet When I was at school and'Marga­ ^bera of her household. i ret talked so much of yoi?. and then Fcdlowlhg M. Soyer's general direc- He Idoked interestedly into the piquant little face upturned to bis when you came to New York and fMoos tor paper hag cookery, I apeed- were so lovely to us and again when y ' ; iBy iM med t ^ t there are sundry com- and a ' look of pleased recognitl M levent),, conld really hear you say the tbl! taken advantage of our great cut prices and lx)ught liberally, but ' ' fiir b ^ coeklng la doap k the oean. 1 had only Imagined you m i^t aa:." M n Bta oreu, It most be Ughted eight "Rita," he said, his face aglow wit)! | to. ten minutes befcaw putting in the pleasure and—something else, "do you | we had an immense stock and still have too much for this time of ] |6od and kept at blaslag heat imtll know that for the last two years when Ike bag comers scorch l^ tiy ; then I have been inclined to be cynical and the year and must turn them into cash regardless of cost, j A l the beat a thM or even halt blase and to think that every one was Ihroukmnt the reiR^ veivoats $12.50 loine—Grease well with drippings, but tunate to not/ being seen when I board­ courtesy, or carving and the numerous 10.ouad, 1 me he’ll hardly look for me bere." Society and manners was jcrude in 2.00 ■■ •' 6.00 one hour and twen^ minutes. “Then you are—’* many ways and the standardi of house­ 0.00 ■' ...... - 5.00 Lima Beane.—Take a quart of Uma "I am—running away." hold comfort and! cleanlinessi very low Boys’ Suits and Overcoats| at i beans, add two ounces of butter, four "Is there a—man In the case?” be (as witness the household bocAs - oi 8.00 Cloaks...... - 4.00 ^Great Reductions. ounces of ^ ed ham, a Utte sugar asked gravely, giving her a searching Henrje- VtlL), still the conditions of O.0biChildren,'s Cloaks------.5. 00 and aalL a good teaspoonful of flour. glance. life do not seOm to have been actually 7..50 “ - ...... 3.75 OBti a tew sweet herbs to taste. Put ^ She bluabed and dropped her eyes. much harder oh women than on men. •Men’s $6.00 Pants - - - . . . $ 3 , 7 6 1 In a hag with halt a pint of "Rltai” He asked sternly, "where Htien Hay Wilson writes in Harper’s. .5. sf-Plato. This ta Harrisoifs descrip­ mo.” heUng watei- tor twentr^lTO eeecnge. tion of SUsaheCh*s court, ia d Harri­ Peel, M ttw 'tour pw er.bag. pwt la *WeU. ws usual I acted oa 'lhe tm- son, let us remmnber, was la. contem­ All Men’s and Boys’ Felts, Socks and Heavy toBhtoee with M lt pepper, • awpi- pelie of the moment aad telegraphsid porary of Knox. "T1»ere are very iMw bt n g er. awd a ■■all plaee o( Co BuCalo th at I would be on toto few," he 8&y«, of our cobrtie^ [of both l : ; r Pat the hag oo the, hrollcr tfala.' I left a note at the sexes] who have uot the nab and skfll ber Overs, Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Ootbb ..Meg, aad cook tor' twelve wbwe I v u Tigttinc >K.ttoc Uut I Uid ,( wmdry •pMcbw. bwldoi aa^ezea * ---- * ..,1 r . . . . __ __ ariaatee ia.a hot ovea. away. Aad I cams, aad Irat veto of writing beforatims noi ^fyershoes, Heavy Work Jackets, Unfer- . Agptoa a la toiehaoaa.—Walk aad regarded. . • - ^ Truly It I la a rare gtr toige *PP>^ *^***. than, jo t He wmiteid- fw mors confidbaoe. bht thtog with -ua now to hear |ot a cour­ attieelBaatoon—oaly a Ut—la the I shs 'sssaisd to have told him sill tier wUch hath bttt his owaj Uhiguaga wear, Winter Caps, Gloves & Mittetisk ptoee of «h<« eor^ and pow over tout abs intieadsd to. he began talk- . . . Many gentlewomen and ladies M m A laldeepbonfal of rum. Pet to M to h ^ q a other subjeqte, chatting there are that, beaidea soqnd kxtowl- Ladies’, Men’s and Childrrai’s Swbiei^n^ a battered bag. aad bake on the lirwly and toterestingly until be had «dge of the Greek aad Latto tongues, hroUer thirty minutes. When'] restored tbqir old friendly footing. are thereto neieM skfiKul to the Span-, Carpets, Rugs, Wool Shirts, Ladies’ anf this great sale, as eyer|yj<(ddar ybalj^^ W .na ta'lei|»e xhora be said, "ar^ only gbod spend here m^an^ a great saving toyou. ss bmrtde toara. Aa "Tewa,” Hho admitted I iriMB they Utnariaate, whw they oa* TBo, I htti foread to draw p y cp»! deracore or ttaUdlM smeT | to bag to n teta; .ew d n llr'T h•n^sw zfAs I poaesd 'a h It wm tosra hot toH % » ttnt'yon ran aw ay tnm. d i o rtito other day, I heard a ! thn Utoh M a s to too ynonat totow— ghtoh yon w ste virittog and th at yon ploy fca dxoo&eni Itoora. desik- rw* are -ye dolD’| up --V he shenwd frato tbm paste • "bmla! iM m . «( > at our Big Sale. , r \ ;-UNg. »(r *,*1-■ -.-j-- 4 b e 'toyW ^I