T he Courier-Gazette. nriL' AHR A FEAR ROCKLAND, , TUESDAY, FEBHU ltY V o i. um k 5 2 . TWO IN AbVAHUE. 2 3 1 8 9 7 . Mistered aa Nerond Flaaa Mali Matter. CMuKll K

Clio Ooririer-O-nsBotte O o o m F< ou-rilrirTy I n t o IV Ioi-o JU'a.m iliers in JBCxiox Oonnt.y Than Any Other I’nper I inilied

Pettengill, of the Baptist church of East Jeffer­ son. On Thursday services were held in the morning, afternoon and evening. The morn­ ing services commenced at 10.30 o'clock. The sermon, and it was one o f deep thought as well as a scholarly effort, was preached by teeth Rev. T . P. Gale, pastor of the ( ongregational Newsy Events Picked Up From All church at Union. The dedicatory sermon was delivered at the afternoon services, which Quarters of the City. commenced at 2 o’clock, by Rev. Charles A. Plumer, of Thomaston, Chaplain of the Maine state prison. The sermon was repltte with eloquent thoughts and a brilliant future in Told In Plain, Unyarnlahed Lnngnuge 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT! building up God’s kingdom, for the church, So That No Tint i Be Lout In Head­ was predicted by the preacher. Ih e closing services in the evening were as interesting as ing—Of Inlereat lo All Who Lire or Owing to the fact that I buy my teeth and plate materials in large quanti­ the services which preceded with as large an llare Lived In Thia t’lfy—Nome Im­ &AKIH0 ties, thereby receiving a reduction, and as I have decided to establish a cash attendance. The sermon was delivered by Rev. D. B. Phelan, of the Waldoboro Metho­ portant, Others Not No Much So. basis, thus saving time and trouble in collecting bad bills, also as an extra in­ dist church, and tie congregation was given ducement to people out of town, and realizing the depression in business much food for thought by the many truths throughout the country, I have decided to put the price for the present, or until uttered. Three sleighs full of happy Grammar school POWDER further notice One of the delightful features of the occasion pupils went to South Hope, Wednesday after­ Absolutely Pure. was the music which was rendered by some of noon. W ashington’s best singtrs and one particu The county commissioners held a brief Celebrated for Ila great h-avenlnv strength and larty interesting feature was the rendering, by heal'hfuhiraa. Aa«ur> a Ibe food agdnat alum and nessi »n at the court house Tuesday and ad- 20 cts. on the Dollar Less than Usual a quartet, of an original hymn written for all firm* of adulter .lion common to tbe cheap j-jurnrd to March 16. brand*. the occasion by Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr., of ROYAL B HCltfO POWDB t GO., NKW YORK N ew Jersey. Mr. Oatman is the well known Max Antin, pawnbroker, has filed a peti­ Price on all our Artificial Teeth bsmn writer the singing of whose songs has tion to be admitted into insolvency and the lopas quartet: J. Francis MacNicol, first made glad many a troubled heart. The title firat meeting of the creditors w ill be held at of the piece is “ The C hurch Hom e,” and the March term of probate court. tenor; W . F. Tibl«etis, second tenor; E. F. and Plate Work. sung to the tune of •‘Sweet Hom e.” As Alexander Cummings, formerly of this city, Berry, firat bass; G. E Torrey, second bass. Following is tbe concert program; March, many interested in this new church were un­ but who has been master ol the almshouse in “ El Cap’tir ;“ rareuade, “ Ln Polonia,” male able to be present on this occasion we take Weymouth, Mass., for a number of years quarte ; “ Ih Bridge,” Lindsay; medley over­ pleasure of reproducing ihe words as follows: past, has bought the Keating Phinn house on NOW A WORD ABOUT OUR TEETH Llmerock street and will shortly move into it. ture, “ lolly N ig h t;’’ cornet solo, “ Three Star T oday we have fathered ell with one accord Polka, Miss Hewes; Cocoanut dance, Her­ Within thle new Temple to worehlp the Lord; Much pleasure is expressed that “ Sandy” and These are the best that can be procured in this country, or any other O eend ue thy aplrlt from Heaven’* b in dome bia family are again to take up their abode man; tenor solo, selected, M r. M acN icol) And m ay thia new Tem ple bo ever thy heme. country, regardless of price, and my 9 years of practice in Knox County, and here. overture, “Morning, Noon and Night;” waltz, “ Passing Fancies,” K laus; clarinet the thousands of sets made by me for people is ample proof of my ability to do cnoRua. Otis M. Hatch of this city has gone to H em e, heme, aweet. aweet home. solo, serenade end polonaise, M r. Beverage; work second to none. I keep on hand from 1 to 3000 of all the different O bleea precious Havlour thy People's church Portland where, with his father, he w ill do musical melange;male quartet,“ In Absence;” moulds and shades of the best teeth in the world. This is a great advantage home. the cabin w.irk on tbe new steamer to lx polka, “La Coquette,” Conterno; march, built for the Portland At Harpswell line to re over many dentists who only keep a few teeth on hand, therefore being obliged U ow Iona we have labored w ith tenderest oare “ Nicodemus," Harding. The boy it being K s place the Merryconeag. The Messrs. Hatch to put in just what they have regardless of artistic appearance. To build fur the If eater thia Temple of prayer, educated by the Epworth League and the T h o ' eomo of thy Servant* from hare far ipay have no superiors in this line of joiner work, progress made by him is ample reward for I shall always try to merit the high standard in the future which I have roam a fact that must have been fully appreciated PEOPLE’S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. WASHINGTON, MAINE. O let not thy aplrlt depart from thia home. the work being done in his behalf, lie is at held in the past for good work by the Portland builders. They w ill be the Kindergarten f ir tbe Blind at Jamaica * C'HOKUS about six months. sented by the ladies were purchased of J. L. Plains, Mass. The lad became blind boob Burns, a Washington merchant, are of excel- Like some mighty river that ooeanward roll*, Belfast A g e : The Belfast Band has been alter his birth and he is now eleven years ARE STILL IN THE RUSH! Hera may thy salvation engulf many aoule; engaged to furnish music for the concert in le it quality and handsome design. May thy H oly Spirit apeak tenderly "com a.” old. H e Is very blight and is making rapid ’ Thousands of bad teeth and roots being extracted without pain by our In the center ol the auditoriam is suspended A nd reeling In Jaaua, here souls And their connection with the Grand Ball which will be progress in his studies An operation will Local Anesthetic simply applied to the tooth or gums. a handsome chandelir presented by Abraham given in Rockland, Thursday evening, March soon lie peifotmed and his friends are not Ripley, of Boston, a former resident of Wash­ 4th, by Keyes Division, Uniformed Rank, without hope of his obtaining tight. Do ington, and who always reserves a warm place Knights of Pythiaa. Sanborn’s orchestra of what you can to help him. -— saw SURE, PAINLESS. *wa For “ Th ey that are planted lu thia thine abode this city will furnish music for the ball, which An Ideal Place of Worship for the in his heart for hiS" old home Shall flourish for aye In the Court* of our The Nickerson Comedy Co. military band Tbe windows are a feature of the building. G o d ;“ the Knights are planning to have as the 20,000 testify to its merits. Endorsed by leading physicians. For those From hare may the heart* of thy people ne'er and concert orchestra 20 people— open a People of this Village. They are of English cathedral leaded glass social eyent of the season in that city. Bel who prefer we would say we have fresh Gas and Ether daily at our office. roam fast Division, No. 2, Uniformed Rank are week’s engagement at Farewell Opera House, and are memorial in character. The dona­ Until in thy manehne thoy And a now home. busily engaged each evening in rehearsals for Monday evening Feb. 22. Popular prices All branchos of modern dmtisiry executed with care. Gold Crowns and tions were as follows :gMrs. T . S. Bowden, in CHORDS will prevail, to, 20, 30c. The Bangor News Bridge Work, Teeth without Plates, Filling and Preserving the Natural Teeth memory o f her parents, Rev. and Mrs W ar­ the above event, when they are to give the There were many visitors from out o f town speak* ol the company as follows: Edifice was Dedicated With Appropriate ren W. Davis; the Woman’s Christiain Tem­ exhibition drill. It is expected that there Without Pain, a Specialty. to whom the hospitalities of the town were The Nickerson Comedy Company gave perance Union of Washington; Iiaac J. w ill be a large attendance at the ball from Service# Last Week—Expense Was extended and those who ever had the pleasure the opening performance ol a week’s en­ Johnston, in memory of his father, Thomas thia city and it is hoped that excursion rates of being entertained by Washington people gagement in the Bangor Op* ra House, PEOPLE AT A DISTANCE Paid By Public Contributions—Dearlp- Johnston; James L. Burns, in memory of on the busts may be obtained. know what this means. Monday night. The performance •*»* his father; George B. Brown,in memory of his T o give tbe citizens of Rockland and sur Can make appointments by sending a postal or telephone 69 3 a few <1avs Hon of Building and Account of Dedi­ M ay the People’s Methodist Episcopal highly satisfactory to an audience which father, Elisha Brown; L. M. S’aples, in mem­ rounding (owns an opportunity of inspecting ahead, stating what hour they will be at the office and what they wish to church at Washington have a Iqpg life as a completely filled the house, and indeed it cation-Pictures. ory of his deceased wife, Mrs. M. Augusta tbe House of tbe Good Shepherd after its have done. temple of worship and may it ever have as is impossible to recall a better repertoire Staples; Augustus L. Low, in memory of his thorougn overhauling and the addition of company, playing at cheap prices, which father,Luther L.Low. Rev.Mr.Davis preached earnest, zealous and conscientious a pastor as new dormitories, play room, infirmary, e tc , Rev. Carl E. F’etersen, is the heartfelt wish has visited Bangor. A concert was given SPECIAL NOTICE. the first sermon in tbe old church many years the ladies’ committee of our city, assisted by For years there stood in Washington vil­ of all. by the band before the performance. ago. tbe Dorcas club, will hold another public re ­ I have ‘lately secured the services of DR. J. H. M’DONALD. Dr. McDonald lage a small chapel in which meetings were The orchestra which tbe company carries The cost o f remodeling was about £2000 ception with light refreshments Friday after­ was a pleasant surprise and furnished ex­ has been connected wltb Dr. Gordan, 996 Washington atreet, Boston, for the held. The Methodist church extendon contributed THE STATE LEGISLATURE- noon and evening, Feb. 26. In the evening, The chnrch belonged to no denomination cellent music during the evening. last five years, and was for some time assistant dentist In the dispensary of $400 and the remainder was contributed by the Rockland orchestra of eight pieces, but was built and occupied by the people. The Gambler's wife, a four act drama the New England School of Medicine. He Is an expert painless extractor and the people of Washington and vicinity. assisted by the best solo talent of the city will Business Transaoted bj So'ons of Partioulir In* was presented, and, though the play is a flue workman. Occasionally a preacher would be engaged for Rev. Carl E Petersen will continue to offi­ give a delightful musical concert in the gym a short time but no regular were held. familiar to Bangor audiences, a strong in ­ services ciate as pastor and all who know him are con­ terest to Knox County- oasium of the home. The program of the The building was in poor condition and but terest was aroused and some of the “ situ­ fident that his labors will meet with success. evening will be published later. little interest was manifested in religion. ations 1 were made very powerful. J. J. M r. Petersen is a scholarly man and his ser­ Fifteen or twenty people were present from The civil service commission K yan/as Jack Mason, the hero, gave a About a year ago Rev. Carl E Petersen, a mons arc eloquent productions. H e will con­ Lincoln county Wednesday in connection will hold an examination at the post office in u iu.ly and effective interpretation of the young Methodiit preacher, commenced to tinue as pastor of the church at North W aldo­ hold meetings in the Washington chapel and with the proposed appeal of the law which Rockland, Me., commencing at 9 A. M , on pan, and F. L Whittier waa as funny as boro where he has endeared himself to the in a very short time by bis earnestness of pur­ prohibits fishing for smelts in tbe Dam aris­ Feb. 26. to fill a vacancy in the position of ever in his Irish comedy work, without people. J. HENRY DAMON pose, the eloquence o f bis sermons and the cotta river with seines and nets. The law U . S. shipping commissioner for the W aldo­ overdoing it. William Currier is another Tbe New church was dedicated with appro­ strengih of bis personality, soon succeeded in was enacted two years ago. George B K en- boro customs district. The salary o f this Bangor favorite, and was all ibat the part Surgeon Dentist, and DR. MCDONALD, Assistant. priate ceremonies Wednes lay and Thursday arousing considerable interest. niston, etq , o f Boothbay Harbor was present position is derived from fees, and the maxi­ of Alexander Fairfax demanded. The of last week. for the petitioners and W. II. Hilton of mum salary is not to exceed >2,000 per annum. female parts were in good band*. Baby Office, Spear Block, over Pernaid & Blethcn’s, Rocklan J, Me. He commenced advocating a new church Although the weather was anything but edifice and he found he had the support and Damariscotta for the remonstrants. The subjects of the examinations will be spell­ Rex, the World’s original WLKPHUNK CALL, 09 3---- pleasant Wednesday there was not a person sympathy of the Washington people. At the ing, arithmetic, letterwriting, pennmanship, yellow kid, made a great hit. The present but what had good words to say for specialties which were introduced were annual meeting, last A p ril, of the East Maine A committee on clajms has referred the copying for plain copy, copying fur rough the church and for the pastor who bad labor­ o f the best order. F. P. H arlow , leader A Marvelous Dancer. conference, M r. Petersen told of what he had measure appropriating >600 lor Daniel War­ draft (see first grade examination page 62 of ed so zealously fur i's construction. the pamphlet of instructions) elements of of the band, gave a trombone aolo of A Futile Effort done and would like to do. H e had no trouble ren, clerk at (be State Prison, to tbe com­ Some four weeks ago a perfect furore wat in interesting his co laborers and in order to accounts, and practical questions relating to much merit and (be coon dances and mittee on salaries, as it was virtually a raise monkey make up of Russel Brandow We never inako efforts to induce created in Boston by the appearance at Keith's perfect the w oik he had undertaken he was of salary >200 a year for the past three years the navigation laws and marine customs. of a beautiful girl dancer, Papinta by name. Only peisons who are legal residents of were alone worth the price of admission. people lo visit our store in search o f given the pastorate of the church at North to 11200 a year. M r. Warren appeared for She danced in the centre of an arrangement Waldoboro and was promised a d for the the appropriation. The matter of reimbursing Maine will be admitted to the examination, mythical advertised bargains which do of mirrors that made it appear as if a dozen Washington church by the church extension the town of Friendship for the support of and only those persons who have ha 1 actual experience in marine matters w ill be expected Women Like The Journal. not exist or which are “just out.” girls were dancing at one time. The effect society. H enry Simmons, a pauper, was referred to was enhanced by the use ol colored lights, apply. Persons desiring to compete Returning to bis work M r. Petersen was tbe Governor and council. If you should ask the women ol New E ng­ Such methods are dishoue-t und are giving the most gorgeous and beautiful effect* should apply to tbe secretary of the board of toon assured of sufficient support, so a contract land in regard to their lavorite daily papef, certain ultimately to prove futile. What imaginable. It was not possible to retain the was made with W . E. Schwartz, of Camden, to examiners at the post office in Rockland, for nine out of ten would declare in favor of the dancing star for a sufficient length of time to remodel, which meant practically a new build­ Th e State prison committee met Thursday application blank and information in re­ we advertise, we have, and it is always Boston Journal. Every day the W oman’s enable every one who desired to see her, so ing. M r. Schwartz personally suprentended and voted that tbe petitioners for a State re gard to tbe rxamina'ion. exactly us represented. Wo aro up-to- formatory for women have leave to withdraw. Corner ol that interesting paper is filleo with she was booked for a return date, and comes the work. The very best material was used Tickets for the concert to be given W ed­ It also voted ought to pass on the resolve for varied news and gossip especially designed to date grocers and we make careful se­ the week beginning A p ril 19. N o one nesday evening, ol this week, in the Metho >7,500 for repairs at tbe State prison and to interest tue ladies. In the Sunday Journal lections o f our slock. Anything lu the should miss seeing her, as it is absolutely the dist church as a benefit to Leroy W illiam s, tbe (here are a number ol extra features which most beautiful dancing act ever seen on the fix up tbe school room. market can ho had o f us. blind boy, are selling rapidly and financial are always appreciated. In addition to the stage anywhere. The Boston H erald said of success is already guaranteed. The concert pane devoted exclusively to pictures and let­ it: Mr. Burton of Union presented an act will be given by the Rockland orchestra and ters to interest tbe fair sex, the Sunday Jour­ “U Papinta, P apinta! how can vou leave Groceries Wednesday to authorize the Georges river the lopas quartet, two of Rockland's best nal gives each week a photographic fashion us? But what are you, anyway ? Avis- mills to develop, sell and use electric power. known mu*leal organizitions and tbe pro picture designed by one of tbe fourteen lead­ Canned Goods ion ol fhme, a spiritualized lepidoptera,a gram will be interesting. Tbe Rockland ers o f court styles in Europe, each illustration whirlwind ol sunsets, a creature of cloud orchestra is composed at fillow s: Prof D . W. being accompanied by a signed description by The salary of tbe Knox county probate Provisions and either fl >ating in darkness and Clark, leader, first violin; L. E. C o ir, second tbe famous maker. Then there is tbe weekly judge la by no means the only ooe which emerging like some blossom from its violin; G. E. Torrey, bass; Mrs. E. S. Farwell, letter from Bab, whose breezy comments on w ill be increased at this session. W e sec calyx in a myriad ol dazzling petals? I f piano; Wcltbie V. Hewes, cornet; J. topics of the dsy are always timely and in­ Meats, etc. (bat the committee on claims bas voted to such a revelation as you had danced be­ Johnston, trombone; A. F. Beverage, clari­ teresting. A series o l letters to girls and raise tbe salary «>f ihe Liocola county judge Sola Agents for Mokes Electric OH, fore Herod, where would llerodias’ net; W . F. Tibbetts, flute and piccolo. The mothers by Mrs. M ary Low e Dickinson, and daughter have been? Sbe would have ol probate to >400; also a raise to >500 in the continuation o l the novel from the pen of the kind of Kerosene that Burns. tbe salary of the sheriff of Aroostook county, asked in vain for John the Baptist's head “ The Duchess,” are among the other features without fees fr«m deputies. An increase on a charger, but as the witchcraft o f the which convince the ladies that the Boston Apples by the Barrel REV. W. W. OGIER. Presiding Elder. not exceeding >400 is further recommended stage was unborn in those days, we un journal prints the best Juuday paper in New for the W aldo county treasurer. Ch doe Baldwins derstaod tb it Salome was considered a England. Low Prices. great creature. Today, however, mirrors The services were conducted by Rev. W al­ and electricity perform wonders, and, ter W . Ogier, tbe presiding elder o l Ihe dis­ Tb e following have been passed to be trict, and as>i»ted by the pastor, Rev. Carl E. How’s This? together with a graceful girl clad in vol enacted: Act amending act in relation to W e offer Ooe Hundred Dollars Reward for uroe* of while mist, surpassingly beauti­ Petersen. There wasn’t a dull moment dur­ Vmalbaven Telegraph and Telephone com­ E. S. Farwell, auy case of Catarrh that can not be cured by ful effects are produced— < fleets 1 bat be­ ing either day and every heart was filled with pany ; act increase salary of judge of to H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. witch the senses o f (be most sophisticated emotion an i gratitude and j lined with sincere probate, county of Kro-x; resolve for payment THE GROCER, F. J. C l IE N E Y At C O ., Props., Toledo, O . beholder. Certainly nothing m re ex­ rejoicing in the prayer of tbe pastor’s as fol­ to city of Rockland ihe amount deducted We the undersigned, have known F. J. Corner Park «nd Union Sts. quisite than Papmia's dancing has been lows : from said clty’s proportion of the seboo1 fund Cheney lor the last 15 years, and believe him seen. Loie Fuller is snuffed out like a “ W here shall our praise begin, and when lot year 1896 on account of imperfect school shall our gratitude end? perfectly honorable in all business transactions candle by this study of illu ions, this per­ returns. Standard Plating AND sonification of the science o l illumination. REV CARL E- PETERSEN. “ ‘Behold what God bath wrought’ Yes, and financially able 10 carry out any obliga­ 1 wonder what superstitions lire wor­ and heboid how His people have labored and tions made by iheir firm. G tvernor Powers,assisted by President Day w p shippers of 6000 years ago would say to throughout and the work done in a thorough sacrificed. W k s tAc T b i/AX,Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,O Electric Co. of ihe Senate and Speaker Larrabee of tbe Papinta's dances I" aud highly creditable manner. “ Fr-,m tbe inception of tbe enterprise, W a l h in u , K in n a n At M a m v in , Wholesale Iluving pu-ehtaed th* entire Pi tting Plant of House, will receive m< moers of tbe Legisla­ Drugguts, Toledo, Ohio. K. W . Gove! I mu uow pr pared lu till ull orders fur The church is located in the heart of Wash hairoooy of purpose and unanimity of action The largest business machine in (be world, ington village. It is 55 feet long and 38 feet have prevailed. ture, state offi.ials and the people of M aine at Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takcu internally, act­ the state bou>e on Tuesday, February 23rd, Gold, Silver and Nickel Plating, and its small beginnings, are described by wide, with a tower ten Icet square 55 feel high. “A h with a “single e y e ” the “Hosts of CHAPPED LIPS ing directly upon tbe blood and mucous sur­ from two to four o’clock in the afternoon faces of tbe system. Price 75c. per bottle. Postmaster-General Wilson in a very interest­ There is a recess for the pulpit at me end of God*' have inarched to conquer. era puluful aud aouoy hccauea they detract ing article on “ Early Days ol the American the building fartherest from the lower, 12 by “ Tbe “ O ld Church” repaired, modernized 'The G -vernor's military staff will be in a t­ Sold by all Druggists. Testimonial* free. ELECTRIC WORK. tendance. The in vitatim to the public is Aro a peiaonat beauty. Fortunately, 00 one Post office,” printed in the Washington's 17 feet. The auditorium is 35 bv 37 feel and and beautified, is now a delight lo our ryes Hall's Fami y Pills are the total. Havl g served ala jresra lu iho electric buat• general and all are cordially invited to be ue.d be troubled w ith tbrin for long. Our Birthday Number of The Youth’s Companion. is one of the hands<»me«t and pleas m'est for aud a j >y to our hearts May it long abide an naee 1 ean do any claaa I wor entrusted to me. present. H a lf rates ol fare on tbe M aine Gold Crearu give* a quick eu 1 apeedy far well Keiiinulee kItuu fur E lti’ric l-Lbl, K ectric Gaa There were many curious things abou' the its size to l»e found hereabouts. it is frescoed object ol satisfacti *u and a am rceo f blessing to chapped lipa aod all Ihe dbcourfoit ihey lu. Lighting, Heil, T«l« pbouu aud AuuuucUVor Work. Central aud other railroads will be granted to postal service io the davs when it cost a dol­ in appropriate colors the work of W illis D . May ihe labor and s*cr fice »o gladly rendered vulva- After* few application* aroordlug lo bear fruit 111 large spiritual development, and all who desire to attend up in the reception. Repairing of All Kiods a Specialty. lar lo send a letter 400 miles, when wails I Carleton, of Rockport, whose name alone is a direction*. chapp> d lipa llu g fr ouly lu tnaurory. DENTISTRY went only once in three weeks, and a post­ sufficient guarantee o f the excellence of the our absent friends be richly rewarded. Mrs. Governor Powers, Mrs F. M . Simpson Sir The Only Place la the City where Goods and Mrs. Larrabee wid receive in the Council The ua drat c>aa» lueiud* auccx«aou t o tive department will be furnished wiih fi »w cure eeta, perfume* aud tol.et W ater* are ludla- dotes of how the business of the postoffi;e budding is ibe class room 18*29 L et. l»e fit temples for the mdwel iug of the Holy ma Fining < lean.lug and r«e*ilug W-_^nd _hal-acUug. ______era. Pullen's Orchestra of Bangor will fur F. W . COVEL PLATING WORKS,usedtu be conducted, tn d how it bss grown, This room is connected with the auditorium Spirit. Amen.” ArllttruU Tevlh old or s uoiluuaa A t 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon an ni»b music for the occasion. e. bridge Work— <37 M aiubt. kUxklaud. in this very readable and practical article io by siidiog doors which when throwu open *ua upon brokan The Youth's Companion. makes practically one room. eloqueut sermon was delivered by Rev. lavui or root*. Tbe pews which were made in Thomas Sir a1 tun, pastor i f the Universal!*! Another gold rnioe has been discovered T.H. Donahue Pianoforte Instruction. Teeth Extracted without Pain It is said that a Range ley dentist is having I arc of quartered oak and are arranged iu a church of Koifclaud, aud was listened to io this state. This time it is io Jackman. PHARMACEUTIST, MIBB U ARKL H. HOLBROOK.Camdau Ul., a .great rush of business since be advertised semi-cuclc. very stten ively by tbe large number present. Maine gold mines are oot very productive of By uau o f a a-»w. aa/a tonal auaradkndc, a aubaUtuba w in im-etva pupUe iu id to oG n a inelruollou. In tbe evening the church was crowded to fortunes and we advise our friends to resist tor ooaalnu without Ila d»ug«<*. e h b e ru l t«-i buiue or w ill go tu them. Kapeulal that he can pull teeth as easily as he can pull Tbe waiuscotting o f the building is of N orth Oor. M ala u id Lonerock SU . auandon given beginners. trout from the lake. | Carolina pine. The carpets which were pre­ listen to a powerful discourse by Rev. John the temptation to toveaL CO«. MAIN ANU 5CHUOL STS. THUS BUCKLAND OOUKIKB—GAZETTE; TUE8DA1, FEBRUARY 23. 1»97

Paid Interest on Clarissa PftJd for freight, lr»n«portatlon bonds and coupons payable at city treas­ and carta<« ...... * * presence in the state legislature. H e was urer's office. B ird fu n d ...... M » Transferred to contln- Paid for support of non-reoldent accompanied on the trip by his daughter Outstanding, No. 25, due 1887, 4 paupora ...... 1,104 SS Caro------Frank Chapman leaves this week per cent...... I 100 00 Sent fUn<1 ...... M Paid House of the Oood Shepherd 44 20 cinfiKimnuoiDny Outstanding, No. 817 and M2. due Paid city treasurer ...... U4 ST for his home in Salem where be w ill spend a July 1, 1895, 4 per cent.,8500 each 1,000 00 FREE TEXT BOOK FUND. short vacation. H e w ill then enter upon his Summary of the reports of those Outstanding, due Jan. 1, 1896, 4 S10.SM » per cent...... 700 00 new position with a leading educational firm officers . who received and dis­ for sundries 3 84 u. Due July 1, 1897, 4 per cent...... BO.nnn no Vi. r Ann/-)' ia , in Boston. bursed money of tbs city of Rocklsnd, Due July 1. J89R, 4 per cent...... 16.000 W E. MONT PERRY, A. W. Butler and Edwin 0. Heald Parker T. Fuller is in Augusta where he Me., during the fiscal year ending Feb. Due July 1. 1900, 4 per cent...... 46.1MW u0 Overseers of Poor. Outstanding, due 1895 as called. Mayor's orders drawn ...... $1,303 84 will attend the inauguration ball------Mra. 8. 1897; this summary collected per the Rockland, Feh. 15, 1897. . „ _ option bonds, series 1881-1911, 4 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND. I have examined the accounts of R. C. per cent...... 500 00 the Oppos ng Cardldates. F. A . W inslow is confined to the home by officioi reports and published by au­ Appropriation ...... JJJ Hall, chairman of board of overseers of illness------Miss Katerine Lawry it home from Outstanding, due 1896, as called the poor for 1894. and believe them to be thority of an amendment to section 27, option bonds, series 1881-1911, 4 Mayors orders drawn ...... 1.500 00 ------Arthur S. Potter of correct and have approved the same. a short visit in Boston of the city charter, by Everett A. Jones, per cent...... 3,800 00 INSANE HOSPITAL, REFORM AND C. I>. A I.I.K N . Option bonds, series 1881-1911, 4 Boston is the guest of J. C. F lin t------Miss city treasurer. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FUND. Auditor of Accounts. Points oft he Democratic Cancnw Last Mabel Spring is home from Boston on a short per cent ...... 88,800 00 Rockland, Me., Feb. 16, 1897. Appropriation ...... $2,500 00 REPORT OF CITY MARSHAL. Friday Night—Candidate Showing visit. $213,900 00 Receipts from individuals 92 28 Received fo r fe e s ...... T48S 62 CITY TREASURER'S REPORT. D ue J u ly 1, 1898.3U p er cent.$28,000 Transferred to contingent Received for licenses ...... 297 50 l ’p For Ihc City (ifflwa—Talk of Re­ R. W . Messer has been in Boston the past Due July 1, 1W1, Stt per cent 18.300 fund ...... 425 81 week------M r. and Mrs. Jarvis C. Petry have To the Honorable Mayor and City D ue Ju ly 1. 1903. 3’4 per cent 27,000 7782 02 turning to the Old Street Com mis been spending the week in New York ------Due J u ly 1. 1904. 3% p er cent 12,200 ,018 09 Paid for supplies per vouchers....7201 39 Council of Rockland, Me.: D ue J u ly 1, 1905, 3U p er cent 14.400 ___ _ .. .. . W Paid city treasurer ...... 681 S3 Mon—Many New Faces. Mrs. J. L . Clark and son, who have been I herewith submit my annual report D ue J u ly 1, 190\ p« r cent 24,100 visiting in this city, have returned to their D ue J u lv 1. 1907, 3% per cent 12.800 POLICE FUND. 7783 02 home in Brockton, Mass. They were accom­ as city treasurer for the fiscal year end­ D u e J u ly 1. 1908, 8U per cent 28.000 Appropriation ...... $1,250 00 A. J. CROCKET. ing Feb. 8. 1897: Dus July 1, 19 8U per cent 31.MW Transferred to contingent City Marshal. panied by Miss Vina Clark who w ill visit Due Julv I. 1910, 3'4 per cent 25,500 fund ...... 73 45 I have examined the foregoing account relatives in Brockton------Gardiner H. Miller Cash balance Feb. 10. 1890...... $ 27,844 89 The Democrats took their turn at holding D ue J u ly 1, 1912, SV4 per cent 11.800 of A. J. Crockett, city marshal; and be­ was in the city last week. M r. M iller is now Liquor agency for sales ...... 2,199 03 D ue J u ly 1. 1915, 8 <. p e r cent 16,200 11,323 45 lieve It to be correct and approve the a caucus Friday night and about 50 of them Fees per city marshal...... 349 25 $240,600 00 Mayor's orders drawn ...... $1,323 45 travelling for the Boston dental firm of “me- c. L. ALLEN. were present in city hall when chairman Don’t P ass Fees per Judge of police court.... 1,071 33 Macfarlane & Miller, the junior partner of Non-resident tax fist of 1894...... 413 88 SALARY FUND. How ard of the city committee called the Total 4 per cent, and 3H per A u d ito r. which is D r. R. B. M iller, formerly of this Costs 1894 cases, and account 1894 municipal bonds ...... $454,400 00 A p p ro p ria tio n ...... $13,800 00 F eb. 13, 1897. arreting to order. L. F. Starrett was called taxes, per city solicitor...... 85 44 city. The son seems to have inherited the The bonds in aid of Knox * Lincoln R. Transferred from contin­ REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CITT upon to act as permanent chairman and State of Maine for soldiers' buri­ R. Co., mature as follows: g en t fu n d ...... 29 34 fatbers’s fondness for the profession and is als ...... 174 90 LIQUOR AGENCY. O liver Otis as secretary. Due July 1, 1R97, 6 per cent, cou­ proving a valuable man for the firm------Miss State of Maine armory rent...... 100 00 , pons, due Jan. 1, July 1, each $13,829 34 Stock on hand Feb. 10, 1896...... $1,055 83 The nominating of a mayoralty candidate the 22d Insurance premium returned .... 15 00 j Susie Sellers started for Brooklyn, N . Y., y e a r ...... $ 7,300 00 Mayor’s orders drawn ...... 13,829 34 Stock purchased during the year.. 2,081 81 was the next task, and this duty devolved Tomb receipts ...... 72 00 , Due July 1, 1898, 6 per cent, cou­ B ala n c e ...... 210 2^ Friday morning, where she w ill visit her Redemption of-property sold for CONTINGENT FUND. upon a c mmittee consisting of Charles C. pons, due Jan. 1, July 1, each sister. taxes ...... 1,017 39 y e a r ...... 4,900 00 Appropriation ...... $ 5,000 00 $3,347 90 Lovejoy, Cornelias Doherty and Parker T. Without honoring the Licenses per city marshal ...... 212 38 Due July 1, 1899, 6 per cent, cou­ Receipts ...... 8,454 28 Cash sales for the year ...... $2,199 03 Fuller. They reported the name of E. O. pons, due Jan. 1, July 1, each Transferred from fire de­ Stock on hand Feb. 8, 1897 ...... 1,148 87 H eald of Ward 4, but the latter promptly de­ y e a r ...... 2.500 00 partment fund ...... 112 66 600D TEMPLARS MEET- 55 00 B alance o f second Issue, due- Transferred from street $3,347 90 clined. H e did this on the ground (hat he memory of the illustrious Feb. 1, 1902, 6 per cent, cou­ lig h tin g fund ...... 04 C. M. KALLOCH. was a comparatively new resident of the city cfer'k .....7 ....7 .7 . 391 00 pons, due Feb. 1, Aug. 1, each Transferred from sewer A. J. BIRD. State of Maine railroad and tele­ y e a r ...... 36,100 00 and not sufficiently acquainted with city Annual Stislon of Knoi District Lodge Held In fund ...... 1,283 57 going ------Washington But honor your graph ta x ...... 1,405 14 Transferred from Inter­ ______..firman of com­ politics to act in the position of mayor. Rockvilla—Profitable Session Sale of election lists, per city , Total 6 per cent, bonds ...... $49,800 00 est fu n d ...... 320 99 mittee on liquor agency, and find vouch­ Thia teminded chairman Starrett of the story cle rk ...... 3 75 ers for all money paid out, and believe C. H. Ames, et al., trust fund, Statement of bond transactions from they told about John G. Saxe who was once a $15,171 44 -______* - - ’ ------rove the n------subject to 3M» per cent, of rate 500 00 Feb. 11, 1895, to Feb. 9, 1897: M a y o r’s orders ...... $11,723 21 The annual session of Knox District Lodge self at the same time. Appear _ A L L E N . candidate of the Democratic party for gov­ Overcharge per bill, contingent Transferred pauper fund 1,137 88 Auditor of Accounts. ernor of Vermont. Now for the Democrats of Good Templars met at Rockville, Wednes­ fund ...... 1 37 II 8 a § r g g Transferred highway Dog licenses for 1895, per state Rockland, Feb. 15, 1897. to carry Verm ont was regarded as one of the day, as guests of Chickawaukie Lodge. The fund ...... 207 87 in one of our $12 Clay W orsted o f M ain e ...... 381 42 S| S S § § § S .§ 8& Transferred police fund. 73 45 REPORT OF T. E. SIMONTON. attainable things, The papers made their meeting was called to order by P. D . T ., Collected from towns and Indi­ Transferred salary fund 29 34 Tax collector for the years 1895 and 1896. usual attacks upon M r. Saxe and o re of them F . A . Mank. Th e address of welcome was viduals, poor department ...... 1,404 02 Transferred Insane hos- Collected on acct. of taxes of Balance per R. C. Hall, chair­ 1895 ...... > 15,319 97 went so far as to state that the poet was too given by Grace Upham of Chickawaukie r t j o”a i c □. c □. c e £ c 3 Suits. A well dressed man is man of overseer of poor...... 134 67 425 81 Collected on acct. of taxes of 1896 85,566 27 young. Saxe wrote a poem in reply in which lodge and responded to by P. D . T ., E. A. Collected from towns ana indi­ Collected on acct. of Interest on cl q. 2.- 2 ._ 2 ._ 2 .“ 2. 2. was cleverly worded the fact that he would M ank. The district degree was conferred viduals, Insane hospital fund.. 92 28 the several funds ...... 1,673 88 taxes. 1895 ...... 700 G8 Overcharge per bill, fire depart­ » 2 » 2 StJ r-'O be old enough when he was elected. And upon five candidates. a credit to his country and we -3 : 5Se.LE.Se.s2.’ e. $151,171 44 Collected on acct. of Interest on m ent ...... 1 00 -I taxes, 1896 ...... M r. Starrett thought this pretty apt to be the The following tfficers were elected and Sewer assessments per city clerk 727 60 03 O J* % *0 TJ ▼ ® jj ® T B *0 case with a Democratic candidate for Mayor installed by District deputy L . B. Brewster of Free high school fund per state * ■§" o f M ain e ...... 250 00 Rockville: D. T., A. H. Newbert of Apple- enable any man, for a small E. c ra-1 n •’ 3 $101,694 72 of Rockland. School fund and mill tax per S i g h 8 2 ° Total amount cash paid treasur- It was moved to take a vote to see what ton Lodge, Appleton; D. C., A. C. Hamilton, state o f M a in e ...... 5,119 03 e r ...... $101,694 72 the minds of those present were regarding a of Hamilton Lodge, Rockland; D. S. J. T., A. P. Irving, superintendent of e : S' ► STATEMENT. outlay, to be well dressed schools, tu itio n , etc...... 22 76 nominee. This resulted in 30 for Mr. Heald Fannie Brewster, of Chickawaukie Lodge, A. P. Irving,, superintendent, IwSWag- O gS Commitment year 1895 ...... $113,179 16 and four vo’es scattering. Mr. Heald again Rockville; D. V. T., Grace Upham of Chick­ free text book fund ...... 3 84 I Cash collections ...... $107,172 25 declined, but when M r. Otis moved that no awaukie Lodge, Rockville; D. Ch., Etta Interest for outstanding coupon .= §?:: H H H : N „ Abatements ...... 3,93136 Our immense stock gives the on called bond ...... 1 69 W W Sg. S’ssg'gg' S- g- In bands of city solici­ nominations be made at all in view of his Butler, of Appleton Lodge, Appleton; D. S., Accrued Interest and coupons, o, o, to r fo r collection ...... 893 00 declination, M r. Heald reconsidered the Dellie Higgins of Hamilton Lodge,Rockland; Penob. Sh. L. R. R. Co. bonds 8,037 77 O Q O I _ co _eo- to 0 — — o 2 Uncollected ...... 1,182 55 matter, and said that rather than have the D. Tr., A. H. Maxey of Chickawaukie Lodge, W. H. Smith, coll, on acct. inter­ widest scope for the pleasing est on 1890 tax ...... 16 CO $113,179 16 Rockville; P. D. T., Wm. Tarbox of Knox election go by default he would stand. This W. H. Smith, coll, on acct. inter­ { I , , i Si S3 £&?£fc888t85?- Commitment year 1896 ...... $110,435 63 was received with a great deal of applause. Lodge, Thomaston. est on 1891 tax ...... 9 29 Cash collections ...... $85,566 27 A committee to make up w *rd tickets was These constitute the District Council. W. H. Smith, coll, on acct. inter­ 2 1 M l § 1 A b atem en ts ...... 1,999 55 nf individual tastes The est on 1892 tax ...... 12 61 I § I . Uncollected ...... 22,869 81 then chosen as follows: W illiam J. Thurston, The following were appointed: D. M., C. T. E. Simonton, coll., on acct. M---*r-.eo»r -«c o 1 Ward I; Mr. Davir, Ward 2; Cornelius Butler of Appleton; D. D. M., Grace Flan­ interest of 1895 tax ...... 700 68 0 0 0 0 $110,435 63 Doherty, Ward 3; Parker T. Fuller, Ward 4; ders of Rockland; D. A. S., A . G. Bucklin of quality will satisfy those pay­ T. E. Simonton, coll., on acct. 2*° 2 p5 5 s’ 2 p 2 The severe depression in all branches Interest on 1896 tax ...... 52 80 of Industry and the great stringency in Ciiver Otis, Ward 5; William Muoroe, Ward Thomaston; D. G , L. Harriman of Warren; C. S. C ro ckett, s tre e t com m is­ w c p o* »-• CL _ O' _ financial circles, has prevented me from 6; Obadiah Gardner, Ward 7. The follow­ D. S., A. L. G. Hills of Warren. sioner, bal. to Feb. 10, 1896...... 84 28 closing the 1895 tax account at this time. ing were selected for a new city committee : The following were elected delegates to ing the liwest price or the C. S. C ro ckett, s tre e t com m is­ Thnt result could only have been reached sioner, bal. to Feb. 8, 1896 ...... 88 85 CO K). t- • • pH at the expense of oppressing many wor­ H. L. Gregory, Ward I; Ralph Hewett, the Grand Lodge that meets in Portland next Sale of cemetery lots ...... 8 00 ’ s : g3 ' thy citizens, which of course ought not to Ward 2; Rodney I. Thompson, Ward 3; Aptil, A. H. Newbert, J. N. Farnham, A. L. highest, and the style and State pensions, reimbursements. 1,518 00 be done. The small balance due of less P. J. Burns, Ward 4 : Philip Howard, W ard G. Hills, C. A. Collamore, A. G. Bucklin, Mrs. Temporary loans, per notes...... 38,000 00 S’SS'a g-gg’S 35: £8: : 8 g ] than $1,200 on account of 1895 taxes and Certificates of deposit at 3 per $22,869.81 on account o f 1896 taxes dis­ 5 ; Henry Lothrop, W'ard 6; A. J. Tolm an, A . H . Newbert. The following were chosen 0-2.3 £a £o,£ cent, per annum ...... 66,261 77 • n> 0.3 CL~ ft) 3 closes the good tax paving guality of the W ard 7. inspecting officers: L . A . Brewster and A . H . workmanship are sure to meet Municipul refunding coupon Aw : : : : : * a o i citizens of Rockland, Me. The ward nominations were filed Saturday Newbert. bonds, S’/A per c e n t...... 500 00 Respectfully submitted, T. E. Simonton, coll, on acct. g § ’ T. E. SIMONTON, The following standing committee were 8L as follows: taxes ...... 15,319 77 g | £ s : : : : • : : S g D Collector. Ward One—Alderman, S. W. Veazie; appointed: Appeals, J. N . Farnham, C. A. T. E. Simonton, coll, on acct. S i o- <5- S' the appropal of all. 2 § » 00 «, Rockland, Feb. 8, 1897. councilmen, William J. Thurston, Ralph Webb, A. G. Bucklin; Finance, A. C. Ham­ 1896 taxeB ...... 86,666 27 SCHOOL FUND. Sale of Penob. Sh. L. R. R. Co. REPORT OF CITY CLERK. Ayres, Clinton A . Thurston. ilton, G. H Upham, E. M itchell; Credentials, bonds ...... 110,000 00 B ala n c e fro m 1895 ...... 7 2.401 27 Appropriation ...... 11,500 00 Collected on sewers ...... $ 727 50 Ward Three—Alderman, L. F. Starrett; W. A. Ripley, C. Butler, L. A. Brewster; Collected on account dog licenses. 391 00 Total cash receipts ...... $369,932 74 Appropriation free high councilmen, Mervyn Ap Rice, Edward C. State of Order, C. J. Gregory, L . B. Brewster, school ...... 1,500 00 Collected auctioneer’s license ...... 2 00 Payson; warden, C. C. Lovejoy; ward clerk, E. O. Mero. Fifty three members were CASH DISBURSEMENTS. Feb. 11. 1895. Penob. Sh. L. R. R. School fund and mill tax * C ollected v lc tu e le r’s license ...... 2 00 Co. bond, held as sinking fund.$400,000 t Collected pawnbroker’s license .... 2 00 Harry E. Brown. present from six lodges as follows: Knox 3, Mayor's ciders ...... $84,10150 from state ...... 5,119 03 Penob. Sh. L. R. R. bonds From state for high Election lists ...... 3 75 Ward Four—Alderman, N. B. Conant; M t. W illow 4. Appleton 6, M in o r Lake 12, B ounties on Beals ...... 4 00 sold In 1895 ...... $ 98,000 J. F. Gregory & Son Abatements on taxes per asses­ school ...... 250 00 $1,128 25 councilmen, M . K . W illey, J. C. H ill, J. L . H am ilton, 12, Chickawaukie 16. Penob. Sh. L. R. R. bonds Sale of old stove ...... 9 50 sors’ order direct on treasurer 140 18 sold in 1896 ...... 110,000 Paid city treasurer ...... $1,128 25 Donahue; warden, Louis Ryan; ward clerk, The next session w ill be held at West State pensions ...... 1,524 00 Rebate on bill ...... 5 25 ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. Tuition collected ...... 8 00 Respectfully submitted, George T. Aderton. Rockport, May 19. Temporary loan notes in full ... 88,000 00 W. F. TIBBETTS, Certificates of deposit ...... 06,192 76 City Clerk. Ward Five— Alderman, Henry A. Howard; Interest on certificates of deposit councilmen, Leslie N . Littlehale, T . E. M c In ­ and general in te re s t ...... 2,740 72 M a y o r’s orders d ra w n . .$20,265 20 STREET COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Balance forward ...... *527 85 nis, Daniel W . Titus; warden, Charles E. Knox & L R. R. coupons ...... 8,339 00 Mayor’s orders drawn on hlffh- Keyes; ward clerk, Marlin Donlan. municipal bonds, as Btated w a y ...... $11,881 00 ox county tax of 1896 In full.. 8,895 39 above. Miscellaneous account ..$ 929 43 State ol Maine 1896 tax in full... 11,196 06 Penob. Sh. L. R. R. Co. bonds Snow account ...... 749 97 Municipal bonds, 4 per cent call The city election occurs next Monday, and held as sinking fund Feb. 8, CEMETERY FUND. L im e R . R . Co. chips...... 649 00 CARPET SEASON! o f Ju ly 26. 1895, series 1881-1911.. 9,500 00 City teams ...... ®8 19 1897 ...... $192,060 66 from all evidences it w ill be a very quiet one. Municipal bonds, 4 per cent, call B alan ce fro m 1895 ...... $316 00 Receipts ...... 8 00 Cleaning paving ...... 420 45 Sept. 16. 1895. scries 1881-1911.... 15,500 00 Feb. 11, 1895, the bonded debt, was: Sprinkling streets ...... 150 00 Municipal bonds, 4 per cent, call Municipal bonds, 4 per New sidewalks, 9,632 feet 1,945 58 Anticipating a Republican victory next Oct. 10. 1895, serloe 1881-1911...... 1,500 00 cent ...... $544,200 00 Repairing sidewalks ...... 907 15 Municipal bonds, 4 per cent, call Monday, a number of candidates are begin­ Municipal bonds, 3V6 per Balance forward Cleanln Lindsey brook .. 72 O) M arch 6, 1896, series 1881-1911.... 96,200 00 cent ...... 106,300 00 §Srvert5'.’^ e.?.::::::::: ■»?« ning to appear in the field for city officers. Municipal bonds, 4 per cent., due K. & L. R. R. Co. bonds $324 00 Charles E. Burpee o f Ward 7 is a candidate G per cen t...... 61,700 00 for city clerk, the position now filled by W . Special Effects for Spring Trade CITY AUDITOR’S REPORT. $11,429 62 F . Tibbetts, and S. Thayer Kim ball is desirous $712.26 I have carefully examined the forego- L u m b e r o r h a n d ...... 116 58 During two years bonds were Nalls on hand ...... 5? o f succeeding W7 R. Prescott as city solicitor. ln accounts of Hon. John Lovejoy, mayor paid with cash equal to the for the fiscal year ending Feb. 8, 1897, and Curbstone on hand ...... 79 45 There will be four vacancies on the school amount of Penob. Sh. L. R. R. find approved bills and authorized sal­ board to fill, but candidates for that honor are Co. bonds sold, and In accord aries for the full amount of orders drawn ance with city ordinance, Cash paid c ity tre a s u re r...... 88 85 beautifully scarce. George Oiis Coombs is, am o u n tin g to ...... $208,000 00 and believe them to be correct, and ap­ prove the same. $11,881 06 we understand, willing to assume the respon­ C. L. ALLEN, sibility of filling one of the vacancies. M em ­ Auditor of Accounts. CITY TEAMS, CR. Wiltons, Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry CASH RECEIPTS. Bonded debt Feb. 8, 1897, and of Rockland. Feb. 16. 1897. bership on the school board is an office for 498 days 2-horse team ...... ?! Ca^i balance Feb. 11, 1896...... $1,553 46 as follows: The tax assessment for 1896 was: which there is no special rush. Per state treasurer ...... 150 00 Municipal bonds, 4 per S ta te ta x ...... $ 11,196 06 158 days 1-horse taara ...... 158 00 cent ...... $213,600 60 County tax ...... 8,896 39 AND WOOLEN CARPETS. Municipal bonds, 3‘fij per C ity ta x ...... 86,750 00 I t is understood that there is a sentiment cent...... 240,600 00 O v e rla y ...... 4,670 62 CASH DISBURSEMENTS. K. & I.. R. R. Co. afoot to return to the former system of having ...... $1,461 $1 Per vouchers ...... $1,262 82 bonds, 6 per cent...... 49,800 00 $110,412 27 C r c ity team ...... a street commission of three members, they to Respectfully ■>ubmlU^RocK Cash balance ^to Feb. 9. 1897 ...... 440 64 , $504,200 00 The valuation of the city of Rockland, sdect a competent superintendent, instead of Me., os Bhown by the assessors’ books Road Commissioner. the present system of one street commissioner. The Greatest Novelties in Designs and Colorings. $1,703 46 CONDITION OF APPROPRIATIONS. August, 1896, was: Real estate ...... $3,434,698 00 I have examined the accounts of C. S. W hether the change is to be undertaken this Memo—Jn addition to cash balance of PAUPER FUND. Crockett for the year ending Feb. 8, $440.64, m ayo r’s o rd e r N o. 1,364 fo r $1,500 Personal property ...... 1,243,163 00 1897, and believe it to be correct and ap- year is not known. Appropriation ...... $7,500 00 has been drawn per appropriation for prove the «tme. c ALJ 1896, making available the sum of $1,940.64. Collected from towns and . $4,677,761 00 individuals ...... 1,404 02 Respectfully submitted, Num ber of polls, 2,526, at $3 each. Auditor of Accounts. PERSONAL MENTION EVERETT A. JONES. Cash of R. C. Hall, chair­ Memo.—The valuation of personal prop- Our New Straw Mattings are open man, for balance in his Foregoing sumlnary respectfully sub- City Treasurer. itands ...... 134 67 mltted' HVERETT A. JONES, D . A . Anderson was in Boston last week. CITY AUDITOR'S REPORT. Transferred from contin­ City Treasurer. "I have ex-, fined the foregoing ac­ gen t fund ...... 1,137 88 H . H . Monroe has returned from Boston. for your inspection. ZERETT A. JONES. count . of Everett A. Jones, city treasur­ $10,176 47 H. B. Walts and wife have returned from er, a -d find them carefully kept, correctly City Treasurer. cast, and sustained by proper vouchers, Mayor’s orders drawn ...... $10,17* Rockland. Me., Feb. 15, 1897. CITY OF ROCKLAND. Damariscotta Mills. and believe them to be correct, and have HIGHWAY FUND. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF BOARD OF KKOlSTItATIIN. Bert Plummer spent Sunday at his borne approved the same. SCHOOLS. W e want your business for this year and are making C. L. ALLEN. Appropriation ...... $11,600 00 February 4, 1897. in Damariscotta Mills. City Auditor. Cash of C. 8. Crockett SCHOOL FUND. N otice ia hereby given that I be Board ol Begls- Feb. 13. 1897. street commissioner, for Balance from last year ...... $ 2,401 27 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morton have returned balance due on settle­ tration will b»- In •^►lon at Ihelr mom, No 6 Berry special efforts in the line of choice things that can’t bo found Appropriation by city council.... 11,500 00 Block. 40rt Main atieet, upon I he five secular days from a visit in Friendship. m ent le b . 10. 1896...... 84 28 Appropriation for free high school 1,500 00 Cash o f C. S. C ro ckett next preceding the l»t day of March. 1897. for be Miss Kubn of Bangor is the guest of his •Slute school fund and mill tax.. 6,119 03 purpoao of rrvl-tng ami cotroctins lb voting lists street commissioner, for Free high school fund ...... 260 00 cousin Cbas Young, Grace street. e ls e w h e re . balance due cn settle­ o f thia city Th e board w ill bo In session on the Sale of stove and rebate on bill.. 14 76 first three of sold days from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and ______liab il­ m ent Feb. 8. 1897 ...... 88 86 T u itio n ...... 8 00 Mrs. A . H . Monroe left last week for St. ities of the city of Rockland, Me., as Transferred from con­ from 8 p m io 6 p- m and from 7 to 9 p. in and on Louis where her husband is employed. shown per ledgers, and the condition of tin g e n t fu n d ...... 207 87 the last two o f said days fr« m 9 a in to 1 p m. and $20,793 06 •fr« m 8 to 4 p m. And as the >asl dxy o f said the appropriatTons per mayor's ledger, •Number of scholars between 4 Mrs. Herbert W. Thorndike is ill with the Feb. 8. 1897: $11,881 00 sessions is for the purpose of verify inti said lists grippe at her home on Masonic street. Mayor's orders drawn ...... $11,881 00 and 21. 2.28L and to complete and close up Ibo tecorda • f the LIABILITIES. EXPENDITURES. sessions no names w ill be sd ed to or stricken R. G. Robinson and Al. Guptill have re­ LacQ Curtains FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. from auld lists on said day. 'I bo Board of lb tfts- 4 per cent, municipal refunding T e a c h e rs ’ salaries ...... $14,206 01 turned from a gunning trip io Jefferson. coupon bonds ...... $213,900 00 A p p ro p ria tio n ...... $1,900 00 Janitors* salaries ...... 1,584 35 t no ion w ill also be in s aslou on l be day of said Collected for error In bill 1 00 election, from 10 a. tu to 4 p in. for tb« purpose Mrs. C. A. Young ano daughter Myrtie Ivory and W hite Irish Point are among the S’/i per cent, municipal refunding S u p erin ten d en t’s s a la ry ...... 1,358 27 coupon bonds ...... 240,600 00 F u e l, lab o r, m aterials, a te ...... 8,116 67 of giving to any reelsiered vo»er whose name bus rtirbale ylvlutf the cor­ called there by the death of bis mother, Mrs. Cemetery fund ...... 199 00 fund ...... 112 66 rected name, etc upon the presentation of which Lyons, nee Mercy Smith, daughter of J. R. Unpaid mayor’s orders ...... 6,061 63 $20,793 06 ce rtlfira u to I he officers pr. eldli g over the election BRUSSELS NET $1,901 00 such voter w II be pet milled to vote. Smith of this city. FREE TEXT BOOK FUND. Per order Boaid of iteifislrMltnn, T o ta l lia b ilitie s ...... $609,911 19 STREET LIGHTING FUND. George Wade, with whom Rev. J. E. N Vi*H*L JoNKH. Chairman. A fine choice, dainty curtain for Parlors. RESOURCES Appropriation ...... $6,100 00 book and fines...... Attest. W. F. T lM S rA , City Clark. W hitm ore remained during bis severe illness, 4 per cent. Penob. Sh. L. R. R. M ayors orders drawn..$$6,099 96 $1,303 M received a letter from him last week, saying ARABIAN POINTS AND RENAISSANCE Co. coupon bonds, held as sink­ E xpended ...... $1,308 $4 February 4, 1897. he arrived in South Lincoln safely and stood ing fund, $302,000, less sold from 04 Respectfully submitted. To tbs Inhabitants of the City of • txklaod : A. P. IRVING, the journey nicely. Feb. 10. 1896, to F eb. 9. 1897, You are h« reby notified to assemble at be several $110,000 ...... $192,066 00 $6,100 00 Superintendent. w srd rma in the city of Boot laud, on M O N D A Y , John Larrabee, who has been quite ill at Are the newest that we have. Due on real estate sold for tax- 1 have carefully examined the forego­ M H F IK H T , to give In your votes for M ayor, WATER SUPPLY FUND. ing accounts of A. P. Irving, superin­ his home, Camdeu street, is much better and etj, per tax le d g e r ...... 10,80t» 64 Aid rm»u three Common Conncibneu, Waideu Due from W. H. Smith on taxes A p proprrla tlo n ...... $3,900 00 tendent of schools and find vouchers for and Wa>d Clerk. last week was able to be oat and attended o f 1889-1890-1891 and 1892. and fo r Mayox°s a y o rs orders drawn ...... B.ooooo all money paid out, and believe the ac­ T h e polts w ld open at 10 o’clock In the forenoon the church conference. During his sicknass paving assessments per ledger 4,532 12 counts to be correct, and have approved and close a l 4 o’clock in the aft* moon W e try to make a point to have everything you may wish SEWER FUND. th e same. he was cared for by his sister, Mrs. Acsah Due from state of Maine, acct. Copies of the voting list may be found at tbs state pensions ...... 24 60 C. L . A L L E N . ward >o<>m» In >be >eva for aa u at prices that w ill make it au object who has been spending a few weeks’ vaca­ Cash in city treasury Feb. 8, 1897 1,811 62 stan d in g ...... 1 go and repairs ...... $ 2.820 60 for buyers to oall. tion in Boston, returned home Friday night 114 831 44 Supplies charged city store ...... 2,145 69 A lso C A K ttl «UK*i a t Great Ba>g la s. ------W aiter Cummings has returned to W ey­ Paid Interest on certifi­ * ' Paid for fuel outside of almshouse 1,312 18 cate of deposit and Paid for support of persons out­ Aioa D ouble Kuou*< KI.ANI) COURIER <»AZETTK. TUESDAY FEBRUARY’ 23 1W«7


Death of two Young Men Who Worn Dearly Quite an Upset Beloved b| all Who Knew Thom.

In price «>ii ni' n’s wiidt r shoes Mrs. A«a Garland, mother of George W . Garland, formerly secetary of the Y. M C.A. at this store. Our men’s] sho- s are died at her home in Portland, Friday morning after a brief illness from heart disease compli­ all light—you know tlul.^The. aie cated with pneumonia. This adds another to the long list of deaths in this family since strorg, they are stylish, they are Rockland people first knew M r. Garland. •X Grand O pening of Our Bicycle D epartm ents well made. Just at present they Theirs have been a very sad experience. arc very low priced. Take advan­ Mrs. Mary J , widow o f the late Enos Crockett, died at the home of her daughter, TTTZESZD7VY TV 1ST ZD W E D JSTZESZDJVY, ZDZEZBJ23 & c 2 4 . tage of it today. Mis. Fannie Nichols, Limerock street, Thurs­ day morning, aged about 79 years. Th e de­ W e have in stock a complete line of Rambler, Ivei .Johnson, Keating, Forest City, Falmouth and Ideal Bicycles, and ceased was a native of Union, her parents be WENTWORTH livid at ihw bank prices for our customers. We will The entertainment at tbe Hall Thursday iu moms of »uld c'lupaiiy, lu Rockland, Maine, selves, and we will ensure a perfect clean your walch for t l HD or put In n ou Tuesday, March 2. IHU7 at 19 u’olock a m . f..r evening was a pleasant affair about >13 being new mainspring tor tl.UO warranled lh<-purpos - of ekeriug a Hoard of Trustee* a d lit. Ladies can have made Separate THORNDIKE & HIX. realized for the benefit o f tbe eburvhes------un Ex* cuiivcCoumitti-M and to tiuu»aci auy other Jackets, Coals, Waists or Skirls of for two years. Bring us your old Rev. M r. Ross gave an interesting sermon business that may loyally come before said mee'.lug. • silver spoons thimbles, watch cases, Interior Sunday, subject: “A Faith T hat Conquers’’ samo material as men's wear, from gold ring., bracelets, chains, we pay ------It is expected that an orchestra w ill be Th e a* uusl meeting o f the Board of T usiwa linen Io the best all wool. Hilk Lined final haven Si Rockland Steamboat Co. D e c o r a tio n will be held at the earn* place ou Tu- sday, March , you cash for them. formed from tbe band to furnish music at tbe 9. 18w7. al lOo'c ock a m .. tor thu purpose of el«e|. Garments al the same price as gents. Spring Arrangement. la a due art, aud it'a something that church------A Good Templars Lodge was lug a Pr-sldeut aud Vice Prusldeul aud eppoiullug organized two weeks ago by District Deputy a decrviary, elo. DANIELS, The Jew eler, TW O TRIPS DAIL.Y! oau't be too due. The wall deooratlou C M K IL L * MJU. Becretary. Geo. Files, with 22 charter members. A t tbe Thorndike House Block. inakeaor ware the appearauoe of a room. Rocklaud, Me., Feb. 18, lltfri. 7 8 ---BtTWXSS--- meeting Saturday night six candidates were Vlnalhaveu and Hookland, Pretty paper adds au air of reduemeut aud initialed and several applications received ICr**Pieai0 take (the trouble to ooxiuoaa to the plaiueat home ------Mrs. Amasa Heal aud daughter M ai ion BODWELL CRANITE CO. HOUSE FOR SALE. V M4BCM1R 1M7, look at Ssmplea and the Style of lira htp-urer W e have ju-t returned from New York A Serious Outlook visited (he past week at Emery P aiker’s. They The aauual meetlug of tbe stockholders of (be ; For aala, Iw uatury dwelling w ith eii aud abed ; atable aud amal* rarrtawe buuae*. Ilottaa kua 13 aud can show you atylea that are up-to-date. relumed to ibeir home in Belfast, Sunday------Bodwell Graolie t'ompaoy w ill bo b id at the office ManuTaolure and oblige oonfronla thia cnau as hla property ia Mrs. 1. V. M iller of Belfast visited relatives : riMJiu" be*ldua p-jr different clrcuru-Laneea. in towu last week------Miss O live Bryant of March 2d, Ib97, at iso ( 9) o 'rb x k . e m . for (he b«low and a ^ v e , alao nu the uuiride vf (it* buua*' L e i ms Write you a pulley. Th< eoat i» sm all. and lit tb«> a>ahlrt N ew ly p Intsd laal fail. KUe < U Vluxikaseu. «ur Ruekiaud avery weak Belmont is stopping at E J. Tow er’s------eleciloo of officers for the ensuing year aud for tbe Mrs. Amanda H eal i* visiting 10 Camdeu and U ie cara puaa ib * door kIso a l uge tut on W aldo lay. Hl 7 .90 a m. turd 1 f m. ALFRED S. BLACK, traireacriou of auy oilier busJueos bat rosy legally Av--uua. uv**rlooM"g lb * bar uur Also a small U io n lt g , w lii KovSlatud. TIJl«m*e W harf, Rockport------Capt. William Matthews and 0. E.BLACKINGTON come btfu/v said weellug ffa’d of IM acres uvor I ha J o b * Jouus f >rm on fQ/ Vtoa'have’U »' 9 :89 •- SB Ahd 8 .99 p iu , laud­ Dunn & Additon, ■ Jtwn auu'a poiut Inquire of G. G. CMO gg. «f ing at Uatriuaoer IaJ«. <*a«b trip bulb waya. , Llmarvck S tru t wife of Coon., who have been in town acv B U. LAW RY, BoervUry. 435 Main St., Rockland, Me. FIB8 LIFB ACCIDENT eral months, have returned home. I Cwcbrau, Raker At Gruaa, 498 Maiu Bt, Reek laud. W •*. WMI'i * . Uaiwxull------413 M ain Street. Rocklaud. Me., feb’y SB, 1897. R8 I M Ruakiaud, Ms . Fsb. 81. IWf. — p— ------— ------— ------


J. H . Yotmg, S. J. Young and J. B. Dunton, B. Fairs, late of Rockland, was probated and as follows: Real $154; personal $27.60, . Albert B Fairs of Somerville, Mass , was ap- ' pointed administrator with bond of $2,000. tj0U&tKElf>U\ total $181 fo CASH AND G IV E N FREE L. E. Wade, R. R Ulmer and Frank B. The will of Belinda Sidensparker, who died M iller, appraiser* of estate of Louisa R. Tol- in W arren, June 2, 1896, was disallowed. O f W T 1 $3,400.00 PRIZES E A C H M O N T H man, late of Rockland, found persons I As follows: property amounting to $120. Keep Consumption from What a Pleasure Awaits Visitors 4 First Prizes, each of $100 Cash - - - $ 400.00 An Unusually Large Amount of Medora M ullen was appointed guardian of Margaret B. Andrews, widow of Oliver Andrewa, vour homes by the use of 20 Second " " •• $100sppI<’ ia\BIi!joI«s*2,000.00 lata or Rockport, In aald county, deceared, bav lrg to Camden Next Summer. 40 Third ...... $ 25 Gold Watohes - 1,000.00 Business Transacted. SethS. Mullen, minor, of Vinalhaven, with presented her application for allowance out of the , bond of $2,000— Rhoda A. Hopkins was ap­ personal estate 01 anid decenaed : Caah and Prizes given each month - - $3,400.00 S O A P ’ pointed guatdian of Justin P. and Dora S. ORDKRitn. T hat notice thereof be g1v«a, three G a rd n er’s wpeSs rueceaskely, In T u b < o u r ik r O a b k t t r , Hopkins, minors, of Vinalhaven, with bond C a m d e n , Feb. 23, 1807. Jndgt* Mpuervcy mid Register (Aonld • of $4,000— Margaret J. Thomas was appoint­ R em ed y ed administratrix of the estate o f Philip F. The ladies o f St. Thomas Guild met W ed ­ Total given during 12 mos. 1897, $40,800.00 WRAPPERS Very Diplomatically Perform Their nesday afternoon with Mrs. J. F . Stetson. Thomas, late 1 f Rockland, with bond of $1,000 Cures Coughs, Ln. Grippe, RULES. Pnfle.R— Many Important PnperH Con­ Librarian H arding now dips her pen into HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. — D. II. Glidden was appointed administrator Competitors to save ns ninny SUNLIGHT 1. Every month during 18*7 In eaoh of the 4 districts Ilonrseness, Dyspepsia,Con­ prizes w ill be awarded as follows: . . . . sidered—Wills Filed and Probakd— of the estate of Thomas Garrett, late of V in a l­ rather unique inkw ell, the gift of Mrs •OSOAPl , Wrappers____ ns thejrcnn collect. air the top portion or cncli The I Competitor who sends In the haven, with bond of $100— Alberta Jones was stipated Liver and all aflec- Caroline Rose. O ur suggestion last week re­ S end this top portiom L n r < e s t N uniber ofcouoona from Readable W’rlte-iip. garding the limit appropriation for the library *•-the district *in----- whichuiTjh bn or sho resides appointed administratrix of the estate of Lyoia tions o f the stomach. met with ready favor among the people not- 8(3 at P .” Tlieijo M Jones, Ute of Washington, with bond of $300— Bertha Mullen was appointed adminis­ thstanding theunusually hardtimes andlhere H arry B. Brown, adm’n'atrator on the eatnte of This remeds has been in use for al­ tratrix of the estate of Davicf S. Mullen, late seems to be no opposition. This is the right k s j ; will Koch "receive at winner’s One hundred and forty papers were con­ Horace H. Perry, late of Rockland, In anid county, most a century but lias never before it Ion a Indy's orgentlrman’fl I’lerce of Vinalhaven, with bond of $4,000. The dccenard, having presented hla Aral and final ac­ spirit to manifest, a spirit characteristic of ncclol bicycle, price #100,00. sidered by Judge Meservey, last Tuesday at count of admlalatralion of raid eatate for allow­ been placed on the market. It has The |() Competitorswhor— -• sureties are Calvin B. Vinal and Charles B. Camden people when occasion demands. ;7e.V .hd?4?^r"»W?5NUMJ»EB S the February term of Probate Court This is ance : Next Largest Number** of f eoupoooupo Smith— S. W . Jones was appointed adminis­ DRDKnRD, Th it uoilco thereof he given, three never been known to faiHo cure. The Methodist sewing circle met Wednes­ trlc t in which they reside will K a c h re —- the largest number for a long time but the I STRICT Competitor liven In. trator of the estate of James B. W ellm an, late weeka aucceaalvely, In the Co v r ib r -U a b b t t s , day afternoon with Mrs. Edwin Anderson option a lady's or gentleman's Gold Watch, price # J>. Judge and his worthy assistant Register Gould No. ol N A M E OP DI8TRIOT. 2 . The Competitions will C lo s e th e l.n s t I> n y of of Union, with bond of $400—Charles A. Finn printed In Rockland, In raid county, that all per­ ------The Congregational circle was enter­ Kneh M onth during 1W7, Coupons received tools - cared for all very satisfactorialiy and never sona Interested may attend at a Prooate Court ! • be What It Has Done. Bl.trict New York City, Brooklyn. Don* was appointed administrator of the estate of tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Ade­ nod Htntcn Islwnde, New Jerney- one month’s competition will be i got flustered for a moment. We present our held at Rockland, on the third Tuesday of March M s R T ia s v iL L l, .Ian 81, IS M . usual interesting account or the consideration Jam< s R. Finn, late of Washington, with bond next, and show enuae, If any they have, wh|r laide Alden. tp In dealer’s stock will be disqualified. Employees the said account should not be allow- tl. M r . OARnntR: rlyw, LnnQ aNd Slnlfn Jilandt). of $500— W illiam M . Munroe was appointed Lever Brother*. I.td ., and their families, are de- of our large army of readers. C K. If KbKItVKY. Judge. Dear Kir:—I wish to make known to the nubile The grip has taken quite a hold of our A prtnted flst’ofwinneTS In Competitor’s district administrator o f the estate of W illiam M . th a t! have thoroughly tested In mv family the eo- 7id"'J»7U A true copy,— Attest : people. Munroe, late of Rockland, with bond of $200 8-10 E d w a r d K . G o u l d , Register. calltd ••Gardner*** Remedy” and And It to be the _ trlct_ o______will be forwarded to Competitors in about 21 days after be*t fam ily m« dh lnr-for coughs eo'ds, hoarseness Mr. aud Mrs. G. W. Achorn will entertain T he N ew England Htntcw. each competition closes. . The first and final account of Andrew W . — G. D . Gould was appointed administrator ft. Lever* Brothers, Ltd., w ill endeavor to sward the of the estate of Daniel Gould, late of Union, company at their home this evening. •The Bicyolss are the celebrated P ie rc e H p c c ln I. prTees fairly to the beet of their ability sod Judgment, Wadsworth, administrator on estate of Susan W97 Pattern, m ’f*d by Geo. N . Pierce A Go., of Buf­ fcut it Is understood that all who compete saves to ac­ The Y . W . C. T . U . gave a Washingttin falo, Boston and New York. Fitted with Hartford cept the award of Lever Brothers, L td., as final. M . Tilden, late of Camden, was received with bond c f $100. PREPARED BY Tires, F irst Glass Nlckle Lamp. New Departure and notice ordered. Estate as per inventory Alexander Fraser, administrator on the eatate of festival last evening, in the Congaegational B ell, Standard Uyolometer, and Hunt Lace Saddle. LEYKIl DUOS., Ltd., New York. allowed, $12685. John Fraser, h te or Vlnalhnven, In eaid county, vestry. A ll the members appeared in cos­ $117.01; amount Petitions allowed: Caroline B. W alker* deceased, having presented hln first and final ac­ SAiniTBI. GAHOVKR, The first account c f Maynard W illiam s, tume ard the following interesting and en­ widow ol Amos Walker, late of Thomastoni count of nointnisiration of aald estate for allow­ If a r tis ts v llle , tertaining program was rendered: administrator on estate of Gilman L. Ulmer, ance r was allowed $550------Olivia M. Gerry* O r i>f.r *]>, T hat notice thereof be given, three For rale by O. I Robinson Trug Co., Thomaa- c«Re and the score looked tied but luck surely late of’ Rockland, was received and notice Piano duel. Misses Hast ir and Rollins widow of Seth S. Gerry, late of Thomaston* weeka eucc. salvely. in T b b C o u n ir k O a x m t t b , O riginal reading, Mrs Ed If all was with us for the hall found its way through ordered. Amount charged $495.89; paid out was allowed $ 8 7 0 4 9 ------Nettie L. Dow* printed in Rockland, in said county, that all per­ Topical song, I I . C Small sona Interested may attend at a Probate Court te this small hole and the look* of ampzement $164.29; balance due $331 61. widow o f Fred B. Dow, late of Rockland* Whistling solo, Mbs Grace A. Parker The first and final account of H arry E. bo held at Rockland, on the third Tneeday of Character song. Miss Anne Kittredge that particularly spread over the countenances was allowed $951 25------Mary E. Perry, Muroh next, and show rause, if any they have, Brown, administrator on estate of Horace S. Recitation, Little Mildred Hooper of the Gardiners was wonderful to behold. widow o f Horace S. Perry, late of Rock­ why the said account should ro t be showed Mlse Marian Kelley BOSTON & BANGOR S. S. CO. Bong, But few more seconds of playing time was Perry, late of Rockland, was received and land, was allowed $4953*73------E>. H. Glid­ 8-10 C. B M K U K R V K Y , Jedge. Selection, Lsdles Quartette left and the game enden with another defeat notice ordered. Amount of personal estate A true copy,—Attest: Bong, Miss Mary Knight of Rockport den, guardian of Charles E. Norton, minor, E d w a r d K . G o u l d , Register. Il Would a Saving of. Expense: as per inventory $5235; allowance paid to Resumption of Service at Regular Fares. Baton swinging, added to Rockland's list and the question of Vinalhaven, was granted permission to General singing, America naturally arises, “ W hat good does it do to de­ widow. $4943 73. invest money in real estate------Jennie F.G. STATK OK MAINE. T h e first and final account of George J. Pteamer “ Penobscot,’ ’ Capt. Ma* cub Pierce, There was a very pleasant gathering at to Keep Rocklands at Home. feat the Salems if we cannot defeat the teams Thorndike, guardian of Richard R , Mary C. KNOX B8.—At n Probate Court held at Roekland having been thoroughly overhauled and put In first the home o f Miss H attie Annis, Wednesday in our own league?” Newcomb, administrator on estate of Olive and Hudson H. Thorndike, minors of Rock­ In and for said County of Knox, on tho sixteenth class condition, w ill go onto t e ronte t etween day of February,in the year o f our Lord one thous­ evening, she keepiug open house in honor The summary: A. Newcomb, late of Warren, was received land, was granted permission to sell real Boston and Bucksport, or as far a* the tee will and notice ordered. Amount charged and eight hu dred and » Inety-s.ven. permit, on *1 u***r*ay. March 2* d, lh97, and of Megunticook Rebekahs and their friends. OARDINRR ROCKLAND estate------Charles S. Dennis, guardian of A cerialu instrument, purporting to be the last But for all This Still Retain the $356 20; amount paid ogt $347.28. w ill leave Boston nt 6 00 p m on that day and on ‘•Peanuts” was a game much enjoyed, prizes Houghton first rush Campboll Julia T . Dennis of Melrose, was granted per­ w ill aud tesb>ment o f Ch» ster F. D ay , Into o f d testament of Rufus ritone, late of Union, Passenger T rain s leave Rockland as follow s: James R . Small of this town, who went to trustee under will of Harris S. Morse, filed 8:20 a. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, manly conduct” of our players and we can Vinalhaven, petitioned to sell real estate in said county, having been presented for probate. Boston a few weeks ago, has now a nice sit­ and play right field for the Fall River team of Augusta, W aterville, Bangor, Portland and Boston, believe they were about right for they might by Frederick Stackpole administrator on Notice ordered------Glibert Sidensparker O r d e r e d , T hat notioo thereof be given to all arriving in boston at 4.15 p. m uation. H e has also joined D r. Lorim er’s the New England League. person* Interested, by caualnu a copy o f said peti­ have been reclining in easy chairs reading of estate of H arris Stackpole, late of Thomas­ petitioned for letters of administiation on 1 j80 p m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, choir in Trem ont Tem ple. Miss L . Maude ton, with Juliette H. Hawes, one of the bene­ tion with this order thereou to be published ibreo W aterv ille , Portland and Boston, arriving in Boston the coming Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight so far estate of Belinda Sidensparker, late of W ar­ weeks successive y in the C o u r ik b -O a c b 'i t x , a Brazill, a Camden young lady, is also a mem­ ficiaries, was received and allowed. Am ount at 0:20 p. m. as putting life into the game was concerned. A meeting of the Maine polo league was ren. Notice ordered. newspaper published at Rockland, in said county, T rains Aiurrvx: ber of this choir. M ike O 'M alley did the best be could but he held Wednesday in Brunswick. Consider­ charged $1919.12, all of which was allowed. that incy may appear al a Probate Court to be held 10:45 a. m. morning train from Portland, Lewis­ able business of a private character was The second account of J. I L H . Hew ett, at Rockland, in aod for said county, on the six­ Th e ladies of the Congregational society couldn’t win the game alone and judging teenth day > f March, A. D. 1807, at nine o’clock ton, AngnaUiand Waterville. The resignation of J. W . Pearson as guar­ ^.sOp m. from Boston, Portland, Lewiston and are planning to have a plant sale sometime from the stops he made Rockland must have talked over. Portland proved a prior contract guardian of Emma A . Liscomb, was received in the forenoon and show cause, if any they have, Bangor. early in M ay, when they will sell seedlings, been weak in defensive work. Our rushers w ith M urphy who has been playing with L ew ­ and allowed. Amount charged $45495, dian of Lela G. Merrithew, formerly Lela G. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be GEORGE F. EVANS, Oen’l Manager. iston. allowed $307.35; balance $147 60. Knowlton, of Plattsburg, N . Y ., was accepted granted. etc., for planting purposes. must also have been weak or else Lewiston's C. B. MK8ERVEY, Judge of Probate F . E . B O ‘ » T H B Y , G . P A T . A . The final account of , guar­ — TNe resignation of Frank D. Lamb, guar­ W. L. W HITE, Div. Supt. There was a large audience at the Congre­ defense had their cage planked up for Scanlon ▲ true copy,— A tte s t: The Rockland* didn’t play Friday night dian of Alvah J. Linekin, minor, of Thomas­ dian of Lena Kennedy, was accepted. 8-10 E d w a r d K . G o u l d , Register. gational church, last Monday evening, to hear made the smallest number of stops of the but they advanced several points just the ton, was received and allowed. Am ount Mis. L . M . N . Stevens deliver her lecture on season—just eleven. The Portland papers 1 1N A 1 H A YE N S I M J IB O A T ( 0 same. The Portlands defeated Lewiston in received $1105 26; paid to ward $1097.26; O the Judge of Probate In aud for tho County Parliamentary Usages. Mrs. Stevens was aay that time and again our rushers would The will of Patrick McKnight, late of So. of Knox. a hot game, 8 to 7 and Bath defeatod amount allowed $1105.26. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. gracefully introduced by Miss Grace A . Par­ not even leave the cage when the referee Thomaston was received for probate. A il the TTh e petition o f Smiih Hopkins, guardian o f Frank Augusta in a game equally hot 5 to 4. I f we The second and hnal account o f H arris fom m enclng De named Mf«. Sylvester Arau; vice presidents, Mrs. press reports say that the Rocklands played The first and final account of W . R. executor. The will is dated January 25,1897, H . C. Small, Miss Emma L . Porter, Miss Car­ like “ old ladies'*. O ’Malley played a phenom­ STATE OF MAINE. STR. CATHERINE APPLETON- Prescott, administrator on estate o f B. F . and witnessed by M . B. Cook, Ulysses rie Barrows; recording secretary, Miss I. W . enal game and the work of Campbell was KNOX HH.— At u Probata Court, holden at Rock- c CAPT. O. A. CROCKETT,’ Webster, late of South Thomaston, was re­ Grant and William R. Heal. Van Buren lund, within and for said County of Knox, on the Heal; corresponding secretary, Mrs. D . F. first class. The work of the other men, how­ third Tuesday of Februury. A. D 1807. W ill leave Rockland on arrival of steamer from A ppleton R id g e .—Mr. and Mrs. M. F. ceived and allowed. Amount o f estate as by Simmons, Ezra Cushman and Edward Thom­ Wadsworth; treasurer, Mrs. Fred D . Aldus. ever, was “out of sight” because there was uo Mlli a 8 . L* ucli having petitioned to he dkcha ged Boston, »very Wednesday and Saturday, fur lalea- inventory $92 60, received since, $777.23; as were appointed sp;raisers. James Murphy boro Castine. Sargentsllle, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, The superintendents of departments are: evidence of their doing any work. Maynard Hanley of Rockland aie visiting Mrs. Hen­ from all further liability as surely on lire bond of total $869 83, all of which was allowed. Jr., was appointed executor, with bond of Brooklin, Bluehtii, Surry and El sworlb. Narcotics, Mrs. R. E. Paine; Scientific Tern did not play for some reason and Elliott Gay ley’s mother Mrs. Daniel Sullivan------Zenos Elliot Orbeton,tru-lee und**r the will oft hriutopher Returning i very Monday and Thursday. leaving Fuller called on friends in Washington, Sun­ The first account of C. A. Stearns, executor $2,000. Young, late of Caradtu, dec.-used It Is perance Instruction, Mrs. Sylvester Arau; substituted. The summary: OitDBitKD, T hat notice thereof be given to all Burry at 7 o'cb ck a. in., (stage from Ellsworth at day------Miss Adna Pitman who has been of the will of Joseph B. Stearns, late of The will of John Arnold was pro­ 6 15) touching at above landing stations, and con­ Temperance Literature, Mrs. Samuel Heal; persons ir t--restei by causing a copy of ibis order BOCKLAND BATU Camden, was received and allowed. Am ount bated and Ada R. Arnold appointed executrix necting at Rockland w ith steumer fo Boston the Sabbath Observance and Purity in Literature. visiting in Massachusetts a few months hes to be published three w .e k - successive y In the Campbell first rush J Mooney charged $72,475 96; amount allowed $24,099.- with bond of $1,400— The will of William < o u r ik r O a z k t k , a ntwspuper published at same evening. Miss Em m a L . Porter; Social Purity and returned home improved io health------Louis E Guy second rush M cU livery 66; balauce due $48,376 30. Smith, late of Vinalhaven, was admitted to Rockland, In said county, that to y may app ar at M other’s Meetings, Mrs. C. D. Wadsworth; C Gay center E Mooney Gallop of Jefferson is visiting his grand­ a Probate Court to be held >.t Roca and, In uud for probate and Mary A. Talbot appointed ex­ Mercy, Miss Carrie Barrows; Press W ork, Fo»ier half back Pbe'an mother, Mrs. Louis Sidelinger------J. C, said county,on the sixteenth day of March, v D. O 'M alley goal M urphy Fuller is at work in the woods on bis place in ecutrix, with bond of $500—The will of Oliver 1807, at ulna o'< lock in >be forenoon ami show cause Miss Carrie B. Knowlton. The Union has J. E. Moore, D . P. Rose and T . A . Carr, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner p a .in , d iu i-u iii iu i)u»iuu ue, d iu h b u u vu m Goal Won by Made by Time Searsmont------Frank Toby of Augusta is made a gain in membership the past year, and 1 Ba li J. Mooney 865 should not be granted ton, $8; Sedgwick to Boston, $8; D«er Isle visiting his daughter Miss Geitrude Toby at appraisers on estate of Harris S. Morse, late is in good working order. 2 Bath J Mooney 11 00 C. E. M E'EK VKY. Judge of Probate. Boston, >2 75; Surgeutvi le to B« sion, f 2 75; Cas­ of Thomaston, found personal estate to the A true oopy,—Attest : tin e to Boston, $2.75; blesboio to Boston, $2 75. L im it the home of her uncle J. W . M artin ------Mrs. To the top of M t. Battie will be a favorite 8 Bath McUlivery 8 8» Zenas Fuller is quite sick and is attended by D r. amount ol $2384 90 8-10 E o w a k d K . G o u l d , Register. O. A. CROCKETT. Manager, trip, not only next Summer but for many L im it Charles S. Robertson, T . M . Coombs and Rockland, Maine. Pedrick. Summers to come. M r. Bus well has com­ L im it E. M . H a ll, appraisers on estate of Charles E . KNOX COUNTY.—In Court of Probate, he'd at Score—Bath 3, Rockland 0. Rurhes, J . Mo ucy Rouklaud, on the third Tuesduy of February, pleted the road aud is now busily engaged in Norton, minor of Vinalhaven, found personal 0. Stops. M urphy, 2J O 'M alley 40. Foul, E Guy. MATINICUS PERSONALS 18M7. Vinalhaven di Rockland Steamboat Co constructing the bouse which will be an elab­ Referee, Leighton, Scorer, Green. Timer Fields. property, consisting of money in savings Amelia M. Robinson and ('. Prince, executors of orate structure. The main building will be bank, to the amount of $2215. the last w ill and testament < f E dw in A . Robinson, M a t im ic u s , F«b. 19, 1897. late of Thomaston, in said county, deceased, buy­ W inter Arrangement. lb by 36 teet with an ell. The lower floor The estate of Fred E. Burnnam, insane, of is Past Poor playing and bard luck was the combi­ Benj. Young esq. made a trip to Rockland ing prestuit-d his first uccouu* of administration of -----BETW KKN----- will be one room and can be used for a dining nation that defeated Rockland, Thursday Cushing, was inventoried by appraisers Frank said dect used for ail* wane* : last week for the treatment of bis eyes------Otis Vinalhaven and Hock land. room or for dancing. On the second floor evening, in the game with Gardiner. B. Miller, Ernest F. Doughty and Herbert V. And now is the limo Io buy O r d b k k d . T h at notice lb* reof be given, three H . Abbott, visited friends in Rockland last wesks successively. In 'J'u k (.o u r ik r U a z b i t s , will be eight rooms. In the ell will he the That the polo enthusiasts did not take Robinson, and found to consist of personal week------Merton E. Telman visited friends Staple Goods.* where you printed in Rockland, lu said couu y , tba. all per­ kitchen. There will be a tower fifty feel kindly to the poor playing of the home team property amounting to $365 80. sons interested may at'end at a Probate Court to and relatives in Rockland and surrounding high from which may be viewed the panorama away from home was evident by the small J. Fred Merrill, E. A. Burpee and John can get them for the) leaat be held at Rockiund, on lire third Tuesday of of ocean, bay, islands, lake and surrounding territory last w eek------P antaliou Treasurer Lovejoy appraisers on estate of Fred B. D ow , March uexl, and show cause, If auv (bey have, crowd present. money. why the said account shou d not b*- allowed. COV. BODWELL! country. There is not such another view to John T . Young is making a short visit to late of Rockland, inventoried estate as fol­ OAPT. WM. R. CREED. The game was not one to arouse any great 8-10 C. E . M E B E R V E Y , Judge. he bad in this country. The building will be friends in Rockland vicinity------W . Scott lows: Household goods and barber shop A true copy,—Attest: W U leave Vinalhaven for Rockland every week degree of enthusiasm for the ttam work o f the Young one of the firm of Henry Young & E d w a r d K G o u l d , Register. day, at 8:00 a. m. modern in every respect. There is no reason Rocklands was wretched. furnishings $369.70, cash $581.55; total Co. of this place is visiting his parents M r. Returning, w ill leave Rockland, I'll Ison’s W harf, why the venture should not be a success as O ’M alley put up a great game in front of »95‘ »5- for Vinalhaven at 1 :80 p. m , landing at H u rri­ Mrs. Henry Young (formerly of this place) Our Molaaeea ie a gieat trade ; the beat the view to be obtained is in itself worth (be goal and Mayuard played a great blocking ib e estate of John S. Newcomb, late of cane Is le each way. of N orth M ain street R ockland------H oratio Fancy Ponce, good enough to sell FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COM'Y W . S. W H ITE . General Manager. going many miles to see. M r. Buswell has game. Neither Campbell or Gay put up their Warren, was found to consist of >347 87, all OF BAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. D . Crie of Criehaveu left here on steamer Rockland. Me , Dec. 21, 1800. faith in the scheme and we think he has usual game and they made but little attempt personal appraised by J. L . Fyler, H . B. for 60c a gal; our price marked W . G. Butman last week for Rockland and Incorporated lu 1808. Commenced business in I860 struck a bonanza. Time will tell and it will at passing. They did make some vicious Bowes and C. M . Newbert. vicinity------Capt. Ezekiel B. Ames who has down 10 46c. 1>. J . bTAFi.BS. President not be long either, for even now people are drives at the cage but did not follow up their 'The estate of Olive A . Newbert, late of been in Portland visiting bis children, Capt. And we have a uice one. for 86c, or U. Fa y m o n v il l b , Secretary. looking forward from the rapidly declining drives. They kept Cashman busy and the W arren, was inventoried by appraisers J- L . and Mrs. Geo. Smith and family has now re­ Capital Fuld UpluCaato. $1,DUO,OOU days o f W in ter to the comiug days of Sum­ stops made by him were of a most brilliant Fyler, H . B. Bowes and C. M . New bert and 6 gala, for 30c, a gal. a bargain. Men Wanted turned to bis home here. 4BSKTS DKG. 81, 1500. found to consist of $340 in the Tbo-i aston For the Hawaiian Islands mer. nature. Foster was indisposed and bis work Real es'ule owued by (he company, Mrs. V irginia E. Paul, wife o f L . M Paul, was poor. Elliot Gay was substituted in the Savings bank. •julncuuub.nd $411,700 00 W anted, fo r the steamship business to the H a ­ W hen D r. R. V . Pierce, of Buffalo, N . Y , S. E. Shepherd, John H . H ow ard and 60c Tea for 4t)o I/Oans on bond aud mortgage (first waiian Islands, coast low, four young men who have died Sunday of last week, after an illness of second period but his work was no better than published the first edition of his gicat work, W illiam T . Rollins, appraisers, found the ileus) 488.178 50 M at«s’ CeitJfic*>lea. (1st. 2nd, or 3rd), wages from peretonitis. Deceased was a woman of many Foster’s. Blocks sud bonds owned by the com­ $bo to $bu p«( month, U. b- Gold. noble traits o f character, was beloved by all Neither side scored in the first period and T h e People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser estate of Oliver Andrews, late o f Rockport, 60c Tea for 35c pany, m arket value, 1,714,470 00 Also four young men as Quartermasters, wages and her death is mourned throughout the yet the playing was not sufficient to even he announced that after 680,000 copies had to consist of $1515 25, personal property. L omus si cU'td by collaterals, 210,762 66 from $80 to $40 per mouth and boa«d. The estate of Benjamin H . B. Alden, Ute Cash in (be company's priuetpai office N o fog, no hot w a tb e r, no cold w eather; ther community in which she was so well known. warm one’s blood. The visitors scored twice been sold al the regular price, >1.50per copy, Good Tea for XOc of Camdeu, was inventoried by appraisers sud lu bank. 261.80126 mooieu r ranges from 65 to 85 all through the year She was 32 years and 5 months old, aud a in the second period while Rockland didn’t the profit on which would repay him for the I nt* rest due sud accrued, 17 046 OS A U applicants fo r tb ae positions must be under husband and one child survive. get auy although they drove the ball three gieat amount of labor and money expended J. F. Stetson, Reucl Robinson and Fred Other hurgaiua too uumcroua to men­ Prcmiua s lu duo course of collection, 850 76o *4 80 years of age. all most pr«sent first class errti- in producing it, be would df the next Lewis a* follows: Real, “Rollins Place,” A il o b»r aaacts, 08.78? 06 txs io sobriety, character and abid y. Those Mr. and Mrs. Alden Miller are visiting rel­ times inLo the netting only to have it come h alf million free. As this copies $100; persoual, town of Rockport bonds tion. Call and see aud aave Aggregate of ail the admin* d assets — ------showing the requisite qUuJilies wt'J be rapidlv pro­ atives in Massachusetts------H erbert Small out again. of the compau) at their avtuai value, 08,627 068 80 moted to positions paying f>om $76 to $160 per has already been sold, he ig away, $1600; 56 shares Knox Woolen Co. $5600, money. has returned ftuiu Boston, where be has been Th e third period was rather a hot one al if, LlA B iLiTlK a, DKO 81, 1808 month An ezeepu-nai opportunity for young absolutely free, 500,000 this most shares Camdeu Publuhing Co. $50, snares »b o are anxious to rise In the world. at w ork------H arry Pendleton was home from though there was but Utile science displayed Net amount o f unpaid lo-»es and claims, 000,140 24 Gardiuer got the first goal aud Campbell complete, interesting and common Camden National B an k $3000, dividend Fw lurtt./ p.rucuiw. Portland this week------Mrs Julia Burgess Amount i equlnd io aalely re insure sense medical work ever pub] the recip- Camdeu National Bank $150, deposit Camdeu alt ouleii.uding risks, 1,216 0a8 28 went to Boston, Wednesday------P « 4 H enry quickly followed with two but Houghton set President Wilder's bPamship Co , Honolulu, us back again. Again we crawled up to with lent only being required tqTiuail to him , at Saviogs Bauk $174319, other personal A ll otht r demands ag-iiust the com- L Chapman, while in town, was the guest of psqy; viz , cowmirsioi • etc., 110,780 02 O r, caU o« the Business Manager of this paper or in one of tieiug but again Houghton da»hed above address, tweuty-ousT ( 2 $ oue-cent property $556 20; total properly $12,699.39. Jamas W ighi. Rock'and- 'V M r. and Mrs. H . L A lden------F. E. Sauuders TcUd au ount of ila b ijile s , e x c e p t ------our hopes. Charlie Gay drove the ball into stamps to cover cost of mailing only,y, andb u u me(be J. H . Young, S. J. Young and J. B. D un S X l’rescott &Co. cspiUI stock and net »urp'u«. 1.422,027 80 and W. S. Badger have returned from a two the netting and strange to »ay it remained book will be sent post-gfiid. Containsgio, loujj ton, appraised the property of Fred C. Cspilal ectually paid Up lu cu»h, 1,000 OOU <0 wcejts trip in N ew York. pages, profusely illustrated. The Free:c E iifivu Witherspoon, late of North H aven, as fol BUri lus beyoud capital. 1,104 720 41 VESSEL FOR SALE. there. Again only one to tie but time was 8 0 S T R E E T . - ggrtgue amount of liabilities, iu Fishing »ch- C A R Tarhos- 87 tons regUu-r, 0-A.OTOXI.X-A.. fleeting. Again luck turned against us. 1 is precisely the same as that sold at » i 5 8 .x . lows: Real $154; persoual $27 60; total eluding net surplus, $8,oU.058 50 with i raw is. dories sod cahls- TAor uglily rebuilt. the rear of one of the cages is a bole a little cept only that the books are io strong inutnlia $181 60. Rockland, Me. rMil» and In firsl-ciaas condition. WUJ acM blRD & BARNEY, A g en ts, larger than the ball. Campbell by good olay paper covers instead of cloth. Send now be­ ib e estate of Albert B. W itherspoon, Telephone <3-2. mg hit a hot one right into the mouth of the fore all ate given away. minor of North Haven, was inventoried by SYNDICATE BULLING, ROCKLAND. 7-0 w Rodtland, Ms. »

ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23. 1897. THf fi. IB . Chapped Hands BABY . . . AND . . . General Orders Have Been Issued Sheerer’s Toilet Cream HUMORS By Commander Carver. In «t*n t relief for ,kln-torttirce Largest comrades, and the Commander of Knox Post, No. 120, will detail an tfficer d Myrtle Sts , secretary of the committee, w ill answer all ROCKLAND questions and secure rooms to suit comrades, OKI* . . , FIRE, so far as he Ts able. A ll rIboh Fm<> Biirnlug White The foliowring railroads writ sell tickets for Ash, Lehigh Kgg and Htoken L IF E and one fare to Lewiston and return: Maine W hite A bIi . Franklin Hteve Had .-7 A bIi (the only genuine), Georges ACCIDENT eft. F . Central, Portland & Rochester, Bangor & Greek (him her land (Joai, un- Hiirloii, Aroostook, Grand Trunk, Franklin & Megan- equnlliHi for smithing and it e m Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy is indeed purposee. -: MONUMENTAL WORKS :• tic, Portland & Rumford Falls, Somerset exactly what the system needs at this season. Il not only INSURANCE Ra Iway, Phillips & Kangley, Bridgton & “ The World's Great Spring Medicine." Il has come io be SLBO S FULL STOCK OV • • General Cemetery Work. purifies, but makes rich, red blood; it not only strengthens W e represent only good and reliable companies Saco River. W ood, llay, HUnw, Lim e, Ila • which enables us to give entire satisfaction to all recognized as the best possible spring medicine to take, and and Invigorates the nervous system, bid re-energizes and Rtlok, Mend, Drain Pipe, (town* Granite and Marble. Tickets will be sold April 14th and 15th dale anti Portland Content. patrons Call and examine the great accumulation and at points east of Bangor April 13th, 14th policy and see how It oompares w ith others you THOMASTON, ME. Near M. C. R. IL Depot the people everywhere use it daring the trying spring revitalizes the nerves by feeding them with renewed nerve have previously examlued. and 15th. The return limit will be April We are also Agents for the New Home Bowing Orders H f-llrltid . Psilsfactlon Gui>rniitei d 17th, except to points east of Bangor, which months to tone up anew the relaxed nerves ami reinvigorate force and power; it is not only an aid to digestion, but Fire Clay Chimney Pipe and Tops Machine and keep a few of them constantly on are extended to the 19th. Return may be T h is fdpo is modo from Purs Fire (Jlay na band to sell on very easy terms and each machine and enrich the blood. A spring medicine is a necessity if it creates a regular, natural, and healthful action i f the I icRaly for ohlmnoyR, and ie the Rafael and Is also fully warranted. Give us a trial. made over the Boston «Sc Maine as late as the 19th. one wishes to keep in perfect health and vigor during the bowels, liver, and kidneys, which in the spring are always noRt durable of any Chimney I*1p« tn kite D. H . & E. L. G L ID D E N , H. B. Eaton, M. D., market. It Ir enRilv pnt up by any intellt Commander in-Chief Thaddeus S. Clark- changes from winter to summer. This perfect spring med­ sluggish and inactive. Ily all means use Dr. Greene's gent person. Vinalhaven, Maine. ion has fig n fitM his intention to visit the I Office on Main Street Over Dry Goods De­ Encampment. icine, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, is Nervura blood and nerve remedy this spring. . . 'W O O I>! . . partment of Bodwell Granite Co. Homeopathic Phy&icia j & Surgeon The following Posts have neglected to for­ have an Kxtrn Good Trade tu Wood* A i l ward reports of representatives and alter- »nt IL Office Hours 9 to 11 a. m., 4 to 0 and 7 to 9 p. m. the divine came to her and in the warmest nntes, Past Post Commanders and officers of his native town, he found, to his surprise, terms thanked her for coming and helping 320 Main St., - Rockland, Me. elected: Nos. 33 and 40. The following that by some oversight only the date o f his Family Safeguard Kerosene Oil birth had been recorded, wilb a blank left them, and said that they had enjoyed her W Night calls w ill be suswrered at the offloe. Posts are delinquent in forwarding reports of FROM ALL 0VFR1HE STATE for the name. H e immediately had the clerk visit very much. “ W ell,” said the old lady, At Wholesale. «-Ai«k your grocer fo» S. W. Jones, officers installed: Nos. 14, 40, 50, 59, 71, it. O rders reeelved by telephone. * . insert the name of his choice, and came “ in such work I always charge >1 per day 95. ,o 4» ««5» I2 5» >33. >39. »4<>. >49, >54 . away proud of the fact that for the first time and my hoard,and I have been here 21 days.” . IRON FOI .VDKH . Many Posts are nsing rituals issued prior he legally possessed a name, and one that Tbe minister protested very much, but he Mannfocturer of the to 1891. Such Posts should make requisition FRED R. SPEAR. he liked. finally had to pay. on the Asststant Quartermaster General, W . Items ot a Peculiar, Interesting no. » PARK BT., ROOKLAHR MU D O E P LO W S H. Smith, Rocklane, for new riutals and de­ The value of horses in Hancock county The biggest story of the week comes from stroy the old ones. and Instructive Nature. ▲gent for the Hussey Hard Metal and Steel Plows The Right Shape ! has decreased about >25,000, due to the Wateiville, where it is claimed that two men James Fly, Rockland, Me., who served in bicycle fad. The bicycles in this county are became so infatuated with a nickle in-the- and Cultivators. The Right Size ! Company K, 2nd Maine Infauiry, Company The Right Flavor » assessed at >11,265, which of course does slot machine that they worked it from 9 a. We are Selling Osborne Harrow*, Rakes, Mower*, A, 17th Maine Infantry and C inp.ny A, Picked Up and Gleaned From Many not take in all the wheels. m .ttill 8 p m , forgetting to go even to din­ Tne Right Price I 1st Maine Heavy Artillerv, wants the ad SO. UriON. ME. Source* aud lllustratf* The Many ner or supper. About that time their money dresses ot any member of these regiments, The soldiers at Togus are much taken up gave out and their appetites came. who remember him. THE RIGHT CIGAR FOR 5c. Sides of Life—To Read One You Will with a cat with a wooden leg. And why Comrade C. M . Webster, Post 35, Unity, shouldn't they for there are many among Just one man was allowed on the stage H. C. CLARK, - Manufacturer .has been appointed Aide-de-Camp t . the Want to Read The Whole-None HARD C O A L SOFT A. M. AUSTIN, themselves that are like sufferers. This when the women of D« xter held their town 1IOCKI AND. MK. Department Commander. Faked But All Are Tru*. is no strange affinity. meeting last week, and he was accorded this 8urp«on and Meohanioal Dentist. Comrades of the Department of Maine are honor because he was deaf, and the women Hl HAIN BT., BOCKLANP, MB invited to join the “Veteran.Division,” to be A nose party is latest. It came < fT in wanted all the men to hear the satire. There commanded by Major General O. O. How­ Bucksport, M e , the other evening, and is were 82 articles in the warrant, and the meet­ ard, in the inauguration parade in Washing­ Cheap as anybody. OR. F. E. FO LLETT, What We Keep Maine apples are being shipped to all thus described by a participant: “ Holes ing was called to order with a rolling pin. ton, D. C., March 4th. The Department parts of tbe world. They are so cheap that were made in a sheet large enough to admit Dental Surgeon. Commander hopes a good representation will the poor people of Europe can afford to buy a good-sized nose. H a lf of tbe party got A Belfast bride had the novel experience To M ake attend from Maine. / behind it, and for a moment or two there was A K.BPKAB BLOCK-Oor. M.ln.nrt Part Hl. • them and the eatiug of them i f a luxury they recently of going to Washington in her hus­ >♦< are enjoying for the first time. a widely varying assortment of proboscises band's stockings. It happened this way: The coming State encampment of the on exhibition, ranging from the tuin-up pug The couple had just been married, and the DR. J. H. DAMON, Hens Lay a Lots of Eggs Grand Army of the Republic in Lewiston, to the needle-pointed creation searcher. The bride, of course, had an entirely new trous­ The story is told of a Biddeford man who will be one full of interest to all people who party on the outside selected noses, each seau, including a pair of new shoes, which , Surgeon and Mechanical keeps his horse in the front room of his house. A. H. CROCKETT CO, remember the great war, or who feel its choosing the particular nose that suited his she foolishly wore on their wedding trip. Z D o n tla t, Bowker Animal Meal W e know of a man who keeps pigs in the effects. There will be a large attendance. ideas, and the owner thereof was his partner When tbe couple reached Philadelphia, the 8 P K A R B L O C K , #08 M a im Bt b b b i Ground Beef Scraps cellar, hens in one room on the first floor and 87 Ether aud Gas always on hand. M r. Samuel M iller, the assistant adjutant- for the evening. It was a solemn occasion.” young lady was obliged to remove the shoes, a horse and cow in another room, while he N O R T H E N D Oyster Shell Sea Shell general of the Maine G. A. R., has completed and pulling on a pair of her husband's stock­ lives on tbe second floor. Cracked Bone Bone Meal his report for the term ending Dec. 31, 1896. R. W . Dyer, of Eastbrook, owns the first ings over her own, she put on her overshoes, W. V. HANSCOM, M. D. The report of membership is as follows: Wheat Barley clock ever brought in that town. It is a and so pr< ceeded on to Washington. >♦< Number in good standing last term was large, old fashioned wooden wheeled clock Physician and Surgeon. Cape Elizabeth is the great cabbage grow­ Ground Oats Cracked Corn 8662; gain by muster, 44; gain by transfer, and although it has been in service for ing region of New England aud the shipping, The Calais Times is authority for the story 19; gain by reinstatement, 65; total gain, ninety years, it is still in tunning order, and Oraera by Fata phone of late, of big crates cabbages to the West that a purchaser of a steel organ topped 128; aggregate, 8790. The loss by death is ot never fails to point its hands to the figures Indies and South America has served to cooking range, who resides near St. Stephen, 93; loss by honorable discharge, 13; loss by which mack the passing hours, most accur­ wrote kthe selling finn that, after several given prompt attention Sunflower Seed transfers, 23; less by suspension, 232; total gladden the hearts of the Cape Elizabeth ately. farmers. Great Scott, just think of boiled months use, the top had warped and fallen DR. E. H. WHEELER, loss, 361. Number remaining in good stand­ in. H e soon received a reply that they ing, 8429; number remaining suspended, dinners in tbe topics ! A good story comes from South Norridge warranted the stove not to break and said Pratt’s Food for Poultry 1281; dropped during the term, having been wock, Me., of a minister who lived in that Physician and Surgeon. nothing about warping, and the purchaser's previously suspended, 1^3; expended in town several years ago. H e was a very close- OFFICE AND RESIDKNCK 32 BCIIOOL BT. Duplex Food for Poultry The matter of abolishing tbe city council is feelings were not further soothed by the BURN THEBEST charity, >1,091.52. fisted roan and very unpopular among bis Telephone 01-11. 14 Sheridan’s Condition Powder agitated in many Maine citiea. A canvass of added suggestion that the complainant should Elaborate preparations are being made by parishioners. A short time before he moved Maine mayors has been made and six ol “ turn the stove upside-down, aud let it warp Nutriotone away, he invited a lady to come and visit his the local corps of Woman's Relief Corps, as them favor the abolishment. W bv isn't one back again. J. C. HILL. well as by W . S. H eath Post, in anticipation board sufficient? family for a few weeks. The lady went, and Phyaioian and Surgeon. of the annual gathering of the Maine Corps, immediately upon her arrival was set at work. The Bath Times scores the high school ol Woman's Relief, of the G. A. R. in Water­ For three weeks she worked, packing their thut city for paying too little attention to N ight calls from residence, 0 Claremont Street. Imperial Egg Food ville Wednesday aod Tbu.sday of this week. In these dull times smart up-to-date mer­ goods and doing all kinds of work. One day laxity in spelling and says that during tin Telephone Connection. 8YNDICATE BUILDING 'Ibis w ill be the 13th convention of this chants have to devise some scheme to draw For Healthy Poultry. twenty years’ experience of tbe writer he hai branch of the order, and G. A. R. hall trade. The other day a Calais merebaut dis­ bad as apprentices bright young people well A. J. ERSKINE & SON, in Masonic block is gay w rh decorations, in ­ tributed free hot mince pies and music box educated and accomplished in every other cluding mottos and emblems of welcome to strains which resulted in a big trade. A way, but all deficient in the art of spelling. Almost O l | - / ^ Fire Insuranoe Agents, :- the expected visitors. merchant in Gardiner gave away apples, on And the Batb high school is by no means the UT HAIN BTBBBT, - - ROCKLAND, MK DEATH TO LICE, The members of tbe convention are to tbe barrel being the legend, “ Please don't only sinner in this respect. It may tic Office, rear room over Rockland N a t’I Rank. consist of department officers, past depart­ take one, but help yourself and take three.” Distracted • answered that the high schools, academies . . . r Leading English and American Fire Insurance Only lOo per Package. ment officers, past department presidents, pas*, and colleges are not the places to teach this O o ’ department secretaries and treasurers, corps fundamental branch of learning; but why presidents and elected delegates. Jennie L . A Lewiston young lady suddenly became should they receive and promote pupils so Also have a few nice 8. 0. Brown Day, O. Bayley and E. Richter are a deaf in one ear when a child, for which no dificient. Leghorns, Light Brahmas, Black committee on credentials, to whom all dele­ reason could be assigned. A few days ago E. C PAYSON, Breasted, Bed, Irish Grey and Ginger gates are to report. she went to a physician and had the ear ex­ A very knowing donkey is in the employ of amined, resulting in the extraction from the Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Bed Cockerels and Pullets for sale. Tbe opening session of the convention the government at tbe White Head life sav­ will be held at IO o'clock Wednesday morn­ ear of a brass button. W hat a lot of enjoy­ ing rlation. H e has never been broken to 820 M A IN B T B B B T , R O C K L A N D . ing at G . A . R. hall, and all delegates will be ment the young lady has missed in out having the saddle a rd doesn’t intend to be and as FOR 8Al.fi BY CHAS. T. SPEAR. quested to report promptly. tbe ear examined when she first became deaf. he grows older be acquires remarkable skill EDWARD K. COULD, The following are tbe committee on resolu­ in shirking. H e seems to know when there A. J. BIRD & CO., Store 295 & 297 Main St tions, recommendations and questions: Mrs. is work ahead and one day when a lot of Counsellor at Law Eastport boasts of an unusually large pro- Mary E. Inman, past department president; material to be hauled had been landed on Rockland, Me. AND poirtion of aged people in her population, Mrs. A. Small, past national; Mrs. Ella the wharf he worked quietly throughout u Telephone bd-2 Thhere are about 40 persons in Eastport be­ Register of Probate, Jordan Mason, vice president; Mrs. M . A. forenoon, but at lunch time when turned tween the ages of 80 and 90, inclusive, and COURT HOUSE, . ■ ROCKLAND PROBATE COURT. Millett, past department president;Mrs.Clara loose to graze he disappeared and though a some 75 between 70 and 80. This is s record Special attention given to Probate and Insolvency B. Leavitt and Mrs. Grace E . Howe, past de­ careful search o f (he M in d was made he did that iu a population of 5000 'tw ill be bard to proceedings; 2 years experience In Probate Offloe. partment presidents. Corps and members nol appear for several days and after the Y O R K S A F E equal. Go into any town or city in this state H. O. Curdy, COLLKCTIONB MADE. are requested to present all resolutions and work had been done. K and there can be found a goodly percentage FIRE INSURANCE questio s to this committee as early as possi­ The Best in the World, PHILIP HOWARD, Attorney at Law. of old people. Maine is unquestionably tbe Two Lives Saved. OfBoOgWlth^Kooklaud Loan and Building Assoc* ble on tbe first day of the convention. healthiest state in the Union. Mrs. Phoebe 'I'homas, of Junction City, 111. tattoo. 888 MAIN »T., ROCKLAND. IP Y*»U K V n t suffer from real tier- Alwats Reliabltt was told by her doctors that she had 4Con­ 388 Main St. - Rockland Me. v Musnubb? When every nerve eeeined J£«LI.OOH • MCBBBVBV, Old People. sumption and that there was no hope for her, The jury in tbe case of Baxter vs. City M ar­ D to quiver with a peculiar, creepy Sure Protection from Fire , Old people who require medicine to regu- but two bottles of D r. King's New Discovery shall Kittredge, of Bath, for false arrest at fooling, first In one place, and then another Lawyers, completely cured her and she says it saved ste the bowels aud kidneys w ill find tbe tbe time of tbe big Bryan meeting in Batb, and a ll aoernod fin ally to concentrate In a EPH. PERRY, Agt., 2M MAIN BTKfcKT. . ROCKLAND ,M. ‘ rue remedy in Electric Bitters. 'This medi­ her life. M r. Thoa. Eggers, 139 Florida brought in a verdict of one ceut damages for writhing Jumble in tlio brain, and you be­ cine does not stimulate and contains no street, San Francisco, suffered from a dread Rockland, Maine. Agents for German American Fire Insuranoe fit Baxter. Baxter, who is a Bowdoin student come Irritable, fretful aud peevish; to be N . Y .a n d W uh ngion Life Iusur .uce Co., N. Y. whiskey nor other intoxiesnt, but acts as a ful cold, approaching Consumption, tried aod a son of Mayor Baxter is just as happy as followed by an Impotent, weakeued condl tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on tbe without result everything else then bought if tbe verdict was >1000. A vindication was tlou of the nerve ceuteiw, ringing In the 7?TxLADIE8 DO MU n o t stomach and bowels, adding strength aud one bottle of Dr. King’s Mew Discovery and all be desired. ears, aud sleepleeu, m iserable nights ? . ¥ O R . F E L IX LS BRUM’S giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding in two weeks was cured. 11c Is naturally THE OLD HARDWARE STORE. h r JNIlPK* Mn* Kugene beuritw, Nature in the performance of the functions. U l • 1 I1 IV O 1W filmonton Ht.. Elk thankful. I t is suck results, of which these Steel I Pennyroyal Treatmeii Electric bitters is so excellent appetizer and Talk about animals not having any feelings. are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy la tho original aud only F ltE N C Il, Good bargains always to be obtained on Bai | aids digestion. O ld people find it just ex- Nervine hart, lud . says: “Ner­ of this medicine in Coughs aud Colds. Free aafu and roliabio euro on tho mar­ The story comes from Baugor to tbe tfleci vous troubles had made 1 aclly what they need. Price fifty cents per trial bottles at W. II. Kittredge Drug Store. ket. Priia. fil.tJO; aont b f Uteiil- Iron and Steel Horse Shoes and Nails. that a horse driven daily for ten years by a KCStOrCS me -marly Inaane and , JQouuino Sold only by I bottle at W. II. Kittredge Drug Store. mau who had just died in that city, refused to Regular size 50c. aud >1.00. H ealth phyalclans were unablu J. U. HAMMOND. Oor. Free uud Contra fife, eat after tbe death of the owuer and so pined Portland, State Agvut for White's Now ------W e can fit out'- to help rue My memory away aud died of grief aod starvation. Ilalr Grower. Sena for circular. A Blacksmith, was almost gone and every little thing worried me until 1 was almost distracted. A Carriage Maker, ITCHING PILES kuifu ur Uwteottoo H. H. CRIE & CO., Parents little realize how important it is I really feared I was becoming a maniac. 1 CASTORIA buatiMRe. al»o ottMor dfe A Sihp Chandler, SWAYNE'S that they should have the names of their Imagined all sorts of evil things and would FISTULA— _ . _ easee cl Ueclum. Otu* A Quarrvman PILES children registered as toon after birth as pos­ cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr. For Infants and Children. r , - v s ,.,.,11081 OINTMENT sible. It may meau considerable to the child Miles' Restorative Nervine aud four bottles SmmROBIRTM. read.m d. 406 Main Street, ABSOLUTfiLY CURBS 174 Tr iwwot SO rot.. _ .... , , A Fisherman, iu coming years. Many a fellow will wish be of this wonderful remedy completely cured A Carpenter, ROCKl AND, MAINE. had been grauted the rare privilege which, mo, and 1 am as well now as 1 ever was.” A Painter, according to tbe American, fell to au Ells­ Dll CQ tK iUi*a> u b .u i t>« lit*.- luuturo. b*>i££i»Uwr bi Dr. Miles* N e rv in e is sold on guarantee, r I Ltd 1 &T>oLa. PzrpAivd lij Om.0 w« v*«4 worth young uiau. O n looking up the records A G lazier. first botUn will benefit or money refunded <11*4 fo r SO y«

I \J c I ' i t K i . i I.A M » <3 M” KIEK-D A.ZKTTK: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1897.

very large number were present. Rev C. D. DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY- AN ACT OF FRIENDSHIP. H oothly preached a shoit sermon which was followed by a social meeting. Union meet­ Thli It the Mima et Tha Latest Order Organized A Conotrl Glien For Iho Purpoto ot Purchasing A REVIVflL iN II ings w ill be held throughout the week as fol­ a Diotlonar, lows: Monday and I uesday meetings at the In Vlnalhaten- Methodist church; Wednesday and I hursdav V in a l b a v k k , Feb. 22, 1897. evening at the Baptist church; Friday and F r ie n d s h ip , Feb, 20.1897. In Which All the Churches Will Saturday evenings at the Congregational There Is Plenty of Work Now at Postmaster Fuller o f Rockland wa» in town Miss Annie Cook of Lynn, Mass., is at chuich. Rev. F. M. Preble of Camden will Tuesday and stayed with friend* for an o»er Emery M orton’s------Artell Winslow has been Join in Fighting Satan. pteach Wednesday evening. Evangelistic The nfler-dinner task of dish washing loses the Geoiges River Mills. night vi.it. drawn to serve as petit juror at the March services will be held at W att’s H a ll next Sun its terrors, nnri nil household cleaning is Glad greeting, were given a baby girl term of court for Knox county------The horse day afternoon and evening. The meetings accomplished quickly and easily by the use of Flora France* upon her arrival at the home o of Rtv. J. E. Clancy broke through the floor will be in charge o f Rev. M r. Gale. The n g HU? Ilow Iho Loelnro Cotiroo Is Frogreotlng Mr. and Mr* Luther Page, Wednesday morn­ Saturday night and lamed himself somewhat. Helling Short Lobster* Comes High utar services of the Christian will be held at ing. ------Mis. Emery Morton has heen quite sick. 10.30 a. m. The Sunday School* ^ i l l • e W hen I soghl—Heath or n Very Esti­ — Comb g Allrocllors — Nomolhlng Edward F. Russell i* now rapidly convale*- Mrs Charles Morton of Rockland, her son’s held at the close of the preaching service, Abnol Iho .Schools—Work Hull at Shoe ing and enjoy* many hours of solid comfort wife is here with her------Rev. A . L . N utter mable Lady— Race Between |Two the committee on canvassing will have a G O ^ st in a handsome new willow chair recently pre­ of this place took part in the Methodist As­ Schooners —Persons!*, Social Brents thorough canvass f the town made this week Shop—Social Events and Pergonal sented him by Rev. Fr. Phelan. sociation held at Thomaston last week. M rs. in the interests of the meetings. Everybody In cate of fire, the fire department w ill re N utter and Mrs. M. B. Cook sang a duet will be heartily welcomed at the service. Mention. and Other Things of Interest. ward the first person to give the alarm by which was appreciated by the large number Come and hear the gospel preached and Washing PoWoEfe ringing the church bell, with a f x b ill. The present------The lecture of R e v . Luther sung. key i* in charge of Mt*. M. R. Whatff and Freeman at the Methodist church, was highly spoken of by his hearer*. H i* subject was T h o m a st o n , Feb. 22. 1817. Sch. Ella M . W illey, W illey, arrived at W a b r r k , Feb. 22, 1897. can he obtained at her residence. This re New York, Thursday, from River Platte, with Largest package—greatest economy. “ Plod,” and it was interesting ail the way Mrs. H arry Patman who has been visiting A gentleman who recently become a citizen ward doe* not apply to any of Farmer Mur­ a cargo of bide*. ray's brush heap* but hold* good in case ol a through. Mr. Freeman went to Thomaston her sister, Mrs E. R. Bumps, re ta rn e l to of W arren has volunteered to become one of to lecture the night following hit lecture here. Martin Scanlon, Philip Parks and Wm. H. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, genuine fire that threaten* danger or confla­ Brewer, Wedncrday------Ira Vinal shipped a three financially responsible for the lectuie ...... W e are in receipt of a copy of the Campbell have been drawn a* Traverse Juror* gration.— Mis* Jsssie Coollie is the pleased new boat to Boston, Thursday for sch. Cora BV Lonla, New York, Boston, course. Everett, Mass., Herald Feb. 12, which ha* for the March term of the S. ] . Court at recipient of a handsome white and gold music Dunn------Frank McCallrm, Archie Bncklin rt is a long time since we have heard so holder presented ber by the Scotch associa­ just arrived,showing the portrait of our former and W m . Tarbox represented Knox Lodge at Rockland. much enthusiasm manifested over a public ROCKPORT HEWS GLEANINGS- RISE OF A CUSHIRP BOY. tion in appreciation of ber services rendered townsman, Randall J. Condon who is writing District Lodge session, Rockville last week D r. B, T . Sanborn made an official visit to entertainment as by the audieAce that heard aa accompanist at their recent Buras* anniver­ at his desk. M r. Condon has been superviioe • Revs. C. A. Plumer and W . W . Ogier at­ the prison last Wednesday. Leroy ifc Bean's lecture, “ The Devil in Black of public schools several tune* in that city. sary concert. tended the dedication of the Methodist cnapel M is. Benj. Bachetdor of Union has recently A number ef Thing* Io Interest Resldenti Where It How Superintendent ol Schools In i Large and W hite.” And those that did not attend H e formerly represented the class o f towns The Junior Temperance Legion, chaper­ at Washington, Thursday. The former became a resident of Thomaston. Pure toe Is Obtained- Mssssehusells City- are vainly regretting their absence. The lec­ St. George, Friendship and Cushing in the preached the dedicatory sermon------Mis-es ture was brilliant, very pointed and wholesome, oned by Mrs. Frank L. Littlefield, held a Legislature------A concert was held at Cook's Telegram* were received Saturday by the pleasant social at the Union cLnrch parlor* Theresa Aran and Addie Tucker of Camden •gents of schooner Nettie Cushing and Mary and wonderfully well adapted for its purpose. hall Saturday evening by the teachers and We are in receipt of a copy of tbe Everett, Munday evening and pasted the hours with were in town Wednesday. B Smith announcing their safe arrival at The Baptist cirtle was entertained Wednes It is lif e to say that everyone was delighted scholars of the village schools, with other as­ Mats., Herald, which contains a pen picture games and refreshment*. The Ladies Circle o f the Methodist church Boston. These vessele sailed from J. day afternoon ai the Carleton House by Mrs and many consider it the best thing in the sistance. Tbe proceeds to purchase a large O. of the school system of Everett as witnessed Cashing & Co.’s wharf together Thursday George Carleton. course so far presented. A number of our enthusiastic wheelmen dictionary for the school*. The program con­ «pct at their vestry Wednesday* The Circle in actual operation in a trip taken through tbe has recently purchased three and one half afternoon each master determined that his The severe storm of Tuesday interfered with | T h e school committee will recommend that w ill attend the bicycle show this week. sisted of reading by the teachers, singing by schools, and a personal visit to each of the dofcen silvef knives and forks------Rev. and vessel should be the first to reach Boiton. the Congregational society's parlor entertain- ! the town appropriate money for a 30 weeks' J. P. Armbnrst left Thursday on a butineaa the male quartet, duet by Mrs Cook and Mrs. eighty four rooms in which instruction is giv­ Mrs. S. L Hanscom apent Tuesday in Warren The race down the river was very close but year for the common schools, or $2,500. A trip to New York. Nutter, solos by Mrs. Ethel Brown and M is* ment in Carleton tilock so it was decided to | en. As none ol the teachers or scholars were as goods o f M r. and Mrs. Benj. Bucklin------by skilful navigating the M ary B. Smith slight reduction will be asked in the appropri Inez Simmons and the presentation ot the give it Wednesday This was a success in 1 aware of the contemplated visit and Inspec­ The town fathers are now in steady session Wm. Tarbox went to Salem, Thursday, where reached poit four hours in advance of her ation for repairs an1 school books. U ntil family album managed by Mrs. Helen Jud­ every particular. The ladies were most be- , tion, all things were in common daily pro and have their hands and brain* full of busi­ he has a f*>sition in the Boston & Maine Rail­ competitor. Capt. Poland always has a full cominglv gowned. The guests were received last March, W arren appropriated less on each kins so perfectly that much fun and m erri­ gress. ness at the prelent time making up annual pupil in the common schools than any other ment was caused until the last picture of the way- Station. larder which is very stimulating to a crew. by Mrs. C. W . Fisher and Mrs. E. A. W en t­ The superintendent ol the schools is Ran- report*. The captain is said to have won a bat on the worth. A t the chocolate tables were Mrs. town, city or plantation in the county, except­ members of that illustrous family was shown. A t the session of the Grand Lodge K . of dall J. Condon, formeriy ol Cushing. H e The funeral of Sarah J., wife of Isaac ing St. George. 1 he superintendent of The recitations and singing by the scholars H. held at Lewiston the ly th inst. W . L. race. H . J. Tibbetts, Mrs. Roscoe Thurston. Mrs. represented the class of Cushing, St. George March, was held Tuesday afternoon. De­ schools has identified himself with town affairs showed the result of much bard study and Catland was elected Asst. Dictator, and G. W . Miss Jennie Moody a clerk o f the W . M . J. H . Eells and Mrs. John Harkness. At the and Friendship in the legislature and has ceased waa an estimable lady aged 35 yean as one of our citizens. H e is now superin­ care from both teachers and scholars. About Kales Grand Guide------James Overlock visited Cook store, is taking a much needed rest. cake table, Mrs. Lizzie Spear and Miss Alta several times been superintendent of tbe Ev­ and 8 day*. A husband and family feel deeply Treat. M rs. C. A . Benner presided at the tendent of the Congregational Sunday School, $15 were taken at the door. ■friends in Waldoboro and Nobleboro last James Demuth was before Judge Starrett, erett schools. the bereavement and mi.s at only their sor­ punch bowl. These ladies were ably assisted teacher of a bible class, and interested in pub­ week------Miss Pearl Y ork of Oakland is the Tursday, in complaint o f Fish and Game W ar­ The write up, which is ta follows, also con- row stricken hearts can know, the pretence in serving by Miss Eva Thurston, Mrs. J. N . lic affairs generally. Mrs. Badger is giving guest of her aunt Mrs. Geo. Shibles. den Fisher of Belfast,for selling short lobster*. tsined a life-like picture of M r. Condon seated that was the light and joy ol home. The re- PLEASINB MUSICALE. Tibbetts, Miss M ary Knight, Miss Alice M er­ free but acceptable service as assistant in the Mrs. F. F. Curling entertained the Friday Nineteen were found in hi* possession for at his desk, showing a good looking young maint were interred at Calderwood's Neck. riam and Miss Nannie Merrifield. To Mrs. H igh School. One would go a long way be­ Club at her home Friday A ernoon and even­ which he was fined one dollar each. Being man with a very intellectual bead : The “Old Folks" had their second extra M.A.Packard belongs the credit of concocting fore finding a school more interested in tbeir Additional Non From Cimden Contiinlng M » j ing. unable to pay spot cash his honor himself “ In the superintendent’s office Supt. Randall Monday evening from 9 to 12 o'clock, when the delicious chocolate. Mrs. O. P. Shepherd work than is our H igh School. This school allowed Mr. Demuth until the 1st of March to J. Condon may he found every morning from the dancing scholar* and tbeir friends in Things of Interaat- M r. and Mrs. E. O . Burgess. Miss Stonie as cashier, showed wonderful talent for ac­ as now conducted is holding pupils who raise the money. Sentence was reserved until 8 15 to 9 o'clock, and every afternoon from dulged in a social hop that was delightfully Tucker and E. P. Washburn attendelthe pre- cumulating coin. Duriog the afternoon the would have gone out ol town two years ago. that time. 4.15105, bat rarely getting away before 6 inform al and enjoyable------A bouncing boy Ca m p b n , Feb. 23, 1897. •entaction of the cantata,King Rene's Daugb following program was repeated several rimes It is an honor to Warren. ter, by the ladies of the Rubinstein Club at o'clock. To summarize his w o rk : H ere by was born Sunday morning to M r. and Mra. W . V . Lane is confined to the house with for the benefit of those arriving at different There was deposited in the Thomaston James Gregory------Monday morning a baby Rockland, Friday evening. a careful schedule of the work prepaied for the grippe. DOWN ST- 6E0RGE WAY- stages: D uet, Miss Fisher, Miss W hipple; each room he can start out and strike it for a savings bank, last year, $17 for a library fnad. boy waa born to M r. and M r*. Andrew Mrs C. H . Cushing entertained friends at song, Miss M ary K n ig h t; b an j) solo, Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. Everett Boardman are re­ specified recitation. I f not, tbe teacher must The lecture course this year is more expensive Monroe. her home Friday evening------Mrs. James Blanche Heald; Recitation, Master Walker joicing in the birth of a son, which glad event A T o w ili Harbor Captain His a Very Harrow explain why. H ere alto all the differences of and will not add to the fund. Meanwhile the Qeighton entertainei the members of the PhilbrooR; duet, Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Fisher; Ooe of the principal social event* that I t occurred Friday nigbt. opinion between teachers, scholars and pa­ atatc is helping other towns to public libraries Cooking Club, Friday evening------Thomaston Escape From Orownlng- booked for next month is the fair and enter­ Miss Emma Russell left Saturday for a piano S0I9, Miss W h ip p y . ; . rents, are brought and amicably adjusted, and and we are doing our part. Why not have was wpll represented at the lecture o f Rev. tainment to be given under the auspice* of month’s visit in Boston------Quite a number of Mrs. John Merchant was called to Green’s settled so that each feels they have been one ourselves? Dr. Henson of Chicago at Rockland Wednes­ the Union church 10c tety. The piogram bat Camden people enjoyed dinner at tbe Bay 8T . O .o a o K , Feb. 22, 1899. L in d in g , Thursday by the death o f her sister. treated iustly, Supt. Condon's aim being to The Georges River mill is now running full day evening------An entertainment was given not yet been definitely arranged but Mias View , Sunday. Am^ng the many delicacies T e n a n t ’s H a r b o r — W ord was received Services are now held every Sunday after show that implicit impartiality it shown to all, time on good work. This mill only lost 2( at the Baptist vestry, Friday evening, under Carrie Crockett bat in charge one of the were stuffed Moosehead Lake trout, caught here last week of the narrow escape from noon at the Advent church and Sunday and that he, at the agent of the parents, de­ days in 1896 and has not cut the wages o f its the management of two classes in the Sunday pleating features to be presented. A number by M r. Capen. death by drowning of Capt. Isaiah Hart of school io the morning. Services also every sires that they may feel that all rights are re­ help during the hard times. of young ladies are being instructed in pos­ school. A pleasant time was bad. bark S. G. H art. As he was going down the Mis* Leila M. Bucklin very pleasantly en­ Tuesday evening and meetings as usual W ed­ spected. H ere tbe records of attendance, The shoe shop has been prospered with ing and ytill skillfully execute a fan drill in Adelaide R., wife of Lysander Hill and tertained her Juvenile class, Saturday after­ side on a ladder a round broke, throwing nesday and Friday evenings. truancy, absence, etc., tent into him by teach­ good work till this Winter and late Fall. costume. A series of beautiful tableaux ia daughter of the late John P. Cole of Thomas- him into the water. H e grasped one side of noon from 2 to 5, at her home on Pearl street T . W . Spear has gone to W altham where ers, are kept, and by a card system, in a mo­ There is now a little work each week for most alto under rehearsal and a painstaking com­ tan , die’d in Chicago, Feb. 3. Mrs. H ill is the ladder and kept himself from sinking with a musicale. The following program was ment the attendanor, e tc , of a given year of the employees. mittee are making efforts that will surely re­ well remembered by her Thomaston friends be has obtained work. prettily carried out by the children: until rescued by the cook. W hen discovered compared with that of previous monlb and sult in an entertainment worthy of patronage. Compared with ten years ago there has If izurka, Galherl g Shells, Mae Mason as a lady of attractive personality------State Capt. H art was unconcious------Miss Maud Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Richards are home from year. In fact here may be traced the progress Sharon, Mass. ri.T.B been an increase in stores and probably in Mra. Charles C lark of Rockland has been duet, Kmma and Mamie Ctiatonguay Inspectors Sawyer and Bailey were at the >immons, who has been teaching at W hite of each scholar since M r. Condon esme here. Mxzursc In F, patronage. spending the past few days with her daugh­ M -b. I M mub prison l o t week------Miss Jennie Moody en­ Head this Winter, returned home Friday Rev. H . B. Woods left for his home in Here teachers are called for frequent con­ Kettle Ba»corolle, K eith Pearson ter, Mr*. George Kossnth. Geudy's Waltz, tertained the Knox Club, Friday evening------night------Miss Eva Toney is visiting at her Calais, Wednesday. sultation, for commendation lor good point*, N . B. Eastman’s and H . E. Thayer's terms tiadh* Kastoa T h e Republicans are bestirring themselves, Mein I.ieschun, Florence Wllllumson The Mill River Knitting Bee met with Mrs. sister's, Mrs. Frank Brown------Mrs. Livin u Miss Alena L . Young and her scholars from spurring up on little matters where needed, expire this year as members o f the school Piauo duet, appointing cummitteea and such like, in Samuel French, Friday evening------Ir a V in a l Pierson is quite sick. She is attended by D r. the Glen Cove school visited the high and and settlement of any special difficulties committee. M r. Eastman has been chairman Ethel French and Marion WArdsworth made a business trip to Damariscotta M ills, Woodside of Rockland------Sheerer’s Sarsa­ of the board during the past year. preparation fur the grand inaugural ball. Mayflowers, Myrtle Salisbury gammar schools, Wednesday. which may have arisen. H ere, at present, Saturday------Rev. W . A Newcombe preache 1 parilla makes pure rich blood and now is the They propose to crow lustily on this occasion Refreshments were served after the musicale The entertainment aud supper given by the the teachers of algebra, and fractions, and Any persons who have not received copies at the First Baptist church,Rockland, Sunday. time to commence taking it ------Cliffoid ‘Raw- teachers of the first grade, meet frequently to and press the button of enthusiasm with a and g«me« played and the children had a de­ Baptist ladies, Tuesday evening, was a of the new H igh School course of study may Miss Edith Lenfest returned from Boston, ley left for Rumford Falls, Tuesday------compare notes and make their work uniform. vigor that will demonstrate that they are here lightful time. success. Selections were rendered by the obtain them of A. A. Badger, the superin­ Saturday— Mr. Becban of Quincy who has Capt O. C. Hatboro arrived home Wednes­ The committee and superintendent endeavor tendent. to stay for the next four years. Glee Club and solos by Miss Bertha Leach day------Mrs. Grace Rivers arrived home Charlie Creed’s 12th birthday rolled along W est A pp le to n .— Mr. Morse gave another been visiting at P. E. H andley’s returned to and Miss Nellie Rollins. The supper, of by all means to establish among the teachers Both Sunday schools in the village report b i* borne M onday------Miss Eliza Levensaler fr«»ra New Jersey, Wednesday------Emerson a peifrct condition of comity, comradeship last Monday and in the evening a few of his of his pleasant dances at Bartlett H a ll, Friday course, was excellent. larger attendance than usual. as at home from Smith College------Col. Murphy arrived home from Rumford Falls, and generous rivalry. Teachers from lower young friends gathered by invitation to help evening------The singers, some eight in num­ Miss Charlotte Thorndike Sibley lectures Leighton left for Waterville, M onday------Mia. Saturday------At a special meeting of the I. Mrs. John Harkness entertained friends grades are often sent to witness the workings celebrate the event. The usual party pro­ ber met at Mis. Jennie Stover’s, Thursday this week Friday evening at eight o’clock. S. A . Severance left for Boston, Monday------O. O. F. Saturday night there was work on Saturday evening. of a higher grade, and vice versa. Teachers gram of games and refreshment* filled in the evening. They had a verv pleasant evening. Miss Sibley u*a delightful speaker, full o f en­ Mrs. James Creighton and Miss Lizz e Strong the second degree------Quite a number atten­ Mrs. G. F. Harkness is home from a two weak in some point are allowed to visit other hours with plea.ure and several nice birth­ M r. Effie Cobb a fine tenor of Seaismont thusiasm f >r her subject, and, with Palestine w ill leave this week for a visi: in N ew York ded the whist party at Martinsville, Friday weeks visit in Boston------The gra 1 m ar teachers whose methods are successful, and day remembrances were contributed by the gave some valuable service at last Sunday's as her subject, w ill do ber best work. Pales­ — .... Mrs. Horace Little is visiting in Boston night------Miss Juiia H athorn, who has been school will give a social and entertainment in profit thereby. A ll interests are centered up­ following participam s: Misses Josie Coomb., meeting------W e are much pleased with Elder tine is a universally interesting country. ------Miss N ina Strong is visiting in Union. visiting friends in bath, arrived home Friday. Carleton block, Wednesday evening------Mrs. on harmonious action between all, -Here the Maude Libby, Helen Creed, Sadie Hall, Fay Baker and are quite fortunate in obtaining On Friday evening, tbe I2tb, Mr. Under­ Coburn, Helen Carver, Helen Sanborn, Ada bis services------Miss Etta M cLain has been A course of five lectures on the Episcopal W il e y ’s Co r n e r .— School in District No. John H. Eells delightfully entertained friends scholar, who by continued absence, had con­ hill tbe impersonator gave bis “ Rip Van M .honey, Matters Leon Sanborn, Clyde In- on a visit to friends in Liberty. church is being prepared and will be delivered 1 closed its W injer session last Friday. The Saturday evening------The village school duct, or dila'oriness, cause* trouble for him ­ W inkle” in Providence. There was a storm galls, Carleton Doak, Fenwick Murray, at that ebuerb on successive Sunday eveniDgs following named pupils were not absent one closed Friday fur a few weeks vacation. self or his class, is called, and leaves with the and deep snow, but a fair audience was pres­ George Keay, Otis Emerton, Eugene Libby. commencing the fust Sunday in March. half day: Addie Hathorn, Rennie Wiley, knowledge of what the result w ill be if be doe* uut mend hi* ways, all kindly but firmly. ent. We copy a part of a notice given in tbe Secret societies continue to increase in A Herd of Fine Jerseys M r. Edward Stearns of Camden was in Daisy Giichrest, Nannie Kinney, Helen SO- THOMASTON PERSONALS Here the teachers report semi-yearly the Providence Journal: It is no easy task to town and tbe list one is a council of tbe town Saturday------The M c K in h y Cooking Robinson, Myrtle and Frankie Robinson and FOR SALE. book* and supplies in their possession, tbe hold tbe attention and interest of an audience Daughters of Liberty organized by ex-N. S., club met with Miss M attie Smalley, Saturday Seymore B. F u ller------M r*. D»ra Maxey of Five onwa ranging from 3 to 8 year* old, enlvea, name* and number of copies of each book in tbe presentation of half a dozen different W. O. Staples of New Haven, Conn. Tbe afternoon------The pupils in the ninth grade Thomaston called on her grandmother, Mrs. 80. T u o m a s t o n , Feb. 22, 1897 and two thor UKh-ltrud Jersey bulla fur aale nt tha and supplies wanted for each scholar at tbe characters without any extraneous aid in tbe new council was christened Pride of the Willow Pu'in, Oyster lUvur, Warren. N. W. enjoyed a vacation of two days last week on Effie Kinney, last Thursday------The Y. P. S. Miss Crockett o f Ash Point is the guest of next aessioD, so that when the term opens way of costume or stage setting. There is no United States No. 7, and officers installed as LKltMOND, Proprietor. 74s account of the illness o f the teacher, A. L . C. E. members of Seal Harbor and Clark's Mrs. Lizzie W iggin------Mrs. Ava Wiggin and each scholar has the book* needed and there illusion about a man in a dress suit on a bare follows: Councilor, F. E. M ills; asristant Copeland. Island came over and assisted our people last family, who have been spending the past is no delay. H ere tbe scholar who leaves a platfurm, nor can the imagination of tbe Saturday evening There was a large con month with her parents, M r. and Mrs. W illiam councilor, U . B. Dyer; vice councilor, Miss D ied in Thomaston, February 16, Mrs. John school is reported. I f going to work, bi* hearers be materially swayed even by such in­ gregation assembled. The meeting was led Butler returned to their home Saturday------Carrie Rogers; assistant vice councilor, Mrs. S. Young. Mrs. Young was the daughter of record is looked up and if he baa not taken genious devices as those advocated by Bottom by C. H . Kallocb------Miss M innie C. Barrett I‘he many friends o f A. T . Snow w ill be Frank Rogers; recording secretary, Mrs. F. E M artin and Eliza Munroe. She was born in tbe requisite 30 weeks' schooling, he ia in Shakespeare’s merry play. Whatever is left for ber home in H ope last Saturday pleased to learn that be is slowly recovering Mills; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. J. Thomaston, January 25th, 1829, in which accomplished must be by means of appropri­ A re You morning, having closed her school here------from his recent illness------Miss H attie W allet brought 0 time. If going to another school O . Carver; financial secretary, Mrs. Samuel place the ever resided with the exception of nistiict he is reported to that school and if in ate pose and gesture, change of facial expres­ Town meeting occurs March 8------Schooner o f Seal H arbor was in the village Saturday to Jones; treasurer, Miss Grace Smith; inductor, A few yean spent in Rockland. She was due time does not tarn up the truant officer is sion and skillful modiilation of voice, It is Ella F. Crowell arrived from New York via attend the teacher’s meeting------Miss Reta Miss Lulu Billings; outside protector, married Dec. 19, 1866 to John S. Young by but giving M r. Underhill his due to say that Boston last Thursday, and Saturday pro Adams of Spruce Head is spending a few days a ter him. H ere the truant reports are sent Samuel Jones; inside protector, Mrs. Harvey U sin g whom she bad one child. At the time of their every nigbt and the truant officer reports in be exhibited a thorough mastery o f these ceeded to Rockland where she will load lime with friends in town------Miss H arriet Robin­ Ames; senior ex-councilor, Miss M eitie marriage Mr. Young had two daughters and a the morning and look* them up. Here are all means of expression, and carried his audience for New York. son of St. George is visitidg friend* here------Coombs; Trustees, Frank Rogers, Harvey son by a former marriage, whom Mrs. Young with him equally in the delineation of pathos, Miss Nancy Ackerman is the guest of her the needed book* for teachers’ guidance and Ames and Samuel Jones. An intermission Tbo best brand o f canned uietly took to her heart and ever cherished reference. H ere alto are received specimens fun or sentiment. friend, Mrs. Am elia Drake ot this place. was called for social recreation and refresh­ goods that aro put up. Srem aa her own. Mrs. Young's life was one of work, as called for from classes, which The Journal also says that the audience ments of ice cream and cake. of quiet doing and being for those whom THERE IS A CLASS OF PEOPLE are sent around fr r emulation or improve­ “gave every indication of satisfaction and en­ Uoodo that you can rely W ho are Injured by the uae of coffee. Re­ Whooping cough is quite prevalent here------ahe loved. The interests o f her family filled 6LENC0VE PERSONALS- joyment.” cently there has been pl»0cd lu all the grocery ment by ether classes of same grade. When Representative L lttktield spent Sunday at on as being wan-anled. her thoughts and her desire to the lavt was sior«s a new preparation c«l ud U l t ' I . N - ' , a scholar comes from another city he is classed Our Woman's Reading Club have engaged home------M r. John Gray is at home, and is Goods that wilt Bland iho to live for them. A true and faithful wife and made of pure wralu- tbit tukea the place of in the same grade of school be left, snd not Miss Sibldy tor an afrernoon lecture at tbe cuff e. The tnoat de'n-Mte b receives It suffering from a sprained ankle------Hermione perfect mother, her influence w ill long be felt siotutu without d i-In a -, and hut ft w cau LARK, unison greet* his appearance, and -Good-bye* erty. Except their sin a-id paiu. Kocklaod Advent chutch offi lanng------The A l »x. K k i. i .o c u , hi* departure. In this, the teacher* join with T . S. Norton is closing out his stock in W a s h in g t o n , Feb. 22, 1897. Thorndike & Hix lula G K k llk u, King's Oaugbtets will m eet with Mrs. Parks And ever near ua though uu»«-ca. A P a i l F l i l l b , hearty pleasure. M r. Condon spends much trade aod intends to go out of business------Miss Bessie Mears is very sick with nervous T he do.a uulverae Lufkin has M aj II iw c rs (ttatliug aroutua) in of b it time in individual work with teachers The diptheria scare seems to have subsided i a l l u N G a l l . In life—there are no dead." blo.aom in tbe bouae------Tbe M . B. Society and pupils In tbe rooms to mutual profit and here and tbe patient is all right. Anti-toxine The dedication of the new church was large­ ly attended in spite of tbe stormy weather. A husband, four children and one sister sur* bad another ol tbei- enj yable social bops at pleasure. Especially is ibis so that there will w ill not be needed. W e think an ounce of To Alexauder Kelloch, one of the petitioners re There was raised a fund of $ 1 5 0 ------Mrs. A. give her. que.iiiig me to i»sue u w irra n . to cull a meet Hi; their ball Thursday nigbt which waa well at tie least break possible io change ol teach­ prevention is worth a pound of cure. of the pew holders UU<1 proprietors o f the F«rat tended------Mtaa Liaetta Butgeaa of Rockland ers.” M r. Seiders of St Paul, S D ,weot to T hom ­ K . Burkett of Burkettville visited her daugh­ The churches held a union meeting at the Baptist Meetiugbou-e lu tit. Geoig- on Tuesday, ter, Mra. L . M . Staples, last week------There apent Sunday at Zebulon Lufkin's------Mtaa Tbe Everett schools are attended by 4,000 aston last week to visit his sister Mrs. Walsh Congregational church Sunday evening. Match Wilt A D law?. «t 1 hiee o'clock p m. was a runaway 00 tbe pond, Monday, but no Farmers . . You are hereby authorized aud dir. cied to uoli'y Caro E. Upham ta visiting relatives at Lowell, p u p il* and tbe appropriation this year is previi us to leaving for the West. H e will damage was done. i be horse belonged to salt proprietors (o luixl uod u-aviuh‘e at the tints M aas------H oratio Crie ol Ctiehavrn was lately >88,250. visit friends in Massachusetts and return borne Insure yourl Buildings above met.tinned, at said iue«-tinghuus-, by postiug L . M . Staples------W ill Light sold a horse to at Z Lulkin'a ------M l . a Alena L. Young ol about tbe fust of March------Mrs. Case re ­ Large Assortment ot notices on th outer door ot said im ellugh -use uud George Light. Tuesday------J. L. Burns went at Actual Cost. . oilier puhdu places, ei-o in a newspaper printed iu Rockland, Emmie V. Hail, Laura F. Young, turned home from Boston last Thursday morn­ to Portland, Saturday, on business------P. S. Knox county, w l’ bl >the Inn'La of said pewhoidvrs, Beuute H. Hall. Charlie A. Sylvester, J -bn s. W est W a s h in g t o n .—Willi* Bailey, who ing. uud make re uru o f your doings thereon. Bowden aod Dr. Strickland visited the lodge Grant and Everett W. Humphrey o f Glen cut his loot some time ago, is able to set up. Members from George S. Cobb Post and The object of said m eitug is : It waa a bad cut and bad it not been for skil­ of F. and A. M. at Liberty, Saturday night WHITE SHIRTS ffirai, i'o unouaea m jderstor t j preside at said cove visited Ibe schools in the* H igh fcctool Relief Corps of Camden to the number of 35 ------W . W . Light has clipped several horses for meeting- bull ling, al Rockport, Wednesday------Mis. ful Ircatiucut W illis would be minus a big visited W m . Payson Post aud Corps la»t W ith Fancy Bosom, c«ud, T o cboo«e a clerk. Cattle Look of Rocktaud apeut tbe day la.l toe. H e waa attended by U r. A. R. G. Smith different parties the past week------The W ill­ T h ird . To ace if the proprietors w ill vole to sell Tnursdsy evening. Supper was served at 7 ing W orkeis’ supper will be at Mrs. Olive I butaday at Cbaa. Ewell's------Tbeie has been of Wbitrfidd ------Mitt Ltuie Nash, who 10 Per Cent. Dividends. m etiughous*-. lot and pe*a o'clock, after which speeches, singing and re ­ Light's, March 3. All are invited. Supper Kuuitb. To tr -uaau auy other bustueaa that may considerable aickuesr in the place lately but hat been quite ill, iaable to be uut------M r*. citations were ia order, aud a pleasant social only IO cents------Geo. Overlock butchered a LARGER DIVIDENDS EXPECTED. auto . . . legally come b> (ore aatd mealing. most of tbe sick one. ate now imuroving Nettie Auilrews returned borne from jtff.is o u , time was enjoyed until a late hour. The best Dated Mt til. George Lb is ithh day ol February, nice b<>g for Mrs. E. Pierpoint, Tuesday, Among those ou the list ate M r. and Mra. Wednesday, where she has been attending elixir of life is found where wit and good • A p p ly to A. D US . that weighed 375 pounds------Mrs. Franklin Fancy Colored Shirts WiLbiAM J C auur, Justice of lbs Peace. Cbaa. W . Studley, Mra. Arlctnaa Young, Z her mother, Mrs. Boud, who is quite ill with humor abound. Lrigbr, who ha» been visiting relatives in T. S BOWDEN, Agent, Lufkin. M'S R . W. Studley aud children and pneumonia------W illiam Jacks m it hauling Marie by United Shirt Itfferson, has returned home------S. S. Bart­ C, Clrflon Lufkin. batk to Liberty. Although Mr. Jackson it 62 Silas Weaver slaughtered a cow, recently Washington Me. ami Collar Co. and C K. NOTICE. years old be can do as much work as any purchased of Charles Newcomb,which weighed lett went to Augusta, Thursday, with a load Jlaihawav & Co. Prices Pursuant -0 th * foreg do r w arrant to me directed, young utao around here an I does it every 925 lbs.------W. F Wight, went to Augusta of bay for Harry Macomber------Evening Star I hezeiiY uotify the p«-w ho'ders aud p>op letors CARO OF THAHKS W. a. 8IIOMKI, 11 GO, SI.86, Sl-W), your of th Knot Baptist Meelii'ghouse lu tiL Ge--rge to day. H e baa a nte 60 cords of bark to haul la»l week to get his charter to di^peuse water Graugc held a "m ock” meeting )a»t Saturday choice for uoa t ou T u-aday. Ihs vth diY o f March. A D 14^7, W e wish to eapress our sincere thanks and - Frank Ne»h ia hauling slave aluH to for the vrilage------Mus Maiy Page has goue evening. Tbe Uflces were all filled by tbe fegBook Binder,B* at 3 o o oek p iu . at said meetinghouse, to act ou appreciation to the kiud fticudaand neighbors Farrai'a steam mill at Razorvtllc------W m. to Lowell, M a s s , to visit relatives, for a few sisters. Tbe first degree was given to two of the foUowh.s articles: the sisters. A t its close tbe sisters were ONLY 70 CENTS. F irst, To cbooae a mods rat or to preside at said for Ibcif assistance and sympathy duitug Ibe S'dcliogcr of Stickney Coiner baa taken a m onths------Silas W att* is iu failiug health------Bath. M e. boarder. It is a 12 pound boy------Mr*. Tow n offices are btiug talked up, and applauded by the brothers for the very able Call quick ba fore alias are broken. u ae iiu s . illness aud death of our little daughter, Lillie tioco' d, T o choose a cleik Gladys. Especially ate we gtatcful to those W m . Jack*on fell on the ice In the road, hurt- caucu-es will be held oa Wednesday aud wauaer io which the meeting and woik was Thorough Bred Jersey Bulls T b h d To see If the p roprli4ors wiU vutsfto sell Thursday eveuings, this w eek— —C. Adel- carried out------W ill M iller is to move to N o . ib uai-.-iiugh >u»-. lot. aud pews. who sent floral oh.-iiugs aud to those who ti g her koec quite badly------Mr. aud Mia. Geo. FOR SALE F o u n t. T o transact any olher business that may rang at the funeral. tsAigcul returned to then home iu Monroe, bert Jones is engaged in the candy business, Union where he is to fill (be store of Henry ▲t "Tha WtU»w«,M OysUr Rivsr, Warreo. LEVI SEAVEY, isg«ily come before said uS'-eGug. Mt. a n d Mas KoustT H. Huvsa. last l'ue*d*y, after a week’* visit to Mra. Sar­ at Tnomaston, with A. Boggs, who recently L e if er with goods. Success go with you Om Dated tins ihth day o f February, A* D Bttrt. Gleucove, M e., Feb. u , t8yy. gent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brand. moved there from Waldoboro. W itt I yaarUng, oaa IS laoutha old. Tnda Ci«l., • Thom..ton THE ROCRBAMD COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23, 1897 T

MARINE MATTRRB. SOCIAL CHAT Official List of Nominations Tbe Movement! of Vessels, Charters, Wtal It Being Done Io Rati Rind ind Bed) TNene Notea and the Like. to be voted for In the several wards ot the city of Rockland at the Long Enidagi. municipal election to be held Monday, March I, 1897. Schs. E. G. Willard, Chase, Mary langdon Polo Schedule is Now Made Out end Chas. R . Washington arrived 16th from The XV Club will hold their annual meet­ To vote a straight ticket, mark a in square over party name at top of Boston. ing with Mrs. Lsura Bird on Broadway, X Thursday afternoon at 3.30. ticket. Make no other marks. to the End of Season. j Schs. Maggie H urley and Jennie G. Pills­ bury, from New Y ork via Portland, arrived The ladies of Edwin Lrbhy Relief Corps w ill To vote a split ticket, mark a X in square over party name at top of ticket 1 16th. , give a public supper and dance at Grand Army ' H all, Thursday, Feb 25. Supper served from — then erase any name and fill in new name. ; Sch. H attie Loring brought wood i6 h five to seven o’clock. Use one column only. Mark but one X- We Again (o Gardiner In a Hard ; from Gonldaboro for A. F. Crockett Co., and Is loading lime for Portland from same firm. Miss M ary Richardson entertained with Fought Game— New Man Didn’t bhow -WAK1D ONE. J Sch. Volant brought casks 16th from Bel- whist at her home on Camden street, Thurs­ day evening------The North Breese Whist Up Very W ell-Hom eihliig Abont Base 1 fast for A. F. Crockett Co. Club met Friday afternoon with Mrs Caster! □ □ Ball—We Give You All That’a Going Sch. St. Elmo, Torrey, with coal from Fates, Camden street. The meeting thts New York for A. F. Crockett Co , arrived REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. On—Rend and Enjoy It, week w ill he Thursday afternoon with Mra. 16th. A. B. Crockett, Summer street------Mrs. For Mayor, For Mayor, Sch. Ella F. Crowell arrived Saturday to Fred F. Burpee and Mrs. Thomas Stratton ALBERT W. BUTLER, II Beech St. E. O. HEALD, 85 Limerock Street. load for New York from the Cobb Lime Co. will be housekeepers at the Universalist Circle, tomorrow evening. For Alderman, For Alderman, The Rocklands worked hard to win Satur Sch. Lena W hite, O tt, with coal to the day night in Gardiner but fate decided other­ Cobb Lime Co., from New York, arrived JOHN W. ANDERSON, Il Cedar Street. S. W. VEAZIE, 162 No. Main Street. The Shakespeare society met last evening. wise. W e give tbe account of tbe game aa Monday. with Mrs. N . T. Farwell at her home on For Common Councilmen, For Common Councilmen, published in the Kennebec Journal: One of Capt. A . E. W infield’s sailors, Lindsey street and enjoyed a very pleasant A L B E R T G . T H O M A S , Falcs Street. W M. J.THURSTON, 118 Maverick Street. The Rocklanda, the leaders in tbe ratfc fur Charles Jones, was murdered in the street nt evening. The trading of “Merry Wives of the pennant in tbe Maine Roller Polo League, ALBERT F.ACHORN, 20 Camden Street. CLINTON A. THURSTON, 49 Maverick St. Wilmington, N. C., where the brig M. C. Windsor” was commenced, and articles on came to Gardiner, last night, with a grim Haskell was loading phosphate rock Feh. the play read by Miss Josie Thorndike, Mrs.t CLARENCE M. THOMAS, 8 Spruce Street. RALPH AYERS, 154 No. Main Street. determination to vanquish tbe home team, in 10th. The man had gotten mixed up in a D . N . M ortland and Mrs. A. T . Blackington. For Warden, turn for tbe defeat which was given them in row and h id his skull crushed with a club The next meeting will he in two weeks with . their own arena, Thursday evening. The JOHN COLSON, 40 Knott Street. in the hands of one Ben Smith. M e. D |N . Mortland, Masonic rtreel. visitors tried hard, very hard, and put up fast Sid 19th— Schs. Yankee M aid, Perry, Bos­ Rev. J. S. Moody and wife received at the For Ward Clerk, polo, but the Gardiners played faster and ton, from Almon Bird; Edward L. Warren, Episcopal parsonage “ lien ia,” Monday aftes- therefore won the game by the score of 5 to W ILLIA M H. SM ITH, 21 Trinity Street. Boston, with limerock from W arren Lime noon, the occasion being appropriately styled 3. Nine hundred people howled themselves Co.; R L. Kenney, from Cobh Lime Co., a “ Washington T ea ” The rooms were tasti­ hoarse over the result, and each and every W A R D T W O . for Boston. Addie Schaelfer, Brigadier and ly decorated, the national colon properly one was unanimous in saying that right here Ada Ames, from Cobb Lim e Co. for New uring. Costumes contemporary with colonial in Gardiner, the smallest city on the whole □ York. days were worn, and in fact the whole aftqir □ circuit, is the home ol as good a polo team PACKAGE TEAS Capt F. II. Meader, formerly of ich. Jennie whs one of thoic good, old-fashioned times. DEMOCRAT. as therejs in the Maine State League. REPUBLICAN. Orloff. Orange Pekoe. Koh-i-noor. I Seal Brand. Greenhank, has taken sch. Catawamteak, Mrs. Moody was asslstc I in receiving by Mrs./* W hen Referee “ Billy” Ix>ng blew his Mervyn Ap Rice, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Mrs, For Mayor. F o r Mayor, Formosa Ceylon English Japan. and will load plaster at Red Beach for Wash­ whistle for “ play” to commence,the spectators John Bird, Mrs. Richard Saville, Miss K in g ,, E. O. HEALD, 85 Limerock Street. were on the anxious seat, all anticipating a ington. ALBERT W . BUTLER, 11 Beech Street. Ouloong. nnd India. Breakfast. M ibb Mary Fogler, Miss Grace Simonton and' great game and hoping that the home team Sch. Carrie L . H ix , Tuttle, from A. F. Mrs. O . L. H a ll. Miss Fogler and Mrrf. M i l l * For Alderman, Crockett Co. for N ew York, sailed Monday. would come out ol the conflict victorious. Lmh far tht Tea Most Economical, because Purest and Best. served the tea and chocolate. FRANK A. PETERSON, 70 Cedar Street. The period opened with a vim, C. Gay dashed Countar^T* One Found makes over 200 Cups. Capt Robert Ladd, formerly mate of sch. Miss Mae Sullivan entertained the E. n !* for the ball, but “ K id ” Houghton was ahead Geo. Bird will take command of the Thomas­ For Common Councihncn, Whist Club last week------The South Eh>l of him and landed the rush. Schofield caged ton schooner Veto, and load stone at Vi- JAMES A. JAMESON, 14 Warren Street. Whist Club met Wednesday evening with'. the sphere in 1 04. In this period each side nalhaven for Boston. ALVKA W. GREGORY, 52 Cedar Street. caged three balls, Gardiner starting in with Mrs. George D. Hayden, Mechanic slrect’’ Sch. Charlie & W illie is at Atlantic wharf ------There was a “ missionary tea’’ at the R. V. FOLLETT, 18 Gutdy Street. the first one to its credit and Rockland cap­ tically had but four. Wefers the new man A meeting of the Maine Roller Polo League fixing up for the spiing huiinrsr. home of Mrs. W. fl. Fish, Summer street,1 turing the last one. did not show up particularly Urong, in fact he was held in Brunswick, Feb. 21. and all the For Warden, Sch. W ide Awake is loading f< r Boston Wednesday evening-----The box sociable The second period was “ hot stuff.” The wax very weak and Maynard had to play both league cities were represented It was voted given by Golden Rod Chapter O . K K.,* last MARCELLUS M. PARKER, 58 Warren St. players were hustling everywhere, in every half back and center. W efer may be all right from C Doherty. not to accept the resignation o f D r. C . T . Tuesday evening was a very successful affair.* nook snd corner o f the vast Co’fseum, and but he didn’t show it last night. Ssul. An application for a franchise for Sch. Ella F . Crowell is at the five kilns For Ward Clerk, I he program included sonic very fine mtrji- lots of scientific polo was indulged in. Bath got three goals in the first period and loading tor New Y o rk , and sch. Jennie G. W aterville, was received from W . S. Rowe of cal numbers rendered' by Miss Lucy K a r|n JOHN P. TYLER, 117 No. Main Street. Schofield by a pretty pass from Houghton did the first ont in the second period and things Pillsbury is loading for New York from the W altham , Mass. Miss Lottie Skinner, Miss Grfece Ixdh'rOp, the act, scoring another point for the home looked blue for us. Rockland got the next The following schedule for the balance of Cobb Lime Co. Miss Stahl and Master Scott Kittredge. j THREB. team, making the score at tbe end o f the three and the third period opened with the the season was accepted : Sch. Addie E. Snow, I’inkham ,is chartered second period, 4 to 3 in the Gardiners’ favor. score 4 to 3 against us. In the third period March 1—Gardiner at Augusta; Portland to load stone at Black Island lor New York Some very timely and interesting subject* □ □ The third peiiod opened with a rush. The the goals alternated but we couldn’t tie the at Rockland. nt £1.50 per ton coal capacity. were discussed at the meeting of the Methe- Rocklands wanted to win badly, and strained hesec Club, Friday afternoon, the following* score any more than a one legged man can March 2— Lewiston at Gardiner; Rock­ Pejry Bros, schooner, the re-built M ary J. REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. every nerve and tissue to vanquish the being among the papers rendered 2 “ The play hall. land at Portland. Lee, wys launched Saturday from the North Gardiners. Schofield, after 7 minutes and Campbell, Gay, Maynard and O ’ Malley did Principles of Arbitration and the Treaty For Mayor, For Mayor, March 3— Rockland at Bath; Lewiston at Railway. Capt. “Zeke” Nash broke the 6 seconds had been played, landed the ball in Between the United States and the great work for the home team although both Portland. bottle over tbe bow, and although unable to A L B E R T W . B U T L E R , 11 Beech Street. E. O. HEALD, 85 Limerock Street. the cage, and after (hat ycu't ought to have United Kingdom," Mis. Mary Krou Campbell and O’Malley had to get off of March 4—Bath at Augusta; Portland at christen her, declared her “ the pride of the seen the Lime Rockers hustle. They played hock; "College Settlements: Their Origin For Alderman, For Alderman, sick beds to play. M ike made some remarka­ Lewiston. seven.” The vessel is a fine one, and is be­ pennant polo, but the stone wall defence of ble stops and had he had any support in and Growth,” Mis. Lucy Cobh;. “Have CHARLES M. HARRINGTON, L . F . S T A R R E T T , 241 Broadway. March 5 — Lewiston at Bath; Augusta at ing loaded by Perry Bros, lor New York. the Gardiners pievented them from scoring. center the score would have been different. Women Any Place in Municipal AffairsTL 81 Summer Street. Gardiner. She will be named and her captain announced Tbe game was over and the crowd cheered Mrs. Clara llamlton. Next Thursday evening Gay was iu the game all the time and his March 6—Bath at Rockland; Gardiner at before sailing. For Common Councilmen, For Common Councilmen. and applauded. Tbe mighty had fallen and drives for the cage were very accurate. Lewiston. in the Congregational Church, Miss Charlotte Sch. Olive Pecker, W hitm an, from Buenos the players took the 10.21 train fur home, Maynard’s defense work was great and the March 8—Gardiner at Rockland; Port­ Thorndike Sibley of Belfast will deliver a W IL L C . FRENCH, 16 Granite Street. EDW ARD C. PAYSON, 85 Granite Street. Ayres, was 58 days on the passage, and from today, assured beyond a doubt that Gardiner is old man made many new friends for the ' land at Augusta. lecture before the club and invited guests. JOHN SIMPSON, 64 Rankin Street. MERVYN AP RICE, 72 Middle Steet. lat. 24 to lai. 38, had gales from N W to N E a sporting town and has a corking good polo valliant work he performed. Murtaugh played March 9 — Bath at Portland; R icklnnd at during which sprung bowsprit and had main It lias become an annual custom for the' W M . O. ABBOTT, 54 Rankin Street. • team. the best game for the visitors and he robbed Lewiston. spanker boom carrried away. Capt. Whit­ Rubinstein Club to give some sort of a recep For Warden, For Rockland, Campbell and Maynard Rockland of many goals by his great blocking. March 10— Portland at Bath; Rockland at For Warden, man’s family was with him on the trip. tion or musical to which a select number of played a good game, while the scboots of IliB work was as good as any we have seen Gardiner. C. C. CHANDLER, 36 Grove Street. C. C. LOVEJOY, 101 Limerock Street. friends may be invited. In spite i f tbe in­ C Gay were of the star order. Gendreau, here this season. M urphy did good work in March 11 — Lewiston at Portland; Gardiner formality which always prevails upon these For Ward Clerk, For Ward Clerk, formerly substituteaon the Salem team of the the cage and the Mooney brothers and at Augusta. occasions, they have come to he recognised National League, playeo center for the E. R. BOWLER, 34 Rankin Street. HARRY E. BROWN, 95 Limerock Street. McGilvray were much in evidence. The March 12— Lewiston at Bath; Augusta a S ty lish as among the swellest of our social functions visitors, but did not cover himself with glory. summary: Gardiner. and to be one of the favored few is a high The lineup: FOUR. ROCKLAND BATU March 13— Portland at Lewiston; Augusta and appreciable privilege. This year the club WARD (.’amp bo ll 11 mt rush J . Mooney OARDINKH at Rockland. disposed of its usual reception and in its* V- ■oennd ruah McGllvery H ead Hnuphton W efera center K. Mooney Rockland w ill play eleven more games, place presented the cantata “ King Rene’s □ □ Bchofleld xcond rush Maynard hulfback Murtaugh five o f them being at home. W e still have a Smith Daughter.” This event took pluce Friday, cen'cr O'M alley gout REPUBLICAN. DEMOCRAT. Doherty half bnok May in Murpbv good lead for the pennant and there seems to evening in Philharmonic Hall and it is the Cashman goal O ’Mailley Goal W on by Matte by Tim e be no good reason why we shouldn't keep it. W ear. universal opinion of those who attended that, 1 For Mayor, For Mayor, W on by Made by Tim e Bttih M cG ilvray 4 19 Goal 2 Mooney 06 W e cannot, however, afford to lose many as a musical happening, it has had very few Gardiner Bchi field Bath E. O. HEALD, 85 Limerock Street. 1 1)4 3 Bath Moo nay 1 43 games. superiors in this city. Philharmonic H all ALBERT W. BUTLER, 11 Beech Street. Kook'and Campbell 34 Ga diner 1 4b took on a very attractive garb in honor to For Alderman, For Alderman, Sebofleld 4 Bath Mooney 0 30 THE LEAGUE STANDING. Kocklaud Cumpbell 2 32 6 Rockland Cumpboll 1 68 K ing Rene’s daughter and the guests upon Gardiner Hchullold 1 00 Won. Loat Pur Coni B. RANDALL ANDROS, 387 Main Street. NATHAN B. CONANT, 16 Masonic Street. 0 Rockland Gay 1 10 entering found tnemsclves suddenly landed Rockland C. Gay 3 2b 7 Kockland Cumpbell 86 Rook land ...... 34 21 L im it amid a bower which evergreen, hunting, For Common Councilmen, For Common Councilmen, L im it l.ew lalou...... 29 23 Gardiner Bchofleld 11 66 Portland ...... 29 26 screens, piano lamps, druggets and the like FRANK A. WINSLOW, 192 Limerock St. J. L. DONOHUE, 389 Main Street. 8 Bath Mooney 6 26 L im it 9 Boos land ('umpboll 40 Ruth ...... 80 20 had transformed into a fairy grotto. Tbe HERBERT W.THORNDIKE, M. K. W ILLEY, 126 Limerock Street. Gardiner Bobofleld 7 00 10 Bath Mooney 4 46 G ardiner...... 14 17 decorations were very well gotten up indeed Lim it A u g u a ta ...... 16 89 11 Kockland G ay 1 20 and contributed, in no small degree to the 11 Masonic Street. J. C. H IL L , 17 Claremont Street. Beore—Gardiner, 6, Rockland 8. Rushes— 12 Bath M cG ilvray (8 Ilnughian, 8, Campbell, 8 Htops—Cashrann, 40, 18 Rockland Gay 21 The Majors and Captains played a hot home like cosiness of the scene. It was a EMERY R. THOMAS, 79 Grace Street. O 'M alley, 26. Font -Gendreau. O'Malley. 14 Bath Mooney 03 game Saturday night in Elmwood H a ll. The little after 8 o’clock when the members of the Referee, Long. T im e r, F.ynt, Beorer, Boole. Score—Bath 8, Rockland 0. Buahea, J. Mooney Rubinstein Club attractively costumed filed For Warden, For Warden, Attendance, 900 Majors played (he better game and won. 18. Campbell. 8 Foula, Rock land 2, Hath 2. tiiope, in and took their places, Mrs. M . P, Judkins FRANKLIN L.CUMMINGS, 36 Masonic St. LOUIS RYAN, 389 Main Street. Murphy. 87. O’Malley 44 Referee, C. T. haul Thomas played a great game in front of the The Rocklands are hoodooed and no mis­ Timur, A. T Blackington. cage. The summary: read the synopsis of (he cantata In her clear For Ward Clerk, For Ward Clerk, forcible style, tb it rendition making xiflcT take. MAJOIIH CAPTAINS inure interesting and comprehensive tbe JOHN W. THOMAS, 12 Masonic Street. GEO. T. ADERTON, 389 Main Street. lAst night Bath bad luck with them but we There has been considerable talk going the Black first rush Blaukloglon Mol.oon second rush Thorudlku didn't. Tbe first three goals they got were by rounds of the Maine press o f anything but a musical interpretation which followed. K ing luck, O'Malley hiinstlf kicking one in. Later G lover center Howard -WA.RTD n V E . gentlemanly nature. It is in reference to the W e»Kl half back Crockett Rene’s daughter is a blight, < lathy, musical in the game McGilvray kicked the hall into conduct of the Rockland team when away May goal T b in .a composition calling not only for high ch»s? the cage. Our luck was different. G ay and Goul, won by. made by T im - role parts but the best of chorus work. That □ □ from home. We have taken no notice of it Campbell drove enough balls into the cage to 1 Mejora Blaok 8 16 the Rubinstein Club proved itself equal to the for we believed the stories to be the outcome Majors Black 4 10 win most any game hut they came out again. REPUBLICAN. DEHOCRAT. of pure “ cussedues*.” The Evans house in Citpulna Blaoklriglon 3 Flange Brim Soft Hats. E. O. H EA LD , 85 Limerock Street. 17th from Buenos Ayers. Augusta, Gardiner al Bath; Saturday, Bath at association w ill be organised in a few weeks For Alderman, 24 lbs, good Kloe, 1.00 Good Smoking aud Chewing Lewiston, Kockland at Gardiner. and this means an exhibition ia the Fall. ARTHUR A. BLACKINGTON, We have all these hate in Thia Op port unity Should N ot Ua JLoal. .26 Tohauoo per lb., A Franklin county pastor used to work in Old County Road. Tbe game with Lewiston 'Thursday night The world is filled with bufferiug people Nice Pop Corn, 4 lbs. for .26 the woods and on the drive when he was browns and Blacks and we war For Common Councilmen, will be well worth seeing. The Rocklands a who cau’t seem to get well or find out what Mixed Nuts 2 lbs. for .26 young mao, aud makes h it experience In have been playing iu hard luck of late and rant them to be the very latest tbeir trouble is. Such people ofteutimes can ODBURY M. W ITHAM, 316 Limerock St. those days a part o f an iotercsiiog lecture Also Pillsbury Best, Maguiflc.nl and it is about lime it changed for it cannot last uot afford the time or expense of a trip to the J O N A T H A N S. G A R D N E R , which he s'y lea “ From the lumber camp to forever. The Lcwistons want to win because stales in headwear for gentlemen city, or the large fees charged by the best Noiman K. Flours at bottom prices. tbe pulpit.” West Meadow Road. they think they have a chance of getting into physicians. It is for just these people that th FREDA. BLACKINGTON, hist place. Set. Carrie Strong, Strong, arrived at Bar- Giccue, of 34 Temple Place, Boston, Mass., West Meadow Road. badoes Feb. 8lb from New York. who is without doubt the most successful spec Tbe bicycle teason is coming on apace aud GIVE USA CALL Sailed from Buenos Ayres Feb. 17, barque ialisl in curiog diseases, makes the following For Warden, every indication points to a season that will Fernald, Annie Reed, Welt, for Rosario aud Kw offer. H e iuvites you all to write him about eclipse all others. J. F. Grcg< ry & Son an­ J O H N W. TURNER, Bog Road. Janeiro. your complaints, tel) him bow you fee), and nounce their annual opening o f their'bicycle For Ward Clerk, he will aoswer your letter of charge, ex­ department for today and tomorrow and they John H. McGrath plain mg the meaning of every symptom, tell CHARLES E. BURPEE, Maverick Street. in v ie all their friends to visit their stoie and FOR 8AL e. Blethen & Co. log just what your trouble is and how to get 80 SEA STREET, inspect the variety of wheels aud bicycle A aoh«x»»Mir*H M UuMbf, M w h o ; b olu 84 fo o t, W. F. TIBBETTS, City Clerk. fool 41K ft O.ff.Xdfi Loaoh, 4811. Addroaa cured. W rite him immediately, it wdl doiXt auudiies they have. wuftatll n i84-M. Boa 81, jCdgAiiowu, Maae. 7 ROCKLAND. Usa reauU in your cure- Q THK ROCKLAND COUKIER-GAZETTB: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 18d 7

Gay and Jacob Gcntbner; Pound Keeper, LOCAL POLITICS Samuel Payson; Tythingmen, John C. Robin­ . . . STATEMENTS OF* . . . EARLY HISTIM OF CUSHING son, W illiam Young; Sealer of Weights and Republican* and Democrats Hold Csuonses and Measures, Edward Kilieran; Ministerial Com­ S t r n K i/Z e r mi tec, Edward K ilieran, Haunce Robinson Make Romlnitiom Adam Wiley. (PERRY DAVIS'.) It was voted to raise $180 to defray town nErnHSBMTHD JBTT A Sure and Safe Remedy In The Republican caucus for the purpose of Political and Municipal Ooings charges, >240 for the support of schools, $400 nominating a canrfi ate for miyor and elect* for the re p jir of highways. It was voted not every case and every kind in p a city commi ice wx« h e ll W edneiday of Our Forefathers, to raise any more money f »r the support of of Bowel Complaint la evening in city halt. the gospel. Thurston W h itirg received 37 COCHRAN, BAKER & CROSS, The meeting was called to otd*r by R . R. voles for county treasurer. Ulmer, chairman of ’he city committee, and Moses Robinson was drawn as ^rand juror, 13KTL1T.Y DL.O CK, MA.IIV «T., RO CTiEA 7VI>. he tailed upon C. M . Walker to preside as Maine Blrorerd From MassHclinseUs and George Y rang as petit juror to attend the permanent chairman. Court of Common Pleas at Wiscasset on the Risks are taken at this Agency on all Insurable Property at as Reasonable Rates ranrKiMcr O iver L H all w ai chosen #ecre ary. C hain —Cashing’* Vote Arrived Too Laie fourth Monday of April at a draft held at the This Is a true statement and man W alker read the call and asked for notn« and Whb i'onnted Ont—First Liquor houte of Andrew Robinson, Monday, April 9 as can be effected in any Reliable Agency. Thomas Jameson was diawn Situ.day, May 5, It can’t be made too strong {nation# f«*r mayor. W . S. White arose and in a few brief License Granted - I’ll* Stale and ihe to serve as traverse jur« r at the Supreme ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID AT THIS AGENCY. or too emphatic. remark# presented the name of A. W . Butler Chare h. Judicial Court at Wiscasset on the third Tues­ and moved that there being no objection# day of May. Saturday, August 18, Edward Abstract o f Ihe Annual at dement of fire HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE OO., Btatem entof the I t Is a simple, safe and qnlek the nomination be m ale by acclamation. The K i b ran was ch>>Scn traverse Juror to serve at JETNA INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. PHCENIX INSURANCE CO., cure for nomination was seconded by severa* th e C o u ito f Common Picas at Topsham, on the fourth Monday of August. The last draft HARTFORD, CONN., Incorporated .May, l#10. HARTFORD, CONN. persons and there being no other candi­ XVI. Orsunpa, Cough, Rheumatism, date the nomination of Mr. Butler was made for the year was held Saturday, October 6, On the 31st day o f December, 1896, mftde to the Commenced Business, August, 1310. On the 1st day ol January, 1897. G eor ge L . C h a s e , Pres. P. O . R o t c e , Bee. unanimou*. W . O. Fu'ler Jr., A. S. Littlcfi-Id 1820. In our last article reference w#s when Andrew Robinson was drawn to serve State of Maine. The oapltal stock of ihe Company, whloh Is all Oolio, Colds, Neuralgia, Incorporated 1819. OommeBoed business 1819 Capital paid d d In cash. $1,250 000.00 pa d In. Is $2 < 00 000.00. and M . S Bird was appointed a committee to ma le lo the election of Edward Kilieran ns as grand juror at the Supreme Judicial Court Assets, December 31, 1890 Diarrhosa, Croup, Toothaoha W m . B. C l a r k , Pres W . I I. K iw o , Bee. The Assets of the Company aro as follows: find the nominee and escort him to the hall. a delegate to the C nveniion held at Port­ held at Wiscasset « n the third Tuesday of O c­ Real estate owned by ths company, Oifth on hand, In bank, and w ith Capital paid up In cssh $4,000,000.00 Two sizes, 25e. and 60c. Mr. Butler was introduced as “ our next land to frame a Constitution for the new tober. unincumbered...... $469,676 00 agents...... $701,709 81 state of Maine which had previously been A t a special meeting held Monday, Septem­ Assets, December 81, 1890 Loans on bond and mortgage (flrar Bta-e stocks and bonds...... 28 750 00 mayor,” aod with a few choice words thanked Real Kst Ue owned by the oompa iy liens)...... 1,876,600 00 ber 10 Edward Kideran was chosen moder­ H an ford bank sto c k s...... 600 00 Keep It by you. Beware of the convention and accepted the honor con- under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and unincumbered-... $226,000 00 Blocks and bonds owned by the com­ Miscellaneous bank stocks...... 400 259 00 ferred upjn him. known as the District of Maine. The dele­ ator. It was voted to pay $1 per day for Loans on bonds and irtgxges (first pany, m arket value...... 6.049,207 00 Corporation and railroad stocks and 2 481 225 00 Imitations. Buy only the gates assembled at the Court House, Portland, each man working on the highway, and 75 liens)...... 30.600 00 Tx'ans speared by tollaterals...... 10,800 00 County, city and wnter b o n d s .... 350 887 60 Chairman W alker appointed a committee Cash In tli company's principal office Genuine— Perry Davis’. cen s per day for the use of a plow, 33 cents Stocks a d bonds owned by the o m- Real estate...... 498 906 04 consisting « f A. J. Bird, Frank A. Peterson, Monday, October II, 1819, and continued in psny, market vnun ...... 9 819 684 60 and In ba k i. aod e«-h Items . . . . 991 914 44 Loa son collateral...... 31 200 00 E. B. Me Kllister, F. A. Winslow, M . A. session until Friday, January 7, 1820, when for a cart, and 50 cents for a yoke of oven. Loans scoured by collater.tls,...... 6.000 00 He is and accm. d I te re it...... 20 027 40 Loans on real ...... 188 306 91 Johnson, E. S. Earwell and Arthur Blacking- the Convention sojourned without day. The foil iwing article "to see if the town Cash In the Company's principal Premiums In due courseof collection 1.091,613 65 Accumulated interest and routs...... 32 341 66 The whole number of votes legally and w ill so locate the third school district that all office and In bank...... 789.873 02 ton to retire and select a city committee. Inletest duo and accrued...... 826 96 Total cash $5 320,206 42 seasonably returned was 9837, of which 9040 lands belonging to each inhabitant from W il­ thecon patiy at lh«-lr actual va'ue $10,00 4 097 66 Choice was made of A. D. Bird of Ward I, Premiums In due oourseof oollecllon, 666,798 13 L I bl Hies. N . T . Farwell of Ward J and E. A. Jones of were in favor of the Constitution and 796 liam W iley’s notherly line to Edward and Liabilities, Detem ber 81, 1890- Gash capital...... $2.000 000 00 AN Ward 6. were opposed. The whole number of votes Bartholomew Killeran's northerly line may Aggregate o f all the admitted Assets N ct amount of unpaid losses and Kesurve lor outstand lug Iobk 392 412 39 returned were 10,899, of which 10,025 were be the boundary lines thereof agreeable to a of the comomy nt their actual o ln lm s ...... $624,048 66 Reserve for re-lnsura 2 197,841 40 The caucus then adj jurned. va lu e...... *...... $11,431,184 21 N et s u iplu s...... 730,611 67 in favor of the Constitution, and 873 were plan of the same," was dismissed from the Amount required to safely re-lnsure OPEN Liabilities, December 31, 1890. all outstanding risks...... 4,894 4^6 84 opposed. The vote of Cushing was rejected warrant without debate. Total assets...... A ll the wards but W ard 7 held caucuses N et amount of unpaid losses and All other domands against the com­ SECRET Thursday evening in the several ward rooms. by the Convention as it was not returned A t the state election held on the second ...... $341,006 94 pany, viz : commissions, eta...... 71,250 00 until after January 1, 1820. Eighteen votes Monday of September, the following candi­ Amount required to safely re insure In ward 3 there was a contest. W .C . French Totsl amount of llabliltles, except was renominated t»y acclamation f jr the were cast in favor of the Constitution, and dates weie voted for: For Governor, Joshua all nntstandlng risks...... 3,077,865 41 Condemed Statement ol the I t Is an open seorel that there is a All other demands against the com capitul stick and net sur 975 07 J . D . B r o w n e , President The same ward committee that served last tion from their lespective towns. Previous to K U. Coohran. J. R. Baker. O C. Cross and In bunk, 123,439 17 Interest due and accrued, 5,889 59 C h a r l e s R . B u r t , Beoretary. year were chosen to serve for the coming ihe admission of Maine into the Union, Cush­ Fire, Life & Aceldent Insurance. I nt »• rent and rents due and accrued, 14.250 08 Premiums iu due course o f collection, 253 938 o7 Premiums In dun bourse of coll-ctlon, 272,470 38 Aggreg »te of ull th>* ad nllted assets o f ------— - L , W . C l a r k e , Ass’t Becretary. year. ing was annually entitled to one Representa­ The Oldest Insurance Agenoy In Maine. Aggregate o f all the admitted assets of —-— —— — the oumpauy at their actual valde, $2,350,058 98 the company at their uctual value, $2,400,005 03 w a r d 4. tive to (he General Court of Massachusetts. IOS MAIN HTRFKT. - - ROCKLAND LI ABILITIES DKOBMBERSI, 1890 But with the framing of the Constitution, LIABILITIES, DEC 31, 1896. Net amount unpild losses and claims, $160,330 80 UNION INSURANCE CO. Alderman— B. R. Andros. Cushing was classed with the towns o f Friend­ HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Netam ouutof unpaid losses and cl dins, $147,138 52 Am ount required to Mif -ly re-lnsure Councilmen— Fiank A. Winslow, Herbert ship and St. George as a Representative D is­ Amount required to safely re-lnsuro all all outstanding risks, 802,498 27 OF PHILADELPHIA W. Thorndike, Emery R. Thomas OF NKW YORK. N. Y. ouisnndlng risks, 1,236,074 89 A l oth r dem mds attains! the com­ Incorporated 1804 trict which was entitled to one Representa­ A ll oiher di in uids against the company, pany, viz; commissions, etc., 34.614 20 Warden—Franklin L Cummings. tive to the Legislature. This year the St. Incorporated In 1863 v is : eemm salons, etc, 106,117 33 Total amount of liabilities, except ------Chas B Ilo'llnshea I Pres K III)innola, See Ward Clerk— John W. Thomas. George candidate, Joel M iller, was elected. Amount at risk, $831,110,017.00 Total am .uut of lla'diltl* s, except cap------capital stock and net surplus, 0->7.34.> 39 Capital $200,000 00 Assets, $642.1*27.90 Ward Committee— Frank B. Miller, E. K. CASH ASSETS, DEC. 81, 1800 ItalstoOK and net surplus. $1,487,930 74 Surplus beyond capital, 1,309 309 69 Losses paid sluoe orglnlzatlou, $ 7,082,147 00 Green, Rose and Kilieran were elected Sena­ Capital actually p dd up lu oasb, 60 ',000 00 Gould and Charles M. Titus. Aggregate amount of liabilities, In------Statement, January 1, 1897 tors from Lincoln county. Real estate owned by the oompany, c-urtdus be\O' et surplus, $2,400,096 03 stooks, market valne, $368,385 50 place as the above election, Edward K ilieran liens) 423,780 71 NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO. Pre in mini in course u f col lection.Inter­ Alderman— M. A. Johnson. was chosen moderator. It was voted to allow Stocks and bonds owned by the com­ est due company, aud cash In banks Councilmen—George B. Allen, John R. $1.00 per day for labor on the highw«y until pany, m a'ket value, 7,041,002 31 O F L O N D O N and office, 84,542 40 Loans on stocks, payable on demand, 183,100 00 HAMBURG BREMEN FIRE IN­ F lr it ra >rig >gos on city property and de- Frohock, George W Fernald. Iuly 20, and thereafter at the rate of 85 cents. Incorporated In 1810 Csah In the company's principal offloo SURANCE CO. Am ount at risk, $174,938,104.00 m md loans with collateral lecurltv. 29,200 00 Optician. Warden— G. H . Clifford. Also voted to allow 50 cents for a yoke of and In bank 800.032 80 Real estate uulucumbured, owned by CASH ASSETS, DEO. 81, 1890 Ward Clerk— R. E. Cole. oxen per day, 75 cents for a plough and 33 Interest duo and accrued, 65,678 34 OR HAUBUKU, GERMANY. the company, 16'000 00 Real estate owned by the com pany,un- The aldermen and councilmen were chosen Prem ium s in due course of collection, 602,800 70 Incorporated In 1864 Commenced business In 1864 cents for a cart. Edward Kilieran, Andrew lueum burel. $ 115,000 00 T otal assets, $642,127 90 as the ward committee. K. O A rrK LD , (I. C. B uohbnberukk , Managers Block and bonds owned by the com­ Office: Spear Block, cornet Robinson and Haunce Robinson were ap­ $10,302,224 89 LIABILITIES pointed a ministerial cumratttee. David Stin­ LIABILITIES, DEC. 81, 1890 Capital Paid Up in O .ah $300,000.00 pany, market value. 1,684,48000 Main and Park 8treets. w a r d 6. Cash iu th < company’s principal offloo Reserve for re-lnsuraoou and other son, the sole candidate for county treasurer, N et amount unpaid oases and claims, $404,377 07 ASaKTS DECEMBKR 31, 1890 liubi lues. $243,345 6$ Reserved for re-in»uranoe, 4,'280.827 00 uud In bank, 88,033 13 ROCKLAND. Alderman— Esten W. Porter. received 35 votes. It was voted that the Btooks and bonds owned by the com­ Interest due and acorued. 3,850 00 Reserve for losses under adjustment Commissions and oiher demands pany. m aiket value, $1,303,600 00 and not yet due, 7 $1,009,172 11 Warden— I. A . Joues. Voted to accept the road as laid out by the est Hue and accrued, l,O*<0 00 Surplus as to policy holders, 845,131 07 Capiisl paid up In cash, 8,000,000 00 I Bier Lk«AILlTIES Ward Clerk—John N. Ingraham. selectmen from Elijah Norton's land at the Surplus beyond capital, 2,340 208 71 Premiums in due course of collection, 127.914 79 N et amount o f unpaid h i«jsaud claims, $ 83,715 78 Oksana made io oorreot all errors of refraction. Aggregate of all tho admitted assets o f ——— $442,127 90 Over three hundred references In Rockland and The aldermen and councilmen were chosen town road crossing Montgomery's field and Reserved for re insurance, 1,016,220 92 the sump .ny at their actual value, $1,493,890 80 CommlsJou and other demands against vtotnlty. to act as ward committee. W illiam Wiley's pasture to Adam W iley's COMMERCIAL UNION ASSUR­ Office open day and evening. 19 LIAHILITIK# DECEMBER 31, 1890 the oumpauy. 04,700 61 line at the town road The courses and dis­ ANCE COMPANY. All llabililtcs, exoept oaplial stook aud — —— ----- w a r d 7. Net amount unpaid 1 tases aud cl dots, $04/«06 00 PHENIX INSURANCE COM’Y tances ot the old road were as follows: South Amouut required to aufely re in sure [LIMITED] Alderman—A. A. Blackington. 42 deg. west, 24 rods; thence south 18 deg. all outsta ding risks, 798,010 68 OF BROOKLYN, NKW YORK. Councilmen—William Witham, Fred E. west, 37 rods; (hence north 70 deg. west, 58 OF LONDON, KNO. All other demands against the com- Incorpoiated In 1853 Comm meed busluese In 1863 p in y, v iz; oemiulsalons. ate , 23,680 02 Quo P . o iib l d o m , President Blackington and Jonathan Gardner. rods. Total, 179 rods. The new road as Total utnount of liabilities, except ------Becretary, CHARLES O LlTTLB Warden— John W. Turner. laid out by the selectmen was 137 rods in ou|>(iai stock and uet surplus, 88 >.d70 30 United States Branch Capital Paid U p In Cash $1,000,000.90 length, a diffren ce of 42 rods in lavor o f the Charles dewall, Manager Surplus beyoud c pllaJ, 0 >7,720 50 Ward C lerk— Charles E. Burpee. A 11 W ray, Aast Manager ASSETS DBOB SBKB 31, 1890 new route, the courses and distances being W ard Committee— Same as last year AMBKTS, DEC. 31, 1896 PALATINE INSURANCE CO. Real estate owned by the company, Cold Weather Is north 45 deg. east, 92 rods; and north 53 Real estate owned by company, unln- [LIMITBDI unlncumb red, $611,000 00 For Over Fifty Years deg. ca»i.45 r°d». Loans on boud and mortgage (first cu inher'd, $918,803 0$ Uultod States Branch MANGUEBPER, UNO. llwis), 116.800 00 In the Presidential election of 1820 held Slock* an 1 bonds owned by the eom- W it h U s M a t. W in s l o w 's S oot hi no S t r u t has been William Wood, Munagor, 21 Nassau Bt., New York Stock* aud bonds owned by the oom- Monday, November 6, Samuel Tucker re­ puny, markoi value, 1,688 777 60 paov, market valu**, 3,848,334 00 used tor over fifty years by tnl lions of ROYAL INSURANCE CO. ASSETS, DEC 31. 1890 ceived 19 votes for Presidential elector f r Cash I • the company's principal office Cush in the cnmpauy's principal office mothers for their childr n while teething aud in hank, And the material ^where- the third Eastern C ragretiiooal District. OF LIVERPOOL, ENO. Stocks and bonds owued by the' com­ and iu hank, 414,"39 66 w ith perfect success. I t soothes the child, Interes' due and accrued, pany, in »rket v due. $2,082,413 00 Inlerebl due and accrued, 19,939 83 with to keep the house aud softens the gurus, allays all pain, cures M ark L. H ill received the same number of Premiums In due ourae o f collection, Bcull A Field, Managers O»sh Is olli e uud lu b iu lt, 3'9 81 96 Premiums In due course of colleo.lon, 667 491 20 wind colic, aud is the best remedy fo r votes for Representative to Congress for the O th -r assets E B Cowles, Ass't Manager Prumlu n» In due o >ur-o o f collection, 309,73d 76 luA alinie it notes, 168,477 07 Aggregate of all the admitted assets yourself warm is most es- Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little same district. ASSETS, DEC. 31, 1890 Orego ■ deposit: Port a id, Ore., bauk Relnsurunou due from other Co *e ou sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists iu of the company at their aoi ual value, $3,417,710 34 Red estate owned by the company, un­ oenlilcati'S, 60,000 00 losses paid. 11.09490 At a jury draft held Thursday, January 6, Aggregate o f all tho admitted ass ts o f ------aenlial. . . . . every part of the world. Twenly-ttve c*nts LIABILITIES, DEG. 31, 1890 incumbered. $1,767,160 24 Aggregate of ull the adm itted " S i e ls o f ------Andrew Robinson was drawn to serve as tue c juipauy al lh< lr .u l u H value, $2,831,544 71 the comp iuy al their actual value), $6 736,926 88 a bottle. Be sure aud ask for "Mrs. Wins­ N e t amount of unpaid lusse- and c aim -, $223,130 10 Stook-aud bonds owned by the com­ low's Soothing Syrup," aud take no other petit juror at (be Court <-f Common Pleas at A m rant r ash lu company's prlnolpal office aud CO AL hind Warren on the second Monday of the m onth; DUlsiaudluif r sk a, 1,891,46842 Net amount of unp d l losses and claims, $259,085 01 N et amount unpaid losses aud ciilm s, $218,342 40 and on Saturday, April 15. James Malcolm A b other d. manna »g dual the oompaoy, luban«. 424.2o$U Amount rrqmrud toSifely re-lnsure all Amount require * to aufely re-iusuiu F u r n a c e . Ini- re«t dun and accrued, 8,760 oo o u taim dlnr rls is , 1,657 281 38 was drawn to attend the April term holden at vis * coiumlsMi ms elo, 140,209 99 ull ..utbiauduig risks, 3,397,916 61 W hy is it that 50 per cent more widowers Tvtulum u I ol llabl’ lies excep cap- — — rernlums lu due course of collection, 734,684 05 AH otb<-r dumsuds agilost the com­ All other demands ug Inst the oom- than widows get married in Maine? Let Wiscasset on the fourth Monday o f the It il Block md m l surplus, $2 2*>4,“72 61 Loau« ou bouds aud mortguges, aud pany. viz: co 'im l-blu.li, «io. 105,790 b8 pttuy, v is . commissions, etc., 181,880 01 accrued Interval, 280.108 33 W O O D by the Cord or Foot, those answer who can. month. Th e third draft hi Id Saturday, Capital so u *! > paid up lu ca«h. 1 l62 837 82 Total am >uut« of liabilities, except cap­ T otal uinouui of liabilities, e x c e p t ------— A . giegate umouul of liabilities Includ­ O th .r properly, IT.720 79 ital stuck and uut surplus, 1,921,113 87 cupllai slock and net *>u>plus, 8.795,164 06 August 19, resulted in (he choice of Cornelius Avgregatu of all the admitted assets o f ------Sawed and Split or Whole. ing net aurp ua, $3,417,710 34 Burplus beyoud capital, 929.4:6 84 Capital sciualh p ud Up lu cusb, 1,000,* 0d 00 Davis to attend the Court of Common Picas the oom pa .y at th d r actual value, $7,181,811 02 Surplus beyond oapilal, 941,768 60 at Topsbara on the fourth Monday of August. QUINCY MUTUAL EIRE INS.CO. LIABILITIES Aggiegate umouul of liabilities in------— —— H A Y , Grain and Feed for] the Mouday, Srp'em ber 18, E l ward K ilieran Net amount o f unpaid losses and claims. $457,612 43 Forty ninth Aunual Statement U B. Branch eluding uet surplus, $6,736,9.6 66 was ebused graud juror and Adam W iley O F Q U IX C Y , M Add. iiouuui rcquir d to safely re lusure all LIVERPOOL &, LONDON A Horses . . • ouislMU'll'.g risks, 4,819,321 67 petit juror to attend the Supreme Judicial Incorporated and commenced business In 1351 All older d'-mu d-ugidut-l lbs company, GLOBE INS. CO. Court at WLcasset on the fourth Mouday ol C ;ras A Rowland, PrvE W illi*m U Kay, dec vis . c- rnmisid u-, etc, 340 070 31 SPIIINGFIELD FIRE AND MA­ September. The last d aft for the year was Total amount of labilities, exoept cap------UVKttl'OOL. KSO. m»nd« owued by the com­ Loan - ou boud and mortgage (first The annual towu meeting held at the Broad LIABILITIES. DEO 31, 1896. CASU AgSKTS. DEO. 81, 1840 pany. market vsm •, 2,16S.A7$ 00 ileus), 644,069 00 Blocks uud bouds owued by ths com- Cove schoolhouse. Monday, April 9, and Real estate owned by the company, Loaus *eoure i bv collaterals 14,589 01 made choice of the following tfficeis: Mod­ Gaab in th t company's prlucipal office pau<, m irk . I Value. 2.776.261 00 uulucumbrrcd, g n o 034 70 Loans Secured by collaterals, 64,700 00 P eter Kennedy & Co., rtiu iiu. Slu.1 u<.ai» m Bids rvctlv bie, 2,444 00 aud bauk, 840,101 62 erator, Edward Killerau; Clerk, Andrew Rob­ Cash lu thecompauy'aprlacjpsloffice Blocks au I bonds owned by the com ­ lulereal due and “CCrijud. 81.757 14 inson; beicctmcu, Edward Killerau, Hiuuce a |< other d-*2 Robinson and Adam W iley; Assessors, Bar­ Cash In ib<*cotupiuj'spriuctpal office Positively cured by these durplu* over all llabid es, 337,(41 30 Aggregate of all the admitted asset* Premiums lo dus coura>-of collection, 272 469 17 tholomew K ilieran, Moses Robinson and audlubiuk, 80.48100 Agarugate of all lh -'a d m ltt'd assets o f - ■ - Interest due uud accrued, freutej 2 75' 6'J of the compAuy at lOeir octu ti Value,$9,319,546 33 Little Pills. Darius Norton; Treasurer, Edward Kilieran; the compauy at iheir actual v Hue, $4,196,374 76 __- Orders m ay 0e * * W . d. ' White's NATIONAL EIRE INS. CO. Premiums lu due course of uollecllou, 160.144 -'*8 LIABILITIES Collector o f Taxes, Haunce Robiu»on, and I Ua»a »uw»i, ovor Bar lags Bank. ’fhey also relieve Distress front Dyspepsia, OF IIAR1KORD, CONN. N et amount of uupdd loas-s aud claims $510,707 91 L1AB1UT1KS DKCkMUEM 31, 1896 v ted four cent* on the dollar for collecing; $1,827,087 25 am ouut required o sofoiy re lusure all Net amouut uupaid o«M-a l claims, $156,960 87 Indigestion and Too Hearty Dating. A per- Constable, Haunce Robinson; Fence Viewers, LIABILITIES DEC. 81. 1890 outstanding rl»ks, 8,924,272 69 Amount required l» s.fsly je lurUis I lect remedy for Duiincss, Nausea, Drowsi­ John Montgomery, M«»s«# Robinam aud Net amount uup dd motes aud claims, $67,771 73 A ll other d m uuls against the company, a 1 outstanding re k s l,5u9,456 96 dlaleinent, January 1, 1897 Reserved for re lu<*uraucu, 893.727 90 viz. commissions, etc., 891,104 40 All oth r deiua ds against iho com­ ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Cos tod Tongue Samuel P*ysou; Field Drivers, Jacob Hyler, CapUal stock, ad eaah. $1,000,000 00 Gomml«o*l‘»u< aud other demauds pany, v iz; cuuim l-slo"s. etc . 64,631 88 Fain In the Side, TO R PID LIVER. They George McIntyre aud Moses Rivers; Hog Kuuda r aeiv d to meet ad daldlille*: agaiusl ihe oomnauy, 11,397 07 Total amouut of liabilities, exuepl capl- Total amount of Ilabllitl. s, except ----- Reeves, C •melius D ivrs, Samuel Payton and Re luaurancv rer#>v«*, lesal standard, 1 tto0.V9‘» 03 A ll i i ‘bHiih's, except capital stock csplial stock and net aurp us. 1,71“ 9*4 M Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Capital a*-lua paid up iu cash, 1,50“ 0 *1 00 OABTOIIIA- H rn ry U ) l: r ; Road Surveyors, Jacob Hyler, Uuaeiiled io-sc# and U ie rc la m -. 275 890 18 aud uet surplu-, 882.H97 30 N et aurplua overcaphal and liabilities 1,037 640 14 Burpms beyoud capital, 941 789 89 Burp us beyond capital, 885.439 09 Small Pill. Small Doee. Haunce Robinson, Andrew Robinson, J jbo Aggregate uuouol of UablllUss, limJud- Aggregate amount of llaUIUlss lo- —— - — —— Small Prloe. | Scavcy,George Youog,Chas. Robinson, Eleaxer T o ta l saeeTs, Jaauary 1st, 1897, $4,129 400 89 $1,027,007 *26 lug uut surplus. eluding uet surplus, $4,196.374 16