T he Courier-Gazette. nriL' AHR A FEAR ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBHU ltY V o i. um k 5 2 . TWO IN AbVAHUE. 2 3 1 8 9 7 . Mistered aa Nerond Flaaa Mali Matter. CMuKll K Clio Ooririer-O-nsBotte O o o m F< ou-rilrirTy I n t o IV Ioi-o JU'a.m iliers in JBCxiox Oonnt.y Than Any Other I’nper I inilied Pettengill, of the Baptist church of East Jeffer­ son. On Thursday services were held in the morning, afternoon and evening. The morn­ ing services commenced at 10.30 o'clock. The sermon, and it was one o f deep thought as well as a scholarly effort, was preached by teeth Rev. T . P. Gale, pastor of the ( ongregational Newsy Events Picked Up From All church at Union. The dedicatory sermon was delivered at the afternoon services, which Quarters of the City. commenced at 2 o’clock, by Rev. Charles A. Plumer, of Thomaston, Chaplain of the Maine state prison. The sermon was repltte with eloquent thoughts and a brilliant future in Told In Plain, Unyarnlahed Lnngnuge 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT! building up God’s kingdom, for the church, So That No Tint i Be Lout In Head­ was predicted by the preacher. Ih e closing services in the evening were as interesting as ing—Of Inlereat lo All Who Lire or Owing to the fact that I buy my teeth and plate materials in large quanti­ the services which preceded with as large an llare Lived In Thia t’lfy—Nome Im­ &AKIH0 ties, thereby receiving a reduction, and as I have decided to establish a cash attendance. The sermon was delivered by Rev. D. B. Phelan, of the Waldoboro Metho­ portant, Others Not No Much So. basis, thus saving time and trouble in collecting bad bills, also as an extra in­ dist church, and tie congregation was given ducement to people out of town, and realizing the depression in business much food for thought by the many truths throughout the country, I have decided to put the price for the present, or until uttered. Three sleighs full of happy Grammar school POWDER further notice One of the delightful features of the occasion pupils went to South Hope, Wednesday after­ Absolutely Pure. was the music which was rendered by some of noon. W ashington’s best singtrs and one particu The county commissioners held a brief Celebrated for Ila great h-avenlnv strength and larty interesting feature was the rendering, by heal'hfuhiraa. Aa«ur> a Ibe food agdnat alum and nessi »n at the court house Tuesday and ad- 20 cts. on the Dollar Less than Usual a quartet, of an original hymn written for all firm* of adulter .lion common to tbe cheap j-jurnrd to March 16. brand*. the occasion by Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr., of ROYAL B HCltfO POWDB t GO., NKW YORK N ew Jersey. Mr. Oatman is the well known Max Antin, pawnbroker, has filed a peti­ Price on all our Artificial Teeth bsmn writer the singing of whose songs has tion to be admitted into insolvency and the lopas quartet: J. Francis MacNicol, first made glad many a troubled heart. The title firat meeting of the creditors w ill be held at of the piece is “ The C hurch Hom e,” and the March term of probate court. tenor; W . F. Tibl«etis, second tenor; E. F. and Plate Work. sung to the tune of •‘Sweet Hom e.” As Alexander Cummings, formerly of this city, Berry, firat bass; G. E Torrey, second bass. Following is tbe concert program; March, many interested in this new church were un­ but who has been master ol the almshouse in “ El Cap’tir ;“ rareuade, “ Ln Polonia,” male able to be present on this occasion we take Weymouth, Mass., for a number of years quarte ; “ Ih Bridge,” Lindsay; medley over­ pleasure of reproducing ihe words as follows: past, has bought the Keating Phinn house on NOW A WORD ABOUT OUR TEETH Llmerock street and will shortly move into it. ture, “ lolly N ig h t;’’ cornet solo, “ Three Star T oday we have fathered ell with one accord Polka, Miss Hewes; Cocoanut dance, Her­ Within thle new Temple to worehlp the Lord; Much pleasure is expressed that “ Sandy” and These are the best that can be procured in this country, or any other O eend ue thy aplrlt from Heaven’* b in dome bia family are again to take up their abode man; tenor solo, selected, M r. M acN icol) And m ay thia new Tem ple bo ever thy heme. country, regardless of price, and my 9 years of practice in Knox County, and here. overture, “Morning, Noon and Night;” waltz, “ Passing Fancies,” K laus; clarinet the thousands of sets made by me for people is ample proof of my ability to do cnoRua. Otis M. Hatch of this city has gone to H em e, heme, aweet. aweet home. solo, serenade end polonaise, M r. Beverage; work second to none. I keep on hand from 1 to 3000 of all the different O bleea precious Havlour thy People's church Portland where, with his father, he w ill do musical melange;male quartet,“ In Absence;” moulds and shades of the best teeth in the world. This is a great advantage home. the cabin w.irk on tbe new steamer to lx polka, “La Coquette,” Conterno; march, built for the Portland At Harpswell line to re over many dentists who only keep a few teeth on hand, therefore being obliged U ow Iona we have labored w ith tenderest oare “ Nicodemus," Harding. The boy it being K s place the Merryconeag. The Messrs. Hatch to put in just what they have regardless of artistic appearance. To build fur the If eater thia Temple of prayer, educated by the Epworth League and the T h o ' eomo of thy Servant* from hare far ipay have no superiors in this line of joiner work, progress made by him is ample reward for I shall always try to merit the high standard in the future which I have roam a fact that must have been fully appreciated PEOPLE’S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. WASHINGTON, MAINE. O let not thy aplrlt depart from thia home. the work being done in his behalf, lie is at held in the past for good work by the Portland builders. They w ill be the Kindergarten f ir tbe Blind at Jamaica * C'HOKUS about six months. sented by the ladies were purchased of J. L. Plains, Mass. The lad became blind boob Burns, a Washington merchant, are of excel- Like some mighty river that ooeanward roll*, Belfast A g e : The Belfast Band has been alter his birth and he is now eleven years ARE STILL IN THE RUSH! Hera may thy salvation engulf many aoule; engaged to furnish music for the concert in le it quality and handsome design. May thy H oly Spirit apeak tenderly "com a.” old. H e Is very blight and is making rapid ’ Thousands of bad teeth and roots being extracted without pain by our In the center ol the auditoriam is suspended A nd reeling In Jaaua, here souls And their connection with the Grand Ball which will be progress in his studies An operation will Local Anesthetic simply applied to the tooth or gums. a handsome chandelir presented by Abraham given in Rockland, Thursday evening, March soon lie peifotmed and his friends are not Ripley, of Boston, a former resident of Wash­ 4th, by Keyes Division, Uniformed Rank, without hope of his obtaining tight. Do ington, and who always reserves a warm place Knights of Pythiaa. Sanborn’s orchestra of what you can to help him. -— saw SURE, PAINLESS. *wa For “ Th ey that are planted lu thia thine abode this city will furnish music for the ball, which An Ideal Place of Worship for the in his heart for hiS" old home Shall flourish for aye In the Court* of our The Nickerson Comedy Co. military band Tbe windows are a feature of the building. G o d ;“ the Knights are planning to have as the 20,000 testify to its merits. Endorsed by leading physicians. For those From hare may the heart* of thy people ne'er and concert orchestra 20 people— open a People of this Village. They are of English cathedral leaded glass social eyent of the season in that city. Bel who prefer we would say we have fresh Gas and Ether daily at our office. roam fast Division, No. 2, Uniformed Rank are week’s engagement at Farewell Opera House, and are memorial in character. The dona­ Until in thy manehne thoy And a now home. busily engaged each evening in rehearsals for Monday evening Feb. 22. Popular prices All branchos of modern dmtisiry executed with care. Gold Crowns and tions were as follows :gMrs. T . S. Bowden, in CHORDS will prevail, to, 20, 30c. The Bangor News Bridge Work, Teeth without Plates, Filling and Preserving the Natural Teeth memory o f her parents, Rev. and Mrs W ar­ the above event, when they are to give the There were many visitors from out o f town speak* ol the company as follows: Edifice was Dedicated With Appropriate ren W. Davis; the Woman’s Christiain Tem­ exhibition drill. It is expected that there Without Pain, a Specialty. to whom the hospitalities of the town were The Nickerson Comedy Company gave perance Union of Washington; Iiaac J. w ill be a large attendance at the ball from Service# Last Week—Expense Was extended and those who ever had the pleasure the opening performance ol a week’s en­ Johnston, in memory of his father, Thomas thia city and it is hoped that excursion rates of being entertained by Washington people gagement in the Bangor Op* ra House, PEOPLE AT A DISTANCE Paid By Public Contributions—Dearlp- Johnston; James L.
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