h m r -A :-^ -r-jI■"■ j - ■-,-:;'4'U -■’■-■ ■'•l . : b '- .'•-5-.I- VOLUME XXIV;, 2 2 PLYMOUTH, MICH., FRIDAY. FEBHUAliV THERE ARE MANA’ THINGS TO BE Xocal dorresponbcnce A number from thi% locality attended THE PUBUC PRONOUNCE BOUGHT IN MARCH w e s t Pl y m o u t h . the Helping Hand socie^ at John Hix’s in Plymouth Wednesday. For in^nce—Gold Cream. (Camphor Ice, ^Toilet Plymouth Grange will hold an all day meeting in I. O. O. F. hall next ^ u rs- John Fulton is quite a little better at CreaiTts and Skin Foods. F vorything you neled can day. The third and fourth degrees will this writing. A. D. S. Preparations be found at ray Drug Store. ^ be conferred upon a number of candi­ Philip Dingledey is busy drawing ice dates in the forenoon. Then an excel­ from Sheldon. GET THAT COLD OUT of YOUR SYSTEM lent dinner will be served by> the com­ Mrs. J . H. F o u rty entertained Mrs. the Best on the mai'ket, 'We carry a ' j mittee’and the business meeting wall be Sarah Fogarty ^ursday. <‘omplete line of them. - Penslai' Laxative*Cold Breakers will do the trick. held in the afternoon. tn our items last week we neglected NEWBURG. to mention the slelghride party of the A. D. S. White Pine Expec- ' ARE YOU R.UN DOWN? pupils of District No. 7 to the home of August Qottschalk has sold his farm their teacher, Miss Carrie Merritt, on to Detroit parties and will give po^es- torant vydth Are 3.U tired out Saturday n ight.J. C. 0%ryanand sion next month. ' Owing to the extremely cold weather Albert Ebersole took the loads and ev­ is a premium remedy for chughs and colde; Hot Water BotUee from TSc to $2.00. ery ene had the very nicest kind of a last Sunday there were few in ^ attend­ time. ance. However, those who' were there Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Becker had a sur­ appreciated the discourse. Rev. Castqr PRICE, 25c. PER BOTTLE. prise visit Tuesday from their son Voyie wiU continue the talk to men next Sab­ JONES, The Druggist and his brother-in-law, Will Buell, of bath being “Economy.” Tyrone, Mich. ^ The church stewaMs are planning a 'Phone No. 234 Mrs. Lydia Lucas is on the sick list. dinner to be at the hall Feb. 22. Lo\>k Clarence Ebersole, Charlie Luoas, for the notice ip next week’s edition. lelen O’Bryan, Wilber Ebersole, Floyd The G. A. R. and W. R. G. will held Pinckney’s Pharmacy Lucas and Lyman O’Bryan earned a their quarterly dinner at the reeidAnce half holiday la^t Friday, having been of Chauncey Bunyea in Plymouth next neither absent or tardy for the past week Tuesday. ___ We are glad to note that Mrs. Jesse month. Jew^Tis able io be up w und the bouse Do not forget the farmers’ institute again after her illness. Feb. 19tb and 30th. Several interest­ Miss Anna Youngs was on the sick ing State speakers have'1>een secured list last week. and the meeting will prove of great in j for Cows and Sheep, Faye Ryder was unable to attend ■i teresttoall. ' sehool the fore part of the week on ac­ Mrs. Nina Heeney is suffering with a count of a severe cold. severe ooM and was unable to teach ,Money in-Qu|t Mrs. N. Dean spent Thursday last Thureday and Friday. iiyt S14.00 per ton wtth Mrs. W. R. LeVan. Sedentary habits, lack ot outdoor ex- Now is the time to subscribe for The This hay was shipped in from our Clare ereiae, insalBeient nmetaeation of food, Mail. Call up 301 if you have any Elevator and is the lowest priced Feed oonstipatiop, a torpid liver, worry and items for The> Mail. anxiety, are the most oommon causes of The Gleaners will give a picnic din­ offered. Place yotir orders at once. It s to m a l tarouDles. Correct your habits and ^take Chamberlain’s Stomach and ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ADen wonT la^ long. Liver TaUeta and yon will soon be well Geer February 15th. Everyone invHed again. For sale by all dealers. to come and have a social tame. ;^4.00 per ton. MURRAY’S CORNERS. STARK. The aid society will have a dinner at Mr. Bi ll Mps. Harlow were Detroit D. MCLAREN CO. th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Geer, visitoi'o Wednesday. today. Hattio Hoisington spent last w e^ in Mrs. O. Westfall is on the sick list. Detroit visiting relatives and friends. Quite a number from this neighbor- Lust Sunday Peter Mastayli was hood attended the dance at Cherry Hill! dead in his shoe shop here. On last Friday night. seeing a light sitting on the counter at Miss Cora Shankland of Dixboro vis­ 9 o’clock Sunday morning, the cause r5 W E KNOW HOW T O ited her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Forshec, last was investigated the result as stat­ Fresh, wedr. ed. Mr. Schrader was notified and b u t f — - — , Miss Ellen Jackson received some se­ came and took charge of the body. The vere bruises as a result of a bad foil on funeral was held Wednesday afternoon the ioe in front of her house last week. We SnvitB “Commercial” accounts of individuahi, who wish aooom- from the Center- church. Rev. Caster modations, and of films and companies. Salt andi' Mr. and Mrs. S. W . Spioer were Yp- officiating. We aro not only ready to receive your money, but pleased to give you advioe silanti visitors Wednesday. Mrs. G. M. Dean was a Stark caller on any businees proposition. Come and see us vmen you want m o n ^ . Mrs. Eugene.Legg, who has been vis­ Monday. I«et OUR B4mk beJYOUR Bank. W e pay three per cent intenot. iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. George Hicks has rented Dr. Hol­ Sm oted Soper for the last ten days^ returned to comb’s form in Redford. her home in Detroit Monday. Don’t forget the old maids* conven* The Piumoyth URited s<ivHio$ Bank Capt. T. V. Quackenbush is much tion at the town hall Friday and Satur­ Meats better. day nights, given by home talent. Now Michael Furiimg has sold his farm to is the opportnmty for us to be made f- Bfo. Morgan. Mr. Furlong has bought young and beautiful, again. Just make Canned Goods and Pastry. a smaller farm near Ypsilahti. our wants kzmwn to Prof. Makeover and he will Bee to it a t once. When PERRlNSVmLE. Mr. SeUoff*R family are in our midst Orders Called for and Delivered. Both 'phones. again and Imve rented Aaron Gumore’s About 60 Gleaners and their families form. Mr. Qumore, having stored his went in sle^ h loads to the home of Mr. goods in the little house on the same and Mrs. Edwin Gillett last Tuead^ form, has gdne to New York for an in­ T O D D B R O S . evening and spent a very pleasant time* definite visit. .» t- A bountiful sapper was served and all' Martha Swartz is low at this writing. an report an enjoyable evening. John Bell and wife of Detroit spent ‘H ie L . A . 8 . went in a sleigh load to Wednesday at home. ET-.i.’?:- X- M o r e the home of Rey. and Mrs. Bradley last Our coal dealer is very busy these Wednesday. days. Mr. and B&s. A. R. Stephensem of Wayne spent last Tuesday with Mr. ELM. Don’t fail to include eome of our Peerfeas bwnds of aztd M n. A lbeit TaiL Cblumbus Flour Miss Grace Thiede entertained a John Beyer \ s » in Plymouth last Mmiday. « Mend froBol Deteoit Sdhday. WiU M p grta^ to sohe ymtr ^prob- The earpehopmiDittee will give an en­ Chas. RatlMmbar has leased the TEA AND COFFEE tertainment at the ball Saturday even­ Sherwood form on the Plymouth road k m ( / Ae prmnH Ugh cost of Uvn^ ing Feb. 10. Adwrferiflp 10 eenta. All the oomiag season, now occupied by in it. A whirl-wind Coffee at 25c and-fittest. ooae and enjoy a pleasant eveidng, be­ John Sbwwood, wto reoen^ h ^ a j picked .Tapan Tea a t 50c.. • y *' sides helping atong the good aauee. ’ •ale and Witt move to Detroit. 3LUMBUS Flour has en­ The Gleanos initiated two new mem­ Everybody is for spring to You can pay more but we defy j wiDftndany „ ccMoe tteae|e(dd timn we con give you fo this etm t Ene of aH abled many a household to bers last^Saturdiky evemng, after which ‘GiuceiisB, as well as Teas and OoEeps, o«r goods w e esneBenoe^ a fine l u s ^ was served. A nunfoe^ of^^fiSeods food neighbors fibshnew and quality. Let us with a lifoi order. live economically, yet gathered a^ the home of Mr. and Mn. Mrs. Grace Hancbett called on Mrs. ‘L splendidly during the rule of high Frank Brown last Monday. Will last fhaceday night to spend the eveniajg. Cards and mnsie were food prices. Costing but 3 to 3h The meetings at the diurdi last week ^ o A i J O U I F F E were quite well attended and aU enjoy indulged in u i^ a foite hour and a cents per pound, it yields double them very much and hope there will be pleasant tifoe reported. i ' ‘ ■OtH>MOWeS [ the nourishment of meats costing many more in (he future.
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