r- INTERNATIONAL- JOINT COMMISSION REPORT ON THE ST. LAWRENCE NAVIGATION AND POWER INVESTIGATION V WASHINGTON 1921 CH)VERNMENTPRINTING OFFIOIP WASHINQTON 1SU INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION. OTTAWA-WASHINQTON. CANADA. UNITED STATES. CHARLES A. MAORATH, Chairman. OBADIAHGARDNER, Chairman. HENRY A. POWELL, K. C. CLARENCE D. CLARK. SIR WILLIAM HEARST, K. 0.M. a. MARCUS A. SMITE. LAWBENCEJ. BUBPEE,9aackrrv. WuAm E. SMITE,Secretary. 3 CONTENTS. 6 00BTErn. Pnne. 38 38 39 40 40 40 41 41 44 45 45 45 47 48 49 49 50 50 50 60 53 54 67 82 91 99 104 1(j6 106 108 118 120 138 3 37 139 155 158 159 Icfi 3 61 161 161 162 162 162 16.3 163 183 163 164 164 165 165 3 65 165 167 170 170 171 174 176 180 181 . NOTE. The document that follows is only the final re ort of the Interna- tional Joint Commission, summarizing its conc Pusions and recom- mendations in the matter of the St. Lawrence for navigation an of Engineers, which been printed as a are twelve 7 BEPORT ON THE ST. LAWRENCB NAPIUTIOH AND POWER INVESTIGATION, 192 1. PART I. INTRODUCTION, On the 21st of Jahuary, 1920, the Governments of theUnited Statesand Canada referred to this cQmmission for investigation and report, under the terms of article 9 of the treaty of Januar 11, 1909, certain questions relating to the im rovement of bhhe St. iaw- mce River between Lake Ontgrio and dntreal for navigation and power.These questions are set forth in the oficifilrefbrence, the terms of which are as follows: TEXT OF REFERENCE. f have the honor to inform you that the Governments of the United Stat,es of America and of the Dominion of Canada, under the provisions ,of article 9 of the treaty of theqlth of January, 1908, between the Governments af me United States and Great Britain, herewith refer certain questions, as set forth low, involvingthe beneflcial use of thewaters of the St. LawrenceRiver tween Montreal and f.a&e, Ontario, in the interests of bothcountries, and, ingeneral, the rights, obligations, orinterests of eitherin relation to thc other, or to the inhabitants of the other along their common frontier. It is desired that the said gueptions be made the bmis of an tnvestfgation to be carried out by the International Jofht Oommisslon, to the end that the said commission may submit a report to the tdo countries covering the subject matter of this reference, together with such conclusions and recOmmendatim8 as may be considered pertinent in the premises. Question I. What further improvement in the St. Lawrence Rlwr, betwem Montreal and Lake Ontario, is necessary to make the spme navig ble for hp- draft vessels of either the lake or ocean-going type; what drat! of water 1* recommended : and what Is the estimated cost? In answering this question the commission i%requested to consider: (a) Navigationinterests alone, WheQer bv theconstruction of locks and &ms in the river ; by side canal$ with the nLcessary locks; or by a combins- Uon of the two. (a) The combination of navigation and power interests to obtain 'the greatest beneficial use of the waters of tbe river. Question 11. Which of theschemes submitted by the Gorernment. or other engiiaeers ie..preferred, and why? Question 111. Under what general method of procedure and in whet general order shall the various physical andadministrative features of the ittipmve- ment be carried out? Question IV. Upon whatbasis shall' tbe .capital cost of the camDlet& ikn- provement be apportion@ to each countw? Questibn V. FJm whnt haas shall the costs of operatim and .mrzintm& be apportion4 to each country? 0 10 ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY. Question VI. What method of control la recommended forthe operation of the improved waterway to secure its most beneficial use? Question VII. Will regulating Lake Ontarioincrease the low-water Bow in theSt. Lnwvrence ShipChannel below Montreal? And if so, to whatextent and at what additional cost? Question VIII. To what extent will the inlprovementdevelop the resources, commerce, nnd indrrstry of each country? Question 1X. What traffic, hoth inconling and outgoing, in kind and quantity, fs likely to he carried upon the proposed route hoth at its inception and in the futpre, 6$)nsideration to pe givp not .oply .to. present. conptiona, hut, able r%hnnge&tlmefnir' tleit&ii& from the 'devel&pPlrrkntbf indhtriai~ &tis to avaihbility of large quapWes ,hgdmq&e@qwepl Pending the receipt of clans, 'est mated, and other engineering data necessary for the final consideration of this reference,Y the commission is reqnested to hold such public hearings as mny be considered necessary or advisnble in order to obtainall information henring, directly or Indirectly, on the physical, corn- nlercial, and economic ferrsibility of the project as a who'r. To facilitate the preparation of the desired report each Government will, from its official engineering persopnet, dppolnt.an engineer with full authorityto confer with a similar oiticer of the other Governmtmt for the purposcs, first, of r~cquiring, each inhis own country, such data as may be found necessary to sup- plement theexisting engineering data and snrregs and. second,of preparing cornpletc o,utline plnng €or and estimates d the cost of the proposed ippro,ve- ment, including the value of all property, easements, damages, and rights con- nected therewith.These plans and estimntes are to he submittedto the com- mission as won ad practicablebut not later than one year from the date of appointment and the*commlssion is requested to forward to the two Govern- nlents it@Anal report with.qecommendations not later than three months there- after. A CQPY of the instructions furnished these engineers is attached hereto. INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEERS. Athached to the reference, for the information of the commission, is the following letterof instruction to theboard of engineers created by the two Governments to report to thecommission on the engineer, ing features of the .proposed improvement : You are hereby designated to take charge of the survey of the St. LItwrence River, Montreal to Lake Ontario, for the purpose sf preparing plans :u~desti- mates for its further improvement. to innke tho same navigable for deep-draft vessels of either the lake or ocean-going type, and to obtain the greatest bene- ficin1 use from these waters. , Thesurveys, plans, and estlmktes are to be submitted to theInternational Joipt Commission within 32 mont5s and tire to nssist the com:nission in answef- in6 the questions of,a reference to the matter under the provisions of article 9 of the treaty of the 11th of January, 1909, between toe United States and Great Britain. (A copy of the lettei of refergnce is inclosed for your informa- tion. ) It is desired to.expedite the completion of the duty confidecl to you by utillzinb all available surveys and other reliable information, whether derived from public or from private sources. That a proper has& af procedure ulay he agreed upon in the flrst instance, and the field work and the preparation of plans and esti- matespromptly and efficiently 'carried on thereafter, you a;e requested tp confer fully and'freely with (name of individual to he inserted) ; who has been designated to take charge of corresponding duties on behalf of the (name of country to be inserted), to arrange for the divislon of the field work and for cooperation in the preparation of the desired plans and estimates. While it is clear that the field work necessary to complete existing information may prop- erIy apd advantageously be divided, cooperation and llljlty itl the preprlra'tion of plans and estimates seem preferable. 'On Jan. i30,.1920.the.Govertlqest of the United States a pointed Lleut. .CoI W P. Wooten of the Corps of Engineers U. 8. Army and on Apr. 18, 1'920, the. GovePnmedr of Canad; appointrd W. A. Bowden' Chief Elngihneer of 'the bc@aFtment of Ratlwags and Cfmals, Canada. Thwe omasa wiil be referred to hereafter a8 the WjneeFing board. BT. LAWREWdlE WRATERWAY. I1 It will be noted that the reference to the Joint'commissfon contemplates four different general schemes or methods sf improveiment, as follows: (a) By means of locks and navigation dams in the river. (b) By means of locks and side canals. (a) By a combination of the two preceding methods. ~~~ L& By means of locks and power dams. The plana and estimates should d&i&ly cover these four general schemes or methods of improvement, but other variations of them may be considered, and, if deemed desirable, also presented to the commission. The channels to be considered are to be of 211 and 30 feet depth at low water, and the plans and estimates should be prepared corteepondingly. A choice betweenthem wP1, under the terms of the refemce, be mads by the corn- mission. As detailed plans can not be prepared within. the time limit of one Year axed for this work, it is desired that merely outline plans and lump-sum estimates, based upon experiencefrom similar work-such as the enlargement of the Welland Canal and power development at Niagara Falls-should be submitted. The general schemes should be furnished to the commission,showing, first, the best for navigation alone, and, second, for the most efficient utilization of the waters of the St. Lawrence for navigation and power, togetherwith the approximate costs thereof. As the handling and disposal of ice 1L a fundamental difficulty on the St. Lawrence River, the arrangements regarded as being necessary for this purpose should be discussed as well au those recommended for ice disposal during the constructionperiod and thereafter. Regulation of the le~elsof Lake Ontario 80 as to equalize the discharge of the St.
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