Jack Benny Program 1947 Oct-Dec.Pdf
O T cKr s fliK[I JACK O MV MXO , 0310028 MX}F.filN #1 REJISM SG?,:C;'P nrMICnrr TOBACCO aaeA Pr UJCICi STRIXE THE Jf,CK BF.ANY PROOR"dd Sundav Ootober S 1947 NBC 4e00 - 4,30 PM PST d Arx 01 0 310 0 3 0 /TRE .JACK J3TYINY PRIX3RAM oOTOSER 5,~1947 OPENIN6 COMMERCIAL RUYSDAF_L - TRE JACK niaVNY PROCRAM - presented by UJCAY STRIISEF SRARSC'1T - NdCN3V YW BUY - KEEP YWR EYE ON TRE RED BUid .'S-EYE (SHOT - GONG) KEEP YWR EYE ON TNE RID BULL'S-SYE (SHOT - GONG) SN1EN YW BUY - KEEP YWR EYE ON IlJCKY STR'Qffi! RUYSDAEL - LS - MHT SHARBUTT - Lucky Strike means fine tobac0o . BOONE -(CNANT - 57 to 59 - AMERICAN - FAST) SRARDU'P1' - IBCKY STRIKE PRES'Ef!TS - THE MAN VAIO KNOwS! Mr . Furney Simmons King, inde_rsndent tobacco buyer of Lexington, Kentucky, has bought over 10 million pounds of tobacco in the last 36 years . Mr . King recently saide VOICE - Season after season, I've seen the makers of Lucky Strike buy real fine tobacco - ripe, light tobacco that makes a swell smoke . RUYSDAEL - At auction after auction, experts like Mr . King - men who really know tobacco - can see the makers of Lueky Strike consistently select and buy that fine, that light, tbat naturally mild tobacco . So . SHARBUTP - WHEN YW BCY - KEEP YOUR EYE ON TRE RED BNLL'S-EYE (SHOT - OONG) KEEP YWR EYE ON TRE RED SIJIT.'S-EYE (SHOT - GONG) WHEtd YOU BUY - KNEP YOUR BYE 01'7 IUCKY STRII{E! L Atid":remember . (MORE) ATH 0 1 0310031 ''171F, JnCBC P,ENNY PRCY'iRAM oCm013&R 5, 1947 C OPENIN6 CCIWofERCIAL (CGJT'p) RUYSDAII, - LS - hIF'P SHARBUTP - Lucky Strike m3ans fine tobacco .
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