Boncompagni Manuscripts: Present Shelfmarks Beta version 2.0 (October 2019) by Ron B. Thomson and Menso Folkerts Note: This list has been/will be updated periodically on TSpace. Please ensure that you are working with the latest version with any updates. Copyright 2019; all rights reserved. Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives: Permission is granted to download, print and bind for personal use any or all of this work and to quote from it or cite it following the normal rules of fair dealing. It is not permitted to copy, download, or print and/or bind for commercial purposes. Boncompagni Manuscripts: Present Shelfmarks Beta Version 2.0 (October 2019)1 This list has been posted in order to solicit additional information. Please send additions, corrections, and comments to Ron B. Thomson at
[email protected] Note: Boncompagni manuscripts usually have the 1862 number on the spine in ink, and the 1892 number on a small pasted-on label on the spine, with the word “Boncompagni” across the top. Note: To date we have located 300 of the original 614 manuscripts (a few are probable); we also cite sale and dealer information for another 11 (without knowing their present locations). This list was first posted in September 2009. Please cite this current list as: Ron B. Thomson and Menso Folkerts, “Boncompagni Manuscripts: Present Shelfmarks,” Beta Version 2.0 (Octobery 2019) 1 An earlier version of this material was first published as: Menso Folkerts, “The Fate of the Manuscripts in the Boncompagni Collection,” in Il Sogno di Galois. Scritti di storia della matematica dedicati a Laura Toti Rigatelli per il suo 60º compleanno, ed.