Crime and the Elderly: What Your - Community Can Do
CRIME AND THE ELDERLY: WHAT YOUR - COMMUNITY CAN DO HEARING BEFORE THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX. JUNE 23, 1980 Printed for the use of the Special Committee on Aging U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 684-230 WASHINGTON: 1981 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING LAWTON CHILES, Florida, Chairman FRANK CHURCH, Idaho PETE V. DOMENICI, New Mexico JOHN GLENN, Ohio CHARLES H. PERCY, Illinois JOHN MELCHER, Montana JOHN HEINZ, Pennsylvania DAVID PRYOR, Arkansas NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM, Kansas BILL BRADLEY, New Jersey WILLIAM S. COHEN, Maine QUENTIN N. BUBDICK, North Dakota E. BENTLEY LIPsCOMB, Staff Director JOHN A. EDIE, Chief 0ounsel DAVID A; RUeT, Minority ftaff Director (U) CONTENTS Page Opening statement by Senator Pete V. Domenici, presiding- 1 Statement of Hon. Manuel Lujan, Jr., a Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives from the First District of New Mexico - 3 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Ramming, John W., Santa Fe, N. Mex., special assistant, State of New Mexico Criminal Justice Department - 4 De Baca, Richard C., Santa Fe, N. Mex., deputy chief, New Mexico State Police Department -- _ _ _- _ 5 Slater, Stephen L., Santa Fe, N. Mex., director, New Mexico Law En- forcement Academy- 6 Carmichael, C. E. "Mike," Santa Fe, N. Mex., representing National Re- tired Teachers Association/American Association of Retired Persons--- 8 Robison, Kenneth W., Albuquerque, N. Mex., State director, American Association of Retired Persons -_-----_- __-__-_-_-__-_-_ 8 Johnson Dr John S., Las Vegas, N.
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