Burglars Pull Big Hotne Heist
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~ -·; ' ! . ' . ' '· ·.-. '~·. • ' ',' ,' • ' •• }Lincoln ·cou.nt:r ·01in•k · ', ' .. \'. P. o• .a.,.x .3.3!! .• Oarri7.<:.ZO, !f ,}1:, S$3.01 . ,, . ", -- '_,. .. .,' . CABLIVISION SilKS FCC REQUIRED FRANCHISE ' . ·.:.... .: . : . : .· ' ' " ' ' ' ' .· : . f . ' . ' . .. • ' f . ,. ' - ... : ",,,. ' . ' ' .· Coun~il approves refuse sys en~: ·The Ruidoso trustees Tuesday ailcepted trustees to n:quest speedy action on the other franchise holders in the village. U11yd L. Davis Jr., naming [,, Ray Nullley tA!llQW bid of EMCO l)f Pla!nvlew, Tex,,ln granting o£ a new operational francldse "Cablevision is now equipped," Kelley to the Planning and Zoning Commlsslori the amoiUit of •111,094 to instsli !I new which must, by Federal Communications said, "to fulfill all of our francldse ,com and David L. Travis to th!l RuldQSO refull!l C(!llectlon system to serve buSiness, Commission regulations, be Implemented mitments and In the future, barring Library Board. ~aUer CQurt and ldgh population areas in by March of 1977. equipment failure, we'll restore areas to · - Authorized a call for blds to complete the ~ge. · The franchise request wU1 be considered origins! condition as soon as installations furnishings inside the llbrljl')'. The $ystem Is the one that was operated at the Dec. 14 trustees' meeting. are completed." · - Authorized the street department to on a trial basis In selected areas last According to Kelley the existing fran- Tlie trustees set Jan, 18, 1977, aS' handle snow problems on the street at ' summer and one, comments to the chlse will be modified to Include changing the date for ·a vU1age election to their discretlcm and to advise the trustees· trUstees indicated, that was generally the rate setting structure, providing for authorize an additional one• ·of action tsken. It was noted . that the accepted. the addition of pay TV within two years quarter percent tax to be levied village has neither the manppwer nor .The bid included two large cha!IS!s · andtoaddactsusecoveringcomplaintsor upon gross receipts. Ordinance 7~ equipment for snow removal and that trucks at $28,700; 1\l.o and 3-yard con- delays in providing service. II was lntrodueed by t~stee traffic would be less hindered If snow · tainers at $54,234 and two compactors, The trustees, though no official action Sbennan Atwood, · wltb trustee wasn't bladed into the middle of Sudderth DOCT-OR$ BARB.ARA AND ROGER BEECH IE installed in the truck collection tanks, at was taken, indicated positive reluctance to Don Driver moving tbat tbe or and Mechem and onto the · sides of $28,160. give up the right to detennine cable rates dluance be pasJed and secoaded residential areas. In ·the event of ell:. VU1age manager. Jim Hine was in- within thevU1age. by trustee George White. On roD ceedlugly heavy show falls, emergency structedtoinvestlgatefinancingoptlonsto The Ruidoso News contacted Kelley call all trustees voted "aye" with me.asures would be Instituted to provide secure the equipment on a five year Wednesday morning relative to mayor Davis recording .. an "In for traffic flow, ~The·'Doctors lease/purchase agreement. Cablevlsion's plans, following Issuance of favor" vote. By council action last - Authorized vU1age attorney Jobn w. Beechie The new system, according to present the new franchise. BlllllDier Cine-quarter percent wU1 Thompson, upon request of miUIIclpal scheduling, Is to be Implemented before "We must have the new francldse by be added to gros• receipts tsx judge Sam NWinally, to prepare an or the 1977 racing season opens. March,'' Kelley said, "because the FCC effective Jan. l, 1977. If passed,· dinance probfblting the drlnklrig of The system Is designed for one. man regulations now state that no franchise the second 11ne-quarter percent alcoholic beverages in public and to begin practice here operation. The trpck stops beside the may be Issued for periods longer than 15 would be effective July l, 1977. As present It for action at the Dec.l4 meeting. contslner which Is lifted bYdraullcally and years and our current francldse Is for 25 a revenue producing measure, - Were advised that ~le Creek Roger A. Beechie, M.D., and Barbara J. graduate and she was a duty doctor In an dumped Into the collection tank for years." based upon tbe tax return of Intercommunity Water Association Vlll1 Beechle, M.D., have opened' offices na emergency room group in Houston, Tex: compaction. One. truck, at f13,700, will Kelley said that Cablevlsion bas pur f3§0, 700 to the vlllsge for fiscal publish legal notices of meetings at least general practitioners in Ruldliso under the The Drs. Beeclde were associated with pickup lind empty from the left side only chased, since last March, more than 1975-19'1&, the totsl of o~~e-haU fourdayspriortosuchmeetlngs. name of Family Medicine Associates at the Public Health Service In Mescalero with the $15,000 Wilt having dual controls $120,000 In equipment to Install and percent would have produced an - Noted that the vllijlge'a share of the 211 Sudderth, just east of the Ruidoso from May IUitil moving to Ruidoso and forplckuP,fromeitherslde. malntsln cable service. The equipment additional $170,350 In vlllage in- $235,3M contract price for taxiway and Hondo Valley Hospital. opening their practice Monday. It Is the Intent of the trustees, upon Includes three backhoes, 11 motor patrol, a come. ramp Improvements at Municipal Allport The husband/wife team received their "Both doctors," James R. Burns, ad demand, to offer the new service to res- crawler backhoe and a "Ditch Witch" that In other action the trustees: totaled $7,383 instead of the projected medical degrees from the University of ministrator of Ruidoso Hondo Valley ldentlal areas in which the terrain Is con- lnstslls cable eight Inches Into the. ground - Approved the nominations of mayor $20,000. Texas at Qalveston In 1974 and completed Hospital said, "are Active Members of the duclve to an efficient operation. and, If in a yard, forces the grass back Into their Internship there. Medical Stsff and are now serving In Carl Kelley, manager of Cablevlslon of place. "You can't tell where the macldne He has studied obstetrics as a post regular rotstion." Lincoln County, appeared before the has been,'' Kelley said, - The new equipment pennlts, Kelley said, "Workmen to return streets, Christmas decoration driveways, or land wherever cable Is Installed, to original condition. Since our Horne Health Services new machines have been operating, we've virtually completed all of the col(er and repair work excavating problems 1» ideas being solicited currlng during our instsllatlon of 55 miles of cable during eight months." During the past year, Cablevlslon spent, The suggestion was made at the RuldQSO Ideas on Yule decorations for the vU1age open to county residents Kelley said, "More than $120,000 to rebuild trustees' meeting Tuesday that some are being solicited from the general . our lines and during IU17 we'll spend changes in Christmas decorations might publlc, all clubs and organizations, the "~ore ~nd $250,000 for feeder line lnstsliatlon from be in order - to have village' decorations Chamber of Commerce - any and . f.lome HealthServlces of Ll.ocoll;t CoWJty Medlpald, •. Yl111'rans' prol!!:!'l!!!l•. erivaiiO, _ Reglster!ld Nurses. Home .our..maln ctablJ1, bot!) in r~pillcement Md encbance:thluJatliral~ul)' tQ~ (HHS), a new concept of home care In this Insurance and direct paymentS £rom lrea!Th Aids wUilie added t66tir staff." designed to .ol ".e.ver)!'one. ,.,., :with. the suggesUona. bll. ' extensions." this mountsin valley - and to do away mailed to: VU1age Trustees, l'O Drawer ,, .•rea, Is now avallable to aU coWity patients when the latter methOd Is Serving on the Advisory Board are Jean The finn w!U no longer, Kelley said, cut with the garish motif that has been used 69, Ruidoso, NM 88345, not illter t/Jan Dec. i 'tesldenls, regardless of age, requiring necessary. Morgan, R.N., Jackie Papworth, Mel across streets to Install cable. "We have a skilled nursing care on an lntennlttent "As the program grows and we are O'ReU1y, Charlotte JalTBtt, Cathy Annala, some years. 13. machine that wlll tiUinel under streets, The suggestion was two-fold - ibe "We ho~ to come up with some fresh basis in the home. serving more patients," Stoltzfus said, Jim Burna, Mozelle Vinsant, Dr. Ronald through which the cable Is threaded." Verna Stoltzfus, R.N., Is the Team Annala, Don Swalander, Fr. Delbert present decorations are shabby and there Ideas," vU1age manager Jim Hlne said, ~der Kelley noted that the opUonal pay TV are always lnstsllatlon problems - put- "that could become pennanent on vantage for the county. She may be con Achuff, Ruth McGuire, Elvira Maes and service would provide noiH!ommerclal .tacted by phoning 257-5189 from 8 a.m.-5 ting appropriate Ughting designs on water points and also that would encourage Dick Mound. sports coverage and first riUI IUicut mov p.m., Monday through Friday or by Papworth, nursing supervisor for HHS tsnks or other elevated locations could decorating by tbe biL!IInes:s houses to ies. enhance their aesthetic value. enhance the festive Yule spirit" writing Home Health Services of Lincoln In Chaves and Lincoln COWities was ln Hlne o1oted that Cablevlsion now pays County, P.O. Box2276, RuldosoNM88345. stnnnental, Stoltzfus said, in obtaining the the village three percent of their gross Requests for care may be made by the federal grant for IJncoln CoiUity. Vinsant receipts as compared to two percent for patient, friends, family or the consulting Is the nursing director. for both counties physician. • and also nursing director of the Publlc Referrals other than by the pbYslclan Health Department, Southwest Section of Fire destroys BUrglars pull are screened by Stoltzfus with the service New Mexico. to begin only· upon approval of the HHS, Stoltzfus said, bas been operating physician.