Property of the Watertown Historical Society .Ik. TT watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWatertown-- Oakville OWN Weekly; TIMES Vol. 15. No. 747 Subscriptioii Price, $3.75 Per Year Single Copy, 10 Cents March 29, 1962 Sullivan To Support Hike In Tariffs On Pin Imports Contract For Senior High Town Manager James '__. Sulli- A proposal has, been made that; van will go to Washington, D. C, the., duty 'on straight pin. imports next week to' testify at: a hearing be raised from, 20 to 35' per cent. before the president's economic Hr. Sullivan and other area of- School Signed Last Night advisor in favor' of higher tariffs ficials will, testify in support of to protect the American straight the proposal. The .Manager said pin industry. that: imports of straight pins, no- Committee Accepts tably from, England, and, Germany 'Tentative approval of the Town 'where later costs are about one- Council" for the 'trip was indicated, Tax Bills To Be Up $5.50 Branford Firm's third what they are here, pose a at a special meeting 'Tuesday aft- serious 'threat to' the U. S. pin. 'in- ernoon, at the Town Hall Annex. dustry. $1,982,000 Bid A resolution .giving official apn He also pointed out that the Oak- For Each $1,000 Assessment proval of the Council -is expected ville Division of Scovill is the The contract for construction flf Watertown' 'taxpayers will pay an j Watertown. *s new senior Mgjfe extra $5.50 for each $1,000''of as- j the .Annex. iaJS United,• States, if not. in the school was scheduled to be' signoA sessment when 'their 1962 tax bills.. last night at a meeting of th* Mr. Sullivan 'tola, 'the Coupt&M&rld. Of the 675 .employes in the •become due May 1. that Paul .Andrews, of 'the Nauga- local division,, 115 are employed 40 Businessmen School Building Committee in, th* tuc'k Valley Industrial Council, has in the • manufacture of straight A new fax rate of 34 mills, an Munson House. notified Mm of 'the hearing and pins., he continued. increase of" 5.5 mills over 'the cur- Successful bidder 00 the school asked him. to' attend. Also expect- The hearing tentatively is slat- rent rate, was adopted, by the Hear Waterbury was the Giordano Constructk» ed to be represented, are Water- ed for next Tuesday. April 3, Mr, Town Council at a special meeting Company of Branford, whose' prii .11 glul"'^4..l_ parking•UT'ILJIL X .|| Mi .ll.ili .11 «. ,^ indusJ| .q, H,'VJH hH fc. •'- tive analysis, congressional proc- Chairman Donald Masi. tions have averageg d about 93 pper I trial development, urban' renewal. bid, that of W. A. Mauser Com- esses, problems confronting con- pany, of West Hartford, whoa« Topping the list of conventions cent and if this yeayearr, follows suit ii etc. The- y said the Chamber is gressmen and appropriate means is the Democratic State Conven- the budget can be met, 'with, the 34 base price was 32.023,357'. of achieving specific legislative concentrating on bringing new _ tion, which, will be held, July 13 mill rate. It was pointed out, how- business into the Greater1 Water- j objectives. In addition to work- and 14 in Bushnell Memorial Hall, ct on ever, that last yea:r collections bury Area, and hope to make the "2*™ ___ _i , .. D , . _ -c - shop sessions, the Jaycees will Hartford. The convention will nom- amounted to only 91.5 per cent of have an, opportunity to visit mem- area, a shopping center for thtar"* £el»[^I * *»•, inate candidates for governor, the total due. section of the state. ton. S2.245.000; Victor Atkins. Wat- bers of the Connecticut congress- lieutenant governor, secretary of Mr. Sullivan, provided figures on j terbury. $2,098,900; W. J. Megin, ional delegation while in the na- state, treasurer, '.comptroller, at-Jhe $2 492,432 budget which broke;! President Raymond West: pre- Inc.. Naugatuck. 52.185,000; P. tion's capitol. torney general' ", U" . S™. Senato" " r and"'down,' "the $450,000 increase be-! sided at the session and_ in tro-; Franc ini & Co..' Derby. $2,088,- Representing the Connecticut Representative at large. "Also on, tween administrative' and' school i duced the guests. A question and; 000; Qneglia & Gervasini. Tor- 'the agenda will be 'election of costs. About 85' 'per cent, or t answer period followed the talks. ! rington, $2,091.000; Bonvincinl Jaycees will be Richard, C. Boz- ______• I ii—_ii 1 j*m HT-IPII __" . ._ _ ._*i__ -_ ,a*fcw _rv____ _ zuto and Vincent, O Palladine", both members of the State 'Central, $382,726 of the increase was at-1 Another meeting of the Better Bldg. Co.. Torrington, $2,197,009; members of the Watertown Junior •Committee, adoption of a platform tributed to schools. This included „ Business • Bureau has been called Fabrizio & Martin, Inc., Darien, Chamber of Commerce and Co- and amending state party rules, $125;000' for high, school bonds j for Monday. April. 9. at a time $2,149,000; Fusco-Amatruda Co., Chairmen of the 'Town Govern-! The Fifth Congressional District and 182,500 for interest on the !an d place to be announced, to con- New Haven, $2,093,000; and Wai- ment Change Project which was Convention, is slated for July 7 at bonds. Another $156,000 of the in-sider the Chamber's presentation hams & May, Hartford, $2,127,- judged the top Governmental Af- and vote on whether or not to af- 000. fairs project, .in. the state. (Continued on Page 31 (Continued on Page 2) filiate. Low bidder on plumbing,, heating' and ventilating was Wiggleswortftt Inc., of Naugatuck. with a base at

(Continued on Page 3) Red Cross Drive To Be Extended Into April The-1962 Red Cross Fund cam- paign will, be extended into April, according to Mrs. Daniel H. Fen- ton, executive secretary of ttui Watertown, Chapter1,, who reported this week that donations: have fal- len far short of quota. Only $2,400 has been realized, toward the quota of $8.500,, Mrs, Fenton said, in pointing out that: * the drive must be continued tm raise the funds necessary to per- mit the 'Chapter to continue its many vital services. ! Co-chairmen Edwin Douglas and. Donald Masi urged, that all, rest- ; dents who have not yet contributed I to the drive do so immediately. : They asked, that donations be I mailed to the Red 'Cross office, I and a, receipt will, 'be returned ttt I each donor. Mental HeatHi 'Campaign Quota Set At $2^00 i Mrs. Armand Ma deux was ap» (.pointed. General Chairman'of 'the' f 1,962 Fund Drive of the Watertovm j Oakville Mental Health Committea at a recent meeting. Mrs. Madeux resides at 149 Ball' Farm Road, Oakville, has two daughters, is, a real estate agent, a member of 'the Board, of Dire*. tors of the Public Health Nursing STEEL,-GIRDERS ETCHED this design for the photographer this since: fall because of weather. Officials are hopeful that the Association, and and associate week at the site of the new Engineered Sintering* and Plastics arrival of warmer weather will permit construction to progress member of the Waterbury Real Company plant off Litchfield Road. The girders were erected within rapidly, aiming toward completion and 'Occupation of the building the part few days, after construct ion on the plant tad been delayed . later this jrear. > (Staff photo) (Continued OQ PAGE ,2^— TOWN TMHEB fWATERTOWN,- CONN• >, ^WAR..29. 19«g of the 'library, and; m Director and merrt and, acceptance by the con* Property of the Watertown Historicalsecretary of the Watertown Pub -Societyjnnolty after their cure - and Mrs. ' Robert Lyman, Scott lic Health Nurses Association. Display* of literature are avail- « Goings Ave.. are spendinpg g tbeir aptats ed .from .Page' 1.) Mrs, Beauchamp has fdlso served aWe at local itonw, bfanori Hi vacation: at DdDunedini , FFlal . Barbarara a as chairman at past United Fund brarie* and bank* tor tbo»e inter* Tim ffydtf, who tuns been spend- J tate Board. She is; an active mem- - ... iss a student at Mount Ida Junior ber 'Of' jte' Rosary .Society of: St.and: . Bed Cross drives, as well as cstedi. Persons denirlng to volun- Ing .the .soring vacation with his; Newton Centre.' Mass. Mary Magdalen Owen and .a working ao the Heart Fund, Polio teer their MFvlceii may contact parento, .Mr, and lies.. F. .Stillmanj.and Cynthia is; a Junior' at St. Mar-member of the Waterbury Real Es- Drive, Cancer and Leukemia cam- Mr*. Madeujr, "274-2160; M». Hyde, Academy Hill'., recently left i meet's. of Catholic Women. Mrs. Madeux paigns. • Beauchamp, 2744082; or Mrs. for" Palip Beach, Fla.. iwhere l»i "' — announced that May 13 through Adopted as the slogan for 1962Zanavich,; 274-1115. was "MeotaJ Illness is no Longer May 19, Ins; been .set. aside' .as 1 Arthur Wheeler. Both are- ".senior s p y 'Mental Health Week" and. " theHopeless. Give- Now for Preven- Emter Ait . cott " Junior Chamber of Com- tion .and 'Cure". "Hie chairmen list- ••*fudenf,s at Korthwood School, 1962 goal is $2500. This .is the MiM EUzabeth Chaae, from the Late Placid, N. Y. merce Saturday in Wolcott were highest .goal ever set for' the Wa-ed, these objectives of -the local the following Watertown "resi- tertown-Oafcville area. Mental Health Committee: 1. Pro-Yale'Art." Gallery, will speak ang dents: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gr»i- " Sirs. WfBiapi G. Zanavicfr and' note undenti and accept- show slides on ""Hie' Redemption Mr. and Mrs.. Heminway Merri- der. Mr. .and lira... .Evan 'Quart' -u. .Mrs. Bernard C. Beaochamp were ance of mentally ill. .2. Volunteer Theme in Easier Art", Tuesday, mwfm. Woodruff Ave,.., ami Sir. andr Mr; .and Mrs. "Vineept Palladino- appointed Chairladies for the Bell. program at Fail-field. State' Hospi- April 3, at 1:30' p.m., at the Pint; Mrs. "'Glenn H. -Wayne. Jr., Nova I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring, -and Congregational Church. SCdtia Hill" Road, are spending sev- Ringers March actaduled -for Slay tal. 3. Program to rehabilitate dis- Mr. and. Mrs. George' Strobel. " 14. - charged patients. 4. > Promote in- eral days at ' the " Marlharough- j terest and understanding among Blenheim ' Hotel. Atlantic Qty, i " .Mrs, Zanavich, 70 Shelter Hill VOtM NJ. They are accompanied by Howard C... Hull, son ot Mr. .awl appointed Oakville clergy, doctors, " police, school their children. Misses G. Hull. 93 ''The mother of' succhfi- groups, .social workers, nurses., h Hi Zanavich is .a 13-year etc. ' . Heminway. :2nd. Richard T.' and! tfS^'TlSnSS resident "of the Ity. 'She Other appointments were: Mrs. Wayne Mld :M: Vi Nar W Harold. Astawut'Ui,,. Special Gifts; Turnpike, Wat*rto%vn SSii?' • " ^" -i-P«Parato»y'-S«*i»oi. StamfoTi, uill Fund and. Bed Cross Drives, as William .Scully, .."Treasurer; Rich- * _L___ "• - j resume his studies April 4. " ' u«ll as. working on Folio and 'Can-- *»'*• C. .BaszutD. Publicity; ICenneth; Henry, Coin Box; and Richard Gug- Miss prisci'lla f Pixie • Caney. rer efforts1 . She is a. member of WOW OPEN "daughter of Dr. .and Mrs. Wilbtir re- the .Board of 'Education, President liemetti. Third Annual Beil Ring- H. Caney, Jr., Woodbury Road, "a fa of! the ' Women's* Democrat Club, ers 'Ball Chairman. • sJud'ent at. Stowe. Vt.. Preparatory water' color 'dl.iis.ion of the vice-president of the OaiMUePTA A Captain's meeting will be held WEEKEND'" SPECIAL" School, is entertaining tier class- annual .spring art exhibit of the a. member of the Mental' Health 'Tuesday. April 3. at 8" p.m. at mate. .Miss Anne' Henschel. Pleas- Cheshire .Art' League. 'Georgia Executive--Board, .adult membeivoC. •the Watertown library. At that tinfville, Ti.yz. '.during the spring Sheron. Watertown. won ' first 'the 'Girl Scoute an* actr%e in St. iirs. Beauchamp .arid Mrs. recess, Her sister. 'Miss . Eliza- -prize In .the amateur sculpture di- Mary Magdalen* Grorcb. J*TJI outline tbe plans, for ' bel'h 'f,Betsey > Caney, a student at vision. MrsM . * attehampp, Thomaston ttoe Bell Ringers March. There will be a .guest speaker "and a .. 'Emma Wiilard School. Troy. ,X.,Y'.,. Road-, was appointeid d BBell : RRingei r .g p wan hostess- to her parents re-- Vincent F, Martin. Jr.. .son ofChairiady for' Watertown. 'Mrs;. tUmtU 'entitledtild . "T"Thh e KeyK"" will, 'be' eetitly at the Parents Day prospram Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Martin. BeauchamBh p iis . a 110-yea0 r residenid t shonm- The purpose .of 'the film at- the school and left March- 25 17 Pleasant. View St., OakviUe. of the nity and has four is- to indoctrinate 'volunteer work- for- "Stom-e where she. will spend has 'been named to' 'the Deans List children. She i s a graduatd e of ers., explaining '.in full detail, the $1.00 the week skiing with 'her class- -for the first' semester at Boston plight of 'the mentally ill, their Mass. State Teachers College and Rec|i.f 1^50'Value mates. ' • College. substitutes for' vtbe Waterbm-n; probiems during 'this period and. School. System. She has been as- the problems involved with adjust- Mr. 'and .Mrs. Earte \\'. Hartley, sociated with- activities of 'the'.Rec- Jr., lVoodbuiy, recently left reation Council. Youth- Center. Jr.- ah mad the line' Italia for a cruise Tax Bills High; Open House, Watertown PTA. to Nassau, Bahama*. They arc . -.. (Continued! from. Page l> League of Women \roters, Friends. .accompanied by their daughters. ATWOOD & ATWOOD .Miss .Betsey Hartley.' a freshman crease was. for higher teachers fit Chatham, Hall, Chatham. Va.. salaries and for - new teachers MIKE'S COFFEE SHOP All Forms of Insurance and' Miss Sallley Hartley. "St." Mar- added to the system.; • Featuring Famous School, student.' in the • administrative budget was: • Life Accident 56". 27 4, account in? for the re-: PHILLIPS PRODUCTS - • Auto Sickness ' Peter Bristol, son of Mrs. Milma in ing 15 per cent of the hike,., • "The .Best in Food and "Service" I'm' A. Bristol, 'Woodbury. a stu- The manager said that at the. 599 Malm St. — Watertown • Fife Bonds dent at -Salisbury School, and Pe-star/, of the current fiscal year' " • Marine Commerckri tci:..Sturman. son of Dr. and Mrs.the' tw.Ti "had a cash surplus ofJ Robert II. Sturm an. Woodhury. SlHl.OrJO.- A 35- mill tax rate would": .'" • LwbKty tvho is aUetiflinii Westminster have provided about the same sur- j OFFICE: 111 West. Alain St., Waterbury—753-5147 . -School, Simsbury, recently re ••plus to start the next fiscal year. • AFTER HOURS: Atom B. Atwoad ' 753-6367 " turned from . .'Washint;ion. D.C The "31 mill rate, if collections' amount to what is anticipated, will HEMINWAY John B. -Atwood - 274-1881 where they spent several days. : William C... Gaw 387-7800' .Li 'In hf ie Id I Inn d,, rc«n 11 y -cnt e r- prove a -surplus of about S5O.G0O. • Tax Collector'. Armand J.1 ' De-" BARTLETT Representing The Travelers Insurance Company Dr. and Mrs.,. Kenneth R... Kaess, rouin added one bright spot .to the < 'tainet'l at a dinner parly In,'honor meeting when he • reported, that I of. their daughter. Miss Karen collections of taxes for previous'! MFG. CO. . K»ess. a student at'St. Margaret's years "is now more than $6,


give you, the best' ' of fashion) has a new way to hold costs at rock bottom!

••*•• .Let's face it—automatic heating systems # off types iw- nally get, more and,..more wasteful with use—more and more costly to'operate . Our new Autoniatlc Personal Cans,, which is yours at no txtra ekmge when, you,'sign up for' MoWlheat fuel oil, prevents this needless waste. In feet, Here's a .it's the may way to be sure your heating system, is In. 'top- • that g y notch. 'Condition .and your heating bills are.' down, at .rock' •he brst of everylhing! bottom. For', the exciting story of Automatic Personal A brisk walker set on. . . Caie,'cajl us right away and. we'll send'you a free booklet. umartly stacked beef. Exclusive Cttth tin Soft' Const ni ction to . cradle your jiteps in blissful. comfort. MniLned ,... in call or suede... jutd flexible for light, smooth, suppje it. ^ Mobilheut Try on Fremont! You'll find the size and color ."VIOB.L HE.4TiN;'i: OIL you want.., at ihi* hard-to-believe price..., $12.99! Skei'to II. ." .. " " ' - ' Other styles mt to . Many Other Stylet • •.,. Feel Young.., Feel ENS A JETTICK. ' Itorn $9.95 - f 12.95 ." '• " •• (We Specialize In AAA - EEEJ ' - ARMAND'S FUEL COMPANY OSSL OFHCE and PLANT 131 DAVIS STREET, OAKVILLE — 274-1679 Open Ojlily 7 A-M- 'to. 7 P.M. — Open Sundays 8-A.M. to 1 P.M. National Scout TOWN TIMES (WATER-TOWN, CONN.). MAR. 29, 1M2 — PAGE 9 he became Assistant Director of N. J., and. at Philmont Scout: Ranch Officials To Visit the Exploring Service of the .Boy in New .Mexico. " ' * Property of the Watertown HistoricalScouts, of' America, a positioSocietyn which he has held since 'that time. In 'taking advantage of' Mr. Area: Monday As Assistant Director of Explor- Moore's 'visit, 'the Mattatuck has Russell F. ' TMIes. Production ing, Mr. Moore helped originate arranged a .morning- meeting with -Engineer at .Anaconda American the- new Exploring' program for j its professional 'staff, .an. after- Brass Company, and Commission- j"boys of high school age, and is '•noon session, 'with Explorers of the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgdirectly 'related to the production Council's Explorer Cabinet, and er of 'the Mattatuck Council, Boy j Scouts of Ame; ca, has .announced j of all literature for this program j an. evening meeting at the Middle- the visit" of Paul W. Moore. Assist- •and is editor of the Explorer Pro-; bury Congregational 'Church where ant National, Director of Exploring!! gram Quarterly which brings pro-, Scouters can, meet Mr.- Moore .and for the Boy Scouts of America, on" gram suggestions to Explorer-,

One of the nicest features of .financing homes is 'the pleasure we .see expressed by 'those enjoying home ownership for 'the first rim**, Would you. .like to join 'them? Then see us: for the financing, without delay. For we've gone all out to meet 'the universal desire Trim modern 1 styled consols swivel base. f or home ownership, through flexible mortgage plans that can be' Choice of grained Walnut color, adapted, to almost any reasonable situation and pocketbook. grained Mahog- any color, or grained BJonbOak Come in. Let us plan a mortgage to it your needs,, .and. speed color. Features big 9" x 6* the happ£ day. sp e a It e r,_ S u p e r Target Turret Tu n • r , .and 20,000 volts of picture power. THOMAS TON VAUGHN BROS. TELEVISION 5A VINGS BA NK 1125 Mail St.. Watertom — 2744737 wf ill ci' I o wit Orrice .565 Moifl 5TM In tit e rtow n GOOD SBfCIION «f USD SETS.... $20J» 2J Member: Federal DepositInsurance Corporation — -Federal Home Loan Bank System PAGC 4 — TOWN Times (WATEWTOWW, CONN.), MA«. », I1 Necessary >•#•» :! Property of the WatertownOofaflfeVFW Historical Society •• I Town. Times, Inc . __ of onto; 'Officers 'Cor me coming year wwe elected % the OakviUe Post, Veterans, of Foreign Wars.,, at a .recent meeting. Heading the slate is 'r«an«ip.i4rr. Dominic J. Ro- mano, mte sacceeds Join. S. Ric- cianlL - Other oCDcei-s inchide: Maurice ¥ a it ,1c e e D o o dl mw .Barberet, Senior Vice-Command- er: .Paul. Foamier. • Junior Viee- commander; Joseph Caporale, Quartermaster; Donald ' Kerr, Judge " A&ocate; Joseph Aurio. Sanding' regards from Sarasota.' * mum* and maximum salaries. ''Oiapbin: Rudy Morse. Post Sur- -are Harold and Audrey Hall have "been 'boosted three times 1 gew;. Arthor Wood,... Jr.. Rene AJ- *,.... . They twk ix> several spring in the past: three years, anil the lard and Ftaifip • IBerchcnak. Trus- Cxfiib.iti'#i 'baseball ^mes there town's scale compare* very fa-' 1 tees, three, two and. one years, last IV' "**! awl planned to visit .in vorably witfi respectiveilj'; Paul. Fouraier. Car- Key West this, week. . in the state. , k> Paiomba and Joseph ' Berger. Board, of . Directors., three-year' Local Boy /Scouts Have been • Furnishings for the adult read- •teims: Arthvr Wood, Jr.. Pas- assisting CD. officials by dis- in? ' corner .-'at 'the Watertown Li- quale Pakwabo and. Larr>- PaJom- tributing copies of a . booklet brary have 'been 'completed with ba. two-year 'terms; • 'and Thomas - containing -the. latest- information the donation of a table by Mrs'DeSanto. , Charles Guglielmetti .and concerning radioactive fallout, - JTames -Christie - . - ..'Other • furn- : John Ricciardi, one»year * terms.: protection. . . , Despite the' ef- ' ishurgs were given by Phiiip Budge 1 James iPalumbo. 'John ' Ricciardi:, forts to 'educate the public in i «s a memorial to 'his. wife. (Angelo Durante, Donald Johnson, ttiiis respect, interest "m lafl-- -Victor Zabara, Maurice Barberet. ging, not. only here, but through- The Oafcvitle VFWt ' color :' Michael. Capuano. Pasquale < Pai- out the country . . . The Lions guard is listed as one of the || ombo and. Anthon>r Gerulis, ways Club in . Vorktown Heights, N. Y.( units already signed up for par-•.and. means committee; Donald began a fund-railing drive Last • ticipation in "'the 10th annual iKerr, John. Ricciardi and. .John November by 'Offering a home Loyalty Day" parade . . .'.The IVhone, Tai.y4a'.w»"**--i5OBBiiii:tt,ee': Mi- fallout shelter to the holder of' event, will be held on Sunday, .!. cbael DiPrimio. Rudy Morse .and m winning <2S-cent ticket .. -. . May 6, in* Putnam, and is ex- i Commander Romano... Veterans The club has called' 'Off' the af- - pected to draw 75,000 persons j 'Council 'delegates.; James Hale ~ fair because - only 23 tickets to the community of 8,400 . , ,., and 'Oscar' LeClair, alternates; were sold in four months. More than 40' marching units, i James Palumbo, Thomas Un«in, drill teams and 'Color guards al- James Hale, Donald Johnson:, John •»irs.. Cecelia Banda,-88 Baldwin ready have accepted invitations Pennington and Paul. Fournier, St.,,,, winner .of the Pik Kwik Stores to take part,, and there .will be Utchfield County Council " dele- Checker of the year contest, has many more before the deadline. gates; .and .Arthur Wood.. Jr., 'Rudy been entered in stole judging which Morse, Donald Kerr, Maurice could lead to a trip to' Chicago Pre-season .stocking of 'Connect- Barberet. Michael DiPrimio .and, In May. and possibly a trip to icut's lakes .and ponds in anticipa- Rene - Allan!, alternates. Hawaii .-. ,., Mrs. Ban da, wbohas tion of the April 21. opening of 'the been with Pik Kwik at it* Water- 1962 fishing season is well under- town- stores since- Oct.. 'MOT', was way .. .. . ''The stocking started Chown by a panel of judges and .March 7. and is- earned out des- popular" vote of store patrons . .". pite 'the'ice' cover . . . Stocking of The state winner will be .held smaller streams' was 'to begta" this within the next few weeks, leading week • - Larger streams, .more1 to "the national final-! in Chicago "susceptible to' extreme flooding, ,. . ... 'Grand winner gets the 'trip won't 'be stocked • until water con,-., OYAL BRAIDED to' Hawaii. . ditions become more suitable. Wont stretch of road In 'town is a section of upper' Davis St. Lynn > Couple where sewer and/or water pipes were laid last fail . . . Tempor- Honored On - - ary repairs were made several fimes during the winter but have done little flood . . . Permanent 48th Anniversary resurfacing is needed, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Lynn, quickly. ' Bunker Hill Road, were honored I5t.5© March 24 at a dinner party in cel- • 'There has teen much (unhappy) ebration of their 48th wedding an- ONE OF OUR •OTE't. I »mment concerning the 5.5 mill" niversary. lax increase*' approved by the 'Those' attending were: Mr. and - 'OVAL BRAIDED RUGS IN Town 'Council las? "week: ,.,. . We Mrs. Carleton Perkins:,. Mr. and BEAUTIFUL MEW' COLORS san*t understand why . . ... Anyone lire, Eugene Vaughn, Mr. and, who, had taken the time to cons id- Mrs. Robert "Lynn,, Mr. and Mrs. AT SPECIALLY LOW »r the budget presented -.toy the Frank: For an, Mr. and 'Mini. Au- PRICES, AMERICAN of Finance six" months ago gust Erting, .Jr., Mr. and Mrs. ihoiild - have' realized . a " $450,000 Raymond Blum. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- .MADE. " " " .. increase would necessitate a big win Toogood, Mr. .and Mrs. Don- OTHER SIZES most, in the mill rate ,. ,., . That: j aid, Lynn, Mr. and .- Mrs. " Alan •APPROXIMATE SIZES AVAILABLE' was the, time to complain, not aft - Blum, Mr. *and Mrs. Harry New- 8x10* rr approximately !5d per cent of toiiiry, Miss Peggy Lynn, Miss '134 lie budget has been .spent; Linda Vaughn, Robert Reese, and i. , MR and Mrs. Ronald 'Cooper. i 'The Personnel Relations Com- Homti- THM. hi Frt. mittee of the Board of Educa- 80 Carlson's 10' AM. to 9 FJM. tion currently is „ negotiating with Sot. to 5:45 P.M. a committee of the Watertown ' plus tax Education Association concern- IDLEWILD,'* Ing teachers' salaries for 'the jnerican 1760 Wotertowrt Am.,. , coming year .',.,,. It's- 'to be 1 hoped both 'groups wilt exercise 753-6070 FREE PARKING | discretion ., ,. . Teachers' mini- NEW HAVEN — SPruce 7-2326 FURNITURE SHOPS

Spring -SpecialI 5 TRAVEL KIT for car owners

Compare at $5.96. Baa, • Moroccan-style plastic - • Has note pad and 'pen- • 16* hmg. §%'" wide 2 compartments for - . in. Mack. Clips to frorit" cil, handles for port- and deep,-and. rug- denena of travel items. or back seat. ability. gedly built!.

* ;'.* ARMANDS FUEL COMPANY Office and Plant 131 DAVIS STREET. OAKVILLE — 274-1679 Open DaHy 7 AJ*. to 7 Mvt. Open Smdan * AJi to 1-f Ji» issLmda Vaughn Hospital Aid Women Voters TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN,.),, MAR, '29, 1962 — PAGE 5 Spring Meeting Meet Today Engagement ShowerProperty Guest' of the Watertown Historical SocietyThe Seidu Delphia n Society wil 'Miss Linda Vaughn, daughter of Margison-Costa meet 'Tuesday, April '3. at 3 pan. Mr. artfl Mrs. Eugene Vaughn, Slated April 11 The.' League -of Women Voters' 'Mrs. SalvatGire" "A. ••'Costa. Buck- UukUebuty,. was recently ' honored will hold a consensus meeting to- ingham St., has .announced the en- at the home of Mrs,. Henry ,'L. The Waterbury Hospital Aid, So- day at. 1:45 p.m. at Wesley ..'Hall gagement and coming marriage of -with a ...miscellaneous, shower at ciety'will hold its Spring Meeting .Long. 241 Woodbury Rd. Mrs. her home. 'Miss Vaughn will, be of the Methodist Church. her daughter, Miss Sally .Ann Cos- Long will present, the program -for, April. 11, .in... Merri- "Schools - How To Pay For jnarried May 12 to Robert Reese, man Hall at Waterbury Hospital ta, to Pvt. Donald Vincent Margi- 'the' meeting. .ion .at Mr. .and Mrs. George beginning' at. 11:30 a.m. Them, will be. the subject and son, USA, son. of Mrs. Fred .Reese, 'Lancaster St., at St.. John's Mr?. John. K: Pratt, president Mrs. Harold Greenfield, Mrs. E. Spring. Farmcrest Dr., Water- Church. of 'the Society, will open the meet- 'Donald Walsh,, Mrs. Sherbum L. bury,, and Donald. Vance Margison, ..." Mrs:.. Alan Blum, Mrs... Raymond ing with comments on, the "Aid McGovern, and Mrs. Leo J. Fa- Alder St., Waterbury. find Mrs. Edwin Toogood were Society: Concept and. Services". bian will lead a, panel 'discussion The 'Ceremony will 'take place hostesses for the shower. At noon, films entitled ""Cardiac on the following questions: 1. Can. April 28 at 9 a.m. 'in St. Mary TED TFETZ, JR. „ Others, attending were: Miss Resuscitation" and "That They Watertown pay its school bill? 2. Magdalen Church, Oakviile. A re- Joan Giusto, Miss Maureen Tkacz, May _Live" will, be shown, fol- Do we need, more'help from the ception for 3TO guests 'from New. TRUCKING _ Bliss Ruth Straud, Miss Evelyn. lowed" by a 'panel, discussion, of State?' What, kind? 3. From where York, New Jersey, Nevada, Okla- Woodbury Road, Watertown" "phompson, Mrs... Christine' Mul- techniques discussed in these will the State, get 'the money? j homa and: Connecticut will follow 274-3789 caky, Mrs. Leo P. Vaughn,, Mrs. films and, a question and, .answer At a recent dinner meeting of in, Arnold's Restaurant. YOU CALL, WE HAUL, Agnes Togan, Mrs, John Miller, •period. The panelists, will be .Dr. the Watertown League, • LytJeton ANYTIME, 'ANY PLACE Mrs. Crawford* Slason, Mrs... Wil- John E, Keet, Director. Depart- Fox of United Aircraft spoke on rnot Ebbs,, Mrs. Eugene Slason, "Trade and. Tariff." Cru»hod 8tone - Gravel - ment of Anesthesiology; Dr. John Sexta Loam ;Mrs.. George Reese, Miss Peggy F. Summa. Third. Year .Resident League members are asked to Sexta Feira Will meet Friday, Lynn, Mrs. Francis Lyim, Mrs. in Medicine; and Dr. Joseph j form an opinion on Education Fi- March 30. at 3 p.m. at. the home REASONABLE RATE* Ronald Cooper, Mrs. Robert Lynn, Sklaver." Director, Division of nance and on Trade, and a vote ; of Mrs. boardman Get singer. Jr., .Mrs. Donald Lynn,- Mrs. Benjamin You're Always Ahead Medicine.,_ will then, be taken, Members and Linkfie'id Rd!,., Mrs. Boardman 'Get- Whep. You Call Ted. H. Lynn, Mrs. Harry Newbury, A millinery fashion show '"vill guests, are invited. Refreshments, singer, Sr.,, will deliver her paper Mrs. Harry Stegerwald. Mrs. Gor- will be served. entitled, """.Alleluia""".. don Seymour, Mrs. Everett 'Cook, 'be the highlight of the lunch- on, Mrs. ••Charles Sinkevich, Mrs. which wil] be served at 1:30 p..n. feus Alexander, Hiss Augusta. Mrs. 'Charles' E. Spencer, Mid- Archer, Mrs. Classen Perkins .and d'lefoury. is the Program Chair- Mrs. Eugene Vaughn.. man for the Spring Meeting. BREEN'S Proudly introduces A New Shoe — The Mrs. Zanavich Msf r. McMahon WIKLER SHOE by BUSTER BROWN, for chil- Heads Democratic To Address dren three years and under. It Is Designed To Women's Club Catholic Council The Right Rev. Mansignor Ter-! Avoid A Lifetime Of Foot Troubles, Mrs. Dolores Zanzvich was ranee P. McMahon will be the elected president of 'the Demo- guest speaker at the monthly MR. C. W. HATFI'ELD, Rep re sent ing,. The BUSTER BROWN Shoe Co.. cratic Women's Club at, a buffet meeting of the Council of Catho- supper held " Monday evening .at lic Women of St. John's, Church Will Be In Our Store Saturday, March 3 I, To Examine Your Child's ttie .Buckingham A. C. She suc- to be held 'Monday, April 2. at 8 Feet And Recommend The Proper Type Shoe. ceeds Mrs. -Frances Masi. . p.m. in the church • hall. Monsi- Other officers elected, 'were; gnor McMahon is Executive Ed-1 Mrs. Kathleen Navin, • vice-presi- itor of the Catholic 'Transcript. dent; Mrs. Irene Garthwait, secre- Refreshments will 'be served j tary; Miss Roslyn Butler, financial following Monsignor McMahon's | .secretary; 'Mrs,. Wanda -Witty, address. M:rs^. Ralph King will be 'treasurer and Mrs. Gloria Ander- ; son, publicity chairman. hostess. " Plans for an installation dinner .Mrs. Libby Freeman, chairman. to' be held Monday. April 30; at of the membership drive, an- Westbury Inn, were • discussed. nounced the drive will begin April Reservations may be -made by contacting Mrs:.. Ethel Medina. Miss Roslyn Butler, chairman of the opinion poll, spoke briefly: Edmund Swlgert and asked the co-operation of all members with 'the poll. To Speak Here Edmund K. Swigart, Biology and BROWN, Geology instructor at Gunnery" Linda Simmons School, will be ^uest speaker at the Episcopal Churchwomen's An- nual Spring Tea, to be held, Thurs- Guest At Shower day, April 5. at •Christ Church, at Miss ' Linda... Simmons, daughter 2:30 p.m. •f Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons, Mr.' Swigart. a well-known lec- 204 Be'Wen St., was guest of hon- turer on. plant life, wild-life • and cr recently at a bridal shower all phases of conservation, will .•given by her cousins, Mrs. Harold i speak and, show slides' on "'"Spring Birtwell and Mrs. Nelson Hay-,; Comes. 'To New England". wart, at 'the latter's home in. Rum- Women from near-by churches ford, R.I. . ! will be guests of" the club. • Guests were present, from Rhode ] 'Island, Massachusetts and. Con - necticut. i BETHLEHEM Miss Simmons wil] become the 'bride of Eric R. O. Kuegler, son-f of Mr. and Mrs. .Eric Jcgler, son.: FUNERAL HOME •«f Mr.-and Mrs. Eric Jegler. 199 J MA IN ST., BETH L IE H E M Ball. Farm Rd. Oakviile, on, June J 23. " Phone 266-7878

fciifal Consoftants far ftraomalaed' ^Mention Gmms and Accessories for Brides. • Bridesmaids How Flower Girls &• Mothers es shown in, Brides MagaiiiM . Cocktail & Dance Dresses INVITATIONS A GIFT BOUTIQUE long NEGLIGEE & PEIGNOIR SETS

45' PARK PLACE • WATHBUjftY since you,., 1 Block ficm W. Main St. at YMCA 756-7214 CUSTOMER PARKING ARE*. checked Motto - IWoMi MM ft tari TmUm &M your child's DEAN'S RESTAURANT shoe size? WATERBURY'S NEWEST AND1 NICEST EATING PLACE ' Continnal aUejttkn* to flt'fe vital because 'poorly fitted shoes 'Can be pleasing ft© ,, COLONIAL SHOPPING PLAZA — THOMASTON AVE. feet out of shape—without a murmur of complaint from the child. Children under6yeaisofage outgrow theirshoesin4to 8 weeks; betweenages 6 .and 12,, in Open' 8:00 A.M. 'to 3:00 A.M. S tol6weeks; between agesl2 and 15, youngstefsneed laiger sizes' every 4 months. : STOP IN AFTER BOWLING OR 'When you faring your' cMldren .in, to us, we'i, 'tell,' 'Iheir .shoes; fit .as 'they ; A, NIGHT ON THE TOWN. J -—JFOH A COFFEE BREAK OR A STEAK. afaould. If not; we'll show you why. "We will check their1 shoe sizes with the famous 6-Poinf Fitting' Plan which VISIT OUR NEW measures 'both feet at all 'bey points and allows, just the right amount of grow- ing room. Peeper fit is, .assured because Buster Brown. Shoes, are made over COCKTAIL LOUNGE "live-Foot" Lasts pretested 'by active youngsters like yours, Full Liquor Privileges

COMPLETE MENU Only A 10-Minute Drive To: and SEN SI B'LE, PR ICES

T A STY SAN DWICH ES FINE DINNERS BREEN'S Chufch Naugatuck • -TOWN .TIMES (WATEflTOWN, CONN,}, HA*. 29, 1'9«2OcJwtlteWW ToProperty wo Times of, Inc the. WatertownElects N*w Skrf »Historical Society Of Officers Officers for the coming year watertownhistoricalsociety.orgwere elected, 'by the Oakville 'Post, ... . May 1ft IMS at HW »Ml Veterans of Foreign Wars., - at a «»i*rv n MC«Mt ctais matter Jan. 11, 1M* at ttw " i AW * Mwrcn j, infi. .recent meeting. Heading the slate is Commander" Dominic J. Ret-, mono, 'who succeeds John S. Ric- ciardl.

"#• Other officers include: Maurice Y a ix fc e e D o 0 d I e r Barberet, .Senior' Vice^Command- er; Paul Foamier, Junior' Vice- commander; Joseph Caporale, Quartermaster; DonaM Ken-, Judge Advocate; Joseph Aurio. 1 Sending regards from Sarasota, mum .and" maximum salaries Chaplain; Rudy Morse, Post Sur- Ha., are-Harold 'and Audrey Hall have been boosted'' three times geon; Arthur Wood,, Jr., Rene Al- 4 ..... They took in. several spring in the past 'three years, and the lan! and. Philip Berchonak, Trus- exhibition baseball games there town's scale compares very fa- tees, three, two and one years, last week and planned to visit .in vorably with other communities respectively; Paul' Founder, Car- |Cey West this week. in the' state. - lo Palomba 'and. Joseph Berger, • [ i • Board of Directors, three-year Local Boy Scouts have been Furnishings for the adult read- terms; Arthur ' Wood, Jr., • Pa ' assisting CD. officials by - dis- ing corner at .the Watertown Li- quale Palombo and, Larry Paiom- tributing copies off a booklet brary have • been completed with, ba, two-year terms; and Thomas containing the latest, information the donation of a table by Mrs.DeSanto, 'Charles Guglielmetti and concerning radioactive . fallout James Christie ...... Other furn- John Ricciardi. one-year terms; protection . ... . Despite the ef- ishings were given by Philip Budge James Palumbo, John. "..Ricciardi, forts to educate the public in as a memorial to. his "wife. Angelo Durante, Donald Johnson, 'Mils reipeet,.. interest, .is lag-' Victor Zabara, Maurice Barberet. fling, not. only here, but through- 'The Oakville VFW's color Michael Gapuano, Pasquale- F'al- out the country . . . The Lions guard is listed, as' one of the omfoo and Anthony Gerulis, ways !Club in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., units, already signed up for par- and means committee; 'Donald 'began "a fund-r.ais.lng drive last. ticipation in the' 10th annual Kerr, John Ricciardi. ' .and John i November by offering a 'home: "Loyalty Day parade . .. .. The Vitome, by-laws, committee; Mi- . fallout shelter to the. holder of event will be held on Sunday, chael DiPrimto, Rudy Morse and a winning 25-ceot ' ticket . . . May 6, in Putnam, and Is ex- Commander .Romano, Veterans .'The club has called off the af- pected to draw 75,000 persons 'Council delegates; James Hale fair ' because only 23; tickets" to 'the community .of 8,400 . .. . and. Oscar LeClair, alternates; were sold In four months. More than 40' - marching . units, James Palumbo, Thomas Unwin, drill teams and color guards al- James Hale. Donald. Johnson, John. 1.. Mrs. C'eceiif Banda. '68 Baldwin ready have accepted invitations Pennington and. Paul Foamier; St., winner., of the Pik-Kwik Stores "to".-take part,, and there will be Litcnfield 'County Council, dele- Checker of the year contest, las many more: before 'the deadline.. gates; .and. Arthur' Wood, Jr., Rudy been entered, in state judging which Morse, Donald Kerr, Maurice' could lead to a trip to Chicago .Pre-season stocking of Connect Barberet, Michael DiPrimio and. In May, and possibly a. trip to icut's lakes .and ponds in .anticipa- 'Rene Allard, .alternates. Hawaii .. . Mrs. Banda, -who has. tion of the April 21 opening of the teen with Pik-Kwik: at its Water- 1962 fishing season is well tinder- town stores since- Oct., I960, was- way . . . 'The stocking started Chosen 'by a panel of" judges and. March. 7. and. is carried, out des- jjopilar vote of store 'patrons . ., .. pite the ice caver .." ...... Stocking of The state winner 'will be held smaller streams" was to bestir this within the next few weeks, leading week . ., ... .Larger "streams, more to the national finals in Chicago susceptible to - extreme ' flooding, j ... . Grand 'winner, gets the trip 'won't be stocked, until 'water con- to Hawaii. ditions, become more suitable. '

1 Worst stretch .off' road In town Is a section' of upper Davis St. Lynn Couple where sewer and/or vtater pipes were laid last fall - ..... Tempor- 'Honored On ary repairs were made .several times during 'the winter but have done little good . . . Permanent 48th Anniversary resurfacing is needed, . and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Lynn, .•quickly. • ' Bunker Hill Road, were honored 1*9.50 .ft March 24 at a dinner party in cel- 'There has been much (unhappy 1 ebration, of their 48th 'wedding an- ONE OF 001 BFTTER moment concerning the 5.5 mill niversary. tax: increases approved by the Those attending .were: Mr. and. OVAL BRAIDED RUGS IN Fawn Council last 'week ...... We Mrs. Carleton 'Perkins, "Mr. and BEAUTIFUL NEW COLORS ean't understand why •... ..•",. Anyone Mrs. Eugene Vaughn, Mr. and who had' taken the time to consul- Mrs. Robert Lynn, Mr. and Mrs... AT SPECIALLY LOW ar the budget presented by the Frank Foran, Mr. .and Mrs. An-, PRICES. AMERICAN Board ..of Finance six: months ago gust Erling, Jr., Mr. and. Mrs. should have realized, a $450,000 Raymond Blum, Mr. and. Mrs... Ed-, .MADE.. ' " ncrease would necessitate a big win Toogood, Mr. and Mrs. Don- OTHER Sizes Most in, the mill rate . . . That ald Lynn:, Mr. and. Mrs. Alan. AVAILABLE was the time to' complain, not aft-Blum, Mr. .and Mrs. Harry New- •APPROXIMATE SIZES ' ... er 'approximately. 90 per cent of bury, " Miss Peggy" Lynn, Miss 1x10* €K9* .,,: pf be budget has been, .spent. Linda Vaughn, Robert Reese, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cooper. The Personnel Relations Com- •fount Tin*, m M, mittee " 'Of the Boam of Educa- Carlson's 10' A.M. te 9 P.M. tion 'currently is negotiating with $9.50 a committee of the Watertown So*, 'la 5:45 P.M. Education Association concern-. plus tax -Ing teachers"1' salaries ..for the J760 Wataitowfi Ave., OokviN* coming, year ...... It's 'to- be merican hoped both groups will exercise . - " Service 753-6070 FREE PARKING discretion ...... Teachers' mini- NEW HAVEN — &Pruce 7-2326 FURNITURE SHOPS

Spring Special! ARM REST TRAVEL KIT Umlfd for car owners

• Compare aft $6.96. Has. • Moroccan-style plastic • Has note pad and 'pen- • 16" fang. 6W wife 2 oompartment* for in black. Clips to' front cil,, handles for port- and deep, and rug- or back seat - ..- ability. . *^ - dozens of travel items. gedly bnllft ARMAND'S FUEL COMPANY Office and Plant -- 131 DAVIS STREET. OAKVILLE — 274-1679 Open Daily 7 AJvi. to 7 P.M Open Sundays 8 A.M. t» 1 ?M> Miss-Linda VaughnHospital Aid Women Voters TOWN TIMES {WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 29, 1962 — PAGE 5 ShowerProperty Guest Spring of, Meetin the gWatertownMeet Today HistoricalEngagement Society Margison-Costa The Seidu Delphian Society will, Hiss Linda, Vaughn, daughter of meet Tuesday, April 3, at. 3 pun. Mr. anfi Mrs. Eugene Vaughn, Slated April 11 The .League -of Women. Fetors Mrs. S&hratnre* -A. "=Cflsta,, Buck- MiddJebury, was, recently • honored will hold a consensus meeting to- ingham, '•St., has .announced 'the en-at 'the home of Mrs. Henry 'L. The Watertwry Hospital Aid So-day at, 1:45 p.m. at. Wesley.Hall gagement and, coming • marriage of -with a miscellaneous shower at ciety will hold its; Spring ..Meeting of the Methodist 'Church. Long, 241, Woodbury Rd. Mrs, her home. Miss Vaughn will tie, April 11, in. Merri- her daughter,. Miss Sally .Ann Cbs-Long will present the program -for married May 12 to Robert, Reese, man Hall at Waterbury Hospital "•Schools - How 'To Pay For ta, to Pvt. 'Donald 'Vincent Margi- •the meeting. .Aon jqf Mr. and Mrs. George beginning at 11:30' a.m. 'Them" will be 'the subject and son, USA, son of Mrs. Fred ".•Reese, Lancaster St., at St. John's Mrs. Harold Greenfield, •Mrs. E. Spring, Farmcrest Dr., Water- Mrs. John, K. Pratt, president 'Donald Walsh, Mrs. Sherburn L. bury, and Donald Vance Margison, Church. of 'the Society, will open, the meet- .." Mrs. Alan Blum, Mrs. Raymond McGovern, and Mrs. .Leo J. Fa- Alder St., Waterbury. ing 'with comments on, the • "Aid bian will lead a panel discussion, find Mrs. 'Edwin, Toogood' were Society: Concept .and Services". The ceremony will 'take .place hostesses for 'the shower, on the following questions: 1. CanApril 28 at 9 a.m. in, St. Mary TED. TflETZ, JR. 1 At noon, films entitled "Cardiac Watertown pay its school bill? 2. ,. Others attending were : • Miss Resuscitation" and "That They Magdalen Church, Oakville. A re- Joan Giusto, .Miss; Maureen. ', 'Do we need, more help from, the' ception for 300 guests 'from. New TRUCKING __ May .Live" will 'be shown, fol- State? What kind? 3. From, where Hiss 'Ruth Strand, Miss Evelyn lowed" by a, panel 'discussion of York, New Jersey, Nevada, Okla- Woodbury Road, Watertowm Thompson, Mrs. 'Christine Mul- will the State, get the money? homa and Connecticut will follow techniques discussed, in these At a recent dinner meeting of in Arnold's Restaurant. 274-3789 eaky, Mrs. Leo P. Vaughn, Mrs. films and a 'question and answer YOU CALL, WE HAUL, Agnes Togan, Mrs John,' Miller, period. 'The panelists will be Dr. the Watertown League, Lytleton Mrs. 'Crawford, JSIason, Mrs. WilJoh- n E. Keet, Director, Depart- Fox: of United Aircraft spoke on ANYTIME, ANY PLACE rnot Ebbs, Mrs. Eugene Slason, ment of Anesthesiology; Dr. John "Trade and Tariff',.," Sexta 'Feiirai Crushed Stone - GraveJ - •and Mrs,. George Reese, Miss Peggy F. Summa, Third Year' Resident League members .are asked to Sexta Feira will meet Friday, Loam . - ^^ lomn, Mrs. Francis Lynn, Mrs. in. Medicine; and. Dr. Joseph form, an, opinion, on Education Fi- March 30, at 3 p.m. at 'the home REASONABLE RATE* Ronald 'Cooper, Mrs. Robert Lyiu, Sklaver, Director, Division, of nance and on. Trade, and, a vote "of Mrs. boardman Getsinger. Jr., Mrs. Donald 'Lynn,- Mrs. .Benjamin Medicine. mill then be taken,. Members and' j Linkfield Rd. Mrs. Boardman Get- You're Always Ahead H. Lynn,, Mrs. Harry Newbury, A millinery fashion show will guests are invited. Refreshments '. singer, Sr., will deliver her paper When 'You Call Ted. Mrs. Harry Stegerwald, Mrs. Gor- will be served. I entitled,, '"•Alleluia". don Seymour, Mrs. Everett Cook, 'be the highlight. of 'the luncheon, firs. •••Charles, Sinkevich, Mrs. which will be served at 1:30 p.m. Gus Alexander, Miss Augusta Mrs. Charles E. Spencer. Mid- .Archer, Mrs. Classen Perlons and dlebury. is 'the Program Chair- Mrs. Eugene Vaughn, man, for the Spring Meeting, BREEN'S Proudly Introduces A New Shoe — The Mrs* Zanavich Msgr. McMahon WfKLER SHOE by BUSTER BROWN, for chil- Heads Democratic To Address dren three years and under. It is Designed To Women's Club Catholic Council The Right Rev. Mqnsignor Ter- Avoid A Lifetime Of Foot Troubles* Mrs. Dolores Zanzvich was ra nee P. McMahon will be the elected, president of the Demo- MR. C. W, HATH ELD, Representing The BUSTER BROWN Shoe Co , cratic Women's Club at a, 'buffet guest speaker at the monthly supper held Monday evening at meeting of the 'Council- of Catho- Will Be In Our Store Saturday, March 31, To Examine Your Child's the Buckingham A. C. She suc-lic Women of St. John's Church ceeds . Mrs. Frances, Masi. to be held Monday, April 2, at 8 Feet And Recommend The Proper Type Shoe. 'Other officers elected were: p.m. in the church hall. RIonsi-1 Mrs. Kathleen, Navin. vice-presi- gnor McMahon' is Executive Ed-' dent; Mrs. Irene Garthwait, secre- itor of the Catholic Transcript. ] tary; Miss Roslyn, Butler, financial Refreshments will, be served' .secretary; Mrs. Wanda Witty, following Monsignor McMahon's | 'treasurer and. Mrs. Gloria Ander- address. Mrs..Ralph King will be son:, publicity chairman. hostess. Plans for an installation, dinner Mrs. Libby Freeman, chairman to 'be held Monday. April 30, at of the membership drive, an- Westbury Inn. were discussed. nounced the 'drive will 'begin April Reservations 'may 'be made by contacting Mrs. Ethel .Medina. Miss Rosiyn Butler, chairman 'Of 'the opinion, poll, spoke briefly Edmund S wigert and asked the co-operation of all members with 'the poll. To Speak Here Edmund K. Swigart, Biology and BROWN Geology instructor at Gunnery Linda Simmons School, will be guest speaker at; the Episcopal Churchwomen's An- nual Spring Tea. to be held Thurs- Guest At Shower day, April 5, at, Christ Church, at .Miss Linda Simmons, daughter 2:30 p.m. I •f Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons, Mr. Swigart, a. well-known lee- , 204 -Belden St., was guest of hon-turer on, plant life, and, [ •r recently at a, bridal, shower i all phases, of conservation, will; .given by her cousins. Mrs. Harold \ speak and show slides on Spring' Birt well and Mrs. Nelson Hay-' Comes To New England*'. ward at the letter's home in, 'Rum- Women, from near-by churches ford, R.I. ' •' will be guests of the club. Guests were present from Rhode Island, Massachusetts and. 'Con- necticut. BETHLEHEM Miss Simmons will become the bride of Eric R. O. kuegler, son | ©f Mr. and Mrs. .Eric Jegler, son,: FUNERAL HOME 'Of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jegler. 199! Ball Farm'Rd. Oakville, on June j MAIN ST., BETHLEHEM 23. • ' Phone 266-7878

fjpeWencerf ftriifaf Consultants far Personalized Attention Gowns and Accessaries tor Brides • Bridesmaids How Flower Girls & Mothers as shown in Brides MagaxiiM Cocktail & Dance Dresses INVITATIONS ft, GIFT BOUTIQUE, ^ long NEGLIGEE 6 PEIGNOIR SETS 45 PARK 'PLACE • WATERBURY 7 c i 751 A since you 1 Block '•»• W. Main St. at YMCA / *O"* * ' "•' CUSTOMER F'AIKI'NG AKEA cheeked Member - Notional Bridot & Formal Fashion Gull •your child's size?1

DEAN'S RESTAURANT 1 1 WATER'BURY'S NEWEST AND NICEST EATING IP LACE Continual attention" to fit is. vital 'because poorly fitted shoes: en fee'pressing ft© , COLONIAL SHOPPING PLAZA — THOMASTON AVE. • feet out of shape—without a murmur of complaint from the child. Children Open 8:00 A.M. -to 3:00 A.M. mndar 6yeais ofage outgrow their shoes in 4 to 8 weeks; between ages; 6 and 12, in S tolSweeks; betweemages 12and 15,youngstos need, larger sizes every 4 months. , STOP IN AFTER: BOWLING OR 'When you brfeig your children in to us, well tell you,if their .shoes fit .as. they : A NIGHT ON THE TOWN. J —FOR A COFFEE BREAK OR A, STEAK. should. If not, well show you why. We will check their shoe sizes with, 'the famous 6-Pbint Fitting' .Plan which VISIT OUR NEW measures 'both feet at all bey points and .allows just the right .amount of grow- COCKTAIL LOUNGE in g room. 'Bumper fit is. assured 'because Buster Brown Shoes, are made over Full. Liquor Privileges .'"live-Foot" tote pretested by active yoHngsteiB like yo'ioa.

COMPLETE MENU Only A 10-Minute Drive To: •f and SENSIBLE PRICES

TASTY SANDWICHES PINE DINNERS EEN'S Nougafuck PAOC 4 — TOWPropertyN THHgS (WATEfiTOWN , CONN.)of , theMAfi. 29, 196Watertown2 OoJwflteVFW Historical Society Town Times, Inc. Beds New State "IT" Of Officers «« fM-mi or »*«& '«WMI n*« to TOWN TIMES* lm: n, mmm, or to B«t i,"Officers lor the coming .year "*""* ' WHM «. 9IMMMM. 'Editor ft NMMw were elected by the Oakville Post, • WHHPWWrWH '•• 'MWOMNI1 WOT' fllHilH MWnf iHt •Faffli •

Spring Special! TRAVEL KIT for car owners

Compare .at. $5.95. 'Has • Moroccan-style plastic: • Has note pad and pen- - • 16'* lone 6Vi* 2 compartments for in Hack. Clips to front cil, handles foe port- and deep and oUtravel items... or back seat " ability. '' , gedly built! ARMAND'S FUEL COMPANY Office and Plant 131 DAVIS STREET. OAKVILLE — 274-1679 Ope* DaHy 7 AM. to 7 fM. Open Smdafs t AM. to 1 F.M MissVmda Vaughn Hospital Aid Women Voters TOWN T1-M.ES. (WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 29; 1962 — PAGE S Spring Meeting Meet Today Engagement Seidu Mpftions Sh PropertyGuest' of the Watertown Historical SocietyThe Seidu Delphia n .Society will, Miss Linda Vaughn, daughter at Margison-Costa Mr. artJ Mrs. Eugene Vaughn, Sloted April 11 The League -of Women Voters; Mrs. Salvatere* A. "Costa,, Buck- meet Tuesday, April 3, at 3 pan, Middlebury, .'was. recently - honored mill hold a consensus: meeting to-, ingham,. St., has announced, the en- at the home of Mrs. Henry L» The Waterlmry Hospital Aid So-. day at 1:45 p.m. at Wesley-Hall gagement and coming 'marriage' of -With a miscellaneous .shower - at ciety will hold its Spring Meeting of the Methodist •Church. Long, 241 Woodbury Rd. .Mrs. 'hex* twine, 'Miss Vaughn will be her daughter. Miss Sally .Ann. Cos- Long will present, the program -tost, April 11, in. Merri- "Schools - How To Pay For married May 12 to Robert Reese', man Hall at Waterb'ury Hospital ta, to' Pvt. 'Donald, Vincent Margi- 'the meeting. _&on ,of Mr. .and Mrs. George .beginning at, 1T:3Q a.m.. Them"" will 'be 'tee'" subject and. son,,, USA. son of 'Mrs. Fred •fteese, Lancaster St., at St. iota's Mrs. John K. Pratt, president Mrs. Harold Greenfield,,- Mrs. E. Spring, Farmcrest Dr., Water- Church. off 'the Society, will open the meet- Donald Walsh, Mrs. Sherburn L. bury, .and Donald Vance Margison, .." Mrs. Alan Blum, Mrs. Raymond McGoveny and Mrs:. Leo J. Fa- Alder St Waterbury. ing with comments on the "Aid, bian will lead a panel discussion and Mrs. Edwin Toogood we're .Society: Concept: .and Services". 1 The ceremony will take place hostesses for the shower. on- the following 'questions.: 1. Can April 28 at 9 a.m. in St. Mary At- noon, films entitled "Cardiac Waterfown, pay its school, bill? 2. TEDTE1Z. JR. „ Others' attending 'were: Miss Resuscitation" .and "That They Magdalen Church1 , Oakville. A 're- Joan Giusto, Miss Maureen Tkacz, Do we need, more help from the ception for 300 guests: from New TRUCKING __ May .Live" will be shown, fol- State? What'kind? 3. From where Miss Ruth Strand, Miss Evelyn lowed by a 'panel discussion of York, New Jersey, Nevada, Okla- Woodbury Road, Watertown" Thompson, Mrs.. Christine Mul- ll the State get the money? homa and Connecticut will, follow techniques discussed in these 1 274-3788' caky, 'Mrs.. -Leo P. Vaughn, Mrs. films and a question and answer' At a recent dinner meeting of in Arnold's Restaurant. Agnes Togan, Mrs. John Miller, .period. The panelists, will 'be Eh-., the Watertown .League, Lytleton YOU CALL,, WE, HAUL, Mrs. Crawford Slason, Mrs. Wil- John E. Keet, Director, Depart-' Fox of United .Aircraf1 t spoke on ANYTIME, ANY PLACE mot Ebbs, Mrs. .Eugene Slason. ment of Anesthesiology; Dr.. John "Trade and Tariff,.*" Sexto Feiro • — Cnistiod Stone - Grav*J - .Mrs. George Reese. Miss Peggy F. Summa, Third Year Resident League members are asked to Sexta Feira will meet Friday, Lynn. Mrs. Francis Lynn, Mrs.. Loam In Medicine; and. Dr. Joseph form an opinion on Education Fi- March 30',. at 3 p.m. at 'the home REASONABLE RATES Ronald Cooper, Mrs. Robert Lynn, Sklayer. Director, Division of nance and on 'Trade, .and a vote of Mrs. board man Getsinger. Jr., 'Mrs. Donald .Lynn,,- Mrs:.. Benjamin Medicine. .will then be taken... Members and fLinkfield Rd. Mrs. Boardman Get- You're Always Ahead H. Lynn,, Mrs:.. Harry Newbury, A millinery' fashion show will guests are invited. Refreshments .singer,'Sr., will deliver her paper When You Call Tell.. Mrs. Harry Stegerwald, Mrs, Gor- will be served. I entitled, " "AUeluia"". don Seymour, Mrs. Everett, 'Cook,, be' 'the - highlight of 'the luncheon, Mrs:. -Charles Sinkevkh, Mrs. which will be served at 1:30 p.m.. feus Alexander, Miss Augusta. Mrs. Charles E. Spencer, Mid- Archer, Mrs. Classen Perkins .and dlebury, is the Program Chair- Mrs. Eugene Vaughn. man for 'the Spring Meeting. BREEN'S Proudly introduces A New Shoe — The Mrs* Zctncfvicn lisgr. McMahon WIKLER SHOE by BUSTER BROWN, for chil- Heads 'Democratic' To Address dren three years and under. It is- Designed To Women's Club Catholic Council The Right Rev. Monsfgnor Ter- \ Avoid A Lifetime Of Foot Troubles. Mrs. Dolores Zanzvich was ranee P. McMahon will be the' elected president of 'the Demo- MR. C. W. HATFIELD, Representing! The BUSTER EROWN.Shoe Co., cratic Women's Club at a buffet guest speaker at the monthly sapper held Monday evening at meeting of the Council of Catho- Will Be In Our Store Saturday, March 3 I, To Examine Your Child's the Buckingham A. C. She suc- lic Women of St. John's Church to be held Monday, April 2. at 8* Feet And Recommend The Proper Type Shoe. ceeds Mrs... -.Frances Masi. [ p.m. in the church hall. Monsi- •Other •officers elected, 'were: gnor" McMahon is Executive Ed- Mrs. Kathleen Navin, vice-presi- itor of the Catholic Transcript. dent; Mrs. Irene Garthwait. secre- 1 tary; Miss Rosiyn Butler, financial Refreshments will be served, J .secretary; Mrs. Wanda Witty, following Monsignor McMahon *s " 'treasurer -and, Mrs. Gloria .Ander- address. Mrs. Ralph King will be son,, publicity chairman. hostess. Plans for an 'installation dinner Mrs. Libby Freeman, chairman to' be1 held Monday; April 30, at of- the membership drive, an- West'bury Inn, were discussed:,.. nounced the drive "-will begin, April Reservations may be made by 'Contacting Mrs. Ethel Medina. Miss Rostyn Butler, chairman of the opinion, poll, spoke briefly Edmund Swigert and. asked, 'the co-operation of all members with the 'poll. To Speak Here Edmund, K. Swigart, Biology and. ROWN Geology instructor at Gunnery Linda Simmons School,,, will IK guest speaker at the Episcopal" Churchwomen's An- nual Spring 'Tea, to' be held, Thurs- Guest 'At Shower' day. April 5, at Christ Church, at Miss Linda. Simmons, daughter 2:30 p.m. . 1 •ff Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons, Mr. Swigart. a well-known lee- 304 Belden St., was • guest of hon- tiirer on plant life, wild-life and! j ©r 'recently at a bridal shower I all phases of conservation, will, i given by her cousins, Mrs. Harold j speak and shorn slides on "Spring. Birtwell and Mrs;,. Nelson • Hay-! Comes To New England,"*,. ward at 'the tetter's home in. Rum- Women from, near-by churches ford. R.I. ' I will be1 guests of the club. •" Guests were present from Rhode Island, Massachusetts "and Con- necticut. BETHLEHEM Miss Simmons will 'become' the Bride of Eric R. O. Kuegler, son ®f Mr, and Mrs. Eric Jegler, son. FUNERAL HOME Of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jegler, 199 Ball Farm Rd. Oakville, on June MAIN ST.,. BETHLEHEM 23. Phone 266-7878

fifwriencad' Bridal ConuilUnU hr ftaamaliacri Attention 'Gown and Accessories for Brides • Bridesmaids How Flower Girls & Mothers as shown in Brides Magazine Cocktail A. Dance Dresses INVITATIONS & €IFT BOUTIQUE long NEGLIGEE & PEIGNOIR SETS 45 PARK PLACE • WATERBURY since you... 1 Block front W. Main St. at YMCA 756-7214 CUSTOMER MIKING' AREA checked Memb*r - 'National Bridal & Format Fashion Grill your child's DEAN'S RESTAURANT shoe size? W^TERBURY'S NEWEST AND NICEST EATING PLACE • Continual attention" to It is: vital because: poorly fitted shoes; can be •pressing ft© , COLONIAL SHOPPING 'PLAZA — THOMASTON AVE. ' feet out of shape—without a. murmur of complaint from 'the child. Children i . . Open 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 A.M. under 6 years of age outgrow their shoes in 4 to 8 weeks; between ages 6 and 12, 'in. .8 tol6 weeks; between ages 12 .and 15, youngsters need larger .sizes; every 4 months. , "fc^, STOP IN AFTER BOWLING OR A .J "|P? A NIGHT ON THE TOWN, When you brmg your children, in to us, we'll 'tell you,if their shoes; fit as they J v _J —"FOR A COFFEE BREAK, OR A STEAK. should. If not, well show you why. We will check" their shoe .sizes; with, the famous 6-Point Fitting Flan which VISIT OUR NEW measures both feet at all key points and allows just the .right amount of grow- COCKTAIL LOUNGE ing room. Pioper fit is. assured because Buster Brown Shoes, are made over Full Liquor Privileges "live-Foot" lasts pretested by active youngsters like' yours. M COMPLETE MENU - Only A 10-Minute Drive To: and SENSIBLE PRICES

"Til TASTY' SANDWICHES J3 FINE. DINNERS . K-I^frkift ft -/•) WHAB BREEN'S Church Shod tfaugotiKk rH if--

ft-'"'- 6 --TOWN TlliiEg (WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 29, 1962 Local Residents Water-O<* Post, | Corps, Who, How, and Where, County Episcopal PropertyCharles Wingenbackof the; "The Suprem Watertowne HistoricalDoodled $1,778 SocietyAuxiliary To New Book List 'Court "'Of the United. States, Paul A. Fruend; Job' Strategy, Allan Women's Coiporate Install Apr. 1 ' 'The following new. books now are Reed; The Trachtenberg Speed To MJ>. Campaign .available at 'the Watertown Li- System, of Bash* Mathematics, Ami Residents of Watertown, con-' " The Water-Oak 'Post. V.F.W., brary. Cuttewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgr .and McShane Rudolph; Side Communion Mar. 31 and, its .Ladies Auxiliary' will .hold ".Adult Fiction tribtited a total of $1,788.84 to Rule: How to Use It, Calvin Bish- • The clergy, presidents of youth Jne 1961 March on Muscular Dys- a .joint installation of officers Sun- _ 'Cassandra, at. the Wedding, Dor- opp; The World of Mathematics (4 groups,and Episcopal Churchwom- day. April 1, at 2 p.m. in. the Post othy Baker; Under the Skin, Dor- trophy in, 'the .greater Waterbury- Club Rooms on Thomaston Road. othea Bennett; The Wife Who Died vol..)', James R. Newman. en, and directresses of altar' litchfield County .Area. 'Campaign Micro-Organisms as ..Allies,. D. guilds .in the Episcopal churches The public is ."Invited. Twice, Edgar' Bohle; A Matter of •treasurer Donald G. Bellefleur. The Auxiliary officers to be in- Fact,?' Herbert: Brean; Judgement L. Duddington; The Meaning of Ev- in Litchfleld Archdeaconry have reported before a, recent meeting Day, Thomas Chastain; The Mighty olution, G. G. Simpson; 'Genetics received notices of the 6th An- of the local. Muscular' Dystrophy stalled ..are: 'Veronica Kenney, and. Their Fall., Crompton Burn- .Is Easy, 'Goldstein; The Doctor's nual Corporate 'Communion, for' Associations Chapter, 'that the president; Mary Lehotskie, vice- ett.; Phyllis, E... ¥. Cunningham; .Dilemmas, L. Lasagna; Funda- Women and Girls to be. held Sat- total raised amounted, to 120,- president; Lucille Gignac, Junior .'The' . Grass - Lovers, Ronald M. mentals of Transistors, L, Krug- urday, March 11, at 9:30 a.m. at 394.28:,. The' figure is about $1,500 vice-presfdent; Maiy Dubay, sec- jDeutach; 'While The River. Flows, man; Automation in the 'Office, I, Trinity Church,, Torrington. lower 'than,''the total for the Chap- retary; .Sophia Hlavna, treasurer; {Mary- F. Doner; Alexander " theR. Hoos; ' Midget. Motoring and. 'The Rev. David Gracey, rector' ter's Bfii drivel Elaine Ayotte, chaplain,; Agnes Karting, K. McF'arland and. J. C. Gignac, .conductress; Kathleen God,' Druong "The Quarry, of Trinity Church, will be cele- Kuncas, ' guard,; Ruth, DiStefano, IFriedrich Duerrenmatt; Scorn., Sparks. Jr.; The Farmer's Dilem- brant at "the service of Holy Com- Chapter President, Lucius W. ; 'Robin .Francis; 'The Cactus and: the ma, Stanley Andrews; The 'Dried- munion, assisted, by the Rev. Ste-Snyder of Thomaston reported that trustee for three -years; Lecla' {Crown, Catherine Gavin; .Savage Flower 'Book:, N. C. Carico .and' J, phen Matthews, curate. Mrs... firemen and. other volunteers, in Chaloux,' Juliet Dunn,, Mary Her- Sam, Fred: Gipson; Come .and Join C Guynn; Cats' X.Y.Z..' Beverley Winthrop H. .Davis, of Meriden, each community had been.'thanked, oux, and • Gudren Milius, color •the' Dance, Joyce Classman; The Nichols; Breakfasts .and Brunches diocesan president of' Episcopal by letter .and added that the Chap- bearers; Ethel Gilinas, patriotic .Foragers, Ben,. Haas; The Inheri- 'for Every 'Occasion, J. E. 'Brawn, Churchwomen in 'Connecticut, will ter was grateful to' all, 'workers instructor, and, Anna Schmidt, his- !'tor, R. C. Hutchinson; One Flew -and P.. S. Brown; Cooks Gluttons. speak .on. "The Laywnman's .and donors, alike. He -paid special torian. ['Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kes-& Gourmets, Betty Wason; How Work". The communion alms will tribute -to the area newspapers and The Auxiliary will hold a, regu- ey; 'The Phoenix Hour, Sarah' 101— Six Selling Secrete Jumped My In- be' given for scholarships for radio stations for their part in lar meeting Tuesday, April 3, at Patrick; Passage to "Danger, Ed- come from.. 185' 'to (1100 a." Week, Camp Washington 'in. Lakeside, both .educating the public in the 8 p.m. in the club rooms. ' - win Lantern; .' and Friendship, Walter Burns; The Lure' of An- Episcopal camp and conference work of MDAA .and. in publicizing Alison Lurie. tiques, Hampden Gordon; How "to center. * ' the fund-raising campaign. Watrr Pangm - Water SoMeaen • A. Girl from Lubeck, Bruch Mar- Draw .and Paint, Henry Gasser; A coffee hour' 'in 'the parish A report on .services, including 1. J. BLACK & SON. Inc. shall; "The Whole Creation, Theo- Houdini's Fabulous Magic, W^Gib- house 'will follow 'the service with clinic 'and therapy care' at the FAIRBANKS-MORSE dore' Morrison; The Way Out son. and M. Young; Ski. Pointers 'by the women .and' girls of Trinity Rehabilitation Center in Water- World, Long J. Nebel; Miners. Hill.,. 'the Experts, ' Ski. Life Magazine bury, as well as visits to patients' . WATER SYSTEMS parish as hostesses. There 'will SALES AND SERVICE Michael O'Malley; 'Castle Dor, Ar- Editors; The' Islanders, Philip 'be opportunity-'to register -parish- homes, .in the 'Chapter area was thur Quiller-Couch .and Daphne Du Booth; With. Eyes at. the Back of es present: 'with- Mrs. Charles H. given by Mrs." Hiiaire -LaBonne of Northflett Itond - Td: K4-SSS1 Maurier; To Long in. "the West, 'Our'Heads, Denise Levertov; To Waterbury. WntTtown, Co». Bedlam and Part Way Back, .Anne Arnold. Litchfield Archdeaconry 1Balachandra Rajan; 'Captain New- chairman,' Episcopal. Church- man M.D., Leo Hasten;. The Last Sexton. women. 'Hours of' Sandra Lee, William San- Waiting for Godot,. Samuel Beck- |som; Devil Water, Anya Seton; The ett; Shakespeare: Modem Essays The Torrington gathering i Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Muri- .in. 'Criticism, L. F. Dean; The Best •of eight being held in ''Connecticut el Spark; 'The' Florentine .Ring, Plays of 1960-61, Kronen berger; .on March. 31 under 'the sponsor- |Jackson Stanley; The Bronze Bow, To Turn the Tide, J. W. Gardner, ship of the Girls." Wo* commit- Elizabeth G. Spears; Not At These The Crank, R, P. Smith;; The lin- tee of" the department of Youth and- NOW OPEN! Layman's work of 'the,' diocese. iHands, Manly W. Wellman; But- den. Trees. Carlo Lewi; 'The Super- Miss Roberta L. August of Milton ; ton wood, Maritta Wolff; The' Next Americans, John Bainbridge; Five who serves as secretary for 'Fine Day, Elizabeth Yates. Masters, Joseph W. Krutcti; The Girls" 'Work is planning chairman Inheritors, John Tebbel; 'The Ir- 1 " Snappy New Biographies reversible Decision - 1939-1950, R. for the. service 'in, Litchfield Arch-' Alexander the Great,' W. W. C. Bat'chelder; They Came to Kill. •deaconry. ' . .' I Tarn; Madame Letizia, Monica Eugene Rachlis; Hitler's Secret. L u n c h e o n e t f e j Stirling; Aaron Burr, Schachner; Book, Telford Taylor; Hurricane airy West of the River, Stephen iCtiarlemagne;, Richard. .' Winston; from China, Denis' Warner; • India, Gates; Indians, Privateers, and Main' St., Watertown, Across from First Federal •jWinston Churchill: The Valiant Pi S , Cfd ; C , {'Years, Jack LeVien and John Bill Constantine — Owner, Manager . 'Lord; Cleopatra of Egypt, Leonora Percival Spear; 'Confederate Cav-' High, Society, Bertram Lippincott. iHornblow; Grace Coolidge .and. Her ;Era, Ishbel .Ross; A Funny Thing '.Happened, 'to Me on My Way to the Grave, Jack 'Douglas; Albert Ein- STOP IN stein, Leopold Infeld; Frued, His Life .and His Mind., H. W. Puner; ROOT & BOYD INC. FOR A SNACK 'The King (Clark Gable), 'Charles - .Samuels; He's My Boy, 'Frank B. Insurance Underwriters Since 1853 or a Gilbreth Jr.; Heloise and. Abelard, EUenne Gilson;. My Brother, Ern- GENERAL INSURANCE FULL COURSE DINNER est Hemingway, L. Hemingway;" ...REAL ESTATE... -the Prodical Rake (William Hick- ey), 'Peter Quennell; Lite Among the Surrealists, Matthew Joseph- 54 Center Street WATERBURY Tel. 756-72:51 "THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN TOWN" ' son; James Joyce, Harry Levin; 449 Main Street WATERTOWN' 274-2591 The Rothchilds, 'Frederic Morton; ORDERS TO GO — PHONE 274-3129 Here' -Comes/ " There Goes/ You .Know Who., William Saroyan; Dust .in the Lion's Paw. .Freya Stark; A Casebook on Dylan Thomas,-J. M. Brinnin. ' . — Adult Noin-Ffctton "" The Story of Philosophy, Will Durant; Introduction to Existen- " tialism, Marjbrie Grene; Psychol- ogy Made Simple, A. P. Sperling; The Art; of'Thinking, Ernest. Dim- net; The Age of Reason, Stuart Hampshire; The Psalms, for the Common Reader, Mary Ellen 'Chase; . Catholicism, G. • Brand; BEHIND Protestantism, J.L. -Bunston; Bud- dhism, R. Gard; Hinduism. L. Re- nou; Judaism; A. Hertzberg; Is- THE HAPPINESS OF lam, J. S. Williams, A. Foreign - Policy, for American Business, 'Thomas;. 'The Origin - of THOUSANDS OF HOME OWNING FAMILIES Russian • Communism, Nicolas. Berdyaev; .International Com- munism .and. World Revolution; Gunfher"-NoUau; New Frontiers IN GREATER WATERBURY... FINANCING BY For .American Youth (Peace Corps), M. L. Albert son, ed.; The Peace WATERBURY SAVINGS BANK

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•:•*, WIK-TV Channel 3 WATERBURY SAVINGS BANK Sponsored By •• . ' .Member federal Deposit Imsinvnce Corporation .1 WEE customer PARKING — ALL OFFICES . " 8 CONVENIENT OFFICES • WATERBURY . CHESHIRE • OAKVILLE • WOLCOTT • PROSPECT ating a store, 'known, far many ton. Until his retirement, two years TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 29', 1962 — PAGE 7 .years, as Foley Brothers,, retiring ago, he was employed, .as: a. 'tool- 2§ years ago. setter at the ScovHi Mfg. Co. HeAllen Tapley, 48, '27 Sunny Lane, H, .serving' with 'the U. S. Navy, a Alimon Smith O'Dell He is survived by Ms 'wife, El- attended, the Union Congregation- Oakville, who died, March 23 at member of 'the Oakville Ameri- Funeral servicePropertys for Almon vah '(LoweiTe ofU theFoley, Waterbury Watertown, al Church, Oakville., Historicalthe' Veterans. .Administratio n HosSociety- can Legion Post, and at the time Smith; OTW1, 83. South Main St. two sons, Charles F..,, Watertown, Surviving are a, 'son, .Earl 'Gor- pital, Newingtpa, .after a long ill- of .his death, was post adjutant. Bethlehem, who died suddenly .and Richard. Naugatuck; two ton, Oakville; a step-son. William ness, were held, March 26 at 'the He was also a. member of the Oak- March ,27' at Ms home, 'were held daughters, Mrs;. William Betts, Veide, Waterbury; three sisters, Hickco'X .Funeral Home, with the ville Post, Veterans of Foreign fliis morning,. at the Hiekeox Fa- Wolcott, .and Mrs. Leon Prevatt, Mrs. Dalla Sparing, Roxbury; N.Y. Rev. Paul, M. Witter, 'pastor of Wars. ecal Home, Watertown, with the, ,'H... I.; two brothers, Vin- Mrs. Haddie Hdmel, Newburgh, Grace Episcopal Church, Newing- .'Besides his. mother, of Upland, Rev. A. H. Kauffman, .'pastor of cent, Stratford,, and' Judge Walter N.Y., and Mrs. .Sadie Bveiitt, ton, officiating.. Burial will be in Calif.,, he is survived, 'by Ms step- Bethlehem Federated, 'Church, of- Foley, Glastonbury; and. a sister, Margaretsville, ,N. '¥., and" three 'the Evergreen Cemetery at the father.. 'Ralph Connor, Upland; Ms ficiating.. Burial will be in Ever- Mrs. Florence Whittaker, Cleve- grandchildren. convenience of the family. wife, Mrs. Barbara (Hibbard) Tap- .. green* Cemetery, Watertown, at land, Ohio; 14 grandchildren, one He wasborn Feb.. 14, 1914, in ley, and a daughter. Miss Gall. Ihe convenience of the family. great-grandchild .and several niec- Brewer,. Maine, son of Mrs... L.e- Tapley, all of Oakville; three' hag- Mr. O'Dell was born in Brook- Wire. Pter General I es and nephews. Funeral services for Mrs. Ma-ota. (Lawrence) Tapley Conner and brothers, Ralph, Mount Clafr. field, June 20, 1,878. son • of 'the the late Sperry Tapley. Mr. Tap-Calif Colin, Ontario, 'Calif, .and. late Edward and Mary' (Beardsley) ria, IMariottiJ Generali, 63, wife Mrs. Grace Baldwin of Peter Generali, 28 'Chestnut ley had resided in Oakville "for 15Lawrence Connor. Waltham, O'Dell, and lived in Watertown for Funeral .and burial services for years. Mass.. and one half-sister',, Mrs. many yean, moving to Bethlehem Grove Road, who died: March 23 Leo Panilaitis, Watertown,., r,"i_ :2s,,, years ago. He was a member Mrs. Grace (Conner) Baldwin, wife at Waterbury Hospital after ,,a At the time of his illness „ he cf 'Christ Church, Brookfield. Un- of Brig. Gen. Grover Baldwin, short illness, were held, March ,'26' was employed as parts manager til his retirement 10 years agio. USA.F. (ret), 97 Bell Farm 'Road. from 'the Maiorano. Funeral -Home at Loehman Chevrolet Co., 'Water- he was employed, at the French Oakville, who- died; March, 20 in to Our 'Lady of Lourdes 'Church, bury. "He was" a member of Fed- BARIBAULTS Small '' Division of 'the Ana-Grand , Ariz ,, were held, Waterbury, for a sofaien high. eral Lodge, of Masons, . Sphinx conda American Brass Co. in. Phoenix, Ariz. Mass. Burial, was in. the Calvary Temple, Scottish Rite .Bodies, Val- Range & Fuel Oil She was bom. in Brockton., Mass, 'Cemetery. ley of Waterbury and Lafayette j He is survived by his wife, Mrs. and was a. graduate of Bates Col- 600' MAIN ST., OAKVILLE Lena (Ba.dwin) O'Dell, Bethlehem,;, She was -born June' 18, '1898;, in Consistory, Bridgeport. Mr. Tap-, Tel. ,274-3284. or ,274-12210'. three sons, .Floyd, B., Waterbury. lege. Beside her husband, Mrs., Italy, daughter of the late ley was a. veteran,' of World 'War and. Franklin S. and 'Doraiice A., Baldwin is survived by a son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mariotti. She both of Bethlehem,:; one daughter, Comdr. - Richard Baldwin, U. 5. came to this country 40' years, Mrs. Godfrey Browne. Waterbury; Navy, Simsbury; a daughter, Mrs. .ago, living in Waterbury for 35 one brother, George O'Dell, Litch- G. A... Billias, Mahant, Mass.; a. years prior to moving to' Water- JUDD FARM fteld;~ two sisters. Mrs. " August, brother, • Kenneth 'Conner, .Auburn, town.. The Favale-Generali Post, Paul, and, Mrs. Joseph Grenier, Maine, and five grandchildren. Italian American. 'War Veterans, COUNTRY DAY CAMP ; 'both of Waterbury; three grand- was named, .after her son, Edmund William ML. Gorton Nestled in the Litchfield Hill's.,, this new camp is located on the.: children, two great-grandchildren, 1 Generali, who was killed to action historical Judd Farm, one of the, most beatrtifuJ and .oldest farms. .and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services for William. during World War II. in New England. The objective of this camp is to provide whole- ilelvto Gorton. 63, 49 Heath: St. Besides her husband, she is. Oakville, who 'died, March 23. at some and healthful experiences in a pleasant outdoor setting for-f Gerald F... Dwyer survived by 'three sons, Mario, boys and girls between the ages of four and twelve. It is located*-' his home after a, brief illness, .assistant director of the Water- on ftoute 132 off Litchfield Road six, from Watertown,-' Funeral . services for 'Gerald were held March 26 from, the Hick- 'Francis Dwyer, 15, 347 Dorches- bury Boys' Club, Louis, Hartford, twenty minutes from Waterbury and 'eleven minutes from Liteh- - cox Funeral. Home, with the Rev.and Albert, U. S. Army, Fort, Dix, field Center. " j ter Ave., 'Waterbury. who died H. Milton Barflett, 'pastor of 'the N. J,.,; a daughter1,, Mrs:. Anthony ; March ,23 at St. Mary's Hospital Union Congregational Church, of- Cicchiello, Waterbury; four broth- Your Children Can Have The Most Enjoyable •after a long illness were held, ficiating. Burial will 'be in Ever- ers and two sisters of Italy .and Summer At Reasonable Rotes March 24 from the Kelly Funeral green Cemetery at: the conven- 13 grandchildren. • Home to St. Michael's 'Church, ience of the family. The 1962 "Season begins on MONDAY, JULY 2nd. The campers-- Waterbury, for a. solemn high Mr. Gorton was born April 11. will be picked op at approximately 8:30 A.M. and returned at"" Mass. Burial was in Calvary 1.898, in Youngsville, N.Y., son of Clifford A. Tapley .. approximately 5:00 P.M. The camp activity is. from. 9:00 A.M. Cemetery. the late Mr. and'Mrs. Melvin Gor- Funeral, services for ..Clifford thru 4:30 -P.M. He was 'born in Waterbury. son There b One Counselor for Every Ten Campers ' of Ellsworth and Rita (Church) Dwyer,, was a graduate- of Sprague All Are Experienced Teachers ... Among Them Are Kaszat, Director of Physical Mrs. Paul Campbell, former teacher Grammar • School and attended Education In the Watertown Elemen- and swimming director. Kaynor Technical "School for a tary Schritol System. Former swimming year. At the" time of his death, director a* Echo Lake Recreation Park. Mrs. Bern O'SuBiva -teacher at Judsorr he was a student at Sacred Heart GREASON.INC. Mr, Hell McColgan—«h grade teacher School. High School. at Polk School. Miss JMiltti Knemenskl—Art teacher in Mr. .John Martini—teacher at Cheshire .Besides Ms parents, he is sur- Coll us for your residential wiring. For estimates. me Walcrtown Elementary Schools. Academy. * vived by two brothers, Ronald and Emergency repair. Commercial wiring. Say, .MAKE mtsa Marc fa Judd—teacher in the Wood- Mr. Carl iBorger—teacher and coach at Michael 'Dwyer; a sister, Mary bury Elementary Schools. Woattwry rtisn, School. Dwyer, all' of Waterbury; his pa- IT ADEQUATE WIRING! Mr. Fred Judd—teacher at Cheshire Academy, and former counselor at Mrs. Frank Judif—DI reel or, Principal -temal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.reezy Knoll. Polk School. Edward Dwyer, Sr.r Oakville; and 510' MiE'in. St. —' OAKVILLE — Tel. 274-2589' his maternal .grandmother'. Mrs. William Church, Waterbury. A Licensed Elect pica I Contractor .Since 1927 JUDD FARM COUNTRY ©AY CAMP .. Judd Farm Rd.r Watertown,, Ct. Tel. 274-8454 * Louie J. DeVoe Funeral services for Louis J. DeVoe, 60. .1251 East Main, St., •Waterbury, who. died March 21. at •St., Mary's Hospital • after a, brief illness, were psld March 24 'from, Its easy to find ihe one you want at your •the Frigon Funeral Home. Water- bury, to .. Sacred Heart. 'Church for :a solemn, high Mass,' Burial was Chevrolet dealers One-Stop Shopping Center! in Mt.. Olivqt Cemetery, Water- town. Mr. DeVoe.? was 'born in. Water- With such, a happy variety to choose from,, you're and, spacious, spirited Jet-smooth Chevrolets— bury, son of)the late Alderic and Delia (La Rose)' DeVoe. He was almost sure to 'find the car that strikes your fancy. •including easy-to-own., beautiful Bel life-long resident of this city. Un- Three complete lines all under one roof—and, we Airs and elegant Impalas. So pick and choose til his retirement one year ago, 'mean, complete. Delightfully nimble Conrairsi the to' your heart's content. Your Chevrolet dealer's, he had, 'been employed by the Sco- vffle Mfg.. Co. for" 36 years. He new Chevy-II—in a full, line of eleven models. set 'to please' you in. every way, shape at form. was a communicant of Sacred ifeart 'Church, .and, a member of the Society of .Artisans. i He is survived by Ms •wife, 'Mrs. Florence '(Coquette) DeVoe, Wa- terbury; two sons, Paul, Meriden; .ifid Robert, Oakville; one sister, Mrs. Emery Taylor, Waterbury; two brothers, William., Waterbury, .and Henry, Fort Worth, Texas; .six grandchildren, and, several nieces and. nephews. Charles S. Fotey • Funeral services for 'Charles S. NEW 1MPAU SPOUT SEDAN NEW BEL AIM. SPORT COUPE Foley, 11. Tiernan .Ave., Warwick, Riet styling, spaciousness, Jet-smooth Feast tie eyes on Just one of 'tie favorites Hal nuke fet- R. I., who. died March 20 at Wa- eTerything found in expensive makes except expense! smooth Chevrolet America's favorite buy. terbury Hospital, were held March 3 from. ... the Mufcille. . Funeral Home to' St. Margaret's Church waterbury, for a. solemn high Mass. Burial was .in. St.. Michael's Cemetery, Stratford... • He was born: in Ansonia, ..soft, of the late' Daniel J. and Ellen (Boyle) Foley, .and wtas a former clothier for' many years, owUntg and: oper-

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Carnation tal1can s .COUPON DAYS, evaporated milk 3 49* THIS COUPON WORTH Pet 50 United Stamps FREE WITH THE PU-RCHASE OF cans $1.50 or more at George's *d dog food 3 27 'Produce Depf. " Coupon

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Ritz 35* This coupon worth 100 United Stamps FRCC the purchase of1 a Lost Week's COUPON Dinner Winners United Stamps X Mrs. John Malik 3*. IMPORTED HOLLAND HAM WITH THE PURCHASE OF 225 Guernsey-town Rd. W . bag Cotonwl Krtockwirrrt (see special price above) Mrs. WaScm Clark Coupon expires March 31st. NorHi Woodbury Coupon expires Sat., March 3trt. PA6E 10 — TOWN tMNTCS fWAf E^TdWN, CONN.), "It**. », through Bethlehem 'prior to com- 'the late Mr. „ Merrill, to .. Linda rington and Thomastoo Junior pletion of the' direct. Watertowii- Griswold Smith, daughter of Mr. 'High, .squads Martin 'Cody East Morris-Litchfield road ami and'Mrs, Burton, Griswold Smith; with 21 points and Robert Zem- k GonPropertye But Not' Forgotte of then Watertownthe .resulting effect on local busi Historical- Woodbury The ceremony waSocietys bnisM 'With 18 led Bethlehe m to a ness when the latter highway was held in the North, Congregational. 72-4S victory over Torrington completed are busy evaluating Church,- Woodbury. ., ., . Martin. Langlois played a probable results of the interstate Bethlehem's Bill Smith, a, mem- strong defensive game and acted ' route SouthburSthb y entranct e to ber of the Beupublican state cen- as playmaker . . . In 'defeating tral •comiMftee,.. .arranged, a Wood- Thofnastori 67-3' 'Cody again led watertownhistoricalsociety.orgththe new highwagh y is near thth e PosPt Office in. the town. bury meeting held Wednesday eve Bethlehem scoring... with. 14 points, at which most of the Republican and,, was assisted by Peter Shaw .And speaking of Post 'Offices, candidates seeking 'the nomination 'with', 13, .Langlois with 12, and. the often postponed move of - the for governor made an appearance Robert Zembruski with 10 . . . Bethlehem Post' Office to Its new ,. ... ,.. 'David 'Corwin, son' of Mr. Bethlehem was Lion's District location: on Main, St. 'took -place and, Mrs. Stank Corwin, is on school champions 'this season with" over 'the weekend ,., ,., . With 'the 'the dean's list at University of a rtfeoni of' 12 wins . . . The vic- change' came a reduction in 'hours Bridgeport for 'the fall semester tory Over Thomaston was the 18th the office is open, the present .. ,.,'. .Annual • smoker held by Beth- wm without, a. loss . . . High scor- schedule calling: for window serv- lehem Post, American Legion, ers, for the' year are Cody.-Zero- ice from 8 a.m. 'until 5:30' p.m. was an event of Saturday eve at bruiki and . Langlois ,., ,. ,. A ma-'" Monday' through Friday . . . The the Legion Hall Mrs, Walter jority' of 'the team have been*, on" lobby is 'Open until 6 p.m> . ,., ,., L. BunH t and Mrs. William R. 'the .sqtiad for ..three., years . ... On Saturday the office hours are Smith attended last Monday • the N. V. Plourde is coach, of the win- from 8 a.m. until 1 p.rfi. . . . Tfie " 'the litchfield ning squad. shift in,' scene of operations .had Womens" As- been, slated, for Feb. 1, tut was social held £t Litchfield Inn, Rummage 'Sale Reid, up by failure of' needed equip- Former -Rep. James ment and furniture to arrive. Warren A rummage sale sponsored by_ T. Patterson and John. Rand, both the "Women's Society of Christian Purchase of a tract, of land, "on candidates for the" 'Congressional Service of the Methodist CtiOrcti Double 'Hill Rd. by a. Lutheran nomination, were' peakers ., .. ,., organization for1 use as a summer Union Lenten service of Christ will' be held Thursday, April 5, 'church camp is reported, and 'has Church and the Federated Church from. 7 to' 9 p.m., and Friday, wifi 'be held Sunday at 7:30' p.m. April 6, from 9 a.m. to noon, in . 'produced, a controversy among' Fellowship Hall at the Methodist THE BETHLEHEM POST OFFICE it now open In Its new I oca- folk 'who feel the 'project should be in 'Christ Church ' Delegation Church." 'Man am Main St. The former office, next to Johnson's store, above, welcomed with open arms oh the representing Bethlehem Fair will part, of the community ,., . . The attend on Saturday the convention Mrs. dudley Atwood .and Mrs. was. known by thousands off persons from near and far who 'visited camp will be .for summer occu- of 'the Association of Harold, Mack are eo-chaimfen. • 'Connecticut's Christmas" 'Town 'each Yule season to have special pancy and envisions, 'the - use df being 'held at the North ' 'Those wishing articles picked cachets affixed to their greeting cards. tents to house the church folk at- Haven Junior High -School. ., . .. up may call 274-2262 or 274-8192. tending More, undoubtedly, Session,- opens: at 2 p.m. with a, anon,. dinner' at 6:30 p.m.... Speakers Bethlehe Planning .Commis- include Ron, Autry, chief of the • PLOW E I S • sion held an "information meet- Associated. 'Press in Conn, and FOR EVERY OCCASION . BETHLEHEM NEWS ing" ' in. Memorial Hall Tuesday Commissioner Joseph N. Gill of the'' '—• F r a e Del I v e r y — eve to' discuss zoning for Bethle- State -Oept. of Agriculture'. ANNETTE'S FLOWER .SHOP' By Paul Johnson | Selectmen resulted from 'the fact hem . . . Philip Forzley of the Bethlehem 'Consolidated - School OW Colonial. Road — OakviHe" " Bethlehem'h' s ttax : ratte for the 1 that last .year's appropriations in- 'Conn. .Development Commission, has completed its- first undefeated, -TEL. 2:74-2:170 .. coming year appears beaded:' for eluded finis for a new town truck, an expert on, zoning matters, at- season, „ In 'basketball,, with decisive and Annette ThKwutt) a repetition, of. the 36 mill rate Hart noted. .. . , A cut. .in funds tended to' answer questions by victories this past week overTor- now in effect, Judged by results requested-by the director of Civil 'commission members, concerning of Hie public budget hearing held Defense' was also noted.toy the Fi- zoning' as it'inay appljf to a town • last week by 'the' Board of Finance nance chairman "...... The agency lice Bethlehem . ,., . Pilot plan of Automatic Washers . Dryer* -'flanges, - Refrigerators, ... While the meeting failed, to request for approximately $1,600 the 'Town. Planning Commission, Dishwashers - Built-in Appliances attract any great throng of taxpay- was reduced, to $465 in the sug- issued in 1957, said, a 'need exists i ers the gathering was medium in gested budget Current appro- for simple and moderate zoning: CHUCK'S APPLIANCE SERVICE ;the way of attendance, since 'the priation -to CD is 1500. and the Planning Commission has GUARANTEED "SERVICE .budget .hearings frequently fail to' "been, studying 'the matter for some arouse interest. - At the close' of the hearing Hart time . - - .An, early vote an the 753-2828 Woterfwy 757-9403 , Outstanding in 'result of the" ses- asked a show of hands by those question is anticipated 'by mem- • sion was overwhelming approval of favoring the budget of the .Board bers of the Planning Commission. those 'present to'" a 'proposal, by the ot Finance as opposed, to these .Bethlehem. Grange observed Finance Board that budget of the favoring 'the. budget prior .to re- "Youth Night" at a meeting "held Board of Education 'be reduced by ductions made by Ms board, and! Monday eve in Memorial Hall . . . 5533053,30, 0 A reductiodti n off app- "White .no count was taken the ma- This Thursday eve members will proximateli y $1,60$1600 hahdd previouslily jority . obviously favored the re- attend a, neighbor night meeting of been: made voluntarily by the duced appropriations ,., . .., "The Mad River Grange, Waterbury 1 Board of" Finance 'Will present COLONY LIQUOR board Iron, its ' original • money re- . -, . Serving on, 'the 'refreshment their final approved budget' at a quest Bavid 5. Hart, Chair- committee' fo1 r the Monday eve man of the' Board of1 Finance, said town meeting April JO, which may meeting were Eleanor and Lyman WESTWOOD SHOPPING CENTER '.his group 'wished, to recommend cat further the appropriations sug- Burke, Candaee and John Pond U20 Watertown Aw., Waterbury ..'the cut but Hart, declined to spec- gested but which" may not- vote Florence Wells and Ruth Travel-. ify 'the items he'"felt should sus- increases ,., ,... Hart said 'the budg- Bethlehem -firemen responded to 7 53-1867 tain reduction He noted 'that et: to be presented will require a, two calls on- Sunday occasioned by adjustments' . within . 'the school continuance of the present mill grass fires, which emphasizes the A MEW' budget .are' at 'the discretion of rate. '., •... danger existing at his season by members of the Board of Educa- Smoke is rising these days, from, •the burning of grass or- outdoor the Southbury hillsides as "work- fires ,. . . Persons are reminded LIQUOR STORE 'The Finance chairman did ac- men burn trees and" brush pre- of the need for' procuring a burn- IN THE AREA „ knowledge, however, t k a t his paring the. route for the Southbury- inng ppermit, from, one of' the local Board had suggested that a salary Waterbury section, of - Interstate fforest t ffiri e wwarden d s Merry STOP IN increase to the school principal highwagy y 84 "The road 'will 'be Homemakers' • CluClbb 'held a meett - • from,, 17,900 to $8,900 should "be of "ththe super type .and folks, tel. us ing Tuesday eve at 'home of Eva ON ¥'0111 WAY HOME 'held! to 18,400, and that, his board 'the travel time from Southbury to' 'Lynn, Woodbury, with the subject did not favor the hiring of a re- Waterbury will 'be in the' ity being ""Leathercraft" ... A pub- medial reading' teacher for the of ten minutes, with route 6 des- He showing' of - the religious men- •Wine* school . . • First' .Selectman'Ames tined for the nearly, abandoned tion picture, "Power ot His Bes- Minor said he favored, 'the full in- category 'when 'the new highway is urrection" was held, Monday eve * Liquor crease to 'the'school ..principal but ready for - travel . .. . While 'the in Bellamy Ball ,., . ,. Meeting of , was 'Opposed1 to the remedial, read- impact appears, more likely to af- Bethlehem Community Club slated _ "••*• ing teacher Minor' .said .the fect our neighboring town of Wood- for Tuesday eve was omitted. bury it also serves to'.. relegate A large number of local folk at- number of pupils below reading' 1 FRANK LEARY, PROP. standards has. declined because of Bethlehem further to "the secluded tended, in. Woodbury on Sunday the efforts of the! 'principal and 'that residential, category .. .. . Folks on wedding' of Stephen 'Hart Merrill, educational standards, of 'the school the local scene who 'recall 'traffic son. of Mrs. H. Emery Merrill and .:. in 'general, have improved .. ... , School board, chairman James As- . sard said 'the salary increase of " the 'principal was in accordance , with a schedule maintained for \ 'Some .years 'by the Board of Edu- ' cation ... . , Bruno Battens, a mem- , 'tier' 'Of 'the .'Board, of Finance, said • 'the issue was not alone' that of the .services 'being' rendered . but of "what this town can ..afford,".. Spending for schools listed in • 'the' Board of - Finance budget is i' 5189,755, whereas 'the request of ; 'the Board of Education was $193,- 1 055 . .. ,. A. substantial "drop in : money requests of the' .Board of

ARE YOW CLOTHES READY FOR THE His expert knowledge can set re yoa well ' .. EASTER Courtesy, reliability, service—these qualities are 'essential for -a salesman to reach the top' and stay there. That's why our Master' Salesman is a .good nnn to see for a car. Hii knowledge PARADE? and experience can mean, a better' car value for you. Come in, 'IIS!!! and meet our Master1 Salesman. Ask lor 'him by name, Hell be to servo TOW.

THAI J E0N1HS1 i AftUHO JtGMM' II ALLY IT 5 LEWIS W. JUDSON i •• tin - . Employed By - ^ ^ •" CLEANERS & DYERS MM: I—ilHnm Jo til MMoc Hue Our' Pick-up and " ' AtwoocTs Gorogo Delivery Servlc* 4§ Hoho Lain Rd., WaterttMrf 789 MAtN «T. WATERTOWN TEL. 274-1838 tor, 10' a.m.; Church School, 10 4 to. 5:30 and 7 to' 8:30 p.m. TOWN TIMES (WATEflTOWN, CON N.), MAR, 29', 1962— PAG^'fl Church Notes a.m.; Young People's Fellowship Sunday, April. 1 — Masses at 7,. meeting .in the' parish hall., 7 p.m. 8, 9, 10 .and 11. a.m.; 'The Rosary St John's • Tuesday, April 3 — Episcopal .Society will receive Holy Com- Timrsday, -MarcPropertyh 29 — Anniver- Churchwomen of, Evenin theg Branch Watertown, munion as a. group, 9 a.m.; Bap Historical-Mrs. A. Innes SocietyMartin Electe d sary requiem, high Mass for Mi-business meeting in the Parish tisms, 1:30 p.m.; CYO, 7 to 9 p.m. chael Sadlak, 8 a.m. Hall, 8 p.m. Elected Historian Savings Bank V.P. • Friday. March 30 — Stations of Wednesday, April 4 — Holy Com- Methodist the 'Cross and Benediction, 7:30 munion, followed by an all day Thursday, March 29' — 'Chapel Of State D.AJL William B. Martin was elected p.m.; Following devotions there' meetinwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgg of the Episcopal 'Church- Choir1 rehearsal, 6:30 p.m..; "Sen- a Vice President of the Waterbury will be choir rehearsal. women, Day^rtmch, in the Par-ior Choir 'rehearsal. 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Alexander Innes was elect- Savings .Bank, at a 'recent meeting Saturday, March 31 — Second ish House u) BJD.; ..Junior Girls' Sunday, April 1—Sunday .School, ed and installed as historian at of the Executive and Finance Com- anniversary requiem high Mass 'Friendly Society, Parish Hall, 3 9:30 a. m.; Adult 'Discussion the 69th .annual conference of the mittee. for Arthur Hickox, 8 a.m. p.m.; Evening 'Prayer .and ser-Group, Wesley Hall, 9:30 a.m.;Connecticut Daughters of the Mr. 'Martin, who resides at Sunday, April 1 — Communion mon. 7:30 p.m.. The guest speak- Morning Worship Service with American 'Revolution, held recent- 1948 Asylum Avenue. West Hart- Sunday for the Children of Mary, er talk he 'the .Rev. James A. Rees Rev. Francis W. Carlson, pastor, ly at the Hotel Bond, Hartford. ford, joined the Bank earlier 'this Masses at 7, 8, S, 10 .and 11 a.m..of .MWamts" Chapel of Trinity officiating, 11 a.m.; Nurseries, .Mrs. Innes has been active in, month. He is married to the for- Monday, April 2 — CYO meets Church Parish, New Haven. ill 'be conducted for all children the local D.A.R., Sarah Whitman mer Grace Stephenson. The couple •in, the school far religious instruc- Thursday, April, 5 — Junior through second grade. .Senior Trumbull, Chapter, and is present- have .one daughter. Miss Mary S. • tions, 1 p.m.; Council of Catholic 'Choir rehearsal, 1 p.m.; Senior Methodist Young Fellowship, 6 ly in charge of press relations. Martin. Prior to coming lo the Women 'will hold their monthly 'Choir rehearsal, in the Church, p.m. Mrs. Foster E. Sturtevant of Bank', he was employed, by the meeting in,.the Church HalJ, 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 2 — Boy Scouts, West Hartford1, a former state Connecticut 'General Life - Insur- Tuesday, April 3 — Memorial, 7:30 p.m., vice-regent and, former vice-re- ance Company of Hartford as requiem high Mass for George ,Ze- F i ret C o n g re g at i on a 1 Tuesday, April, 3 — Ruth, Circle gent and regent of Sarah, Whitman Mortgage .Analyst. After' graduat- maitis, 8 a.m.: Thursday, March 29 — Adult will meet: in, the sanctuary with, Hooker BAR Chapter of West. ing from the State University of Wednesday, April. 4 — Mass and study group, "Your God Is. TooMrs. Vincent Watson, as speaker, Hartford, was installed as regent. Iowa, he served two years on ac- .Lenten sermon by Father Kean, Small" by' .Philips, with Mrs. 8 p.m.. Other officers, elected,, were: tive duty in the Far East as an Oakville. 7:30 p.m. George" E, Gilchrist, 1:30 to 2:30 Wednesday, April '4—Counsellor Mrs. Francis V. Byrnes, Water- agent, .in Army Counter Intelli- p.m...; Lenten 'Discussion Group for 'Lenten Service at the 'Methodist bury, state vice-regent; Mrs. Wil-'gence 'Corps. Christ Episcopal ninth graders with 'the Rev. George 'Church with Miss Ethel Johnson liam Kuhn, Rowayton, chaplain; As 'Vice President he will be Thursday, March 29 — Morning E. Gilchrist, upstairs in. TrumbuU of the Board of Education as Mrs. Halstead R. Tiffany, Weth- affiliated with the Mortgage De- Choir rehearsal, 9:30' a.m.; Holy House, 2 p.m.; Lenten Discussion speaker, 7:30 p.m.. ersfield, recording secretary; partment of the 'Bank: in. charge of' Communion, followed by. Lenten. Group for senior high 'boys with. Mrs. George F. Fisher, Madison. Waterbury area-. acquisitions, .and Mi i d d I e bury Sa pti st: organizing secretary; Mrs. Wiley all loans. .. sewing, 10 .a.m.; Boys* Junior Mr. Gilchrist. upstairs in, Trum- V. Ross, West. 'Hartford:, treasur- ' Choir rehearsal, 3:15 p.m.; Len-bull House. 7 p.m. Sunday, April 1 — Bible School. 1 'Saturday, March 31 — Choir 're- 9:45 a.m.; Morning Service, with er ; Mrs. Michael C. Fisher, ten lecture in. .Assembly Room, 8 'the Rev..Kenneth.G. Richard, pas- Cheshire, assistant treasurer; the lower hall of the Church... p.m. hearsal, grades 2 and 3, Church Mrs. Paul D. Collier, Simsbury; The Ladies Aid will meet House, 10 a..,m,..; Junior High Fel- tor, officiating, 11 • a.m.; Senior Wendesday, April 4. at 2:30 p.m., Friday, March 30 — Cub • Pack .and Junior High, Service, 6 p.m.; consulting 'registrar; and Mrs. meeting. Assembly Room. 7:30 lowship will meet at Church House Clifford E. Marston, North Scitu- at 'the 'Church.' Mrs. David, Reding to leave to go bowling, 2:30 p.m.Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. .and Mrs. Ernest. Schreier will, 'be p,m.; Boy Scout Troop 450, old. Tuesday. April "3 — Visitation ate, R. I., a member of Deborah parish house, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 1—Church School. Avery Putnam, Chapter in Plain- hostesses. Sunday, April 1 — Holy. Com- 9:30 a.m.; Morning worship, with Hours, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and field, librarian. munion, 8 a.m.; 'Church. School, the Rev. George E. Gilchrist of- 7 p.m. Holy Communion, and sermon, ficiating, 11. a.,..m..; Crib 'room, Wedesday, April 4 — Counsellor Mrs. Harmon T. Barber. Wind- 10:45 a.m.; Young People's Fel- children six months to two years, Training. 7 p.m.; Mid-week Serv- sor, Mrs. William G. Bente, New CAMEO lowship, '6 p.m.. second floor TrumbuU House. 11, ice, 7:45 p.m.; Choir rehearsal, Haven, Miss Esther E. Griswold. . Monday, April 2 — Brownie a.m.; Church hour group, children 8:45 p.m. Berlin, and Miss Caroline Stow 'Troop 311, old parish house, 3 3-4!, 'TrumbuU House, '11 a.m.; Platt of Milford. were named, RESTAURANT p.m. Junior High Fellowship, Tnimbull Newtown Preparative Meeting councilors for a three year term. 515 Main St., Watertown .' Tuesday, April 3 — Brownie House, 4 p.m..;; Pilgrim Fellow- Religious Society of Friends 'Troop 303, old parish, house, 3:15 ship, Church House. 6 p.m. • Newtown Jr. High School Dinners - Sandwiches p.m..' Monday. April ,2 — Girl Scout Queen St., Newtown Rummage Safe COMPLETE MENU .. Wednesday, April 4 — Girls* troop. Church, House, 3:15' p.m. Sunday — Meeting for worship, A rummage sale sponsored by Junior Choir rehearsal, 3:15 p.m..; 'Tuesday, April 3 — ""Knit-Wits"" 11 a.m., First Day School, 11 a.m. the Ladies Aid Society of the Un- Open '6:00' .A.M. Daily Senior Choir 'rehearsal, 7:45 p.m.mee. t to make articles for Church ion Congregational Church, will be ' ORDERS TO' GO Fair, 9:30 a.m.; Friendly Service Pioneer Automobiles. Inc., held Friday, April 1. from 9:30 Union Congregational group. Church House. 10 a.m.; Straits Turnpike, has 'been issued a.m. to 4 p.m., in the lower 274-8088 •Friday, March, 30 \- Men's Club Monthly Women's Council meet- a. .permit to erect a, business sign, Church Hall. Articles for the sale work party, evening. ing. Church House, 1:30 p.m.; Pil- $.1.50. may be left April 2, 3. and 4. in ;; Saturday, .March 31 — Church grim Choir rehearsal, grades 7 to Choir rehearsal, 9 a.m.; Church 12. Church House, 7 p.m.; Lenten membership class, 9 a.m. Discussion Group for senior high ' Sunday, April 1 — Church School girts with Rev. Gilchrist, upstairs 5:30' a.m.; Morning worship with in Trumbull House, 7:45 p.m., child care, 11 a.m.; .Sermon title Wednesday, April 4 — Church is ""'The Church, As Teacher." Pil- School for three year olds. 'Church grim Fellowship. 6:30' p.m. House. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m..-; Pio- Monday, April 2 — Junior'Choir neer 'Choir rehearsal, grades 4 to 'rehearsal,," 7 p.m.; Deacons'meet- 6. Church House, 3:15 p.m..; Boy Ing, 7:30 p. m. Scout Troop 76, Youth Center, 7 Tuesday, April 3 — Senior'Choir p.m,.;. Union 'Lenten service, in, .rehearsal, 7 p.m. Methodist C h u r c hf ' 7:30 p.m.. YOU'RE IN , Wednesday, April 4 — 'Ladies Guest speaker will be Miss Ethel •Aid Society, ,2:30' p.m.; Boy Scout Johnson, Director of Children's 'Troop ,52' meeting, 7 p.m.; .Lenten Division. Board, of Education of Worship service, with the Rev.the Methodist. •Church. New York .Charles L, Pendleton of the Bun-Eastern Conference. Adult Choir FOR A ileer Hill Congregational 'Church, rehearsal in the First Congrega- 1: • Waterbury, as guest speaker, 7:30 tional - Church following the serv- p.m. ice. • Christian Science St. Mary Magdalen Holmes and Mitchell Aves. Friday, March. 30 — Stations of Waterbury the Cross and Benediction, 7 p.m.; Confessions, 7 p.m. SHOPPING • Sunday, April 1 — Service, Sun- day School and' Nursery'. 10:45 Saturday, March 31 — Requiem a.m.; Service, 4:30 p.m. high Mass for Joseph Romano re- Wednesday, April, 4 — Meeting, quested, by 'the family, 8 a.m..; Sec- including testimonies of Christian, ond, anniversary requiem high Science healing', 8 p.m.- Mass. for Stanley Moriconi 're- quested by Louise Flammia and Trinity Lutheran Chapel Albert 'Moriconi. 9 a.m.,.; Confes- SURPRISE Sunday, April 1 — Church School sions. 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.. 5:15 a.m.; Service with Theodore A. McConneil. Seminarian in charge, 10:30 a.m.. When You All. Saints Episcopal JOHN YARMAL 'Thursday, March 29 — Junior APPLIANCE SERVICE Choir rehearsal, 7" p.m.*; Senior Visit 'Choir rehearsal, 'in the Church. PLUMBING — WIRING 7:30 p.m. ' HEATING Saturday, March 31 — Lenten Ii.tchf.ieW. Archdeaconry Corpor- WeaMnghouae AppHanoea ate Communion for women and. Goulds Water System* girls at Trinity Church, Torring- All Make* of Washing ton, 9:30 a.m. * .. Machines Serviced Sunday, April 1 — Fourth Sunday in Lent. Holy Communion. S a.m.; 101 Turner Avenue, Oakvllto Holly Communion and sermon by . Phone 274-3915' 'the Rev. G. Rowell Crocker, rec- IF IT HAPPENS TO YOU iscouat cjhoppes Where You Will Get That Wonderful Combination of Quality and Price To Make Call GENUINE DISCOUNT BARGAINS .No Gimrnicksl No High Pressure! . WALTON'S AUTO BODY Honest-To-Goodness Values In Ladies1 & Children's Fashions Si' Woodruff Avenue, Watertown — 274-5040 ~ 4 FOR THE BEST IN BODY WORM AND i CUSTOM AUTO PAINTING OPENING APRIL 5,1962 AT 1040 A.R 4 Exclusive In This Area - Authentic Fibergkis Repairs '483 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN TOW TRUCK OH DUTY 24 HOURS In Heminway Park — Next Door To Pik-Kwik Property of the Watertown Historical Society

Team-work pays off in building a better community, just as it does on the ball field. You become s a valued member of the "home team" when you spend your dollars where they can score for YOU! !

When you buy from neighbors who help you sup- for local people . . . this is the kind of teamwork port community facilities and services ,., when that b In your own best interests! you spend your money where it helps te stimulate Shopping at home helps you better your own i local trade and create employment opportunities living.... yet costs you not one penny extra! The Score is 7 to 0 in your favor when you shop at home wioen GREATER miENOLY VARIETY SERVICE VALUES YOU'RE ON THE WINNING SIDE WHEN YOU PLAY BALL WITH THE HOME TEAM! SHOP NOWProperty FOR fASTtR FASHIONS ofOPE theN NEXT WEEWatertownK Historical Society fdavidson's UTCHRELD & WATERTOWN watertownhistoricalsociety.orgkscount Qmoppes JO 7-8664 174.1149 483 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN OAKVIILE — WATERTOWN THE SALT BOX QUIGLEY'S ALLYH'S "for G/fts TAo# i4f© CLEANERS * DYERS Difhrmnf' 465 MAIN STRICT — WATERTOWN 1297 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN 274-3674 IS ECHO LAKE ROAD — WATERTOWN BRADSHAW TED TRAUB WEST'S RAMBLER-SCOUT DEALER CHEVROLET SS4 MAIN STREET * OAKV1U.E AUTO SALES Sales and Service 274-1445 1401 MAIN STREET - WATERTOWN MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN GEORGE'S MARKET KAY'S MAIN STREET HARDWARE 623 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN 485 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN Ep KALITA — ROY JONES WALTON'S ESSO SERVNMER JONES & KALITA ASSOCIATES 970 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN ARMAND'S ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE 639 MAIN STREET — WATERTOWN WALTON'S AUTO BODY FUEL COMPANY 274-1192 — 274-1802 58 WOODRUFF AVENUE — WATERTOWN 131 DAVIS STREET — OAKVILLE


; JHr i

: : * * * • . I ' • i i ' • '- • I |, PAGE 14 —TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. 29, 1962 Paper Drive Swift Students Local Group At ; The Girl Scouts will .hold, a pa- > per-'drive in. Watertown and. Oak- SpeakingProperty of... Accountant of thes WatertownVisited Capital HistoricalGOP Luncheon Society: vJlfe .Saturday, Marc h 31, 'weather ' Approximately 125 eighth grad- Raymond '¥. Humphreys, Direc- permitting. Trucks: will be locat- 1 tor of Education -and Training,,. Na- ed at the Knights of- Columbus To Attend ers from .Swift Junior High School parking lot from § a.m. to' noon. - traveled 'by train to Washington tional Republican Congressional 1 'Committee, was. guest speaker at for those wishing to bring their' SPORTS Conference ^ - - last 'Thursday for a three-day visit papers .in. . " BOB PALMER watertownhistoricalsociety.orgto the capital. Faculty members the recent annual meeting and President Edwin Kania ".and ap-who attended with the .group as luncheon, -of the Connecticut Coun- Residents in Oakville who wish, • MORE PITCHERS proximately 15 to 20 members of cil -of Republican Women's Clubs. to have papers picked up, may*' As we had hoped, we had a call the Waterbury Chapter, National chape-rones were- Stunner Libbey. Mrs. Charles, Allen, Mrs. Louis call Robert Olson, 274-2291. Res- concerning our article on the fine Association of Accountants plan to principal; Anthony Roberts, vice- Sbonkme. Mrs. FrecLKrantz. Mrs. idents living outside the Water- array- of 'pitchers that "had. their attend the New" England regional principal; Stephen J. Botchis, P. J. Lyle Carlson and Mrs. Robert Mp- town Fire • District, may contact: share of effectiveness while pitch- accounting conference March 30- Piscopo, Hiss Longo and' Hiss dine from-'the Oakville-Watertown Mrs. Henry 'Ashley, 274-4409. 31 at the Schine;. 'Inn. Ch.ico.pee, Butler. ing for one Watertown team or 'The first evening-- was -occupied •.Republican Wonien's Club attend-' No calls will be taken after Fri--- another down through '(he -years. Mass, They will -join, over .300 oth- ed the meeting which was held, at day, March 30. • .Axel Donston was on the phone er members. from. 19 NAA Chap- with, visiting 'the Lincoln and Jef- Les Shaw's Restaurant. %o add some names to the list weters for a series of technical ses- ferson Memorials, 'the- Congres- r mail mentioned in a previous col- sions .and. other activities. sional Library, .the Archives Angelo Paternoster, 85 Taciter unin. ' ' Local, .members participating -on Building, .and 'the Washington Mon- Ave., Oakville,,, has 'been granted Mr. Donston is well qualified to the program include Paul G. La- ument. The Watertown Library has re- a permit to demolish a garage.; -natae any of the fine hall players pi ra, Accounting Manager of the Friday, .the group visited public ceived 'the following two 'books that • have' come out, of our com-Oakville DiV. of Scovill Mfg-. Co,buildings in the morning, see-ing "Looking at Pictures" by Kenneth munity because he had a long base- who will be a discussion leader the national Capital,, the White Clark,, given by Mr. -and Mrs. W. LOUIS A. LAUDAH ball career himself and has seen for one of the March 30 afternoon. House, the Bureau -of Printing and •C. Giesker, Jr.. in, memory of most of the local players perform meetings - covering "Accounting Engraving, the Helton Art: Muse- Mrs. Estelte Bagden; and "The : the Plant". um, and the F.B.I. Building. An. Psalms for 'the 'Common Reader" ELECTRIC OIL BURNERS lor quite a number of -decades, - Communications"- 'with Axe] reminded us that we could Ralph R. Brandely of Chase- Brass .afternoon, tour took In .Arlington by Mary Ellen 'Chase, given by the Salw, Service A. Repairs - have added Joe Pichette and Jerry and Copper Co.. will be-- session National Cemetery .and 'Mount Methodist Men's Club. Motors — Pumps — Controls chairman of' the"-Saturday discus- Ve-rnon, and the evening was cli- Relays — Transformers Miller, Hank Sorensoo and Oscar maxed by dinner -and dancing at a Electric and1 Manual Jarlett, Pete Maxwell -and 'Bob sion on "The Impact 1of Clerical Cook, -and of course .. Wim Keilty Costs on Your Profits" . .. restaurant. • • Pot Burner Controls-Parts, etc who pitched many a fine game. In addition, the program at On the final: morning,."Saturday, Burner Parts and Materials When we saw Wim, he was the Chicopee emphasizes a talk on the- group visited: the National Zo- In 8took best left fielder in the City League depreciation, 'a .talk on:' pricing ological Park, several museums, < PRINTING v 14 Rockdale Avenue 'his pitching days behind him. Wepolicies and the accountant, a and the. Pan-American. Building, .- iWOH'i1 FDIMS. BUSINESS STITJOMEIY, " OAKVI'LLE, CONN. had-' the opportunity to watch Bob case study presented by Raytheon .after -which they boarded a train, 11 I- U 0,» R S :. M EI * I 0 R P I, f •( i» M 0 ¥ IE 11 III IS «. Cook on the mound — just about Co. on, "The Impact of Clerical for home, arriving at 9:30 Satur- , W [ D 0' II i C * * N I] U N C f M E H I S I IHWII'T N, 1 (ON I Phone 274-3471 Costs on Profits" and there will day night. Nl Ml IN SI Will UiU'B'f CIOM'H IPHiBMC ]•*:? 'the time his pitching days were also be audience participation ses- numbered, hut even at that time sions on, business "forecasting, tie had a beautiful assortment of problems, in government contract- hooks. ing and auditing problems with Joe Pichette did his chuckin' be- machine accounting1,., fore our time hut we remember Russell P. Jones of Heminway .many a pleasant: ball - game' when Corp.. is -the Waterbury ..confer- tie was on the third base coaching ence chairman -and has reserved "a, MIDWAY SPORTING GOODS SUPPLY line" and Paddy Miller on the first suite of rooms at Schine Inn for base line for the old Watertown the., chapter's use during the con- Cardinals who gave . us a lot: of ference. Anyone planning to attend, good baseball. should, contact Russ. Hank Sorenson, now a P',5. 'Mail Officers and- Directors of the carrier, was a left hander with Waterbury' Chapter are invited 'to a good, hook who toiled, for the attend,' the workshop • seminar on .post war Watertown A.A.. Oscar chapter operations 'to be held pri- Jarlett divided his time between or1 to the conference on March FISHING TACKLE SPORTING GOODS the infield and the mound. Jerry 29th also- at Schine Inn, Chicopee, Miller and Pete Maxwell were two Mass., other fellows we did not .have the Also -expected, .to attend, from, opportunity to see 'in. action but Watertown are -Charles Allen and we have heard tell before that they •Gerald. Scutt, 'both employed by Were good moundsmen. Anaconda American Brass. . . After Miller's .baseball days were.'up, he became -one of the leading duckpin bowlers in the times- a year makes, a, whale of area. a 'difference in youngsters. ..More DISCOUNT We mustn't forget that .Axel 'Don- about the team, next week. ston also 'belongs high on' the list of all time Watertown pitchers as CUFF NOTES 'well,as catchers. He often pitched. Johnny Galeski, Watertown Golf as many as three and even four Club Pro, has recovered, from a 'times a week 'with 'various teams. winter" operation that removed" a Axel said, "Don't forget. Oak- bothersome cartilage from his ville had some fine pitchers too." knee and looks to an improvement SALE in his game this -season . . . Stan, But: that's another day and. anoth- Ostrowski. Park Grill proprietor, er column... is one-of the leading big pin roll- ers in, the area with a 178.18 av- :' SIGNS OF SPRING erage in the Businessmen's loop PFLUEGER HUNTING PLUGS SPIN CA"ST Meadow lots being occupied, by Bobby Copes, is leading 'the 2 'PC. MOID 'boys and the scrub baseball Greater Waterbury Duckpin league Spin-Cost Reel Pants & Coots By 'The Box-Full games... It's a hard job to find a With Pflueger Reel £•"" , „, „ - '"* ll wit*» * 1.1h1 Oa. brillianH.J1I. JTJ11'O..I • t!• 127JEM* • ' plusipj/WlnOk," •average* V 1L. Jl HUl.^,1*- .* lot -in the. neighborhood anymore I 'Bob TOiis wi-th Tony DiNunzio> if. Reg. Re*. where you can enjoy the room it: Turnpike Lanes. His 452 leads the 19.95 Reg. takes to have a choose-up-sides high three chase. Turnpike is 'two 1X00 $1.00 type of game.. Almost every neigh- Ost 36.40 borhood nad one or' "more home- games off the pace being set by Value Save 50c made diamonds with the roek bas-- Ferillo's. Save $10.00 Pile©' -save $8.50 Price •-es -years ago. Congratulations to the Water- -Save $16.01 town" VFW in winning the state A Real Bargain Limited Quantity A Real, Steal Johnny- Maloney. the Swift Junior VFW duckpin, tourney once again, High mentor .had. his 'baseball pros- This marks several times that: the pects out for their first workout talented boys from Water-Oak post Monday afternoon. Judd Field was have. captured the •event. ' 'SPINNING LINE in surprising' good shape for this EXTRA STRONG — EXTRA THIN — VA ID. SPOOLS $3.oo time of year. each Watertown High under" Mike Hol- 'Test 4, 6, 8,-10. 12, 15, 20, 2:5, 30, 40, 50, 60 rb. lo expects a, good team, this year CHAS. F.LEWIS with pitching being the key to its success." Chip Hungerford and Chuck' Bradley loom, as bright SPEARS BUSS GARCIA prospects-in-that department. Chip -can throw the fast ball with the Trucking $1.40 to $2.00 BED-DING MHcMlltMl #300 best of high'school pitchers." Con- 'iLttWIti 1 trol has plagued, him in the past. Just Afnved 19? With Bradley pitched well in Bate Ruth 2-pc. Spiimmg Rod League circles a year" ago. 'Alan. Gustafason, who also' can 'throw 274-1623 WILTON'S (Free Line) with authority but suffers."from not WATERTOWN. CONN. being able to locate the plate often Snelled Hooks Shad Uires Reg. .enough also may "mate it. Some- Reg. $51,40 4 for A, Sacrifice Card* $1.40 4-r 12 PIECE SET (Large Sox- Full) " (SAVE 40c) . (SAVE $21.96) RRE KING COPPERTfNT :. Spin-Cost 2 Pc. Hollow Gtess with Garcia Reef Green Spinningg Rod OVEN WARE with Reel . " " FOR, ONLY ' . SALE th Pffaege F B Rl imm BUY NOW & SAVETKUI $40.71 $12.54 'WITH LUBRICATION and OH. CHANGE OPEN or 9 AM to 9 PM •ION. Him SAT. MIDWAY flowG .. OtL & FILTER CHANGE FLY RODS C & L ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION All Sales FROM 'TO 263 Mam Street — OAKVtLLE — 274-0002 'CASH 487 MAIN ST. " free Rctc-up and Delivery (Insured) OAKVILLE, CONN. "REMEMBER — Atlantic Keeps Your Car Troniftg Rocn FINAL FREE PARKING ALL PRICE8. • ' ' 'On' 'The Go" ALL SIZES. RADIOS REPAIRED, sutoor home TOWN TIMES OVATERTOWN, CONN.), MAR. », 1»« — LE&AL KOTtCES type. Also phonos, changers, etc. Births Piok up and delivery. CaH 274- NOTICE QF BID BODILY INJURPropertyY LIABILITY ANO 892?. of the WatertownGRENtER — A son, Roland Rogi Historical SocietyLions &wm $20 0 PROPERTY -DAMAGE LIABILITY Jr., March 24 in Waterbury Hos- V INSURANCE Scaled Bids are Invited and wH4 lie received LOST: Thomaston Savings Bank pital to Mr. and Mrs. Roland R by the Town Manager, Town o* Wtfertmrt, Book No. W3696. Payment ap- Greruer, Sr. {Marcia M Cook) plied for Marcia Judd ,%KJno>, 130 Litchfifild Road. Slated May 2 A brief but ensellant preview of April llitii W> at the Town Manager's trustee for Alexander D. Spoan- the Watertown Lions Club forth-. Office. Town Hall Annex, al vrfikh time and coming Musical. Varieties .show' Maee they wHl be publkly opened and read, er, Jr. HORVAT — First child, a daugh- The Watertown School Depart- was the highlight of a Ladies Night, ffix-Murnlshtas Bodtly Jnfury Liability and ter, Brenda Ann, March 19 to /Property Damage Liability Insurance for ment has '.announced' that there held Tuesday » place of (he reg- ' towThowrwd veMcles. LOST: Thomaston Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Horvat will be registration for kinder- ular meeting at. Arnolds Restau- Sertedvles listing the vehicles to be cov- Book No. W1889. Payment ap>- (Louise Mary lyienzelle), Dtar- garten, pupils who plan, to enrol rant. The show will, 'take place; the .. ered- and Specifications, are available at the plied for Mary Hubbell, trustee ange, Colorado. Maternal grand- in school, for' the first: time in end of April. Town Manager's Office, Town Halt Annex, for Frederick Hubbell. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nicho- September' 1962 on Wednesday, las Menzelle, Oakville Maternal Gene Valentino was emcee for A" certified check In the amount of May 2, from, 1 to 3:M p.m. 'the preview which, was. presented must acco*np*ny each 8W. " great-grandmother Is Mrs. Lou- 1 - ,AIII Bids must be in .sealed envelopes plain- LOST': Thoraaston Savings Bank ise Barbaret, Oakville. These1 .registration, times, will be by John. Jannetty, Director of the ly marked "Bid On Bodily ln|ury .and' 'Prop- Book No. "W8390." Payment ap- in, effect .in the Baldwin, Judson, Knights of Columbus Choraleers. erty-Damage hMtranu". 'The program .included, several - All Bids, most'be In 'the hands of 'the Town pliejd for Muriel Vaill MoGowsan, BLAZY8 — A .son. James .Arttiur. Folk, and. Sooth Schools. Pupils trimmer' CH-MI authortiecJ representative, hoi trustee for Marcia ..Gail' McGow- 'who will attend kindergarten at numbers by the popular' .local singl- 'late/ 'thian the day arnj hckjr' Sboye men- March .22' in St. Mary's Hospital, ing trio, the BaMnow Sisters; Ka£- an. the Falls Avenue School must reg- 1 lloned.. For further Information relative to to Mr. and Mrs. .John. Biazys en Cu'llen, who did: several: of' her. Ms'Bid. iPtoas* contact. JIM Town .M (Lorraine Grant), Winnemaug ister at Polk School. FOR SALE: Mahogany dining room Requirements for -registration individually styled' numbers; Ger- •• lie" Town fWnagtr reserves me .right to table bullet' and chairs, maple di- .Road. trude 'Lynn. Lyric Soprano who accept or reject any or •III. Btdt,. to waive.. nette - table.-, and - chain,, gas are: has made .several concert appear- anr informalities, to dMde Hie swart, or -§o FRANKLIN — A daughter, Sandra (1) Pupils must 'be five years of accept any Bid deemed -for the best' interest range. TleasoBabte, 274-4201. age on .or before December 31, ances; and crooner Louis Torret- of (he Town of Waieriown. 1 .Ann, March 11 to Mr. .and Mrs. ta, who has .had many local en- • : • TOWN OF WATERTOWH SMiTTY'S SIGN SHOP Dana K. FranNtn (Ann Brenson), 1962. gagements. Francis Delfino, or- .. , ' JAMES L. SULLIVAN, Town Manager 'buck .Lettering Melberne. Fla., forrneriy of Wa- (2> A health forum provided by chestra leader .and pianist, ac- • TTM*tt 374-3349 .. - Watertown tertown. Grandparents are .Mr. 'the school, must be filled in .and companied 'the: guest soloist, and signed, by a parent, or doctor. LEGAL NOTICE and Mrs, William Brenson, High- did .'several, of Ms piano interpre- Pursuant ta,tip prmlsktm of Secl'lqn 13-113 ERNIE'S AUTO' BODY WORKS land Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. R. (3) The .parent must present /the tations. One of the.maejt completely' following records: Recced of vac- si me' General Stslvtes of CatwmMaut, He- K. Franklin, Torrlngton, former- Albert.' Goodkin 'was the .com- ' "on of itsa, ttie Stale Highway DepartMent equipped 'Paint .and Body ly of Watertown. cination; Birth certificate; and .. *mUb * DtfUilc hearlna on April -13, 1M1 §hops in Connecticut. Wheels •record of polio shots. Three polio mittee in. 'Charge' of the at 1« P.M... In the Watertown "-*• —--• ' Alignment and Balancing. innoculations are' required for .affair. ' ; oh H(iVffriway Park Road, " HE BERT — A daughter, Elizabeth retail*? to 'the racwntnended tyi/atef-town Awe., >Vaterbury Ruth, .March 21 in Waterbury registration, the fourth booster 61 Buckingham Street' jn •• shot would, be desirable. .atKwt".«» feet''»orltie?ly or. R Hospital _to Mr. and Mrs. John - Mew Record* t .and m a distance of -OLD POIN 6 A. Hefiert (Azieeti '! Knight), Additional questions concerning The following new records .are.' rjitfes. Maps' snowln# jne registration may be obtained, by now available at 'ttie Watertown .Li- -'" BOUGHT 361. iMortti St •• calling the school. _» WaterJvwn-fdr Mle\:MmAm.m^mr- brary Naismith Memorial .'Record 'sons1 InitftriBSiliwl! tai |WiS''""iinr]i8lfifl •Jri1 J^fflptjMp ;|W^ ^ -ATWOOD — A son...Clifford Les- Room. The records 'were pur- attend fte hearfp.: ' '" • " ' ••••••^•• -P-.6. Box 5 ter.- March 19 'in, Waterbury Hos- chased with funds' raised at a Food pital to Mr. and. .Mrs. Lester Ruth Circle To .Sale conducted, by the Tri-Hi-y «AREFLU_LY 'SELECTED Cana- jErnmons (Elizabeth Bmma Weis- Group. dian & Wisconsin fresh cows. man), 218 Fal|s Ave., 'Oakville. Hear Mrs. Wilson The Eddy Duchin Story; After' DISTRICT OF WATERTMyN. ft., 'Canadian. & "W'isooiisiii Ete.iry COURT. March 37, HJ& Hours, Sarah Vaughn; Warm, John- Estate of Cow Co., Inc., Quakertown, Pa. BAVONE — A daughter',, Susan. Mrs. Vincent Watson, District ny -Mathis; Merry Christmas;,, MARION F. SOO'ViLL APARTMENT for rent, ceatrally Lee. March 21 in: Waterbury Hos- Spiritual Life Chairman, will be Johnny Mathis; Heavenly, Johnny late o< Water town, In'said otsMd, deceased. pital to Mr. .awl Mrs." Petec B. guest speaker at the monthly meet- Mathis; Love Is a 'Kick, Frank • Upon 'the application of• Irving p. Smith... boated. •274-8817." Administrator, praylnfl .that he be; .atithorned1 Bavone (Arlene M. Warren), 80' ing of the Watertown Methodist Sinatra; Time 'Out. Dave Bru'heck; ID 'sell and convey real estate belonging 'la •SUPP-HOSE", "Ease tired, legs Dalton St., OakviDe. Church. Ruth Circle, Tuesday. Say It'With Music, Ray Conniff; I 'the Estate of said deceased as. per applica- April: . 3. in 'the sanctuary of the nt on file more 'fully appears,. Jl .» with. . 'the sheer .nylon' stock- Believe, Mahalia Jackson; Porgy ORDERED —. That said application be ings that ^support. '.DAVIDSON'S BOUCHER — A son. Robert Church, at 8 p.m. .and Bess; South Pacific; 'Okla- heard and determined at the Probate 'Office, DRESS SHOP. 274-1149. Charles, March 20 in, Waterhury Mrs. Watson uill present a pro- homa; College Concert, "Kingston "In Water town, in said, on the «th gram entitled, "The Breaking of day of April, A.D. 1942, at 4:30 o'clock in Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trio: Mighty Day on Campus, the afternoon, and that public notice be given GENERAL ELECTRIC Heating, L. Boucher (Catherine I. Jen- Bread". •Chad Mitchell, Trio; Greatest Hits, of ttie pendency of' said application and 'the Hot. Water, Warm Air and Air nett). Lake Winnemaug. . All. ladies of the Church are in- 'Connie Frances, and. Concert: Un- time' and place of hearing; thereon, by pub- lishing a copy of this order .one time In some Cbn&itioning. WESSON HEAT- vited to attend,.;. der the Stars. .newspaper having a circulation In said Dfs- ING CORP., Waterbury. Tel. . Ir let, a.ndi by .posting a copy on the public 754-1892. Sign post nearest to the place' where 'ttie de- Shelves Installed ceased last dwelt, a copy of 'this order ail at least • days before said time assigned, and FOR RENT: Apartment — Sunset i 1M return make to this Court. Ave. 3 rooms, heat, electricity,'' JOSEPH M. MIAViri, Judge $75 a TT MM4 Mogazine Room FOR SALE DISTRICT OF tiTATERTOWN, SS... PROBATE COURT, .(WarCh 27, 1H3. At. Chintz 'N' Prints, of Newtown 'Installation, -of new shelves 'in 6 Room Okkf Home bi Prime Location 'Estate of Decorator Drapery. Slipcover the magazine room of the Water- MARY RUSSIN late of Watertawn, In said District, deceased and Upholstery Fabrics at 50 to bury Library was completed last V/2 Baths Oil Hot' Water Heat Upon 'the application of Mary Woodward "85% off List Prices .Always. week by 'the Watertown Building Auxiliary Gas Furnace; and Annie Traub, Co-execytrlces- .praying' South Main St. (Rt. 25), Newtown,, Supply Co. 2-Car Garage Near Bus Line Ittat they .be author lied hj sell and .convey real estate belonging fa the Estate of saidi 'Conn. On Saturlay, March 17, mem- Large Landscaped" Lot. Large Porch deceased, as per application i on. ' Hit moce bers of Boy Scoot Troop 450' re- Excellent Corner Lot fully appears, it Is • ' CARPENTER A llASOMi WORK, moved 'the magazines to the meet- Pine 'Tree Grove • ORDERED- — That said' application be reasonable. Building, repairing:, heard and determined at the Probate, Office,' ing room, and, oh Saturday, March Many Flowering Bushes In Watertown, fa said district, on the fitti 'Free estimate. Tel 274-83S7. 24. returned 'them, to their proper CAN BE HAD day of April, A.D. TW, at »:tP' ottoctt «n Apple Trees »ie forenoon, and that public noflm be otmn EMI1L JEWELERS. place. WITH or WITHOUT of ttie pendency .of said application' .and ttie EXPERT WATCH AN ID CLOCK Taking part In the project were Large .Area, for Garden time and place of hearing thereon* 'by pub- David Minicucci, James Town- EXTRA LOTS lishing a copy of Ms order one Him' 'In R E P AI fl ill N,G—Guaranteed Work- Flower Room .some newspaper having a clrcvfatton M sakf manship. send. George Barnes. Raymond District, and by posting a copy on 'the public and Kenneth Antonacci, David .sign post nearest 'to the piae* where the de- Giesker. John .Pratt, Cem Mur- May 'Be Seen SUNDAYS from 2 P.M. - 7 PJI. ceased last .dwelt, a copy of Mi. order a». RUGS, CARPETS, BROAD LOO MS •t .least •days before said tilme" auJgned- .and —Minor's Valley Rug: Service, So. phy. Prank Bowden and 'Charles return mate to this Court. - . Main -St., Thomaston. Rugs and Ashton. Shellacking .and varnishing 122: CAN DEE HILL ROAD — WATERTOWN - **~- JOSEPH M. NAVIN, Judge Carpets ' cleaned by Bigelow's of the shelves, was done by .Scout TT 3-2M3 Karpet Kare Process. leaders " 'William Giesker. Jr., DISTRICT OF WATERTOWN. ».„. PROBATE Richard, Clark, John. Pratt: and COURT, March 87, A.D., 1W. James Christie. Estate of SYNTHETIC THREADS CATHERINE FIT2PATRICK ' WANTED tale ol Watertawn; In. saM district, daeeBted,. Man capable of setting up and' operating ARMSTRONG ..The Court of Probate for the district of machtnerv and 'equipment for' heat stretch- Wafertown hath limited aimd- allowed six j 1 Ing and bonding synthetic threads.. TESSERA months from dale hereof, 'lor the creditors eff Excellent opportunity tor right 'man,. All 'Vinyl Corlorn Join Now! said Estate to exhibit their claims for settle- replies confidential, Repty to B ^ '^'"''''''''^li !('****••• iHMH '^^^^ iH^^HIl I^^^^I I^^^HI I^^^MI iM^^B I^^^^I >HB^^ i^^^HI flHI^Bi H^HMI' tU Watertown Building Supply ' fNDUSTRY Echo Lake RrL, WaterUnim 2 74-162 1 Tel. ZM-2555 * PAGC It —Property TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN of, CONN.) thef MAT!. 29Watertown, 1962 State Historical SocietyMasons To See John GoaHiasiaii, of the Nauga- Recny tuck Chemical Co., will 'be guest Sfcidy Confines speaker at'the fourth annual, sci- Transactions Sal Terenzo, President of theence' fair' of 'the' 'Gordon. C. Swift Federal Lodge No. 17, Masons;,, The following realty transac Connecticut Junior Chamber of Junior High School, to 'be held 'will meet Monday, April 2, at 7:30 Oi Turnpike Sewer, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgtions have 'been filed, for record 'Commerce1, was guest speaker at Wednesday,. April 4 at. 7 p.m. .inp.m. . at 'the Masonic Hall. 'There in the-office of "Town. Clerk Marie a "recent meeting of the Watertown the school, gym. will be no degree work conducted. Water Buckingham, Town' Hall. . - Jayoees. Terenzo congratulate1 d Mr. Goolhasian's subject is en- Following a s h o r t business • Town Manager James L. Sulli- Warranty Deeds the local group for 'their fine pro- titled. "Giant Molecules'*. meeting 'Liberty-Lodge 123, Wa- vajn .is continuing 'his study into 'Charles Vernale to Eleanor Al~ gram of activities in. all phases 'Certificates 'will be presented- to< terbury, will" present the play, a water and sewer program for eksinas, land and. improvements of community life, a successful, the first, second and third place '"The Greatest of These", by'Carl . the Straits Tpke. • area, the Town on Caruso .Drive. membership 'drive, and participa- 'winners in. each .grade level. The Claudy. Council was told: at a special William S. Burton to Joseph De- tion in, many areas of state and.first place winners mil have" their Refreshments served by the .meeting last week. Biase, Sr... land and improvements national Jaycee concern. names . inscribed on , 16 year Stewards 'wi.ll complete the eve- off Woodbury Road. Mr, Sullivan said he was told. 1 John Brady, vice-president of plaques which are kept at 'thening. at a meeting with. Housing and James C. and Margaret M .. .An-the Watertown. Jaycees. 'Conducted school. ' Home Agency officials drew to Joseph" G. ..and. Alice M, the regular business meeting. Projects may be presented by last, week in New York that -fed- Stankus, land' and. improvements Plans were initiated', for- a 'Teen- any interested, junior High Science eral planning funds are available on Elena Drive. 'The Water town Building- Supply age Road-e-o, participation; in. student. only for constructio1 n planning .and state .and national ..Jaycee 'conven- not for conducting feasibility stud- Co-, Inc. to 'Carl. E. and "Ruth I. tions, the nomination of candidates RENTAL SBtVKE Richmond, Jr., rty onVaill SANDERS '— POLISHERS ws. Road, propei for Jaycee office for" the coming He also said that he met ivith a year, an extension, of the mem-TRADE-IN OLD COINS EDGERS — SUMP "PUMPS representative of an engineering | nBunked r .Hill. Park, inc., to Alois bership drive; and the annual Jay- firm -to discuss plans for Turn-(2 Erna E. Mueck, property on. cee 'Tree' sale. " ." .. for BOWLfNG at KEY'S MADE/ Dikpike sewer andand, watewafer lines. ThThee Spnicewood .Road. TURNPIKE LANES interview 'bore "out a previous .re- Lester E. 'Young to Edith S. State Director Evan Quartan re- port'••from. Town. Engineer Jack. Wasserback, property on Cherry ported on the very successful, 831 Straits Tpke., Watertown KAY'S HARDWARE • Re.yn.olds that the proposal as putAve. , ' ' - charter night recently held for 'the '(•Catalog1 Value Given) Main Street: - Watertown forth • originally would not" he suf- 'Louise Giannetti to .Howard and. Wolcott Jaycees. ficient to provide water for an. •in-Barbara. I. Magnuson, property on. .. dust rial area. No less than a '12-Waterbur' y Park Road. •' 'inch main, and possibly a 16-inch John Knotout and .Son, .Inc. to main, would 'be required. James T. and Barbara • F. Mc- 'The firm . .representative has Gann, property on Orchard 'Lane. .agreed to help prepare an appli- .Anna Marie York to Stanley J. cation to the H.H.F.A. for a plan- and Dorothy L. Ruselowski, prop- ning grant for the turnpike area, erly on. Camp St. ' Hr." Sullivan said... ' Aid a D. LePage to John J. and Also announced, by Mr. Sullivan Rose Zappone, property on Buck- at 'the meeting was the re-appoint- ingham St.. Oakvilte. ment of William Moskaluk -as dog Lawrence W. .Wilson to1 Walter warden. Requested., and granted, L. Wilson, one -half 'interest 'in n-as the transfer of $400 from the property on. Northfield. 'Road, and contingent, fund, to the manager's Wbolson St. account to 'permit the purchase of Innes. .Realty. Inc., to Albert' two fables,' 15 ... chairs ' and files Lawrence Coey. property on State from Princeton.. Knitting Mills forHighway Route 6. the Council's use. -Richard. J. and Mary L. Nave to William. H. and Wanda M. Brewer, Perfect time to de-winterize your-ear'/ property on Bunker Hill Ave. .. Borrowing "In - Leo ,.,- and Mary T. Russo to Save now with our bomper-to-bumper service I Raymond E. Cote, property on Lieu Of Taxes Colonial. St., Oakville. Bunker Hill Park. Inc., to' Erich SPRING CHANGE-OVER,SPECIALS! Authorized ' -. . M. and Agnes H. Ebert. land and " Town Manager James L. Sulli- improvements on Spruce wood r van was given, authorization to Road. . •^Gleaming — borrow up to $150,000 in anticipa- Edna W. Meyer to Doris - S. tion' of taxes at a. .special, meeting Post, land and. improvements on of the Town Council Tuesday aft- Northfield Road... 3-T NYLON . ernoon. Edith M. 'Brasche to Paul G. . The- funds, the last of the S900.- and Stella. P. Garceau. "land and 000 in tax anticipation loans au- improvements on Chestnut Grove WHITE WALL TUBELESS thorized, in the current budget. Road. " will be- provided by the. Colonial. Pete's Concrete ._ Foundation with - new TUFSYN rubber Bank and Trust Co. at an interest Co., .Inc. to Maurice R~. and, Doris " rate of 1.30 per cent..." ' • Lacombe. land and improvements The Council previously had au-on Jenks St. • . • thorized Acting" Managet. Joseph Adele Donorfio to Giuseppe and 95 Masi to negotiate the loan.. How- Agatha, • Pietrarazio, six parcels ever-. ' use of the word "acting" of land on, Melrose Ave. 6.70 x 13 manager in the motion made Tues- Helena, Goodwin- to Cecile 7.50 x 14 day's' action necessary. Chasse, land and, improvements Some discussion was held on theon Capewc'lJ Ave.'. Oaky Ml e. I 14 possibility of splitting tax pay-" Henry. Chasse • to Helena L. | plus tax and your old tire ments into 'two parts, instead, of Goodwin. " land. and improvements i 'having to Jbe>. paid all at-once dur- on. Central Ave... Oakville. ' i All-Weather "42T Is the . ing May. S^Ir. Sullivan was in- Louis Viscosi to Idaet and Halil tire — and, it's a beauty. | structed to 'study the matter and Bushka, land and improvements Bides smoother, rolls report1. at a, future-meeting of theon- Melrose Ave. Council. _ / ... James Innes to -Gerard J. and, cooler, and it's guaranteed;, Ger'maine B. Anctil.Jand. and im- " one full, year!. provements on Lake Road. • Lewis Judson SAVE NOW! Receives Master Lions See Preview h* •"•<"»•••»»«•••- «l 'l»t» et»(feif M« Tint art ifiuaranM NMl««i-Wide, Salesman's Award Of Variety Show l\-IwiardT s —bw .|.e.,f.imm bfowuuti!te Jr™", laftrlc* breaks?- *, Wcuts m — 'iefedeieepst rtimlral'lWmSSLmS***t ninctum Lewis WY' Judson. 8 Main'St.,,'an J. W. ..Moody, Jr. president of \fT ™™"bw'fimm!te J™"* ? *W ifd SSLS employe of- Atavnod's Garage, has the VVatertown Lions Club has an- .received a. Master Salesman's nounced lhat the Club recently Award- from the '. Pontiac • Division presented a. check for $20© to the 10 MONEY- Mil • EASY PAY 1ERMSI- • of General Motors for the second Connecticut State Lions Eye... Re- j straight - year. search Foundation. The contribu-1 - Mr. Judson was among Master tion will help to- support continuing.} Salesmen honored by Pontiac at'a research into the" causes and banquet in. Boston recently. He cures of Glaucoma which is being /Y was' presented with a diamond- conducted by the Glaucoma Re- studded, pin in recognition of hissearch Center at Yale University. 'Outstanding excellence in. Pontiac Through, the efforts if the State .sales during .1961. Foundation, .. esta.blsi.ed by Har- > SEE "FRANK" or "LARRY' FOR EASY TERMS Mr. Judson has been employed old Ashley, Waterbury, former '• by Atwood's Garage for the past Lions International Director, the nine years, and has 'been serving Glaucoma Research Center this. as a salesman for the firm, for year was able to- support a full,; the past four .years,. Currently he time Director. Doctor Marvin is working as a, full-time mechan- Sears. Dr. Sears came from John ic and part-time salesman. Hopkins University.. RCS RESTAURANT NOW SERVING


THINKING OF . . *.* REMODELING—ADDITIONS—MODERNIZING? ARMAND'S CALL JOHN KONTOUT & SON. INC. TIRE DEPARTMENT 274-3040 274.8340 131 DAVIS STREET. OAKVILLE "3S Yeare Experience In Home Bunding and RemedeHng" 274-1679 I ESTIMATES — JOB APPRAISALS Opea ttaBy 7 AJ*. to 7 PJH. Opwi S—dayi 8 AJU. to 1 f ML it,