No 63, 11 September 1930, 2741
,.~~:(.,. "" !Jumb. 63. 2741 ~ . ,. ,,:::., ":?--- SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930. lJubliBhtb h]2 :authDrit!2. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, SEP'l'EMBER 11, 1930. Notice rupecting OJlenceB at Maori Elections. 1 Chief Electoral Office, Wellington. 8th Se}ltember, 1930. I To ~he .RetllrIring Officer for the Western Maori Electoral rnHE following extracts from the Electoral Act, 1927, are . DIstrIct. ..L published for general information:- i IN pursuance of section 186 of the Electoral Act, 1927, I . I hereby authorize and require you to proceed, according to Deputy ReturnIng Officer may arrest any person guUty of personatIon. i law, to the election of a member of Parliament to serve in the 193. (1) Every Deputy Returning Officer may, without any: House of Representatives for the Western Maori Electoral other warrant than this Act, cause to be arrested and taken I District. before a Justice any person reasonably suspected of com- I further direct that you cause the nominations for the mitting or attempting to commit at a polling-place any act /said member to be received at t,he' Native Department, of personation. Government Buildings, Wellington, not later than noon on the (2) It shall be the duty. of the Returning Officer to insti-124th day of September, 1930, and, in the event of the election tute a prosecution against any person whom he believes to being contested, that the poll shall be taken on the 8th day have committed the offence of personation, or of aiding, of October, 1930. abetting, counselling, or procuring the commission of that You are further required to endorse on this writ the name offence by any person, at the.
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