United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan
2:16-cv-14406-DML-DRG Doc # 1 Filed 12/19/16 Pg 1 of 51 Pg ID 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN EARL CROSBY, Individually, and as Successor-In-Interest of the Estate of Case No. TEVIN EUGENE CROSBY; LISA CROSBY; SHENETRA PARKER-HARRIS; Hon. CHAVIS CROSBY; and CELIA RUIZ, Individually, and as Successor-In-Interest of the Estate of JUAN RAMON GUERRERO, JR.; JUAN RAMON GUERRERO; MAYA GUERRERO; ARYAM GUERRERO; OSVALDO VAZQUEZ; and YAZMIN REYES , Individually, and as Successor-In-Interest of the Estate of JAVIER JORGE-REYES; PEDRO JORGE DIAZ; IRIS REYES SANTIAGO; PEDRO JORGE REYES; GABRIEL JORGE REYES; and LIZ M. JORGE-REYES; Plaintiffs, v. TWITTER, INC., GOOGLE, INC., and FACEBOOK, INC. Defendants. ____________________________________/ There is no other pending or resolved civil action between these parties arising out of the same transaction or occurrence alleged in this complaint. COMPLAINT Crosby, et al. v. Twitter, Google, and Facebook, Complaint for Damages 1 2:16-cv-14406-DML-DRG Doc # 1 Filed 12/19/16 Pg 2 of 51 Pg ID 2 NOW COME Plaintiffs, by and through their attorneys, and allege the following against Defendants Twitter, Inc., Google, Inc., Facebook, Inc. (“Defendants”): NATURE OF ACTION 1. For years, Defendants have knowingly and recklessly provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds, and attracting new recruits. This material support has been instrumental to the rise of ISIS and has enabled it to carry out or cause to be carried out, numerous terrorist attacks, including the June 12, 2016, attack in Orlando where 53 were injured and 49 were killed, including Tevin Eugene Crosby, Juan Guerrero, and Javier Jorge-Reyes1.
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