1943,Lg7g ( Anniversarl, of the Pe'ople's Army L,Il:,1: Il,-'Iljf ;'L:,?Ill *SOI-DIER-PEOPLE
POLIIICAL AT,IO INFORMATIVE REVIEW TO-KORRIK 1943,lg7g ( anniversarl, of the Pe'ople's Army l,il:,1: il,-'ilJf ;'l:,?ill *SOI-DIER-PEOPLE- Placard bu ['undi l.Icle: -THE CtrNTDNARY OF THE ALBANIAN LEAGUE OF PRIZIIEN- CONTENTS: The 35th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Army The Centenary of the Albanian League oJ Prizren T he 9th Congress of the Women's (Jnion of Albania The ,.Theory of the Non-Aligned Worldo and the ,,Theory of Three Worlds,, United in Defence of the Imperialist Status que Document) Peop les Aspire to a Real Disarmament Press Review T ru 35* AAIhITVER.SARY OF TE{E FOUNMING OF T'FT The entire Albani,an people and theLr armed forces celebrated in great re- joicing one of the most marked euents of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War - the 35th anniuersarY of the foundtng of the General Staff , the d"ay oI Julu 10, ruhich has gone down in the historg of neu Albania as the daE of the creation of the People's Army. This radi,ant jubilee found the Al- banian peaple, the u:orking class, the cooperatioist peasantry, the people's intelligentsia, the LDornen and, the gouth, in the fire of their reuolutiomar'g uork and mobilizati.on tc applg the 'S historic d,ecLsions of the 7th Congress of the PLA, the tasks laid doran bg the recent plenums of the Central Committee of the Partly. In all tke districts of A|bania, in centres of produciion and ,uark, aEti' cultural cooperati,oes, cultural and eiu- cational institutions, as rtsell as mili- tarA uni,ts, uarious acttuiti,es tool:' pla' ce, such as ccrlferences, competitio't'ts,
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