Annual Report of the Town of Peterborough, New Hampshire
m^ of the town officers of Peterborough, H. H. for the year ending JANUARY 31, 1942 Also Reports of the school district officers for the year ending JUNE 30, 1941 Transcript Printing Company - Peterborough, New Hampshire W0> of the town officers of Peterborough, (1 H. for the year ending JANUARY 31, 1942 Also Reports of the school district officers for the year ending JUNE 30, 1941 Transcript Printing Company - Peterborough, New Hampshire P4-'t / 94 TOWN OFFICERS Moderator Lincoln R. Lounsbury Town Clerk Algie A. Holt Town Treasurer Robert J. Paquet Selectmen Carey A. Walbridge, term expires 1942 Harry F. Smith, term expires 1943 Richard Allen Day, term expires 1944 Overseer of the Poor Ernest L. White Collector of Taxes, Appointed by Selectmen Algie A. Holt Supervisors of Checklist Theodore W. Gunn Thomas S. Nichols Winslow C. Morse Fire Chief Earl W. Wyman Firewards David J. Rochford W. Robert Nichols Robert T. Brooks Sexton, Appointed by Selectmen Highway Agent Kenneth Wetherbee Library Trustees Lincoln R. Lounsbury, term expires 1942 Hazel N. Goyette, term expires 1943 Charles M. Larrabee, term expires 1944 Police, Appointed by Selectmen Albert J. Picard, Chief Howard J. Keddy, Regular Specials Frederick Buckley Albert A. Perry Carey Johnson Bertrice H. Grant Amos Rabideau Constable, Appointed by Selectmen Howard J. Keddy Dog Police, Appointed by Selectmen Albert J. Picard Surveyor of Wood and Lumber, Appointed by Selectmen Albion J. LaFleur Cemetery Trustees, Appointed by Selectmen Charles M. Cummings, W. A. Bryer, Arnold D. Rundlett Water Department In charge of the Selectmen Maurice H. Muzzey, Supt. Trustees of Trust Funds Robert E.
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