Locate Your Organization Here Convenient access to the water & Portsmouth Harbor The Historic Creek Farm The FoForestorF est S oSocietycietty is lookinglooking ffoforor a partnerpartner with similar stestewardshipwardship interestsinterests to lease the buildings and 35-acre35-acre coastal prpropertyoperttyy at CrCreekeek FFarmarm in Portsmouth.Portsmouth. AvailableAAvvailable in 2017 – SuitableSuittaable ffoforoorr nnonprnonprofitofit organizationsorggaanizations or or instit institutionstuutions – Historic,HHiisttooric, 19,460 sq.sq. ft. cottagecotttaagge with 2-st2-storytoororyy utilitutilitytyy buildingbuildiing and garageggaarraage – 1,125 ffefeeteet ooff ffrfrontageonttaaggee on SSagamoreaggaamorree CrCreekreeeeek – DoDockck and aaccessccesscess toto PortsmouthPPoortsmouth HarborHHaarbor Historic, 19,460 sq. ft. cottage with 2-story utility building and garage Contact Jane James 150 MirMironaona Rd PPortsmouth,ortsmouth, NH 03801 CelCell:lll: (603) 817-0649 jjames@
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS: SPRING 2015, No. 282 18 34 DEPARTMENTS 2 THE FORESTER’S PRISM 4 3 THE WOODPILE 16 IN THE FIELD Educational series, field trips and workshops FEATURES 18 CONSERVATION SUCCESS STORIES 4 Nature Through the Eyes of a Child The stories behind seven projects in seven towns that yielded a total of 1,124 more acres of conserved land across the state. Remember feeling joyful just watching a wriggly worm or walking, arms outstretched, along the length of a fallen log? Amy Manzelli, 28 PUBLIC POLICY UPDATE an attorney who specializes in conservation law, writes about getting Mount Sunapee expansion update some help in this area from her young son. What’s next for Northern Pass? 8 Introducing the Forest Reservation Challenge! Sticking up for public funding of conservation Be among the first to complete the Forest Reservation Challenge N.H.