Introduction 1 Revolutionary Apprenticeship
Notes Introduction 1. Felice Guadagni and Renato Vidal, eds., Omaggio alla memoria imperitura di Carlo Tresca (New York: Il Martello, 1943), 43 (cited hereafter as Omaggio). 2. Ibid., 46. 3. David Montgomery, Workers’ Control in America: Studies in the History of Work, Technology, and Labor Struggles (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 105. 4. Arturo Giovannitti’s foreword to Who Killed Carlo Tresca? (New York: Tresca Memorial Committee, 1945), 3. 5. Normad wrote an unpublished biography of Tresca bearing that title. Copies in the author’s collection and the Tresca Memorial Committee papers at the New York Public Library. 6. Guadagni and Vidal, Omaggio, 46. 1 Revolutionary Apprenticeship 1. See Italia Gualtieri, ed., Carlo Tresca: Vita e morte di un anarchico italiano in America (Chieti: Casa Editrice Tinari, 1994). 2. For details regarding Tresca’s parents, see The Autobiography of Carlo Tresca, edited by Nunzio Pernicone (New York: The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2003), 1–7; Guadagni and Vidal, Omaggio, 6–7. Also, the author’s interview with Tresca’s daughter, Beatrice Tresca Rapport, Arlington, MA, November 12–14, 1973. After the ini- tial interview, Mrs. Rapport provided the author with additional information in several lengthy letters and more than a dozen long-distance telephone calls. For the sake of brevity, only the interview will be cited hereafter. 3. Tresca, Autobiography, 11–15; Interview with Beatrice Tresca Rapport; Cenno Biografico, in the Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Ministero dell’Interno, Direzione Generale di Pubblica Sicurezza, Casellario Politico Centrale: Tresca, Ettore. See also the commemorative issue of Il Martello (February 17, 1942) honoring Ettore after his death on January 15, 1942.
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