Report Mental Hygiene Authority
1958 VICTORIA REPORT OF THE MENTAL HYGIENE AUTHORITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31sT DECEMBER, 1957 - ------ --·---- ----~------------ PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO ACT No 5519, SECTION 11. [Appro:runatt Oo11 of Report.-Preparation, nut given Printing (!100 ropirs), £660.] By Authority: A. C. BROOKS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. MELBOURNE. No. 38 ~.-[6s. 6n.]-10192/58. MENTAL HYGIENE AUTHORITY, 300 Queen-street, Melbourne, C.1, 30th April, 1958. The Honourable the Minister of Health, SIR, The Mental Hygiene Authority has pleasure in submitting, in conformity with Section 11 of the Mental Hygiene Authority Act 1950, the accompanying Report concerning the exercise of its functions and the operation of the Mental Hygiene services in this State for the year ended 31st December, 1957. Yours faithfully, E. CUNNINGHAM DAX, Chairman. CHARLES R. D. BROTHERS, Deputy Chairman. E. R. H. EBBS, Administrative Member. OBITUARY It is with the greatest regret that the Authority reports the death of Dr. William Emest Jones, C.M.G., on lst May, 1957. He was. 89, born in the same year as Ararat and Beechworth Hospitals were opened. He came to Victoria from Wales in 1905 as the first Inspector-General and he retired in 1937. He was an outstanding person, and despite the shortage of funds he managed to build Royal Park Receiving House, Mont Park Mental Hospital, Travancore Centre, and Janefield Colony. He made considerable improvements in the mental hygiene acts and it was due to his foresight that the voluntary-boarder system was introduced in Victoria eighteen years before the English mental-treatment Act was proclaimed. He was a charming person with a delightful wit and manners but he was forthright and uncompromising in his disapproval of the Mental Hygiene Authority Act which he maintained left a mental hygiene authority without authority.
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