With Haldeman Gone, Gen. Alexander H Ig Became the President's Shield
hie, of Staff With Haldeman gone, Gen. Alexander H ig became the President's shield. ME n came the Agnew resignation, the Mid-East war, "the Saturday night massacre." These have been "six peculiar months," says Haig. By Nick Thimmesch Spiro T. Agnew, the first Vice President in heartily before cracking, "I'll take execu- U.S. history to be forced from office for a tive privilege on that." Press him fiercely, crime; the continuing, traumatic hassle as questioners did on "Face the Nation" re- over the celebrated "Nixon tapes," spools cently, and Haig will utter an explanation nce Gen. Alexander M. Haig Jr. more precious than gold; the axing of Spe- 'concerning the tape issue which is at vari- was formally appointed White cial Watergate Prosecutor Archibald Cox ance with the facts. Haig has become a 0 House Chief of Staff last June, after and attendant ramming to the wall of At- public man, and, therefore, more vulnera- emergency duty in the void suddenly left by torney General Elliot Richardson and his ble. Unless there is a dramatic transforma- H. R. (Bob) Haldeman, the reaction deputy, William D. Ruckelshaus, with tion, say, like St. Paul's conversion, there around town was almost all favorable. Af- their consequent resignations; and of will always be a military man in the civilian 2 ter all, as Dr. Henry A. Kissinger's dep- course, a situation more familiar to him, suits worn by Al Haig. He's sensitive about cn uty, he was known to be friendly, accessi- and more up his alley, the Middle East cri- this, and argues his case.
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