Noreena Hertz

Decision-Making Guru & Renowned Economist

"One of the world's leading thinkers"

Noreena Hertz is a renowned thought leader and economist with an impressive track record in predicng global trends. In 2017 Noreena launched her own show MegaHertz: Calling on Sirius XM in the US, providing insights and analysis on what is happening in and also a European take on what is happening in the US.


The Future of Work Previously she was ITV News' Economics Editor where she led ITV's economics The Age of Radical Uncertainty: coverage. She has given Keynote speeches at TED, The Winning in an Age of Technological, and Google Zeitgeist sharing plaorms with President Bill Clinton, James Geopolitical, Economic and Wolfensohn and David Beckham amongst others. Noreena's thinking was the Demographic Disruption inspiraon for Product (RED), which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for The Robots are Coming: Thriving in an the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. Most recently she has been exploring the Age of Digital Disruption, Artificial world of today's teenagers, who she has coined "Generaon K", with arcles Intelligence, and Cyber Hacking published in the UK, US, Europe and China. Noreena has a PhD from Cambridge From Brexit to Trump: Managing the University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of New Geopolitical and Economic Pennsylvania. She is a Vising Professor at University College London. Landscape How to Make Smart Decisions in a WHAT SHE OFFERS YOU: Complex World Generation K: How to Engage the Next Her thoughully tailored keynote speeches combine a deep analycal Generation of Consumers and understanding of global trends, threats and opportunies with praccal soluons Employees for how to make smarter decisions in a complex world. Noreena leaves her audience with a clearer vision for the future, arming them with beer strategies LANGUAGES: that can prepare an organisaon for the future, and also inspiring them.

She presents in English. HOW SHE PRESENTS:

PUBLICATIONS: Noreena delivers highly respected, passionate messages to both grassroots organisaons as well as worldwide corporaons and is also a great chair at 2013 Eyes Wide Open: How to numerous events around the world. Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World

2005 IOU: The Debt Threat and Why We Must Defuse It

2002 The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy

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