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We continue to encourage Veterans to attend one of the many Koffee Klatches which take place at various locations within the Lower Mainland of . These Klatches provide an opportunity to share coffee with other Veterans and discuss a wide range of topics.

These Klatches are extremely popular with RCMP Veterans because anyone can attend and you don’t have to belong to our RCMP Veterans’ Association. Only cost to attend is that of your coffee. You can check out the nearest Koffee Klatch here.

Our weekly Communique and website ( continues include the latest details on various topics of interest to Veterans. These details are forwarded to us by various Veterans across Canada. If you have details (i.e. news stories, photographs, videos, general information) that other Veterans maybe interested in, please forward them to us at [email protected].

For those individuals who are interested in joining the RCMP Veterans’ Association ( Division), you can check out the details here. Our annuals membership fee comes due on January 1st of each year and how these costs are used is outlined here.

On behalf of our Vancouver Division’s Executive Committee, we thank you again for your continued support for our RCMP Veterans Communique and website (http://

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us your email message. Our email address for the Communique is [email protected]

December 11, 2015 - RCMP Veterans Communique Page !2

Sheldon Boles - Communication Director

Vancouver Division - RCMP Veterans’ Association


1) NEW - Time To Renew Your Association Membership - The Association’s membership dues are up for renewal as of January 1, 2016.

You can pay your dues by sending your cheque to:

RCMP Veterans’ Association – Vancouver Division Mailstop 1004 14200 Green Timbers Way Surrey, B.C. V3T 6P3

All cheques must be made payable to “RCMP Veterans Association – Vancouver.”

If you are retired member and still have not joined our Vancouver Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association, check out our webpage here on how to apply. It is a simple process.

Questions about joining our Division, please email our Membership Director - Koozma Gorkoff at [email protected].

Questions relating to payment methods or want to enquire if you membership is in good standing or not then you can email our Division Treasurer - Ben Gwaltney at [email protected].

2) NEW - RCMP Veterans’ Association Facebook page - We encourage you to check out the latest updates on our Facebook page - check it out here.

3) NEW - Reducing Tax Saving Account Limit From $10,000 to $5,500 - Rudy Zanette sent us the following message for everyone’s information -

You may have heard that late yesterday afternoon the new federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau said the government was planning to proceed with reducing the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit from $10,000 to $5,500. As you may

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know, Working Canadians has waged a very successful campaign over the last few weeks to encourage Canadians to support leaving the TFSA limit at the current level. The support from Canadians of all income levels, of all age groups, and even of those supporting every political party has been overwhelmingly positive. Despite their claims to the contrary, if the government reduces the TFSA limit they will be doing so against the best interests of the vast majority of Canadians.

After we launched the initial Working Canadians electronic petition about a month ago to encourage the government to retain the Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit at $10,000, the federal government very recently created its own online petition process (which did not exist previously) and which just became available last Friday. Working Canadians wasted no time in getting ourselves registered on this new system, and this formal government TFSA petition is now live at https:// en français :

If you could help by going on this site and supporting us that would be greatly appreciated. It will only take a minute of your time to add your name to support this important effort to permit the 80% of Canadians who work in the private sector, who don't have a rich public sector pension, to have a decent retirement. As the government made a surprise announcement yesterday afternoon to move more quickly on reducing the TFSA limit than expected, we wonder if they got wind of our very successful campaign and are trying to cut it off as soon as possible to prevent it from gaining even more traction. Please help us by signing this newly-available petition as soon as you can, and encourage everyone you know to sign as well. Also, I have been encouraging people to send a tweet to the Finance Minister @Bill_Morneau to tell him we want our TFSA left alone, as we don't have the rich pensions that Members of Parliament and government employees enjoy. Please send Minister Morneau a tweet and let him know what you think!

Thank you very much for all of your support on this vital issue. If you signed our Working Canadians petition previously, thanks very much. We are now asking you to sign this new official government petition too at the link above. Sorry for the redundancy, but this government petition system has only existed for a few days so it wasn't available until very recently. Let's let the government know how much we love our TFSAs, and that we don't want them changed! After all, we pay tens of billions of our tax dollars every year so that government employees can enjoy very generous pensions. All Canadians should be entitled to a decent retirement, and TFSAs are a great way to help us help ourselves to achieve that.

Working Canadians also issued a news release this morning: WORKING CANADIANS SAY HANDS OFF OUR TFSA -- AS LIBERALS CLAIM TO SUPPORT THE MIDDLE CLASS, THEY SHOULD LEAVE TFSAs ALONE. You can find it on our website

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This is a Petition to keep our TFSA's. As pensioners it affects many of us. Sending you the link to the official Government website. It only takes a few minutes to complete. Thought that you might want to put this out with your next Veteran's e- mail. People can choose to complete it or not.

4) NEW - Retired Deputy Police Chief Pat Fitzgerald (Port Moody PD) wife - Gerry Fitzgerald passed away on Saturday December 2015. Celebration of Life service will be held in February 2016.

5) UPDATED Vancouver Strategic Plan - Our Division Executive Committee have approved our new Strategic Plan and will be the blueprint for the enhancement of our Division. - Check out the Strategic Plan here.

Should Police Be Policing Police? Recent NB RCMP Suspensions Spur Discussion - FREDERICTON – The list of policing issues in the province is growing, with four RCMP members from a rural New Brunswick detachment being suspended as the latest addition.

The four members were of the Woodstock detachment, a force of about 20 members. They were suspended for “discreditable conduct.” - READ MORE

Bob Paulson Says He Doesn’t Want Racists Inside RCMP Ranks - Veteran Al Bunn sent us this news article -

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson conceded before a group of First Nations leaders on Wednesday that there are racists inside his police force, a surprising admission welcomed by indigenous people, who say it is key to addressing the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women.

"I understand that there are racists in my police force. I don't want them to be in my police force," Paulson said to chiefs and other First Nations delegates gathered in Gatineau, Que., for an annual three-day meeting organized by the Assembly of First Nations. - READ MORE

RCMP Commissioner’s Update On The Supreme Court Of Canada 2015 Ruling - Veteran Bill Sedler sent us this information just off the press -

Earlier this year I committed to keeping you informed and to sharing as much information as possible as we work with our Government partners to analyze the Supreme Court of Canada’s (SCC) January 2015 decision. December 11, 2015 - RCMP Veterans Communique Page !5

Thank you for your patience throughout this process. We have all anticipated that there would be significant changes on the horizon for our labour relations environment, and some are nearly upon us.

As we know, the SCC suspended its declaration of invalidity for 12 months to allow the Government to consider how to best address the decision. In the absence of new legislation by January 16, 2016, members would become subject to the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA) on January 17, 2016.

Today, the Government has announced that it will be introducing legislation in the House of Commons in the new year that would provide members with independence and choice of their employee representation, the two key elements of the Supreme Court’s decision. I’d like to draw your attention to the Government’s announcement (, outlining its plans to propose changes to the PSLRA that would address the Supreme Court’s decision.

Although much of our progress has been bound by Cabinet confidence, your best interests have remained our top priority. There is still work to be done, but we want to assure all members that as we face the dissolution of the Staff Relations Representative Program (SRRP), you will be supported. The RCMP is creating a new Member Labour Relations Program that will provide advice and support with respect to legislated processes and workplace issues. Details are being finalized and a website will be launched that will outline the new program.

We understand that you have many questions as to what these changes mean to you, and we will do our best to address as many questions as possible. Simply put, there will be little change to your day-to-day duties, however, there will be changes to your labour relations environment. We’ve updated the questions and answers page ( mlrd-rtm/faq-eng.htm) in the Labour Relations Development section, as well as the contact information ( travail/mlrd-rtm/index-eng.htm) if you have additional questions.

Again, we appreciate your patience as we’ve worked diligently with our partners to ensure a smooth transition to the next phase this project, and for your unwavering focus on our top priority, ensuring the safety and security of Canadians.

Bob Paulson

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Mountie Who Punched Inmate Eight Times In BC Jail Gets Conditional Discharge - NANAIMO, B.C. - A Vancouver Island Mountie who pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm has received a conditional discharge and one year probation.

Const. Tim Bedard admitted he punched an inmate at the Nanaimo detachment after the man refused to remove his shorts while being booked into a cell and struck the officer. - READ MORE

Premier Notley Resists Calls For RCMP Investigation Of Tobacco-Litigation Contract - Premier Rachel Notley said Thursday she will not ask the RCMP to investigate how Alberta's controversial tobacco-litigation contract was awarded, despite calls from the Opposition Wildrose for a police probe.

Instead, Notley deferred to an ongoing review by retired Supreme Court of Canada Justice Frank Iacobucci, saying that is the best mechanism to address the growing scandal. - READ MORE

Nova Scotia Ombudsman Notches Victory In Legal Fight With RCMP - Nova Scotia's Office of the Ombudsman has notched an initial legal victory in its bid to withhold confidential information from police related to its probe of financial impropriety at a now-defunct regional economic development agency.

An Amherst provincial court judge has ruled a production order — one that forces the office to turn over to RCMP fraud investigators all the information it has on the Cumberland Regional Development Authority — must either be revoked or varied. - READ MORE

RCMP One Step Closer To Collective Bargaining Rights - Mounties will soon be one step closer to having the right to collective bargaining.

The RCMP is the only police service in Canada without that right or the freedom to unionize.But today, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale told the House of Commons the government is preparing to set out a new labour relations regime for the force in response to a decision by the Supreme Court that calls the current rules unconstitutional. - READ MORE

Person Looking For Drug Dealer Phones Northern Alberta Mountie By Mistake - Veteran Phil Juby sent us this news story -

If you’re trying to track down your drug dealer, it’s probably a good idea to make sure you haven’t phoned a police officer by mistake.

An RCMP officer in Boyle, Alta., recently received several unsolicited calls to his personal cell phone from a person looking to purchase narcotics. - READ MORE

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RCMP Fiind More Than 30 Firearms Where Triple Homicide Suspect Shot - EDMONTON -- RCMP say a search of a property where police shot a suspect wanted in a triple homicide west of Edmonton found more than 30 firearms, some of them loaded.

Officers also found illegal rifle ammunition magazines, bullets and body armour. Mickell Bailey, 19, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder and one count of second-degree murder in the deaths. - READ MORE

RCMP Brass Say OPS Excessive Force Investigation Is Sound - The Nunavut RCMP has dismissed concerns about the transparency and independence of an external investigation that recently cleared two Iqaluit RCMP officers of using excessive force.

“We have full confidence that these external investigations are thorough and independent and we accept their findings,” Insp. Don Halina of Nunavut’s “V” Division told Nunatsiaq News Dec. 4. - READ MORE

Three Women Charged With Shoplifting, Hitting RCMP Officer With Car - Three women are facing charges after an RCMP officer was struck by a vehicle as he tried to stop them from shoplifting from a Halifax grocery store.

Police responded to the Atlantic Superstore on Joseph Howe Drive at 3:20 p.m. Saturday. Police say a security guard followed two women suspected of shoplifting out of the store to a car where another woman was waiting for them. - READ MORE

RCMP Officer Remembers Montreal Losses - RCMP Sgt. Bert Paquet vividly recalls the day 14 women were murdered at the University of Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique 26 years ago.

“I was actually in the pavilion next door to where it happened,” the Manitoba RCMP media spokesperson said Sunday. “I was studying criminology in Montreal and we heard over the intercom for students to leave the area immediately and in a certain direction.” - READ MORE

Nanaimo RCMP Officer Sentenced For Assault On Prisoner - A provincial court judge has sentenced a Nanaimo Mountie for assaulting a prisoner in the early morning of June 15, 2014.

It happened in a cell within the Nanaimo RCMP detachment. Cst. Tim Bedard requested a drawstring from the shorts of prisoner so he couldn’t harm himself. - READ MORE

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Victoria, BC Police Chief Apologizes For ‘Inappropriate’ Twitter Messages - The police chief in Victoria, B.C., is apologizing after sending "inappropriate" messages to a fellow officer's wife.

According to the , the conversations took place over direct messaging on Twitter, and prompted an internal investigation when they came to light in August. - READ MORE

Victoria Police Union Has ‘No Confidence’ In Police Chief Frank Elsner” - The Victoria City Police Union says it has "no confidence" in Chief Frank Elsner's ability to lead the police department after an internal investigation found he sent inappropriate messages on Twitter to a female police officer on another force, who is also the wife of a subordinate officer.

On Sunday Elsner admitted to sending the messages, saying he was "deeply humiliated" after the Victoria Police Board placed a formal reprimand on his record, the first in his 33-year career. the global threat of Islamic State and other related terrorist activities, we have decided to include the latest news on their activities. In doing so, you will be in a position to form an educated opinion instead of relying on mis-information or sensationalism. - READ MORE

On October 17, 2014, Canada declared war on ISIS. In so doing, Canada committed air support and trainers on the ground.

Since that time, the Canadian news media coverage has been somewhat limited compared to other nations combating ISIS. To avoid a situation where we over-react and supporting the ISIS objectives, we have providing you below some most current information on ISIS activities and how various countries are combatting them or becoming a victim of their terror.

How ISIS And Al Qaeda Make Their Money - One of the biggest challenges posed by ISIS is just how well funded the group is. Also known as ISIL, the Islamic State, or Daesh, the group pulls in hundreds of millions of dollars annually. - READ MORE

ISIS Scientists Set To Wage Chemical And Biological War On West - ISIS has recruited experts with chemistry, physics and computer science degrees to wage war with weapons of mass destruction against the West, a shocking European Parliament report has claimed. The terror organisation, according to the briefing document, 'may be planning to try to use internationally banned weapons of mass destruction in future attacks’.

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The document, which was compiled in the aftermath of the deadly attacks on Paris claimed that ISIS has already smuggled WMD material into Europe. - READ MORE

Iran Arrests 53 People For Running Pro-Islamic State Website - Iran's cyber police chief said on Monday officers had arrested 53 people for running websites supporting the Islamic State militant group (IS), Tasnim news agency reported.

Shi'ite Muslim power Iran said last month it had broken up a cell recruiting fighters for the hardline Sunni Muslim group in Kermanshah, a western province close to the Iraqi border. - READ MORE

The ISIS Papers: Leaked Documents Show How ISIS Is Building Its State - A leaked internal Islamic State manual shows how the terrorist group has set about building a state in Iraq and Syria complete with government departments, a treasury and an economic programme for self-sufficiency, the Guardian can reveal.

The 24-page document, obtained by the Guardian, sets out a blueprint for establishing foreign relations, a fully fledged propaganda operation, and centralised control over oil, gas and the other vital parts of the economy. - READ MORE

ISIS Extends Recruitment Efforts To Chinia With New Chant - BEIJING — The Islamic State has been recruiting far and wide for members to join its ranks on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria or elsewhere. Now those efforts are extending to China.

The group recently posted a digital recording of a new chant in Mandarin Chinese that calls for Muslims to “wake up” and “take up weapons to fight.” The chant is typical of many others released by the group, also called ISIS or ISIL. - READ MORE

4 Female Students Who Went To Syria To Join ISIS Attended Mississauga School - A girl and three young women left Canada to join ISIS in Syria after studying at the Al-Huda Islamic Institute in Mississauga, Ont. — a school whose sister institution in Pakistan is now connected to the mass shooting in California.

It's unclear exactly when the Canadian students travelled overseas, but sources have confirmed they all left in the last two years after attending the school founded by controversial female Islamic scholar Farhat Hashmi. - READ MORE

ISIS Is Tearing Europe Apart - There are no good solutions—or at least no attractive ones —for dealing with ISIS. That means they and their terrorist cohorts will continue operating freely. Hollande can talk about massive reprisals, but I doubt reprisals will solve France’s homegrown terrorist problem.

We should recognize that the “terrorists” in the recent Paris attacks were mostly French or Belgian citizens, raised in Muslim ghettos (let’s call them what they are) where youth unemployment is 40% or more. - READ MORE

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Veteran Phil Juby submitted the quote of the week:

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don’t need it and hell where they already have it.” - Ronald Regan

Family Members Of Late Ted (A.C.) Wilson #15614 - O.763) - Veteran Joe Allinson (Edmonton) is trying to locate the burial location in Albert of the late Ted Wilson.

If you know the contact information for one of his sons:

#28870 – A.R. Wilson retired from the Force on May 31, 1995 #31265 – Alexander Don Wilson retired from the Force on January 1, 2008 #34048 – Dan Campbell Wilson retired from the Force on December 1, 2000 please have them email Joe at [email protected]

Our Division has been providing an opportunity for Veterans to send us articles and videos on a wide range of topics for inclusion in our Communique.

Our Association does not support opinions or comments contained in these articles and videos.

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Noted information is included for the purposes of sharing and promoting open discussions. However, our Division reserves the right not to include articles and/or videos which border on sensationalism or fear-mongering or propaganda which may be viewed as promoting hatred towards a particular group either in Canada or abroad. Therefore, our Division will screen the information received.

If a topic included in our Communique creates an interest to you, we encourage to seek out information in the media and on internet. By doing so, you will be in a better position to provide an informed opinion. As retired police members, we all have a special interest in matters that potentially impact the security of our nation and the communities we live in.

Topics included in this portion of our Communique could be discussed in more depth at one of the Koffee Klatches. We continue to welcome your articles and videos to stimulate discussions.

Instead Of Retiring, Marine Vet Starts His Own Harrier Squadron - Veteran Al MacIntyre sent us this article and associated video -

Instead of retiring, former test pilot and real estate mogul Art Nalls imported, restored, certified and flew the world’s only private Harrier jump jet. Now he’s a man with a mission, adding to his fleet, he wants to preserve the Harrier’s legacy for decades to come.

His amazing story is told in this awesome mini documentary from AARP studios: - READ MORE

North Van Research Unveils Tale Of How ‘Miss Shilling’s Orifice’ Saved The Lives Of Many RAF Spitfire Pilots - Veteran Perry Edwards sent us this story -

The story of a remarkable woman and hero of the Battle of Britain has been brought to life by a North Vancouver researcher.

British aeronautical engineer Beatrice (Tilly) Shilling saved the lives of Spitfire pilots during the Second World War with her uncanny ability to suss out mechanical snafus. - READ MORE

Seattle Police Shootout - Veteran Comp Kelly sent us this new article and video -

A 35-year-old violent felon is dead after he brandished two handguns at several downtown businesses, carjacked three vehicles and fired on officers before a fatal confrontation with police in Seattle, Sunday.

Video of the chase posted by the Seattle Police Department is going viral, showing the violent chase from several angles and the final fatal shootout. - READ MORE AND VIEW VIDEO

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Hedwig Kiesler: An Amazing Woman - Veteran Reid Knutson sent us this most interesting article -

In 1933, a beautiful, young Austrian woman took off her clothes for a movie director. She ran through the woods, naked. She swam in a lake, naked. Pushing well beyond the social norms of the period.

The most popular movie in 1933 was King Kong. But everyone in Hollywood was talking about that scandalous movie with the gorgeous, young Austrian woman.

Louis B. Mayer, of the giant studio MGM, said she was the most beautiful woman in the world. The film was banned practically everywhere, which of course made it even more popular and valuable. Mussolini reportedly refused to sell his copy at any price. - READ MORE

Can The Syrians Really Be Screened In Just A Few Weeks? — Veteran Raoul Carriere sent us this article -

I am a proud Canadian, and proud of our heritage of being a true global leader in Humanitarian efforts. Given the events of recent years and more importantly the recent week, however, I believe prudence requires a pause in our assistance package for Syrian refugees, and indeed all refugees and asylum seekers. I say this not in a tone of political partisanship, but one of Citizenship. Any Parliament, be it Liberal, Conservative, or NDP has as its first mandate the protection of our country and its citizens. This must take precedence over all other considerations and activities. - READ MORE

Equal Distribution of New Syrian Refuges To Canada - Veteran Don Wilkie sent us this information -

Since I believe in Democracy and the Liberals won the 2015 Election! If we take in the 25,000 Syrian so called Refugees the breakdown should be as follows based on Liberal seats elected by Province and Riding:

BC 2,308 AB 543 SK 135 MB 951 ON 10,860 QC 5,430 NB 1,358 NS 1,494 PEI 543 NL 951 YT 135 NT 135 NU 135

Total 24,978

This is how Democracy works if we like it or not!

They also should be sent to the ridings that voted in Liberals!

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Plus I think every Liberal Member of Parliament should lead by example and adopt a Syrian Refuge Family to live with them and their Families to assimilate, including the Trudeau Family since as Tax Payers we pay for second homes in Ottawa!!

That's how Democracy works!

Check Out the Travel & Living Expenses For Canadian Senators - Veteran Bill Sedler sent us this information -

Andrew Bailey and Bruce Campion-Smith have pulled Senate finance data from the last two years into a spreadsheet. The bureau is now looking at the data's highlights.

The senators are grouped in alphabetical order according to last name. To reorganize them according to who has the highest travel or living expenses - CHECK OUT THE EXPENSES HERE

Climate Change - Veteran Bruce Waite sent us this information -

Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why "climate change," far from being a recent human-caused disaster, is, for a myriad of complex reasons, a fact of life on Planet Earth. - CHECK OUT THE VIDEO HERE

Jaguar - New “Simulator” - Veteran Phi Juby sent us this video for the information of all Veterans who enjoy sports cars - CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO HERE

Smyth: Canada Sent 383 People To The UN Climate Conference, More Than Australia, The U.K. And U.S. Together - Veteran Bill Sedler sent us this information -

The massive Canadian contingent at the UN climate-change conference in Paris was originally estimated at 350 people, but it appears the trans-Atlantic road trip has expanded.

The “provisional list of participants” just released by the UN has an amazing 383 names from Canada, ranking us among the largest entourages in the entire confab. - READ MORE

Bill Bennett: They Will Kill Trump Before They Let Him Be A President (Right Wing America webpage) - Veteran Don Wilkie sent us this information -

They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don’t be surprised if Trump

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has an accident. Some peole are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

It’ about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interest to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one. - READ MORE

Canadian History Test - Veteran Bill Sedler sent us this online history test which was posted by the Global and Mail. Check out the website here and see how much you know about Canada.

Rescue The Rescuer - Veteran Perry Edwards sent us this information -

Jay Piggot, our friend, was recently diagnosed with a rare, and hard to treat form of cancer in the vicinity of his liver. This cancer, known as cholangiocarcinoma, has resulted in a relatively large tumour which is currently inoperable. Jay’s medical team hopes that after an intensive round of chemotherapy, that the tumour will shrink sufficiently to allow surgery to remove it.

Jay is a dedicated volunteer with North Shore Rescue, and serves on its elite helicopter rescue team as a SAR Medic. He is also a budding primary care paramedic with the British Columbia Ambulance Service. Unfortunately, even though he worked full-time hours, he is still classified as part-time, and thus is not eligible for benefits, sick time or disability. While he is undergoing treatment and recovering, he will not be able to work. Given the need for chemotherapy, and the surgery to follow, it could be upwards of a year before he is back at work. - READ MORE

Here is a fundraising website with info on how donaons can be made to assist his family. Donaons can be made at any branch of Blue Shore Financial:

Account #: 400002382562 Transit #: 05310 Instuon #: 809

Shock: Justin Trudeau Appoints Muslim Supremacist As Junior Foreign Minister - Veteran Larry Litke sent us this bit of informaon -

Justin campaigned at a lot of mosques. That's because one of his senior organizers was Omar Alghabra, whose one line job description was to get Muslims to vote for Trudeau. Which they did.

Now, Alghabra's received his reward:

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He's been appointed to Foreign Affairs -- Global Affairs, the Liberals call it now -- as Parliamentary Secretary to the foreign minister. - READ MORE AND VIEW VIDEO

Meet The New Assistant Director of U.S. Citizenship And Immigration - Veteran Jim Simpson sent us this information -

Meet Our New Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration.

Meet Fatima Noor, President Obama's latest appointment to a high level position in the Department of Homeland Security, the post of Assistant Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration. - READ MORE

Bridging The Gap: Vancouver’s Youth And The Law display will be available for viewing a the Vancouver Police Museum in Vancouver.

We encourage you to visit the Museum and promote this initiative.

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For additional details, you can contact Rozzlyn Shipp (Museum Director) at [email protected] or call the Museum’s main number at (604)665-3346.

The Mesa RCMP Snowbirds 34th annual dinner and dance is Saturday, Feb.20, 2016 at Sun Life Resort, 5055 E. University Drive, Mesa Arizona. The meet and greet starts at 4.30 p.m., dinner at 6.00 p.m., followed by a dance. Dress is casual. Blue or red blazers are welcomed, please, no shorts. The cost is $30.00(US) per person.

The annual golf tournament and BBQ follows on Sunday, February 22nd 2015, 1.30 p.m. at the Painted Mountain Golf Course, 6210 E. McKellips Road, Mesa, AZ. This is a fun nine hole tournament with the first tee time being 1.30 p.m. The BBQ will commence 5.00 p.m. The cost for golf is $35.00 (US) each and $25.00 (US) each for the BBQ. Attendance at the BBQ only is more than welcome. If more information is required please contact Bruce Comeau, Registrar at [email protected] or phone: USA: 480-373-0642 (After November 1st 2014).

An additional event is being added this year, for any motorcycle enthusiasts who are not golfing on Sunday. A ride out tour is being organized by Eric LaFoy to see some of the fantastic scenery around the Mesa area. For further information on this event, contact Eric at [email protected] or phone USA 480 404 6013 (after November 1st, 2014).

Coffee Get-Together takes place every Saturday morning - also at Painted Mountain Golf Resort - commencing November 1st, 2014 until the last Saturday In March 2015. Time: 8.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.

Registration for the Dinner/Dance and the Golf/BBQ will take place at the Coffee Get Together. Limited number for the golf, so early registration is suggested.

This is a great time for a Troop Reunion or just taking the time to renew old acquaintances and making new ones. One never knows who will be at the Coffee Get-Together. Veterans and serving members in our great Force are more than welcome.

Submitted by Sgt. G.D. Cooper Rtd. (Email: [email protected]) Ph: (U.S.A) 480 264 6723 (after Nov. 1st, 2014).

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Cruise dates: SEPTEMBER 18-25, 2016

Come and enjoy:

- A tremendous marine tour experience from a unique East Coast “Maritime” perspective.

- A showcase of two distinct areas of Nova Scotia, Halifax and Sydney while including the close links with New England as well as visiting a couple of areas of Maine and Saint Johns NB/

- An opportunity to share time with comrades in the Veterans’ Association, to hold troop reunions, to make new friends, and to relax in pampered comfort with family and friends.

- International registrations received from Australia and the United States. - Checkout some pre- or post-cruise exploring of historic Boston, or take in some sports venues such as a Boston Red Sox game or a New England Patriots game.

— Relaxing on-board and exciting on-shore activities.

- A/Comm’r Roger Brown, Commanding Officer of “J” Division, and formerly C.O. of Depot Division, will be our master of ceremonies and guest speaker during the cruise.

SPECIAL NOTE - The cruise is now open to the general public and with the launch there have been changes. It is now a 7 night cruise. Here is the general message from the committee.

Given the scope of organizing such an event, it has been critical for the organizing committee to secure space with the cruise line prior to it being available for purchase by the general public.

The ships have now been deployed for 2016 and the information here is now up to date. For those that registered before March 26th you will see there has been changes to what was previously proposed. These changes are due to the ship deployments. Our pricing was guaranteed last summer in Canadian and although there has been a reduction in the number of days and ports, our pricing is still very competitive in the market place and when compared to the general public's pricing for this same ship and itinerary, we have secured significant savings. Staterooms are being assigned and we

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are in the process of providing those that have registered with updated invoices for approval. Deposits will be processed starting May 1st.

I've attached a new registration package for your info. The Cruiseshipcenters website have been updated and I expect the Nova Scotia site to be updated on Monday. Here is a link to the Cruiseshipcenters one as well as a registration form.

Check out more details about the RCMP Veterans' AGM 2016 here;

Registration Package With Prices; and

Registration form can be viewed and completed here.

Our national Association’s website (www.rcmpvetsnational/index-e.php) has been updated to include the following documents:

NEW - National President Dave Leblance sent out the following message to all members of the RCMP Veterans’ Association -


Yesterday, along with Deputy Commissioner Dan Dubeau, Chief Human Resources Officer, I attended the Veterans’ Summit hosted by the new Minister of Veterans’ Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, the Hon. Kent December 11, 2015 - RCMP Veterans Communique Page !19

Hehr, PC MP (Calgary Centre) and by the Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs, General (retired) Walt Natynczyk, at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

Twenty-seven invited veterans’ organizations, including the RCMP Veterans’ Association, participated, as well as senior officers and officials from Veterans Affairs Canada, the Veterans Ombudsman, Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces.

The purpose of the Summit was two-fold: first, the Minister desired input from the “veterans community” on how VAC should communicate and consult with the stakeholders in the future; and second, he wanted our views and interpretation of the various aspects of the Prime Minister’s “mandate” letter that has been publically disclosed.

In their opening remarks, the Minister and the Deputy Minister were clear and explicit that whatever the circumstances and definitions, former members of the RCMP are “veterans” and are to be recognized and honoured as such. The Deputy Minister noted in his remarks that the intention was “to put the veteran at the centre of everything we do” and that both “well-ness” and “compensation” were to be the two ends of the balanced approach.

The mandate letter did not specifically mention the RCMP, but it was clear the RCMP was impacted. The DM pointedly asked the question: “and what about the RCMP? How do we go from where the RCMP is now, to where they need to go?”

Both the Minister and Deputy Minister considered the mandate letter to be a command or an order to be fulfilled in full, not to be studied or discussed or watered down.

Of the 15 points in the mandate letter, several stand-out as having a direct bearing on veterans and members of the RCMP:

• Deliver a higher standard of service and care, and ensure that a “one veteran, one standard” approach is upheld

• Create two new centres of excellence in veterans’ care, including one with a specialization in mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder and related issues for both veterans and first responders

• Provide greater education, counseling, and training for families who are providing care and support to veterans living with physical and/or mental health issues as a result of their service

• Increase the veteran survivor’s pension amount from 50 percent to 70 percent

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• Eliminate the “marriage after 60” clawback clause, so that surviving spouses of veterans receive appropriate pension and health benefits.

The last two points, long-time issues for RCMP veterans, would involve changes to superannuation legislation and would have a dramatic impact on us and on serving members who are contributors to RCMPSA. For this reason as well as others, Deputy Commissioner Dubeau will brief the Commissioner and propose the formation of a working group within the RCMP and including the RCMP Veterans’ Association, to coordinate our mutual approach to these issues and others contained in the mandate letter, as well as the related issues contained in the mandate letter to the Minister of Public Safety. I will provide you with more information on this when available.

In the discussions among the veterans organizations, a clear theme communicated to the Minister was that support to the family was the key to a successful transition from serving member to veteran. This coincides with our own “mission tagline” that emerged from our October Strategy Workshop – Veterans Helping Veterans and Families.

Although not in the mandate letter, it was noted with approval by Dr. Alice Aitken of the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research that VAC is moving to the word “vétéran” as opposed to “ancien combattant” which she says are two different things. This provides even greater impetus to retiring the term “anciens” in our name to the extent the law allows.

In conclusion, the Veterans’ Summit for us had two important take-aways:

• That former members of the RCMP are “veterans” deserving a “seat at the table” and that the RCMP Veterans’ Association is the “voice” of the RCMP veterans; and

• That the RCMP Veterans’ Association is the recognized partner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in advancing the interests of RCMP veterans and families as we move forward.

Dave Leblanc President

NEW - Canadian Coalition For Retirement Security - check out this webpage here;

NEW - RCMP Services And Benefits - Veterans Affairs Canada - Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) has partnered with the RCMP for more than 60 years to help serving and retired, regular and civilian members and their families. While the RCMP is responsible for the programs and services provided to its members, VAC administers December 11, 2015 - RCMP Veterans Communique Page !21

some of these programs on its behalf, including the disability pension and health benefit programs for a service-related injury or illness.- check out this webpage here

NEW - Legion Service Officers - check out this webpage here;

Force Wide Broadcast - Conduct: An Update For Members - check out this webpage here;

AGM 2016 - Nominations Committee - check out this webpage here;

2015 Pension Benefits Statement (PBS) For Active Members - check out this webpage here; and

- The Right Marker - which contains details on the new Strategic Plan for the Association - check out the details here.

Veteran Joe Healy’s website has been updated and includes the following new details:

NEW - Veteran Of The Month - Vets Of A Golden Age - check out this tribute here.

- RCMP Blog contains most recent images Joe has received - check out these images here.

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Lori Wilson (wife of RCMP member) started this website for the purpose of increasing awareness of PTSD amongst RCMP members and retired members. NEW - Check out Lori’s Youtube video here.

Some of the latest webpages on this website are included below for your information:

- Crash Impact - Silence. Cavernous, uncomfortable silence. You know the kind - it’s deafening. THre is an elephant int he room, but no one wants to acknowledge the beast. And certainly, no one wants to talk about how the beast is affecting his or her work, home life, or feelings - READ MORE

- Above & Beyond - Her job was to watch child pornography and help catch the people making it. Like may Police Officers She saw too much.

Leo Knight’s website ( provides an excellent collection of recent police related news articles. The following are some of Leo’s latest articles:

- NEW - Nearly A Year Later Still No Answers From IIO In Police Shooting - On December 28, 2014, at 8:03 a.m. Naverone Woods, 23, took a knife from a shelf in an aisle in the Safeway store on King George Highway and 104th Ave. in Surrey. He was screaming and self-inflicting cuts when a bakery worker who heard the disturbance called 9-1-1.

Two transit officers, one male and one female, happened to be only metres away looking for a male who had been seen banging his head on a wall at Surrey Central Skytrain station. Because they are multi-jurisdictional, they monitor local police radio traffic. - READ MORE

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- Something’s Got To Give With IIO - This week, to no one’s surprise, the Criminal Justice Branch (CJB) issued a media release saying there would be no criminal prosecutions against members of the Vancouver Police Department arising from a report to Crown Counsel submitted by the Chief Civilian Director (CCD) of the Independent Investigations Office (IIO) following a running gun battle that started in Yaletown and ended at Science World on June 10, 2014.

At the time I reported about that case in this space, I said, “Yet again, we see the incredible overreach in what should be a cut and dried case.” - READ MORE

- Neville Chamberlain Redux (Bob Cooper) - They say timing is everything. President Obama said in an interview Friday that ISIS, which he once described as a ‘junior varsity team’ was ‘contained’. Hours later Murphy’s Law gave him a swift kick in the ass in the form of a terrorist massacre in Paris by some ISIS types who appear to have slipped the leash.

Mr. Obama can draw some comfort from the old adage that there’s nothing so bad that it couldn’t be worse. I’m speaking here of our newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who’s quickly making the President look like he actually has a spine. - READ MORE

- For Fawkes Sake - Information coming from sources within the offices of the Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia (IIOBC) in the past week is stunning. Apparently, there is no one currently acting as the Chief Civilian Director and there won’t be for the next two weeks.

Richard Rosenthal hasn’t been around but for brief sightings since he went on some type of approved administrative leave in the Spring when his wife took ill and later died. Another source tells me he has recently registered at Simon Fraser University in a graduate program in the Criminology department. - READ MORE

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Veteran Jane Halls has a website ( which promotes the sharing of information amongst female police officers from around the world. Some most recent webpages are as follows:

- Peel Police’s Sexual-Harassment Records Revealed: Report - Check out this webpage here;

- A Controversial Start: Celebrating 100 Years Of Women in South Australian Police Force - Check out this webpage here;

- Aberdeen Police Department’s First Female Sergeant Brings ‘Stellar History’ To Her New Rank - Check out this webpage here;

- Bethel Police Department Promotes First Female Officer To Sergeant - Check out this webpage here; and

- Female Cop Files Discrimination Suite Against Henderson - Check out htis webpage here.

Veteran John Eldridge has updated his website blog to provide more information for retiring or retired police members who are seeking a second career. John’s website can be found here.

He continually updates his website to provide police veterans with some of the most recent suggestions and tips. You may also wish to consider purchasing his book entitled “Second Careers For Street Cops.”

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- NEW - Police Officers Need A Second Career Plan - There’s life after police work. A lot of my friends went on to second careers when their police careers ended. Some stayed in the investigations field and became private investigators or security specialists. Others wanted to try something completely different and found careers in business. Several became realtors. A couple wrote books. One went into banking. I stayed in the investigations area and had a second career in investigations management. - READ MORE

- Seize Every Opportunity - “Come outside and see the decorations,” my wife called. So I did. It was early on Halloween night. Sophie, our golden retriever looked innocent enough sleeping under the kitchen table. My big mistake was leaving three delicious Halloween cupcakes on the table.

Five minutes later we came back in to find an empty plate, cupcakes gone, and Sophie happily looking up at us, orange icing dripping from her chin. - READ MORE

- Retired Cop? Use Your Police Skills As A Volunteer - Life after policing is different for each of us. It might look the same to those still in an active police career, but when we finally leave policing, it’s not as simple as it looks to have a meaningful retirement. A retired detective I know told me: “John, you can only play golf so long.”Some golfers might disagree with that but he had been retired a few years and was looking for a way to give back to his community.

Some retired police officers went directly into second careers but that’s not necessarily the best way to go. Those skills you learned in your police career can be put to good use in other ways. - READ MORE

Over the past few week, we have added the following new webpages to our website has been updated to include (

1) NEW - Veterans Submitted: Top Fifteen Videos (Dec 5 - 11) - check out this webpage here;

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2) NEW - Larry Burden’s This Day In The RCMP (Dec. 5 - 11) - check out this webpage here;

3) NEW - Dec. 5 - 11: Gone But Not Forgotten - check out this webpage here;

4) NEW - Veterans Submitted: Top Ten Photos (Dec. 5 - 11) - check out this webpage here;

5) NEW - 2015 Christmas Videos - check out this webpage here;

6) NEW - Canadian Police Members: Recieve Order Of Merit Awards - check out this webpage; and

7) MEMBERS ONLY WEBPAGE (Access restricted to Vetearns in good standing)

- South Okanagan Division’s December 2015 Newsletter.

December 11, 2015 - RCMP Veterans Communique