The Preparation and Study of Ethylenediaminetetraacetato

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The Preparation and Study of Ethylenediaminetetraacetato t') l^118 TTIE PREPARATÍON AI\D STUDY OF COMPLEXES OF RUTHEN IU M ETHY LENED IAMIN ETET RAACET ATO Investigations into the synthesis of dinitrogen' dinitrogen oxide and related complexes' * by Julius Victor Dubrawski lì.Sc. (llons.) * A Thesis presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry IJ niv ersitY o f Ad elatule April 1977 SUMMARY The aquo complex, [Ru(IIf)HEDTA(H20) ] (A) , results from díssociation in solution of [RuHEDTA(Ct)]K.2H2O, and is reduced bV Hr/Pt, metallic magnesium or zínc amalgam to produce [Ru(II)HEDTA(H2O)]- (B). Substitution reactions of the aquo ligand were investigated using dinitrogen, dinitrogen oxide and other related ?T-acceptor molecules- A number of complexes \¡rere isolated in which EDTA r,'Tas believed to behave as a pentadentate ligand. Dinitrogen reacted with B producing in solution a monomeric and dimeric dinitrogen complex. A dimer r,r¡as isolated and formulated as [(EDTA)RuNrRu(EDTA) ru92.8H20. The monomeric complex was obtained from the action of hydrazine hydrate upon the nitrosyl (NH4) complex [RuH2EDTA(No)Cl] .2H2O, and \iras formulated as IRuEDTA(N2) ] 2.5H2O. Dinitrogen oxide caused rapid oxidation of tRu(II)HEDTA(H2O) I while carbon monoxide yielded a stable carbonyl complex' [RuHEDTA(C0) ]K.2H20. A number of complexes \dere prepared in which two sites about the metal were occupied by substituting ligands and the remaining four by EDTA. As a result, two glycinate arms of EDTA were coordinated and two remained free. The presence of these two types was esta.blished by t'"-rr*t titration, infrared and spectroscopy. A nitrosyl complex formulated as IRuHTEDTA(N0)Cl] .2H2O was prepared from both species A and B and was susceptible to nucleophilic attack by hydrazine and hydroxylamine. In aqueous sofution the nitrosyl complex was believed to form the pentadentate complex' IRuHEDTA(N0) ] . The reaction of species B yielded .nHrO (nCN MeCl{, PhCN' with nitriles IRuHTEDTA(nCn) 11 = pyridines, Lt2-Ph(CN) 2, 1,3-Ph(CN) 2) wiÈh [RuH2EDre(n-py) 2].2H2O (R = H-, Me-). The reaction of Èhiocyanate with B appeared to yield a mixture of products. It was found that the free carboxylic groups of coordinaÈed EDTA also underwent reaction. DiazomeÈhane methylated the bis(pyridine) complex to yield a product formulated as [RuMe2EDTe(py) 2].2H2O. With p-toluidine formation of the di-totuidide was partially successful. complexes of rutheniun(II) containing bidentate ligands were prepared. The compounds [RuH2EDTA(w-lt)].nHrO (N-N = phen, bipy), reaction IRuH2EDTA(dpe) J .2HrO and [RuH2EDTA(dmg) 1K.H2O were obtained upon of species B with the respective ligands. Ruthenium(If) complexes of to undergo substitution the type IRuHTEDTA(L) 2] (t = PhCN, PY) were shown in acidic methanolic solution. SubstiÈution reactions were studied using the ruthenium(III) species, A. This reacted with a variety of ligands to produce tetradentate complexes. With acetylacetone and dimethylglyoxime [RuHTEDTA(X-X)]'2H2O (x-x = acac, dmg) was isolated. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate produced tRuEÐTA(dtc)lNaz.nHro and other products from the acid breakdown of the ligand. with the thiocyanate ion IRuHTEDTA(CNS)2]K.2H2O was isolated which dissociated in aqueous solution to a mono-thiocyanato complex and' ultimately to tRu(IrI)HEDTA(H20) I - spectroscopic techniques were used to establish the configuration I"-rr*t, tt"-n*t, of several of the complexes. infrared and Raman spectral evidence supported. a cis-equatorial arrangement for the tetrad'entate EDTA complexes. The pentadentate EDTA carbonyl complex was considered to have an equatorial geometry by comparison of its spectrum with the 13"-rr*t spectra of cobalt(rlr) EDTA complexes' A voltammetric study of these complexes was carried out in 0'5 mol ¿*-3 rct solution using a platinum electrode. The sta-bility of the ruthenium(II) complexes to oxidation was dependent on the ligand present and followed the sequencei NO, CO > RCN > N-N > py > Nr(monomer) tu SCN > Nr(dimer) , ,2O. This was in agreement with the expected Î-acceptor strength of the ligands. The protonated ED)IIA complexes were shown by titration and conductance measurements to behave as weak acids (n*"rr 2.5-3.0) in agueous solutions' The infrared and electronic spectra are described' The action of liquid N204, NO2 gas, and nitrite ion upon hexaanunineruthenium(III) trichloride was investigated. No reaction occurred in liquid NZO¿. Using NO2 gas or nitrite ion in alkaline conditions resulted in production of the nitrosyl species, [Ru(NH3)5NO]3+. La-belling experiments indicated that the nitrogen of the NO groups originated from NO2 gas or nitrite ion. The reaction with nitrite was posÈulated to involve direct attack upon tRu(NHr)5NH2l2+ with the Iiberation of hydroxylamine, and also substitution onto tRu(NH3)5H2Ol3+. Spectroscopic evidence indicated the direct interaction of NO, 9as with Èhe hexaammine complex in acidic solution. The thermolysis of [Ru(NHr)5No3] (No3)2 was monitored by infrared spectroscopy and found to yield [Ru(NH3)5NO] (NO3), which further converted thermally to [Ru(NHr)4NO(NO3)] (NO3)2. The reaction of hydroxylamine with cis-[Ru(NH3)4NO(Br)]Br, yietded, on spectral evidence, a mixture con- and [Ru(NHr)4N2(H20) lBtZ. taining [Ru(NHr) 4N2O(H2O) lBr, Substitution by dinitrogen oxide on [RuHr(PPh3)4] and [FeHCI(dpe)rl was carried out in non-aqueous solvents. The former initially yielded lRuHr(N2) (pph3)31 in solution, followed by decomposition to ruthenium dioxide and triphenylphosphine oxide. Vüith the latÈer, a mixture of the products was dinitrogen complex, [FeH(N2) (dpe) 2]BPh4, and oxidation obtained. The reaction of inydtazine hydrate with [RuC13(PPh3)2NO] produced a mixture of triphenylphosphine, [Ru(NHr)5N2]c12 and a red complex formulated as [Ru(NHr)4PPh3C1]cI- STATEMENT This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for Èhe award of any other degree or diploma in any University, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously pr:blished or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. J.V. DUBRAVüSKI ACKNOV{LEDGEMENTS MysinceresÈthanksareextendedtothosewhohavehelpedme his throughout this work. To my supervisot, Dt' A'A' Diamantis' for cheetham guidance, s)¡mpathy and hours of helpful conversation. To Dr' N' Technology and Messrs. A.P. surunerton and K. Johnson of the InstiÈute of for the use of their facilities and for their kind help with micro- analytical work. My thanks are due to Dr' C' Fong' Dr' S'F' Lincoln' [,tr. E. Vüilliams, and Mr. L. Paltridge for their assistance in recording taa-rr*, spectra. r an also gratefur to prof. D.o. Jordan for making available to me the facilities of this department' The assistance and friendshipofmyfellowresearchworkersovertheyearshasbeen for appreciated immensely. I am aLso heavily indebted to my parents their patient help during these years. A Commonwealth Postgraduate Award is gratefullY acknowledged' Finally,mythanksareduetoMissM.Rumsewicz,MissP.Ramosand Mrs. D. Hewish for the typing of this manuscript' ABBREVIATIONS AND NO¡4ENCLATURE The abbreviations lísted below have been used throughout the text of this thesis. In naming the EDTA complexes the following system of nomenclature was followed. The name of the EDTA portion of the molecule was written first, followed by the names of the other coordinated ligands present. A negative ligand preceded a neutral ligand and was designated by an o-ending. Except for carbon monoxide and nitric oxide the name of a neutral ligand remained unchanged. The ruthenium ammine, ruthenium and iron phos- phíne complexes \¡rere named according to literature sources. CH CH 3 3 A Absorbance c c I I I I acac AceÈylacetonate 0 0 Ar Aromatic moietY BH iV-Benzoylhydrazine NH2NH.CO. C6H5 bipv 2,2'-Bipyridine n-Bu n-Butyl CFSE Crystal Field Stabilization Energy CT Charge Transfer DME Dropping Mercury Electrode As (CHr) , das o-Phenylenebi s ( dimethylars ine ) AS (CH 3 2 DMF Dimethylformamide CH: ""3 dmg Dimethylglyoximate NNllll HO o 2-B s ( ) (c2Hs) depe I, i diethylphosphino - zP(c[r) 2P(c2El 2 ethane ( (c6Hs) dpe L, 2-B i s diphenylphosphino) - 2P(cH2) 2P(c6ldl 2 ethane (c2*l dtc Diethyldithiocarbamate 2 ;/ EDDA EthylenediaminediacetaÈe 4- 0 c.cH CH co 2 2 2 2 EDTA Ethylenedi aminetetraacetate o2c.cH2 cH2.co2 NH2. (CH2) NHz en Ethylenediamine 2 Et Ethyl grv Glycinate Me Methyl MeCN Acetonitrile cH3cN 4-Me-py 4-Methylpyridine (Y-Pico1ine) cH3.c5H4N MLCT Metal to Ligand Charge Transfer MNTS fV-methyl -IV-n it ro s o -p- to luene sulphonamide PDTA Propylenediamine tetraacetate PhCN Benzonitrile c-H-.cNb5 phen I , 10-Phenanthroline PPh3 Triphenylphosphine P (CoHs) : pv Pyridine C-H.N55 SCE Saturated Calome1 Electrode CF co TFA Trifluoroacetic Acid 3 2H THF Tetrahydrofuran NH CH CH NH cHzCH NH CH CH NH2 trien Trie thylenetetraammine 2 2 2 2 2 2 In reference to the sPectra: br broad sh shoulder vbr verY broad shp sharp m medium sp split ms medium strong l^t weak s strong w very weak CONTENTS Page SUMMARY STATEMENT ACKNOVÍLEDGEMENTS ABBREVIATIONS AND NOMENCLATURE CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.I outline of Research Aims I I.2 Introduction to Dinitrogen Complexes I 1.3 Introductíon to EDTA Chemistry I I.4 Ruthenium EDTA Comp1exes 11 CHAPTER 2 - PENTADENTATE EDTA COMPLEXES 2.L Ruthenium EDTA Aquo ComPlexes 13 2.2 Reactions of lRu(rr)HEDTA(H2o)l wiÈh Dinitrogen and Dinitrogen Oxide 15 2.3 Dimeric Dinitrogen ComPIex 20 2.3.L Solution ProPerties and Spectra 23 2.4 Monomeric Dinitrogen ComPlex 30 2.4.L Discussion 36 2.5 Carbonyl ComPlex 39 CHAPTER 3 - TETRADENTATE EDTA COMPLE)(ES 3.1 Introduction 43 43 3 . I.1 NitrosY1 ComPIex 3.L.2 Solution Properties and Spectra 46 3.2ComplexeswithMonodentateNitrogenDonorLigands 53 3.2.I Characterization and Infrared Spectra 53 3.2.2 Solution Properties and Electronic Spectra 57 3.3 ThiocYanato ComPlexes 69 CHAPTER 3 ( contd.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by K-State Research Exchange This is the author’s final, peer-reviewed manuscript as accepted for publication. The publisher-formatted version may be available through the publisher’s web site or your institution’s library. Comparison of aluminum mordants on the colorfastness of natural dyes on cotton Sherry Haar, Erica Schrader, and Barbara M. Gatewood How to cite this manuscript If you make reference to this version of the manuscript, use the following information: Haar, S., Schrader, E., & Gatewood, B. M. (2013). Comparison of aluminum mordants on the colorfastness of natural dyes on cotton. Retrieved from Published Version Information Citation: Haar, S., Schrader, E., & Gatewood, B. M. (2013). Comparison of aluminum mordants on the colorfastness of natural dyes on cotton. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 31(2), 97-108. Copyright: © The Author(s) 2013 Digital Object Identifier (DOI): doi:10.1177/0887302X13480846 Publisher’s Link: This item was retrieved from the K-State Research Exchange (K-REx), the institutional repository of Kansas State University. K-REx is available at Comparison of Aluminum Mordants on the Colorfastness of Natural Dyes on Cotton Sherry Haar, Erica Schrader, and Barbara M. Gatewood Keywords: natural dyes, mordants, colorfastness, aluminum acetate, aluminum potassium sulfate The research was funded by Contribution no. 12-253-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Two mordanting agents, aluminum potassium sulfate and aluminum acetate, in three concentrations (5%, 10%, and 20% owf) were evaluated for colorfastness to laundering and light of natural dye extracts (madder, weld, and coreopsis) on cotton print cloth.
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