Modern Vehicle Hazards in Parking Structures and Vehicle Carrier
Modern Vehicle Hazards in Parking Structures and Vehicle Carrier International Conference on Fire in Vehicles (FIVE) Dec 15th, 2020 Haavard Boehmer, P.E., Michael Klassen, PhD., P.E., and Stephen Olenick, P.E. Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc. Presenters Haavard Boehmer, P.E. Haavard R. Boehmer, P.E., MSc. (FPE) is Senior Engineer at CSE with ten years of experience and has worked on a range of complex fire modeling problems both for commercial and for research purposes as well as conducted forensic investigations of residential, industrial, and vehicle fire cases. Michael S. Klassen, P.E., Ph.D Michael S. Klassen, P.E., Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) is Principal Research Engineer with over 20 years of experimental fire and combustion research experience. He has been involved in numerous projects involving fire dynamics, experimentation, computer modeling, detection, and suppression. 2 Project summary ■ New vehicle construction techniques and materials. – Modern vehicles are larger, heavier – Increased plastic use ■ Analyzing increased burning energy content of modern vehicles – Existing vehicle fire tests – Material data and properties 3 Project goals ■ Are current design standards/practices appropriate for the hazard? – Should sprinklers be required? – Requirements for open vs enclosed garages – Do modern vehicles burn hotter/longer? ■ What are the knowledge gaps? ■ What further research is needed? Columbus, OH, July 2015 4 The vehicle fire problem Liverpool, UK. 2017 2014 – 2018 average data for USA. Annually; ■ 1,858 total parking
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