University of Texas at Arlington Dissertation Template
IMPLEMENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DIRECTIONAL DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM IN H.264 FOR BASELINE PROFILE by SHREYANKA SUBBARAYAPPA Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Arlington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON May 2012 Copyright © by Shreyanka Subbarayappa 2012 All Rights Reserved ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would thank my advisor Prof. K. R. Rao for his valuable guidance and support, and his tireless guidance, dedication to his students and maintaining new trend in the research areas has inspired me a lot without which this thesis would not have been possible. I also like to thank the other members of my advisory committee Prof. W. Alan Davis and Prof. Kambiz Alavi for reviewing the thesis document and offering insightful comments. I appreciate all members of Multimedia Processing Lab, Tejas Sathe, Priyadarshini and Darshan Alagud for their support during my research work. I would also like to thank my friends Adarsh Keshavamurthy, Babu Hemanth Kumar, Raksha, Kirthi, Spoorthi, Premalatha, Sadaf, Tanaya, Karthik, Pooja, and my Intel manager Sumeet Kaur who kept me going through the trying times of my Masters. Finally, I am grateful to my family; my father Prof. H Subbarayappa, my mother Ms. Anasuya Subbarayappa, my sister Dr. Priyanka Subbarayappa, my brother-in-law Dr. Manju Jayram and my sweet little nephew Dishanth for their support, patience, and encouragement during my graduate journey. April 16, 2012 iii ABSTRACT IMPLEMENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DIRECTIONAL DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM IN H.264 FOR BASELINE PROFILE Shreyanka Subbarayappa, M.S The University of Texas at Arlington, 2012 Supervising Professor: K.R.Rao H.264/AVC [1] is a video coding standard that has a wide range of applications ranging from high-end professional camera and editing systems to low-end mobile applications.
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